BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping
Lab Exercises
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Pre-Lab Setup 3
Module Z: Dashboards Overview """""" 5
Lab 2.1: Creating Custom Dashboards 5
Lab 2.2: Working with Dashboard Administrator Utility 6
Lab 2.3: Resetting the [10 eked 1 Flag 7
Module 3: User Administration and System Security 8
Lab 3.1: Providing Security Management Access 8
Lab 3.2: Modifying the Login Page and Checking Audit Logs 9
Lab 3.3: Creating a New User from the CLI 12
Lab 3.4: Listing the New User's Details 13
Lab 3.5: Changing a User's Passwo rd 14
Lab 3.6: Locking and Unlocking an Account.. 15
Module 4: Scanning Basics 16
Lab 4.1: Perform a Sweep Scan 16
Lab 4.2: Exciude Management 18
Module 5: Discovery Credentials Z0
Lab 5.1: Configure a Windows Credential in a Windows Proxy Pool 20
Lab 5.2: Configure Host Credentials 24
Lab 5.3: Configure a Full Discovery Scan 29
Lab 5.4: Configuring Additional Database and Application Discovery 30
Module 6: Query Language Overview 34
Lab 6.1: Running Simpl e Searches 34
Lab 6.2: Searching with the WHERE Clause 34
Lab 6.3: Searching Using WHEREand ANDCLAUSES 35
Lab 6.4: Searching With the Regular Expression Syntax 35
Practice Exercise 1: Using the Advanced Query Language 37
Lab 6.5: Using the 0 RDER BYClause 38
Lab 6.6: Using the EXPLODE Clause 38
Lab 6.7: Using Key Expressio ns 39
Lab 6.8: Using the TRAVERSE Clause 39
Lab 6.9: Using the EXPANDClause 40
Lab 6.10: Using the NODECOUNTClause 41
Lab 6.11: Using the PROCESSWITHClause 41
Module 7: Clustering 4Z
Lab 7.1: Create a Cluster 42
Lab 7.2: Change the Cluster Coordinator 46
Lab 7.3: Enable Fault Tolerance in the Cluster 47
Lab 7.4: Run a Full Discovery Scan from the Created Cluster 48
Lab 7.5: Remove a Cluster Member from the Cluster 49
Module 8: Consolidation 51
Lab 8.1: Set Up Consolidation 51
Lab 8.2: Run a Scan from the Scanning Device and Verify It Is Sent to the Consolidator 52
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Pre-Lab Setup
WinSCP Credentials
1. From the desktop, open the WinSCP icon using the following credentials:
• Host name:
• Port number: 22
• User name: tideway
• Password: tidewayuser
--- r~=''----
2. Click Login.
·1 ...... ·1
PuTTY Credentials
1. From the desktop, open the PuTTY configuration window using the following credentials:
• Host name:
• Port number: 22
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~purTY(onrt(Juration f.3
5_,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ to _to~
Host Jlame to. IP a&tett) Port
"-. 122
- F~btl.l"l!S
[ C'omedicln t}1lC;
(" Row r I"", r RIoOn r. $5" r 5'"'" ,
.... M eoee
8ehavioul lO6d. t4VO Of delete e $tOfcd teuion
l'an~¥.ion SaV$dS~
S C""""On lo"
<l! 55H
2. Click Open.
3. At the command prompt that opens, type the user name tideway and password tidewayuser,
and press ENTER.
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
1. Click the Home tab and at the upper-right of the page, click Available Dashboards (~.
2. Click the Copy Current Dashboard link.
1. From the options available under the Included Sections, select any seven channels, based on
your requirements.
Tip: The page shows seven preselected channels from that list. When you scroll down the page, you
will see those channels already displaying. Select Application Mapping to include one additional
Note: BMCAtrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping 10.1 does not allow more than eight
channels to a dashboard.
Tip: Instead of clicking the Home tab to view the refreshed channels, you may also click the red x
button on the dashboard configuration options.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
3. Type the password as System1234$. The list of current dashboards should be displayed.
Note: The password typed is the password of the system user from the UI.
The list of available dashboards includes information on locked dashboards. The names of modified
dashboards will appear with alphanumeric characters.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
4. Minimize the PuTTY window. In the UI, click Available Dashboards (1lZIj.
5. Navigate to the default dashboard. Note that the title contains [Edit) that indicates the
dashboard is unlocked and can be edited.
4. Minimize the PuTTY window. In the UI, click Available Dashboards (~.
5. Navigate to the default dashboard. Note that the title does not contain [Edit) that indicates the
dashboard is locked and cannot be edited.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
Answer: Since the newly created user User_Test does not have Administrator permission, you
won't be able to access the Security Policy section.
Tip: After completing this task, log out of the User_Test account and log in again using the user
name system and password System1234$.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Lab 3.2: Modifying the Login Page and Checking Audit Logs
4. To change the appearance of the login page to a plain (non-branded) view, log in to the
appliance (username system and password System1234$).
5. From the Administration tab, in the Security section, click Security Policy, then click the
Login Page tab.
6. Change the Plain Login Page option from No to Yes and clickApply.
7. ClickLogout at the upper-right corner of the page.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
8. After logging out of the appliance, you will notice that the BMCSoftware brand no longer
displays on the login screen. It is a plain white login page.
login I
Task 2: Check for the Display of the Legal Warning Message on the Login Page
1. From the Administration tab, in the Security section, click Security Policy, then click the
Login Page tab.
2. Type anything in the Legal Notice field.
• Suggested sample text: This is the legal notice text
3. Click Apply.
4. Log out of the appliance.
5. At the login screen, verify that the Legal Notice in the lower-left corner of the window is now
showing what you typed.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Ad ministration:> Audit
f Audit
I Audit LOg> l_pul'ge
Eventstoup All
Events AU
c. Note in the Audit log the different events listing each user and date/time.
Important: Security Warning
• Keep knowledge of the password to a minimum of people.
• Comply with your organization's policy on root or superuser passwords.
• Change the password when people leave the team.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREPBoot Camp LAB GUIDE
In this exercise, you will perform user management tasks using utilities from a Command Line
Interface (CLI).
Task 1: Create a New User from the CU Using the tw_adduser Utility
1. Access the PuTTYtool from your desktop to use the appliance from the CLI.
Login: Use tideway/tidewayuser and click Open.
2. Type tw _adduser -f 'Student' student
Note: In the command, ensure that there is a space after tw_adduser, and -f and 'StudentOl'
• The tw_adduser utility creates the new user with the user login student.
• The option -f'Student 01' allows the administrator to specify the full name of the new user
(Student 01).
• For syntax help, use the «help flag.
• For more information on the tw_adduser utility, including required syntax for available
arguments, visit confluence/display /101jtw _adduser.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Note: In the command, ensure that there is a space only after twJistusers and nowhere else.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
• The tw_passwd utility displays warnings about the standard rules for formatting passwords.
• For more information on the tw_passwd utility, including required syntax for available
arguments, visit / lOl/tw_passwd.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
• For more information on the tw_upduser utility, including the required syntax for available
arguments, see 1101/tw_upduser.
• For more information on command line utilities noted in this lab, refer to the
documentation at confluence I display 1101 IUsing+Command +Line+Utilities.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Performing a sweep scan in a new environment is a typical use of this feature to get a quick view of
what is there in the environment.
Before performing a sweep scan, ensure that Discovery is running.
Tip: Ensure that there are no credentials configured in your appliance before you perform a sweep scan.
1. From the Discovery tab, click Discovery Status, and click Add a New Run.
2. ClickAdd a New Run to add a new Discovery run.
3. On the Add a New Run screen, specify the following details:
• Type: Snapshot
• Range:
• Level: Sweep Scan
• Label: First Sweep Scan
4. ClickOK
a If Discovery is currently not running, click START ALL SCANS.
b. From the Currently Processing Runs tab, monitor the progress of this discovery run.
1. From the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run by clicking the label (First Sweep Scan) for
the scan.
RUNNING '1.,)"I'Ii"'$'
Range Tuning
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
2. View the Discovery result and discuss the various statuses under the Status and Summary
sections with your instructor.
StartTime 13103l201508:0e:33
EndTime 13/031201508:09:03
Duration 0.00:00:30
Endpoints 11 OISCOVe-NAcc~ss~srelatoo
o summa!),
Hosts 0
NetWol'k oevices 0
SttIrage Devices 0
Storage Syste<ns 0
Printers 0
Mf Parts 0
Skipped 2
NOAa:e$S ~
NOResponse 0
Error 0
3. View the Discovery result for Skipped and for No Access and note those IPs.
4. View the Discovery result for Number of IPs Dropped.
BMCAtrturr Discovery & Dependency Mapping
Hom? Application::. Infrastructure txsee-......
<:'!Y fl.~rts Mrruni-str<i'tlon
IP ~ddl'esses 192..168.0.14,. 192.168A16~ 192..168.0.17. 192..168A11, 192.168.0..12. 192..168.-0..13.192.168..0.18., 192..168..0.24., 192.1E6..0.23. 192.168..0.22
Tip: Individual results for the Skipped and No Access may vary in this lab per run. However, note
that this result screen helps reveal IPs that could be excluded from future scans.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~ Discovery is STOPPED
Exclude Ranges
2. To add an exclusion range, from the Exclude Ranges tab, click the Add New Exclude Range
3. On the Add a New Exclude Range window that appears, specify the following details:
• Type: Permanent
• Range:
• Label: IP range to exclude from a Discovery run
• Description: The Admin has requested that these IPs be skipped in a Discovery run
Tip: In the previous lab, we saw that 14 IPs were dropped (, two IPs were skipped
( is an unsupported device and is a desktop - excluded), and nine IPs
could not be accessed (
Based on those observations, we have chosen these IPs to exclude from future scans.
4. ClickOK
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
1. From the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run by clicking the label (Sweep Scan with
Excluded IP Range) for the scan.
BMC Atrium Discovery & Dependency Mappmg
Heme Application, Infn.l!;\n.lctur~ RQPortr. Admln!~rallon
scattTim. 16f03";C()1S0ea3;AS
I NI.IId:oer oIIf':sOfC'j:-,:Cid.u I
(~I'!U 'pO!wY;WArre<.'M(f:jl'''''
o Summncy
Hosts 0
~~Q ....;CIS 0
$lor ap OIlVic:cas 0
',inlMS 0
t.W!..-I OeoAQ!S
No''''f)Ol\JI 0
fnOf 0
5. Verifythat the results for the dropped IPs match the exclusion details.
~ DIOppf>Crrjp')lnt:,: "'10'1~ 03 I o 05:2 :):5'1.00
IACtion! .) IBr" M .)
StaflTime 16t03l201~05a3$1
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
4. Click Apply. The page refreshes to display content of the current Windows proxy pools.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
5. Drag the newly created proxy pool to the top of the list using the grey vertical bar on the left.
BMC Atrium Discovery & Dependency Mapping
Home ApplicatIons Inf.astructllre Re-ports AdmInistration
\Vindo\',sproxy Pools will b~ttled ill the order shown, from top to bottom. Windows PrOXie-!.wttlbe-chosen (rom the Pools basoo on loading. change the- IAdd __I
order by dragging Windows Proxy Pools to a new place in the list.
~ Discovery Tools
Windows Proxies
WindovlS dlscoVf!oI'Y
requires a windows proxy. Th~Proxy ISa BMC.Atrlunl Discovery appliC3tiOll that runs on a customef·provided windOM host.
Proxies have three different forms:
• Active Directory Proxy·. proxy Is configured to run as a specific Actl'l't·Directory account
• Workgroup Proxy -Proxy JsCXJnfiguredto run as a Workgroup ececcnt. Since 8.2 this hasbe~ into the ActIve-Directory Proxy
• Credential Proxy -uS&Scrooe-ntials supplied by the eMC Atrium OIscovety appliance to perform windoW'S diSCOVery
Btfor9YOu an use a Proxy to d1$(oV'eryourWlndows IT fnfra5tl'uaure. you ITlUst first Jnstallind Nn the Proxy software 'there IS' s.ll'\gte inRlllet(ol' all,),
Theonyou need to Idd tht Pl'oxy to the- !pptlance usina ,he Add Window) PrQXY eop! p08e.
3. Clickingthe download link launches the File Download dialog box. ClickSave File.
8e(creyolJ can use a Proxy to discoveryourWindowslT Infrastructure, you mt,lst first install and run the Proxy software (there Is a single installer for aUproxies).
TtI!?n you ne-edto add the P(oxy to the app.UanceuSing the Add W1otfow:; Proxy PQQ!page.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
7. On the Ready to Install window, click Install and monitor the progress.
• Ifyou get a message about overwriting a winproxy.conf file that already exists, clickYES.
8. On the Completing the BMCAtrium Discovery Proxy Setup Wizard window, retain the two
default selections, and click Finish.
p B!4"i.i:~~~~~Q5Y..~~~~i~~
IV R.t.!n P,'oxy Manager
9. The page briefly displays the Proxy Manager window before launching the Create Windows
Credential Proxy screen.
f?]UMC Alriurtl DJ~t.uv~ryProxy MdlldUt!r 119Ei
Proxy Edk \/lew Help
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
10. On the Create Windows Credential Proxy screen, enter the Proxy Name details
StudentWindowsProxy and click Apply.
• You may opt to retain the prepopulated value - STUDENT-602A98D.
BMC Atrium Discovery & Dependency Mapping
Hom('l Applications In(rl~ruc.Ur(> R("PO~'!o Admtnl ..tratlon
Port ~323
Certificate: EMBg:·AC:04:07;67·1'_·1P..:QO$3·14:1e..'~r;.-e.!?(SA:BrnF$O;e$
Tip: As we have installed the credential proxy on the machine at IP, the Proxy address
is prepopulated to
11. Verify the result that the credential proxy is successfully added to the proxy pool.
12. Note that the status of the Windows credential proxy is Active.
~ Device Credentials
OeI/lee, [[)mb.... I I\ItddlQW3r. I MM.semon'Sysl.,n 1
(kosts) 'dM'@$tt! I"''') IvCtnurl ~ I""''') ICrtlltntWtl Tuts I
Windows Proxy Pools will b@'tti&d in th~ ord~ shown, (rom top to bottom. WindoW!. ProXier. "Jill b. chosen (rom th@Poolsbasedonloadfng.Change-th@ IAdd_1
order by dragging Windows Proxy Pools to a new place rn the Ur.t.
AIlIP Adc!rp_",,,;-
f.t)!!tiir.dQ\'!s:PrQ~I>QQJ 1 Actions ...
1yp~ CredMtla.I{ scan IPvSaddr~sS!S) OMcrlptlon This is a W1ndO\~s Proxy Pool
II Actiotel
dO'tlS lOgin (:rect(}111~1S
(.(11'1 get IPV4:Ide1e but VJIr'I«1MS Ye($i(ll'I60es not Sl,lpport scen.,ing
Page 23
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~ Device Credentials
0eYl~$ T Oatabases I ""fddleware r 1I.13na,gemeontSystem ]
VvlndovlSProxy Poolswill b~ttl€td in the orde<~hown.from top to bottom. Windov6Proxios will be chose«from tht' Pooisbasecton loading.Chang~the (Add .. )
order by dragging Wlndo'Ns ProX)' Pools to a new ptace In the-list
lvp .. 'r~(ntilll(C4n.not KIlnIM,ddrc:;u:;)
see Wi,'ldoWIS!oRil1 cr.:dt'llltl&lS
0 ..' T'rti!)n This iso WindowsPro)lY
to.' 40121'
Can gel IP..-6dt1l&but Wil'ldom\At,'stoll doesl'I<ol'::uppoll SC&l1nillRDisable
All If: Addrfsses- OELiQ Delete I--
lyp, Cre<lt'otlaJ O~wptlOf\
11 p~ V. I f II.) I I , 1 Actions ..
Status: OI!3t1led by U~M
U~&C', Set'Wlndow5login (rec:lt'(ltiIJJ$
Vt'r~IOI't UOa'JiI Ii!blt'
The banner message indicates that the proxy StudentWindowsProxy has been contacted.
Device Credentials
In this lab, we will add three host credentials, one host credential for UNIXand two host credentials
for Windows.
~ Device Credentials
OWI~s [ I MlddteWare- I Management sy..tem :
(WlndO''''''' PrCXIes) i"'MPI (..otrttrJ (~"·I (.....MI (CI!den'ill) 1t'I$,
2. Click Add.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
~ Device Credentials
DeviCes I Oataba,.,. I Mlddlil\'/are I Management S;tstenl I
lim tWinllOWS Praxles) (lNMP) (-.<entet) (.,..,,,.) (""SEM) ICredential JeS1s)
Total Credentials: 2 (8y C1U:E's.s (TfI!rJloc/ ~ 1FltOG/u, 1 SSH. 1 TUNEr. 2 ~'f).NfXI.NS· c.rcdwr.w!.s (U."I auplytt'ltr1Of! tfoao onE ( Shcw ...ilchng '''"'''''t ..:.... ) (Add ..•)
Host credentials willbe tried in the order shown, from top to bottom. Change-the-order by dragging credentials to a new placelnthe-ist.
.- CJ 1~IUfA='$.CL8.uiltloAdm~ib AdK)ns ~
Host clcdenUlllb fOI Vim 1 Vii" 2 tUld Wi., 3system31 /I,oIetl'lod. wir-dOM
I'tf!Vf!( csee SU((t.'.I$1UIfy
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
~ Device Credentials
Devices I Databases I /l.iiddleware I f\.iana.gement Sy~em •
.t. OtoiUlPbol'l cpuO-I'IS MtthOO!.1!h, ,1081""l~lnttanlJ.w,noows
N'tVer u!ed rucce~ully
OtWlption Host: eeeeouets tor Win 1Wln 2and Win 3 systems- opuens Mtthod: windows
t U'tO-S~
'~fVl!r esee sUCCMstUlfy
D!!scnptlon Hort<ftdtntlalstof 8f.adtloglc.and studtl'lt system Opbon~ Mtthod: wmdows
Ntvtr used SUCC-fssfuity
o 6111P6s!!;t[~~~·su1gm y~~r ,
Aaloni ...
crc(lc"'il'~'Of IJI'tIX~l'Im Mcthod:$'Ih
N(I'<I(l, u,xd "Jcco:;:::fully
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
4. On the Device Credentials screen, drag the credentials (using the left edge of the bar,
displaying the vertical rearrangement arrows) to arrange them in an order per your
~ oevtce Credenlials
Oevlces ( Da1:abaS5 I Middle-Wilre
Total Crldlntials:
(WlftdOWS prQ)Qts)
r syaJ;(~JJ'J('thcd
[ Manasement
2SSH. t TWi',
1""'''1) ICrtdtnh&1 Tesh I
3 VtWoc;l{S -O€:JMhols eM opplyl~ (tren
Host aedenUalsYlIlI be tried In the- orde( shown, from top to bottom. Change the dragging credentials to a newptace in the fist.
Ina" one I
( Show "'atchlng Cre<l<nt.lals... (Add_1
Actions -
6 611Ie6dd[e~:t·.e.~ll!illiaCASQ(
D~cflp' on Hott Cted(n~t$- for 81edel.0sic lind student ~m-m OrUon~ Melhod: wjndO'....~
Neyer u1fll ~uC(M~ully I
6 t\lIlf t:\dd[Ii:~'ics"Blliltlo&dlIlill Actions -
D!.'~atp~on Ho~ Cted-t'ntials:torWin 1 Win 2and Win 3 systMlS Op"on! Method: window~
Nevtr US~ SuCCH$(uUy
'\Illi 1\ Actions·
D-e~"fpt.QtI OIJUon~ t.1~UI()d~nil ,Ioglr,. u'''!.'tanGwlf1dUW1
t U 4~1'
1" 'Itt I.Itt!)IU(Co!S!<fu 11
~ Device Credentials
~3[abasg I "'lddll!W3r~ 1 Man3jec'nent S~tem I
GIll (Wi"dQW~ Ptaxlt\) ($N"p) I\l(tl'lle1) (,""""I Iwee",) (C'~clenlj~1resrs I
lotol credentials; 4 8y (rt'':fSi mrthoct 11UJ]",(N 2..";1,1 UiN[f.3+'r:N~ rrdmllof .. (a" apply 10 fr'W" In(,,, "n-r ( Show Mouthing Credentlals..y ) (~d-I
Host ,redentlals winbetned In the order shown, from top to bottom. Change the order by dr"gglng at'dentlclls to a newptace In theflit.
'UAlliE: AeJ{!I' e.lJS:f'-l- a~Jdln 1I!!P,l I Mlon. ;
ttOSl c(edfll\lleb (0' U~IX systflln Mfltll.od:ssl'l Edit
... Nflve, U;gedsuccMSrul1y
6 .811Ie l:!dd[e!l:l~'i·6timioili!IfltQC
De!cnpt:.on Host md~ntlals
ter BiaOtlo&k end student system OptJor,~ M~thod: Windows:
Move to bottom J
Nty~r u'~d sucuss:tully
o alii' AdgrC5sGI· lll!ilu[!aSlmiD Actions·
nesctpnen lion cft':dentials: tor Win 1WIn 2 and Wtn 3 !y'sttms: Optlont: Ml'tl'lod: w~ndOWS
N!.'Wt used succ:es:!:1uuy
,,1111 l\ Actions ...
" " OptJOI"lt'" Mt"thods: ssn "OlJ'I, teteee eoo wl~dow"
t U\lI!;e
Page 27
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
2. The Test Device Credentials window opens; specify the IP address ( to test the
credentials and click Test
Test Device Credentials 11
I To>l I (C.n •• 1 I
Device Credentials
DeVlce!o t oatabase-s I '~tddlev/are ro1anageme-nt system
[HII1U) IWind4Yls Pr~tS I ($NMP I (\l(tn1f:r I l\lSptttrt I I¥t1IEM J 8UB.9,ii"d
4. Similarly you can test the other credentials against any of the indicated IP addresses:
• For addm_user:,,
• For Administrator:,
• For BuiltInAdmin:,,
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
1. From the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run by clicking the label (First Full Discovery
Scan) for the scan.
2. Browse through the Discovery Run result and discuss the various statuses under the Summary
section with your instructor.
3. In the Summary section of the scan result, click the link next to Hosts.
4. Note the result for hosts.
f' Host List
o CustomJze
Select: @ I Nan. ) Iinven ) II Actions - ) I Reports - ) IV-""alizatlons -) Found 7 items 10.092 seconds), shovling 1 to 7.
r red1 Fled Hat Enterprlset.lnux Server release 5.6 VMware,ln" Yes NI"'iSit IV!}" set N-=-rse~
r reez Red Hat Enterpriselinux SeIVe< release 5.6 v",1ware.lnc. Yes NfJrset NOiset f1i'Jrsf'f
r red3 Red Hat € nt erprise linux Server release S.3 VlI,1ware.lnc. Yes NO(Sff N!>;-sft r/'Ji5C(
r wln1 r.4tcxosoft(R) Wlndo'NS(R) Server 2003 standard VMware.lnc. Yes folOi ;£"t ,Votsn AI'J( _,;t'f
x64 EdltionVersion 5.2.3790Bulld 3790
r Wln2 MIO"Osott(R:) Wlndo'M(fl) Server 2003 StDndard V""ware.lnc. Yes ",'Of st: NOlsn Notsrt
x64 EdItion Vtorslon 5.2.3790Build 3790
r wln3 Mlaosoft;(R) WlndoM(1tl Sif'Vtr 2003 Standard V""war •• me. YIS Norfttt NotSH N~r.. t
.64 Edition V.rsJon 5.2.1mBulld 3790
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
2. On the BladeLogic server desktop that opens, double-click the Services shortcut.
3. In the Services window that opens, locate and verify that the following services are running:
• BladeLogic Application Server
• BMCServer Automation RSCDAgent
If any service is not running, right-click it and select Start.
Note: Before the BladeLogic Application Service can start, ensure that the BMC Server
Automation RSCD Agent and the SQL Server services are running.
~ Database Credentials
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Credentials Wilt be tried In the order sho·wn. from top to' bcuem, Changtthto order by driggrngcredenttilti to a newpr.aceln
4. On the Create New Credential screen that opens, specify the following details:
• Name: MS_SQL_Credentials
• Enabled: Select this option
• Description: MS SQLCredentials
• Username: sa
• Password: sa
• Database Driver: Microsoft SQLServer aTDS Driver 1.2.7)
• Database IP Address: Select Match All
5. Keep the remaining settings at default value and click Apply.
6. On the Credentials screen, drag the newly created database credential to the top of the list
using the left edge of the bar.
7. To test this credential, select Test from the Actions menu.
Q) Microsoft SQL Server
Oet&ils r Cr«feotials (2) ( Quer j es (2S) ( Create I
I Crpdpntidl..>
(rtdtntlaJs. wlflb. tned In the ordtr1ohov«l. (rum topto bottom. Chinge the order by dr~Uifl£ credentials. to iI new place In Chi !lr.t. _. __
AatOI"l$ ..
"t,tS SQL "CdillllUiils
.j. ,-~II ... M.S$QU)uc:ric.: Oear¥tioN(lue-ryl:crApoirlt"4lo.sC • i't<·jtcl'J~tk:rvcf:l/e"tlpoi'\1 Edit
pon:--·~mflte"., ...e-, "~t~beo$lt;'·V$""kY&kIt·. Ot",bl.
u. _pe .'a m<!:I c ,~. CMfl1 pic WiLle 1.
I "'m'''9 d""o:o,",,,,,,,,.,.
r.<i ~
1 Co~y
TPL (Mult; .. MSSQlQuMiM.06aiptiOruQu!Cy(encpoitIC~ I$.l SQl OtlVK Is not currf.ntly <!vallaDII! oelM~
Move to bottom
8. On the Test Credential window that opens, type in the Database IP Address field
and click Test
- .w. .0
Ot'"rv.: Mlcro~ SQt. SHYer (jTOS Ortvtf 1,2,.7)
.. Oiitab.ase.IP A:fdtess:
0 M~ch
" R(lflp:: Q_!). ?(o.'ll~
Pon: I
O"UlbaS6ll\$UrQc~mlli: I
AdditionaIJDBcpara.m£teJs: J
I Tt>t I( Oncti I
Page 31
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
I' SUCCtss· (onnlC( to "jdbc:Jtd~sql$!rv!r:'/192.16S.o.1" at coday at 07:25:3'5 r1!"lUISl.d bysyst.f:m Rtmovt! Rettst
1. From the Discovery tab, click Discovery Status and clickAdd a New Run.
2. On the Add a New Run screen, specify the following details:
• Type: Snapshot
• Range:
• Level: Full Discovery
• Label: Full Discovery Scan for BladeLogic
3. ClickOK
• From the Currently Processing Runs tab, monitor the progress of this discovery run.
1. From the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run by clicking the label (Full Discovery Scan for
BladeLogic) for the scan.
2. Navigate to the Summary section and click the link next to Hosts.
o Summary
Hosts 1
Network Devices 0
Storage Devices 0
Printers 0
Page 32
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Host' blapp
1ActiOns.' 1R€OOltS .) 1ViSuali!ations., 1_00 ., ( Software Context II Hld.AlII I Show Provenance I
o Geoe@1 Details --
software Context ! •,
Name bJapp
Virtual 16
Files c!\WQdow?ymdygRtgNwmI
Host: blapp
1 Action•• ) 1 R""ort.:0 ",,,,aloul,,,,,, - (llolijed ., (softvmecontextll Hid.AlIIi Showprov.... 'nc.1
.t9p1icatlon 00pMd_ ·Appli<3'i<>n V.e",
o General Details Ap~K>n Oepern:Ienoes· SottwareVJew
AutomatIC Groupng Of!(a:d
Name b ~enng
Folo Sy1tern Depend_
Type J"
FlIe Sy1tem Dependences· Detail
Hardware vendor HOlt Cor«atnn"~
Host Coot~ With SOftware
Inf.erred So~ Communication
villualluition Oass '" Inferred SOI\w.n Oependoncy
Software Instances !l! l-' a.Ian<Ing
RuntimeF.nvironmeots 1. Netv",rkTopoIogy . Neighbor
J ObsorledC~·l.fostVi""
FiI~ ~ Ob$erved COf'I'Wl'M'NCatIOn· Prot:ess, View
Observed CO''I','I",_tlon· Software View
o Identity RuonIni SOftware
5. Verifyyour result.
Page 33
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Task 1: Create a Query to Search for Hosts, Runtime Environments, Software Instances, and
Discovered Files
1. On the search bar, click the Search icon.
2. To open the Search Query window, click the Generic Search Query link.
3. In the Search Query window, type each of the following search queries and click the Run
Query button after each query.
a. SEARCH host
b. SEARCH RuntimeEnvironment
c. SEARCH Software Instance
d. SEARCH DiscoveredFile
Note: The first search query will fail because the search query is case sensitive.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
1. In the Search Query window, type each of the following search queries and click the Run
Query button after each query.
- SEARCHHost WHEREname matches '(?ijO*App$' AND vendor matches '(?i)"sun'
The asterisk symbol (*) in a search string matches zero or more repetitions of the preceding regular
expression. For example, ab* will match a, ab, or a followed by any number ofb's.
The caret symbol (/I.) in a search string matches the start of the string.
The search string '(?i)O*App$' elements can be explained as follows:
- (?i) ignores the case in the search.
- (?i)O*App$ will match a string with App at the end, preceded by a o.
SEARCHHost WHEREname matches '(?ijO*App$' AND vendor NOTmatches '(?i)"sun'
This search will return results where the Name contains the suffix app and Hardware
Vendor does not contain sun.
- (?i) ignores the casing in the search.
- /I. matches sun at the start of the string.
1. In the Search Query window, type each of the following search queries and click the Run
Query button after each query.
a. SEARCHHost WHEREname matches '(?ijO*App$' AND vendor matches '(?i)"'sun'SHOW
summary, ram
b. SEARCHHost WHEREname matches '(?ijO*App$' AND vendor matches '(?ijAsun' SHOW
summary, ram AS "Memory".
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
This is a practice exercise to revise how to use the advanced query language.
Query 1: Write a query to display all hosts with the following attributes:
• Host name
• Host type
• AlIOS attributes
• To find all possible OS attributes, check the list (navigate from the Administration tab and click
View Taxonomy) .
• Search the page using <Ctrl + F> 'OS '. (Notice that there is a space after OS.)
Query 2: Write a query to refine the first query with these conditions:
• Limit the results to only Windows hosts.
• Include attributes for operating system, memory (RAM),vendor, model, service pack,
domain, virtual.
Query 3: Refine the preceding query with this condition:
• Limit the results by Windows hosts having any service pack details.
Query 4: Refine the preceding query with this condition:
• Limit the results by Windows hosts not having any service pack details.
Query 5: Refine the preceding query with these conditions:
• Display all hosts except Windows.
• Remove the service pack and Windows-specific attributes.
• Include attributes for operating system, memory (RAM),vendor, and model.
Query 6: Refine the preceding query with these conditions:
• Limit the result by hosts having power supply status details.
• Display the total package count
Suggested Solutions:
• For Query 1: SEARCHHost SHOW hostname, hosttype, os, os_type, os_version, os_edition,
• For Query 2: SEARCHHost WHERE os_class = 'Windows' SHOW hostname, os, ram, vendor,
model, service_pack, domain, virtual
• For Query 3: SEARCHHost WHERE os_class = 'Windows' AND service_pack is defined
SHOW hostname, os, ram, vendor, model, service_pack, domain, virtual
• For Query 4: SEARCHHost WHERE os_class = 'Windows' AND service_pack is not defined
SHOW hostname, os, ram, vendor, model, service_pack, domain, virtual
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Tip: Alternately, you can write the query section as os matches Windows, instead of
os.class = 'Windows'.
• For Query 5: SEARCHHost WHERE osclass <> 'Windows' SHOW hostname, os, os_edition,, ram, vendor, model
• For Query 6: SEARCHHost WHERE os.class <> 'Windows' AND psustatus is defined SHOW
hostname, os, osedition, osbuild, ram, vendor, model, psustatus, packagecount
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Note: Summary is not an attribute. It is a keyword used to display the taxonomy-defined summary
list in the search results.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
1. In the Search Query window, type each of the following search queries and click the Run
Query button after each query.
a. SEARCH Host WHERE os_type:: 'So/aris' TRAVERSE
b. SEARCH Host WHERE hostname:: 'lonlp0350db'TRAVERSE
Host:HostedSo/tWare:RunningSojtware:Sojtwarelnstance SHOW summary
c. SEARCH Host WHERE nonname» '/onlp0350db'
SHOW summary,
Instruction: Discuss how the second and third queries differ in their result.
Task 2: Run a Search Query using the TRAVERSE Clause and Compare the Results with that of the
In this task, you will execute a search query to display the software instance list for the host
1. In the Search Query window, type each of the following search queries and click the Run
Query button after each query.
SEARCH Host WHERE hostname» 'lonlp0350db' TRAVERSE
Host:HostedSoftware:Runn;ngSoftware:Softwarelnstance SHOW summary
Instructions: Discuss how the TRAVERSEclause and EXPANDclause queries differ in their result.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Module 7: Clustering
~ Cluster Mana6erient
2. To create a new cluster, on the Cluster Management page, click Create Cluster.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
·aUSlerm~ .-----------------
OlJSterAlUs ,----------------
o Sh!a!!(mrhnMdr,..-V5
.. Memter "dmesses
_"!all ... Ihc WI .,
_ClDf"tt. 09/t1f._"
rOSlOfft ditto
,.,U!tt' ~'Ifom ICl!t!.1' a( 11"(11
'Itlmtl'ffllM :nftt,(~.Htr'
WA,RIIiII'«): Oeaa.g a CklSter requires th.!lt 81 services ere restarted on this machine.
OK Cancel
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
8. Note that, after cluster creation, the appliance name changes to Student Cluster-Ol and its
login screen appears. Type the credentials systemjSystem1234$.
9. After logging in, the appliance opens to the Cluster Management page, which should now
display the details of the successful cluster creation.
BMC At' um otsccve-v & Dependency Mapp ICg
Home App!!catlons Inft;;;structuF~ Discovery Report$
AdminlstrOltion > duster-Management
~ Cluster tVanagement
• The cluster name and alias are as specified - Student Cluster and primary
• The machine Student Cluster-Ol (on is the Cluster Coordinator and the machine
Student Cluster-02 (on is the Cluster Member
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Notes (con't)
• The numbering postfix of member machines (-01, -02) is decided by the Cluster Coordinator
• You can view the member machine(s) by clicking the corresponding View Machine links
• The cluster member Student Cluster-02 can be removed be selecting it from its green vertical bar
and selecting Remove from the Actions menu
• You can perform cluster management actions for the cluster from this page
• You can perform actions for individual machines in the cluster from their corresponding Actions
Task 2: View the Two Machines in the Cluster - the Cluster Coordinator and Cluster Member
1. On the Cluster Management page, click the View Machine link for the cluster member
Student Cluster-02. This launches the details of the cluster member in a new web browser.
2. Enter the credentials system/SystemI234$ for Student Cluster-02 and press ENTER
3. On the cluster member Student Cluster-02, from the Discovery tab, navigate to Credentials,
and under the Devices tab, click Windows Proxies.
4. View and note the credentials.
5. On the Cluster Coordinator Student Cluster-Of. navigate similarly to view the credentials.
Question for Discussion: What are the differences between the credentials displayed in these two
cluster machines?
Answer: There should be no difference between the displayed credentials. These credentials
belong to the cluster and are seen as identical from every machine in the cluster.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
1. Under the Current Members section, for the cluster member Student Cluster-OZ, click the
Actions menu and select Make Coordinator.
Administration:> duster Management
~ ouster Managerlert
(Shutdown Ouster II__ Oust« )( ~n Oust ... SIMco. I[[n.bI ... alnten.nce MOdel
Current Memt)el s
Type: Coofl:llnltor AcIMly: ~ Mmbef
VokAme.: usee: '"uCB: lctelGB; I.asI CO~I.C1:IIHSfft1na~.
!J.lO 1."
c:; St"'ot!nt Ou~et'-02 tI92.1b!lo.~ rC.View Madlin!! A(;tlons •
Type' Mrmb .., M1Mty: Ouu:~Mff'Dbef Change Address
YolUme:lliled: 'fuGR: totalGD: last eo"16a:tHs:tMnanil'llM. Ping
::"h:Ok 9.,49 14.18 Remove -;-,.-1
-'-==---------------------------------1 Make-Coordll\itor
Homt I ~(.a:!tGrI! IlIirffMIruttlft I tuceYtty I R!p$nS I ~I~. Reboot
Co~t 0 2OCO- 201" ~fN( SGttf0ft('"rvI (G~ In1om4.lbM) Sl'u..1doMl
Att1umOiUMI'fMII ~pt.~atyMa~'JIIef\lelL: 10.1Iiltltau,40111 1
2. The page refreshes to display a warning for pending changes. ClickCommit Changes.
3. On the second warning displayed, click OK.
4. The Discovery services restart View the details on the refreshed Cluster Management page.
5. After verification, revert the Cluster Coordinator to Student Cluster-Ol.
• Under the Current Members section, for the cluster member Student Cluster-Ol, clickthe
Actions menu and select Make Coordinator.
Important: This step (reverting the Cluster Coordinator to Student Cluster-Ol) is critical to
maintain continuity of the lab exercises.
Warning: Ifyou do not revert the Cluster Coordinator to Student Cluster-Ol, at the conclusion of
Lab 7.5, you will lose all data in Student Cluster-Ol and you will not be able to successfully
perform any subsequent lab.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~ ClllStel ManageMent
Alias pr'imary I
2. The page refreshes to display a warning for pending changes. Click Commit Changes.
3. On the second warning displayed (to enable Fault Tolerance), click OK When you click OK, the
Summary field displays the rebalancing progress.
4. After rebalancing concludes, verify that fault tolerance is now enabled.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Lab 7.4: Run a Full Discovery Scan from the Created Cluster
1. On the cluster member Student Cluster-Ilf, from the Discovery tab, click Discovery Status
and click Add a New Run.
2. On the Add a New Run screen, specify the following details:
• Type: Snapshot
• Range:
• Level: Full Discovery
• Label: Cluster Scan
3. ClickOK
• From the Currently Processing Runs tab, monitor the progress of this discovery run.
(Ensure that Discovery is running.)
1. On the cluster member Student Cluster-Irl, from the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run
by clicking the label (Cluster Scan) for the scan.
_CUf!~pr~es.SI~~ ~Runs L~~n$LEXd~Ranges ) QAddNewRun o AddNgow£xdud?
1. What are the differences between the Cluster Scan results for these two cluster machines
(Student Cluster-OI and Student Cluster-02)?
Answer: The results as viewed from either machine will be identical in every way.
2. What are the differences between the First Full Discovery Scan results and the Cluster Scan
Answer: There will be no difference between these two scans. The scan First Full Discovery Scan
was a full discovery scan for the IPs The scan Cluster Scan is also a full discovery
scan for the IPs from a cluster configuration. As you increase number of machines in
a cluster, the scanning time decreases significantly.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
~ Cluster tv"anager.ent
( Shutdo:wn Cluster I' Reboot (luster II Restart (luster Services II Enable M<lintenanc;e fl.1ode I
Name StudMtOu5tet'1
Alias pnIlliry _,
Acttons ...
type: CoordlMtof Ac'tNily: Ouner MHnber
Vo1t.lme; IJ:;ed~ tree CI: Tol.' G~ la~ t;onta<t: IC'$$tNn 0 minute 4g0
/u" '.2.9 14.1&
Important: Ensure that removal is that of the member machine Student Cluster-02.
Important/Critical: The removal of a member from a cluster can take up to 20-25 minutes (for
rebalancing and recompiling of patterns). Wait for the screen to automatically refresh before
proceeding with any other action in the lab exercises.
5. After successful removal, the cluster should rebalance and revert to two standalone BMC
Atrium Discovery appliances.
6. Confirm the following:
• The name of Student Cluster-02 is reset to Discovery_Appliance.
• The password for Student Cluster-02 is reset to 'system.'
• Alldata in Student Cluster-02 is erased.
• Credentials will need to be added again to Student Cluster-02
• The name and password for Student Cluster-Ol remain the same.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
• At the bottom of the Cluster Manager page, Student Cluster-02 is displayed in the
Previous Members section. You can select a previous member from that section and from
the Actions menu, click Dismiss.
Tip: The name Student Cluster-O! can be changed from the Appliance Configuration section of the
machine. (On the Administration page, under the Appliance section, click Configuration and
change the name as desired in the Name field, then click Apply at the bottom of the page.)
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
Module 8: Consolidation
1. On the ADDMDemo VA( UI,in the Administration tab, under the Appliance
section, click Configuration.
2. In the Name field, change Student Cluster-O! to Consolidating Appliance.
3. Scroll down the page and clickApply. The appliance name changes.
BMC Atrium Discovery & Dependency Mapping
Home.- ApplicatIons Infrastructure Discovery Re-ports __
1. From the Administration tab, under the Discovery section, click Discovery Consolidation.
~ Discovery Consolidation
This system 11asnot been 5tHup for .onscllda~')n ('hoW ',Ipl
I Set as Consolidation Apptfance J (SetasScanlling~ptlance )
1. On the ADDMClean VA( UI,in the Administration tab, under the Appliance
section, click Discovery Consolidation.
2. Note the instruction on the page to change the default appliance name (Discovery_Appliance)
before it can be used for consolidation. Clickthe System Configuration page link.
3. In the Name field, change Discovery_Appliance to Scanning Appliance.
4. Scroll down the page and clickApply. The appliance name changes.
5. From the Administration tab, under the Discovery section, click Discovery Consolidation.
6. ClickSet as Scanning Appliance. This opens the Add New Consolidation Appliance window.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
7. On the Add New Consolidation Appliance window, enter the following details:
• Name: Leave as default (Scanning_Appliance)
• Consolidation Appliance:
• Username: system
• Password: System1234$
8. ClickSubmit. The page redirects to the Consolidation page.
BlltlCAtrium Discovery & Dependency Mapping
Heme Apphc~Uo(l!' In(("~lIlj'llJr(' O!~O'l~"ry R('f)Orl~ •
Admrnlstr3tron > Discovery consolidation
9. ClickTest Connection to verify the consolidation. Under the Test Connection button, the
appliance should display Connection Successful.
Lab 8.2: Run a Scan from the Scanning Device and Verify It Is
Sent to the Consolidator
First, verify that the credentials have been added to the Scanning Appliance and that Discovery is
running on both the Scanning Appliance and the Consolidation Appliance. (If it is not running, on
the Discovery tab of the desired appliance, click Discovery Status and start Discovery by clicking
the Start All Scans button.)
1. ClickAdd a New Run to add a new Discovery run.
2. On the Add a New Run window, specify the following details:
• Type: Snapshot
• Range:
• Level: Full Discovery
• Label: Consolidation Run
3. ClickOK
4. From the Recent Runs tab, explore the latest run by clicking the label Consolidation Run.
5. View the results.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Task 2: Verify the Discovery Scan Sent from the Scanning Device to the Consolidation Device
1. On the Demo VA( UI, in the Discovery tab, click Discovery Status and then click
the Recent Runs tab.
2. Youshould be able to see a scan labeled Consolidation Run.
3. Clickthe label of this run.
4. Scroll down to the Status section.
Duration OOO:OOCSS
Number' of IPs scanned 10
The Consolidated From field displays the source of this scan (Scanning_Appliance).
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREPBoot Camp LAB GUIDE
Task 1: Start a Scan from the CLI by using the Utility tw_scan_control
1. Typetw_scan...controI172.17.150.20-25,,,
Note: In the command, ensure that there is a space after control, and comma
For this exercise, we will delete the user student, created in Lab 3.3 (using the tw_adduser utility).
You may also delete any other user that you have created in the lab.
Note: If you do not get any result displayed on the CLI,then the user has been successfully deleted.
2. Type tw_listusers --filter= student: This command searches for a user named student.
Note: This step is just to confirm deletion. If you do not get any result displayed on the CLI,the user
has been successfully deleted.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In this exercise, the instructor will demonstrate the basic functionality of how Collaborative
Application Mapping (CAM) is used to map a business application:
• Search, investigate, and create a prototype
• Define functional components
• Map the application
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Pattern Templates
----- ~i'IIaln It ,imlll, $Qtt.frtllftInS{;9(I on lc'tnIq1ng iI prO«$$
~i!n \'I !l,ouped Scltwarel'l$l ance lItlo,red on a protes$., wA'llhe SOltNafell\$'IOlnceWlslon toun(Jln Ih~ oath.
1P2"np'gls " nr&ipR RaID lab!g fJ llhinSaln ;) grouped ScttwalDl~3nc.ln9l1C1fed on a prote:ls. vdhlhl Soft~ejr~.n'lI YClr~ionfound in the plllh lind klOklld Up" ;lIable
1*i~1911)Ii QrOU9tO ScllWtlf~$laMe ,",,0"'4 00 • (IfO(eS8, W#llhe S01tlo'atelMunee VErSiOn(ound bit rllnfflnO • tomfl'l&nd
It;a~ltln ;I grOUQ.6 SOltW'lIfekl51"nc"lI1Qg,te" on a PtO~$" WA'lIh' $qft,..",11'II$1ant, """Ion to\lno in Ih" Wln4OW$ ".11)'
lltairda!na "ouped SCM!eJr\SlalKe triglle,elSon II!)rocesl, Wfh IN: SO~'I~nce wrsion (00.1. 1)6In ttI)lM!. die
~l'Ililln • grouped 50ltwillelnSlance II1gllere4 on iI ptot'*$'" W#lltIe SO~'IIl-WlfI(:e ""'ion (oynd in j)i(k:8ge Iflform.'1on
Page 58
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
1(01_ ...... 1 ~
t. Knowledge Management
Upload Knowledge
Page 59
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
The change progress is indicated on the screen. (The other options are disabled until the
upload is completed.)
~ Knowledge Management
Note: If there is any error in the pattern file, it will fail to upload successfully. The error will need to
be diagnosed and corrected before uploading the file.
6 Pane(n Module fll1(!lino is active. Changes may nOl be shCYWnin the 11$1bI!Iow.
Knowledge Summary
Latest IKU: 11<'V-2014-01-1·AOOJll.10,O* - 7a, !niH11ri'i atlrr41f'3D
Custorn Modules: 32 - ~ ,'t'n?rt'W
CAMro11odulcs: 5 -~. 'in!! trIA
4. To locate the uploaded file, run a search query for the pattern module using the Filter. Type
WinSCP in the Filter field and click Apply.
Display only active ..:.J J;' (TKU (3/3) .) J;' Custom J;' CAM Filter: JWinscp
5. You may also navigate by expanding the Unclassified Modules section until you see
Page 60
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~e 2IWfJl01410;37 AdNaCklnOate 26J06flOt4 to:37'29
ion 1.0
Manual Groups •
f9" Search for these Products on Google Ml Yes
Page 61
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
4. In the Run this Pattern dialog box, make the following selections:
• WinSCP
• Only show Working Set
• Expand
• Debug
• Do not get extra data
Run this Pattern iii'
Execution logging:
r.Oebug ("Info ,""alning ("ErrOl (Critical
Additional Discovery.
(;'00 not get extra dala rOe' data as needed ("Getatl newdisc:overydat8
Userid ·1
Processid 2032
Page 62
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In$lance COunt t
HOSt tet1.....n2k2mlwtt
lQ1t:(M!a" 'i "'!MItt' (.J _inlain fin l~nli'6iblt SOIb<A!$lS!3nt@ lriQoere6 on • protess vrrlt'I itS; lefo:'llittlD its ((!mlf'lllnd iiI)&.
&i'tmP'Me 1! ....."191'1 Pith fJ Miinl~lflll cro~ed" SCItWifEoWlSlanc:. lltiJoered on a proU$$, W4'111'le SOlt.. ,welro$l.ilnc.e '<'er&ion (QtJno 1ft me ~Ih. ~
"!r;m;t!jI:!S a nolSp paID tabl. to lbnIain it oroup'lJ SO~""'~blX,IngIlClnld on I Ilrot'SS •..wtI1bt Sott..'.1t.!r$ncCI ..-.[slon tound- in Ifl* plllllllnd toOk,d uP In I till... ~
~tain 11 cro..,ed" S~!8'lSlilnte lItOoeted (11'1 a profeSS, ""1I1he SGltllfatelMUAee WtSIOI'Itound-tJr fUMitlO 11 COMMand ~
It,aVII;lln J grOUP9~ $olttlti'''S!'''''''In9I1,t,1S on II P~(.f$&,. Ih9 SoIM',v,Sn&anc, vtt$lOn round 11'1
ItI4 Vt'lnQolN$ ";i$1r¥- ~
Q:tJrQlllt 1i wrtign lin It 0 NWllaln • Oto~ell SClb¥aretnsl3nte tng~eted on • ptOt.S,- W#I!be SOltN¥elMUnce 'Wtrsion fCund In trI XNl.lIle. ~
IUlfllain 3 GrOuPed $(Ilb¥aret'lslilnte O'O!l"ed 0t'I IIIp~(es$,. W4'1ltIe SO~e!I\$'liln(:e 't'1!tSIOI'lfOUndIItPil(~e irofommoo. I~ I
Q1Rmp!al' 1jI wPRd 'bfdr,n ~ ItlIl'llaln a 8cllYnfltn!illlnc. bllslKl en jC~lnp 11P~("'.which (oaK~ !lIe PIOCHS' (1I.lIlrcminto " SIng!' 81 G:IDtIQ.lA
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Page 63
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
3. In the Upload New Package area, click Browse, select the saved file and click Upload.
4. To locate the uploaded file, run a search query for the pattern module using the Filter. Type
WinSCP in the Filter field and click Apply.
5. Expand the Unclassified Modules section until you see Training_ WinSCP _Versioned.
r lralning·. attlve
Lr ~(ac ... ) Ira!nlng.lNtnSCP
1. Click the link Training_ WinSCP _Versioned. This reveals the pattern module details.
2. Click the link Training. WinSCP. WinSCP _Versioned in the Pattern attribute value.
1. Click the link 1 (the node meeting the trigger condition) to view the result screen.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
2. Click the Created Software Instance (the link Open Source WinSCP <version> on test-
Discovery Run> Discovery Access> Process list> Discovered Proce$$
UserId ·1
Process id 2032
ParentProcessld "12
The WinSCP version is displayed in the result This is the result of the SIversion package
pattern run.
(onOgrpedla Page
Instance Coune 1
FUll~ndol1 4.0.8
UOSI tesl.w!o2kbmw)'(,:
Page 66
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
~Ir!DQ!!'!' H .. "Ion R"!b 'Ab!' P N.MIIlln I II'OIl(l.1t 8.".."..",.0't01I'''0 01'1 • 111'0(•••• ~ '" 1O~.!IK1.n(. ",,.101) tooJnlJ In ,,,. ».~
,1)(110010:.0IMIII • 10111, ~
ntffl<,QIJili,I vtK!An ("MMd Q MJ,.."ain a QrOI$'OSOllWSltMtI3Mf'IIig!)ertO 01'1 a crottS!, Wlf'l1I'If S6~'!MUnt ..... UIOn IOuI'lObIt'IlMin!) • (OMManG. ~
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:f)>>mpIM, at urtlpn J!!'I liS " ""lnliln 0 9'OUOlOSoltwi~Slancl! ~lIafllt 0tI a Ilrorest_ lWtI ~ S!lItNlf,'''''''nte ¥tn!o,", oond 11'1
an)(Nt.. 61.. ~
...... ,all'l \'I Oto~fd 601!Warm$lal'lCelltgOited 0t'I a prote .... WIJ'I1J'If SO!tH3relMtanee 'f.rtIOI'l to.Jnd 11'1
~(kaQf 1tII'0~on. ~
QaOlQ"" N [9111" 'htm•n o ~1'I!;lIn. $(lItvn,tIrI,111K,bls,(I~n iO,ntl\'l'IQI oro','1. 'WIfIkl'l(QlltclsII" pnxH"tllildftn inloa tII\IIl' 81 ~
91tm$!il "'i $iijrcb Q .alrilaln • OU:tlrlts'SAllPicalionfnslaneli blte-d On illilrM)lng -a SOftlririlln.Wtlrf and ,eattninlt rot some oeM, tOmpOflfnn:. II~ I
1. Open the file WinSCP .baisearch.tpl using a suitable text editor. Edit text from:
tpll.5 module $$module_name$$;
tpll.5 module Training.CustomBAI;
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
6. Click the link CustomBAI. This reveals the pattern module details.
11J0612014 10 $&
ModuleType UUI
AdNation Date
1. Click the link Training. CustomBAI. WinSCP _BAI in the Pattern attribute val ue.
2. From the Actions menu, select Run Pattern.
3. In the Run this Pattern dialog box, make the following selections:
• WinSCP
• Only show Working Set
• Expand
• Debug
• Do not get extra data
4. Click Run Pattern.
1. After the results for the successful pattern run are displayed, click the link 1 (the node that
meets the trigger condition).
Page 69
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
lnscance CounI 1
FUllversiOn ".0.&
The application instance screen is displayed as the result of the BAIpattern template run.
'r;::; Application Instance: Custom WinSCP SAl
1-- I Ail)1l~ .) I R~p~; .) 1'VIW.\I!1.;,*",·1 t R~~ • I
HlIIlMI C:"$I(ltnWnS(PtIAI
0'15"2"911". Ijtm! 0'''''0,1)1> .. , §mr' " l? Pi!!""""'!! '! nefmwt so"0 «."p'
,,0 Q!.IUtfl' ~ M M1ClOto"'rM ti:et
... -
This screen confirms the successful creation of a busness application instance for WinSCP.
Page 70
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In the Application Mapping labs, you will learn how to do simple application mapping using
The labs relate to an example application (QuickExpense), which provides a web-based expense
tracking system to the Wibble Software Company.
Application Server
The Application Server is proprietary software produced by the Wibble Software Company and is
considered "prime" (the primary SI) to recognize the HAl. It can be identified from the process
name "wibbleAppServ."
You need the full version of the server for modeling.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
Marketing Names
The Wibble Software Company's Marketing department prefers a different product naming scheme
than the version numbers preferred by the Engineering department.
Tip: Use the marketing version to populate the "productversion" attribute. Use a product version
"Unknown" for any engineering version other than those listed.
Typically, there is more than one application server instance running in the systems (one for load
sharing and another for failover).
Database Server
This is a proprietary database back-end server. One instance runs to support each of the main
application server instances. You can determine the mapping of these instances by the suffix after
the underscore in the process name. The database server process can be identified by the form
"wibbleDBxy," where "xy" is a two-digit version representing the x.y database version number.
Web Server
It is assumed that an instance of Apache Web Server (v2.1 or later) running on the same host as the
application server is also a part of the QuickExpense application. You need not model Apache
yourself; use the matcher provided in the latest TKU.
Exporter Server
There are one or more copies of an exporter process running to feed data to external systems. No
information is available to distinguish these processes.
Watchdog Service
This process handles failover and error notification in the application server; it is not a major
system component The Watchdog Service does not require any versioning capabilities.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
QuickExpense Web
Application 5.7 on
J''-''W'' -.
IMbble Application W,bble Application
Apache Webserver IMbble Exporter
Server 2.7 instance Server 2.7 instance
version 2.2.3 on Server 1.5.5 on
"MASTER" on ''SLAVE'' on
npgs-saturn npgs-saturn
np9s-satu\ i9s-saturn
swrt ch=f I
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
• Search for these application processes on your appliance, either manually (using SSH) or look at
the process list in the datastore after a scan.
• Examine the configuration and log files.
• Check if the process is running, using the command ps -ef I grep wibble.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
In this exercise, you will learn how a simple SoftwareInstance pattern for the Wibble database
Note that the pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop. Youneed to upload it
and study the sections in the file to understand how it works.
Task 1: Create a credential for the Appliance, start Wibble services, Locate and Upload the Pattern File
1. Create a credential for the Appliance: User name _ tideway, Password _ tidewayuser
Use it for the IP address and only select ssb.
Using PuTTY,log in to and type: /usr /tideway /training/wibble/
(The message you receive about it already being installed is expected.)
2. Navigate to Discovery> Knowledge Management.
3. On the Knowledge Management page, click Upload.
4. Under the Upload Knowledge section, click Browse.
5. Onyour desktop, navigate to Creating Patterns Lab Files> ADDMLab Files>
Application Mapping Lab Files> 01_DBSimple > BAM.tpl ClickOpen to open the file.
6. Clickthe Upload button.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
• To find the Softwarelnstances, click through the results for Lab 14.1. Click the link for the
attribute value of the host nodes, which has a link for the Software Instances.
• To find the provenance information, on the page displaying SI information, click the Show
Provenance button.
• The expected result for the scan is shown. The result may vary if the scan is in the record mode.
Important: Before proceeding to the next lab, delete the previous version of the BAM.tpl file from
Discovery> Knowledge Management
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
In this exercise,you willlearn how aversioned SoftwareInstancepattern for the Wibble database works.
Note that the pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop. Youneed to upload it,
study the sections in it to understand how it works, and run the pattern file.
Note: The appliance will display a warning, if you do not delete the previous BAM.tpl file from the
uploaded packages.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
In this exercise, you willieam how the versioned Softwarelnstance pattern for the Wibble
Application Server works. Note that the created pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on
your desktop.
1. In Filter field of the Pattern Modules section, type wibble and clickApply.
2. ClickWibble.
3. In the uploaded module, note the metadata section (on lines 67-72), constants section (on
lines 78-80), the triggers section, and the body section (on lines 86-100).
• On running the binary with the -v flag, the cmdResult declaration section locates the
full version of the application server
• "discovery.runCommand" is run for each host node (specified in the parenthesis) to
obtain version information of the WibbleAppserver SI by running "-v".The
"run Command" function returns nodes of type "DiscoveredCommandResult."
• If the command result does not return valid information, a warning message is
• If the command executes successfully, it extracts version, build, and patch information
using the declarations-under the else section.
• In "cmdResult.result", the "result" attribute contains the result of the command.
• In "process.args", "args" is the attribute of the discovered process node that contains
command line arguments.
• To determine the instance names and operational mode of the application server, the
configuration file must be examined.
• This command extracts the configuration file path from the discovered process
command path using the -c option. This information is added to the node.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In this exercise, you will look at how the update of the Softwarelnstance works for the Wibble
Application Server. Note that the created pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your
1. On your desktop, navigate to Creating Patterns Lab Files> ADDM Lab Files>
Application Mapping Lab Files> 04_AppServEditionPorts > BAM.tpl. Upload the
BAM.tpJ pattern file.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In this exercise, you will look at how the SoftwareInstance for the Wibble Application Server is
updated. This update relates to the Product Version. Note that the created pattern file is provided in
the Lab Files folder on your desktop.
1. On your desktop, navigate to Creating Patterns Lab Files> ADDM Lab Files>
Application Mapping Lab Files> 05_AppServVerRel > BAM.tpl. Upload the BAM.tpl
pattern file.
Notes on Constants:
• Referencing constants between patterns is a feature ofTPL.
• In this module (.tpl file), the constant "dbtype" is defined in the previous pattern
WibbleDatabase 1.0. It is referenced later in the pattern WibbleAppserver 1.0 with
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
In this exercise, you willieam how the SoftwareInstance for the Wibble Exporter Server is created.
The created pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop.
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
In this exercise, you will learn how the QuickExpense BusinessApplicationlnstance is created. The
created pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop.
1. On your desktop, navigate to Creating Patterns Lab Files> ADDM Lab Files>
Application Mapping Lab Files> 07 _BAlSimple. Upload the BAM.tpl pattern file.
1. In Filter field of the Pattern Modules section, type wibble and click Apply.
2. Click Wibble.
3. Note the section to create an SI for the Wibble Database Server (on lines 13-48), Wibble
Application Server (on lines 66-110), and Wibble Exporter (on lines 175-209). Also, note
the section to create a BAI for QuickExpense (on lines 231-259). In addition, note the
triggers section (on lines 254-256).
In this exercise, you will learn how the QuickExpense BusinessApplicationlnstance is updated. We
need the Apache Web server (ApacheBasedWebserver 2.17) from the Technology Knowledge
Update (TKU) to update the BAI.The web server and the app server will be added to the
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BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LAB GUIDE
1. In the Filter field of the Pattern Modules section, type wibble and click Apply.
2. Click Wibble.
3. Note the section to create a BAI for QuickExpense (on lines 235-265). Also, note the
overview section (on lines 248-251). This section requires the ApacheBasedWebserver
from the installed TKU. In addition, note the constants (on lines 253-258), the body (on
lines 264-274), and the software containment relationship section (on lines 282-284).
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In this exercise, you will learn to update the QuickExpense BusinessApplicationInstance. Youwill
add the Exporter server and the Database server to the application. The pattern file is provided in
the Lab Files folder on your desktop.
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In this exercise, you wilileam how to add simple identities for all processes.
1. In the Filter field of the Pattern Modules section, type wibble and clickApply.
2. ClickWibble.
3. In the uploaded module, note the Simple Identifier Matchers section (on lines 308-
319).The simple identities are added for all processes. Also, note the simple identity
matching commands and arguments.
oZ. II Senple ideneicies maeching ~~ and args (wdog is teo generic a name en it3 own)
32;;' idem:i:y Servers_IHbble_i,atchdog 1.0
32: !;ags Training, lVibble;
J~. Di!cov!!'edPrcc!!! Old, arg! -> !imple_id!neiey;
3d; unix_Old 'wdoq', !'egex 'w1.bbleAppServ' -> 'Wibble Applicaeion Server I,aechdoq Service';
32- end identity:
• The cmd and args are declared because simple identity matching using just "wdog" is
not specific. Simple identify contains both the command and the argument
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping PREP Boot Camp LABGUIDE
In this exercise, you willieam how to update the QuickExpense BusinessApplicationlnstance for
versioning. The pattern file is provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop.
1. In the Filter field of the Pattern Modules section, type wibble and clickApply.
2. ClickWibble.
3. Note the section to update the BAIfor QuickExpense (on lines 249-280).
4. Note the body section (on lines 278-296) to update the BAIfor QuickExpense.
The %si.qe_version% updates the BAIwith the server version. "qeverslon" is the
QuickExpense application version extracted from startup file - qexpense.log. This extracted
version is put in a custom attribute "qe,version" for use by the BAIpattern.
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AUTO-ADBC-0100 / BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency PREP Boot Camp
BMC Software, Inc. is a leading global provider of enterprise management solutions that
empower companies to automate their IT and align it to the needs of the business. Delivering
Business Service Management, BMC solutions span enterprise systems, applications, databases
and service management.