The Evolutionary Stability of Optimism, Pessimism and Complete Ignorance
The Evolutionary Stability of Optimism, Pessimism and Complete Ignorance
The Evolutionary Stability of Optimism, Pessimism and Complete Ignorance
November 2005
*Burkhard C. Schipper, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA
95616, USA.
Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SFB/TR 15 is gratefully acknowledged.
Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 15 ·
Universität Mannheim · Freie Universität Berlin · Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin · Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn · Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung Mannheim
Speaker: Prof. Konrad Stahl, Ph.D. · Department of Economics · University of Mannheim · D-68131 Mannheim,
Phone: +49(0621)1812786 · Fax: +49(0621)1812785
The Evolutionary Stability of Optimism,
Pessimism and Complete Ignorance∗
Burkhard C. Schipper†
Department of Economics
University of California, Davis
We provide an evolutionary foundation to evidence that in some situations humans
maintain optimistic or pessimistic attitudes towards uncertainty and are ignorant to rel-
evant aspects of the environment. Players in strategic games face Knightian uncertainty
about opponents’ actions and maximize individually their Choquet expected utility. Our
Choquet expected utility model allows for both an optimistic or pessimistic attitude towards
uncertainty as well as ignorance to strategic dependencies. An optimist (resp. pessimist)
overweights good (resp. bad) outcomes. A complete ignorant never reacts to opponents’
change of actions. With qualifications we show that optimistic (resp. pessimistic) complete
ignorance is evolutionary stable / yields a strategic advantage in submodular (resp. super-
modular) games with aggregate externalities. Moreover, this evolutionary stable preference
leads to Walrasian behavior in those classes of games.
I thank Aviad Heifetz, David Kelsey, Jörg Oechssler and seminar participants in Bonn and ESWC London
for helpful discussions. Financial support by the DFG through SFB/TR 15 is gratefully acknowledged.
Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA,
1 Introduction
The motivation for this work is twofold: First, we want to provide an evolutionary foundation
for why humans maintain in some situations an optimistic or pessimistic attitude towards un-
certainty and are ignorant to strategic aspects. This is closely related to the question about
when do optimism, pessimism and ignorance yield a strategic advantage. Second, on a more
theoretical level, we want to study how we can restrict by evolutionary arguments degrees of
freedom in models with Knightian uncertainty, ambiguity or imprecise beliefs. In particular,
we want to endogeneize by evolutionary arguments a player’s attitude towards Knightian un-
certainty as well as the amount of Knightian uncertainty over opponents’ actions in strategic
In the literature on social psychology, there is evidence for biases in information processing
and their relation to “success”. For example, Seligman and Schulman (1986) found that more
optimistic health insurance agents sold more policies during the first year of employment and
were less likely to quit. Cooper, Dunkelberg, and Woo (1988), using interviews, found that
self-assessed chances of new entrepreneurs’ success are uncorrelated with education, prior ex-
perience, and start-up capital, and are overly optimistic. Taylor and Brown (1988) found that
mentally healthy individuals maintain some unrealistic optimism whereas depressed individuals
have more accurate perceptions. Most studies focus on a positive bias in self-evaluations or
overconfidence in own skills and abilities (e.g. Svenson, 1981). This is perhaps distinct from a
systematic bias in judging the impact of uncertain events on one’s life. Studies on individual
decision making show that the majority of subjects shy away from uncertain prospects like in
the Ellsberg’s paradox (Ellsberg, 1961, for a survey see for example Camerer and Weber, 1992).
To summarize, there is evidence on optimism in psychology and evidence on pessimism in the
literature on individual decision making. This may suggest that both types of belief biases are
present in the majority of the population and are not stable across situations. An individual
may hold optimistic beliefs in some situations but pessimistic beliefs in some other situations.
We do not know of any experimental study that analyzes this hypothesis. In this article we
seek an evolutionary explanation and show that the bias may depend on the strategic situation.
We model Knightian uncertainty, ambiguity or imprecise beliefs by Choquet expected util-
ity theory (CEU). This concerns situations where probabilities may be unknown or imperfectly
known as opposed to a situations under risk where probabilities are known, a distinction made
by Knight (1921). In CEU the decision maker’s belief is represented by non-additive probabili-
ties so called capacities, i.e., probabilities that do not necessarily add up to one, see Schmeidler
(1989). Decision makers maximize the expected value of a utility function with respect to a
capacity, and the expectation is the Choquet integral (Choquet, 1953-54, Schmeidler, 1989).
Various axiomatizations of CEU have been presented such as by Schmeidler (1989), Gilboa
(1987) and Sarin and Wakker (1992). We make use of a parameterized version of CEU with
respect to neo-additive capacities (see Chatenauneuf, Eichberger, and Grant, 2005). This class
includes as special cases Subjective expected utility (SEU) as well as various preferences for de-
cision making under complete ignorance such as Minimax (Wald, 1951), Maximax, and Hurwicz
preferences (Hurwicz, 1951, Arrow and Hurwicz, 1972).
Since CEU is a generalization of conventional Subjective expected utility theory (SEU), it
has more degrees of freedom like the degrees of ignorance and degrees of optimism and pes-
simism defined in the next section. It is natural to ask how to select among the degrees of
optimism/pessimism and ignorance. A possible answer could be provided in an evolutionary
framework: If evolution chooses preferences parameterized by those degrees of freedom, which
one would it choose? To study such questions, we make use of the literature on Choquet ex-
pected utility in strategic games, in which players face Knigthian uncertainty about opponents’
actions (see for instance Dow and Werlang, 1994, Eichberger and Kelsey, 2000, 2002, Mari-
nacci, 2000, and Eichberger, Kelsey, and Schipper, 2005). Contrary to the major motivation
for Knightian uncertainty, according to which it is difficult to assign probabilities to unfamil-
iar situations, we show that even after a very large number of repeated interactions implicitly
assumed to be behind evolution, players may be still have biased beliefs and are completely
Our work is directly related to the growing literature on the evolution of preferences (see
the special issue of the Journal of Economic Theory, 2001, and for example more recent work
by Heifetz, Shannon and Spiegel, 2005) that started with Güth and Yaari (1992) and Güth
(1995). However, we employ Schaffer’s (1988, 1989) notion of evolutionary stability for finite
populations because we believe that in many situations of economic relevance, players “play
the field”, i.e., all players in a finite set of players play a game. Schaffer’s notion also allows
for an interpretation as contest since it is closely related to relative profit maximization (for
other applications of Schaffer’s notion see Shubik and Levitan, 1980, Hehenkamp, Leininger,
and Possajennikov, 2004, Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005). There are a few articles that study the
evolution of attitudes towards risk (Rubin and Paul, 1979, Karni and Schmeidler, 1986, Cooper,
1987, Sinn and Weichenrieder, 1993, Sinn, 2003, Robson, 1996a, 1996b, To, 1999, Dekel and
Scotchmer, 1999, Wärneryd, 2002) although in a very different setting compared to ours. None
of those studies concerns strategic uncertainty. Most of those studies lend support for expected
utility theory. Robson (1996a) also considers an extension of his model in which non-expected
utility can evolve. A study which is probably most closely related to ours is Skaperdas (1991),
who studies the advantage of risk attitudes in a specific conflict game. We don’t know of any
study that considers the evolution of non-expected utility in a strategic context.
The classes of strategic games studied in this work are submodular games as well as su-
permodular games with aggregation and externalities. These classes include many prominent
examples in economics (see the discussion section). We can make use of results on monotone
comparative statics of optimal solutions of submodular or supermodular functions (see Topkis,
1998). Moreover, we can apply results on finite population evolutionary stability for submod-
ular and supermodular games with aggregation (Schipper, 2003, 2005, Alós-Ferrer and Ania,
To illustrate the intuition for our results, consider for example a version of a Nash bargain-
ing game. Let there be two players who simultaneously demand a share of a fixed pie. If the
demands sum up to less than 100% of the pie, then the pie is shared according to the demands.
Otherwise, players receive nothing. Let each player face Knightian uncertainty about the oppo-
nents’ demand. Suppose that a player is a pessimist. Then she overweights bad demands by the
opponent, i.e., she overweights large demands by the opponent. The more pessimistic the belief,
the lower is the best-response demand because the player fears the incompatibility of demands
resulting in zero payoffs. Could such pessimistic beliefs be evolutionary stable? Suppose the
opponent (the “mutant”) is not as pessimistic, then his best-response is a larger demand. If
demands add up to less than 100%, this opponent is strictly better off than the pessimist, oth-
erwise both get nothing and he is not worse off. Thus pessimism can’t be evolutionary stable.
Is optimism evolution stable? Suppose the opponent is an extreme optimist in the sense that
he believes that the opponent will demand zero, then the best-response is to demand 100%. If
the opponent does indeed demand zero, the extreme optimist is strictly better off. Otherwise,
if the opponent does demand some strict positive share, then both receive nothing and the
extreme optimist is not worse off. Thus there is no preference with an attitude towards Knight-
ian uncertainty that would successfully invade a set of extremely optimistic players because an
optimist can not be made worse off relative to other players.
The example of the Nash bargaining game is also an example for the evolutionary stability
of complete ignorance. A completely ignorant player demands as if the opponent was not there.
The evolutionary stability of (to some degree) optimistic preferences with complete ignorance
holds with qualifications not only for the Nash bargaining game but for an entire class of games
characterized by a general notion of strategic substitutes, so called submodular games. Similarly,
we show that preferences reflecting extreme pessimism and complete ignorance are evolutionary
stable in games with some general notion of strategic complements, i.e., supermodular games.
Our contributions are as follows: To our knowledge, we present the first study of the evolu-
tion of Choquet expected utility including Maximin, Maximax, Hurwicz preferences and Subjec-
tive expected utility in strategic contexts. Moreover, it is the first study that tries to endogenize
the players’ attitudes towards Knightian uncertainty and ignorance towards strategic dependen-
cies in games. Hence we are able to select among equilibria of Knightian uncertainty. We show
with qualifications that a preference with optimism (resp. pessimism) and complete ignorance
is evolutionary stable in submodular (resp. supermodular) games with aggregate externalities.
Moreover, this evolutionary stable preference leads to Walrasian behavior in those classes of
games. Our results on the existence and monotone comparative statics of equilibrium under
Knightian uncertainty, that are helpful for deriving our results, may be of interest on its own
right since they are more general than what is known in the literature.
The article is organized as follows: In the next section we present some concepts that
turn out to be useful in the analysis. In section 3 we present strategic games with Knightian
uncertainty, define equilibrium and prove existence. This is followed by results on the monotone
comparative statics of equilibrium with respect to optimism/pessimism in section 4. Our main
results on evolutionary stable preferences are contained in section 5. We finish in section 6 with
a discussion, including a discussion on the irrelevance of the observability of preferences for our
results, the interpretation of our results as contests and potential applications. Some proofs are
collected in the appendix.
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Orders
A partially ordered set hX, Di is a set X with a binary relation D that is reflexive, antisymmetric,
and transitive. The dual of a set X with a partial order D is the same set X with a partial
order D0 such that for x0 , x00 ∈ X, x0 D0 x00 if and only if x00 D x0 . A chain is a partially ordered
set that does not contain an unordered pair of elements, i.e., a totally or completely ordered
set. A lattice hX, Di is a partially ordered set in which each pair of elements x, y ∈ X has a
least upper bound (join) denoted by x ∨ y = supX {x, y} and a greatest lower bound (meet)
denoted by x ∧ y = inf X {x, y} contained in this set. A lattice hX, Di is complete if for every
nonempty Y ⊆ X, supX Y and inf X Y exist in X. A sublattice Y of a lattice X is a subset
Y ⊆ X for which each pair of elements in Y the join and meet is contained in Y . A sublattice
Y of a lattice X is subcomplete if for each nonempty subset Y 0 ⊆ Y , supX (Y 0 ) and inf X (Y 0 )
exist and is contained in Y . The interval-topology on a lattice X is the topology for which each
closed set is either X, ∅, or of type {y ∈ X|x D y, y D z}. A lattice is complete if and only if
it is compact in its interval-topology (Frink, 1942, Birkhoff, 1967, see Topkis, 1998, pp. 29).
We assume that all lattices are endowed with a topology finer then the interval-topology, and
that all products of topological spaces are endowed with the product topology.1 For a lattice
hX, Di with A, B ⊆ X, B is higher than A if a ∈ A, b ∈ B implies that a ∨ b ∈ B and a ∧ b ∈ A
(strong set order). We then abuse notation and write B D A. A function (correspondence) f
from a partially ordered set X to a partially ordered set Y is increasing (decreasing) if x00 D x0
in X implies f (x00 ) D (E)f (x0 ). It is strictly increasing (decreasing) if we replace “D (E)” with
its non-reflexive part “B(C)” in the previous sentence.
If inequality (2) holds strictly then f has strictly increasing (decreasing) differences.
Functions defined on a finite product of chains that have increasing differences on this
product are also supermodular on this product (Topkis, 1998, Corollary 2.6.1.). A familiar
characterization of increasing differences in many economic problems is as follows: If f : Rn −→
R is twice-continuously differentiable then f has (strictly) increasing differences on Rn if and
∂ 2 f (x)
only if ∂x i ∂xj
≥ (>)0 for all i 6= j and x. An analogous result holds for (strictly) decreasing
A few results will hold for a weaker ordinal version of increasing (decreasing) differences,
the (dual) single crossing property (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994). A real valued function f on
a partially ordered set X × T satisfies the (dual) single crossing property in (x, t) on X × T if
for all x00 B x0 and t00 B t0 ,
This is important later for existence of Equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty.
We say that f satisfies the strict (dual) single crossing property in (x, t) on X × T if for all
x00 B x0 and t00 B t0 ,
Let N be the finite set of players i = 1, ..., n. Each player’s set of actions is a sublattice Ai of
a lattice X. We write An = ×i∈N Ai , with a typical element being a ∈ An . Player i’s payoff
function is πi : An −→ R. We denote by A−i = ×j∈N \{i} Aj . A typical element of A−i is a−i .
G = hN, (Ai ), (πi )i denotes a strategic game (with lattice action space). A Nash equilibrium in
pure actions of the strategic game G is an action profile a∗ ∈ An such that for all i ∈ N ,
Let E(G) ⊆ An denote the set of pure Nash equilibria of the game G.
A strategic game G is (strictly) supermodular if for each player i ∈ N the payoff function
πi is supermodular in ai on Ai for each a−i ∈ A−i and has (strictly) increasing differences in
(ai , a−i ) on An . A strategic game G is (strictly) submodular if for each player i ∈ N the payoff
function πi is (strictly) supermodular (!) in ai on Ai for each a−i ∈ A−i and has (strictly)
decreasing differences in (ai , a−i ) on An .
A strategic game G has positive (negative) externalities if for each player i ∈ N the payoff
πi (ai , a−i ) is increasing (decreasing) in a−i on A−i for each ai ∈ Ai . A strategic game G has
strictly positive (negative) externalities if the strict versions hold.
In the following text we will assume that A−i is a subcomplete sublattice of An for all i ∈ N .
Definition 3 (Aggregative Game) A strategic game G with ordered action space is aggrega-
tive if there exists an aggregator ℵ : X × X −→ X such that
(ii) Induction: ℵk (a1 , ..., ak ) = ℵ(ℵk−1 (a1 , ..., ak−1 ), ak ), for k = 2, ..., n;
(iii) Symmetry: ℵk is symmetric for k = 1, ..., n, i.e., ℵk (a1 , ..., ak ) = ℵk (af (1) , ..., af (k) ) for all
bijections f : {1, ..., k} −→ {1, ..., k}, for k = 1, ..., n;
(iv) Order-preservation: ℵk is order-preserving for k = 1, ..., n, i.e., if (a1 , ..., ak ) E (a01 , ..., a0k )
implies ℵk (a1 , ..., ak ) E ℵk (a01 , ..., a0k ), for k = 1, ..., n;
and the payoff function πi is defined on Ai × X for all players i ∈ N .
This definition is similar to Alós-Ferrer and Ania (2005). Aggregative games are also con-
sidered by Corchón (1994), Schipper (2003) and Cornes and Hartley (2005). Many games with
ordered action sets in the literature have the aggregation property. See discussion section for
This notion is due to Possanjenikov (2002). Note that an ATS generalizes naturally the
competitive outcome or the Walrasian outcome in oligopoly games (see also Vega-Redondo,
1997, Schipper, 2003, Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005). Alós-Ferrer and Ania (2005) provide a
straight-forward existence result for games satisfying a weaker ordinal property of increasing
differences, i.e., the single-crossing property, based on Topkis (1998), Milgrom and Shannon
(1994) and Tarski’s fixed-point theorem.
We say that an aggregative game G is (strictly) supermodular if it is supermodular and for
each player i ∈ N the payoff function πi has (strictly) increasing differences in (ai , ℵn (a)) on
Ai × X. An aggregative game G is (strictly) submodular if it is (strictly) submodular and for
each player i ∈ N the payoff function πi has (strictly) decreasing differences in (ai , ℵn (a)) on
Ai × X.
We say that an aggregative game G has positive (resp. negative) aggregate externalities if
it has positive (negative) externalities and for each player i ∈ N the payoff πi (ai , ℵn (a)) is
increasing (resp. decreasing) in ℵn (a) for each ai ∈ Ai . An aggregative game G has strict
positive (resp. negative) aggregate externalities if the strict versions hold.
Lemma 1 Let G = hN, (Ai ), (πi )i be an aggregative strategic game, and let a◦ be a symmetric
ATS profile and a∗ be a symmetric Nash equilibrium of G. If the aggregative game G is such
that πi satisfies
(i) the dual single crossing property in (ai , ℵn (a)) on Ai × X and G has strict negative (resp.
positive) aggregate externalities, or
(ii) the strict dual single crossing property in (ai , ℵn (a)) on Ai × X and G has negative (resp.
positive) aggregate externalities,
then a◦ D a∗ (resp. a◦ E a∗ ).
The proof is contained in the appendix. As a corollary, the lemma implies the result for
aggregative strict submodular games with aggregate externalities or aggregative submodular
games with strict aggregate externalities.
2.3 Optimism, Pessimism and Complete Ignorance
Given that a player’s belief is represented by a neo-additive capacity, her (Choquet) ex-
pected utility from an action ai ∈ Ai is represented by the Choquet integral (for a proof see
Chatenauneuf, Eichberger, and Grant, 2005).
Lemma 2 (Choquet Integral) Let πi : Ai × Ω −→ R be player i’s payoff function such that
♥i (ai ) := maxω∈Ω πi (ai , ω) and zi (ai ) := minω∈Ω πi (ai , ω) exist. Player i’s Choquet expected
utility from an action ai with respect to her neo-additive capacity νi is given by
ui (ai , νi ) = δi [αi ♥i (ai ) + (1 − αi )zi (ai )] + (1 − δi )Eµi [πi (ai , ω)], (8)
with Eµi [πi (ai , ω)] being the expected payoff with respect to the probability distribution µi on
(Ω, Σ).
Intuitively, a neo-additive capacity describes a situation in which the decision maker i has
an additive probability distribution µi over outcomes but also lacks confidence in this belief.
In the literature (e.g. Eichberger, Kelsey and Schipper, 2005), neo-additive capacities are also presented by
νi (E) = λi + (1 − λi − γi )µi (E), ∅ $ E $ Ω, νi (∅) = 0, νi (Ω) = 1, µi a probability distribution on a state space
Ω, and λi , γi ∈ [0, 1] such that 0 ≤ γi ≤ 1, 0 ≤ λi ≤ 1 − γi . The Choquet integral is given by
This is isomorph to the parametrization used here. I.e., we can set λi = αi δi and γi = (1 − αi )δi .
Note that if δi = 0, then the parameter αi ∈ [0, 1] can be arbitrary.
She reacts to this ambiguity with overweighting good or bad outcomes. A decision maker
is optimistic (pessimistic) if she overweights good (bad) outcomes. The latter interpretation
is based on Wakker (2001) and justified in our context by Chatenauneuf, Eichberger, and
Grant (2005), who provide also an axiomatization of Choquet expected utility with neo-additive
CEU with neo-additive capacities entails several familiar decision theoretic approaches as
special cases. Cases 1 to 3 concern decision making under complete ignorance.
1. If δi = 1 and αi = 0, preferences have the Minimax form and are extremely pessimistic
(Wald, 1951);
2. if δi = 1 and αi = 1, preferences have the Maximax form and exhibit a maximal degree
of optimism;
3. if δi = 1 and αi ∈ [0, 1], these preferences coincide with the Hurwicz criterion, (see
Hurwicz, 1951, and Arrow and Hurwicz, 1972);
4. if δi = 0 and αi ∈ [0, 1], the belief coincides with a conventional probability distribution.
In particular the capacity is additive, i.e., A, B ⊆ Ω, A∩B = ∅, νi (A∪B) = νi (A)+νi (B).
This is the case of Subjective expected utility (SEU).
In the literature on Knightian uncertainty in strategic games, several solution concepts have
been suggested. In the discussion-section we will show that our solution implies notions by Dow
and Werlang (1994), Eichberger and Kelsey (2000) and Marinacci (2000).
(Strict) Supermodularity or submodularity of G is preserved under “perturbations” with
Knightian uncertainty as modelled by Choquet expected utility with neo-additive capacities.
Lemma 3 If G is (strictly) supermodular then G((α), (δ)) is (strictly) supermodular for any
((α), (δ)) ∈ [0, 1]n × [0, 1]n . The analogous result holds for G being (strictly) submodular.
Often the literature makes use of weaker ordinal notions of supermodularity. Those notions
may not appropriate for our model as following remark asserts.
Given the game G((α), (β)), let player i’s best response correspondence be defined by
Lemma 4 If G is supermodular (submodular) then for any i ∈ N and any (αi , δi ) ∈ [0, 1]2 , the
best response bi (a−i , αi , δi ) is a sublattice of Ai and increasing (decreasing) in a−i on {a−i ∈
A−i : bi (a−i , αi , δi ) 6= ∅}.
If the Hurwicz criterion is satisfied, i.e., the player is completely ignorant, then her objective
function does not depend on the opponents’ actions. This leads to the following observation:
Remark 3 If δi = 1, then bi (a−i , αi , 1) is trivially constant in a−i on A−i for any αi ∈ [0, 1].
We are able state general results on the existence of equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty.
Note that in Proposition 1 we do not claim that the set of equilibria under Knightian
uncertainty is a sublattice of An . Thus if a = (a1 , ..., an ) and a0 = (a01 , ..., a0n ) are both equilibria
under Knightian uncertainty for G((α), (δ)) then (a1 ∨ a01 , ..., an ∨ a0n ) and (a1 ∧ a01 , ..., an ∧ a0n )
may not be equilibria under Knightian uncertainty for the game G((α), (δ)) (see for an example
Zhou (1994), p. 299).
Proof. This follows from Proposition 1 and a result by Echenique (2003) who observed that
the set of Nash equilibria forms a sublattice in two-player games with totally ordered action
sets and for which each player’s best response correspondence is increasing in the strong set
order (e.g. supermodular games).
Kukushkin (1994) requires for each player a real-valued compact action set, an upper hemi-
continuous best response correspondence with a single-valued selection that is decreasing in the
additive aggregate of opponents’ actions. Last assumption is slightly weaker than decreasing
best responses in the additive aggregate of opponents’ actions that result from decreasing dif-
ferences of the Choquet expected payoffs in (ai , a−i ) on An in our case. The pseudo-potential
approach to existence by Dubey, Haimanko and Zapechelnyuk (2004) would be an alternative
to Kukushkin (1994). This approach could be used for games both with increasing and decreas-
ing best responses. Note also that Proposition 1 could be applied for existence in two-player
submodular games in which action sets are chains by replacing one player’s ordered action set
with the dual. This transforms the game into a two-player supermodular game.
In the later analysis, complete ignorance will play a prominent role. For this special case, no
matter whether the game is supermodular or submodular, existence and uniqueness is rather
Proposition 3 (Existence under Complete Ignorance) Let G = hN, (Ai ), (πi )i be a strate-
gic game with for all i ∈ N , Ai being a non-empty complete lattice, πi being upper semincontin-
uous and supermodular on Ai for all i ∈ N , and the Hurwicz criterion is satisfied (i.e., δi = 1
for all i ∈ N ). Then for all (α) ∈ [0, 1]n , the set of equilibria under Knightian uncertainty is a
complete lattice and a greatest and least equilibrium exist.
While there is a direct alternative elementary proof for above proposition, we choose to
present the proof as a special case for Nash equilibrium for games with increasing best-response
correspondence (Zhou, 1994) in order to point out the connection to previous results.
Finally, we like to remark that Vives (2000, Theorem 2.8, Remark 17) shows the following
observation: Consider a symmetric submodular game. If the slope of any selection of the best-
response correspondence is strictly greater −1 then if there exists an equilibrium, it must be
unique and symmetric.
4 Monotone Comparative Statics
To analyze the effect of mutants in equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty, it will be helpful
to study first the monotone comparative statics of equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty.
Given the level of generality, these results may be of interest for their own right.
Lemma 5 If πi has [increasing differences in (ai , a−i ) on An and positive (resp. negative)
externalities] or [decreasing differences in (ai , a−i ) on An and negative (resp. positive) exter-
nalities] then ui has increasing (resp. decreasing) differences in (ai , αi ) on Ai × [0, 1] for all
a−i ∈ A−i and δi ∈ [0, 1]. The result extends to the strict versions.
Proof. This follows from previous results and Topkis (1998, Theorem 4.2.2).
As usual in the literature, there is no dual result for submodular games. However, if the
Hurwicz criterion is satisfied (i.e., under complete ignorance), then we can derive a dual but
more special result for submodular games with externalities.
Proposition 6 (Mon. Comp. Statics - Submodularity and Complete Ignorance) If
G is a submodular game with negative (resp. positive) externalities and the Hurwicz criterion
(δi = 1) is satisfied for all players i ∈ N , then the greatest and least equilibrium under Knightian
uncertainty is increasing (resp. decreasing) in optimism (and decreasing (resp. increasing) in
Proof. Let G be a submodular game with negative externalities and (δ) = 1n , and con-
sider the greatest equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty ā(α) when the profile of degrees of
optimism is (α). Let (α0 ) ≥ (α). Suppose now to the contrary that the greatest equilibrium
under Knightian uncertainty ā(α0 ) is smaller or unordered to ā(α). In both cases there exist
a player i whose equilibrium actions satisfy āi (α0 ) is strictly smaller or unordered to āi (α).
Note that āi (α0 ) ∈ bi (ā−i (α0 ), αi0 , 1) and āi (α) ∈ bi (ā−i (α), αi , 1). Since δi = 1, bi is constant
in a−i by Remark 3. Hence, bi (ā−i (α), αi , 1) 6= bi (ā−i (α0 ), αi0 , 1) only if (α) 6= (α0 ). By Corol-
lary 1, bi (ā−i (α), αi , 1) is increasing in αi . Hence there exists ãi (α0 ) ∈ bi (a−i (α0 ), αi0 , 1) with
ãi (α0 ) ≥ āi (α), a contradiction to āi (α0 ) being a component of the greatest equilibrium under
Knightian uncertainty with (α0 ) and (δ) = 1n . An analogous arguments holds for positive
externalities and for the least equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty.
This is the set of equilibria in which players with the same preference play also the same action.
Since for an abstract set of preferences, existence of such equilibria can not be guarantied, we
assume E sym (G(t)) 6= ∅ for all t ∈ TGn . A different interpretation is that we consider only
preferences TG for which such equilibria can be defined and exist.
As standard in the literature on evolution of preferences, each player i chooses according to
her ex-ante objective function indexed by ti . However, the player’s fitness is evaluated by her
material payoff πi . This conforms to fitness considerations in business or academia. The success
of a manager (resp. assistant professor) is assessed by her realized profit (resp. publications)
and not by what the manager (resp. assistant professor) originally expected.
In many economic contexts such as markets with imperfect competition etc., a finite number
of players interact repeatedly in an strategic context. For such environments, Schaffer (1988,
1989) introduced a notion of evolutionary stable strategy as an extension of the standard evo-
lutionary stable strategy for large populations to finite populations in which each player plays
against all other players (“playing-the-field”). An action a ∈ A is a finite population evolution-
ary stable strategy (ESS) in a symmetric strategic game G = hN, A, πi if4
We will apply Schaffer’s notion of finite population ESS to the evolution of preferences in
aggregative games. As convention we denote by j always the mutant and by i 6= j a non-
π(a∗i (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))), (12)
π(a, a0 , a, ..., a) denotes the payoff of a player playing a when one opponent plays a0 and all other opponents
play each a.
stable preference satisfies the Hurwicz criterion and involves complete ignorance. Likewise for
(robust) globally stable preferences.
We say that a preference with optimism (pessimism) and complete ignorance is evolution-
ary stable in G if t = u(α, δ) with δ = 1 and α ≥ max(min){α0 ∈ [0, 1]|a((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∈
E sym (G((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∩ E sym (G)} is an evolutionary stable preference in G. I.e., if the pref-
erence with complete ignorance involves a higher degree of optimism as any symmetric pref-
erence profile with complete ignorance that would lead to a symmetric Nash equilibrium in
G. This resembles the intuition that a preference leading to Nash equilibrium can not be
behaviorally distinguished from a realist. Note that max(min){α0 ∈ [0, 1]|a((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∈
E sym (G((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∩ E sym (G)} is nonempty if for any symmetric Nash equilibrium a ∈ An
of the game G there exist a symmetric equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty a((α), (δ)) of G
with δ = 1 for all players such that a = a((α), (δ)). Otherwise, the property might be trivially
We say that a preference with extreme optimism (resp. pessimism) and complete ignorance
is evolutionary stable in G if t = (α, δ) with α = 1 (resp. α = 0) and δ = 1 is an evolutionary
stable preference in G.
Assumption 1 For any symmetric ATS profile a ∈ An of the game G let there exist a sym-
metric equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty a((α), (δ)) of G with δi = 1 for all i ∈ N such
that a = a((α), (δ)).
For any symmetric optimal aggregate taking strategy, there should exist a capacity that satisfies
the Hurwicz criterion such that every player maximizing individually her Choquet expected
payoffs with respect to this capacity leads to an equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty that
equals to the optimal aggregate taking strategy.
Note that given aggregate (positive or negative) externalities, the assumption is essentially
an interior condition. The Hurwicz expectation is a weighted average of the best and worst
outcome corresponding to the largest (lowest) aggregate of actions. The assumption says that
the ATS lies somewhere between the best and worst outcome, i.e., the largest and lowest
outcome. The assumption is violated if for example there exists an action that dominates
any other action, and the aggregate taking strategy is different from the Nash equilibrium.
Then clearly for any aggregate of opponents’ actions, the dominant action would be the best-
response to any opponents’ actions. This is then also the Nash equlibrium action as well as the
equilibrium action in any equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty since Knightian uncertainty
respects dominance. If we assume that the (dominant) Nash equilibrium action is different from
any ATS, then there can not exist a best-response equivalent to an ATS.
(i) There exists a preference with optimism and complete ignorance (a Hurwicz preference)
that is globally evolutionary stable in G.
(ii) A symmetric equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty resulting from play with this evo-
lutionary stable preference profile equals to a symmetric ATS profile.
(iii) If π is strictly concave in the player’s own action ai ∈ A for all a−i ∈ A−i , then there
exists a preference with optimism and complete ignorance (a Hurwicz preference) that is
a robust globally evolutionary stable preference.
Example 1 (Cournot duopoly with linear demand and convex cost) Consider two
players, i = 1, 2, and symmetric payoff functions π(a1 , a2 ) = (100 − a1 − a2 )a1 − 21 a21 with
actions ai being in a suitable positive real-valued interval. This is a standard Cournot duopoly
with linear demand and quadratic cost. It has decreasing differences and negative aggregate
externalities. There exists a unique Nash equilibrium as well as ATS. In this standard game,
the only degree of ignorance and optimism for which the EKU equals the ATS profile is com-
plete ignorance and extreme optimism, i.e., δi = 1 and αi = 1. Any lower degree of ignorance
would require a larger degree of optimism, which is impossible. Since for class of games under
consideration, ATS implies ESS (Schipper, 2003, Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005), and an EKU cor-
responding to the ATS involved complete ignorance, we can conclude that extreme optimism
and complete ignorance is an GESP.
Figure 1: Degrees of optimism and ignorance leading to ATS in Example 2
Supermodular games have often multiple equilibria. The following assumption guarantees
that there are at least two equilibria in pure strategies if max A 6= min A, i.e., if the set of actions
is nontrivial. In particular, the largest and the lowest profile of actions are Nash equilibria.
Assumption 2 Let πi (ai , inf A−i ) be decreasing in ai ∈ A and πi (ai , sup A−i ) be increasing in
ai ∈ A.
Note that by Milgrom and Roberts (1990, Theorem 5), for any supermodular game there
exist both a largest and smallest profile of actions that survive iterated deletion of strictly
dominated strategies, and those combinations of actions are pure Nash equilibria. It is known
that only iteratively undominated actions are rationalizable. Assumption 2 can be interpreted
as focusing on the subset of actions that can not be eliminated by iterated elimination of strictly
dominated actions. It is immediate that if an action is strictly dominated then it can not be
an equilibrium action under Knightian uncertainty for any degree of optimism and ignorance.
However, the assumption is not without loss of generality because in general a player may still
take opponents’ strictly dominated actions into account for computing the worst or the best
case payoff. In Example 4 we illustrate what may happen if Assumption 2 is violated.
Proposition 8 Let G = hN, A, πi be a symmetric strict supermodular aggregative game with
aggregate externalities and TG a collection of preferences that includes the Minimax preference.
Suppose that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Then we conclude the following:
(i) The preference with extreme pessimism and complete ignorance (the Minimax preference)
is evolutionary stable in G.
(ii) A symmetric equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty resulting from play with this evo-
lutionary stable preference profile equals to a symmetric ATS.
(iii) If π is strictly quasi-concave in the player’s own action ai ∈ A for all a−i ∈ A−i , then the
preference with extreme pessimism and complete ignorance (the Minimax preference) is a
robust evolutionary stable preference.
Example 3 (Public goods game with multiple Nash equilibria) Consider two players,
i = 1, 2, and symmetric payoff functions π(a1 , a2 ) = 41 (a1 + a2 )2 − 21 a1 with actions ai ∈ [0, 1].
This game resembles a public goods game with increasing returns to contribution. Clearly this
game has increasing differences and positive aggregate externalities. Since the benefit function
1 2
4 (a1 + a2 ) is convex in contributions, the only symmetric combinations of actions correspond-
ing to a pure Nash equilibrium are (0, 0) and (1, 1). Thus Assumption 2 holds. It can be
verified that ai = 0 is the unique finite population ESS and by the arguments in the proof of
Proposition 8 an ATS (see also Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005). The corresponding ATS profile
equals to an EKU with complete ignorance and extreme pessimism. Since this equilibrium
involves complete ignorance, a non-mutant can not be made worse of by any mutant because
ai = 0 is an ESS and she does not react to a mutant. However, there is a whole range of
parameters (δi , αi ) for which the best response is ai = 0 no matter which action a mutant may
choose. These parameters are characterized by αi ∈ [0, 12 ] and δi ∈ [ 2(1−α 1
, 1]. Hence complete
ignorance is not necessary for an evolutionary stable preference.
The next example demonstrates what happens if Assumptions 1 and 2 do not hold. It also
demonstrates that an ESP may not exist within the class of CEU preferences. In particular,
if the game is supermodular and has a unique equilibrium, then there may not exist an evolu-
tionary stable CEU preference.
Example 4 (Public goods game with a dominant action) Consider two players, i = 1, 2,
and symmetric payoff functions π(a1 , a2 ) = (a1 +a2 )2 −a1 with actions ai ∈ [, 1] and 0 < < 1.
This game is a variant of the previous example. However, it possesses a unique strict dominant
action ai = 1. Note that Knightian uncertainty respects dominance, i.e., if an action is strictly
dominated, then it is never an equilibrium action under Knightian uncertainty. Thus any
symmetric equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty must be (1, 1) no matter which degree of
optimism and degree of ignorance. However, (1, 1) is never a finite population ESS since an
opponent can make a player relatively worse off then herself by deviating to action . Hence,
there is no evolutionary stable preference within the class of CEU preferences. It is straight
forward to establish that ai = is the unique finite population ESS, and thus by arguments in
the proof of Proposition 8, is an ATS (see also Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005). This example
violates Assumption 1 since there exists no profile of preferences within the class of CEU
with neo-additive capacities such that the EKU resulting from this preference equals the ATS
profile. It also violates Assumption 2 since πi (ai , inf A−i ) is strictly increasing in ai ∈ A and
not decreasing. From a more general point of view, the example also demonstrates that there
is no apparent connection between the unique and strict dominant Nash equilibrium and finite
population ESS (as well as no apparent connection between efficiency and finite population
6 Concluding Discussion
a. Evolutionary Stable Preferences and Evolutionary Drift: It is immediate that given the
abstract set of preferences, the inequalities defining (robust globally) evolutionary stable pref-
erences may not hold strictly. There may be many other preferences that achieve the same
fitness. Hence, our notion of (robust globally) evolutionary stable preference does not preclude
evolutionary drift among preferences achieving the same fitness. In this sense, our notion of
evolutionary stable preferences is a much closer analogy to the notion of neutrally stable strate-
gies than to the standard notion of evolutionary stable strategies. However, any preference
taking over the population by evolutionary drift would be behaviorally indistinguishable from
the behavior of a homogenous population with the evolutionary stable preference in our re-
sults. To avoid evolutionary drift, specific assumptions on the collection of preferences would
be required.
b. Strategic Advantage - An Interpretation as Contest: Instead on focusing on the evolu-
tionary interpretation of the results, the present study may be interpreted as analyzing contests
or tournaments among players in which one may have a different preference than others. A
player with an evolutionary stable preference maximizes relative payoffs, i.e., t is an ESP of the
game G = hN, A, πi if and only if (recall that we denote by j the mutant and by i a non-mutant)
t ∈ arg max
{π(a∗j (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) − π(a∗i (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j )))}.
t ∈T
An ESP maximizes relative payoffs, a player deviating to an ESP may decrease her own equi-
librium payoff but decreases the equilibrium payoff of others even more.
Consider now two preferences t and t0 . Partition the set of players N into two sets Nt
and Nt0 . All players in Nt have preference t and analogously for Nt0 . Preference t yields
a strategic advantage over preference t0 if at each equilibrium a∗ ∈ An of the game G =
hN, A, (ti )i∈Nt , (t0j )j∈Nt0 i we have
with strict inequality for some (i, j) ∈ Nt × Nt0 (see Koçkesen, Ok and Sethi, 2000a, b). In our
case, a preference yielding a strategic advantage is a strict robust globally evolutionary stable
preference (that would exclude evolutionary drift as discussed above). Suppose we restrict TG
suitably in a non-trivial way such to exclude the possibility of evolutionary drift. Then our
result on symmetric aggregative submodular games with aggregate externalities implies that
optimism and complete ignorance yields a strategic advantage over other preferences in the set
TG . Similarly, if Nt0 is a singleton, then our result on symmetric aggregative supermodular
games with aggregate externalities implies that extreme pessimism and complete ignorance
yields and strategic advantage over other preferences in the set TG .
c. Observability of Preferences: It has been noted in the literature on the evolution of
preferences that the commitment effect of preferences vanishes if preferences are not perfectly
observable (e.g., Samuelson, 2001, Ok and Vega-Redondo, 2001, Ely and Yilankaya, 2001, Dekel,
Ely and Yilankaya, 2004). Does this critique apply to our setting as well? No, it does not.
First, we show that a preference with complete ignorance is evolutionary stable. Thus, an action
by player with this evolutionary stable preference does not depend on the observability of the
opponents’ actions or preferences. Second, in the proofs of Proposition 7 and 8 we consider
any actions by any mutants without the need of specifying whether their preferences entail
a technology to observe opponents’ preferences or not. So the assumption of observability of
preferences does not play any role for our results. With a different approach, Heifetz, Shannon
and Spiegel (2005) also show that payoff maximizing behavior may not need to prevail even if
preferences are imperfectly observable.
d. The Relationship between Evolutionary Stable Strategy and optimal Aggregate Taking
Strategy: The proof of Proposition 7 relies heavily on the observation that in aggregate (quasi-
)submodular games ATS implies globally stable ESS (see Schipper, 2003, Alós-Ferrer and Ania,
2005), and that ESS implies ATS for aggregate (quasi-)supermodular games (Alós-Ferrer and
Ania, 2005).
e. Evolutionary Dynamics: So far, we just considered a static concept of evolutionary stabil-
ity and were silent on any dynamic process of preference evolution. Only few authors considered
explicitly the dynamics of preference evolution (Huck, Kirchsteiger and Oechssler, 2005, Sand-
holm, 2001, Heifetz, Shannon and Spiegel, 2004, and Possajennikov, 2005). A dynamic analysis
in our setting should consider beside the preference dynamics also a faster learning process for
equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty. Unfortunately, no learning process for equilibrium
under Knightian uncertainty has been proposed. Leaving this conceptional issue aside, we can
propose a process of preference adaption based on imitate-the-best. In reality, testimonies of
(un-)successful people educate us in some situations on “think positive” or “be careful” even
though this education may not be conscious. Hence it may not be unreasonable to assume
that attitudes towards uncertainty may be imitated. Consider following model of imitation a
là Vega-Redondo (1997): In each period every player has a strict positive probability bounded
away from one to adjust her preference. If a player adjusts, then she mimics the preference of
the most successful player in the previous round (note that in contrast to above discussion this
imitation process requires that success and preferences are observable). For simplicity consider
a finite set of preferences that at least entails complete ignorance and “relevant” degrees of
optimism. The imitation dynamics induces a discrete time finite Markov chain on the space of
preference profiles. Focusing on intra-group symmetric equilibria it can be shown that the set
of absorbing sets includes each identical preference profile. If we assume that each player may
make mistakes in imitating preferences (noise), i.e., with a small probability she selects any
preference profile when adjusting her preference, then the resulting perturbed Markov chain
is ergodic and irreducible. We can now focus on the unique limiting invariant distribution of
preferences when the noise goes to zero. This is the long run distribution interpreted as the av-
erage proportion of time a player selects each preference (for an exposition of this methodology,
see Samuelson, 1997). For aggregative strict submodular games with aggregate externalities we
conjecture based on results by Schipper (2003) and arguments in the proof of Proposition 7,
that the evolutionary stable preference with complete ignorance and optimism is in the support
of long run distribution, i.e., “stochastically stable”. Similarly, for aggregative strict supermod-
ular games with aggregate externalities, we conjecture that the evolutionary stable preference
with complete ignorance and extreme pessimism is in the support of the long run distribution.
f. Short Run Industry Dynamics: While evolutionary stability focuses on long run outcomes,
in the short run interesting dynamics of profits can arise. Consider a standard Cournot oligopoly
and assume that all firms choose individually optimal according to the evolutionary stable
preference which involves complete ignorance and optimism. Suppose now that there is a
mutant who is a realist. A realist improves his profit compared to his pre-mutant profit before
because she plays a best-response to the opponents’ quantities. However, she raises the profits
of the opponents’ even more. Before the realistic mutant is driven out in the medium run, all
earn higher profits, which may attract entry by additional firms.
g. Strategic Delegation and Optimism: In Eichberger, Kelsey and Schipper (2005), we show
among others that a principal prefers to delegate to an optimistic manager in both Cournot
and Bertrand oligopoly. This is surprising since results are usually reversed when one goes
from standard Cournot to standard Bertrand oligopoly. The reason for our results is that an
optimistic manager in Cournot oligopoly is more aggressive and less expensive, while she is less
aggressive and less expensive in Bertrand oligopoly. From our analysis in this article is clear
that a principal delegating to an optimistic manager in a supermodular Bertrand oligopoly may
not survive. Since the manager is less aggressive, the firm may make less material payoffs then
a competitor with more pessimistic manager. This is in contrast to Cournot oligopoly, in which
the optimistic manager survives.
h. Applications: The results in the previous sections concern just a special class of games
which are however of substantial interest to economics and social science in general. Many
games in economics involve ordered action sets like prices, quantities, qualities, contribution
levels, appropriation levels etc. Often there is a natural aggregate of all players actions like total
market quantity, total contribution or appropriation etc. or an aggregate can be found that
may not have an interpretation in the context (for games with aggregation see see Corchón,
1994, Schipper, 2003, Alós-Ferrer and Ania, 2005, Cornes and Hartley, 2005). Moreover, many
games with ordered action space have either some version of strategic substitutes or strategic
complements (see Bulow, Geanakoplos and Klemperer, 1985) and can be brought into a frame-
work of supermodular or submodular games. Examples include Cournot oligopoly (Amir, 1996,
Vives, 2000), some Bertrand oligopoly (Vives, 2000), common pool resource dilemma (Walker,
Gardner, and Ostrom, 1990), some rent seeking games (Hehenkamp, Leininger and Possajen-
nikov, 2004), some bargaining games, some public goods games, some co-ordination games (e.g.
Van Hyuck, Battalio and Beil, 1991), arms race and search problems (Milgrom and Roberts,
i. Equilibrium under Knightian Uncertainty: We claimed in section 3 that our notion of
equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty implies some equilibrium notions proposed in the
literature on ambiguity in strategic games. Consider a general capacity νi for player i on the
opponents’ action space Ai and let suppνi denote the Dow-Werlang support of the capacity, i.e.,
a set suppνi ⊆ A−i with νi (A−i \suppνi ) = 0 and νi (F ) > 0 for all F such that A−i \suppνi $ F .
An equilibrium under ambiguity of a finite strategic game G is a profile of capacities (νi∗ )i=N
such that for all i ∈ N there exists a non-empty support suppνi∗ for which
suppνi ⊆ ×j∈N \{i} arg max πj (aj , a−j )dνj∗ ,
aj ∈Aj
where the integral is the Choquet integral. In the two-player case, this is the definition of
Dow and Werlang (1994) and in the n-player case the one by Eichberger and Kelsey (2000).
Marinacci (2000) introduced a similar definition of equilibrium under ambiguity for two-player
strategic games in which he defines the support of a capacity νi by the set of all a−i ∈ A−i with
νi (a−i ) > 0. For neo-additive capacities (Definition 5) used in our study, the Dow-Werlang
support and the Marinacci support coincide with the support of the probability distribution µi .
In Eichberger, Kelsey and Schipper (2005), Proposition 3.1, we show for neo-additive capacities
that any equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty implies an equilibrium a là Eichberger and
Kelsey (2000), Dow and Werlang (1994) or Marinacci (2000).
A Proofs
A.1 Proof of Lemma 1
Since a◦ is an ATS and a∗ is a Nash equilibrium of G, we have by definition
for all i ∈ N . Consider case (i), and let G have strict negative aggregate externalities. Suppose to the
contrary that for i ∈ N we have a◦i C a∗i . By the dual single crossing property of πi in (ai , ℵ(a)) on
Ai × X,
πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a∗−i )) ≥ πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a∗−i )) ⇒ πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a◦−i )) ≥ πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )). (16)
πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a◦−i )) ≥ πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )) ⇒ πi (a∗i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )) > πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )), (17)
which is a contradiction to inequality (14). The case for strict positive externalities follows analogously.
Now consider case (ii). Again, suppose to the contrary that for i ∈ N we have a◦i C a∗i . By the dual
single crossing property of πi in (ai , ℵ(a)) on Ai × X,
πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a∗−i )) ≥ πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a∗−i )) ⇒ πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a◦−i )) > πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )). (18)
Since G has negative aggregate externalities,
πi (a∗i , ℵ(a∗i , a◦−i )) > πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )) ⇒ πi (a∗i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )) > πi (a◦i , ℵ(a◦i , a◦−i )), (19)
which is a contradiction to inequality (14). The case for positive externalities follows analogously.
By Remark 1 it follows that if πi has [decreasing differences in (ai , a−i ) on An and negative (resp. posi-
tive) externalities] or [increasing differences in (ai , a−i ) on An and positive (resp. negative) externalities],
then for all a00i D a0i ,
zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i ) ≤ (≥)♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i ). (20)
Let αi0 , αi00 ∈ [0, 1] with αi00 ≥ αi0 . It follows from last inequality that
αi00 [(♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )) − (zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i ))] ≥ (≤)
αi0 [(♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )) − (zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i ))]. (21)
This is equivalent to
αi00 [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] − αi00 [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] ≥ (≤)
αi0 [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] − αi0 [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] (22)
αi [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] − αi00 [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] ≥ (≤)
αi0 [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] − αi0 [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] (23)
αi00 [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi00 )[zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] ≥ (≤)
αi0 [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi0 )[zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )]. (24)
Consider any δi ∈ [0, 1]. Then previous inequality implies
αi00 δi [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi00 )δi [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] ≥ (≤)
αi0 δi [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi0 )δi [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )], (25)
which in turn implies
αi00 δi [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi00 )δi [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )]+
(1 − δi )[πi (a00i , a−i ) − πi (a0i , a−i )] ≥ (≤)
αi0 δi [♥i (a00i ) − ♥i (a0i )] + (1 − αi0 )δi [zi (a00i ) − zi (a0i )] +
(1 − δi )[πi (a00i , a−i ) − πi (a0i , a−i )] (26)
δi [αi00 ♥i (a00i ) + (1 − αi00 )zi (a00i )] + (1 − δi )πi (a00i , a−i )
−δi [αi00 ♥i (a0i ) + (1 − αi00 )zi (a0i )] − (1 − δi )πi (a0i , a−i ) ≥ (≤)
δi [αi0 ♥i (a00i ) + (1 − αi0 )zi (a00i )] + (1 − δi )πi (a00i , a−i )
−δi [αi0 ♥i (a0i ) + (1 − αi0 )zi (a0i )] − (1 − δi )πi (a0i , a−i ). (27)
Hence we have
ui (a00i , a−i , αi00 , δi ) − ui (a0i , a−i , αi00 , δi ) ≥ (≤) ui (a00i , a−i , αi0 , δi ) − ui (a0i , a−i , αi0 , δi ). (28)
The second part of the proof above is analog to Topkis (1978) (see also Topkis, 1998, Theorem
π(a∗i (t◦ ), ℵ(a∗ (t◦ ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0 ), ℵ(a∗ (t◦ ))) (31)
for all t0 ∈ T . By Remark 3 all non-mutants have constant best-response selections. Therefore we can
select a∗ (t0 ) ∈ E sym (G(t0 )) such that a∗i (t◦ ) = a∗i (t0 ) for all non-mutants i and a∗i (t◦ ) ≥ a∗j (t0 ) for all
mutants j. This implies that a∗ (t◦ ) ≥ a∗ (t0 ). By decreasing differences
π(a∗i (t◦ ), ℵ(a∗ (t0 ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0 ), ℵ(a∗ (t0 ))). (32)
Since we fixed a∗ (t0 ) ∈ E sym (G(t0 )) such that a∗i (t◦ ) = a∗i (t0 ) for all non-mutants i, we have
π(a∗i (t0 ), ℵ(a∗ (t0 ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0 ), ℵ(a∗ (t0 ))). (33)
Since this holds for all m with 1 ≤ m ≤ n − 1 and all t0 ∈ T , we have that t◦ is a globally evolutionary
stable preference in G. The case of positive externalities follows analogously.
Third, we show that t◦ is optimistic. Since G has strict negative (positive) externalities we have
by Lemma 1, a◦ ≥ (≤)a∗ . Assume for the time being that a◦ 6= a∗ . We claim that α◦ ≥ α∗ where
α∗ = max{α0 ∈ [0, 1]|a∗ ((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∈ E sym (G((α0 ), (1, ..., 1)) ∩ E sym (G)}. Suppose to the contrary
that α◦ < α∗ . Then by Proposition 6 we must have a∗ (α◦ ) ≤ (≥)a∗ (α∗ ). Since by assumption a∗ (α◦ ) 6=
a∗ (α∗ ) we have a contradiction. Hence α◦ ≥ α∗ . If a◦ 6= a∗ then trivially there exists α◦ = α∗ by
Assumption 1. Hence t◦ is optimistic.
(ii) Follows immediately from previous arguments.
(iii) We note that if for all players π is strictly concave in the player’s own action ai on A for all
a−i on A−i , then so is ui since it is a sum of strictly concave functions, each term multiplied by positive
scalar, and because of aggregate externalities, the worst and best-case actions of the opponents do not
depend on the player’s own action. Hence b(a−i , ti ) is a singleton for all i ∈ N , each a−i and each
ti . Thus, if δi = 1 we have by Remark 3 that b(a−i , αi ) is a constant function on A−i for each αi .
Therefore for all non-mutants a∗i (t◦ ) = a∗i (t0 ) for all a∗ (t0 ) ∈ E sym (G(t0 )). Hence t◦ is a robust globally
evolutionary stable preference. This completes the proof of the proposition.
Proof of Lemma. If G has positive (resp. negative) externalities, let a := a (resp. a := ā). Since ā
is a Nash equilibrium of G,
But last inequality follows immediately from positive (resp. negative) externalities.
Proof of Proposition 8. (i) and (ii): Suppose that the game has positive (negative) aggregate
externalities and consider the lowest (highest) symmetric profile of actions a (ā). By Assumption 2 this
profile of actions is a Nash equilibrium of the game G.
If G has positive (resp. negative) externalities, a := a (resp. a := ā) is by Lemma 7 a finite
population evolutionary stable strategy in G.
We claim that a is an ATS. Since G is an aggregative game, we have by definition of finite population
π(a, ℵn (a0 , a, ..., a)) ≥ π(a0 , ℵn (a0 , a, ..., a)) for all a0 ∈ A. (37)
By increasing differences, finite population ESS implies ATS,
π(a, ℵn (a, ..., a)) ≥ π(a0 , ℵn (a, ..., a)) for all a0 ∈ A. (38)
By Assumption 1 there exists a preference t with δ = 1 such that a symmetric EKU satisfies
a∗ (t) = a. Consider the preference t = (δ, α) with δ = 1 and α = 0. From Proposition 5 follows that a
symmetric EKU with the symmetric profile of preferences t = (t, ..., t) satisfies a∗ (t) = a.
Inequality (37) implies
π(a∗i (t), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) for all t0 ∈ T. (39)
By Remark 3 all non-mutants have constant best-response selections. Therefore we can select a∗ (t0j , t−j ) ∈
E sym (G(t0j , t−j )) such that a∗i (t) = a∗i (t0j , t−j ) for all non-mutants with t and any mutant with any t0 ∈ T .
π(a∗i (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) ≥ π(a∗j (t0j , t−j ), ℵn (a∗ (t0j , t−j ))) for all t0 ∈ T, (40)
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