Agreements: Applies With or Without Written Milling
Agreements: Applies With or Without Written Milling
Agreements: Applies With or Without Written Milling
Illustrative case: Federation of Free Farmers vs CA, G.R. - Illustrative case: Canet v Decena, G.R. No. 155344,
No. 41161, September 10, 1981 January 20, 2004.
- Sec.1 or RA 809, Sugar Act of 1952 provides:
* “In the absence of written milling agreements - Facts:
between the majority of planters and the millers of sugarcane * A businessman applied for permit to operate and maintain
a cockpit. But the mayor refused because there is no Examples:
ordinance empowering her to do so. - Art. 10, Civil Code:
In case of doubt in the interpretation or application of laws,
Contention of the businessman: it is presumed that the lawmaking body intended right and
- He invokes a resolution authorizing him to operate a justice to prevail.
cockpit and a municipal tax ordinance providing for issuance
of a mayor’s permit to operate business. - Section 4, Labor Code:
All doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the
Contention of the mayor: provisions of this Code, including its implementing rules and
- The mayor refused. Under the Local Government Code of regulations, shall be resolved in favor of labor.
1991, the authority to give licenses for the establishment,
maintenance and operation of cockpits pertains to the