Statistics For Class 10 PDF
Statistics For Class 10 PDF
Statistics For Class 10 PDF
Introduction to Statistics
Ungrouped Data
Ungrouped data is data in its original or raw form. The observations are not classified into
For example, the ages of everyone present in a classroom of kindergarten kids with the
teacher is as follows:
3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 27.
This data shows that there is one adult present in this class and that is the teacher.
Ungrouped data is easy to work when the data set is small.
Grouped Data
For example, a class of students got different marks in a school exam. The data is tabulated
as follows:
0 − 20 13
21 − 40 9
41 − 60 36
61 − 80 32
81 − 100 10
This shows how many students got the particular mark range. Grouped data is easier to
work with when large amount of data is present.
Class Interval
Data can be grouped into class intervals such that all observations in that range belong to
that class.
Finding mean for Grouped Data when class Intervals are given
∑ fi
Class mark =
U pper class limit+Lower class limit
Step 1: Classify the data into intervals and find the corresponding frequency of each class.
Step 2: Find the class mark by taking the midpoint of the upper and lower class limits.
Step 3: Tabulate the product of class mark and its corresponding frequency for each class.
Calculate their sum (∑ x f ). i i
Step 4: Divide the above sum by the sum of frequencies (∑ f ) to get the mean. i
Step 1: Classify the data into intervals and find the corresponding frequency of each class.
Step 2: Find the class mark by taking the midpoint of the upper and lower class limits.
Step 3: Take one of the x ’s (usually one in the middle) as assumed mean and denote it by
d i = xi − a
d i = xi − a
∑ d i = ∑ xi − ∑ a
⇒ x̄ − d = a
Step 1: Classify the data into intervals and find the corresponding frequency of each class.
Step 2: Find the class mark by taking the midpoint of the upper and lower class limits.
Step 3: Take one of the x s (usually one in the middle) as assumed mean and denote it by
d i = xi − a
Step 5: Divide all deviations −d by the class width (h) to get u s.
x −a
ui =
1 ∑ fi xi −a ∑ fi
ū = ×
h ∑f
ū = × (x̄ − a)
Finding median of Grouped Data when class Intervals are not given
Step 2: Add the cumulative frequency column to the table by finding the cumulative
frequency up to each observation.
Step 3: If the number of observations is odd, the median is the observation whose
cumulative frequency is just greater than or equal to (
If the number of observations is even, the median is the average of observations whose
cumulative frequency is just greater than or equal to ( n
) and n
+ 1 .
Cumulative Frequency
Finding median for Grouped Data when class Intervals are given
Step 2: the median class is the class whose cumulative frequency is greater than or nearest
to , where n is the number of observations.
Step 3: M edian = l +
× h
l =lower limit of median class,
n = number of observations,
Cumulative frequency of the less than type indicates the number of observations which are
less than or equal to a particular observation.
Cumulative frequency of more than type indicates the number of observations which are
greater than or equal to a particular observation.
Step 3: Draw a straight line graph joining the extremes of class and cumulative frequencies.
The graph of a cumulative frequency distribution of the less than type is called an ‘ogive of
the less than type’.
The graph of a cumulative frequency distribution of the more than type is called an ‘ogive of
the more than type’.
Relation between the less than and more than type curves
The point of intersection of the ogives of more than and less than types gives the median of
the grouped frequency distribution.
Finding mode for Grouped Data wen class intervals are not given
In grouped data without class intervals, the observation having the largest frequency is the
For ungrouped data, the mode can be found out by counting the observations and using
tally marks to construct a frequency table.
The observation having the largest frequency is the mode.
Finding mode for Grouped Data when class intervals are given
For, grouped data, the class having the highest frequency is called the modal class. Mode
can be calculated using the following formula. Formula valid for equal class intervals and
when the modal class is unique.
f1 −f0
M ode = l + ( ) × h
2f −f −f
1 0 2
Step 2: Join the top corners of the modal class to the diagonally opposite corners of the
adjacent classes
Step 3: Drop a perpendicular from the point of intersection of the above on the horizontal
ii) In problems where individual observations are not important, and we wish to find out a
‘typical’ observation where half the observations are below and half the observations are
above, the median is more appropriate. Median disregards the extreme values.
iii) In situations which require establishing the most frequent value or most popular item,
the mode is the best choice.