Broadrange Setting (Enhanced Receive)

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BroadRange Setting (Enhanced Receive)

The WHR-HP-G54 has an additional amplifier in the unit (the HP stands for
High-Power) and increased receiver sensitivity (BroadRange). Buffalo sells
this router with the tag line "MIMO Performance" for this reason.
It is necessary to manually set boardflags=0x3758 to activate the built-in
amplifier and the increased receive sensitivity on the unit *. Depending on
the environment and equipment, owners report different results with
different settings.
At the command prompt (telnet or SSH):
To view the current boardflags value:
nvram get boardflags
To set a new boardflags value, 3 easy steps:
nvram set boardflags=0x3758
nvram commit
0x0758 - no amp and receive sensitivity normal0x1758 - enhanced receive
sensitivity0x2758 - amp on, normal receive0x3758 - both amp and
BroadRange enhanced receive sensitivity on
Double-check after an install what your flag setting is, and test the difference
for yourself. Otherwise you might miss out on a better result with your
hardware. Look at SNR and do throughput tests.

The WHR-HP-G54 has the following GPIOs operational:
% 0 - Input - AOSS button on top - State 00 is down, state 01 is up
% 1 - Output - Bridge LED - Lights 3rd LED on front panel
% 2 - Output - WLAN LED
% 3 - Output - Extra LED between bridge and WLAN (newer routers no longer
have this LED)
% 4 - Input - Reset Button
% 5 - Input - Bridge/Auto Switch - State 01 is auto, state 00 is brd
% 6 - Output - AOSS LED - Lights small orange LED on top
% 7 - Output - DIAG LED - Lights red LED on front below the LED activated
by 1
% 9 - Output - Power LED
Note: nvram show | grep gpio shows 14 available as well. It is unknown what it
does. Pin 8 also does not appear to do anything.
It seems that one must reverse enable and disable for the command to work,
i.e. if you want to turn on a LED, use disable, off, use enable.

TFTP Flashing Buffalo Routers Under Linux, OS X,

or Other
% Obviously, be sure to observe the aforementioned procedures:
Disable your wireless adapter so that the tftp connection is not
through a wireless connection.
Connect directly to the router using a wired connection (i.e. ethernet
cable). Make sure you are connected to one of the four LAN
ports and not the WAN port.
Download a copy of these instructions so that they are available to
you during the procedure.
If working with the WZR-RS-G54 router, then be sure to replace all
instances of with
Most importantly, review all of these procedures before attempting
% OS X specific instructions:
Open up system preferences and select the network preference pane
Under the TCP/IP tab select from the drop down menu next to
Configure IPv4 manually
Type in for the IP address
Type in for the Subnet mask
Type in for the router
Click Apply Now
% Change to the directory that you downloaded the dd-
wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin file into. At least in Mac OS X, tftp fails to
resolve either absolute or relative paths. It is simply better to cd to
the directory that contains the dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin file before
launching the tftp app so no path resolution has to happen.
% Execute the tftp command and change the mode to binary by typing binary
and hitting return/enter.
% Execute the trace command so you get feedback.
% Execute the rexmt 1 command so tftp will retry to send the file if you don't
get the timing perfect.
% type in the connect command but don't execute it yet.
% copy the following command (ctrl-c or cmd-c): put dd-
wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin.. You don't want to hit return yet, because
you're going to do this when the timing is right.
% Now that you are ready, here we go:
Plug in the router
When the router is plugged back into power, all of the LEDs on the
ethernet ports will turn on.
Once the LEDs turn off on all ports except the connected port, hit
enter on the connect command, then immediatly paste (crtl+v
or cmd-v) the PUT command into the terminal and hit enter.
The terminal will return with the number of bytes sent and the time
that the transfer took in seconds.
Here is a recap of all the commands:
$ cd /path/to/dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin/directory
$ tftp
tftp> binary
tftp> trace
tftp> rexmt 1
tftp> connect
tftp> put dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
OS X timing tip: Open the network preference pane and select "Network
Status" under the "show" pull-down menu. When the router is unplugged the
dot next to "Built-in Ethernet" will be red. Now plug in the router and watch
for the "Built-in Ethernet" dot to turn green. As soon as it does, execute the
connect and put commands.
Alternatives and Troubleshooting Under Linux
% Within tftp, you may be able to execute multiple commands using the '&&'
% You may be able to use the following one line command:
tftp -m binary -c put dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
% Be sure to remember to use for the WZR-RS-G54 router.
% Make sure you are in the directory containing the DD-WRT binary before
entering tftp.
% If tftp fails, try atftp (available in portage for Gentoo and repositories for
Debian, Ubuntu, and probably others.) With atftp, the "binary" and
"rexmt 1" commands are unnecessary.
% If the above does not work, try issuing the "put" command before powering
the router. The command will retry and begin as soon as the
connection is established. Finding the right timing is everything.
Try also holding the router's INIT button, starting the "put" command, then
releasing the button.

NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) is the place where the permanent settings are
stored. This includes
% DD-WRT settings that you normally change using Web Interface
% settings for user Startup Scripts
You can run the following commands using Command Line:
% Show the whole NVRAM content:
nvram show
% Show NVRAM content containing the pattern <search_pattern> (useful for
quickly finding things in NVRAM):
nvram show | grep <search_pattern>
Replace <replace_pattern> with what you are actually looking for. This can
simply be a word or a regular expression
% Show value of a certain variable:
nvram get <variable_name>
% Change variable value in RAM only:
nvram set <variable_name>="<value>"
Now you can play with the new settings or test user scripts but this new
value will be lost after reboot unless you do nvram commit.
% Save all changed variables to NVRAM:
nvram commit
Reboot the router for new settings in NVRAM to go into effect.
/* boardflags */
1. define BFL_BTCOEXIST 0x0001 /* This board implements Bluetooth
coexistance */
2. define BFL_PACTRL 0x0002 /* This board has gpio 9 controlling the PA */
3. define BFL_AIRLINEMODE 0x0004 /* This board implements gpio13 radio
disable indication */
4. define BFL_ENETROBO 0x0010 /* This board has robo switch or core */
5. define BFL_CCKHIPWR 0x0040 /* Can do high-power CCK transmission */
6. define BFL_ENETADM 0x0080 /* This board has ADMtek switch */
7. define BFL_ENETVLAN 0x0100 /* This board has vlan capability */
8. define BFL_AFTERBURNER 0x0200 /* This board supports Afterburner
mode */
9. define BFL_NOPCI 0x0400 /* This board leaves PCI floating */
10. define BFL_FEM 0x0800 /* This board supports the Front End Module */
11. define BFL_EXTLNA 0x1000 /* This board has an external LNA */
12. define BFL_HGPA 0x2000 /* This board has a high gain PA */
define BFL_BTCMOD 0x4000 /* This board' BTCOEXIST is in the alternate
gpios */

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