Exp 23 Avogadro's Number

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Experiment 23.

Determination of Avogadroʼs Number:

Applying Molecular Modeling to a Monolayer of Stearic Acid3


Avogadro’s number provides an important connection between the macroscopic, bulk perspective of
matter (viewed on a mole by mole, or gram by gram basis) and the microscopic, particulate view of
matter (viewed on an atom by atom or molecule by molecule basis). Avogadro’s number, 6.02214 x 1023,
tells us the number of particles in one mole of a particular substance. But how is this incredibly large
number determined?

The history behind Avogadro’s number (NA) is intertwined with the study of atomic weights and the
stoichiometry of chemical reactions. From a condensed historical perspective, scientists first discovered
the law of definite composition. No matter the origin, a particular substance is always composed of the
same elements by mass. For example, hydrogen fluoride always appears to form such that 1.0 gram of
hydrogen combines with 19 grams of fluorine. Then in 1811, Amadeo Avogadro proposed that the
volume of a gas (at a fixed temperature and pressure) is proportional to the number of atoms (or
molecules) regardless of the identity of the gas. Thus, one liter of hydrogen gas (H2) always requires one
liter of fluorine gas (F2) to form hydrogen fluoride. Given this observation, Avogadro’s law implies
hydrogen fluoride must consist of equal numbers of hydrogen and fluorine atoms. In this sense, Avogadro
helped to conceptually link a measurable, bulk quantity (volume of a gas) to a particulate view (number of

These two observations (law of definite composition and Avogadro’s law) helped form the basis for the
atomic weight scale. For instance, if one particle of hydrogen must combine with one particle of fluorine
to form hydrogen fluoride, this suggests a single fluorine atom must be 19 times heavier than a single
hydrogen atom (following from the mass percent data above). The concept of a mole evolves from this
understanding of relative atomic masses. In other words, an atomic view of relative atomic masses can be
scaled up to a macroscopic perspective by invoking the concept of a mole to account for a fixed large
number of particles. If one fluorine is 19 times heavier than one hydrogen, then 1,000,000 fluorine atoms
is still 19 times heavier than 1,000,000 hydrogen atoms.

Yet, it is exceedingly difficult to count single atoms. On the other hand, it is relatively simple to
determine the masses of various reactants. The mole provides a handy way of connecting a measureable
quantity (mass) to a difficult to measure quantity (number of particles). For example, if two hydrogen
molecules (H2) need to combine with one carbon atom, rather than count molecules, the relative masses
can be related to mole quantities (a unit that is used to represent some fixed quantity of particles). Thus,
two moles of hydrogen molecules combine with one mole of carbon atoms to form one mole of methane
(CH4). With the reference standard of carbon-12, one mole of carbon atoms translates to 12.01 grams and
two moles of hydrogen molecules translates to 4.03 grams (this follows from the relative masses of
carbon and hydrogen).

Interestingly, the analysis above does not strictly require knowledge of the exact number of particles in
one mole. Such a stoichiometric analysis only requires that one mole of carbon atoms consist of the same
number of particles as one mole of hydrogen atoms. It was only long after Avogadro had passed away
that the actual value of Avogadro’s number was determined. At the beginning of the 20th century,
scientists devised ingenious methods to try to estimate the size of the number. Albert Einstein calculated
the number of collisions that must take place between air molecules and a small particle to cause the small
particle to drop as slowly as it does through the air. Perhaps you know that if a feather is dropped in a


Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
vacuum, it falls as rapidly as a rock. When the feather drops in the air, it is slowed by the many collisions
it has with air molecules. By calculating how many collisions must occur to slow the fall, he concluded
that there must be about 5 x 1023 particles in a mole. After Robert Millikan measured the charge of an
electron in 1915, this value was divided into the charge of a mole of electrons to get 6.02 x 1023 as the
number. Presently, Avogadro’s number is most reliably determined by X-ray diffraction of crystals.

In this experiment, you will study the formation of a monolayer of stearic acid on the surface of water. By
applying molecular modeling to the stearic acid molecule as it is oriented on the monolayer surface,
Avogadro’s number will be roughly estimated.


The structure of stearic acid,

C18H36O2, is shown to the right (see
Figure 1). The left side of the
molecule is polar, or hydrophilic,
and is capable of hydrogen bonding
with water. The rest of the molecule
is a hydrocarbon chain and is
completely nonpolar, or
hydrophobic. We will call the polar
side of the molecule the head and the
rest of the molecule the tail. If stearic
acid molecules are placed on a water
surface, the polar head of the
molecule hydrogen bonds to the
water molecules on the surface. The rest of the molecule, the nonpolar tail, is not attracted to the water,
but rather, is attracted to the tails of nearby stearic acid molecules. As a result, the molecules line up on
the surface of the water with polar heads on the surface, and nonpolar tails sticking up away from the
surface (see Figure 2 below).

If a small number of stearic acid molecules is placed on water, they cover the water with a layer one
molecule thick; a monolayer is said to form. In this experiment, the thickness of the monolayer will be
approximated to be the height of the stearic acid molecules, H, above the water level. This length is
considerably shorter than the
wavelength of visible light, so
light striking the monolayer
does not interact with it and
the layer is invisible to the
eye. However, once enough
additional molecules are
added, they begin to pile up
on top of one another and the
thicker part of the layer
becomes visible.

You will add, drop by drop, a

dilute solution of stearic acid
in hexane, a volatile solvent,
to a surface of water on a
watch glass. As each drop hits
the water, the hexane will

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
evaporate, leaving the stearic acid to spread out on the water. When the surface is entirely covered,
additional drops of the stearic acid/hexane solution will cause the stearic acid to pile up and you will
see a visible trace of the acid on the surface. That will be the signal to stop adding drops of solution. By
counting the drops of solution required to cover the surface, you will calculate the mass of stearic acid
added to form a single monolayer. This provides two pieces of information. If the mass of stearic acid on
the surface is known, the total number of moles in a single monolayer can be determined.

Additionally, from the mass and the density of stearic acid, the volume of the monolayer can be
determined. You can then calculate the area of the water surface by measuring the diameter of the watch
glass. Knowing the volume of stearic acid and the area of the surface over which it has spread, it is
possible to calculate the height of the monolayer. This height can be assumed to correspond to H, the
length of a single stearic acid molecule.

Molecular models can be used to establish a relative proportion between the height (H) and width of the
molecule (W). With this information, the area of a single molecule can be calculated (W2) assuming a
highly simplified rectangular block shape for the overall molecule. Knowing the area of a single molecule
and the area of the total surface provides a means of determining the total number of molecules on a
single monolayer (see Figure 3 below).

Figure 3. Surface area of watch glass (Area = *r2) covered with stearic acid molecules of height H and area W2.

Summary of Experiment

1. By knowing the concentration of the stearic acid solution (in g/mL) and observing the number of
drops required to form a single monolayer, the total mass of stearic acid on the monolayer surface
can be determined. Provided the molar mass of stearic acid, the total moles of stearic acid per
monolayer can be determined.

2. Combined with the measurements and calculations from above, molecular modeling can be used
to estimate the area of a single stearic acid molecule (W2). Knowing the area of the monolayer
(from the diameter of the watch glass), the total number of stearic acid molecules per
monolayer can be estimated.

By combining results 1 and 2 above, Avogadro’s number, the total number of molecules per mole, can be
determined via dimensional analysis.

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS: Determining Avogadro’s Number from the Experimental Data

The calculations below make heavy use of dimensional analysis. Be sure to pay careful attention to the
units employed in each calculation and the necessary conversions, where appropriate.

• Mass of monolayer (g) = [Vol. of stearic acid soln. to form monolayer (mL)])[Conc. of stearic acid soln. (g/mL)]

where: Vol. of stearic acid soln. to form monolayer (mL) = (# of drops to form monolayer)÷(# of drops in 1 mL)

• Volume of monolayer (cm3) = [Mass of monolayer (g)]÷[Density of stearic acid (g/cm3)]

• Height of monolayer (cm) = [Volume of monolayer (cm3)]÷[Area of watch glass (cm2)]

where: Area of watch glass (cm3)= *r2

r = Radius of watch glass (cm) = [Diameter of watch glass (cm)] ÷2

The height of the monolayer (H), in combination with molecular modeling, can be used to determine the
area of an individual stearic acid molecule, W2. For this experiment, the stearic acid molecule can be
approximated as a rectangular box with a square base of length W. By combining the data from the
calculations above and measuring the relative proportions of a macroscopic model of stearic acid
(Hmacrospoic vs. Wmacroscopic), the width of a single molecule can be approximated.

Other models for the stearic acid molecule could certainly be proposed. Perhaps it could be assumed to
adopt an approximately cylindrical shape. For any model that is proposed, the questions below should be

• What assumptions and limitations are inherent to this model? Are these reasonable? For
example, if the molecule is assumed to take on a cylindrical shape, what assumptions must be
made regarding the packing and organization of the molecules relative to one another? How
would these assumptions change the final determination of Avogadro’s number?

• How would the assumptions above affect the conclusions reached in the calculations?

• Are there more realistic, alternative models that could provide a better result?

Calculations continued:

• # of stearic acid molecules per monolayer = [Area of watch glass (cm2)]÷W2

where: W2 = Footprint Area of Single Stearic Acid Molecule (cm2/molecule)

• Moles of stearic acid molecules/monolayer = (Mass of stearic acid/monolayer) ÷ (Molar Mass of stearic acid)

• Avogadro’s # (molecules/mol) = [# of molecules per monolayer] ÷ [# of moles of stearic acid per monolayer]

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)

Part A. Calibration of the pipet dropper. You will need to know how many drops of hexane per
milliliter the pipet delivers. Do not use water on the pipet, graduated cylinder, or test tubes used
to hold hexane or the stearic acid/hexane solution. If these components are exposed to hexanes,
use acetone to rinse the glass and allow blow dry gentle with compressed air.

1. Use a clean and dry 10 mL graduated cylinder to bring 2.5 mL of pure hexane to your work area.
2. Place a rubber bulb onto the +ne tipped pipet. The bulb should +t snugly. If it does not, see your
3. Have a small test tube handy. Support it in a 50 ml beaker. Place the pipet tip in the hexane in the
graduated cylinder; squeeze and release the bulb a number of times. This saturates the air space in
the pipet with hexane vapor, and prevents unwanted dripping of the hexane out of the pipet.
4. Use the pipet to transfer hexane out of the graduated cylinder into the test tube until the level of
hexane in the graduated cylinder is at the 1.00 ml mark.
TECHNICAL ADVICE: Keep the pipet vertical at all times; tilting it horizontally allows
liquid to uncontrollably flow from the tip.
5. Now, taking hexane from the test tube, count how many drops it takes to +ll the graduated
cylinder up to the 2.00 ml mark. Record this number in the data table. If you lose count, transfer
the hexane out of the cylinder to the 1.00 mark, and count again.
6. DISPOSAL: Pour the hexane into the organic waste container provided.

Part B. Formation of the Stearic Acid Monolayer.

1. Clean a large watch glass thoroughly with ample soap and water. Rinse with deionized water
making sure not to touch the upper surface of the watch glass with your hands.
2. Set it on the 600 mL beaker. Pour deionized water into the watch glass from a beaker until the
watch glass is brim full.
3. Transfer 1 mL of the stearic acid/hexane solution to a small, clean and dry test tube. Record the
strength of the solution, in the data table.
4. Draw up some of the solution into the calibrated pipet. Hold the pipet straight up, and squeeze
one drop of the solution onto the center of the water in the watch glass. Watch as the solution
spreads out and evaporates. Make sure each drop completely evaporates and dissipates before
adding the next drop. Get an angle of view that allows you to clearly see the drop evaporating.
TECHNICAL ADVICE: Be sure each drop dispensed in a full drop. If air bubbles are
present in the pipet, often only partial drops are dispensed.
5. Now add another drop, and wait until it evaporates. Continue to do this, counting the drops. You
will notice that the drops begin to take longer and longer to evaporate. This happens as the
surface gets more and more crowded with stearic acid molecules. Do not be tempted to rush the
experiment—wait until each drop has fully evaporated. Finally, you will see a very small amount
of sediment, sort of a whitish scum, on the surface where a drop just evaporated. This is the
multi-molecular pile of stearic acid molecules that occurs after the surface has been covered by
the monomolecular layer. Do not count the last drop, and record how many drops have been
placed on the water surface up to that last drop. You might have to vary your angle of view of
the surface so that the light is right to help you to see the deposit white scum on the surface.
6. Finally, use a ruler to measure the diameter of the water surface. Record the value to the nearest
0.1 of a centimeter.
7. Repeat Steps 1-6 one more time for a total of two trials.

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
Avogadro’s Lab • Assignment & Report Guidelines

READING Experiment – Lab Manual Pages

The Mole and Relative Masses (Silberberg, 6th Ed., Section 3.1, pp. 83-91)
The Shapes of Molecules (Silberberg, 6th Ed., Chp. 10, pp. 363-386)
Intermolecular Forces (Silberberg, 6th Ed., Sections 12.1-12.5, pp 419-441)

PRE-LAB ALL elements of the pre-lab MUST be completed prior to the start of the
• Title of experiment and number, your name, the dates of the experiment.
• Briefly, but specifically explain the purpose of the experiment.
General Strategy
•In your own words, summarize (1) the general procedure and (2) the basic concept for
determining Avogadro’s number in this experiment.
Answers to Pre-Lab Questions: Written in the lab notebook
• Submit these questions with the components above. The answers will serve as a
conceptual foundation for studying the molecular models of stearic acid. Be sure to draw
from these concepts when working through the calculations of Avogadro’s number.

MINI LAB REPORT Begin the lab report on a new page of the lab notebook.

• Title of experiment and number, your name, the dates of the experiment.
Data / Observations / Results
• The original “Data and Calculations” worksheet should be submitted.
Discussion – Theory / Error Analysis
• Complete the “Error Analysis” worksheet.
• In your lab notebook, propose and describe an alternative method for calculating the area
of a single stearic acid molecule (Amolecule). Use this calculation (Amolecule) to determine
Avogadro’s number (NA). You may likely need to employ a different model for the
stearic acid molecule (cylindrical shape, or a dimensional model calculated from bond
lengths and angles, etc.)
o How does the result above compare to the value of Avogadro’s number calculated
using the rectangular block model of stearic acid (from Figure 1)?
o What assumptions are implied with this new method and how would they affect
the final result of NA?

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)

1. Draw the Lewis dot structure of the stearic acid molecule. Label the hydrophobic and hydrophilic
portions of the molecule. Using the rectangular block model in Figure 1, determine the
approximate ratio of the H to the W (H/W to two significant figures). Show your work for
complete credit.

2. What type of intermolecular forces would be present on the monolayer surface between stearic
acid molecules and water molecules?

3. How would the determination of Avogadro’s number be affected, if the area of a single stearic
acid molecule was underestimated? Explain your reasoning.

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
Data and Calculations: Name:____________________________________

Show your work and use signi!cant !gures correctly. Drops counted are exact numbers.

1. Drops of hexanes per milliliter: ____________________

2. Stearic acid solution strength (grams of solute per mL of solution): ____________________

3. Number of drops of hexanes solution needed to form the monolayer:

Trial 1:__________________ Trial 2: _________________ Average:___________________

4. Diameter of water surface: ______________________

5. Area of water surface: _________________________

6. Volume of hexanes solution to form monolayer: _____________________________

7. Total mass of stearic acid (solute) added to surface: ___________________________grams/monolayer

Use the above information to calculate the volume and thickness of stearic acid in the monolayer.

8. Volume of stearic acid added: ___________________________________________________

Note: The density of bulk stearic acid is approximately 0.85 g/cm3

9. Thickness of monolayer, H: _____________________________________________________

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
10. Using the information of the Height of the stearic acid molecule and molecular models to
establish proportions, calculate the width of a stearic acid molecule (W). This requires the stearic
acid molecule be modeled as a rectangular block (see Figure 1). Show your work and explain the
reasoning behind this calculation.

Width of stearic acid molecule: _______________________________________

11. Determine the area (W2) for an individual stearic acid molecule aligned on the surface of

Area of stearic acid molecule:___________________________________________

12. Number of Stearic acid molecules on monolayer surface:


13. Moles of Stearic acid molecules on monolayer surface:


14. Avogadro’s Number calculated from data:


Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)
Error Analysis: Name: ______ _________

1. List four assumptions in this experiment that were implied in the calculation of Avogadro’s
number. Pay particular attention to the method you employed in #10 of the calculations to
determine the area of the stearic acid molecules.

Assumption 1:

Assumption 2:

Assumption 3:

Assumption 4:

2. Describe three systematic errors that could occur in the procedure that would affect the final
outcome of NA. For each error, explain how it would affect the final calculation. Would it
lead to an overestimation or underestimation of Avogadro’s number? Explain your reasoning.

Error 1:

Error 2:

Error 3:

Skyline College Chemistry 210 Laboratory Manual (August 2013 Revision)

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