A Guide To Traceability: A Practical Approach To Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains
A Guide To Traceability: A Practical Approach To Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains
A Guide To Traceability: A Practical Approach To Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains
About BSR
BSR works with its global network of more than 250 member companies to build a just
and sustainable world. From its offices in Asia, Europe, and North and South America, BSR
develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and
cross-sector collaboration. Visit www.bsr.org for more information about BSR’s more than
20 years of leadership in sustainability.
This publication is intended strictly for learning purposes. The inclusion of company or
organization names and/or examples does not constitute an endorsement of the individual
companies by the United Nations Global Compact Office or BSR. The material in this pub-
lication may be quoted and used provided there is proper attribution. The views expressed
in this publication are those of its authors and do not reflect those of BSR members or UN
Global Compact participants. The UN Global Compact encourages the dissemination of the
content for education purposes.
BSR developed this report with the support of the UN Global Compact. Members of the UN
Global Compact Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability provided significant editorial
input. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights provided input on how to align
the guide with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights endorsed by the UN
Human Rights Council. Any errors that remain are those of the authors.
© Copyright 2014
United Nations Global Compact Office
Two United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA
Email: globalcompact@un.org
Table of Contents
End Note 44
4 A Guide to Traceability
The UN Global Compact and BSR are pleased stakeholders the benefits of working together
to issue this guide to help companies and to implement a common approach to trace-
stakeholders understand and advance supply ability across commodities.
chain traceability, which is the process of iden-
tifying and tracking a product or component’s Summary of the Guide
path from raw material to finished good. This guide is divided into three sections:
This guide represents more than a year of
work in preparation, research and interviews. • In Part 1, the guide defines traceability
and explores its history, benefits and chal-
Purpose lenges, including an overview of current
The purpose of this guide is to provide an collaborative schemes on traceability.
overview of the importance of traceability for • In Part 2, the guide demonstrates a model
sustainability purposes, outline the global op- for best practice in traceability, and pro-
portunities and challenges it represents and vides an overview of the different models
summarize practical steps for implementing of traceability and the global initiatives
traceability programmes within companies. operating in the arena.
Research for this guide revealed that trace- • In Part 3, the guide provides guidance to
ability is a tremendously impactful tool for companies around the world, large and
advancing sustainability objectives, but it still small, on how to effectively engage in
has a long way to go before it is an integral traceability.
part of sustainable supply chain management
and is used widely by companies. At present, Target Audience
only a very small percentage of commodities This guide is primarily aimed at supply chain,
are traceable on sustainability attributes. procurement, sourcing and sustainability pro-
Traceability must be a collaborative ef- fessionals who seek to improve the sustain-
fort. This guide aims to show companies and ability of their companies’ supply chains, and
who are considering traceability. Individuals need global support, and points companies
already engaged in traceability in some way in the direction of offering the right kind of
and those who are new to the topic will gain guidance.
value from this guide.
Our aim is to provide lessons that are Research Methodology
applicable across industries, geographies, in The findings and recommendations in this
reference to a vast range of commodities, and guide are based on the following: a review of
to large multinationals as well as small busi- publically available information, literature
nesses. The real-life case studies and inter- and case studies about supply chain traceabili-
views with practitioners provide companies ty; an analysis of existing traceability schemes;
with concrete examples and clear ways to and interviews with individuals at companies,
implement traceability standards. traceability schemes and NGOs who have
For organizations involved in traceability, significant experience in traceability.
such as traceability schemes and Non-Gov- Interviews were conducted with 12 compa-
ernmental Organizations (NGOs), this guide nies (multinationals), 4 companies (suppliers),
provides a comprehensive overview of the 9 traceability schemes, and 4 relevant NGOs,
traceability landscape and the benefits that using a standard interview template that
these organizations are providing to ensure was then coded and analyzed for trends. UN
the sustainability of products. This guide also Global Compact and BSR wish to acknowl-
calls out key areas where traceability schemes edge and thank all participants.
6 A Guide to Traceability
Part 1
Global Alignment on Traceability
In general, the most recent UTZ certi- HarvestMark, provide consumers with de-
fied impact report on coffee, cocoa and tea, tailed information on the environmental and
released in January 2014, indicates that the social impacts of their products with the aim
implementation of certifications results in of helping consumers make more informed
higher yields for farmers. As one country buying decisions.
study shows, certified farmers in Colombia In addition, there are currently a variety of
were able to maintain higher levels of pro- smartphone applications available that allow
duction compared to conventional farmers. consumers to scan bar codes in order to acquire
The impact of the traceability scheme is more information about their product’s origins
shown by an increase from 52 per cent in the and impacts.
first year to 169 per cent by the fourth year
in terms of production between UTZ certified Traceability Unites Companies
farmers and the control group.9 and Stakeholders Around
a Common Purpose
Traceability as Evidence The most successful traceability schemes
of Good Business Practice are multi-stakeholder, involving business,
Traceability is becoming more of an accepted government, and other stakeholders and civil
practice, and one that companies increasingly society organizations who have an interest
embrace as part of their sustainability activi- in the sustainability of the said commodity12.
ties. The Forest Stewardship Council describes Multi-stakeholder initiatives are complex and
FSC certification as a “license to trade” for require careful governance to manage often
businesses. very divergent points of view. Traceability
In addition, traceability certifications are schemes are proving able to bring – and
becoming validated as proof of sustainability keep – these players together. The focused
requirements. One significant recent devel- purpose of making a specific commodity
opment is that “the EU voted [in January more sustainable is a powerful and uniting
2014] for a set of revised public procurement force for the participating companies and
directives that refer to robust certification stakeholders.
programmes as proof that a company meets
sustainability requirements set out in calls for 3.2. Opportunities to Strengthen
tenders”.10 As more governments and compa- Traceability
nies adopt this stance, traceability becomes
a viable and appealing way for businesses There are current limitations to achieving full
to meet the sustainability requirements and supply chain traceability, which will need to be
expectations of their customers. addressed to increase the impact of traceability.
There is also increasing evidence that con-
sumers are demanding certified and traceable Supply Chain Complexity
products, which is a main driver for traceabil- It is often difficult for companies to trace
ity. For example, “in the United States, 39 per each and every step in the journey of a
cent of those surveyed in 2012 recognize the given product. Multiple actors with different
Rainforest Alliance Certified™ green frog seal, systems and requirements may contribute
30 per cent understand what the certification to production across international borders,
means and 23 per cent indicated they are and some areas in a supply chain may be
more likely to buy a product that carries the especially opaque. This is a complex issue as
Rainforest Alliance Certified seal”.11 traceability requires the engagement and col-
Beyond organic and fair trade labels, laboration of actors along the entire supply
among others, there are various tools and chain to trace a product’s history. Develop-
resources available for consumers to obtain ments in technology and demands for greater
more information on the origin and manu- transparency from both business and govern-
facturing process of their products along ment sectors are making this increasingly
the supply chain. Various online consumer more manageable.
guides and websites, such as GoodGuide,
GreenerChoices.org, Ethical Consumer and
A Guide to Traceability 9
Availability and Scale of Certified, Alignment around tools helps reduce costs
Traceable Products to individual actors. When collaboration is
The number of traceable products in any widespread, there is greater incentive for actors
given category is limited due to the complex- to work together, which lowers cost overall.
ity of traceability. Obtaining fully traceable
materials or components is not possible in Further Developments in
many cases, particularly for large compa- Technology Needed to Support
nies. To address these challenges, companies Traceability Schemes
need to push for and support the continued In order to achieve full traceability, various
expansion of traceability schemes. This will levels of verification are needed at all stages
gradually ensure a greater quantity of the throughout the supply chain. This means
certified commodities a company’s products that supply chain actors need to collect and
require, as well as increase the sustainability validate data and commit to chain of custody
of overall product lines. standards. Technological platforms, bar codes,
The challenge of full traceability is par- and chips represent some technological
ticularly acute for companies manufacturing advances; however, mastering these technolo-
complex products with multiple tiers of sup- gies for traceability purposes is a challenge.
pliers or numerous sources at any given tier. Since suppliers are located throughout the
world and sometimes in remote areas, there
Costs for All Supply Chain Actors are language, skill and access barriers to fully
Traceability requires substantial investment using technology. In addition, there are also
in technology and processes aimed at track- challenges around ensuring that data systems
ing goods along the supply chain. In addition, are secure for all users.
coordination between different supply chain While technology and tools are develop-
actors requires time and willingness on all ing, the pace of these innovations needs to
sides. These costs are a concern for many ac- increase significantly. For providers of these
tors pursuing traceability. technologies, cost is still proving a difficult
and related barrier.
10 A Guide to Traceability
Part 2
Traceability in Practice
Traceability Models
Bulk Identity
Commodity Preservation
A Guide to Traceability 11
Product Segregation
non certified
12 A Guide to Traceability
non certified
non certified
A Guide to Traceability 13
Sports balls
and herbs
Palm Oil
Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) ●
Good Weave ●
Kimberley Process ●
Roundtable on Sustainable ●
Biomaterials (RSB)
Roundtable on Sustainable ●
Palm Oil (RSPO)
UTZ Certfified ● ● ●
18 A Guide to Traceability
• Beef • Leather
• Biofuel • Minerals/diamonds
• Cocoa • Palm oil
• Cotton • Sugar
• Fish • Timber
1. One independent, multi-stakeholder Global Collaborative Scheme. This organization provides guidance
and works on commodities to advance traceability.
2. Focus. The traceability scheme is focused on a limited number of issues, both in terms of the number of
commodities and the sustainability attributes that must be traced.
3. Appropriate collaboration along the supply chain. The supply chain actors along the way are partici-
pating in the scheme in a manner appropriate to their position in the supply chain, and are communicating
with their immediate business partners.
Independent, multi-stakeholder
1 Global Collaborative Scheme
2 Focus: One commodity, specific sustainability attributes
●● Responsible for the overall traceability of the commodity ●● Monitors commodity source and each step in the chain of custody
●● Sets standards / certification requirements ●● Ensures the flow of data as appropriate between sources
Producers / Raw 2nd Tier & Beyond 1st Tier Brands / Sellers
Material Sources Indirect Suppliers Direct Suppliers
• Participation in scheme
• Certified to global • Certified to scheme • Certified to scheme
• Strong buyer adherence to
scheme • Document chain of custody • Document chain of custody
internal policy
3 • Subject to independent • Top management support • Top management support
• Top management support
audits • Resources to implement • Resources to implement
• Integrated procurement
• Share data • Subject to audits • Subject to audits
• Share data • Share data
• Resources to implement
A Guide to Traceability 19
Part 3
Practical Guide for Companies
to Pursue Traceability
benefit for businesses. A traceability system reputational risks arising from fines, negative
implemented at different stages of the supply legal judgments, boycotts, public protests
chain can reveal processes that are especially and/or negative media attention in response
effective (or on the contrary, that could be to social and environmental harm. Leading
improved). The exchange of data and docu- businesses have been rewarded with positive
mentation related to implementing trace- impacts on external reputation. Moreover,
ability can also open space for dialogue about companies suggested that there are inter-
process improvements. Ultimately, traceabil- nal benefits related to reputation as well.
ity can contribute to spreading best practices Traceability systems have been connected to
throughout supply chain actors to achieve greater employee morale and pride within
operational efficiencies, cost reductions and organizations, representing another driver for
increased productivity. Plus, many of the re- business investment in traceability.
quirements in traceability standards translate
to good business management, which can Stakeholder pressure
bring benefits in terms of product quality, as
well as sustainability. In addition, once risks • Meeting stakeholder demands for more
related to weak spots in the supply chain product information
have been identified it is easier for companies • Verification of sustainability claims
to switch to more credible alternatives or take
action to jointly resolve the identified risks. Companies face stakeholder demands for
product information that ensures that sup-
A secure supply of commodities can be ply chain processes do not include harmful
central to business now and in the future. En- environmental or social practices. News sto-
suring that commodities are sourced in ways ries on issues like conflict minerals, rainforest
that are respectful of the UN Global Compact destruction, or animal welfare are increas-
Ten Principles is a way to invest in the future ingly gaining public attention. Consumers
of the business. Thus, the value of com- represent one group of stakeholders that
modities can sometimes drive the decision to is sensitive to the sustainability records of
implement a traceability system. products they purchase. NGOs and advocacy
organizations also work to raise sustainability
Pursuing traceability can also help a business issues and to elicit more information from
make better decisions in terms of supplier companies about procurement practices.
selection and supplier relationships. For Traceability systems can help businesses re-
new suppliers, businesses can ask questions spond to these demands for information and
about how they are tracing their own supply levels of transparency.
chain, and gauge the benefit that the supplier Companies need to have a means of
could bring to their business. In addition, for verifying sustainability claims linked to
longer-term supplier relationships, engaging their products, and traceability systems can
in traceability creates a new positive dynamic help business follow through on attributes
with the supplier. connected to their products. Traceability in
particular provides a tool to monitor products
Leading businesses gain reputational and materials as they travel through the sup-
benefits through traceability systems that ply chain in order to ensure that responsible
demonstrate a commitment to sustainability social and environmental practices are used
outcomes. The data collection and increased at every step. Verifying the claims they make
understanding of the supply chain can serve about these materials through mechanisms
as the first step to achieving broader sustain- like third-party audits has been an important
ability objectives, increasing competitive issue for stakeholder relations. Traceability
advantage and providing added value for systems can help companies fulfill their sus-
customers. Traceability systems demonstrate tainability promises by providing a means of
resources and technology going toward ad- assuring sustainability and by generating data
dressing risks in the supply chain, such as that can be shared with stakeholders.
22 A Guide to Traceability
European Commission Food Contains general food traceability requirements (including for seafood)
Law Regulation 178/2002 such as that food has to traceable through all stages of production,
processing, and distribution. Every food item must have an identifiable
supplier and customer. 19
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Requires that US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered
Reform and Consumer companies disclose their use of conflict minerals (sourced from the
Protection Act, Section Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries), effectively
1502 requiring origin information for all products containing minerals. 20
OECD Provides guidance for due diligence for responsible supply chains related
to conflict minerals, including recommending traceability systems. 21
EU Timber Regulation Prohibits the placing of illegal timber and timber products on the EU inter-
995/2010 nal market and requires “due diligence” and risk management of EU traders
of timber, including obligations to keep records that facilitate traceability.
For example, traders need to keep records of their suppliers and customers
so that operators can always be traced. Furthermore, operators must have
access to information that describes the timber and timber products such
as country of harvest, species, quantity, supplier details and information on
compliance with national legislation.22
US Lacey Act Tackles trade of illegal timber and timber products in the US along the
entire supply chain and requires that importers exercise “due care” in
identifying the source of their goods.23a This includes working with sup-
pliers to ensure that timber is sourced from forests where legal harvest
and chain of custody can be verified, as well as declaring the species,
country of origin and other relevant information important to the wood or
product’s origin.23b
A Guide to Traceability 23
24 A Guide to Traceability
ated with a commodity. The decision-making The following table outlines the key drivers
process surrounding the implementation of and alternatives to traceability that could
traceability or alternatives is dependent on meet the needs expressed by that driver.
the resources and appetite for engagement
at the individual company level, and what
is most appropriate to mitigate an identified
risk or impact.
Traceability is a long-term
The businesses interviewed for this project investment; be prepared to stick
were unanimous in their views that trace- with it over the long-term.
ability has benefited their organizations, and Companies interviewed for this guide did not
at the same time has been challenging to reveal specific financial measures that dem-
undertake. The individuals interviewed were onstrated the ROI on traceability; however,
willing to share their perspectives of par- the perspective of those involved in traceabil-
ticular challenges, expectations and lessons ity for some time was that it does pay off in
learned. The following is a summary of the the long run.
main findings.
Companies also need to devote internal
Focus on those commodities that are most resources to the programme.
material to your business, and areas where Many of the companies interviewed revealed
you have the greatest risk and leverage. that they did have to overcome opposition,
As outlined in our steps above, companies and in some cases demands for a short-
should not feel pressured to participate in term ROI. However, this is a difficult area to
traceability schemes across every commodity calculate financial costs and benefits, and
they buy, but rather focus on those that are traceability is also a long-term investment in
most material to the business based on as- the reputation of the company. It is advisable
sessments of sustainability risks and potential to find ways to protect the programme from
adverse impacts. It can be difficult to gain demands for short-term pay-offs.
internal buy-in for developing a traceability
programme, and it makes it much easier if Strong supplier relationships and good
the business case is clear, which relies largely supplier communication is key to the suc-
on the level of risk and opportunity that a cess of a traceability programme.
company has for leverage. It is a well-accepted fact in all areas of supply
chain sustainability that good relationships
Devote time, effort and and communication with your supply chain
resources to collaboration. is critical to meeting your sustainability
There is no doubt that collaboration is critical objectives.
to the success of traceability. Companies in- A company should set clear expectations
terviewed urge others to take a collaborative about involvement in the traceability pro-
approach. gramme from the outset, and communicate
Companies should be prepared that them regularly through different methods.
collaboration with parties external to their Traceability programmes can be expensive
company can be challenging, with the need for suppliers, so it is worth considering in
to align very different points of view behind a your communication what the expectations
common purpose. are around cost, and providing suggestions
There are also clear opportunities for com- for how suppliers can manage this aspect. It
panies to take leadership in driving traceabil- is also worth considering your own commit-
ity initiatives further towards scaled impact. ments here; if you are asking suppliers to
Traceability schemes are not perfect, and they take on more costs, have a look at your pay-
likely have challenges that companies can ment terms to ensure they are fair.
take an active role in helping to overcome. An example of a good practice in supplier
Whether it is addressing governance issues, engagement and communication on sustain-
improving stakeholder engagement and in- ability issues is providing consistent messag-
volvement, leading the development of tech- ing through a variety of different types of
engagements. Companies should consider
including clear messages about traceability
in their buyers’ regular exchanges with the
suppliers, through supplier portals, through
conferences or regional meetings, and even
through targeted training programmes.
It is hoped that readers have enjoyed and Outlook for the Future
gained value from the guide, and will be tak-
The overwhelming consensus from the
ing appropriate steps to engage with trace-
individuals interviewed for this guide is that
ability in their companies and organizations.
traceability is here to stay, and will continue
The stated objectives of the guide were to:
to increase in importance and impact.
One of the most critical drivers of this
• Provide an overview of the importance of trend is increased consumer demand to know
traceability for sustainability purposes; more about the products they are buying –
• Highlight the global opportunities and what is in them, where they come from, the
challenges of traceability; and conditions under which they were made,
• Outline practical steps of how to go about how they got to them, and even how they
implementing traceability. will be disposed of. Companies who invest in
increased transparency, traceability and mea-
Global collaboration, driven by multi-stake- surements of sustainability data along the
holder collaborative schemes, is the key to value chain will have a competitive advan-
success in traceability. As our best practice tage in meeting this consumer demand.
model demonstrates, the most effective way It is possible to see a future where tech-
forward for traceability is through the global nology enables the full product and supply
support of independent, multi-stakeholder chain information that consumers expect,
collaborative schemes to govern traceability and traceability will be the norm. Tools
by commodity. Companies, governments, already exist to enable people to use their
NGOs and stakeholders must work together smart phones to scan a barcode and learn
towards this goal. more about a product from a sustainability
Companies that attempt traceability on perspective; it is easy to see this trend evolv-
their own will face immense hurdles and may ing as technology improves, and as the ability
actually impede the work being done on an to collect, analyze and share data becomes
industry level. This does not mean that com- easier and cheaper.
panies must be willing to embrace and sup-
port collaborative initiatives, while mindful
of their imperfections. However, the benefits
outweigh the negatives: by getting involved Any additional input is welcome; please con-
in a global initiative, companies have a tact the UN Global Compact and BSR if you
chance to shape and drive the initiative, and have feedback you would like to share to im-
have the support of their peers and a trusted prove our work, or if you have questions for
stakeholder as they develop their own related the writers of the guide or the organizations
approaches. that were interviewed for the guide. Only by
working together around the world can we
truly collaborate to drive more sustainable
supply chains.
32 A Guide to Traceability
Traceability by Commodity: Gaps and
opportunities for collaboration
Beef Biofuel
What are some of the key sustainability What are some of the key sustainability
issues relevant to this commodity? issues relevant to this commodity?
• Preventing deforestation: Working to en- • Social Impact: Working to protect human
sure a sustainable livestock creation with- and labour rights throughout the supply
out further deforestation of the Amazon chain and respect prevailing land rights.
Biome due to cattle ranching. • Economic impact: Working to preserve
• Protecting land rights for indigenous the functioning of local economies and to
peoples: Working to prevent invasion of include small-scale producers.
protected areas for cattle ranching. • Environmental impact: Manage impacts of
• Promoting animal welfare: To prevent new feedstock farming for natural habi-
animal mistreatment at farms and during tats and ecological balance. Working to
transport to slaughter. guarantee local food security and prevent
Who are some relevant actors?
• The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Who are some relevant actors?
Beef 26 (GRSB) is a multi-stakeholder initia- • Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials30
tive with the aim to develop a sustainable (RSB) - The RSB sustainability standard
global beef value chain. represents a multi-stakeholder initiative of
• The Tropical Forest Alliance 202027. over 100 organizations including farmers,
• Several national advanced traceability refiners, regulators and NGOs. RSB uses
schemes. several “chain of custody” options, such as
• NGOs: World Wildlife Fund28, Rainforest 100 per cent segregation and Mass Balance
Alliance. to meet producers’ needs.
• Active organizations: McDonalds and
Walmart are supporting the initiative.
A Guide to Traceability 33
sustainable cotton. Standards that MSC certified. Fifty per cent of the top 25 US
cover the chain of custody from the seafood retailers have commitments with MSC.
raw material to the final product allow • The Aquaculture Stewardship Council56
H&M to verify the content of products (ASC) sets and maintains standards for
even when other information is not yet farmed seafood. ASC works with MSC for its
known. To assist the transition from Chain of Custody Standard, and additional
trial to implementation phase, H&M requirements relevant to farmed fish have
invests in farmer training under the
BCI system.54 H&M would like to see
traceability schemes including BCI
develop in scale, and recognizes a need
for better technology to support them.
36 A Guide to Traceability
IKEA recognizes wood as the most important raw material to its business and a pre-
cious natural resource. Wood makes up around 60 per cent of all materials used in
IKEA products, making it a critical commodity both for sustainability goals and for
the core business. Incorporating Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) Chain of Custody
Standard and Certified Forests has been a means of supporting well-managed forests.
The standard ensures that wood is procured from certified forests, which means that
forest management practices meet social, economic, and environmental conditions.
Incorporating FSC into their procurement practices has helped IKEA invest in the long-
term viability of wood as a raw material, and move toward their goal to become forest
positive by 2020, promoting the adoption of more sustainable forestry methods across
the industry and contributing to ending deforestation.
44 A Guide to Traceability
21. OECD (2013), OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Sup- 46. Responsible Cocoa: The Harken-Engel Protocol, http://responsible-
ply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: cocoa.com/about-us/the-harkin-engel-protocol/.
Second Edition, OECD Publishing, http://www.oecd.org/daf/inv/mne/ 47. Source Trust. Homepage, http://www.sourcetrust.org.
A Guide to Traceability 45
48. Solidaridad. Homepage, http://solidaridadnetwork.org. 81. Tropical Forest Alliance 2020. Homepage, http://www.tfa2020.com.
49. Oxfam Novib. Homepage, http://www.oxfamnovib.nl. 82. Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil. Homepage, http://www.ispo-org.
50. UN (2010). International Cocoa Agreement,
https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_ 83. Food and Agriculture Organization (2013), Biofuels and the
no=XIX-47&chapter=19&lang=en. Sustainability Challenge: A Global Assessment of Sustainability Issues,
Trends and Policies for Biofuels and Related Feedstocks, http://www.
51. Better Cotton Initiative. Homepage, http://bettercotton.org/.
52. IDH: The Sustainable Trade Initiative, http://www.idhsustainable-
84. Bonsurco. General FAQs. Homepage, http://bonsucro.com/site/
53. As above.
85. WWF: Better Sugarcane Initiative, http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_
54. Textile Exchange (2013), Building Integrity, A Case Study, do/footprint/agriculture/sugarcane/better_sugarcane_initiative/.
86. International Sustainability and Carbon Certification. Homepage,
55. Marine Stewardship Council, Certified Sustainable Seafood, http://
87. Fairtrade International. Homepage, http://www.fairtrade.net.
88. Forest Stewardship Council. Homepage, https://ic.fsc.org/eu-timber-
56. Aquaculture Stewardship Council. Homepage, http://www.asc-
89. Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
57. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. Homepage, http://www.
Homepage, http://www.pefc.org/certification-services/eu-timber-
58. ISEAL Alliance. Homepage, http://www.isealalliance.org.
90. European Union Timber Regulation (2013), http://ec.europa.eu/
59. ISO 12875: 2011. Homepage, https://www.iso.org/obp/ environment/forests/pdf/EUTR_Leaflet_EN.pdf.
91. Sustainable Forest Initiative. Homepage, http://www.sfiprogram.
60. Leather Working Group (2010), Improving Environmental Stew- org.
ardship, http://www.leatherworkinggroup.com/about/brazil.
92. Tropical Forest Alliance 2020. Homepage, http://www.tfa2020.com.
61. COTANCE (2013), Euroleather, ‘A New Project on Trace-
93. American Tree Farm System. Homepage, https://www.treefarm-
ability of Raw Materials’, http://www.euroleather.com/policies/
94. The Canadian Standards Association’s Sustainable Forest Manage-
62. Institute for Market Ecology, Natural Leather Certification, http://
ment Standard. Homepage, http://www.csasfmforests.ca.
leder_20111220.pdf. 95. UNECE and FAO (2013). Forest Products Annual Market Review
2012-2013. http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/timber/publications/
63. Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (2014), http://www.conflictfree-
64. Responsible Jewellery Council. Homepage, http://www.responsible-
65. Kimberley Process. Homepage, http://www.kimberleyprocess.com/.
66. Diamond Development Initiative International (2009), http://www.
67. The Jeweltree Foundation, http://www.jeweltreefoundation.org.
68. Partnership Africa Canada. Homepage, http://www.pacweb.org/en/
69. UN Global Compact, Business for Peace, www.business4peace.org.
70. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, http://www.rspo.org/.
71. Greenpalm Sustainability, http://greenpalm.org/.
72. Sustainable Palm Oil Platform, Certification Schemes, http://www.
73. Sustainable Palm Oil Platform. Homepage, http://www.sustainable-
74. Belgian Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil. Homepage, http://www.
75. Say No To Palm Oil. Homepage, http://www.saynotopalmoil.com.
76. Sustainable Agriculture Network. Homepage, http://sanstandards.
77. Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials. Homepage, http://rsb.org.
78. Global GAP, Homepage, http://www.globalgap.org/uk_en/.
79. Fairtrade. Homepage, http://www.fairtrade.net.
80. Organic Trade Association (OTA) (2013), http://www.ota.com/about/