This document provides guidelines for parameters on Reactors 3A and 3B including reactor rates, pressures, temperatures, bed weights, and power levels. It also lists target ratios for C3/C2 and C2PP and guidelines for maximum fluidized moderator rates and H2/C3 levels. Instructions are provided for monitoring CO bottle pressures, sampling products, checking lines, swapping overhead columns, balancing extruder rates, monitoring vent recovery systems, and implementing ratio controls and manual controls if abnormalities arise. The document was written by Heryanto, reviewed by Sudiyana, and approved by Dudi Sudiardi.
This document provides guidelines for parameters on Reactors 3A and 3B including reactor rates, pressures, temperatures, bed weights, and power levels. It also lists target ratios for C3/C2 and C2PP and guidelines for maximum fluidized moderator rates and H2/C3 levels. Instructions are provided for monitoring CO bottle pressures, sampling products, checking lines, swapping overhead columns, balancing extruder rates, monitoring vent recovery systems, and implementing ratio controls and manual controls if abnormalities arise. The document was written by Heryanto, reviewed by Sudiyana, and approved by Dudi Sudiardi.
This document provides guidelines for parameters on Reactors 3A and 3B including reactor rates, pressures, temperatures, bed weights, and power levels. It also lists target ratios for C3/C2 and C2PP and guidelines for maximum fluidized moderator rates and H2/C3 levels. Instructions are provided for monitoring CO bottle pressures, sampling products, checking lines, swapping overhead columns, balancing extruder rates, monitoring vent recovery systems, and implementing ratio controls and manual controls if abnormalities arise. The document was written by Heryanto, reviewed by Sudiyana, and approved by Dudi Sudiardi.
This document provides guidelines for parameters on Reactors 3A and 3B including reactor rates, pressures, temperatures, bed weights, and power levels. It also lists target ratios for C3/C2 and C2PP and guidelines for maximum fluidized moderator rates and H2/C3 levels. Instructions are provided for monitoring CO bottle pressures, sampling products, checking lines, swapping overhead columns, balancing extruder rates, monitoring vent recovery systems, and implementing ratio controls and manual controls if abnormalities arise. The document was written by Heryanto, reviewed by Sudiyana, and approved by Dudi Sudiardi.
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Parameter Reactor 3A Reactor 3B Unit Remaks
Reactor rate 15 - 15.3 3.7 – 3.8 Ton/hr Fc DCS 19-19% Reactor Pressure 30 - 31 16 Kg/cm2 Set point 3B 17.5 kg/cm2 Temperature 66.3 70 ºC Bed Weight 13 15 Ton Adjust based on Fc target Al/Ti 72 m/m Al/SCA 1.55 m/m Maintain the PV, pursuing it if diverged If power CGC 3B >1100 kW, decrease overhead CGC power 435 – 445 Max 1100 kW column feed to 3B Bed delta 10 - 11 ºC C3/C2 ratio 3.2 m/m Ratio control C2/C2 and C2PP, monitor flow. Early detect if any abnormality by routine tranding gas C2 PP 3.7 Kg/cm2 analyzer Fc Calc. 19 – 19.7 % Extruder sample as reff ON SPECT product 2 PBT Pressure 27 - 28 Kg/cm Do not over MF at Reactor 3A to prevent high MF at MF reactor 17 – 18 8.8 – 9.2 gr/10 min reactor 3B H2/C3 75 155 mm Adjust based on MF target at reactor Chamber 1 temp. 240-260 ºC to keep quality
Reactor 3A BI32AN/ SHAC 320 – ADT 4600
1. Record CO bottle header every 2 hrs if pressure drops < 100 kg/cm 2 replace with CO bottle spare one , ensure pressure >100 kg/cm2 2. Input sampling product at APC as soon as possible to got faster prediction result. 3. Check L/N line twice per shift.
Reactor BI32AN/ PTMO
1. When reactor pressure > 17.5 kg/cm2 , swap overhead column from reactor to 3nd stage VRC, when reactor reactor pressure below 15 kg/cm2 re-route overhead column to reactor. 2. Check L/N line twice per shift.
Extruder BI32AN 1. Balance etruder rate 2. Clean up vent pusher to maintain defect to YI and MF 3. Keep additive result high to maintain FM. Cast > 500 ppm
Vent Recovery System
1. Monitor bearing temperature (Alarm: 80 C) and Winding temperature (Alarm: 130 C) of Vent Recovery Compressor “DON’T MISS”. Decrease lod to 75% when raech 130 C, if already 125 C increase load 100% 2. Swap strainer base life time 8 hr. morning: 1st stage; evening: 2nd stage; night: 3rd stage or DP > 0.15 kg/cm2 Note: 1. Running ratio control : C2PP, C2/C3 2. Put manual control if there are abnormality at process/ analyzer.