Future of Supermarkets - Purple
Future of Supermarkets - Purple
Future of Supermarkets - Purple
We want to identify and understand our customers to improve our products and services,
but we need the data to do it. Where is the data going to come from? Without a clear,
accurate and rich database of customer profiles and in-depth segmentation, many
supermarket conglomerates are still looking for ways to capture this data from their stores.
We believe digital transformation through WiFi analytics and intelligent marketing tools can
collect and action these insights in real-time. Unlocking this offline data to process and
combine with online platforms, such as; email, POS, CRM databases, and even weather
apps, can truly transform how you optimize your stores and overall customer experience.
You will already be using online business intelligence from website traffic, POS system
purchase history, loyalty program data, and social media statistics, among other sources, to
understand your customers. Even so, not every customer can be identified, and there isn’t a
lot of technology online to track behavior while customers are in your store.
Digitizing the physical space of your stores to capture, analyze and action data of how
different customer profiles behave, and have this data readily available to customers via
their own My Data Privacy Portal, unlocks a new wealth of insights. Especially across
differing store sizes and locations.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Easy to use, and designed for automatic action
Purple is a cloud-based software that sits over existing WiFi networks to capture, analyze,
and action insights about how your visitors, as well as customers who frequently shop,
behave in your stores.
Social WiFi enables customers to access WiFi via their social channels, or via a short form,
and unlocks previously unaccessible information. However, it’s Purple’s scalability, depth of
data, marketing automation tools, and localized customer support that help you engage with
your customers in real-time, relevant and hyper-targeted commerical strategies.
Whenever a customer walks into your stores, there is a plethora of data that can be
captured, such as; first and last visit, foot traffic behaviour, and dwell times throughout the
days and weeks.
This deidentified, unauthenticated data helps establish conversion and bounce rates, and
average dwell times across individual and grouped stores, as well as specific departments.
All of this can be exported with Purple’s API to other online and POS data for a robust profile
of your customers and stores.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Enriched visitor and shopper insights
When a customer logs onto your guest By using Purple’s connectors, you have the
WiFi, you have an opportunity to collect opportunity to link external data sources,
name, age, email, social interests and from POS and eCommerce data to
hometown information. This means, loyalty program and email software, to
whether they make a purchase or not, piece together your online and offline data.
supermarkets can identify which stores By enriching your profiles, you’re able to
shoppers are walking into, when their last identify patterns and manage every step of
visit was, and use this information to the customer experience.
identify your network of consumers.
Behavioral segmentation
Personalize your campaigns by targeting customers based on previous and real-time visitor
behavior, including dwell time, busy periods, and even footfall behavior across different
groups and locations, to deliver far more relevant, and ultimately more impactful,
campaigns. WiFi is no longer a utility, it’s a loyalty engagement tool.
Use Socal WiFi Use offline and Understand how Greet customers
logins of Facebook online splash different customer by their first name
Twitter, Instagram pages to promote profiles walk and in their own
and more to daily offers, events around your stores, native language
capture details and new brand and use this data for a truly
on who is in your partnerships across to send targeted personalized
supermarket. particular stores. marketing. experience.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Customer Success Team Support
With thousands of implementations behind us, we’re acutely aware that every business has
its own nuanced infrastructure, culture and desired outcomes. Only through building a clear
understanding of each can we truly deliver value.
With this in mind, we’ve built a blueprint of the key ingredients that lead to a successful,
seamless implementation that will deliver valuable business outcomes to an entire
organization as quickly as possible. We apply this blueprint to all of our guests through the
Purple Value Workshop, as well as our localized teams for 24/7 support.
Our Customer Success and Implementation specialists will support you on your journey and
allow you to leverage off other global brands’ experiences to ensure you achieve your key
Workshop Objectives
• Define the key use cases that will deliver return to your business
• Explain how different stakeholders can derive value, and understand who these are
within your business
• Understand and agree the key measures of success
• Agree on the technical and marketing requirements for success
• Define the roll out stages of implementation
As well as allowing Purple to understand the best way to help your business, Purple’s Value
Workshop will leave you with a clear plan to measure the return our solution is delivering to
your team.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Action insights with campaigns in real-time
Design email and SMS campaigns to have impact with the Purple Portal’s campaign builder
and LogicFlow tools. Once Purple has been successfully overlaid onto your guest WiFi,
you will have instant visibility of visitors logging on and will begin to see the trends in your
physical space.
Collecting data about every shopper, enabling social WiFi login to understand their online
behaviour, social interests and native lanuage, will help supermarkets reach a whole new
level of customer experience.
• Export data with Purple’s API to uncover a new depth of customer insights
across individual and group store levels.
• Integrate with Purple’s connectors and apps, such as weather, MailChimp, Microsoft
Dynamics and Salesforce, to send hyper-targeted, relevant marketing campaigns.
• Send timely micro-surveys on a 24 hour delay after a customer visits your store
to generate valuable feedback on their experience.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Standards, Process & Legal Conformity
Personal data about individuals that is Internet security can be one of the biggest
collected through venues is handled in concerns for venues offering WiFi services.
accordance with privacy laws around the Using Purple will ensure you adhere to
globe, including GDPR. This data is stored legal requirements of being a public
in line with the requirements of these laws, hotspot provider, such as those in the
and Purple are registered with the Digital Economy Bill.
Information Commissioner’s Office.
Purple have ISO 27001 certification. Our
Data retention hosting infrastructure is wholly contained
within Amazon’s cloud services which are
To comply with the Data Retention (EC fully PCI-DSS and ISO 27001 compliant.
Directive) Regulations 2009, which assists All users logging onto the network will be
in the prevention and detection of routed through the Purple solution, which
organised crime and terrorism, certain complies with current laws and guidelines
communication data must be retained by for providing a public WiFi hotspot.
service providers. Purple stores this data in
line with the requirements of the regulation Seamless roaming
on secure third party Amazon web servers.
Our social WiFi solution does not require
Illegal online activity repeat login. Once a customer logs into
Purple for the first time, using either social
The Digital Economy Act 2010 targets media authentication or filling in the
online copyright infringement by end registration form, the network remembers
users, covering illegal or inappropriate them for a seamless roaming experience.
downloading and file sharing.
Safe harbor
Purple helps venues demonstrate they
have taken necessary steps to prevent All data is stored in Amazon cloud services
copyright infringement, by guest WiFi and stored in four places globally, in line
users having to register and accept terms with legislation and best practice. EU data
and conditions which cover inappropriate is stored in Dublin, US data in the US, and
use. APAC data in Singapore.
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Standards, Process & Legal Conformity
Visit our website for more information: www.purple.ai or call us directly > find your nearest office
Contact Purple
Visit: www.purple.ai
Email: info@purple.ai
Meadowbank Offices
Tweedale Way
+44 333 101 4488
Hub Melbourne
Level 2
696 Bourke Street
3000 Melbourne
+61 2 8520 3317