Kempf Ness Matsushima Criterion Ivan Losev PDF
Kempf Ness Matsushima Criterion Ivan Losev PDF
Kempf Ness Matsushima Criterion Ivan Losev PDF
Abstract. We give new proofs of some well-known results from Invariant Theorey using
arXiv:math/0605756v1 [math.AG] 30 May 2006
1. Introduction
This article does not contain any new results. Its goal is to deduce some well-known results
of Invariant Theory from the Kempf-Ness theorem.
In the sequel G denotes a complex reductive algebraic group. By a small fraktur letter we
denote the Lie algebra of a Lie group denoted by the corresponding capital Latin letter.
Let us state the results we want to prove.
The theorem was proved independently by Matsushima, [M], and Onishchik [O]. It has
many different proofs, see [A] for references and one more proof. One part of the theorem
(the ”if” part) is easy. We give a new proof of the other part.
The Luna criterion for orbit’s closedness was originally proved in [L]. The proof is quite
involved. An alternative (and easier) proof was obtained by Kempf, [Ke]. Again, the ”if”
part of the theorem is easy, and we give a new proof of the difficult part.
This result also has different proofs, see [V] for details.
The proofs of all three theorems are based on the Kempf-Ness criterion for the orbit
closedness which we state now.
Let V be a G-module and K a compact form of G. Choose a K-invariant hermitian scalar
product (·, ·) on V . Define a map µ : V → k∗ by the formula
(1) hµ(v), ξi = (ξv, v)
µ(v) lies in k∗ because the image of k in gl(V ) consists of skew-hermitian operators. The
map µ is the moment map for the action K : V .
Theorem 4 (The Kempf-Ness criterion). For v ∈ V the orbit Gv is closed iff Gv ∩ µ−1 (0) 6=
is closed.
Proof of Theorem 3. Embed G/H2 into a G-module V , fix a compact form K ⊂ G, a K-
invariant hermitian scalar product (·, ·) on V and a compact form K1 of H such that K1 ⊂ K.
Let π denote the natural projection k∗ → k∗1 . The map π ◦µ is the moment map for the action
K1 : V . There exists v ∈ G/H2 such that µ(v) = 0. Note that µ(kv) = 0 for all k ∈ K. In
particular, π ◦ µ(Kv) = 0. By Theorem 4, the orbit H1 kv is closed for any k ∈ K. It remains
to check that the subset Kv is dense in Gv. Assume the converse:T there exists a proper
closed subvariety Y ⊂ G/H2 containing Kv. Replacing Y by k∈K kY we may assume that
Y is K-invariant. Since K is Zariski-dense in G, Y is G-invariant. Contradiction.
[A] I.V. Arzhanysev. Invariant ideals and the Matsushima criterion. Preprint (2005),
[Ke] G. Kempf. Instability in invariant theory. Ann. Math. II. Ser. 108(1978), p. 299-316.
[KN] G. Kempf, L. Ness. The length of vectors in representation spaces. Lect. Notes. Math. 732. Springer
Verlag, 1979. p. 233-243.
[Kr] H. Kraft. Geometrishe Methoden in der Invarianttheorie. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, Viewveg, 1985.
[L] D. Luna. Adhérences d’orbite et invariants. Invent. Math, 29(1975), p. 231-238.
[M] Y. Matsushima. Espaces homogènes de Stein des groupes des Lie complexes. Nagoya Math. J. 16(1960),
p. 205-216.
[O] A.L. Onishchik. Complex hulls of complex homogeneous spaces. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 130(1960), 4,
p. 88-91. English translation: Sov. Math. Dokl., 1(1960), p. 88-91.
[PV] V.L. Popov, E.B. Vinberg. Invariant theory. Algebraic geometry IV, Encyclopaedia of Math. Sciences,
vol.55. Springer Verlag, 1994, pp. 123–278.
[V] E.B. Vinberg. On stability of actions of reductive algebraic groups. in ”Lie algebras, rings and related
topics”, Fong Yuen, A.A. Mikhalev, E. Zelmanov eds. Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong (2000), 188-202.