New Compact Gas-Insulated Switchgear: Table 1 Ratings and Specifications

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New Compact Gas-Insulated Switchgear

Takashi Fuji
Teruo Ika
Akira Nakamura

1. Introduction tion unit [isolator (DS), earthing switch (ES), lightning

arrester (LA), voltage transformer (VT), etc.], the
The gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) has many present 3-tanks should be decreased to 1-tank.
advantages such as reduced size, high reliability, and However, the busbar unit and circuit breaker (CB)
laborsaving maintenance. Consequently, GIS applica- unit shall remain with the same construction as in the
tions have expanded both in domestic and foreign present integration.
markets over the past decade.
Further, the trend toward reduced costs, especially Table 1 Ratings and specifications
the request for lower personnel expenses, is also
Type designation SDH208
affecting substation equipment. Reduced construction
Rated voltage (kV) 72.5
time, simplified transportation and installation work,
With- AC (kV) 140
and minimized installation space have been strongly stand
voltage LIWV (kV) 350
In response to these requests, GIS has been 800, 1,200, 2,000,
Rated normal current (A)
eagerly developed with the goals of downsizing, lighter
Rated short-time
weight and improved maintenance. The development (kA) 20, 25, 31.5
withstand current
of the 72.5kV class GIS, which has the largest number Rated SF6 gas pressure (MPa) 0.5
of bays, is especially remarkable. Rated voltage (kV) 72.5
This paper describes details of Fuji Electric’s newly
Rated interrupting current (kA) 20, 25, 31.5
developed, compact size GIS. CB
Rated interrupting time (cycle) 3
This development aims to decrease the size and
Operating mechanism Motor-spring
improve the cost performance of the total substation
Rated voltage (kV) 72.5
through the elimination of dead space and consider- DS
ation of maintenance ease, in addition to the minimiza- Operating mechanism Motor, motor-spring
tion of equipment. Rated voltage (kV) 72.5
ES Motor-spring,
Operating mechanism
2. Ratings and Specifications of the New Com-
Type ZnO
pact GIS
Rated voltage (kV) 84
LA Nominal discharge current (kA) 10
The main ratings and specifications of the newly
developed compact GIS are indicated in Table 1. Switching surge duty capa. (µF) 25
The outer view of a new compact GIS (cable feeder Type
winding type
bay) is shown in Fig. 1, and the inner construction of
the GIS is shown in Fig. 2. Rated primary voltage (kV) 66
VT Rated secondary voltage (V) 110
3. Special Features of the New Compact GIS Rated tertiary voltage (V) 110/3
Rated burden (sec./tert.) (VA) 3 × 500/3 × 200
3.1 Development concept Accuracy (sec./tert.) (class) 1P/3G
During development, we realized many new chal- Gas-insulated,
lenges, some of which applied new technologies, based cable mount
on our history of shipping many 72.5kV GIS. These According to
CT Rated primary current (A)
custormer’s spec.
concepts are as follows.
Rated burden (VA) 10, 40
(1) Expanded range of equipment-integration
By integrating equipment on the line-cable connec- Accuracy (class) 1P

New Compact Gas-Insulated Switchgear 85

Fig.1 Outline of newly developed GIS (cable-feeder bay) Fig.3 Principle of arc-quenching

Thermal puffer chamber

Nozzle Main contact Mechanical puffer chamber
Fixed piston

Fixed arcing contact Moving arcing contact

(a) Closed position

(b) Arc quenching

Fig.2 Sectional view of newly developed GIS

(c) Open position

Simpli- Fig.4 3-D model for earthquake analysis

DS fied DS
for LA,

Bus LA

Maintenance ES Maintenance ES CH

(2) Application of aluminum casting for the busbar

The use of aluminum casting for the busbar tank is Fig.5 3-D model for electric field analysis (cable sealing end,
expected to result in lighter mass and suppress the lightening arrester)
temperature rise.
(3) Structure that allows maintenance from front and
Operating mechanisms and monitoring devices
that require maintenance are arranged at the front
and rear of the GIS. Maintenance and inspection
between bays is unnecessary.
(4) Low profile
Since the total height of the GIS is designed to be
low, inspection scaffolding can be omitted. Further,
since the fully assembled transportation of two or more
bays is possible under certain circumstances, the
onsite construction time can be shortened and produc-
tivity improved.


withstand voltage of the ZnO element, the height of
3.2 Application of new technology the arrester unit could be shortened and its weight
The following new technologies have been utilized made lighter. Further, the residual voltage could be
in the development of the GIS. decreased.
(1) Application of a mechanical and thermal puffer to By downsizing the arrester unit, the line-side
the CB-interrupting unit, and application of a
motor charged spring-type operating mechanism Fig.7 Comparison of the overload current carrying capability
This interrupting method has been widely used in
the dead tank type SF6 gas circuit breaker (GCB) and (Rated current:2,000A)
in the cubicle type GIS, but this is the first application 20.0
Load factor before the overload
to the GIS. The interrupting chamber of this method 18.0

Continuous time of overload (h)

has two main mechanisms, one is the thermal puffer New compact type
16.0 100%
(self-arc-extinguishing) which increases the blast-gas 14.0 Conventional type
pressure utilizing the thermal energy generated by the
arc itself, and the other is the mechanical puffer in
which the blast-gas pressure is generated mainly by
mechanical compression and is useful for small current 8.0

interruption. 6.0
By utilizing the thermal puffer, the operating 4.0
energy could be decreased to less than 50% that of the 2.0
conventional type of mechanical puffer. To help
decrease the operating energy, a low-power motor- 120 130 140 150
Rate of overload (%)
charged spring type operating mechanism was applied
as a standard part.
(2) Application of high-performance lightning arrester
By decreasing the thickness and increasing the Fig.8 Transportation of full assembled GIS

Table 2 The comparison between conventional type and new


Type Conventional New compact
Item type type
6500 2820
Height (mm) 3,100 2,300
Depth (mm) 3,500 2,700
Bay width (mm) 1,500 1,100 5800
Mass (%) 100 68
Installation space (%) 100 57
Volume (%) 100 42
Number of parts (%) 100 70

Fig.6 Outline comparison of each type GIS

Conventional type (SDH 108) New compact type (SDH 208)

New Compact Gas-Insulated Switchgear 87

equipment could be integrated, the insulation coordi- separate low-platform trailer. Now, the new compact
nation improved, and the LIWV decreased. GIS can be transported two bays at a time on a 10-ton
All of the newly designed parts, including the truck, or completely assembled five bays at a time on a
application of new technologies, were evaluated by 3D- low-platform trailer (Fig. 8). These conditions are
electric field analysis and mechanical stress analysis. expected to decrease the onsite installation time.
In addition, the specified and practical tests have been To guarantee reliability, the following items in the
verified with an actual prototype GIS. GIS maintain their conventional construction.
As an example analysis, the 3D-model for earth- (1) SF6 gas-insulated current transformer (CT)
quake analysis in shown in Fig. 4 and the 3-D model (2) Straight line arrangement of conductors in a gas-
for electric field analysis is shown in Fig. 5. tight support insulator
(3) Straight line movement of DS/ES contacts
3.3 Comparison with conventional GIS (4) Application of a motor charged spring-type operat-
The new compact GIS, developed based on new ing mechanism to the DS/ES with current switch-
concepts and new technologies, is compared to the ing capacity
conventional GIS and the results are shown in Table 2
and Fig. 6. By decreasing the bay width to 1,100mm, 4. Conclusion
the total volume was decreased to 42% of that of the
conventional GIS. A summary of the new compact GIS has been
This fact can contribute, especially in the case of presented. This GIS has been tested with the model
indoor substations, directly to decrease building di- test and special tests according to the related stan-
mensions and reduce costs. On the other hand, the dards of each piece of equipment; good results were
increased rate of equipment integration and downsiz- obtained, and consequently the verification of perfor-
ing of the tank could lower the rated tolerance for mance and functions of this GIS is complete.
temperature rise and the overload current carrying In the future, we plan to make this new GIS
capability could become less than that of the conven- maintenance-free, improve trouble shooting, and in-
tional GIS. The overload current carrying capability at crease reliability furthermore. We sincerely hope that
the rated current of 2,000A is shown in Fig. 7. the customer would provide us with much of advice
In the past, each GIS bay was transported on a and encouragement in the future.


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