Worksheet 6 - The Magna Carta For Public Teachers
Worksheet 6 - The Magna Carta For Public Teachers
Worksheet 6 - The Magna Carta For Public Teachers
COURSE: __________________________________________________ SCORE:
(RA 4670)
C. Direction: Challenge yourself by justifying your answer to uphold the integrity and
professional duties of a teacher.
1. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render
more than 6 hours of actual classroom teaching per day with all the classroom
teaching preparation, checking of given exercises and other related work to their
normal teaching duties. Provided however, that where the exigencies of the service so
require, any teacher may be required to render more than 6 hours but not exceeding 8
hours of actual teaching hours a day. How does this affect your integrity and
professional duties as a teacher?
2. There shall be no discrimination whatsoever in the entrance to the teaching
profession, and/or during in exercising its duties or even in the termination of tenure
in service. Does this affect your integrity and professional duties as a teacher?
3. As a teacher you submitted yourself in the evaluation and hiring process of your
Schools Division by following what was stipulated in DO 7, s. 2015. In the RQA, you
were ranked number 1. It so happened the appointing authority selected and appointed
the teacher next in rank to you. Did the appointing authority violate your rights as a
teacher? Does this affect your integrity and professional duties as a teacher?
4. DepEd provides the curricula to be implemented and teachers are encouraged to be
innovative in their teaching and classroom methods. The department supports the
academic freedom of the teacher in the discharge of their professional duties,
particularly with regard to teaching and classroom management. Does this affect your
integrity and professional duties?
5. Salary scales of teachers shall provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to
a maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after 3 years
to the maximum steps, as provided by law. Provided, that the efficiency rating of the
teacher concerned is at least Satisfactory. How true is this? Does this affect your
integrity and professional duties as a teacher?
D. Reflection
In the Department of Education, we are saddened to hear news of malpractices of
teachers in the profession. Let us uplift ourselves and our profession. Write your
commitment to complete the paragraph below.
As member of the DepEd learning community, I commit myself to help realize the DepEd
mission and vision. I promise to