Assess2 - Process-Oriented Assessment
Assess2 - Process-Oriented Assessment
Assess2 - Process-Oriented Assessment
d the Product Based Assessment. Confusion starts with the lack of understanding with regards to the definition and application of these two authentic assessments.
When we say Performance Oriented Assessment, we refer to the type of assessment that mainly focuses on the ability of the students/learners to arrive or produce or demonstrate their own learning.
So, this means that if the learning task is to write a poem or write a book review or solve a mathematical problem or come up with a basic building plan, the teacher will focus on how the learner produced or conducted the learning task.
The teacher will assess the student/learner based on the skill acquired, so in the case of writing a poem, the criterion would be displayed skillful ability to compose an original poem and displayed ability to rhyme the words.
In these assessment, you are focusing on the skills of the learner in coming up with a Poem.
While in the Product-Oriented Assessment, you are focusing on the product your learner was able to come up with. In this case, Writing a Poem , so your criterion would be organization of the poem , poem contain 3 stanza , correct grammar , appropriate use of words and rhymes , contains 150 words.
As you might have observed, we are focusing on the poem itself and not on the learner. This is what product oriented assessment is all about.
And lastly, a single learning task can be assessed with both product oriented and
Process oriented . I suggest you use the learning task you are using for your Process Oriented Assessment for you Product Oriented Assessment, in this case, you will be able to construct your own assessment easily and better appreciate Both type of Assessments. Same learning tasks can also be used for your Affective Assessment.
(The goal here is to enable Education students to be able to deeply understand the concept of Performance Assessment in support with the Paradigm Shift of Education and in line with the NCBTS to create a Globally Competent Filipino Teachers for the 21st Century. The presentations in the slideshare page is only to serve as a MODEL in constructing your own Assessment Plan. Please do not copy it for your Field Study. ) = product oriented assessment is a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores the final product made and not on the actual performance of making that product. It is concern on the product alone and not on the process. = Process-oriented performance-based assessment is concerned with the actual task performance rather than the output or product of the activity. Recent studies proved that it is also important to focus on the processes which the students underwent in order to arrive at these products and outputs rather than to focus only on the actual products or outputs. =
Assessment Of Learning 2 Portfolio Table of Contents Chapter 1: REVIEW OF PRINCIPLES OF HIGH QUALITY ASSESSMENT
In this part of the lessons give me a refreshment of the past lessons we took to Fr. Nesty. I refresh on how could I made my assessment then. What is the component of the assessment? What is the point to consider for your target learners? Then what are the properties of Assessment methods.
First things first for me to make my High Quality Assessment I need to considered my learners on what is their past experience and learning. Then for me to see my targets I need the educational measurement including the cognitive, skills, competencies, ability, products, output and project targets. These things can help me to see what I want for my students to gain in those particular lessons. Then after that they have a appropriate assessment methods or procedures that I could follow like writtenresponse instrument or we so called traditional approach then also the product rating scales in this methods that teacher must possess prototype products over their year of experience. Then also the performance test the teacher need a performance checklist consists of a list of behaviors that make up a certain type of performance. Oral questioning it is the traditional question and answer assessment. Then the observation and self reports this kind of methods the teacher use the selfassessment or a tally method of the learners learns on the specific subject. Then the last is the things for this chapter is the properties of assessment methods thats include the validity, reliability and fairness then the other 2 which first time I heard the practicality and efficiency and ethics in assessment. When we say validity is the referring to appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of specific conclusions that teacher reaches regarding the teaching learning situation. The content and format of the instrument that we use is the content-validity. Reliability is simply the consistency of the assessment. Fairness is talk about the fair procedures of the assessment both students and
teachers. Practical and Efficiency this kid of method is simply say that for us to easily interpret the result of the procedure it should be practical and efficient. Then last is the ethics in assessment is simply a questions of being right or wrong then it can harm my students in the near future it showed that every questions we could do is think our students. Then also the ALIGNMENT Chapter 2: PROCESS-ORIENTED PERFORMANCE-BASED ASSESSMENT
The process-oriented performance-based assessment it was simply talking about the process of the students to arrive in that kind of outputs. Assessment is not only on the traditional because this could also more effective when we reflect on the understanding of learning as multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time. Then before you arrive in that kind of assessment you should have a set of learning competency or objectives when we talk of competency it is a groups or clusters of skills and abilities for needed for a particular task. Then it was included the learning tasks for me as a teacher that my students will follow the particular learning process. Then for me to score my students I need Rubrics this rubrics could be my bases on how could I grade my students. Then they have 2 kinds of rubrics the Analytic and the Holistic when we say analytic it is the articulates levels of performance for each criterion so the teacher can assess student performance on each criterion then it is the most common that holistic and more easy for the teacher to assess the criterion. While holistic it is not like analytic rubrics it was not separate levels of performance for each criterion that seeing the performance in the multiple criteria as a whole then it was use when a quick or
gross judgment needs to be made. In making rubrics they have no specific number of levels should have. Chapter 3: PRODUCT-ORIENTED PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Product-oriented performance assessment is the assessment which is talk about the end result of the students learning. This kind of assessment assesses the projects and work of the students. Then here they have a particular level or procedures that we need to followed 1st the beginner, 2nd skilled and 3rd is the expert this procedures help you to better know the statues or expectation for your students. In regard the task I need the complexity, appeal, creativity and goal-base for me to observe the output of my students. In regard to the rubrics I use the descriptive scoring for me to be guided in evaluating the products of the students. Chapter 4: ASSESSMENT IN AFFECTIVE DOMAIN
Affective domain describes learning objectives that emphasize a feeling tone, an emotion, or a degree of acceptance or rejection. These kinds of assessment are really hard to assess because this is more on the affective side or feelings of the teacher or what you called a subjective assessment. Then like the cognitive domain this affective domain has also taxonomy given by Krathwohl et al, 1964. They have aRe ce iv ing being aware of or sensitive to the existence of certain ideas by being willing to
tolerate,R e sponding is committed in some small measure to ideas by actively responding,Valuing is willing to be perceived by other as valuing certain ideas,O rganizat io n is to relate the value to those already held and bring it into a harmonious and internally consistent philosophy.C harac t e rizat ion is act
consistently in accordance with the values they internalize. Then also when we study of affective
competency we need to study also the Attitudes and the Motivation. The attitude is composing of the cognition, affect, behavioral intentions and evaluation, while motivation is the reason or set of reasons that engage the students in the new behavior. Then also here we develop the assessment tools for the affective domain I learned about theSelf-Report is the common measurement tools in the affective domain by requesting a students to grade there own attitudes and feeling towards ideas and people, RatingScale is a set of categories designed to elicit information about a quantitative attribute in social
science, Semantic Differential Scales it assess individual reaction to specific words, ideas or concepts in terms of ratings on bipolar scale, Thurstone and LikertScale this scale was develop by the 2 people Thurstone which is the father of attitude measurement and Likert who use the methods of summated rating, then the last is theC he c klist is the one of the common and perhaps the easiest instrument in the affective domain it is compose of simple items that the student or teacher marks an absent and present. Chapter 5: PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT METHODS
Portfolio assessment is purposeful collection of students work that exhibits the students effort, progress and achievements in one or more areas. This kind of assessment is one of the several authentic then non-traditional assessment techniques in education. This assessment also is one of the criteria for applying to the accreditation of the CHED. Then also these assessments have features and principles 1. Is a form of assessment that students do together with teachers (that means the teachers will help the students in planning, execution and evaluation of the contents of the portfolio. 2. It
is the representation of selection of what the students believe is best included from among the possible collection of things related to the concept being studied. The teacher will assist the students.3. It provide sample of the students work like reflection, self-assessment that leads in growing. 4. This kind of assessment must be clear in both sides the teachers and the students on what will be there in the portfolio. The purpose of this assessment is matches to teaching, clear goal which decided on the
beginning of instruction clear in the teacher and students give profile of the learning abilities in terms of depth, breadth and growth, tools for assessing a variety of skills not normally testable in a single setting for traditional testing, develops awareness of own learning by the students, caters to individuals in heterogeneous class, develops social skills trough interaction on other students, develops individual and active learners, improve motivation for learning and achievement and provides opportunity for student-teacher dialogue. Then the portfolio have the following essential
elements like cover letter which contain the authors background it summarize the evidence of the students learning and progress, table of content which having the paging,e ntrie s is the core and the optional thec ore is the agreed upon by the teachers and the students while theopt ion al is the students want to add in his/her portfolio, dates and time for the proof of growth,dr af ts for
the first and see the improvement in the revisions, then the last isre f le ction to see the relevance of the lesson to the life of the students. They have types of portfolio thedoc ume nt at ion involves the collection of work over time showing growth and improvement reflecting students learning of identified outcomes, thenproc e ss particularly useful in documenting students overall learning process, then the lastsho wc ase only shows the best of students output and products. I can evaluate my portfolio through myt houg ht f ulne ss,
growth and development, understanding and application, completeness, correctness, appropriateness and process presented in the portfolio and diversity of entries. Then last is the students-teachers conference or may be I put it on my own word the kamustahan on which I think is very useful also so that the teacher and the students know each other better. Chapter 6: EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION
This evaluation is next process that the teachers do after doing the other process. In this evaluation the teachers look the wide prospective for the growth of the students and learning remarks on the lessons they made.