10.2341@17 124 C
10.2341@17 124 C
10.2341@17 124 C
Clinical Relevance
Tooth preparation with the biologically oriented preparation technique prior to restoration
by zirconia fixed prostheses is a safe treatment option that provides excellent clinical
outcomes, with greater gingival thickness and gingival margin stability.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics 21.0 software. Parametric tests were
applied with significance set at p,0.05. Fisher exact
test was applied with a 95% confidence level.
Student t-test was used to compare independent
samples with a power of 0.85.
Analyzing the data obtained during the two-year
follow-up, 76.8% of patients presented very good oral
hygiene maintenance, brushing two or three times a
day, while the other 23.2% of patients brushed only
once a day.
At the start of treatment, PD values were 3 mm or
less in all samples; during the follow-up, only 4.1% of
teeth restored with crowns and 5.6% of teeth
supporting FPDs showed some variation. A total of
120 treated teeth (80.5%) remained without gingival
inflammation or bleeding, while 29 (19.5%) did show
inflammation and/or bleeding. The presence of
adequate periodontal parameters (PD of 3 mm or
less, absence of gingival inflammation and bleeding)
was statistically significantly related to good oral
hygiene maintenance.
For teeth supporting one-piece crowns, initial
Figure 5. (a): Measuring gingival thickness. (b): Vertical distance in mean gingival thickness was 1.26 mm (SD 60.48
relation to gingival margin for measuring vestibular gingival thickness. mm), increasing to 1.67 6 0.58 mm at the end of the
two-year follow-up (Table 1). This represents a mean
increase of 0.41 mm (SD60.28 mm) with statistical
Gingival thickness was measured around each significance (p,0.001, t).
tooth at the first checkup (one week after treatment)
For teeth supporting FPDs, initial mean gingival
and at the last checkup (two years after treatment).
thickness was 1.14 6 0.42 mm, increasing to 1.52 6
The measurements were taken under local anesthe-
0.43 mm (Table 1). This represents a mean increase
sia introducing a millimeter-calibrated periodontal
of 0.38 6 0.36 mm, also with statistical significance
probe (PCPUNC156, Hu-Friedy) horizontally 2 mm (p,0.001, t; Figure 6)
below the vestibular gingival margin. To standardize
this measurement, a transparent guide was fabri- Gingival margin stability was 100% for all one-
piece crowns and FPDs (p=0.999; Table 2); no
cated following an Essix splint-type design. Mea-
mucogingival alterations were observed around any
surements were taken buccally at a 2-mm distance
of the restorations.
from the gingival margin (Figure 5) indicated in a
little hole in the transparent guide and reproduced The total number of complications registered
at the same exact point two years after treatment represented 2% of the treated teeth. Two cases of
completion (final measurement). The exact gingival pulpitis were found (1.3%), and there was a single
thickness in millimeters was estimated by introduc- case of root fracture of a tooth that had undergone
endodontic treatment before the start of the trial,
ing an endodontic rubber stopper in the periodontal
which necessitated extraction of the tooth (0.7%).
probe and checking the measurements with an
No mechanical complications—cracks or frac-
endodontic rule.
tures—were observed in any of the restorations.
Finally, the degree of patient satisfaction was The total survival index of the restorations
assessed at the last visit (two years after treatment) supported by teeth prepared with BOPT was
using a visual analogue scale (VAS).13 100%.
Agustı́n-Panadero & Others: Clinical Study of Zirconia Restorations With BOPT
Table 2: Total Gingival Margin Stability According to Group (Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures)
Gingival Margin Stability Total Crowns FPDs
N % n % n %
Total 149 100.0% 74 100.0% 75 100.0%
0 149 100.0% 74 100.0% 75 100.0%