Bottled Drinking Water: A Review: January 2011
Bottled Drinking Water: A Review: January 2011
Bottled Drinking Water: A Review: January 2011
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All content following this page was uploaded by Yael Parag on 16 April 2018.
Tamar Opher
Department of Environmental, Water and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Keywords: Bottled water, drinking water, mineral water, health risk, drinking water
contamination, water quality, PET, environmental impact, social justice, anti bottled
water policy
1. Regulatory framework
2. History
3. Impact
3.1. Health impact
3.2. Environmental impact
3.3. Social justice and equity impact
4. Trends in the bottled water market
5. Marketing strategies and public perception
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6. The politics of bottled water
6.1 Main actors and interests
Biographical Sketches
The bottled water industry is a huge business that involves many of the biggest food
brands in the world and worth billions. It has grown dramatically in the last decade and
today millions of people around the world, in developed and developing countries,
consume bottled water regularly.
Bottled water competes with soft drinks and tap water. While it is healthier than most
other soft drinks, studies indicate that it does not have a real benefit over tap water. In
addition, in many places around the world bottled water is regarded as a food item, and
as such is less regulated than tap water.
The production and consumption of bottled water entails various impacts on health,
environment and society. The health risks are related not only to the quality of the water,
but also to the quality of containers and to storage conditions. The environmental
hazards are linked to the energy used and resources consumed in the processing,
bottling and shipping of bottled water and to the huge amounts of bottle waste which is
not recycled. These, in turn, raise social, equity and justice questions, such as who is
being exposed to the risks and who should pay for the damages.
The growing awareness to the negative impacts of bottled water on the environment and
society has led to some improvement in the bottled water regulation. It also pushed the
industry to improve its use of resources and waste management schemes. At the same
time, in the last couple of years several local and regional governments have been
taking various actions to reduce bottled water consumption. These actions include
restrictions on the purchase of bottled water by public funds, banning bottled water in
public events and taxes on bottled water.
1. Regulatory framework
Drinking water, or potable water, is water intended for human consumption with no
other ingredients except that it may contain safe and suitable disinfectants. Drinking
water is regulated at various levels. In the United States (US), for example, drinking
water is regulated by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) under the Safe
Drinking Water Act (SDWA). In the EU (European Union) the primary piece of
legislation governing drinking water is the water framework directive and each member
state is responsible for its implementation and inspection. Individual states in the US or
countries in the EU can set themselves stricter drinking water regulation.
Bottled water is drinking water sealed in bottles with no added ingredients except that,
like tap water, it may contain safe and suitable antimicrobial agents. Fluoride may be
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added within limitations set in the bottled water quality standards (this varies between
The regulation of bottled water is complex. Four levels of regulation apply to the bottled
water industry: international, national, local and trade associations standards. While
seemingly heavily regulated, often bottled water may comply with only a few of these
standards, while disregarding the others. In the US, for example, the FDA has a
regulatory supervision only over products which are sold between states (“interstate
In many places bottled water is considered a food item and regulated accordingly. In the
US the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulates bottled water under the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) (For complete regulatory definitions, see 21
CFR 165.110(a)(2)). In the EU it is covered by the European Communities (Natural
mineral waters, spring waters and other waters in bottles or containers) Regulations,
2007(S.I. No. 225 of 2007). This legislation covers the definitions of water types, their
exploitation, treatment, microbiological criteria, chemical contaminants, sales
description, labeling and packaging. Bottled water under the categories "spring waters"
and “other waters” must also comply with European Communities (Drinking water, No.
2) Regulations, 2007 (S.I. No. 278 of 2007).
The FDA’s designated standard definitions for various types of bottled water are listed
in the Glossary. These consist of: artesian water, mineral water, purified water, spring
water and sparkling water.
While many people assume that water in bottles is mineral water, in reality bottled
water comes from a variety of sources, underground as well as surface. About 40% of
bottled water sold around the world is actually municipal water sealed in bottles, and
may or may not be further treated.
2. History
The origin of the industry is in the early 1800s. Amongst the early sellers of bottled
water are names that are still known today: Evian, San Pellegrino, Perrier, and Vittel,
among others.
Regulation of the bottled water industry began in the mid-nineteenth century in Europe.
In order to sell mineral water, a company had to prove that the mineral content of water
was stable over two years. In the early 1900s clean water was not widely available
everywhere and the bottled water industry thrived, both in the US and in Europe.
Regulation of bottled water in the United States had begun in 1938, when bottled water
was defined a packaged food under the FFDCA. .
When clean, safe and cheap drinking water was becoming widely available, the demand
for bottled water decreased and the industry declined sharply. The bottled water
industry struggled to survive until the 1970s, when the trend changed. Sales have been
growing dramatically since then.
During the early 1990s controversies concerning bottled water quality began to emerge.
Few occasions of water contamination (in particular: Perrier water contamination with
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high levels of benzene, and Natural Springs contamination with high levels of coliform
bacteria) raised the quality of bottled water onto the agenda, and resulted in improved
Other controversies regarding bottled water have gained momentum lately. These
include concerns over the energy and materials that are used for making bottles and
shipping water around the globe and the implications for climate change; concerns
regarding the amount of bottles which are not recycled and the harmful toxins that are
released to the environment in the very long decomposing process in landfills; concerns
about the privatization of a traditionally public good, as bottled water companies make
huge profits by withdrawing water from public water sources and reselling it; and
concerns regarding the impact of the industry on communities in areas in which spring
water is over pumped and could run out, hence harming those who rely on this water for
their livelihood.
3. Impact
Bottled water may be very useful and handy in times or places where tap water is
unavailable or of bad quality. Yet in most developed countries, as well as many
developing countries, tap water is readily available and is of good quality, thanks to
strict water standards and regulation.
The quality of the water is, of course, the most immediate threat to the health of those
who drink it. However, it should be noted that impacts on the environment may also
affect human health, thus adding indirect risks which are not limited to the consumers of
the bottled water themselves. Indirect health risks are not covered in this article.
3.1.1. Minerals
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drinking water is generally not a
significant contributor to daily dietary nutrition, but could be important in cases of
dietary insufficiency. Nonetheless, some drinking water minerals have been shown to
have favorable effects.
In particular, calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), which are abundant in “hard”
water, have been shown to be associated with reduced ischemic cardiac mortality in
hard water areas. Ca2+-and Mg2+-rich mineral water could provide a significant amount
of the recommended dietary mineral intake of adults, in a biologically available form.
While many of the bottled mineral water brands contain high levels of both minerals,
distilled bottled water (water which is deficient in all dissolved substances) contain
none, and if consumed regularly, might lead to mineral deficiencies.
Drinking-water may be important as a source of skeletal fluoride. It has been suggested
that there is a minimum level of fluoride in water, below which net loss of fluoride from
the skeleton may occur. In many countries public water is being fluoridised in order to
reduce tooth decay and prevent cavities. Tooth decay (dental caries) is one of the most
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prevalent chronic diseases worldwide. In countries where the public water is not
water is enriched with fluoride, moral, ethical, and safety controversies regarding
water fluoridation brought people to prefer bottled water with no added fluoride over
enriched tap water.
Unlike tap water quality, which is subject to strict governmental regulatory standards, in
most countries bottled water is regarded as a food product and regulated as such.
Commercial foodstuff is subject to less restricting regulations and enforcement methods.
For example, while municipal water suppliers in the US are required to test for harmful
microbiological content in water several times a day, bottled water companies need to
test for these microbes only once a week. Similarly, public water systems are required
to test for chemical water contaminants four times as often as bottled water companies.
However, bottled water regulation has been improving in the last decade, and in general
is of a good quality.
Bottled water could be contaminated in different stages. It may contain contaminants
originating in the source waters, as well as substances which may have entered the
water in the treatment plant or the bottling process. Contamination could also result
from the continuous contact with the containers the water is stored in. Since many
bottles contain water derived from tap water, contaminants could be the same ones
found in the public water system. A few exceptions are the metal contaminants which
may be present in tap water due to its exposure to household plumbing pipes and are
therefore less likely to be found in bottled water.
A fundamental difference between incidents of tap and bottled-water contamination is
the speed in which consumers are informed about it, either by risk communication or a
recall of bottles. The key reason is that whereas tap water is consumed in a well defined
geographical area and therefore the public can be informed by local agencies and local
media, bottled water is manufactured and distributed in various areas or continents and
consumers are geographically spread. This poses a challenge to risk communication for
both bottled water manufacturers and distributors. Indeed, often consumers are not
informed about contamination occasions. As a result, the public’s ability to protect itself
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Every year there are a few incidents of recalls of contaminated water bottles. Causes for
recalls over the years included contaminants such as: benzene, sodium hydroxide,
kerosene, styrene, yeast, tetrahydrofuran, sand, fecal coliforms, elevated chlorine, glass
particles and others. Between 2003 and 2008, in the US alone, there were at least 27
such incidents. Not all events included notification to the public, as some
contaminations were identified before the product reached the markets. Causes for the
2003-2008 recalls included occasions where the following substances were found in
water: diluted cleaning solution, mold, bromate in levels up to 39.7µg/L (four times the
maximal federal limit), excessive arsenic, algae, coliforms and/or other bacteria,
excessive sodium polyphosphate. Other recalls were due to water with foul odor and/or
taste or bottles which were prepared, packed or held under unsanitary conditions.
American Society for Microbiology (2010). High level of bacteria found in bottled water in Canada. May
26. ScienceDaily. [Bacterial contamination in bottled water in Canada].
Arnold E., Larsen J. (2006). Bottled water: Pouring resources down the drain. Earth Policy Institute
report. [A review of world trends in
bottled water consumption, quality, and environmental impact].
Azoulay A., Garzon P., Eisenberg J. (2001). Comparison of the mineral content of tap water and bottled
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water and bottled waters].
Barlow M. (2001). Blue Gold: The Global Water Crisis And The Commodification Of The World’s
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Carwile JL, Luu HT, Bassett LS, Driscoll DA, Yuan C, Chang JY (2009). Polycarbonate Bottle Use and
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International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 211, 504–509. [Bacterial contamination of
bottled and tap water].
European communities (2007). European communities (natural mineral waters, spring waters and other
waters in bottles or containers) regulations 2007. S.I. No. 225 of 2007.
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European communities (2007). European communities (drinking water) (no. 2) Regulations 2007. S.I. No.
278 of 2007
Gleick P. H. (2005). The Myth and Reality of Bottled Water. (Chapter 2). From the World’s Water, The
Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources: 2004-2005. Island Press, Pacific Institute. [Review of bottled
water markets and trends, quality control, and the complex and variety of bottled water regulations world-
Gleick P.H. (2010). Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water. Island Press,
Washington. [A comprehensive book about the bottled water industry, public perception of tap and
bottled water, and the environmental and social impact of bottled water consumption].
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ble.pdf [Bottled water recalls, field corrections and violations, as of July 24, 2006] .
Godwin C. (2008). Think outside the bottle: the responsible purchasing guide to bottled water
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Parag Yael and J. Timmons Roberts (2009) A Battle Against the Bottles: Building, Claiming and
Regaining Tap Water Trustworthiness. Society and Natural Resources, 22(7). [Public distrust in tap
Posnick LM, Kim H. (2002). Bottled water regulation and the FDA. Food Safety Magazine.
August/September 2002.
SpecificInformation/BottledWaterCarbonatedSoftDrinks/ucm077079.htm and [FDA’s designated standard definitions for
various types of bottled water].
Rodwan Jr. J. G. (2009). Bottled water 2009. Challenging circumstances persist: future growth
anticipated. US and international developments and statistics.
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Royte E. (2008). Bottlemania: How Water Went On Sale and Why We Bought It. Bloomsbury USA, New
York. [A book examines societal, cultural, economic and political aspects of the bottled water industry].
Salazar, F. I (2007). Bottled Water. Industry snapshot. SBDCNet January 2007 [Bottled
water markets and trends].
Schept, K (2010). BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2010,
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Science Daily, May 26, 2010. High level of bacteria found in bottles water in Canada. [Heterotrophic bacteria in bottled
Sharfstein, J.M. (2009). Statement on FDA: Regulation of bottled water. [FDA regulation of bottled water].
Shotyk W., Krachler, M. (2007). Contamination of bottled waters with antimony leaching from PET
increases with storage. Environmental Science and Technology 41, 1560-1563. [Antimony in water stored
in PET containers].
Shotyk W., Krachler M. (2007). Lead in bottled waters: comparison with pristine groundwaters and
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in glass containers].
Szasz A. (2007). Shopping Our Way to Safety: How we changed from Protecting the Environment to
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Water Quality Association. (2001). Eighty-six percent of Americans have concerns about their
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perception of tap water in the US and concerns about US drinking water supplies].
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water and bottled mineral water].
Biographical Sketches
Dr. Yael Parag is a senior researcher at the Lower Carbon Futures team in the Environmental Change
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Yael is a policy scientist and is interested in the theory of the policy process and the roles that policy
actors’ networks play at the different policy stages. She studies environmental policies, and in particular
oppose to ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’). In that instance she focuses on the roles that different
communities and social networks play at governing energy policies and practices in the UK. Previously
she researched personal carbon trading, the politics of bottled water, drinking water governance, and
industrial emissions to the air.
Tamar Opher, MSc, is a research assistant and a PhD student at the Department of Environmental,
Water & Agricultural Engineering in the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion –
Israel Institute of Technology.
Tamar has two bachelor’s degrees: in biology and computer science and a master’s degree in
environmental engineering. In recent years she has been involved in research projects concerning various
aspects of water quality modeling, such as biofouling in water pipelines, cyanobacterial blooms in lakes
and water reservoirs and effects of multiannual climatic trends on lake water characteristics.
She is interested in water reuse, sustainable water management and in computerized tools which may
facilitate sustainable planning and management of natural resources.
Currently she is working towards a PhD diploma, developing a multi-criteria LCA–based model of
wastewater reuse in the urban sector.