First Edition
November 1988
Amended edition,
August 1999
Prepared by :
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under
the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall
not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written
consent from OISD.
Though every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of the data contained in these documents, OISD hereby expressly
disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their
The oil industry in India is nearly 100 years old. As such a variety of
practices have been in vogue because of collaboration/association with different
foreign companies and governments. Standardisation in design philosophies,
operating and maintenance practices at national level was hardly in existence.
This, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that occurred in the
recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review
the existing state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate
(OISD), staffed from within the industry in formulating and implementing a series
of self-regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and
upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Accordingly OISD
constituted a number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated
from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.
Suggestions are invited from the users for further improvement in the
standard after it is put into practice. Suggestions for amendments to this
document should be addressed to :
The Co-ordinator,
Committee on ‘Process Design and Operating Philosophies’
7th Floor, ‘New Delhi House’
27, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi – 110 001.
List of Members
In addition to the above, several other experts from industry contributed in the preparation, review and finalisation of this
3.1.1 Aqueous Blowdown:
Blowdown as defined in this document is a liquid
stream containing water, oil, chemicals or a These streams contain water as the major
combination of two or more of these which are required constituent with small amounts of hydrocarbons. Such
to be drained from various process equipment in the streams are usually encountered during the normal
hydrocarbon industry under different operating running of the units. These streams may be continuous
situations like start up, shutdown, normal operation or or intermittent in nature. Some typical examples are:
emergencies. Since majority of these streams are — Water draw-off from reflux drums
usually waste products (however in some situations — Water-caustic (or other solvents) draw-off from
these may be recoverable), their handling and disposal treating units
often gets a low profile in the plant design and — Brine water draw-off from desalters and heater
operation. However, the importance of handling these treaters.
blowdown streams in enhancing the safety of the plant — Water draw-off from oil separators.
cannot be underestimated. The purpose of this — Stripped water draw-off from sour water strippers
document is to recognise the various blowdown stream — Water draw-off from crude oil tanks and other
s commonly encountered in the oil and gas industry products tanks.
and give guidelines for the safe handling and disposal — Boiler blowdown
of some typical streams.
3.1.2 Hydrocarbon Blowdown
These streams contain mainly the hydrocarbon
This document covers the guidelines on design
fractions and may be encountered during normal
and operating philosophies for safe handling and
operation, start-up, normal shutdown and emergency
disposal of liquid blowdown and drains from various
shutdown. These streams are usually intermittent in
process equipment in the petroleum and natural gas
nature. Some typical examples are:
processing and storage facilities. Pressure relief of
vapour/liquid and their disposal is not covered in this — Intermittent draining of process equipment during
document for which OISD - 106 Standard on “Pressure normal operation.
Relief and Disposal” should be referred to. — Drains and vents/bleeders on pumps, pipelines,
and manifolds
— Sampling of products from equipment and piping
3.0 CLASSIFICATION OF BLOWDOWN — Emptying of an equipment during planned
STREAMS shutdown
— Emergency draining of a process equipment like
Before dealing with the design and operating furnace, tower or vessel etc.,
practices for handling and disposal of blowdown, it is — Coker plant blowdown
necessary to recognise the various blowdown streams
generally handled in the petroleum industry. Based on
the nature, frequency and other characteristics, these 3.1.3. Chemical Blowdown
streams can be classified as below:
These streams contain aqueous solutions of
3.1 CLASSIFICATION BASED ON COMPOSITION chemicals and may have small quantities of
hydrocarbons. Such streams may be continuous or
Depending on the composition of blowdown intermittent in nature. Some typical examples are :
streams these may be classified as:
2 OISD-109
— Crude Oil
— Reduced Crude Oil
Blowdown streams as classified above may — Fuel Oil
further be grouped depending on the temperature. — Bitumen
These streams may be hot at ambient temperature or — Wax
be under cryogenic conditions. The hazards involved
in handling them and the technique of handling and 4.0 SAFE HANDLING
disposal of each one of such streams may be different.
Some typical examples of such streams are: The facilities and procedures of safe handling of
various blowdown streams will vary with the type and
3.2.1 Hot Blowdown general grouping of these streams as listed earlier.
Depending upon the type of blowdown, some typical
— Furnace blowdown
handling facilities are recommended as under:
— Coker plant blowdown
— Fractionating tower blowdown
— Hot heat exchanger/reboiler blowdown
— Samples of hot products
Generally these blowdown streams consist of
— Vents/drains from hot equipment
water with small amounts of hydrocarbons. Depending
— Boiler blowdown-continuous and intermittent
upon whether these streams are continuos or
intermittent and the nature of hydrocarbons associated
3.2.2 Cryogenic Blowdown
with them, the handling arrangements will vary as
— Drains, vents, and bleeders on equipment described in some typical examples below:
operating at sub-zero temperatures like cold
boxes, refrige-ration systems, etc., 4.1.1 Aqueous Blowdown - Continuos in Nature:
— Drains, vents bleeders on flashing liquids.
— Drains, vents and bleeders on high pressure gas All aqueous blowdown streams from pressure
transmission lines. vessels and which are continuous in nature, shall be
provided with an automatic level indicator cum
3.3 CLASSIFICATION BASED ON VOLATILITY controller. In addition, high and low level alarms shall
AND VISCOSITY be provided in the concerned control room. Further,
since majority of such services will be subject to
Based on relative volatility, the blowdown streams corrosive and or dirty environment due to presence of
may be classified as volatile or non-volatile. Similarly large quantities of water, the level control valve should
the may be viscous and congealing type or the free be provided with properly sized block and bypass
flowing type blowdown streams. Some typical valves for easy maintenance of the control valve. A
examples are: typical scheme for handling such streams is depicted in
Fig.1a. If the turned down ration of liquid blowdown is
3.3.1 Volatile
very wide as is the case vary often in oily-water is very
— Gas condensates wide as is he case very often in oily-water separators in
— LPG oil fields, a multiple control valve assembly may be
— Gasoline and lighter napthas provided to take care of wide arrange of flow rates.
— Hot-heavy hydrocarbons above their flash points. However, if the continuous aqueous blowdown is form
a vessel operating at atmospheric pressure, automatic
level indicator-cum-controller may not be necessary.
Instead a U-seal with a siphon breaker can be
3 OISD-109
provided. Water draining from Barometric condenser cool it before discharging into oily sewer or storm water
drums and water seal vessels in flare headers are drain.
some typical examples of this arrangement. Refer
4.1.4 Water Draw-off from Crude Oil Tanks
Fig.1b for typical arrangement of such a scheme.
This is an important routine operation intermittent
All such blowdown streams consisting of mainly
in nature and can lead to lot of problems if not done
water from vessels which contain non-volatile hydro-
properly. Though it is satisfactory to drain free water
carbons (which would not flash at ambient temperature
from the crude oil tanks into oily water sewer leading to
can be disposed off to sewer. However, if blowdown
waste treatment plant, draining of emulsion and wax.
stream consists of water from vessels, which contain
etc. into the oily sewer can lead to unsafe conditions in
volatile liquids like naphthas and lighter fractions, the
addition to increasing the load on the waste water
same should be handled as discussed under 4.1.2
treatment plant. it is recommended that the emulsion
etc. from the crude tanks be received in a slop tank
located into he crude tank farm area. The capacity of
4.1.2 Aqueous Blowdown likely to contain volatile the slop tank should be adequate to handle the wax
Hydrocarbons. and BS & W likely to be present in a single largest
crude tank. The slop tank should be provided with
In situations like light ends reflux drums, steam coils or alternative heating facilities to help break
desalters, etc. where water is being withdrawn the emulsion. A typical scheme for handling such
continuously from vessels containing lighter hydro- streams I depicted in Fig. 4 More than one crude tank
carbons, there is a possibility of dissolved hydro- can be served with a single slop tank located inside the
carbons going to sewer. Further, a large quantity of crude tank(s) dyke area. However, if there are may
lighter hydrocarbons can go to sewer in case the level large size crude oil tanks, more than one slop tank may
control fails. This will create hazardous conditions. be required to reduce piping and related problems
Under these situations, the water draw-off should be
received in vapour disengaging drum. The vapours After draining the free water from the crude tanks
released form the top of this drum are lead to the close to oily water sewer, if oil water emulsion is observed,
flare header and the free water from the bottom of the the draining should be lined up to the slop tank where
drum disposed to the sewer under an overflow pipe. the contents should be heated to the desired
The disengaging drum should be provide with high and temperature to break the emulsion and allowed to settle
low level alarms. for separating oil water phases. The water phase from
the slop tank should be drained to oily water sewer and
A typical scheme for handling such streams is the oil content should be pumped back to the crude
depicted in Fig.2. If there are more than one such tanks by two slop oil pumps (1 operating + 1 standby)
sources of blowdown, a common disengaging drum located outside the tank dyke. The slop tanks(s) should
can be considered. The overhead line from the be provided with tempe-rature gauge at different
disengaging drum should be properly sized after elevations of the tank, a temperature. A level indicator
estimating the maximum amount of vapours released at and a high level alarm should be provided at the slop
the ambient conditions in the disengaging drum. tank as shown in Fig.4. These indications and alarms
should be taken to the control room or the local
4.1.3 Boiler Blowdown - Continuous instrument panel as the case may be.
Continuous blowdown from a boiler/waste heat It is essential that draining operations from the
steam generator is usually at high temperature and main crude tanks and the slop tank should be properly
pressure. Such streams should be handled carefully to supervised by the operator to avoid large quantities of
avoid personnel hazards. A typical scheme of handling crude getting carried over into the sewer.
continuous boiler blowdown is depicted in Fig.3. If the
boiler or stream generator operates at high pressure, 4.1.5 Other Aqueous Blowdown - Intermittent in
the continuos blowdown streams are generally flashed Nature
into lower pressure steam system or heat exchanged
for energy recovery before being disposed off safely. Such blowdown streams are not continuous, but
A stream of water is sprayed to the hot effluent water to required to be handled during frequent draining or
4 OISD-109
venting operations while the plant or facility is under before being released to sewer. Whenever venting or
normal operation. draining of such pumps is undertake, the cooler is lined
Typical examples of such systems are - water up and water flow through cooler established before
draining from storage vessels, product tanks and other opening the pump drain or vent line. Depending upon
process equipment etc. Usually, these streams consist the location, a common cooler can be provided for
of water, but may carry some traces of hydrocarbons. more than one pump. A typical scheme for handling
However, if not handled properly, large quantities of such streams is depicted in Fig.6 a low pressure (l.P)
hydrocarbons can be drained alongwith water which steam connection is provided to the sample cooler to
can pose serious hazards. heat the content of the cooler to a temperature
commensurate with the pour point of the product. This
It is not necessary to provide automatic draining will ensure that the product coil does not congeal while
system in such situations. The blowdown, drain or vent handling high pour point - waxy products.
lines should be provided with manually operated block
valve(s) preferably double valves to enhance the 4.2.2 Draining and venting from LPG/Cryogenic
integrity of isolation. It is essential that intermittent Product Pumps:
draining of water from process equipment and storage
vessels be always attended and no draining or venting Draining and venting of pumps handling LPG and
should be allowed to continue without an operator other cryogenic products should also be done very
attending to it. A typical arrangement of draining water carefully. The products coming out of these pumps
from LPG storage vessels is depicted in Fig.5. would flash immediately giving large quantities of
vapours and also create low temperature in the vent
and drain piping.
Such pumps should be drained/vented to flare or
These blowdown streams contain mainly hydro- to a closed vent header if there is no flare in the facility.
carbons. Most of these streams are intermittent in Additionally drain connection to oily sewer with valve
nature and are required to be handled during frequent and cap should be provided to facilitate draining of
draining or venting operations while the plant or facility water or heavy ends. A typical scheme for handling
is under operation. Such streams are also required to such streams is depicted in Fig.7. Double valves should
be handled during a planned or emergency shutdown be provided on the vent and drain header lines as
or start up of the plant/facilities. It is essential that such shown in the sketch - one isolating valve and the other
operations be always attended and no draining or globe/needle valve for control. While handling
venting should be allowed to continue without operator cryogenic liquids, the temperature in the vent/drain
attending to it. The blowdown drain or vent lines should lines may drop down due to flashing of liquid form
be provided with double valves to enhance the integrity higher pressure to lower pressure. This phenomena
of isolation. should be considered while selecting the materials for
such piping.
4.2.1 Draining/Venting from Hot Pumps:
4.2.3 Draining of Equipment for Shutdown:
During start up of operation, it is required to drain
or vent/bleed hydrocarbon pumps occasionally.. If not
Various equipment are required to be drained free
handled properly, venting and draining of pumps
of hydrocarbons and other hazardous materials during
handling hot products can lead to hazardous conditions
shutdown for maintenance or inspection. For
due to autoignition. This risk is higher especially for hot
infrequently used connections normally associated with
and heavy products like fuel oil etc. whose auto-ignition
equipment maintenance, the drain lines should be
temperatures are usually lower (250 Deg - 300 Deg. C
provided with block valves and the connection should
range). Autoignition temperatures of products generally
be either plugged capped, or blinded for integrity of
reduce as the molecular weight of the product
isolation. Drain lines carrying such streams from
process equipment having large inventories should be
piped to the unit blowdown drum(s) or a pump out
Vent and drains of each hot pump should be
header for the safety and recovery of the hydrocarbon
provided with small sample cooler (located adjacent to
pup at operating elevation) so that the product is cooled
5 OISD-109
product. Fig.10 depicts a typical arrangement of a unit released liquid flashes often resulting in a large fireball.
blowdown drum. The fireball can cause vary widespread damage due to
flame contact. Although the fire ball lasts only a few
4.2.4 Sample Points: seconds, its effects can be devastate. Pressure vessels
containing LPG or other such liquids located in the
Small quantities of hydrocarbons are drained process areas have higher risks to BLEVE as
while taking samples of various products which pose compared to storage vessels in the offsite area.
hazards if not handles carefully. It is recommended to
locate all the sample points at one convenient location In a fire situation, therefore, it is desirable to
in the unit and lay a collection tray below the sample empty out the liquid inventory of the process vessels
points. Sampling lines should be small in size containing LPG etc. to a safer location. Such vessels
preferably ½“ and as short as possible to minimise the therefore should be connected to a blowdown drum
amount getting drained while taking the representative thorough adequately sized blowdown line so that the
samples. Each sampling line should be provided with liquid content of the vessels can be drained into the
tow valves, one isolating valve and the other regulating blowdown drum in the shortest possible time (say 5-10
valve. Hot products should be provided with suitable minutes). The blowdown line from the vessel should be
sample coolers. Hydrocarbons drained and collected in provided with a tight shut off shutdown valve remotely
the tray should lead to a drum, from where the material operated from the control room. Similar blowdown for
should be disposed off to a safe location manually. large size offsite storage vessels is usually not
Alternatively, the tray should be piped to the blowdown practicable. However, facilities for transferring inventory
drum if the same exists. See Fig.8 for a typical sample of LPG etc. from one storage vessels to other should
points installation. be considered. The blowdown drum mentioned above
can usually be the common light oil blowdown drum
4.2.5 Gas-Condensate Blowdown: located at one corner of the unit and connected to the
flare header. The stock from the blowdown drum can
When the blowdown stream consists of be pumped for reprocessing or recycle etc. The
condensate drawn-off from gas-liquids separators capacity of the drum should be adequate to receive the
inter/after condensers/coolers or compressors etc. the total contents of a single process vessel containing
blowdown line should be provided with automatic LPG or similar materials. This drum should not be
shutdown valve actuated on low level in the separator combined with hot blowdown drum which received
to avoid gas blow-by in the downstream liquid system heavy and fouling type products. A typical arrangement
which usually operates at lower pressure. A typical of such a blowdown drum is depicted in Fig.11. Refer
scheme for handling such streams is depicted in Fig.9 OISD-106, Standard on “Pressure Relief and Disposal
System” for more details on blowdown drums.
4.3.2 Furnace Blowdown:
In certain emergency situation, it may be required
to drain or dump the contents of a process vessel or
Some furnaces are provided with emergency
equipment to a safer location. Such blowdown streams
drum system to drain out the hydrocarbon contents of
should be handled automatically and preferably from a
the heating coils. Such blowdown streams should be
remote location. Some typical examples are:
piped into a header terminating into a quench drum
where the hot blowdown is cooled to a safe
4.3.1 Blowdown from LPG and other cryogenic
temperature and disposed off suitably. Fig.12 depicts a
typical arrangement of a quench drum. Refer OISD-
During a fire emergency, vessels containing LPG 106, Standard on “Pressure Relief and Disposal
and other such products pose additional hazards System” for more details of quench drums.
because of BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour
Explosion) effect. The fire increases the internal
pressure and weakens the vessel until the vessel can
no longer contain the pressure. The vessel the ruptures
violently, with its parts propelled to great distances. The
6 OISD-109
Like aqueous blowdown streams, chemical Gravity sewer drains are extensively used in the
blowdown streams and drains may be continuous or petroleum industry for the disposal of various waste
intermittent. These should be handles with care to and blowdown streams containing oily, chemical and
avoid accidents. The design and operating philoso- other wastes etc. Generally such items of plant or
phies for handling continuous and intermittent aqueous facility get low profile, but the importance of their good
blowdown streams also. As discussed earlier under design and operating practices cannot be under-
“Aqueous Blowdown”, the continuous chemical estimated from the safety and loss prevention point of
blowdown streams should be controlled automatically view. Important guidelines for the design and operation
under level of the vessel, and where there is a sewer system are given below:
possibility of hydrocarbon phase coming out with the
chemical, disengaging drums should be considered. 5.3 TYPE OF SEWERS
The integrity of isolation of inter-mittent blowdown
streams by double valves, blinds or caps should be Depending upon the nature of waste streams, the
ensured. Refer section 5.3.3 for disposal of chemical sewers should be segregated as below:-
blowdown streams.
5.3.1 Oily Water Sewers:
The following aqueous streams generally have
The various blowdown stream handled above some oil content carried by them. These streams
should be disposed off safely to their respective should be routed to oily water sewer system:-
destinations. Selection of disposal system will depend
on the type of blowdown stream. Disposal system may — Oily water form process unit - Reflux drums,
be closed pressure system or gravity sewers. separators, disengaging drums, etc.
— Gland and seal cooling/quenching water from
5.1 CLOSED PRESSURED SYSTEM pumps/compressors etc.
— Brine water/sour water.
All hydrocarbon blowdown streams free of water
and chemicals etc. which re drained from various — Process wash water.
vessels and equipment are generally received in a — Oily water from hot wells.
closed blowdown drum at one corner of the unit. The
— Floor and paving drains in oily drums
blowdown streams are pumped out from this closed
blowdown drum by means of pump(s0 and routed to — Oil + water overflow from quench drums.
feed tanks, slop tanks or downgraded to other — Once through water from barometric condensers
products, as the case may be, by suitably designed
— Hydrocarbon tanks’ drains
closed piping system. These streams should not be
put into sewers from safety and loss considerations. A — Sample point drains.
typical scheme of such system is depicted in Fig. 10. — Oily system Condensate if no condensate
recovery and treatment facilities exist.
The blowdown drum can be a common drum for
— Process cooling tower blowdown. Captive power
more than one unit and located underground at a
plant cooling tower blowdown streams are not
convenient location and vent to atmosphere so that the
likely to contain oil and therefore, may be routed
different vessels and equipment can be drained to the
to storm sewer.
drum under gravity head through closed piping system.
The vent line from the drum should be provided with
5.3.2 Storm Water Sewers:
snuffing stream. The pumpout pump is usually a
vertical submersible pump capable of starting and
Waste water which has no oil and other
stopping automatically on high and low liquid levels in
objectionable material can be handled by storm water
the drum.
system. This system includes closed conduits and open
7 OISD-109
ditches. Following streams should be routed to storm 5.4 BASIC DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR OILY-
water sewer system. WATER SEWERS
-- Rainfall from clean areas
5.4.1 Layout of Oily Sewers:
-- Boiler blowdown
-- Steam condensate
-- Tank Diked area drains (alternate routing as the
same should also be routed to oily water system) The layout of most oily water sewers consists of a
-- Treated water effluent from DM water plants if PH trunk sewer with branch connected to process units,
and COD are Okay. diked areas and other work areas. The main trunk
sewer should be isolated from branch sewers by sealed
5.3.3 Chemical Sewers: manholes so that the vapours cannot back up into
processing areas. Seals play a vital role in maintaining
Sewers carrying drains/effluent wastes containing safe operation of a sewer system. Sealed manholes
chemicals should be segregated form other sewers shall be provided on oily sewers at the following
since these streams often require different treatment locations:
than oily water streams before final disposal. Such
streams are also generally corrosive and may required (a) Process Units
special materials of construction for the sewers. Since — On unit oily sewer at unit battery limit so that unit
the nature of treatment may be different for different t area is cut of from any fire in offsite areas or vice
chemicals, it is necessary that the quantities, type and versa.
compositions of all such streams likely to be handled in
— Within process units, sealed manholes shall be
the process areas, chemical storage, handling and
provided in such locations so that each sub-unit
dilution etc. should be thoroughly studied to decide
within the unit is isolated from other areas. Where
their segregation and treatment.
such demarcation is difficult, one sealed manhole
for every 30m length of unit sewer shall be
If chemical waste affect only oxygen demand and
solid content of the effluent, these can be discharged to
the oily water system downstream of primary oil — At change of direction of sewer line.
separation but upstream of biological treatment. — At entry of branch line to manhole.
However, when pH, odor, taste, color, trubidity etc. are
affected, appropriate special treatment should be b) Offsite Areas
considered at suitable stage before biological
treatment. Since each chemical may require a specific — At connection manholes of branch sewers to main
treatment, it is difficult to generalise the treatment sewers to isolate each facility contributing oily
facilities here. Detailed guidelines for effluent treatment waste from the risk of fire. Such connections may
facilities are therefore not included in the scope of this be from tank farms, offsite pump stations, oil
document. loading/unloading areas, railway gantry areas,
compressor house, etc. etc.
5.3.4 Sanitary Water Sewers:
— On main sewer lines at suitable points so as to
Sanitary water sewers should collect wasted from provide dire barriers for segregation of vital
toilet facilities and convey these to a treatment system hazardous installations from each other. In
in the complex, municipal sewer system or to a septic general sealed manholes on main sewer lines
tank depending upon the local condition. The treated shall be provided at intervals of not more than 300
sanitary effluent may be discharged to the treated oily meters.
water system, to the storm water system or
independently to the desired disposal point.
8 OISD-109
ii) TYPE OF SEALED MANHOLES should be increased to 1m/sec. The maximum velocity
should be limited to 2.4 m/sec. The slope of sewers
The following fire sealed manholes should be should be decided based on the sewer size.
5.4.3 Material of Construction
(a) Single compartment sealed manholes with bent
pipes seal type shall be used for CS pipes upto
Cast iron and hume pipe are usually the best
diameter 16”.
materials for gravity drains. If salt water is likely to be
(b) Double compartment type sealed manholes shall used in the plant, it is advisable to use pipes which are
be provided for CS pipes greater than 16” dia and coated with cement from inside.
for all sizes of RCC pipes.
(c) A minimum of 150 mm fire seal shall be provided
for both single and double compartment type
Because of special nature of some effluent
stream-high pour point, wax content, viscosity and
other fouling characteristics as is the case with
Fig. 13 & 14 depict typical sealed type manholes –
asphalts, waxy lube/intermediates and other similar
Single compartment and double compartment type.
products, their drains should not be routed to oily water
Sewers, in general, are designed for gravity flow.
sewers directly as there is danger of the entire sewer
In a tightly sealed system, a rise in water level would
system getting choked. Such product drains should be
reduce the vapour space causing obstruction to flow.
handled separately. Some specific cases are
Vents should therefore be installed on the manhole to
mentioned below:
maintain atmospheric pressure in the sewer and to
5.5.1 Asphalt Drains
release vapours to safe locations. Care should be
taken to avoid vents near furnaces etc. In critical
All equipment and areas where effluent streams
locations, the vent pipes should be provided with steam
containing asphaltic material is likely to be handled
snuffing connections.
should be segregated from other areas and bunded by
a 4”-6” high concrete wall having a baffle at one end. A
5.4.2 Capacity
small water stream should always be kept flowing in the
bund. The water should overflow into a catchpit having
The branch sewers from processing areas should
two compartments from where the water should
be designed for the greater of the following two
overflow into the oily water sewer. Asphaltic material
situations —
which gets trapped in the catchpit should be
— Rainfall plus process waste water with the sewer occasionally scrapped off manually by isolating one
flowing at 2/3 of full depth. compartment. Provision should also be made for
steaming the catchpit in case required.
— Process waste water plus expected fire water run
off with sewers running full. 5.5.2 Waxy Drains
The design capacity of the trunk sewer should depend All equipment and areas where effluent streams
on the cumulative amount of spend cooling water and containing waxy materials are likely to be handled
condensate from various processing areas and the should be likewise segregated from other areas and
storm drainage from the paved areas and the largest bunded by 4”-6” high concrete wall having a baffle at
tank dyke area. Trunk sewers generally drain large one end. The water should overflow from the baffle
water sheds, therefore, fire water flows are not into the oily water sewer. The wax will get deposited
governing for their sizing. However, this should be within the bund from where it should be scrapped off
checked back. occasionally.
A minimum velocity (at half full or running full) of 5.5.3 Drains at Remote Locations
0.6 m/sec should be maintained in the branch and trunk
sewers to avoid settling of solids. If the water consists Sometimes because of small capacity of an
of large quantities of sediments, the minimum velocity installation and or its remote location, it may not be
9 OISD-109
feasible to have elaborate oily water sewer system and 6.0 REFERENCES:
treatment facilities. Under such situations, local sumps
should be provided for collection of oily water effluents 1. Design guide to Refinery Sewers, J.D. Brown and
from such an installation. Oil sumps should be G.T. Shannon An API Survey.
designed as miniature oil separators with outlet baffles
to retain oil. Suitable skimming arrangement should be 2. API-521, 1982 Guide for Pressure Relieving and
provided to withdraw oil to a storage pit, from where it Depressurising Systems.
can be pumped out to slop, tank or barrels etc. Oil
sumps however are not very efficient for compete 3. Safety Digest of Lessons Learned, Section 3, API
removal of oil from waste. Publication, 758, 1980.
Note 1
Note: TI point shown in the drawing below should be located on the downstream of control valve.
Aqueous blowdown – Continuous in Nature
FIG. 2
28 OISD-109
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
FIG. 5
OISD-109 31
FIG. 6
FIG. 7
FIG. 8
34 OISD-109
FIG. 10
36 OISD-109
OISD-109 37
OISD-109 25
26 OISD-109
OISD-109 27
28 OISD-109
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