MANAY Et Al vs. CEBU AIR, INC. GR No. 210621 April 4, 2016 Facts
MANAY Et Al vs. CEBU AIR, INC. GR No. 210621 April 4, 2016 Facts
MANAY Et Al vs. CEBU AIR, INC. GR No. 210621 April 4, 2016 Facts
ISSUE: Whether or not Cebu Air, Inc. is liable for damages for the issuance of a plane
ticket with an allegedly erroneous flight schedule.
RULING: No, Cebu Air, Inc. is not liable for damages for the issuance of a plane ticket with
an allegedly erroneous flight schedule. Common carriers are required to exercise
extraordinary diligence in the performance of its obligations under the contract of carriage.
This extraordinary diligence must be observed not only in the transportation of goods and
services but also in the issuance of the contract of carriage, including its ticketing
operations. The obligation of the airline to exercise extraordinary diligence commences
upon the issuance of the contract of carriage. Ticketing, as the act of issuing the contract
of carriage, is necessarily included in the exercise of extraordinary diligence. Once a plane
ticket is issued, the common carrier binds itself to deliver the passenger safely on the date
and time stated in the ticket. The contractual obligation of the common carrier to the
passenger is governed principally by what is written on the contract of carriage. The
common carrier’s obligation to exercise extraordinary diligence in the issuance of the
contract of carriage is fulfilled by requiring a full review of the flight schedules to be given
to a prospective passenger before payment. Based on the information stated on the
contract of carriage, all three pages were recapped to petitioner Jose. The only evidence
petitioners have in order to prove their true intent of having the entire group on the 4:15
p.m. flight is petitioner Jose’s self-serving testimony that the airline failed to recap the last
page of the tickets to him. They have neither shown nor introduced any other evidence
before the Metropolitan Trial Court, Regional Trial Court, Court of Appeals, or this Court.
Even assuming that the ticketing agent encoded the incorrect flight information, it is
incumbent upon the purchaser of the tickets to at least check if all the information is
correct before making the purchase. Once the ticket is paid for and printed, the purchaser
is presumed to have agreed to all its terms and conditions. Considering that respondent
was entitled to deny check-in to passengers whose names do not match their photo
identification, it would have been prudent for petitioner Jose to check if all the names of his
companions were encoded correctly. Since the tickets were for 20 passengers, he was
expected to have checked each name on each page of the tickets in order to see if all the
passengers’ names were encoded and correctly spelled. Had he done this; he would have
noticed that there was a different flight schedule encoded on the third page of the tickets
since the flight schedule was stated directly above the passengers’ names. Moreover, the
tickets were issued 37 days before their departure from Manila and 39 days from their
Magnaye, Isaiah Athriene R Topic: Obligations of
the parties in Contract of carriage
departure from Palawan. There was more than enough time to correct any alleged mistake
in the flight schedule.
Petitioners, in failing to exercise the necessary care in the conduct of their affairs, were
without a doubt negligent. Thus, they are not entitled to damages.