A Mini Project Report On Movie Lagaan: Index

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In 2001, cricket and Bollywood came together in a spectacular fashion with the release of the
movie Lagaan. Once upon a time in India. Lagaan (Land Tax) is an Indian Epic sports drama film.
Lagaan was one of the biggest success of Indian cinema. This is not a film only. This is Indian
cricket history through different dimension of everyday life during Victorian period of India's
colonial British Raj. A 225 minutes film with a budget of 25 crore, Ashutosh Gowariker and Amir
Khan's Lagaan has set itself up to be one of the most successful Bollywood Movie. The movie
became famous both in India and abroad.

This is the story about the resilience shown by the Indian when they were under British rule.
When Jack Russell announced that he will double the tax from all villagers, they decided to
oppose it. Leading the villagers a young man named Bhuvan, challenged the British to play
cricket. Now Bhuvan must recruit a team of villagers to learn the alien game. Bhuvan knew that
the wager is only way to save the villagers from future starvation.


Lagaan (land tax) is set in 1893 in a small village named Champaner in India during the British
Raj under Queen Victoria's rules. Champaner was controlled by a cantonment of British soldiers
and their captain Andrew Russell. Every year villagers are bound to pay a land tax to the British.
There has been no rain and little crop yield. There has been a drought causing the villagers to
face behind in the tax payment due to British. In the midst of this, captain Russell, the British
commander of the cantonment, tells the King of the area that he is doubling the Lagaan!
Everyone in the village is distressed and breake down. One young villager Bhuvan, takes
pleasure in standing up against the British.

When the villagers go to appeal their King, Bhuvan interrupts a British Cricket game and
incenses captain Russell. Russell decides to trap the villagers in an impossible situation. He
challenges them to a game of cricket. If the villagers win then there will be no taxes for three
years. But if they lose then they have to pay thrice of the taxes. Bhuvan accepts this challenge.
Then the villagers start hating Bhuvan for getting them into this mess.

Then begins the task of selecting the team members. Bhuvan faces many obstacles as no one
has really played cricket before and the villagers don't even own a bat or a ball. Bhuvan finds
many real challenges as some men are saying that they will not play in the same team with a
person of low caste. Nevertheless, Bhuvan pushes on and does manage to come up with 11
team members. Captain Russell's sister, Elizabeth, teaches the villagers how to play cricket. She
even learns their language. Each player is assigned certain task and they do practice for 90 days.

Finally the day arrives and the match begins. News get around and people from miles around
come to watch this match. Several senior ranking British officer also join them.

The OB concepts which is explained in the movies are:

 Leadership
 Teamwork
 Attitude
 Conflict
 Team Development


Leadeship in OB can be defined as:

Leadership can be defined as the ability of the management to make sound decisions and
inspire others to perform well. It is the process of directing the behavior of others towards
achieving a common goal. In short, leadership is getting things done through others.

There are eight thories of leadership:

 Great man theory

 Trait theory
 Behavioural theory
 Participative theory
 Situational theory
 Contingency theory
 Transactional theory
 Transformation theory

According to the OB the leadership theories can be explained as follows:


It states that some people are born with the necessary attributes that set them apart
from others and that these traits are responsible for their assuming positions of power

and authority. A leader is a hero who accomplishes goals against all odds for his

Leadership was based on the psychological focus of the day, which was of people having
inherited characteristics or traits.

Behavioral Leadership Theories are developed scientifically by behavior-focused studies
of a leader's behavior in a conditioned situation that one can have a specific response to
specific stimuli. This behavior-focused approach provides real marketing potential.


Participative leadership refers to a decision-making style that encourages input from

subordinates, but the ultimate decision-making power lies with the leader. The leader
has a responsibility to explain the decisions to the subordinates and resolve any
objections as a group.

It means a model by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, developed while working on
Management of Organizational Behavior. The situational leadership model has two
fundamental concepts: leadership style and the individual or group's performance
readiness level. According to this theory, leadership is a function of the situation. An
effective leader is one who assesses the situation accurately.

The contingency theory focuses on specific situational factors that can affect the direct
relationships between independent and dependent variables. The theory explains that
there is not an exact science to organizational behavior.

Transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which leaders promote compliance
by followers through both rewards and punishments.


It means where a leader works with teams to identify needed change, creating a vision
to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with
committed members of a group.

According to the movie the eight Leadeship theory can be explained as follows:

In the movie Lagaan, the hero Bhuvan acted based upon Path-Goal leadership Theory
in many situation. Bhuvan decides to play cricket even though other villagers oppose
him, as he thinks this will help in increasing the welfare and reducing the burden of
villagers to pay the taxes(participative). Bhuvan did not wait for some one to start, He
made a bat and ball, got the kid who is interested and started (directive). Bhuvan is
always there to encourage, talk, to make the decisions (supportive). Bhuvan also assigns
responsibilities to each of his teammates. They have to be told what their goal is
(Achievement oriented).

The movie, set in the Victorian period of India’s colonial British Raj, story revolves
around the peasants from a barren village who are oppressed by high taxes imposed by
their rulers. When the rulers accept to relieve the villagers from the tax (or lagan),
should they win a cricket match against them, the challenge is accepted by the villagers
led by a young youth, Bhuvan (Character Played by Aamir Khan). The movie then
narrates, how he goes on to build a team of cricketers from a motley group of villagers,
none of whom had ever stepped on a cricket pitch or held a cricket ball before.

•Burn your bridges & Take action:

The British ruler, Captain Russell offers a proposition to Bhuvan: To cancel the taxes for
three years, should the villagers beat his men in a game of cricket or Impose three times
the amount of the normal taxes, should they lose the game. Bhuvan accepts this wager
on behalf of all the villagers, without their consent. Though he was aware of the risks,
he weighed the risks against the possible gains and made his decision. The only vision he
held in his mind was the possibility of a marked improvement in the quality of life of the
villagers, when they win the cricket match.There is a saying in English that, “Look before
you leap”. However, the danger with looking too long is that often, you will not leap at
all. There is great power in action. As Paulo Coelho states in The Alchemist, “When you
really want something, the whole universe conspires to make it happen”.Life is full of
challenges and adversities. Instead of playing victim and wallowing in self-pity, the man

of action charges everything with his positive and optimistic attitude compelling
everyone around to take ownership and do things that can be life changing.

•Build a Team:
Look around and you will see that to achieve anything of significance, takes a good
team. A good leader hence chooses his team with care – with people having
complementary skills.Let’s see what Bhuvan did. One team member (Kachra, the
sweeper) was crippled. Bhuvan’s observation helped him identify the talent in a disabled
untouchable. While the entire village was hostile to this decision, Bhuvan saw in him
someone who could spin the ball magically. Another team member (Bhura, the
murgiwalaa) had spent a sizeable portion of his life in hounding behind the hens and
catching them with perfection. He saw his quick reflexes when this person caught the
ball, which nobody even thought of it. The movie highlights several another examples of
how Bhuvan shaped his team with keen observation and went from one to eleven.For a
leader, it’s always about ‘us’- not ‘me’. Building a team is always easier said than done.
It calls for selecting the right members, channelizing their energies in a positive way,
highlighting everyone’s contributions, taking everyone along and finally giving words of
assurance and comfort to everyone in the team that, “We will succeed”.

Team work
According to OB the Team Work can be defined as:
Groups two or more people who interact and influence each other, are mutually
accountable for achieving common goals associated with organizational objectives, and
perceived themselves as a social entity within an organization.

According to movie concept the Team work can be explained as:

Lagaan, the one movie, which gave Indian cinema a whole new meaning, also teaches
us some realistic lessons like planning and team leading. Truly a masterpiece by Aamir
Khan, Ashutosh Gowarikar and A.R Rahman.
THE ROLE of movies in shaping the life and vision of individuals, corporate and society as
large has often been recognized. There are instances galore of movies in Indian film
industry, which have inspired thousands of people with their theme, plot and awestruck
storylines. Some of these reflect the spirit of teamwork. Lagaan is one such instance.
The movie is knitted in pre-independent era, wherein a team of naïve cricketers who are
basically peasants facing poverty pull off an incredible win against the British cricket

Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling about something with acertain state of mind at
that time.
Attitude is classified into :
a) Positive
b) Negative
Types of Attitude includes :
a) Affective Element
b) Cognitive Element
c) Conative Elements

According to this movie the positive attitude concept can be find out:
Bhuvan accepts the challenge of playing cricket due to his need to waive the tax
(Affective). Bhuvan decides to play cricket even though others villagers oppose him, as
he thinks this will help in increasing the welfare and reducing the burden of villagers to
pay tax. (Conative).

Conflict is a natural disagreement arising between twoor more people. Conflicts can be
between teams,groups or between organizations.
Theories of conflict are of two types:
a) Traditional theory
b) Contemporary theory
I. Conflicts are caused by trouble-makers
II. Conflicts are bad
III.Conflicts should be avoided or suppressed

I. Conflicts are inevitable between human beings
II. Conflicts are often beneficial
III. Conflicts are the natural result of change
IV. Conflicts can and should be managed

According to movie concept Conflict can be explained as:

In this scene conflict of traditional theory occurs where conflicts are raised by trouble
makers against Kachra because of caste discrimination. Bhuvan explains that Conflicts
should be avoided. Bhuvan resolved the conflicts Raised against Kachra and Managed
the conflict (conflict Resolution) which comes under the concept of contemporary

Meaning, Stages and Forming an Effective Team. It is essential to consider the fact that
teams develop and get mature over a period of time. Team development creates a
captivating atmosphere by encouraging co-operation, teamwork, interdependence and
by building trust among team members.
There are 5 stages of Team Development:
• Forming
• Storming
• Norming
• Performing
• Adjourning

According to OB the 5 stages of Team Development can be explained as:

This is the first stage of group formation. At this stage, there is a degree of uncertainty
about the group, individual relationships may be new, and standard and accepted
approaches and behaviors are generally uncler.
The second stage of group development is the storming stage. As suggested by the word
“storm”, there is some potential conflict involved between the individual members. This
conflict usually occurs because individual views and approaches need to be aligned with
overall group thinking. Occasionally there are very dominant individuals who want to
make all the decisions, but in a relatively equal group this is unlikely to be agreed by all
its members.

The norming stage occurs when the group finally settles into some sort of agree pattern
of behavior and decisions. This is after the conflict has been resolved from the storming
stage , but sufficiently enough for the group to go forward on a consistent basis with an
agreed plan and approach to their operations.
The performing stage of group-development is when the group is focused on getting the
job done. At this stage, the team’s focus passes to the actual activities and tasks
required. The individuals of the group are keen to move forward and complete the
The final stage of group development relates to temporary teams and groups, where
there is an end to the group and the individuals stop being a group.

According to movie the 5 stages in the Team Development can be explained as:
Bhuvan shares his goals and objectives with the villagers.Bhuvan tries to identify talents
and skills that would help with the game.Bhuvan and his teammates take up and
allocate roles according to their abilities.
Bhuvan and the villagers brainstorm together to find a way to waiver the taxes. Bhuvan
and his teammates discuss together to understand how to play the game. Elizabeth
discusses the rules of cricket, the roles involved and how to play it with the Indian team.
Bhuvan discusses with the villagers and tries to convince them to play cricket to waiver
the taxes.
Once the 11 member team was formed and the rules were discussed, they began
practicing everyday. After resolving all conflicts and realizing the best chance for the
villagers to survive was to play cricket, the villagers worked together with the team,
helping them in every way.
On the day of the game, the team members perform their roles without much
discussion or guidance from anybody. The team is highly functional and the members
interdependent on each other. As the team progresses from forming, storming and
norming to performing, they needed lesser and lesser guidance from the team captain
Bhuvan and their Pseudo Coach Elizabeth.

The game ends and the villagers along with Bhuvan and his team celebrate their hard
earned victory. Elizabeth and Bhuvan bid their farewells to each other and go their
separate ways.


Ever so often, one movie comes and leaves A mark, an unforgettable impression , because it
succeeds in bringing out something from within us. Something which has been hidden and
perhaps long forgotten. Something whose existence which we didn't even know about. As we
go about our lives, we need to be reminded that each of us matters, that each of us has it
within us to make A difference. Living in today's india makes optimists out of all us ("tomorrow
can only be better"). But it is we who have to create tomorrow's india. Our ideas, our vision, our
skills have to come together to build this new india. Lagaan's bhuvan stokes us somewhere to
become part of that team.

Web References:

I. www.projectsmart.co.uk

II. www.Wikipedia.org

Book Reference:

‘Understanding Organisational Behaviour’ by Udai Pareek


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