At Hadron Colliders : F. Del AGUILA A, L1.AMETLLER B, G.L
At Hadron Colliders : F. Del AGUILA A, L1.AMETLLER B, G.L
At Hadron Colliders : F. Del AGUILA A, L1.AMETLLER B, G.L
Vector-like fermions are characterized by large neutral current decay rates, in particular into
Higgs bosons. If they exist, their clear signals at hadron colliders open a window to Higgs
detection, especially to the intermediate Higgs mass region. We discuss in some detail rates and
signatures for simple cases.
1. Introduction
Vector-like fermions [1-14] are characterized by having their left- and right-
handed components transforming in the same way under the symmetry group of the
theory. For this reason their mass terms, ~L'/'R, are not forbidden by any symmetry.
As a consequence their masses are unbounded and they decouple when these are
taken to infinity [2]. This explains why they are essentially unconstrained by present
phenomenology, except for the bounds resulting from production limits [3]. On
similar grounds they can often contribute to new effects without upsetting existing
The standard model may not need vector-like fermions, but by the same argu-
ment they are among the few particles which can naturally exist near the electroweak
scale and have no mandatory implications on the low-energy phenomenology
(although they may accommodate better CP violation .... [8-10]). It is important to
note that although this is surprising (because they are so apparently unconstrained)
their properties are to a large extent fixed! In particular, their decays are known to
some extent, and if they are produced, their detection can be (readily) accomplished,
and their properties stated [11]. It is important to note that vector-like fermions
* Research supported in part by the US DOE by CICYT and by the Spain-U.S. committee.
decay by exchange of standard electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons, W +-, Z, H, with
all three being comparable in size! Thus, vector-like fermions may transform a
collider into a Higgs factory [12]. The subject of this paper is the production and
decay of heavy vector-like fermions at hadron colliders, with special attention being
paid to the Higgs decay channel. In particular we will find that if a vector-like
fermion with mass M F ~< 1 TeV exists, a Higgs in the intermediate mass region
M n < 2 M w and decaying into qq cannot escape detection as the SSC.
It is easy to understand the relevant physics. Assume we add a vector-like quark
to the standard model. It will be stable in the absence of mixing with the known
fermions. This tells us that decay rates, and in general the physics of this new
fermion, are proportional to this mixing. Since the mixing results from the Yukawa
couplings giving masses to the standard fermions, that is to say from the
Higgs-fermion vertices, a dominant source of vector-like fermion decays is through
Higgs exchange. Moreover, these vertices are proportional to the corresponding
gauge boson-fermion vertices, because the latter themselves arise from the interplay
of current- and mass-fermion eigenstates which result from the mass generation
itself and thus from the same Yukawa couplings. The arbitrariness is (as always) due
to the mass of the new particle being unknown. (The Z c o u p l i n g s - like the H
ones - imply tree level flavour changing neutral currents. Many consequences have
been discussed elsewhere [1 14].)
The main point of the paper, the large branching ratio of a new vector-like
fermion into a Higgs, was presented in ref. [12] for the case of a new down quark at
the Tevatron. Here we present a more detailed discussion with emphasis on the
backgrounds for the different colliders and for the different extra vector-like
fermions in the 27 + 27 representation of E 6 [15]. Vector-like fermion production at
e + e - colliders was discussed elsewhere [13], taking into consideration the possibility
of an extra neutral gauge boson Z'. New vector-like lepton doublets were previously
considered at the SSC [14]. In all cases only vector boson decays were studied. Cross
sections are expected to be small at HERA for new vector-like fermions would have
to be produced through their mixing with standard fermions.
In sect. 2 we present the simplest possible cases. We add to the standard model
first one extra vector-like fermion with the quantum numbers of a down singlet D
quark, then an up down quark doublet ( u ) , and then an up singlet U quark, as well
as a singlet charged lepton E and a neutral charged lepton doublet (NE)(a heavy
neutral singlet N would be produced through its mixing with standard leptons, and
the corresponding cross section is negligible). The relevant lagrangian is spelled out.
The production cross sections are similar to those of the standard fermions, whereas
the decay rates are dictated by the different particle masses and the corresponding
kinematics. In sect. 3 we discuss the signatures and backgrounds at hadron colliders
(we work at the parton level). Finally sect. 4 is devoted to generalizations and
lZ de/Aguila et a L / lliggs production 3
md m;
d~ m~ m
Z//a= (2.1)
m b m~
and zero elsewhere. MQ is the mass of the new vector-like down quark and m~ give
the mixing. The decay terms in table 1 result from working out the lagrangian in the
mass eigenstates to first order in m ~ / M << 1. (The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa
matrix, C, appears when the up quarks are taken into account.) For the other cases
we proceed in a similar way, the difference being the proper initial matrices. In
particular, for an extra quark doublet they read
UL ( A j
~'u =
UL m 1 m 2 m 3 M
g = C+ mc C',
k mt
dL ms
J~d = (2.2)
DL ml m2 m3 M
Relevant lagrangian terms for vector-like fermion production and decay
fermion Dominant production terms
+ Z - - eAp.JEM
g2 ZI,( NytH,¢
Ey~'E _ 2SWJEM
2 p. )
+ 2c w
gz - ,.1; _ mf \
-- D E - ttdci~7 D R) + h.c.
2Cw z~ ac, v~ MQ
__ D1 _ DI~
g2 mti _ ".l; . ]
2~'w Z~eL'V~MTEI" - tt~'77' EO + h.c.
,~ ( g2 __ ,*lj
=\ 7 W~+ NR YP" ML eRj
g2 -- D]j _ Dlj
2Cw Zt, E R y ~ ' ~ ep, j - l l E t f ' eR, ] + h.c.
F. del Aguila et al. / Higgs production 5
where the 3 × 3 matrix A includes the standard up quark masses, the C matrix and
a new mixing matrix C', which is a priori partially observable. One could eventually
measure m i and C/m*] - rh*, which are the effective mixing parameters. Contribu-
tions of order m~mJM (mimJM 2) to light fermion masses (Cabibbo-
Kobayashi-Maskawa matrices) are negligible in our analysis. The absence of v R in
the minimal standard model simplifies the corresponding leptonic lagrangian terms
in table 1. An important observation is that the dominant decay terms are all
Thus a new vector-like fermion F decays into W-+f, Zf and Hf (where f stands for
a standard fermion) with definite ratios, except for kinematical factors. The rates of
this novel source of boson production are similar for W +, Z and H. This distin-
guishes vector-like fermions, because if copiously produced at hadron colliders they
transform the latter into a small Higgs factory. The general conclusions for these
minimal extensions of the standard model will survive obvious generalizations as we
argue in sect. 4. Armed with table 1, we can now discuss production rates (we
concentrate on hadron colliders) and branching ratios. Note that new fermions are
mainly pair-produced because their mixing reduces associated production with
standard fermions.
a(ab-~Q~)X) = f ¢ ; dM[l"(gi/M)dv_ f ° dz - M2 X a X b
a2Mo aln( M/~/s ) -- z 0
X d7 ( qg~--+ QQ)
+S~"'(x., M2)f~e)(xb,
M2)~z (gg ~
Q~)) . (2.3)
Decay branching ratios for a vector-like heavy quark a
MQ = 150 G e V
MQ = 300 G e V
MQ = 700 G e V
aFor each boson we sum all the standard quark contributions. We take m t = 100 G c V and different
vector-like quark and Higgs masses. For each choice we display three cases: MQ >> Im~')l >2 Im{',)2], first
row: MQ >> Im[') I = Im[')l = Img')[, second row; MQ >> Im[[)2l >> [mg')l, third row.
a n d / o r H are independent of the mixing parameters. (That is, the f a c t o r s Iml')l 2/M(~
are c o m m o n to all the decays. Sometimes those ratios are written as additional
mixing angles [9].) This may not be a good approximation for the top quark mass,
m t. At any rate, according to table 1, a large m t would eventually translate into a
suppression of the Higgs decay rate for a new U quark singlet only for the case
m~ >> mr, 2. For a new D quark singlet such a heavy top results in an enhancement
of the Higgs branching ratio, whereas for a new (to) quark doublet the suppression
\ D /
As in the case of vector-like quarks, vector-like leptons couple little to the Higgs
and to longitudinal electroweak gauge bosons. (This makes inefficient the
8 F. del Aguila et al. / Higgs production
gluon-gluon and electroweak gauge boson fusion mechanisms [18, 23].) Then these
new leptons are mainly produced by the standard Drell-Yan mechanism. The cross
section for a charged lepton can be written
o( ab --+LLX) = f2¢TMLdMqn(M/~) dy
fin(eft~M) fozodz ~x,x~,
where z 0 = min[/}L 1 tanh(ln(v/7/M) - [y[), 1], flL = (1 -- 4M2/M 2) and (in stan-
dard notation) [13, 24]
daq .
~ra2 flL f
. .
2 2 2)
dz M 2 2
1 M4
and the different charges are given in table 4. (In ref. [20] there is an extra factor
( 3 - ilL)/2 in d%/dz which we do not find.) The difference with the standard
model case is the vector-like character (couplings) of the new leptons (see tables 1
and 4). For a new vector-like lepton doublet ( ~y ) the same equations apply for NN
and EE production, but with the corresponding changes in table 4. For NE
production the W interchange gives a dOud/dZ formally equal to eq. (2.6) but
without the photon interchange (terms proportional to eLeq) and with M z, F z
replaced by M w, F w. The corresponding charges Qiud,NE are also given in table 4.
F. de/Aguila et al. / ltiggs production 9
Electric charge e/, and vector v/ and axial a/ couplings for standard quarks and for vector-like leptons
Fermion ej ~) aI
u-quark type ~
x ,2
1 - ~s w 1
d-quark type - ~ - 1 + 4~,~'~,
2 1
E singlet - 1 4s w 0
N doublet 0 2 0
E doublet 1 - 2 + 4s w 0
ud charge -- ~2Cw ~/2c w
N E charge 2~/2c w 0
(Eq. (2.5) must be trivially modified to allow for the ud annihilation.) Table 5
collects the total cross sections [eq. (2.5)] for different lepton masses and hadron
colliders, for illustration. Comparing tables 2 and 5, it is apparent that leptons are
more difficult to produce than quarks at hadron colliders. However, signals are
more striking and backgrounds less important for the same reason, as we discuss in
subsect. 2.6. The decays of these new leptons are governed by the corresponding
lagrangian terms in table 1. In all cases total branching ratios into W +, Z and H are
independent of the mixing parameters ml '~ because standard lepton masses are
negligible! (There is the subtlety, however, of a possible large r branching ratio
m 3') >> ml,2),
(') in which case r misidentification may become a problem.) Table 6
collects, for illustration, the branching ratios for different mass values (the decay
rate expressions are analogous to those of vector-like quarks, eq. (2.4)). As can be
observed, decay rates into Higgs are always large - given that N and E are almost
degenerate in mass for the (NE) doublet, their production and signals must always be
summed up! Let us now translate the total cross section numbers into more realistic
numbers for signals and backgrounds.
Production cross sections (in pb) for heavy vector-like leptons at present and future collidcrs
NN EE NE- + NE +
Decay branching ratios for vector-likeheavy leptons. For each boson we sum all the standard
lepton contributions
L~Wv L-oZd L--*H/ L-oW/ L-~Zv L--'Hv L-oWv L-oZd L-oHc~
ML = 100 GeV
MH = 60 GeV 0.51 0.07 0.42 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.86
MH = 92 GeV 0.85 0.11 0,04 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.74 0.26
ML = 200 GeV
MH = 92 GeV 0.55 0.27 0.18 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.41
MH = 150 GeV 0.63 0.31 0.06 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.83 0.17
ML = 500 GeV
Mn = 150 GeV 0.52 0.27 0.21 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.55 0.45
Mn = 300 GeV 0.58 0.30 0.12 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.72 0.28
F r a c t i o n of (vector-like) QQ) decays into final states with at most one neutrino. {' s t a n d s for c a n d ~t. We
take an average for the b r a n c h i n g ratio into W, Z and H (see text) and assume that H always decays into
qq. F o r each mode wc give in parentheses the fraction of events with at least one Higgs
D e c a y mode ( F r a c t i o n of events
Signal fraction with a Higgs)
qTq[{{¢ 3 × 10 - 4 ( )
q~{f{v 4 × 10 . 3 ( )
qqq£q {'{ 0.03 (0.33 )
qYqqq[v 0.17 (0.33)
qqqqqq 0.59 (0.55)
quark singlets, whereas the difference with the ( ~ ) doublet is simply that in this
case both U and D contributions have to be summed up, due to the assumed
degeneracy of their masses, resulting in cross sections a factor of two larger than
those of the singlet cases (table 7b). This may not be enough to distinguish between
singlet and doublet vector-like quarks in hadron colliders. The best way to distin-
guish between them and a sequential quark is provided by the ratio
Total cross sections (in pb) for the signals with at least one lepton, and for different colliders and
illustrative vector-like q u a r k masses
MQ = 150 GeV 2 X 10 -3 0.03 0.2 1.3
MQ = 300 GeV 2 × 10 3 0.03 0.2 1.2
MQ = 700 G e V 3 × I0 4 4 × I0 -3 0.03 0.2
MQ = 700 GeV 4 × 10 3 0.05 0.4 2.4
E del A guila et al. / Higgs production 13
From table 7a it can be inferred that the most likely final state is the 6 yet one,
whereas the 4 lepton + 2 jet final states have the smallest branching ratios, and the 2
lepton + 4 jet events the intermediate ones. Let us turn now to the discussion of the
backgrounds of the Q~) signals.
The 6 jet signal competes with a presumably huge QCD background, and with
additional background from ti production. Although the complete 2g ~ 6g matrix
elements are already available [26], we did not consider such a signal in our analysis
of QQ production. On the contrary, the 4 lepton channels are the cleanest signals
from the experimental point of view, but at the price of having cross sections which
are too small. We are left therefore with 2 lepton channels and striking signatures of
two charged or one charged and missing transverse momentum plus 4 jets in the
final state. From table 7a one realizes that the charged current channel is a factor
6 times larger than the neutral one, so for illustration we concentrate our
discussion of backgrounds on the former case. (Remember that the ratio
d~jjjj/(vjjjj - 1/6(0) [eq. (3.2)] is the signature for vector-like (sequential) quarks,
implying that the study of both signals is necessary for a complete analysis.)
There are essentially three sources of {vjjjj backgrounds in the standard model:
The matrix elements of processes (ii) and (iii) are not available at the moment. The
same analysis we use for vector-like quarks can be applied to process (i), where the
only uncertain quantity is the top quark mass. For processes (ii) and (iii) we proceed
as follows. We take the background, Wjjjj or WWjj (with the appropriate subse-
quent decay of the W) and imagine considering in turn Wjj [27], Wjjj [28], Wjjjj or
WW [29], WWj [30], WWjj and apply the same set of cuts (when possible) to all
those processes with an increasing number of jets. Computing the cross sections for
the first process in both cases (given a set of cuts), one can obtain a rough estimate
of the other processes with additional jets multiplying the former results by a factor
0.2 for each extra jet present in the final state. Such a strategy, although
oversimplified, can be tested with the first step in the chains of additional jets and,
at this stage, proves to give good estimations of the results [28, 30]. This encourages
us to go one step further and present (rough) results of two extra jets with respect to
the initial, calculable processes. (Note that we cannot properly estimate the (essen-
tial) effect of Q reconstruction, which makes the use of the correct matrix elements
compulsory when they become available.)
The first process, ti background, turns out to be indistinguishable (except for the
total cross section) from the QQ signal in the fujjjj channel for M O - mt. One has
14 F. del Aguila et al. / Higgsproduction
Expected number of events (for the luminosities in table 2) for Q Q ---, w w j j ---, #vjjjj; tt ---, w w j j ~ dvjjjj
(where the top-type quark mass m t = mQ); Wjj ~ ( v j j , with the two Q C D jets well separated in the lego
plot (Sr > 0.5) and " f a k i n g " a W (Mji ~ [ M w + 10 GeV]); and the W W --, Evjj c o n t i n u u m . W e show the
worst case with m t = MQ: detection is simpler if the masses are different. All final fermions satisfy
transverse momentum, Pt, and pseudorapidity (except for the neutrino), ~/, cuts. The Wjj background is
less of a problem for the SSC than for L H C because a larger Pt cut can be used. In parentheses we
estimate the Wjjjj(WWjj) backgrounds multiplying the Wjj ( W W ) results b y a reduction factor 0.2 for
each additional jet. For the Tevatron, at the values used ( M e = 150 GeV, 10 p b - 1 / y r ) the number of
events is too small for a signal to be detected, but if MQ decreases a little or the luminosity increases a
little, detection should be possible
to rely on the {•jjjj signal to distinguish them: for QQ) production the cross sections
are smaller than for Evjjjj, whereas for t] the #~jjjj signal is absent (due to the
absence of tree level flavour changing neutral currents for standard quarks). For
MQ >> m t the top background in the charged channel could be reduced below the
new signal.
In table 8 we give the estimated number of events (using the luminosities of table
2) for the (vjjjj signal (we took into account that only 44% of the signal comes from
W ---, q~t), top, Wjjjj and WWjj backgrounds. We demanded that the final fermions
satisfy the pseudorapidity (except for the v) and transverse momentum cuts speci-
fied in table 8. We also give the expected number of events for Wjj and WW
processes. The Wjj sample was demanded to satisfy two additional cuts: M5 E [M w
+ 10 GeV], in which two jets "fake" a W, and with both jets well separated in the
lego plot, 8r = ~/(80) 2 + (8~) 2 > 0.5, where 80 is the separation on the azimuthal
angle in the transverse plane and 8~ the corresponding separation in pseudorapid-
ity. We find, with our set of cuts and heavy quark masses, that the signal becomes
comparable to the Wjj and WW processes for the SSC, and is one or two orders of
magnitude smaller for the other colliders. Once one estimates the real six fermion
backgrounds of the signals (see above) one concludes that signals are of the same
F. del Aguila et al. / ttiggs production 15
order as the backgrounds for the Tevatron, U N K and LHC colliders, and dominate
by - 2 orders of magnitude the background at the SSC. The main reason for larger
background/signal ratios at U N K and LHC is the more relaxed cuts (compared to
the ones required at the other colliders). We made these choices for illustration,
without optimizing cuts. More stringent cuts on Pt would greatly reduce these ratios
and, to some extent, also the signals [31].
Since the capability of hadron colliders for efficiently producing heavy quark
pairs has been established, we discuss how to determine the masses of the particles
involved and their character. The first indication of a new quark is a measured cross
section larger than expected from the standard model sources of {pjjjj events. QQ
initiated processes would be identified (and the heavy quark mass measured)
MQ -~ Mw(e~)j -~ Mw(jj)j , (3.3)
where one of the four jets will be associated with the lepton pair. (Only the
transverse momentum of the neutrino is known through the missing transverse
momentum measurement. Assuming that Ev comes from a real W, the longitudinal
momentum of the u can be determined up to a sign, and both possibilities have to
be taken into account.) As we stated above the neutral-to-charged ratio in eq. (3.2)
then allows us to distinguish vector-like and sequential quarks. Previously a similar
analysis of the gZjjjj sample had to be performed, in particular one should require
Finally, for vector-like quarks one can look for a intermediate mass Higgs in the
initial ( ~ , ~'~)jjjj samples, relaxing eqs. (3.3) and (3.4) and requiring only
and then plotting the invariant mass of two of the three jets reconstructing M e. The
standard gauge boson peaks corresponding to W, Z, H --* qY:t must be observable. A
scatter plot of the hypothetical MQ versus Mjj could be used to enhance
signal/background, by selecting the regions that have a concentration for Me and
have Mjj = M z, M w or a concentration at any possible M . . Note that eq. (3.5)
ensures the sample to be ti background free and to have a small contamination of
the other backgrounds we consider.
In addition, other samples, as for instance the samples with more than one v
(although they are harder to control) should be consistent with the results we could
find. Also, if some L'~EZjj events with
Vector-like lepton cross sections are smaller than the vector-like quark ones at
hadron colliders, because leptons are mainly produced by Drell-Yan fusion. This
translates into a smaller upper bound on the accessible vector-like masses.
Once a LL pair has been produced, its signals involve two leptons plus either four
extra jets, or two extra leptons and two jets, or four additional leptons, depending
on the decay channels of the two bosons into which each initial lepton decays. The
decay fractions for a singlet E and a doublet ( ~ ) into signals including at most one
neutrino are given in table 9a. In parentheses we give the fraction of Higgs mediated
events. We have approximated the W / Z / H branching ratios to 2 / 1 / 1 for the E
singlet, although the values quoted in table 6 oscillate for the illustrative cases we
consider, especially for the choices of masses near threshold. Within such an
approximation, the relative gauge boson content in EE events is the same as for the
D D case, given in eq. (3.1). In the doublet case, N always decays into WE and E
into either Z f or HC with rates given in table 6. We approximate the Z / H ratio to
one for table 9. In this case the relative total gauge boson content depends on the
production cross section (table 5) because, in contrast with the quark case, they are
flavour dependent. In table 9b we give the total cross sections (with no cuts) for the
different signals and colliders we consider. The E~tvjj, f6jjjj and E~jjjj are the
biggest ones. Let us discuss the E~jjjj signal first. The lepton pair does not come
from a common source. In fact E(~) originates from L(L), so their joint invariant
mass is not restricted to be close to M z. This simple characteristic allows us to
distinguish such 2 lepton + 4 jet signal from many of the possible backgrounds
(vector-like quarks included!). These contain either EZ pairs from Z decays or from
WW ~ t~vl, where missing Pt is present and gives a distinctive signature from the
one we are considering. (The same argument can be formulated saying that the two
leptons resulting from the two-body decays of the new heavy leptons, are often back
to back (in the transverse plane) as has been emphasized [32] for standard heavy
leptons, in contradistinction with possible backgrounds from W a n d / o r Z produc-
tion). We have not performed a careful analysis of the background contribution to
the E2qClqq signal, but we believe that they have to be very small when race is far
from M z. (Another possibility for producing (~ with m ~? ~ M z would be processes
with 4 leptons where two of them escape detection. However, their contributions are
expected to be small.) Thus, in order to look for a heavy lepton in the f(jjjj sample,
with all final leptons and jets satisfying the cuts on pseudorapidity and transverse
momentum (similarly as for quarks in subsect. 3.1), one demands the lepton pair
mass to be somewhat larger than m z in order to reject all Z contributions. The
remaining events should be analyzed looking for one lepton-two jet associations
such that
M ejj -~ Mejj = M L , (3.7)
M L being the measured mass of the reconstructed heavy lepton. The expected
T h e s a m e as in table 7 b u t for (vector-like) L L
Decay mode ( F r a c t i o n of events Decay mode ( F r a c t i o n o f events Decay mode ( F r a c t i o n of events Decay mode ' F r a c t i o n of events
Signal fraction with a Higgs) fraction w i t h a Higgs) fraction with a H i g g s ) fraction w i t h a Higgs)
{?{'?(? 3 × 10 - 4 ( ) -- ( ) 10 3 (_) _ ( ) .~
f(E/~{'v ( ) (--) -- (--) 7 X 10 . 3 (--)
#?#?q7~ 0.01 (0.59) -- (--) 0.06 (0.59) 0.02 ( )
{?#vq7~ 0.01 (--) 0.30 ( ) -- (--) 0.19 (0.59) ~.
d~q~qq 0.18 (0.83) 0.46 ( ) 0.72 (0.83) 0.58 (0.59) ~"
{vqqqq 0.29 (0.59) ( ) ( ) ( )
M e = 100 G e V 3 × 10 - 5 3 x 10 - 4 -- 4 X 10 3 10 3 0.03 10 - 3 0.2 0.02 0.7 0.03 --
10 4 - - 2×10 3 7×10 4
M L = 200 G e V 10 s 0.01 5 x 10 4 0.08 9 × 10 - 3 0.3 0.01
M L = 500 G e V 10 - 6 10 s 2×10 -4 5x10 .5 l0 3 4×10 s 8×10 3 7×10 4 0.03 10 - 3
M L=500GeV 5x10 -6 4x 10 - 5 -- 9x10 -4 2x10 -4 5x10 3 2x10 4 0.04 3×10 3 0.1 5x10 3 _
18 k] del Aguila et al. / Higgs production
Expected n u m b e r of events (for the luminosities in table 2) for the d o m i n a n t LL decay signals. All final
fermions satisfy transverse m o m e n t u m , Pt, and pseudorapidity (except for the neutrino), 7, cuts. We
also cut on the invariant mass of the two leptons Mgt ' ~,~ to enforce that they do not originate from a Z
or W decay. (For the E~{ujj signal see the text)
number of events for the different vector-like leptons and hadron colliders consid-
ered (using the luminosities quoted in table 2) are given in table 10 for a given
choice of the heavy lepton mass, and the cuts indicated. Standard sequential heavy
leptons have similar cross sections and signals. However, they can be distinguished
from the vector-like ones with a good reconstruction of the mass of the two jets Mjj
accompanying the lepton [see eq. (3.7)]. If a sizable number of events have m~ -- m z
(E singlets decay into a Z 64% of the time, and ( ~ ) doublets do it often), we would
have a clear indication of the vector-like nature of the leptons. (Standard ones only
decay into W, through charged currents.)
A similar analysis must be done for t%jjjj once M L is known (from the E~ajjjj
analysis). Events satisfying
-- -- a c L (3.8)
would establish the singlet vector-like nature of the heavy leptons (see table 10). In
this case the primary E decay gives vW with subsequent boson decay into qq, so the
jet pair associated to the v must fulfill M~ = M w.
Finally the signal {ta{'ujj can be analyzed in a similar way and used to check the
consistency of the results obtained from the other channels.
Vector-like fermions are, like vector-like quarks, a source of Higgs production,
which shows up via the invariant mass of the two-jet pairs accompanying the
standard final leptons (except for the g't~gvjj channel and for the singlet E). The
quoted fractions of events with a Higgs in table 9a were estimated assuming an
intermediate Higgs mass and that H ---, qq with a branching ratio equal 1.
F. del Aguila et al. / Higgs production 19
A final comment is devoted to the ~- lepton. Our analysis for L decays relies on a
good lepton (e,/~) identification. However~ if the mixing parameters were such that
m~') >> m[')2, the ~- lepton would be copiously produced in L decays. If it could not
be efficiently identified, a more careful (and involved) analysis would be required
and our conclusions should be revised.
Expected n u m b e r of events for the dominant F F signals in the Higgs channel, with the same cuts as in
tables 8 and 10
MQ = 150 GeV D = U
I~1 < 4 4 0.6
MQ = 300 GeV D = U
I~1 < 4 32 5
MQ = 700 GeV D = U
t~1 < 4 196 30
1 U
pt > 50 GeV =2(D)
M E = 500 GeV E 1
I~1 < 4
p,> 50GeV (N) 31
MQ = 700 GeV D = U
Inl < 4 699 107
i U
Pt> 10GeV =2(D)
M L = 500 GeV E 4
I~1 < 4
133 28
Mee, z~ > 200 GeV
F. del Aguila et al. / Higgs production 21
For leptons an extra cut on the invariant mass of the two leptons produced in the
initial two-body decays (the only two leptons in the dominant signals) is required to
get rid of the large backgrounds resulting from Z ~ g( and W ~ t'v production,
M~?,~,,>> M z. Having established the existence of a new heavy fermion, to distin-
guish between a vector-like and a sequential one we must compare charged and
neutral decay processes. Finally, looking at the two jet invariant mass of the three
partons reconstructing M v (for M H < 2Mw) in the complete FF sample, the Higgs
can be detected and its mass M n measured.
Our numerical results were rough estimates because, in particular, we worked at
the parton level and neglected QCD corrections, with no proper background
estimates, without detector simulation, etc .... We did not discuss extreme cases
where the mixing parameters are chosen to force the new vector-like quark (lepton)
to decay mainly into a heavy top (~-). In view of the numerical results we believe
that our approximations are sufficient to have a good grasp of the main physics.
Vector-like leptons have cross sections too small for detection at present hadron
colliders, whereas a relative light vector-like quark (Me > Mw) could be detectable
at the Tevatron (but not at the SpaS). Larger hadron colliders, in particular the
SSC, have more chances of discovering the presence of heavy (vector-like) fermions.
We have discussed the simplest extensions of the standard model with extra
vector-like fermions. If more than one heavy vector-like fermion exists, the analysis
still holds. The mass terms invariant under the standard model symmetries (which
are the main source of vector-like fermion masses) can be diagonalized without any
loss of generality, and what we discussed above applies to each mass eigenstate of
the vector-like fermions. Each vector-like family will have its own mass and mixings
with the standard fermions. If the new replicas were degenerate in mass, their cross
sections would add (in particular, for three families, the cross sections would be
three times larger [12]). In models with an extended and complicated Higgs sector
the details may be different (as in the case of supersymmetric models, which are
under consideration). A fourth sequential family a n d / o r large mC)/MF mixings
may invalidate our approximations (for we only keep leading terms in mCl/Mv)
and part of our conclusions.
Our basic purpose is simply to alert experimenters to the new opportunities to
explore the Higgs sector should vector-like quarks (leptons) exist. If they do exist,
the Tevatron collider becomes a Higgs boson factory instead of a machine where
low production rates and difficult signatures render it essentially useless for Higgs
bosons, and at the SSC it becomes far easier to find intermediate-mass Higgs
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