Migrating Controller - 5

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recently opened displays time within a Station window.

Because displays are opened in individual tabs,

operators can move quickly between displays by simply clicking on the tab of the display they want to bring
into view.
Tabbed displays can be enabled for single-window as well as multi-window Station.
When tabbed displays are enabled, less screen real estate is available to the display called up in Station. This means
that in systems where Station is configured for 100% zoom level, scroll bars will appear in the display. For this reason,
“Zoom To Fit” is generally recommended to avoid the need for scrolling.
To configure tabbed displays on single-window Station
1 In Station, go to Configure > Server Wide Settings > General tab and select the Enable
tabbed displays
2 In HMIWeb Display Builder, associate each custom display with an alarm group. You do this via the Page
Details > Alarm Group properties.
Although alarm groups are automatically associated with point detail displays, you need to make an explicit
association between a custom display and an alarm group if you want an alarm icon to appear on the tab of that
display to indicate an active alarm in that alarm group. The alarm icon on the tab enables operators to monitor
active alarms on displays available in a tab but not currently on view.
To configure tabbed displays on multi-window Station
1 Follow the steps for configuring tabbed displays on single-window Station as described above.
2 Use the SafeView graphical workspace editor to enable the Tabbed displays option on the General tab of
the Window Specification dialog box.
Enabling tabbed displays in multi-window Station requires careful consideration of the way in which a SafeView
configuration might interact with tabbed displays.
Related topics
“Considerations for workspace configuration files” on page 182
“General tab, server wide settings” on page 135

Configuring startup displays

A startup display is the display shown when Station first connects to the server. Startup displays can be
configured in different ways.
• If you configure a startup display in more than one way, Experion chooses one of those configurations to
take precedence over the others. For more information, see “Which startup display configuration takes
precedence? ” on page 95
• If you do not explicitly configure a startup display, Experion calls up sysStartupPage.htm (the initial default
setting on the Server Wide Settings display) on startup.
The information in this topic does not apply to multi-window Stations. When using Station in multi-window mode, the
start up page setting will be ignored. For detailed information, see the SafeView User’s Guide.
Overview of configuration procedures for startup displays
The configuration procedures for startup displays are summarized below. The procedures are different for
operator-based and Station-based security, and if you are using Station-based security, the configuration
procedures also vary according to the type of Station you are configuring.
• Operator-based security.
You can configure the startup display for an individual operator (or group of operators) on the Advanced tab
of the Operator configuration display (sysCfgOperAdvanced.htm).
• Station-based security.
Depending on whether you are configuring a rotary or static Flex Station, or a Console Station, you can
configure a startup display from the:
– Connection Properties dialog box. This dialog box is only available for rotary Flex Stations.
– Flex Stations configuration display (sysCfgStnDetails.htm). This applies to Flex Stations (rotary or
static) but not Console Stations.
– Server Wide Settings display (sysCfgServerSettings.htm).
– Console Station configuration display (sysCfgCStnOptions.htm). This applies to Console Stations only.
– Console configuration display (sysCfgConOptions.htm). The settings in this display apply only to
Console Stations that are in this Console and have the Use Console settings for Station
option enabled.
To configure a startup display for an individual operator or a group of operators
1 In the Configuration Explorer in Configuration Studio, click System Acess.
2 Click the Configure operators and Windows group accounts task.
The Operators Summary display appears.
3 Click the relevant operator (or operators group) to call up the General tab of the Operator/Windows Group
display for that operator (or group).
4 On the Advanced tab under Session Settings, enable the Startup display option and type the
required page
name or number in the box beside the option.
To configure a system-wide default startup display
1 In the Configuration Explorer in Configuration Studio, click Stations and Consoles.
2 Click the Configure server wide Station settings task.
The Server Wide Settings display appears.
3 On the General tab, under Startup page, type the required page name or number in the Default
start up page box.
94 www.honeywell.com
To configure a startup display for a Flex Station (rotary or static) using the Station configuration display
1 In the Configuration Explorer in Configuration Studio, click Stations and Consoles.
2 Click the Configure Flex Stations task.
The Flex Station Configuration Summary display appears in the System Display tab in Configuration
3 In the Flex Stations summary display, click the number or title of the Station you want to configure.
The General tab of the Flex Station configuration display appears.
4 In the Start up page box under Start up/Idle Timeout Action, type the required page name or
number, and
enable the Change to start up page on idle time out setting.
To configure a startup display for a rotary Flex Station using the Connection Properties dialog box
1 On the rotary Station, choose Station > Connection Properties.
The Connection Properties dialog box opens.
2 On the Connections tab click the Advanced button.
3 In the Startup display box, type the number or name of the display that you want to use as the startup
display for this rotary Station.
4 Click Save.
To configure a startup display for a Console Station
1 In the Configuration Explorer in Configuration Studio, click Stations and Consoles.
2 Click the Configure Console Stations task.
The Console Stations summary display appears.
3 Click the Console Station you want to configure.
4 Click the Options tab.
5 In the Start up page box under Start up/Idle Timeout Action, type the required name or number
enable the Change to start up page on idle time out setting.
To configure a startup display for a Console
1 In the Configuration Explorer in Configuration Studio, click Stations and Consoles.
2 Click the Configure Console task.
The Consoles summary display appears.
3 Click the Console Station you want to configure.
4 Click the Options tab.
5 In the Start up page box under Start up/Idle Timeout Action, type the required name or number
enable the Change to start up page on idle time out setting.
Related topics
“Connection Properties” on page 120
“Operator definition, Advanced tab” on page 449
“Flex Station Configuration Display” on page 145
“About alarms and events for standard points” on page 268
“Determining the security settings for Windows group operators” on page 452
Which startup display configuration takes precedence?
The startup display configuration that takes precedence depends on whether your system is using operator-based
security or Station-based security.
The information in this topic does not apply to multi-window Stations. When using Station in multi-window mode, the
start up page setting will be ignored. For detailed information, see the SafeView User’s Guide.
Operator-based security
If you do not configure the startup display for an individual operator (or group of operators) on the Advanced
tab of the Operator configuration display (sysCfgOperAdvanced.htm), Experion calls up sysStartupPage.htm (or
whichever display is specified as the default startup display on the Server Wide Settings display).
However, if Signon Manager is used, the startup display specified on the Operator configuration display is
ignored and the current display remains on screen in any of the following scenarios:
• A user “overrides” the operator who currently signed in.
• An “override” is ended.
• An operator logs out of Signon Manager to the “default” mode and Single Signon is not enabled.
• No “default” account is configured in Experion (either directly or via Windows Groups).
Station-based security
The following tables list the ways in which you can configure startup displays for Flex Stations and Console
Stations under Station-based security, and show the order of precedence used when startup displays are defined
in multiple configuration displays.
If you do not explicitly define a startup display, Experion calls up sysStartupPage.htm (the initial default setting
on the Server Wide Settings display) on startup.
Table 2: Order of precedence used for startup displays on Flex Stations using Station-based security
Configuration display Rotary Static
Connection Properties dialog box for rotary Stations 1 Not applicable
Flex Stations configuration display (sysCfgStnDetails.htm) 2 1
Server Wide Settings display (sysCfgServerSettings.htm) 3 2
Table 3: Order of precedence used for startup displays on Console Stations using Station-based security
Configuration display Not in a Console In a Console and
configured to use Console
In a Console but not
configured to use Console
Console Station Configuration display
1 Not applicable 1
Console Configuration display
Not applicable 1 Not applicable
Server Wide Settings display
• If a Flex Station on a rotary connection has no startup display configured in the Connection Properties
dialog box or in the Flex Stations configuration display for that Station but sysmnu is specified as the
startup display on the General tab of the Server Wide Settings display, then sysmnu is displayed on that
Flex Station at startup.
96 www.honeywell.com
• If a Console Station is in a Console that is configured to use Console settings for Station configuration,
and sysmnu has been defined as the startup display in the Console configuration display, then sysmnu.htm
is the display that will be called up on startup regardless of what has been defined as the startup display in
the Server Wide Settings display.

Configuring timeouts
You can configure a timeout period for:
• Alphanumeric objects on a Station display.
This is known as “select timeout.” Select timeout is configured on a server-wide basis. When the select
timeout period is exceeded, any selected alphanumeric on a Station display is automatically deselected.
• Operator inactivity on a Station.
This is known as “idle timeout.” You configure idle timeouts if you do not want operators to remain logged
on to a Station after a given period of inactivity.
For static Flex Stations and Console Stations, idle timeouts can be configured on either a:
– Server-wide basis, or
– Per operator basis (if you are using operator-based security)
For rotary Flex Stations, you configure the idle timeout period on the Station’s Connection Properties
dialog box.
Note that if you enable idle timeout and specify:
– A value of 0 seconds, then the system will never time out.
– A value greater than 0 seconds but less than 60 seconds, the value is rounded up to 60 seconds.
To configure a timeout period for rotary Flex Stations
1 On the rotary Flex Station choose Station > Connection Properties.
The Connection Properties dialog box opens.
2 On the Connections tab click the Advanced button.
3 In the Communications timeout box, type the required timeout period for this rotary Flex Station.
4 Click Save.
To configure an operator

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