Talent and Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class 7 Math

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Must For All Maths Talent Search Exams & Olympiads


l Suitable for curricula of major boards like CBSE / ICSE /
State Boards.
l Fundamental concepts are thoroughly revised
l Extensive range of questions that stimulate the interests of
the students while testing their knowledge


l Application/skill/knowledge/understanding
oriented questions
l Suitable for International/National/Regional Olympiads
and Talent exams like NSTSE, Maths Olympiad, RMO,

BMA’s Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book - MATHEMATICS

NMO, IMO etc.
l Hundreds of objective questions ` 50 Must For All Science Talent Search Exams & Olympiads


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( Mathe rna tics J

Mapping Your Future
Published by:

Brain Mapping Academy

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ISBN : 978-93-82058-51-9

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First Edition : 2003

Second Edition : 2008
Revised Edition : 2015
Publisher's Note
Sometimes the understanding of fundamental concepts alone does not help the

students to crack the competitive exams as most of them are objective in structure.

Students need rigorous training to familiarize themselves to the style of the exams they

are attempting. The board exams which are of qualifying, but not competitive, nature do

not completely address the needs of students in testing them in objective type format.

To bridge this gap and to enable the students to face the reality of competitive

exams, Brain Mapping Academy, brought out an all-objective questions reference book.

A crisp summary of the topics and useful equations were provided at the beginning

of each chapter so that the students can memorize the important points.

Care has been taken to design thought-provoking questions. These should help

students to attain a deeper understanding of principles. The questions have been reviewed

to fill the gaps in problem coverage and to build the confidence in the students. They have

also been expanded to impart reasoning/logical/analytical skills.

This book will cater all the requirements of the students who are approaching

national/state level talent search examinations and all Olympiad exams. This book also

complements the additional preparation needs of the students for the regular board exams.

We took utmost care to make this the best resource book available for the talent I

olympiad exams aspirants. We welcome criticism from the students, teacher community

and educators, especially concerning any errors and deficiencies which may have remained

in this edition and the suggestions for improvement for the next edition.
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For Your Information

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I Aim of this examination

The focus on fundamentals is so important that without a firm understanding of them, a child
cannot be expected to face the reality of the competitive world once he/she finishes the
formal education. Even while opting for higher studies the student has to go through a
complete scan of what he/she knows. Exams like IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AIIMS, AFMC, CAT, SAT, GRE,
GMAT, etc. are so designed to test the fundamental strength of a student. Hence the need of
the hour is building the fundamental base as strong as possible.

A successful life emerges out from healthy and sound competition. Competition is the only
way for the students to shake lethargy. It's the only way to get introduced for manly worthiness.
Firm standards in education and competition are the tonic for a promising and talented

This exactly is the philosophy behind the Unified Council's NSTSE.

I Organisation

National Science Talent Search Examination is conducted by Unified Council. Unified Council
is India's fi rst ISO 9001 certified organisation in the educational testing and assessment.
Since its inception, Unified Council has put together the best brains in an endeavour to make
the younger generation fundamentally stronger and nourish their brains for a bright and
enterprising future.

Eligibility: Students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 are eligible to participate in this


Medium & Syllabus: This exam is conducted in only English medium and is suitable for all
the students following CBSE/ICSE/State Board Syllabi.

I Examination Pattern

There will be a separate question paper for each class. All questions are objective-type
multiple choice with no negative marking for w rong answers.
Duration: 90 minutes
Date : Conducted every year on the last Sunday of January.
Test Centres : Spread across the country.
Mathematics 25 marks Mathematics 25 marks
General Science 15 Marks Physics 25 marks
Chemistry 20 marks
FOR CLASS II Biology 20 marks
Mathematics 25 marks General Questions 10 marks
General Science 25 Marks FOR CLASS XI & XII(PCM)
Mathematics 40 marks
Physics 25 marks
Mathematics 40 marks Chemistry 25 marks
General Science 35 Marks General Questions 10 marks
Biology 40 marks
Mathematics 45 marks Physics 25 marks
General Science 45 Marks Chemistry 25 marks
General Questions 10 marks General Questions 10 marks

I Infrastructure

The Council makes use of ultra-modern equipment such as Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
equipment to evaluate the answer papers to proficiently assess students' performance. The
examination procedure is completely computerised.

Unique Service from Unified Council:

Unique analysis reports like Student's Performance Report for students, General School Re-
port & Individual School Report for schools provided. These reports are very much helpful for
students & schools to analyse their strengths and weaknesses.

General School Report (GSR) analyses the performance of students participating in the
exam (subject-wise and class-wise). The report, in graphical format will have Ogive and
Histogram Graphs, which are useful to schools that wish to improve their students'
performance by benchmarking the areas of weaknesses and building upon them.

Individual School Report (ISR) analyses the performance of a particular school when com-
pared to the rest of the students participating in this examination (subject-wise, class-wise
and question-wise). This report acts as a tool for the schools to improve their students' perfor-
mance in the future by benchmarking the areas of weaknesses and building upon them.

Awards & Scholarships:

Top 100 members in each class will be awarded with Awards & Medals etc.

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Phones: 040-24557708, 24545862, 66139917
E-mail: exam@unifiedcouncil.com, Website: www.unifiedcouncil.com

1. Integers .......................................... 9 -13
2. Fractions and Decimals .................. 14- 20
3. Data Handling ............................... 22- 26
4. Simple Equations ........................... 27- 31
5. Lines and Angles ............................ 33- 40
6. Triangles ......................................... 41-46
7. Congruence of Triangles ................. 48-54
8. Comparing Quantities .................... 55- 59
9. Rational Numbers .......................... 61- 66
10. Practical Geometry ........................ 67- 71
11. Perimeter and Area ....................... 73- 77
12. Algebraic Expressions .................... 78-82
13. Exponents and Powers ................... 84-87
14. Symmetry ...................................... 88- 93
15. Visualising Solid Shapes ................. 95 - 101
Questions@stimulating-minds ........ 103- 104
Model Test Paper ......................... 105 - 106

Explanatory Answers ................... 107 - 134

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1 Integers

+ Natural numbers (N): Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 0000000 etc., are called natural numbers.
N = {1 2, 3, 4, I 0000000}

Representation of natural numbers on a number line: To represent natural numbers on

a number line we should draw a line and write the numbers at equal distances on it as

2 3
4 5
I I I • l
10 11 12 ....... :
+ Whole Numbers (W): The set of natural numbers together with zero is known as the set
of whole numbers.
w: {0, 1 2, 3, oooooooo}

+ Integers (Z): The set containing negatives of natural numbers along with whole numbers
is called the set of integers.

Z= [ ,-4, ~3, - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 31" uouo)

Negatives of natural Whole numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 000000 etc., are called positive integers and are denoted by z+.

:. z+ = {1, 2, 3, 4, 0000000}

- 1, -2, -3, -4, 000000 etc., are called negative integers and are denoted by z-.

:. r = {.0000000000000000 - 3, - 2. - 1}

Note: 1. Usually, negative numbers are placed in brackets to avoid confusion

arising due to two signs in evaluations.
e.g.,3+ (-5) =-2
2. 0 is not included in either z• or r. Hence, it is non-negative.
(i) To represent quantities like profit, income, increase, rise, high, north, east, above,
depositing, climbing and so on, positive numbers are used.

1. Integers
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book

Cl ass VII - Mathematics

To represent quantities like loss, expenditure, decrease, fall, low, south, west, below,
withdrawing, sliding and so on, negative numbers are used.

Note: 1. 0 is neither positive nor negative.

2. The +sign is not written before a positive number.

3. ! and 0.3 are not integers as they are not whole numbers.

+ Representation of integers on a number line: Integers are represented on the number

line as shown.

I I I I I I I I I I I Ill
[ ....-1-j -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5......

On a number line when we

(i) add a positive integer, we move to the right.
(ii) add a negative integer, we move to the left.
(iii) subtract a positive integer, we move to the left.
(iv) subtract a negative integer, we move to the right.
+ Properties of integers:
(i) Closure property: Closure property is satisfied with respect to addition, subtraction
and multiplication in the set of integers.
For a, b e Z, a + b e Z, a - b e Z and a x b e Z.
(ii) Commutative property: Commutative property is satisfied with respect to addition
and multiplication in the set of integers.
If a, b e Z, then a + b = b + a and a x b = b x a.
(iii) Associative property: Associative property is satisfied with respect to addition and
multiplication in the set of integers.
If a, b, c e Z, then
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c = c + (b + a) and a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c = c x (b x a).
(iv) Distributive property: Mu ltiplication is distributed over addition and subtraction
in the set of integers.
For a, band c e Z, a (b + c) = ab + ac and a (b - c) = ab - ac.
(v) Identity element: 0 is the identity under addition and 1 is the identity under
For a e Z, a + 0 = a = 0 + a and a x 1 = a = 1 x a.
(vi) Multiplication by zero: For any integer a, a x 0 = 0 x a = 0.

II 1. Integers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 What do we call the set of negative

numbers and whole numbers?
(A) Natural numbers • What is the nature of the product of a
negative number by itself even number
of times?

(B) Integers (A) Negative (B) 0
(C) Positive numbers (C) Positive (D) Non-negative

(D) The set of whole numbers.
Calculate (-32) x (-4) x (-3) x 0 x (-6) .
Which of the following is the smal lest

positive integer? (A) 27648 (B) 276480

(C) 0 (D) -27648
(A) 0 (B) 100 (C) 1 (D) 9
Where are the negative numbers located If the dividend and the divisor have like
on a horizontal number line? signs, what is the sign of the quotient?
(A) On the right of 0 (A) Positive (B) Negative
(B) On the left of 0 (C) Zero (D) Indeterminate
(C) Above 0 • If the dividend and divisor have unlike
(D) BelowO
signs, what is the sign of the quotient?
0 What is the opposite of earning ~ 100?

(A) Positive (B) Negative
(A) + ~ 100 (B) Profit of ~ 100 (C) Zero (D) Indeterminate
(C) Gain of ~ 100 (D) Spending ~ 100
• Match the following .
How is the withdrawal of ~ 200

Column - 1 Column - II
(A) Depositing ~ 200 (B) - ~ 200
(i) (132) 7 (-12) ( ) (a) 49
(C) ~ 200 (D) - 200
Which of the following is true with (ii) (-144) 7 (+16) ( ) (b) 8
respect to -28 and -32?

(A) -28 < -32 (B) -28 = -32 (iii) (-32) 7 (-4) ( ) (c) (-9)
(C) -32 > - 28 (D) -28 > - 32
Where do we place the positive numbers (iv) {196) 7 (4) ( ) (d) (-11)
on a vertical number line with respect to 0?

(A) (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d)
(A) Above (B) On its left side (B) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(c)
(C) On its right side (D) Below (C) (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
What is the representation of 30 km (D) (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b)
towards the west?

• With respect to which of the following
(A) 30 km east (B) -30 km operations is closure property satisfied
(C) 30 km (D) 30 by the set of integers?
What is the nature of the product of a (A) +,x (B) +.~.x
negative integer by itself, odd number (C)+,x,- (D) +. -.~
of times?
(A) Positive
4Z) What is the add itive identity for the set
of integers?
(B) Negative
(C) Non negative (A) 0 (B) (-1) (C) 1 (D) + 10
(D) Cannot be determined

1. Integers
JlG BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book

Which of the following is the

Class VII · Mathematics

What is the sign of the product obtained

multiplicative identity in the set of when a positive integer is multiplied by -1?

(A) Positive (B) Negative
(A) 1 (B) (-1) (C) 0 (D) (-1 0) (C) 0 (D) Non negative
• Whatisthevalueof124 x 4-3 + 118 7 2?
The sum of two integers is 62. If one of
(A) 552 (B) 496 (C) 553 (D) -553 the integers is -48, what is the other?

• Which of the following orders is used
while evaluating an expression? (A) 14 (B) - 14

(C) -110 (D) 110
(A)[ 1. (), {} (B) {}. (), [ 1
(C) (), {}. [ 1 (D) (), [ 1. {} The product of two integers is -48. If one
If a negative sign precedes a bracket, of the integers is -6, what is the value of

what happens to the terms inside it? the other?
(A) Their signs are changed. (A) 1 (B) 288 (C) 0 (D) 8
(B) The terms are reciprocated .
(C) The signs remain the same. A man walked 3 km towards North then
(D) The terms are doubled. 8 km towards South. What is his final
If a positive sign precedes a bracket, position with respect to his initial
what happens to the terms inside it? position?
(A) Signs of the terms will be changed. (A) 5 km towards East

(B) Every term is reciprocated. (B) 3 km towards South
(C) Every term will become zero. (C) 8 km towards North
(D) No change occurs in any of the terms. (D) 5 km towards South
What is the value of the expression
What is the smallest negative integer?
7- [13 - {-2- 6 (6 of -5)}]?
(A) -172 (B) 180 (A) -1 (B) - 10
(C) 172 (D) 0 (C) 0 (D) Does not exist
What is the sign of the product of two
integers with like signs? ~Previous Contest Questions~
(A) Negative (B) Positive
(C) 0
determ ined
(D) Cannot be
0 In a quiz, positive marks were given for
correct answers and negative marks for
What is the sign of the product of two
incorrect answers. If Guru's scores in five
integers with unlike signs?
successive rounds were 35, -10, -15, 20
(A) Negative

and 5, what is his total score at the end?
(B) 0
(C) Positive (A) 25 (B) 35 (C) 45 (D) 55
(D) Cannot be determined
A deep well has steps inside it. A monkey
Which of the following operations on
is sitting on the topmost step (i.e., the
integers satisfy the commutative

first step). The water level is at the ninth
step. If the monkey jumps 3 steps down
(A)-. + (B)-, X (C) +, - (D)+, X and then jumps back 2 steps up, how
Over which of the following operations many jumps does it have to make to
is multiplication distributed in the set of reach the water level?
(A) 11 (B) 9 (C) 7 (D) 5
(A) -. + (B) -,X (C) +, - (D) x, 7

II 1. Integers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• A certain freezing process requires that

room temperature be lowered from 4oC
8 The temperature at 12 noon was 1ooc
above zero. If it decreases at the rate of 2
at the rate of soc every hour. What is the oc per hour unti l midnight, what would
room temperature after 10 hours? be the temperature at 9 p.m.?
(A) 0 oc (B) -5 oc (A) -8°C (B) -6°C

(C) - 10 oc (D) -15°C (C) 8°C (D) 6°C
• In a class test containing 10 questions, 3 What is the identity element with respect
marks are awarded for every correct to subtraction in integers?
answer and (-1) mark is awarded for (A) 0 (B) 1
every incorrect answer and 0 for the (C) - 1
(D) Does not exist
questions not attempted. Srinu gets two
Which of the following statements holds
correct and six incorrect answers out of
eight questions he attempts. What is his
total score? (A) NeWe Z (B) Ze NeW
(C) We NeZ (D) ze weN
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) - 2 (D) 6
The quotient of two numbers is
• What should be multiplied by (-12) in
(-17). If one of the numbers is (-340),
order to get 180?
what is the other number?

(A) 15 (B) -15 (C) 16 (D) - 16
(A) 20 (B) 17 (C) (-20) (D) (-30)
A lift descends into an underground
floor at the rate of 6 metres per minute.
If the descent starts from 10 metres
above the ground level, how much time
will it take to descend 350 metres?
(A) 30 minutes (B) 50 minutes
(C) 1 hour (D) 1 hour 30 minutes

1. Integers

2 Fractions and Decimals

• A fraction is a part of a whole .

• *0
A number of the form -q ,where p and q are whole numbers and q is known as a

+ In the fraction £.,

p is called the numerator and q is called the denominator.

+ The numerator tells us how many parts are considered of the whole.
+ The denominator tells us how many equal parts the whole is divided into.

Note: Usually fractions are written in their lowest terms.

The numerator and the denominator of a fraction in its lowest terms are coprime.
That is, their H.C.F. is 1.

+ Types of fractions:
(i) Simple fraction: A fraction in its lowest terms is known as a simple fraction.
12 5 4
e.g., 25 , 7,· etc.,
(ii) Decimal fraction: A fraction whose denominator is 10, 100, 1000 etc., is called a
decimal fraction.
3 7 24 131
e.g., 10' 1 00 '1 000' 1 000 etc.,
(iii) Vulgar fraction: A fraction whose denominator is a whole number other than 10,
100, 1000, etc., is called a vulgar fraction.
2 4 11 27
e.g., 9' 13' 20' 109 etc.,
(iv) Proper fraction: A fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator is called a
proper fraction.
3 5 23 73
e.g., 7' 11' 40 ' 1 00 etc .,
(v) Improper fraction: A fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to its
denominator is called an improper fraction.
11 25 41 53
. ., -
eg 7- --
' 12 -e
' 36 ' 53t c .,

II 2. Fractions and Decimals

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(vi) Mixed fraction: A number which can be expressed as the sum of a natural number
and a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.

4 . 4 7 . 7 D. 1 2 s
3 5 9 6
e.g., 1 etc.,

(vii) Like fractions: Fractions having the same denominator but different numerators are
called like fractions.
5 9 11
14 14 . 14 etc.,
(viii) Unlike fractions: Fractions having different denominators are called unlike fractions.
2 5 9
5 . 7 . D etc.,
+ An important property: If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are both multiplied
by the same non zero number, its value is not changed.
3 3x2 3x3 3x4
Thus, -
=- - =- - =- - etc.,
4x2 4x3 4 x 4
+ Equivalent fractions: A given fraction and the fraction obtained by multiplying (or dividing)
its numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number, are called equivalent
9 3 6 12
e.g., Equivalent fractions of are 4, 8. etc.,
12 16
+ Method of changing unlike fractions to like fractions:
Step 1: Find the L.C.M. of the denominators of all the given fractions.
Step 2: Change each of the given fractions into an equivalent fraction having denominator
equal to the L.C.M. of the denominators of the given fractions.
5 7 11
e.g., Convert the fractions 6. 9 and 12 into like fractions.

L.C.M. of 6, 9 and 12 = 3 x 2 x 3 x 2 = 36

Now, ~ = 5 x 6 = 30 ; !._ = 7x 4 = 28 and ~ =~ =~ .

6 6X 6 36 9 9X 4 36 12 12 X 3 36
30 28 33
Clearly, 36' 36 and 36 are like fractions.

+ Irreducible fractions: A fraction b is said to be irreducible or in lowest terms, if the H.C.F

of a and b is 1. They are also called simple fractions.

If H.C.F. of a and b is not 1, then b is said to be reducible.

+ Comparing fractions: Let ~and~ be two given fractions. Then,

b d
a c a c a c
(i) - > - ~ ad> be (ii) - =- ~ ad = be (iii) - < - ~ ad < be
b d b d b d

2 . Fractions and Decimals

rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

+ Method of comparing more than two fractions:

Step 1: Find the L.C.M. of the denominators of the given fractions. Let it be m.
Step 2: Convert all the given fractions into like fractions, each having mas denominator.
Step 3: Now, if we compare any two of these like fractions, then the one having larger
numerator is larger.
+ Addition and subtraction of fractions:
(i) Add/Subtract like fractions:
To add/subtract like fractions, add/subtract the numerators and place the sum/
difference on the same denominator as that of the given fractions.
2 3
e.g., (1) Add
7 and
2 3 2 +3 5
7 7 7 7

e.g., (2) Subtract 74 from 76 .

6 4 6 -4 2
7 77 7
(ii) Add/Subtract unlike fractions:
To add/subtract unlike fractions, first convert them into like fractions and proceed
as in (i).
1 2 3
e.g., (1) Add
3 . S and .
L.C.M of 3, 5 and 7 is 105.

: . ~ + ~ + ~ = ~ + ~ + ~ = 35 + 42 + 45 = 122 = 1_22_
3 5 7 105 105 105 105 105 105
3 7
e.g., (2) Subtract
4 from 12 .
7 3 7 -9 -2 -1
---=--=- = -
12 4 12 12 6
+ Multiplication of fractions:
(i) Multiplying a whole number with a proper or an improper fraction: To multiply a
whole number with a proper or an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number
with the numerator of the fraction, keeping the denominator same.
4 12 4
e.g., 3 x 9 =9 = 3
(ii) Multiplying a whole number by a mixed fraction: To multiply a whole number by a
mixed fraction, first convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction and then

. ., 14 x 2 ~=
7 1 4x .:!2
7 =3 4


2. Fractions and Decimals

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(iii) Multiplying a fraction by a fraction: The product of two or more fractions is the
product of their numerators divided by the product of their denominators expressed

in lowest terms i.e., if ~ and %are the fractions then their product is :~ expressed
in the lowest terms.
+ Calculating fractional part of a quantity:
To know the fractional part of a quantity, the fraction and the quantity are multiplied.
1 1
e.g., 3 of ~ 90 = ~ 3 x 90 = ~ 30
+ Reciprocal of a fraction:
Two fractions are said to be the reciprocal of each other, if their product is 1.

e.g., i and ~ are the reciprocals of each other, since ( i x ~) = 1.

In general, if ~ is a non-zero fraction, then its reciprocal is .; .

Note: Reciprocal of 0 does not exist.

+ Division of fractions:
(i) Division of a whole number by any fraction: To divide a whole number by a fraction,
we have to multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the given fraction.


(ii) Division of a fraction by a whole number: To divide a fraction by a whole number,

we have to multiply the given fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number.

2 22 1 2
e.g., 4
5 .;- 11 = S x
11 = 5
While dividing a mixed fraction by a whole number, convert the mixed fraction into
an improper fraction and then divide.
(iii) Division of a fraction by another fraction: To divide a fraction by another fraction,
we have to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second.

e.g., 3.:!_ + 2..!. = ~ + .!2 = .ll x 2. = ~ = 11.!

4 5 4 5 4 11 44 44

2 . Fractions and Decimals

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

0 Which of the follow ing is true with

respect to

(A) ~ > 13
~ and .:!2?
16 5
(B) 9 = 13
• Indian cricket team won 4 more matches
than it lost with New Zealand. If it won
5 of its matches, how many matches
did India play?
16 5 16 5

(A) 8 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 20
(C) ~ < 1 3 (D) 1 3 < ~ What is the product of a fractional
16 5 5 16 number and its reciprocal?
Which of the following is the improper
(A) 0 (B) same number
fraction form of 12 5 ? (C) 1 (D) undefined
21 . 26
What should be added to to make 1t ?

(A) !.!:. (B)~ (C) 1 08 (D) 85 27 27
5 5
(A) ~~ (B) 267 (C) 257 (D) :7
What is the sum of 4' 6 and 15 ? What are fractions with different
denominators called?

331 213 412
(A) 3_!_ (B) 60 (C) 60 (D) 120 (A) Like (B) Unlike
(C) Proper (D) Improper
What is the difference of
15 and
? G) What is the equivalent fraction of 181

having the numerator 40?
58 5 8 26 23
(A) 105 (B) 105 (C) 30 (D) 15 40 44 40 10
(A) 11 (B) 40 (C) 55 (D) 40
Which of the following is a proper
• What do you call the fractions which
have one as the numerator?

(A) ~ (B) 3_!_ (C) ~ (D) 34 (A) Like fractions (B) Unlike fractions
15 23 7 3 (C) Unit fractions (D) Equal fractions
What is the product of 1..:!.. 3 .2. and !.._ ? In which of the following fractions is the
3 4 8 numerator greater than the

(A) 3~ (B) 2~ (C) 3~ (D) 2~ denominator?
24 24 24 24 (A) Like (B) Improper
3 (C) Proper (D) Mixed
Guru reads of a book. He finds that
5 1
there are still 80 pages left to be read. 9 of a number is 5. What is the number?
What is the total number of pages in the (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 14 (D) 45

(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 400 Given that ~= which of these is true?

What is
'7 of 49 litres?
(A) pq = st (B) ps = qt
p s
(A) 1 l (B) 5 l (C) 7 l (D) 6! (C) pt = sq (D) - =-
t q

II 2. Fractions and Decimals

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

1 (26-27): Look at the alphabets given.

What should be added to 3 to get 3- ?
3 1 2 2
(A) 5 (B) 5 (C) S (D) 35 What fraction of alphabets are made of
7 X
3 straight lines?
If 4- = - , what is the value of x?
11 11 1 1 2 5
(A) - (B) - (C) - (D) -
(A) 51 (B) 7 (C) 44 (D) 28 3 6 5 6
12 What fraction of alphabets are made of
What is the lowest form of ?
30 semicircles and straight lines ?

1 1 2 6 1 4
(A) 5 (B) 2 (C) S (D) 15 (A) -
(B) ~
(C) ~
(D) -
In wh ich of the following does the Which of the following is an improper

u (A)®
shaded part represent one third of its fraction?



(A) (B)

(C) (D)

How many parts should be shaded in

What does the shaded part of the
the figure B to make it represent the following strip represent?
same fraction as the unshaded part of
the figure A?

Figure A Figure B
2 1 2
7 - 7 + 7 = 7 (B)
3 2 1 2
- +- - - = -
7 7 7

(A) 3 (B) 15 (C) 8 (D) 12 2 1 3 1 2 2 5
(C) - + - =- (D) - + - + - = -
Madhavi eats one full bar of chocolate . 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Then she divides another one into 5 Which of the following statements is
equal parts and eats 3 of them. What is true?
the total number of chocolates that she
(A) Fractions with the same numerator
has eaten?
are called like fractions.
4 3 8 8
(A) - (B) - (C) - (D) 1Q (B) Fractions with the same deno-
5 5 5
minator are called unlike fractions.
How many one-fourths need to be
1 (C) Difference of two like fractions
added to 2 to make 5?

4 difference of numerators
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 11
comm on denomin ator
Between which two numbers does
4 1ie? (D) A fraction with the numerator
greater than or equal to the deno-
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 3
minator is called a proper fraction.
(C) 3 and 4 (D) 11 and 12

2 . Fractions and Decimals

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(B) I I
Which figure shows - shaded?


• (A) ~ 18 ~
If the cost of 55 litres of milk is

~ 1 01~ , what is its cost per litre?

(B) ~ 17 ~

(C) I~~~~~
I IIIIIIII (C) ~ 16 ~
(D) ~ 15~

(D) I I IIIIIIII The product of two numbers is 15~ . If

How is the decimal number 9.6 read? one of the numbers is 6 3.. , what is the
(A) Nine point six (B) Ninety six other number?

(C) Nine six (D) Ninety and six
What is the decimal equivalent of (A) I (B) 1~ (C) 2~ (D) 3~
8 8 8 8
4 9 The product of two decimals is 1.5008. If
- +0+ - - ?
10 1000 ° one of them is 0.56, what is the other?

(A) 0.049 (B) 409 (A) 2.86 (B) 26.8
(C) 0.409 (D) 0.490 (C) 2.68 (D) 0.268
A badminton player won 6 games and
What is the place value of 3 in 9.365?
lost 4. What fraction of the games did he
3 3 win?
(A) 3 (B) 30 (C) 10 (D) 1 000
4 6 5
How can 8 hundredths be written? (A) ~ (B) - (C) 10 (D) 10
4 6
(A) 0.008 (B) 0.08
0 What is the value of

(C) 0.800 (D) 800
3_2_ - [1~ +
What is the decimal fraction shown by
the shaded part of the figure given?
12 4 2 f 2 3 0

(A) 0.5 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 0

(A) 2.5 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.6 (D) 0.4 0 Ravi had 6
of a cake. He ate
3 of it.
What part of the cake did he eat?

(B)~ (C) -10 (D) -10

• Previous Contest Questions 5
(A) -
9 12 6 3

0 Find the value of 3 i. x 2 3.. x 1 ~. 0 How is the fractional number for 5 out

7 5 4 of 7 written?
(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 15 7 4
(A) ~ (B) - (C) ~ (D) -
A book consists of 216 pages. During last 7 5 7 5
week, Suresh read
3 If 40- 5 x P = 0, then what is the value of
4 of the book. How P?
many pages did he read?
(A)126 (B)162 (C)116 (D)161 (A) 0 (B) 2.5 (C)
(D) 200

II 2. Fractions and Decimals

This page is intentionally left blank.
Data Handling

+ Representing data with the help of bars or rectangles of uniform w idth in a diagram is called a bar
graph or a bar diagram.
+ Each bar represents only one value of the data and hence there are as many bars as there are values
in the data.
+ The length of the bar indicates the value of the item. The width of the bar does not indicate
+ All bars should rest on the same line called the base.
+ The bars may be drawn horizontally or vertically.
+ A double bar graph helps us to compare two collections of data at a glance.
Collection and Tabulation of Data:
+ The word data means information in the form of numerical figures or a set of g iven information.
+ Data obtained in the ori ginal form is cal led a raw data.
+ Arrang ing the numerical figures of a data in ascending or descending order is called an array.
+ Arranging the data in a systematic tabular form is called tabulation or presentation of the data.
Tabulated data is easy to understand and interpret.
+ Each numerical figure in a data is cal led an observation.
+ The number oftimes a particular observation occurs is called its frequency.
+ The difference between the highest and the lowest values of the observations in a given data is
called its range.
+ When the number of observations is large, we make use of tally marks to find the frequencies.
+ Tallies are usually marked in a bunch of five for the ease of counting.
Mean, mode and median:
+ Mean in statistics is the same as average in arithmetic. Average is a number that shows the central
tendency of a group of observations.
For a raw data,
Sum ofobservat ions Sumofthe n umbers
M ean = Mean of 'n' numbers = - - - - - - - -
Number of observat ions Number of addends
+ Mode: The observation which occurs for a maximum number oftimes is called the mode of the given data.
+ Median: After arranging data in ascending or descending order of magnitudes the value of the
middle term is called the med ian of the data.
(i) When the number of observations is odd, there w ill be only one middle term and this term is the
(ii) When the number of observations is even, there will be two middle terms. The average of
these two midd le terms is the median of the data.
+ Some situations in our life happen certainly. Some are impossible and some that may or may not
happen. This is called chance or probability of an event to occur.

II 3. Data Handling
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 What is the arithmetic mean of 1, 2, .... , 9 (C) Decreases by 5.

and 10? (D) Becomes half.
(A) 5.5 (B) 6 (C) 7.5 (D) 10 The arithmetic mean of five given
numbers is 85. What is their sum?
In a data, 10 numbers are arranged in
increasing order. If the 71h entry is (A) 425
(B) 85
increased by 4, by how much does the (C) A number between 85 and 425.

median increase? (D) A number greater than 500.
(A) Zero (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 5 The average weight of a sample of 10
What is the mean of x, x + 3, x + 6, x + 9 apples is 52 g. Later it was found that
and x + 12? the weighing machine had shown the
weight of each apple 10 g less. What is
(A) X + 3 (B) X + 6 (C) X + 9 (D) X + 12

the correct average weight of an apple?
The daily sales of kerosene (in litres) in a (A) 62 g (B) 54 g (C) 56 g (D) 52 g
ration shop for six days is given in the
box. The mean of6,y, 7,xand 14 is 8.Which of
the following is true?
[ 75, 120, 12, 50, 70.5, 140.5 ) (A) X +y = 13 (B) X - y = 13

What is the average daily sale? (C) 2x + 3y = 13 (D) x 2 + y2 = 15
(A) 150 l (B) 10 l (C) 142 l (D) 78l Which of the following is correct about
The mean of five numbers is 27. If one of
the numbers is excluded, the mean gets (A) It is central.
reduced by 2. What is the excluded (B) It occurs most frequently.

number? (C) It lies between the maximum and
(A) 35 (B) 27 (C) 25 (D) 40 minimum observations .
What is the median of the data 46, 64, 87, (D) It is the average of the two middle terms.

41,58,77,35,90,55,33,92? Rajani has a box with 6 marbles
(A) 87 (B) 77 (C) 58 (D) 60.2 numbered from 1 to 6 on each of them.
She picks a marble from it without
Which of the following is true about
seeing. What is the probability that the
marble picked has the number 3 on it?
(A) It occurs most frequently.
1 2 3 1
(B) It d ivides observations into two (A) - (B) - (C) -(D)
6 3 4 4
equal parts.
(14-18): The heights of six mountainsare 8200
(C) It is representative of the whole m, 6000 m, 8600 m, 7500 m , 8800 m and

group. 6500 m . Based on this informatio n,
(D) It is the sum of observations. answer the questions given.
If each entry of a data is increased by 5, • What is the approximate average height
how does the mean change? of the mountains?
(A) Remains the same . (A) 7657 m (B) 7600 m
(B) Increases by 5. (C) 7756 m (D) 7765 m

3. Data Handling
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Find the median
(A) 7850 m
(C) 8750 m
height of the

(B) 7580 m
(D) 5780 m
What is the mode of the heights?
(22-25): The heights of 10 students,
measured in em are as follows:
143,132,150, 139,128,135, 151, 146,
141, 149
Based on this information, answer the
(A) 6000 (B) 8800 following questions.
(C) Does not exist (D) 7500 What is the height of the shortest girl?
Which of the following statements is true? (A) 128 em (B) 141 em
(A) The mean height of the mountains (C) 151 em (D) 150cm
is greater than their median height. • What is the range of the data?
(B) The mean height of the mountains (A) 35 em (B) 31 em
is less than their mode. (C) 23 em (D) 28 em
(C) The median height of the mountains What is the mean height of the students?
is less than their mode. (A) 141.4 em (B) 141 em
(D) The median height of the mountains (C) 142cm (D) 151 em
is greater than their mean height. The height of how many students is
0 Rakesh and Sanjay planned to go
trekking on any of these mountains.
greater than the mean height?
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 2
They wrote the heights on chits of paper,
shuffled them and picked one. What is In which of these situations is a double
the probability that the height picked is bar graph useful?
the maximum? (i) Enrolment of students in class VII in 2009
1 2 1 and2010.
(A) - (B) - (C) - (D) _!_
3 3 6 4 (ii) Marks obtained in Term I and Term II
(19-21): The ages (in years) of some teachers examinations.
of a school are given in the box. (iii) Marks obtained in all subjects of a term

26, 32, 38, 41, 26, 31, 35, 33, 26, 37 l examination.

(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii)

Based on this information, answer the (C) (iii) and (i) (D) (i) only
following questions. Which of these is certain to happen?
What is the range of the ages of the
(A) You look younger today than yesterday.
(B) You look older today than yesterday.
(A) 15 years (B) 26 years
(C) A tossed coin will land heads up.
(C) 41 years (D) 32 years
(D) Tomorrow will be a cloudy day.
What is the mean age of the teachers?
(A) 23.5 years (B) 32.5 years Which of these is impossible to happen ?
(C) 35 years (D) 38 years (A) A tossed coin lands with heads up.
What is the mode of the given data? (B) A tossed die lands up with 4 on top.
(A) 32 years (B) 41 years (C) The next traffic light is red.
(C) 26 years (D) 31 years (D) A die thrown lands up with 7 on top.

II 3 . Data Handling
BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Which of these can happen but not How many kilograms of fruits were sold
certainly? during the four hours?
(A) A tossed coin lands with heads up. (A) 120 kg (B) 124 kg
(B) The sun rises in the east. (C) 126 kg (D) 144 kg
(C) A die thrown lands with 8 on the top. When was the sale of fruits lesser than

(D) The Earth revolves around the Sun. that of vegetables?
Which of these is impossible? (A) 7 p.m (B) 6 p.m (C) 8 p.m (D) 5 p.m
(A) The next traffic light seen is red. During the four hours, which of the
(B) A tossed die lands up with 8 on top. following is true about the sale of fruits
(C) A flipped coin lands up with head on top. and vegetables?
(D) It rains tommorow. (A) The sale of vegetables was lesser
Find the range of the data. than that of fruits.
(B) The sale of vegetables is 126 kg.
128, 139, 148, 132, 152,
(C) The sale of fruits is 11 8 kg.

(D) The sale of vegetables is greater
(A) 9 (B) 26 (C) 5 (D) 24 than that of fruits .
The table shows the number of hours The number of chapatis needed for 30
Pavan studies on different days of a students of a class are given in the box.
2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat
3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3
3 4 2 5 4 3 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4
How many hours per day does he study
Calculate the mode of the data.
on an average?
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4
(A) 3.5 hours (B) 3 hours
(C) 4 hours (D) 4.5 hours
• Previous Contest Questions~

(33-35): The bar graph shows the sales of
fruits and vegetables in a store in 4 Which of the following is true?
hours on a certain evening.
(A) The mean of the first 5 natural
Sales of fruits and vegetables numbers is the same as their median.
in a store (B) The mean of the first 5 natural
D fruits numbers is the same as the mean
5 (}
-45 D vegetables of the first 5 whole numbers.
(C) The median of the first 5 whole
(} ~ 35 numbers is the same as the mean
of the first 5 natural numbers.

(} 26
~ ,....- (D) The mode of first 5 natural numbers
(} --
is 5.
(} What is the arithmetic mean of first five
prime numbers?
0 (A) 6.2 (B) 5.2 (C) 6.5 (D) 5.6
5 p.m 6 p.m 7 p.m 8 p.m

3. Data Handling
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• A comet passed by the Earth in the year

1835. It passes by the Earth every 60 years.
Based on this information, in which of the
fo llowing years can the comet be
• Which two students secured equal
(A) Shravan and Deepa

(B) Sharanya and Shravan
expected to pass by the Earth ? (C) Deepa and Nandan
(A) 2035 (B) 2060 (C) 2075 (D) 2080 (D) Sharanya and Deepa

(4-6): The bargraph shows the marks Whose performance was the worst?
obtained by four students in (A) Sharanya (B) Deepa
quarterly examination. (C) Shravan (D) Nandan
y (7-8): The pie-chart depicts the results of a
survey conducted to identify the
600 r-
favouritejuice of some students.
~ 500
r- r-

E 400 s::
0 I s::~ s:: nl
300 r-
~ s::
.JJ ~ ~
E 200 ~
a. .s::;

:s II) Q) II)

z 100 Q)

0 X
Students How many students like other juices if

Whose perforamnce was the best? the total number of students is 360 ?
(A) Nandan (B) Shravan (A) 70 (B) 80 (C) 65 (D) 60
(C) Sharanya (D) Deepa How many students like orangejuice, if the
strength of the school is 720 ?
(A) 150 (D) 360 (C) 180 (D) 240

II 3 . Data Handling
Simple Equations

+ Variable: A symbol which takes various values is known as a variable. Normally it is denoted by
letters x, y etc.
+ Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant.
Sometimes, 'c', 'k' etc., are used as symbols to denote a constant.
+ Coefficient: In the product of a variable and a constant, each is called the coefficient of the other.
Sometimes, symbols like a, b,l, m etc., are used to denote the coefficients.
+ Expression: An expression can be defined as a combination of constants, variables and coefficients
by some or all of the four fundamental mathematical operations (+, - . x and + ).
e.g., 3y - 14 Here, 3 is the coefficient of 'y'. 'y' is the variable and - 14 is the constant.
+ Equation: A statement of equality of two algebraic expressions involving a variable is called an
+ Simple linear equation: An equation which contains only one variable of degree 1 is called a
simple linear equation.

e.g., (i) 3x - 2 = 5 - 4x (ii) 2(t- 4) = 6 (iii) 2y + 5 = r6 - 2 p - 1 2p

(iv) - - + - = 3
6 7
+ Solution of an equation: The value of the variable, which when substituted in the g iven equation,
makes the two sides L.H.S. (Left Hand Side) and R.H.S. (Right Hand Side) of the equation equal is
called the solution or root of that equation.
e.g., 3x + 4 = 10 ~ 3x = 10 - 4 = 6 ~ x=2
Substituting x = 2, we have L.H.S. = 3x + 4 = 3 (2) + 4 = 6 + 4 = 10 = R.H.S.
x = 2 is a solution of the given equation 3x + 4 = 10.
+ Rules for solving an equation:
(i) Same number can be added to both sides of an equation.
(ii) Same number can be subtracted from both sides of an equation.
(iii) Both sides of an equation can be multiplied by the same non-zero number.
(iv) Both sides of an equation can be divided by the same non-zero number.
(v) Transposition: Any term of an equation may be taken to the other side w ith the sign changed.
This process is called transposition.
e.g., 4x- 5 = 3x + 5 ~ 4x = 3x + 5 + 5 [Transposing '-5' to R.H.S.]
~ 4x- 3x = 10 [Transposing '3x' to L.H.S.]
~X= 10

(vi) Cross multiplication: If ax +db = £..then q(ax + b) = p(cx + d). This process is called cross
ex+ q

4. Simple Equations
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

0 What is the va lue of 'x' in What are the two steps involved in
solving the equation 15x + 4 = 26?
3x - 1 _ 1+x =3 - x - 1?

5 2 2 . (A) Subtracting 4 from both the sides
and then dividing both sides by 15.
(A) 5 (B) -7 (C) 7 (D) -5
(B) Adding 4 on both sides & then
If 0.2(2x -1)- 0.5(3x - 1) = 0.4, what is the multiplying both sides by 15.
value of 'x'?
(C) Subtracting 4 on the L. H.S. and

1 1 3 3 multiplying by 15 on the R. H.S.
11 - 11 11 - 11

(A) (B) (C) (D)
(D) Adding 4 on the L.H.S. and dividing
In each of these figures the solution of an by 15 on the R.H.S.
equation is given in brackets. Which of
Which of the following equations can be
them is correct?
constructed w ith x = 2?

(A) fj;Jif] (B)

1\ (A) 3x + 4 = 8
(C) 3x + 4 = 2
(B) 3x- 4 = 2
(D) 3x - 4 = 8

~ 0 7 subtracted from
2 of a number results
(C) I(I::) I ~
in 23. What is the number?
(A) - 10
(C) 12
(B) 10
(D) - 12

0 Sunil wrote an equation as ~ = 4. 0 In a coconut grove, (x + 2) trees yield 60

coconuts per year, x trees yield 120
Ravi wrote a statement for Sunil's coconuts per year and (x - 2) trees yield
equation. 180 coconuts per year. If the average
Which of these is the statement of Ravi yield per year per tree is 100, find x.
if he has written correctly?
(A) 4 (B) 3
(A) One-fifth of'm' is 4. (C) 2 (D) 1
(B) One-fifth of a number is 5.

4 is added to a number and the sum is
(C) One-fourth of 'm' is 4.
multiplied by 5. If 20 is subtracted from
(D) One-fourth of a number is 4.
the product and the difference is divided
In which of the following cases does an by 8, the result is equal to 10. Find the
equality NOT hold? number.
(A) Adding the same number on both (A) 16 (B) 12
the sides. (C) 8 (D) 20
(B) Not performing the same operation A number is 31ess than two times the other.
on both the sides. If t heir sum is increased by 7, the result is
(C) Subtracting the same number from 37. Find the numbers.
both the sides.
(A) 9, 11 (B) 11,13
(D) Multiplying both the sides by the
same non-zero number. (C) 11 ,19 (D) 9,13

II 4. Simple Equations
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

CD ~ is subtracted from a number and the

(A) One - fourth of 10 is m.
(B) One - fourth of m is 3 more than 3.
difference is multiplied by4.1f25 is added (C) One - fourth of m is 10.
to the product and the sum is divided (D) Four times m is 10.
by 3, the result is equal to 10. Find the
number. Vinay's father is 44 years o ld. If he is 5
years older than thrice Vinay's age,
3 7 2 which of these equations gives, the age
(A) - (B) - (C) .§. (D) -
5 4 7 3 of Vi nay's father?

The present age of A is twice that of B. 30 (A) 3x + 5 = 44 (B) 44 + 5x = 3x
years from now, age of A will be 1Y2 times
(C) 44-3y = 5+3y (D) 3x-5 = 44
that of B. Find the present ages (in years)
of A and B respectively. Which of the following statements is
(A) 60, 30 (B) 30, 60

(C) 40, 50 (D) 50, 40 (A) The solution of 4x = 60 is 12.
(B) y = 7 satisfies the equation y + 0 = 7.
A person travelled 85 of the distance by
(C) p =
2 is the solution of 12p- 5 = 25.
fh 3
train, - by bus and the remaining15 (D) m =
km by boat. Find the total distance
2 is the solution of 4(m + 3) = 18.
Which of the following does not affect
travelled by him. the given equation?
(A) 90 km (B) 120 km (A) Adding 0 on the L.H.S. and 1 on the
(C) 150 km (D) 180km R. H. S.
The total cost of three prizes is (B) Adding 1 on the L.H.S. and (-1) on
the R.H.S.
<2550.1fthe value of second prize is 4
3 th
(C) Adding the same number on both

sides of the equation.
of the first and the value of 3'd prize is 2 (D) Adding 0 on the R. H. S. and 1 on the
of the second prize, find the value of first
P is a linear equation. How many

solutions does P have?
(A) <900 (B) <1500 (A) 1 (B) 0
(C) <1200 (D) <450 (C) 3 (D) Infinitely many
Which of the following is an equation?

Ramesh got 5 marks more than Sonu in
(A) 4x + 5 = 65 (B) 4x + 5 < 65 a test. If the total marks secured by them
(C) 4x + 5 > 65 (D) 4x + 5 ::;; 65 is 15, how many marks did Ramesh get?
Which of the following is an algebraic (A) 25 (B) 5
expression for the statement "The sum (C) 15 (D) 10
of 3x and 11 is 32."?
In a test match, Sachin scored twice as many

(A) 11x + 3 = 32 (B) 3x + 11 = 32 runs as Sehwag. Together, their runs fell two
(C) 3x + 32 = 11 (D) 11x + 32 = 11 short of a double century. How many runs
Choose the statement that best did Sachin score?
1 (A) 66 (B) 132
describes the equation m = 1 0.
4 (C) 198 (D) 200

4. Simple Equations
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• In a math test, the highest marks

obtained by a student in the class is twice
the lowest marks plus 7. If the highest
score is 87, what is the lowest score?
when f
u v
1 1
Given - +- = -f, find the value of 'v'

= 20 and u = 30.

(A) -20 (B) -60
(A) 42 (B) 39
(C) 40 (D) 44 (C) 60 (D) -30
A teacher asks the students of her class to The sum of three consecutive integers
write an equation for the statement 'Ten is 75. Which is the largest among them?
times a number pis 100." Three students
wrote the following equations. Which is (A) 26 (D) 25
correct? (C) 24 (D) 23
(i) 10 p = 100 C!) The lengths of the sides of a triangle are
10 (2a + 1) em, (3a + 2) em and (4a -1) em.
(ii) p = 100
For what value of 'a' is the perimeter of
(... ) lOp 100
Ill p = the triangle 92 em?

(A) 5 (B) 9
(A) (i) only (B) (ii) only
(C) (iii) only (D) Both (B) and (C). (C) 8 (D) 10
On transposing terms from one side of A father is 26 years older than his son. In
the equation to the other, which of these 3 years' time, the son's age will be one-
changes takes place ? third his father's age. What is the present
age of the son?
(A) Addition becomes subtraction.
(B) Multiplication becomes addition. (A) 10 years (B) 13 years
(C) Addition becomes multipl ication. (C) 39 years (D) 29 years
(D) Multiplication becomes subtraction. Pankaj has 96 marbles and Arun has 63
marbles. How many marbles should
2x + 5 3x - 2
M = - - and N = - - . What value Arun give Pankaj so that Pankaj will have
7 4
of x makes M = N? twice as many marbles as Arun?
(A) 9 (B) 12
- 17 - 34
(A) 3 (B) 13 (C) 7 (D) 10

34 17
~Previous Contest Questions~

(C) 13 (D) 3

• Given A= P(1 + rt), what is the value of 'r'

If 3 P + 2 _ 4 P - 3 + P - 1 = 4, find the
when A = 27, P = 18 and t = 5? 5 7 35
value of p.

1 (A) 65 (B) 63
(A) - (B) -
(C) 36 (D) 56
2 5
The sum of five times a number and 13
27 1
(C) - (D) - is 48. What is the number?
5 10
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

II 4. Simple Equations
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Guru is 20 years o lder than his son. If the

sum of their ages is 50 years, how old is
his son?
0 The sum of two-thirds of a number and
one-fifth of the same number is 13. Find
the number.

(A) 5 years (B) 10 years (A) 15 (B) 3
(C) 15 years (D) 20 years (C) 13 (D) 5

If one-fourth of a number decreased by x- 4 2x + 1 5x + 1
12 is 30, what is the number? Evaluate - - - - - = - - .
3 6 2

(A) 168 (B) 186 3 4
(C) 148 (D) 184 (A) - (B) 5

If C = ~ (F - 32) , what is the value F?

5 -4
9 (C) 6 (D) 5
5 9 The denominator of a fraction is 3 more
(A) C- 32 (B) C- 32
9 5

than its numerator. If 2 is added to both
(C) 9C + 32 (D) 5C + 32 the numerator and the denominator, the
5 9 2
new fraction is equivalent to 3 What is
The scale shown is balanced. Each cube
on the left side weighs the same amount. the original fraction?

2 3
(A) ~
(B) i7 (C) -
(D) -
144 beads were shared equally among
some children. If there were 3 children
fewer, each child would have 16 beads
each. How many children were there?
(A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 11

How much does one of the cubes weigh?

(A) 1 gram (B) 4 grams
(C) 5 grams (D) 20 grams
The figure shows the selling price of pens
in a shop. Vimal paid ~ 50 for the
purchase of a few pens and received
~ 0.50 in change.

5 for

How many pens did Vimal buy?

(A) 26 (B) 22
(C) 19 (D) 16

4. Simple Equations
This page is intentionally left blank.

5 Lines and Angles

+ Point: A point is a geometrical representation of a location. It is represented by a dot.
+ Line: A geometrical line is a set of points that extends endlessly in both the directions i.e.,
a line has no end points. A line AB is represented as AB .

[~ : : ~)
+ Line segment: A line segment is a part of a line. A line segment has two end points. A line
segment AB is represented as AB .

[: :l
, . . . . - - - - - - -......

+ Ray: A ray is a part of the line which has one end point (namely its starting point).

[~ :~ )
A ray OP IS denoted as O P.
0 -

+ Angle: An angle is the union of two rays with a common initial point.
The symbol of angle is L . An angle is measured in degrees (0 ).
--+ --+
The angle formed by the two rays AB and AC is denoted by L. BAC or L.CAB .

The two rays ABand Al are called the arms and the common initial point 'A' is called the
vertex of the angle ABC.
+ Types of Angles:
(i) Right angle: An angle whose measure is equal to 90° is called a right angle.

I :~J
Acute angle: An angle whose measure is less than 90o is called an acute angle.

5. Lines and Angles

rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

(iii) Obtuse angle: An angle whose measure is greater than go• but less than 180. is
called an obtuse angle.

·---~ A C
Straight angle: An angle whose measure is equal to 180. is called a straight angle.

[•a "i'tso·c·]
(v) Complete angle: An angle whose measure is exactly equal to 360. is called a complete

(vi) Reflex angle: An angle which is greater than 180• but less than 360• is called a reflex

Zero angle: An angle whose measure is o· is called a zero angle.


Note: --
In a zero angle, the rays OA and 08 coincide without any rotation of 08.
That is no angle is formed between the two rays.
+ Related Angles:
(i) Complementary angles: Two angles are said to be complementary if the sum of
their measures is equal to go•.

Here Lx + Ly =go·, therefore L x and L y are complementary angles.

(ii) Supplementary angles: Two angles are said to be supplementary if the sum of their

[,.•.- -~-vd-x
measures is equal to 180·.

8- . A-----,.1

Here, Lx + Ly = 1so·, therefore L x and L y are supplementary angles.

II 5 . Lines and Angles

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

+ Adjacent angles: Angles having a common vertex, a common arm and the non-common

arms lying on either side of the common arm are called adjacent angles.

In the given figure, LAO B and LCOB have a common vertex '0 ', a common arm OB and
--+ --+ --+
OA and oc are on opposite sides of OB . So they are adjacent angles.
+ Linear pair of angles: Two adjacent angles make a linear pair of angles, if the non-common
arms of these angles form two opposite rays (with same end point).
In the figure given, the angles BAC and CAD form a linear pair of angles because the non-

common arms AB and AD of the two angles are the opposite rays, with the same vertex A.

[. D •
Moreover, LBAC + LDAC = 180° .

Note: 1. A linear pair is always supplementary.

2. A linear pair is always adjacent, while a pair of adjacent angles need not be a
linear pair.

+ Vertically opposite angles: Two angles having the same vertex are said to form a pair of
vertically opposite angles, if their arms form two pairs of opposite rays.
In the figure given, LBOD and LAOC are a pair of vertically opposite angles because
they have common vertex at 0 and also OB, OA; OC, OD are two pairs of opposite rays.
Vertically opposite angles are formed when two lines intersect.

Similarly, we find that LBOC and LAOD is another pair of vertically opposite angles.

Note: If two lines intersect each other, the vertically opposite angles formed are equal.

Pair of Lines:
+ Intersecting lines: Two lines which are distinct and have a common point are called intersecting
lines. The common point is called the point of intersection of the two lines.
+ Perpendicular lines: If two lines l and m intersect at right angles, they are called
perpendicular lines, denoted as z .l m, read as l is perpendicular to m.
+ Parallel lines: Two lines l and m are said to be parallel, if they lie in the same plane and do
not intersect when produced however far on either side and is written as l I I m read as l
is parallel to m.

5. Lines and Angles

rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

+ Transversal: A line which intersects two or more lines at distinct points is called a transversal.

In the given figure, p is a transversal to the lines land m.

+ Angles made by a transversal:
In the figure given, lines l and m are cut by the transversal p. The eight angles marked 1 to
8 have names given in the table.

Interior angles L3, L4, LS, L6

Exterior angles L l, L2, L1, L8
Ll and LS, L2 and L 6, L4 and
Pairs of corresponding angles
L8, L3and L7
Pairs of alternate interior angles L3 and LS, L4 and L6
Pairs of alternate exterior angles L l and 0, L2 and L8
Pairs of interior angles on the
L4 and LS, L3 and L6
same side of the transversal

+ If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then

(i) each pair of corresponding angles is equal.
(ii) each pair of alternate interior angles is equal.
(iii) each pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal is supplementary.
(iv) each pair of alternate exterior angles is equal.
(v) each pair of exterior angles on the same side of the transversal is supplementary.

Note: (i) The F-shape stands for (ii) The Z-shape stands for
corresponding angles. alternate angles.

+ Two lines are said to be parallel, when a transversal cuts these lines such that pairs of
(i) corresponding angles are equal.
(ii) alternate interior angles are equal.
(iii) interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary.

II 5 . Lines and Angles

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Which of the following are the units of

an angle?
• In L ROP. what is the vertex?

(A) Seconds (B) Kilograms
(C) Degrees (D) Kilometres
What do we call an angle which exactly
measures go·?
(A) R (B) p (C) 0 (D) PR
(A) An obtuse angle
(B) An acute angle What are the two arms of L DEF?

(C) A right angle

-- - -
(D) A reflex angle

-- - -
What do we call an angle whose
measurement is exactly equal to 0"?
(A) ED and EF (B) DE and EF
(A) An obtuse angle
(C) FE and FD (D) DE and FD

(B) A straight angle
(C) A zero angle When two line segments meet at a point
(D) A right angle forming right angles, what type of

0 What is an angle which measures exactly

180. called?
segments are they called?
(A) Parallel segments

(B) Perpendicular segments

(A) A zero angle (B) A right angle
(C) Equal segments

(C) A straight angle (D) An acute angle
(D) Bisecting segments
Which instrument is used to measure or
construct angles? How is " AB is perpendicular to CD "

-- --

(A) Compasses (B) Scale written symbolically?

-- --
(C) Protractor (D) Set squares
How many rays can be drawn from a
given point? (C) AB= :t CD (D) AB CD

(A) 2
(C) 8
(B) 5
(D) Infinitely many
• 00 .l PR. What is the measure of
What do we call a 169. angle?
(A) An obtuse angle
(B) An acute angle [,.-r-•.[

(C) A right angle (A) 180° (B) 45°
(D) A zero angle (C) 90° (D) 120°
What happens to the measurment of an • A line AB is parallel to the line CD. How is

-- --
angle after the extension of its arms?
this symbolically written?

-- --
(A) Doubles
(B) Triples (A) AB :t CD (B) AB CD
(C) Remains the same
(D) Cannot be said (C) AB ..l CD (D) AB // CD

5. Lines and Angles

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

CD What are the lines which lie on the same

plane and do not intersect at any point
(24- 30}: Observe the given figure in which
l II m and n is the transversal and
called? answer the questions that follow.
(A) Perpendicular lines • What type of angles are 'a' and 'p'?
(B) Intersecting lines
(C) Parallellines
(D) Collinear lines
0 When two lines are parallel, what is the
distance between them?
(A) Corresponding angles
(A) Remains equal.
(B) Alternate angles
(B) Does not remain equal.

(C) Vertically opposite angles
(C) Increases on the right.
(D) Decreases on the right. (D) Interior angle on the same side of
the transversal
What is the number of pairs of parallel
lines in the given figure? What type of angles are 'c' and 'p'?
p Q (A) Corresponding angles

s R
(B) Alternate angles
(C) Vertically opposite angles
(D) Interior angles on the same side of
(A) Z (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 3
the transversal
What is the complementary angle of zoo?
Which of the following is a pair of
(A) 70° (B) 180° (C) goo (D) 150° corresponding angles?
What is the supplementary angle of (A) d and c (B) s and r
1ZOO? (C) c and r (D) p and q
Which of the following is a pair of
(A) zoo (B) goo (C) 60° (D) 180°
vertically opposite angles?
What is the measure of a comple-mentary (A) a and b (B) a and p
angle of an angle greater than 45°? (C) s and r (D) p and r
(A) Less than 45° (B) Equal to 45° If the measure of 'c' is 11 0°, what is the
(C) Greater than 45° (D) Equal to goo measure of 's' ?
(A) 45° (B) 11 oo (C) 70° (D) 180°
Which of the following is true?
G) If the measure of b = 70°, what is the

(A) Two acute angles are supplementary. measure of s ?
(B) Two obtuse angles are supplementary.
(A) 11 oo (B) 70° (C) goo (D) 180°
(C) Two right angles are supplementary.
(D) Two reflex angles are supplementary. If b = 70°, what is the measure of
b + p?
Find the angle which is a complement of
(A) 180° (B) 11 oo (C) goo (D) 70°
(A) 30° (B) 45° (C) goo (D) 180° The angle between the two blades of a
scissors is 1g4o. What type of an angle is it?
Which of the following ang les is a
supplement of itself? (A) straight ang le (B) reflex ang le
(A) goo (B) 180° (C) 45° (D) 11 oo (C) obtuse angle (D) complete angle

II 5. Lines and Angles

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Observe the figure given. Find the angle x in the given figure, if
. AB II CD .
Which of the following is true if
PQ = RS?
(A) PQ + QR = RS (B) PR = QS
(C) PQ + QS = RS (D) PQ-RS = QR
(A) 75° (B) 55° (C) 160° (D) 145°
PQR is a straight line.
Through the vertex A of ~ABC , a line
XV is drawn parallel to BC.
~ n12nooo / tT
2~ ~
p Q R
What is the value of x?
(A) 20° (B) 25° (C) 15° (D) 30°
Which of the following is correct?
In the given figure, what is the measure
(A) b = y (B) c = X
of x? (C) a= b (D) a + b + C=X + a+y
• Find the unknown angle x in the figure.

c~__o..,.........,.--::-- E

(A) 32° (B) 148° (C) 64° (D) 180°
In the figure, AB, CD and U are three F

straight lines that interesect at 0. If y is
thrice x, find the value of y. (A) 45° (B) 125° (C) goo (D) 80°
' Observe the figure given.


A~ B

(A) g7.5° (B) 35° (C) 32.5° (D) gao
In the figure, AB II CD and XV is the
transversal. Compute the sum of x, y and z.
(A) 180° (B) 70° (C) 1goo (D) 80°
If the angles (2a - 10)' and (a - 11 )' are
complementary, what is the value of 'a'?
(A) 37' (B) 27' (C) 1r (D) r
If -
OP- is a ray standing on a line +-+
such that LPOQ = LPOR , what is the
Which of the following is incorrect? measure LPOQ ?
(A) p = 115° (B) q = 115° (A) 45o (B) 60° (C) 75o (D) go•
(C) q = 65° (D) r = 115°

5. Lines and Angles

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 In the figure given, a II b and c II d. If

Previous Contest Questions~ L1 =7 so , what is the measure of L3?

0 In the figure, ACE, BCF and DCG are

straight lines and AB II HC.

(A) 1aso (B) 1Sao (C) 7So (D)1aao

In the figure given, LXOZ and LYOZ

form a linear pair. If p- q = sao, what are
the respective values of p and q?

Find the angles p, q, rand s.

p q r s I·~ P~·l

(A) 45° 50° 65° 50° (A) saoand 13ao (B) 13aoand sao
(C) 12aoand 6ao (D) 6aoand 12ao
(B) 45° 65° 50° 50°
In the figure given, what is the value of 't'?
(C) 45° 65° 50° 65°
(D) 45° 50° 65° 65°

• In the figure given, what is the value of Lt?

(A) so (B) 1ao (C) 1So (D) 2ao


• a
p q
Given ABE is a straight line.
(A) 3ao (B) 4ao (C) sao (D) 6ao
In lhe figure given, if AB II CD, what are
the respective values of 'p' and 'q ' ?

Find angle y.
(A) 6ao (B) 1200 (C) 1Sao (D) 3ao
In the given figure, what is the measure

(A) 7S and 2ao
(B) 2ao and 7S 0
(C) 2S0 and 1ao (D) 1aoand 2S0
(A) 48° (B) 900 (C) 42° (D) 11 ao

II 5. Lines and Angles


6 Triangles

+ A triangle is a simple closed figure bounded by three line segments. It has three vertices
three sides and three angles. The three sides and three angles of a triangle are called its six
elements. It is denoted by the symbol fl.
lnfl ABC, Sides: AB, BC and CA ;Angles: LBAC, LABC and LBCA ;Vertices: A.BandC
+ A triangle is said to be
(a) an acute angled triangle, if each one of its angles measures less than go·.
(b) a right angled triangle, if any one of its angles measures goo.
(c) an obtuse angled triangle, if any one of its angles measures more than goo.

Note: A triangle cannot have more than one right angle.

A triangle cannot have more than one obtuse angle.
In a right triangle, the sum of the acute angles is go•.

+ Angle sum property: The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.

+ Properties of sides:
(i) The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.
(ii) The difference of any two sides is less than the third side.
+ Property of exterior angles: If a side of a triangle is produced, the exterior angle so formed
is equal to the sum of interior opposite angles.

e.g., Exterior angle, X0 = LA + LB =70° + 40° =110°

+ A triangle is said to be
(a) an equilateral triangle, if all of its sides are equal.
(b) an isosceles triangle, if any two of its sides are equal.
(c) a scalene triangle, if all of its sides are of different lengths.

6 . Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• The medians of a triangle are the line segments joining the vertices of the triangle to
the midpoints of the opposite sides.
Here AD, BE and CF are medians of f:J. ABC.
+ The medians of a triangle are concurrent.

• The centroid of a triangle is the point of concurrence of its

medians. The centroid is denoted by G.

• The centroid of a triangle divides the medians in the ratio 2 : 1.

• The medians of an equilateral triangle are equal.

• The medians to the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal.

• The centroid of a triangle always lies in the interior of the triangle.

• Altitudes of triangle are the perpendiculars drawn from the vertices of a triangle to the
opposite sides.
Here AL, BM and CN are the altitudes of t:J. ABC.

• The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent.

• The orthocentre is the point of concurrence of the altitudes of

a triangle. Orthocentre is denoted by H.

• The orthocentre of an acute angled triangle lies in the interior

of the triangle.
B c

+ The orthocentre of a right angled triangle is the vertex containing the right angle.
+ The orthocentre of an obtuse angled triangle lies in the exterior of the triangle.
(i) The altitudes drawn on equal sides of an isosceles triangle are equal.
(ii) The altitude bisects the base of an isosceles triangle.
(iii) The altitudes of an equilateral triangle are equal.
(iv) The centroid of an equilateral triangle coincides with its orthocentre.
+ In a right angled triangle, the side opposite to the right angle is called the hypotenuse
and the other two sides are known as its legs.
+ Pythagoras'Theorem:
In a right angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares
of the remaining two sides.
In the right angled triangle ABC, AC2 = AB2 + BC2 •

~ B
In a right angled triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side.

II 6. Triangles
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In a tJ. ABC, if AB 2 = BC 2 + AC 2, at which

vertex is the right angle?
• Which of the following statements is false?
(A) The sum of two sides of a triangle is

greater than the third side.
(A) A (B) B
(C) c (D) Either A or B (B) In a right angled triangle, hypotenuse
is the longest side.
Which type of triangle is formed by BC = 7.2
(C) A, B and C are collinear if
em, AC = 6 em and L c = 120<>? AB+ BC =AC.

(A) An acute angled triangle. (D) The sum of angles in a triangle is
(B) An obtuse angled triangle. less than 180°.

(C) A right angled triangle. What is the length of the hypotenuse of
(D) An isosceles triangle. a right angled triangle whose two legs
measure 12 em and 0.35 m?
Which triangle is formed by AB = 3 em,
BC = 4 em and AC = 8 em? (A) 37 em (B) 3.72 em
(C) 0.372 em (D) 37 m
(A) A scalene triangle.
If the two legs of a right angled triangle
(B) An isosceles triangle.
are equal and the square of the
(C) An equilateral triangle. hypotenuse is 100 sq units, what is the
(D) No triangle is formed. length of each leg?

0 If two angles in a triangle are 65° and (A) 10 units (B) 5.J2 units

85°, what is the third angle? (C) 1o.J2 units (D) 15 units
(A) 30° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) goo
In a tJ. PQR. PQ = PR and L Q is twice that
If one angle is the average of the other two
of LP . What is the measure of L Q ?
angles and the difference between the
greatest and least angles is 60°, which (A) 72° (B) 36° (C) 144° (D) 108°
triangle is formed? If two sides of an isosceles triangle are 3
(A) An isosceles triangle. em and 8 em, what is the length of the
(B) An equilateral triangle. third side?

(C) A right angled triangle. (A) 3 em (B) 8 em
(D) A right angled isosceles triangle. (C) 3 em or 8 em (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
If in a tJ. ABC, L A = 60° and AB = AC, of
In tJ. ABC, if AB = BC and LB = 80°, what
what type is tJ. ABC?
is the measure of L C ?

(A) An isosceles triangle.
(A) 50° (B) 100° (B) A right angled triangle.
(C) 130° (D) 180° (C) An isosceles right angled triangle.
Which triangle is formed by (D) An equilateral triangle.
BC = AC = 7.2 em and L C = goo? In a tJ. ABC, if AB + BC = 10 em, BC + CA = 12
(A) A right angled triangle. em, CA + AB = 16 em, what is the sum of
(B) An isosceles triangle. the lengths of its sides?
(C) A right angled isosceles triangle. (A) 1g em (B) 17 em
(D) No triangle is formed. (C) 38 em (D) 30 em

6 . Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII · Mathematics

• Which of the following are the angles in

a right ang led triangle other than the
right angle?
(A) Acute angles (B)
(C) Right angles (D)
Obtuse angles
Reflex angles
An isosceles triangle can be obtuse
(A) Always false.
(B) Always true.
(C) Cannot be determined.
(D) Sometimes false.
In a D. ABC, if LA = LB + LC , what is the Which of the following statements is
measure of L A correct?
(A) 60° (B) 45° (C) 900 (D) 135° (A) The difference of any two sides is less
than the third side.
If a, b and c are the sides of a triangle,
(B) A triangle cannot have two obtuse
which of the following is correct?
(A) a - b > c (B) c >a + b (C) A triangle cannot have an obtuse
(C) c=a+b (D) b < c + a angle and a right angle.
If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio A (D) All the above.
1 : 2: 7, what type of a triangle is it? W Two chimneys 18m and 13m high stand
upright on a ground. If their feet are
(A) An acute angled triangle.
12m apart, what is the distance between
(B) An obtuse angled triangle.
their tops?
(C) A right angled triangle.
(A) 5 m (B) 31 m (C) 13 m (D) 18 m
(D) A right angled isosceles triangle.
The top of a broken tree touches the
A triangle always has ground at a distance of 15 m from its base.
(A) exactly one acute angle. If the tree is broken at a height of 8 m from
(B) exactly two acute angles. the ground, what is the actual height of
(C) at least two acute angles. the tree?
(D) exactly 2 right angles. (A) 20 m (B) 25 m (C) 30 m (D) 17 m
How many independent measurements

• What is the ratio in which the centroid of a
are required to construct a triangle? triangle divides the medians ?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 5 (A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 3 (C) 2: 1 (D) 3 : 1
The centroid of a triangle is the point of
In a !J. ABC, if LB is an obtuse angle,
concurrence of which of these?
which is the longest side?
(A) Angle bisectors

(A) AB (B) BC (B) Perpendicular bisectors
(C) AC (D) Either (A) or (B) (C) Altitudes
(D) Medians
If P : An isosceles triangle is right angled .
Which of the following statements is
Q: LA = LB 45° and LC 90°, which = true?
of the following statements is true?
(A) The centroid of an acute angled
(A) P is true and Q is the correct triangle lies in the interior of the
explanation of P. triangle.
(B) The orthocentre of an acute angled
(B) P is true and Q is not the correct
triangle lies in the interior of the
explanation of P.
(C) P is false. (C) The medians of a triangle are
(D) P is the correct explanation of Q. concurrent.
(D) All the above.

II 6. Triangles
BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

In .6.ABC, Dis t he midpoint of BC and G is

the centroid of the triangle. If GO = 2 em,
• From the figure given, which of the
following statements is true ?

what is the length of AD ?

(A) 4 em (B) 6 em (C) 2 em (D) 8 em
In a .6. ABC, E is the midpoint of AC and G
is the centroid of the triangle. What is
c B
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 1 : 3
Which of the following statements is true?
(A) L x + Ly =L1 + L 3
(B) Ly = L2

(A) The orthocentre of a right angled
triangle is the vertex containing the (C) L x = L1
right angle. (D) Lx + Ly = L1 + L 2
(B) The median of a trianglejoins a vertex The exterior angle of a triangle is 110". If
to the midpoint of the opposite side. one of the interior opposite angles is 55",
(C) The centroid of a right angled what is the measure of the other ?
triangle lies in the interior of the

(A) 45" (B) 65" (C) 55" (D) 35"
(D) All the above. 0 In .6. PQR, LQ =go·. Which
following is the longest side?
of the

In a scalene triangle ABC, X is the
(A) RQ (B) PQ
midpoint of BC. What is AX?
(C) PR (D) Either (A) or (B)
Which of the following statements is

NOT true?
(A) A triangle can have three 60° angles.
(B) A triangle can have a right angle.
B X c (C) A triangle can have two right angles.

(A) Median (B) Altitude (D) A triangle can have all three angles
(C) Centroid (D) Orthocentre equal.
From the following figure, what are the
In APQR, PQ = PR ; M is a point on QR
respective values of x and y?
and PM l_ QR . What do you call PM?


(A) 80°, 60° (B) 600,400

Q M R (C) 60°, 800 (D) 400,600

(A) Centroid (B) Median • Previous Contest Questions~

(C) Altitude (D) Vertex
In .6. XVZ , XP is the median.Which of the 1 Angles of a triangle are (x + 10") ,
following is correct? (x + 40") and (2 x- 30") . What is the
value of x?
(A) XP = XV (B) VP = PZ
(C) XP = XZ (D) XV= XZ (A) 30" (B) 40" (C) 20" (D) 1 o·

6 . Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In the figure given, what are the values of

Lb, Lc and La respectively?
0 lnthefigure,AB = ACand AD
the respective measures of x, y and z.
II BC Find


(A) 18°, 70° and 92o(B) 92°, 70° and 18°
(C) 70°, 92° and 18o(D) 70°, 18° and 92°
In ~ABC, AB = AC, LA = 40° . 0 is a point B C
inside ~ABC such that LOBC = LOCA . (A) X = 70°, y = 70°, z = 55°
Find the measure of LBOC. (B) X = 70°, y = 55°, z = 55°
A (C) X = 55°, y = 55°, Z = 55°

(D) X = 70°, y = 55°, z = 70°
Find the angles x andy respectively.


(A) 11 oo (B) 35° (C) 140° (D) 155°

The triangle XYZ is right angled at X. Which

is the longest side of !1XYZ ?
(A) XV (B) XZ (C) ZX (D) YZ C B A
Which of the following statements is (A) X=47°, y = 25° (B) X= 27°, y = 45°
correct? (C) x = 45°, y = 27° (D) x = 25°, y = 4 7°
(A) The exterior angle of a triangle is Find the value of x.
equal to its interior adjacent angle.
(B) The median of a triangle joins its ver- B
tex to the midpoint of its opposite side.
(C) The altitude of a triangle is drawn
from a vertex to the midpoint of the

opposite side.
(D) All the above. (A) 106° (B) 53°
What is the number of medians in a (C) 26° (D) 52°

triangle ? Find the measure of x in the following
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 1 figure .

Find the measure of yin the given figure.

(A) 112° (B) 56°
(B) 60° (D) 120° (C) 68° (D) 106°

II 6 . Triangles
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7 Congruence of Triangles

• Two figures having exactly the same shape and size are said to be congruent.
• Two triangles are said to be congruent, if pairs of corresponding sides and corresponding
angles are equal.

Note: The symbol ~ is used for 'is congruent to' relation.

• Two line segments are congruent, if they have the same length. AB = CD is read as line
segment A B is congruent to the line segment CD .

• Two angles are congruent, if they have the same measure. " LA is congruent to LB " is
written symbolically as L A =L B or LA = LB .
• S.S.S. congruence condition: If the three sides of a triangle are equa l to the three
corresponding sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.


7cm 7cm

In the given figure, L\ABC =L\ DEF by S.S.S. congruence condition.

• S.A.S. congruence condition: If two sides and the included angle of a triangle are respectively
equal to the two corresponding sides and the included angle of another triangle, then the
two triangles are congruent.

e.g., A D

B c E F

In the given figure, L\ABC =L\ DEF by S.A.S. congruence condition.

II 7. Congruence of Triangles
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

+ A.S.A. congruence condition: If two angles and an included side of one triangle are re-
spectively equal to the two correspond ing angles and the corresponding included
side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.


In the given figure, ~ABC = ~ DEF by A.S.A. congruence condition.

+ R.H.S. congruence condition: If the hypotenuse and a side of a right angled triangle
are equal to the hypotenuse and the corresponding side of another rightangled t riangle,
then the two triangles are congruent.


B c E F

In the given figure, ~ABC = ~ DEF by R.H.S. congruence condition.

+ In congruent triangles, the congruent angles are opposite to equal sides, and the congruent
sides are opposite to equal angles.
+ There is no A.A.A. congruence cond ition for congruence of triangles. Two triangles with
equal corresponding angles need not be congruent. In such case, one of the triangles can
be an enlarged copy of the other.
+ The order of the letters in the names of congruent triangles displays the corresponding

Thus,if ~ ABC = ~E DF , AliesonE, BonDandConF.Aiso AB liesalong ED, BC along

- - -
D F and AC along E F .

7 . Congruence of Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

0 In 11 ABC, AB = AC and AD is
perpendicular to BC. State the property
Given A & R, which of the following
statements is correct?
by which 11 ADB =: 11 ADC. (A) A is false and R is the correct

explanation of A.
(A) S.A.S. property (B) S.S.S. property
(C) R.H.S. property (D) A.S.A. property (B) A is true and R is the correct
explanation of A.
Two students drew a line segment each.
What is the condition for them to be (C) A is true and R is false.
congruent? (D) A is false and R is true.
(A) They should be drawn with a scale.
(B) They should be drawn on the same
0 Two triangles, 11 PQ R and 11 DE F are of
the same size and shape. What can we
sheet of paper. conclude about them?

(C) They should have different lengths. (A) 11 PQR is smaller than 11 DEF.
(B) 11 PQR is larger than 11 DEF.

(D) They should have the same length.
(C) 11 PQR is congruent to 11 DEF .
In the given figure, if AD = BC and ADIIBC, (D) 11 PQR is not congruent to 11 DEF .
which of the following is true?
Which of the following examines the
congruence of plane figures?

D c
(A) Trial and error method
(B) Superposition method

(C) Substitution method
(D) Transposition method
A B Which of the following is a pair of
congruent figures?
(A) AB =AD (B) AB= DC
(C) BC=CD (A) A regular pentagon and a regular
(D) AC =AD

0 In 11 PQR and 11 XYZ, L P = 50°, XV = PQ,

and XZ = PR. By which property are
(B) A rhombus and a square.
(C) Two equilateral triangles of the

1::::. XYZ and 11 PQR congruent? same length of their sides.

(A) S.S.S. property (B) S.A.S. property (D) A quadrilateral and a rectangle.
(C) A.S.A. property (D) R.H.S. property In 11ABC and 11PQR, AB = x em, BC = y em
A: Two triangles are said to be congruent and CA = z em. What are the measures of
if two sides and an angle of one triangle sides PQ, QR and RP of 11PQR if
are respectively equal to the two sides 11ABC =: 11ABC =: 11PQR?
and an angle of the other.
R : Two triangles are congruent if PQ QR RP
two sides and the included angle of (A) xcm ycm z em
one are equal to the corresponding (B) ycm xcm zcm
two sides and included angle of the (C) xcm zcm ycm
other. ycm
(D) zcm xcm

II 7. Congruence of Triangles
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(10-11): In the given figure, AD = CD and • For the triangles 8ART and 8PE N
AB = CB.
given, if S.A.S. criterion should be used
given LT = LN , what are the respective
measures of PN and RT?

G c
What are the three pairs of equal parts?



(A) TR and PE (B) AR and PE
(B) AD = AB, DC = CB, BD = BD
(C) AT and EN (D) AR and PN
(C) AB = CD, AD = BC, BD = BD
Which of the following is an example of
(D) LADB = LCDB, LABD = LCBD; A.S.A. criterion of congruency for two
LDAB = LDBC triangles L ADB and L DEF?

CD Which of the following is the

(A) A B = EF, L B = L E and L C = L F

(A) 8ABC and 8CBD are isosceles (B) BC = EF,LB = LEandLC=LF

triangles. (C) AC = EF, LB = LD and LC = LF

(B) BD bisects LA DC . (D) AC = DE, LB = LD and LC = LF
(C) BD bisects LBA D .
In the figure given, AC = BD and
(D) 8ABC and 8CBD are equilateral
triangles. LBAC = LCD B = 90o.

In the given figure, AB = AC and AD is

the bisector of LBAC .


B 0 C If ~AB C :: ~ DCB by R.H.S. property
Which among the following statements
which of the following is required?
is true?
(A) The measure of AB.
(A) 8 A DB :: ilABC
(B) The measure of CD.
(B) ilA DC :: ilABC (C) The measure of BC.
(C) L B =L C (D) AC = BD
Which of the following criterion does not
In 8 ABC and 8 D EF , AC = OF, AB = DE exist?
and BC = EF. By which property are
(A) A.S.A. criterion (B) R.H.S. criterion
ilABC and ilDEF congruent?
(C) A.A.A. criterion (D) S.S.S. criterion
(A) R.H.S. property (B) S.S.S. property
(C) S.A.S. property (D) A.S.A. property

7. Congruence of Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In two t riangles, the three angles of one

triangle are correspond ing ly equa l to
three angles of another triangle. Which
of the following is a correct statement?
(A) One triangle is an enlarged copy of
In the figure, PQ = PS and QR = SR. If
.llPQR is congruent to .llPSR, which of
the following is correct?

(B) The two triangles are necessarily
congruent. (A) .LQPR =L PRS (B) L RPS =L RQP
(C) The two triangles are congruent by (C) L QRP = L SRP (D) PR =RS
A.A.A. congruency criterion. AB and AC are two chords of a circle with
(D) All of the above. centre 0 as shown.
(19-20): MBC is congruent to ~PQR under

thecorrespondence ABC ~ RQP.

• Which part corresponds to PQ ?

(A) C B (B) AC (C) Q R (D) AB
G) Which part of .llABC corresponds to
If .llAOB is congruent to .llAOC, which
RP ? of the following is correct?
(A) AB (B) AC (C) CA (D) BC (A) LOBA = L OCA (B) LAOC = LOCA
(C) AO = AC (D) AB = OC
.llABC is congruent to ~ XYZ. Find the
A regular hexagon is divided into four
measures of Lx and L y respectively.

il ''\)'

B Scm C X
(A) 800, 60° (B) 60°,40° A B
(C) 800, 40° (D) 60°,80° Which of the following is correct?

~ABC :: ~ DEF,and AB = 3 em, EF = 8 em (A) .llABF:: .llEDF (B) .llFDC:: .llFCB

and OF = 10 em. What are the respective (C) .llABF:: ilFBC (D) .llFDC :: .llBCF
lengths of AC and DE in em?
MBC and .llDEF are as shown.
(A) 10,3 (B) 10,8 (C) 8,3 (D) 3,10
MBC =~FOE What is the measure of

L F?
By which condition of congruence is

.llABC:: .llDEF?

(A) S.S.S. condition (B) S.A.S. condition

(A) 700 (B) 50° (C) 130° (D) 600 (C) R.H.S. condition (D) A.S.A. condition.

II 7. Congruence of Triangles
BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Given AB II CD and AB =CD, which of

• ABCD is a parallelogram in which

AB = DC and AD = BC.

the following is correct?

C D By which condition of congruence of
(A) L\AOB :: L\DOC (B) L\AOB :: L\O DC
(C) L\BOA::: L\DOC (D) L\BAO::: L\CO D
triangles is L\ABD =L\C DB?

(A) R.H.S. (B) S.A.S.
• MBC is isosceles, AB = AC and AD .1 BC .

(C) S.S.S . (D) A.S.A.
Given L\XYZ and L\LMN.

Which of the following is correct?
Choose the correct statement.

Observe the triangles given in the figure. (A) L\XYZ ::: L\LMN (B) YZ = LM
(C) XV= MN (D) XZ = LM
Q 4cm R Identify the incorrect statement.

2~ (A) The corresponding sides of

congruent triangles are equal.
B 4cm C p (B) The corresponding angles of
congruent triangles are equal.
State the condition under which
(C) Two triangles cannot be congruent.
L\ABC ::: L\PQR.
(D) There are four congruency conditions
(A) A.S.A. (B) S.S.S.
for congruence of triangles.

(C) S.A.S. (D) R.H.S.

• In the given figure, AB = AC and AD = AE.
Previous Contest Questions~

0 By which congruency property, are the

two triangles PQS and PRS given in the
following figure congruent ?
Which of the following statements is not p
(B) L\ACE ::: L\ABD
(C) L\AEC :: L\ABD
(A) S.S.S. property (B) S.A.S. property
(D) BE = DC
(C) A.S.A. property (D) R.H.S. property

7. Congruence of Triangles
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In the following figure, two triangles ABC

and EDC are such that AC = EC, BC = DC,
LE = 60°, LDCE = 30o and LB = goo .
By which property is .!lABC :: .!lEDC?
• In two triangles, pairs of corresponding
sides and the corres-ponding angles are
equal. What can be concluded from this?
(A) The triangles are small.

(A) S.S.S. property (B) S.A.S. property (B) The triangles are congruent.
(C) A.S.A. property (D) R.H.S. property (C) The triangles are equilateral.
For the congruence of .!lABC and .!lPQR (D) The triangles are equiangular.
which one of the following sets of
conditions is not sufficient?
0 Which of the following are measure-ments
of two triangles by which they are

congruent under S.A.S condition?
(A) .!lABC : LB = 50°, BC = 5 em,
and AB = 7 em .
A c B P Q .!l DEF : LE = 50°, EF = 7 em,
(A) L ABC = L PQR a = p, c = r and DE= 5 em.
(B) L CAB = L RPQ L ABC = L PQR c = r (B) .!lABC : BC = 6 em,
(C) b = q, L CAB = L RPQ, a = p AC = 4 em and LB = 35°
(D) a = p, c = r, L ABC = L PQR .!l DEF : DF = 4 em, EF = 6 em

0 Which of the following are congruent?

(A) Two~ 1 coins
and LE = 35°
.!lABC : AB = 4.5 em,
AC = 4 em and LA = 60°
(B) A ( 1 coin and a ( 2 coin

(C) A ~ 2 coin and a ~ 5 coin .!l DEF : DE = 4 em, FD = 4.5 em

(D) A~ 5 coin and a~ 10 coin and LD = 55°
Which of the following is important in (D) Either (B) or (C)
congruence of triangles? .!lA BC is isosceles with AB = AC ,
(A) Naming the angles of the triangles AD .1 BC ; which of the following is a
using capital letters. correct statement?
(B) Measures of angles in degrees.


(C) The order of letters of the triangles.
(D) Exact length of the sides of the triangles.
In the figure given, which of the following
statements is true? (A) MBC :: MDC (B) MBD :: MCD
p (C) .!lADB:: .!lACD (D) .!lADC :: .!lABD
Are triangles in the given figure
congruent by R.H.S. condition?
~Scm ~Scm

A B p Q
(A) .!lQPR:: .!lSPR (B) .!lPSR :: .!lRQP
(A) Yes (B) Insufficient data
(C) .!lPRS :: .!lQPR (D) .!lQRP :: .!lPSR (C) No (D) Either (B) or (C)

II 7. Congruence of Triangles

8 Comparing Quantities

+ Ratio is a method of comparing two quantities of the same kind by division.

+ The symbol used to write a ratio is':' and is read as 'is to'.
+ A ratio can be expressed as a fraction.
+ A ratio is always expressed in its simplest form.
+ A ratio does not have any unit, it is only a numerical value.
+ A ratio consists of two terms. The first term is called the antecedent and second term is called the
+ A ratio can be written in its simplest form by dividing the antecedent and the consequent by their
+ The antecedent and the consequent of a ratio cannot be interchanged.
+ To express two terms in a ratio, they should be in the same units of measurement.
+ When two ratios are equal they are said to be in proportion. The symbol for proportion is:: and is
read as 'as to'.
+ The two terms in the middle of a proportion are called means and the first and the last terms are
cal led extremes.
+ If two ratios are to be equal or to be in proportion, their product of means should be equal to the
product of extremes.
+ If a : b:: c: d then the statement ad = be holds good.
+ If a: band b: care in proportion such that b 2 = ac then b is called the mean proportional of a: band
+ Multiplying or dividing the terms of the ratio by the same number gives equivalent ratios.
+ Unitary method:
To find the value of many quantities when the value of one is given, the operation is multiplication
{x).To find out value of one when the value of many is given, the operation is division (~).To find out
value of many when the value of many is given, unitary method can be used.

+ X
Many --~) One One Many
{Division) {Multiplication)

+ Another way of compar ing quantities is percentage. The word per cent means per
hundred. Thus 12% means 12 parts out of 100 parts.

+ Fractions can be converted into percentages and vice-versa.

e.g., (i) ~ = ~ x 1 00% = 40% (ii) 25% = ~ = .:!_

5 5 100 4

8. Comparing Quantities
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Decimals can be converted into percentages and vice-versa .

e.g . (i) 0.36 = 0.36 x 100% = 36%

(II.. ) 43% = - 43 = 0 .43

If a number is increased by a% and then decreased by a% or is decreased by a% and then increased
by a%, then the original number decreases by %.

• A number can be split into two parts such that one part is P% of the other. Then the two parts are
100 p
+ p x number and + p x number.
100 1 00

• If the circumference of a circle is increased (or) decreased by P% then the rad ius of a circle in-
creases (or) decreases by P%.

• Gain = Sell ing Price (S.P.)- Cost Price (C.P.)

• Loss = C.P. - S.P.

• Gain% = gain x 100%


• Loss% = loss x 1 00%


• S.P.
= (1 00 + ga in%) x C.P. = (1 00 -loss%)
100 100 X C.P .

• c·p· = ( 100 +100 .

) X S.P. = ( 100
100 -loss%
) X S.P.

S.l. = 1 0 0

S.l. =Simple Interest

P = Principal
R = Rate percent per annum
+ Amount (A)= Principal+ Interest

PT R ( 1 TR )
= p + 10 0 = p + 1 00

• R X T = 100 (N -1)
where R = rate percent
T =time
N = The number of times the sum gets multiplied (i.e., doubled, tripled ....etc.)
+ S.l. is calculated uniformly on the original principal throughout the time period.

II 8. Comparing Quantities
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In an office the working hours are

10:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. and in between
30 minutes are spent for lunch. Find the
ratio of office hours to the time spent
• In an election between two candidates,
the candidate who gets 30% of the votes
polled is defeated by 15000 votes. What
is the number of votes polled for the

for lunch. winning candidate?
(A) 7 : 30 (B) 1 : 14 (C) 14 : 1 (D) 30: 7 (A) 37 500 (B) 30000
Which of the following is the condition for (C) 26250 (D) 11250
two ratios to be equal? In 2003, Indian cricket team played 60
(A) Product of means is equal to games and won 30% of the games
played. After a phenomenal winning
streak, this team raised its average to
(B) Product of extremes is equal to con- 50%. How many games did the team win
sequents. in a row to attain this average?
(C) Antecedents are equal to conse- (A) 36 (B) 24
quents. (C) 48 (D) 12


(D) Product of means is equal to A pudding is made of 200 g sugar, 800 g
product of extremes. eggs, 600 g flour and 200 g dry fruits.
What percent of sugar is present in the

If 20: 5 : : p : 1, what is the value of p?

(A) i (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 1

whole pudding?

(A) 11i% (B) 163%

What is the mean proportion of

25 : 20 :: 20: 16?
(C) 6 .:!_ % (D) 32_%
(A) 25 (B) 20 (C) 16 (D) 100 4 2
A boy has enough money to buy 20 Which of the following statements is
books. If each book costs 25 paise less, wrong?
he could buy two more books and still (A) Jill + 625 =80% of 1200- 320
have 70 paise left. How much money (B) 5Y2 of 240 = 150% of 880

does the boy have? (C) 25% of 50 = 0.125
(A) ~ 16 (B) ~ 24 (C) ~ 48 (D) ~ 36 (D) 150 g is 20% of a kg
When a number is reduced by 4, it 35% population of a town are men and
becomes 80% of itself. Find the number.

40% are women. If the number of
(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 40 (D) 50 children is 20,000, what is the number of
If 2 2 % of a number is 0.2, what will be (A) 3200 (B) 30,050

120% of it? (C) 32000 (D) 31500
(A) 10.8 (B) 4.8 (C) 9.6 (D) 12.4 A student has to secure 40% marks to
pass. He got 40 marks and failed by 40
The number of seats for admission is
increased by 1 0% every year. If the marks. What is the maximum number of
number of seats in 2001 was 400, what
was the number of seats in 2003? (A) 400 (B) 300
(A) 824 (B) 484 (C) 500 (D) 480 (C) 200 (D) 100

8. Comparing Quantities
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• After a deduction of 5% from a certain

sum and then 10% from the remainder,
a sum of ~ 171 is left. What was the
original sum?
(A) ~ 200 (B) ~ 250 (C) ~ 150 (D) ~ 300
A man purchased a bag of rice
containing 70 kg for < 175. He sold it at
the rate of~ 2.75 per kg. Find the profit
or loss%.
(A) 12% loss (B) 10% gain
The C.P. of 25 articles is equal to the S.P. (C) 12% gain (D) 10% loss
of 20 articles. What is the gain%? Sneha bought a purse for ~ 480. She sold
(A) 25% (B) 20% (C) 30% (D) 50% it to Neha at a gain of 6-;}% and Neha
The value of a machine depreciates every sold it to Devi at a gain of 10%. How much

year by 5%. If the present value of the did Devi pay for it?
machine is~ 100000, what will be its value (A) ~ 561 (B) ~ 560 (C) ~ 550 (D) ~ 525
after two years? On what sum of money lent at 9% per

(A) ~ 100050 (B) ~ 90250 annum for 6 years does the S.l. amount
(C) ~ 99250 (D) ~ 96150 to~ 810?
(A) ~ 1000 (B) ~ 1500
By selling an article for ~ 600 a man loses
20%. At what price should he sell it in
(C) <1200 (D) <1600
order to gain 25%? At what rate of interest per annum will a
sum double itself in 8 years?
(A) ~ 800 (B) ~ 750
(C) ~937.50 (D) ~ 1 000
(A) 25% (B) 6 ~%
What profit percent is made by selling
an article at a certain price if by selling at 2
(C) 12 ~ %
(D) 3s%
of that price results in a loss of 10%?
The S.l. on a certain sum is 16 over 25 of
(A) 20% (B) 15% (C) 25% (D) 10% the sum. Find rate percent and t ime, if
11 oranges are bought for ~ 10 and 10 both are equal.

oranges are sold for ~ 11. Find the gain (A) 8%, 8 years (B) 16%, 16 years
(or) loss percent. (C) 10%, 10 years (D) 12%, 12 years
(A) 21% loss (B) 11% gain A milkman borrowed ~ 2500 from two
(C) 21% gain (D) 11 % loss money lenders. For one loan, he paid 5%
A man buys a radio for~ 600 and sells it p.a. and for the other, he paid 7% p.a. The
at a gain of 25%. What is the S.P of the total interest paid after two years was
radio? ~ 275. Calculate the money he borrowed
at 7% interest.
(A) ~ 700 (B) ~ 750
(C) ~ 900 (D) <1000 (A) <1875 (B) < 1000
(C) ~ 625 (D) ~ 1200
A shopkeeper sold two watches for
< 425 each, gaining 10% on one and Of a certain sum, j rd is invested at 3%,
losing 10% on the other. Which of the ilh at 6% and the rest at 8%. If the S.l. for
following is true? 2 years from all these investments
(A) He gains 1%. amounts to~ 600, what was the original
(B) He loses 1 %. sum?
(C) Either (A) or (B) (A) ~ 2000 (B) ~ 3000
(D) Neither (A) nor (B) (C) <4000 (D) < 5000

II 8. Comparing Quantities
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

A certain sum of money lent out at a

certain rate of interest per annum,
doubles itself in 10 years. In how many
years will it triple itself?
• Ashok sells a room heater for f 322,
gaining G of its cost price. What is his
gain percent ?

(A) 20 years (B) 16 years (A) 13~% (B) 15~% (C) 16~% (D) 17~%
3 3 3 3
(C) 12 years (D) 10 years
A sum of money at simple interest
A sum was invested at S.l at a certain
doubles itself in 8 years 4 months. What
rate for 4 years. Had it been invested at
is the time for which it triples itself?
2% higher rate, it would have fetched ~
56 more. Find the sum. (A) 18 years 6 months
(B) 16 years

8 months
(A) ~ 500 (B) ~ 600 (C) ~ 700 (D) ~ 800
(C) 15 years 8 months
The S.l on a sum of money is 9 of the (D) 16 years 10 months
principal and the number of years is Guru and Chiru borrowed ( 2250 and
equal to the rate percent per annum. ~ 2500 respectively at the same rate of
Find the rate percent. simple interest for 3 years. If the interest

paid by Chiru is ( 45 more than that paid
1 1 1 1
(A) 2 3 % (B) 3 3 % (C) 4 2 % (D) 3 2 % by Guru, what is the rate of interest per
If ~ 85 amounts to ~ 95 in 3 years, what
(A) 3% p.a. (B) 4% p.a.
will ~ 102 amount to in 5 years at the
(C) 5% p.a. (D) 6% p.a.

same rate?
(A)~ 120 (B)~ 104 (C)~ 116(D) ~ 122 How many times will the sum get
multiplied in 10 years at 20% per annum

~WMt.l1 fii·'·1M 1·"M1i'·'rff I rate of interest?

0 If 2A = 3B = 4C, what is the value of

(A) 2 times
(C) 4 times
(B) 3 times
(D) 5 times

A: B:C?

In how many years does a certain sum
(A) 2 : 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 3 : 2
(C) 3 : 4 : 6 (D) 6 : 4 : 3 amount to three times the principal at

A certain sum of money amounts to

of itse lf in 5 years. What is the rate
t the rate of 163%?

(A) 12 years

(B) 8 years
percent per annum? (C) 4 years (D) 16 years
(A) 5% (B) 7% (C) 9% (D) 12% Divide ( 8000 into two parts so that the
The ratio of copper and zinc in an alloy S.l on the first part for 5 years at 12% per
is 7: 8.1fthe weight of zinc is 9.6 kg, what annum is equal to S.l on the second part
is the weight of copper in the alloy? for 2 years at 18% per annum.

(A) 9.4 kg (B) 8.8 kg (A) ( 2000, ( 6000 (B) ( 5000, ~ 3000
(C) 8.4 kg (D) 4.8 kg (C) ~ 4000, ( 4000 (D) ( 3000, ~ 5000
In an examination, 96%ofthecandidates Find the principal if S.l. is f 31.50, time
passed and 50 failed. What is the number 1
period is 1 years and rate percent per
of candidates who appeared for the 4
examination? annum is 54 %.
(A) 1520 (B) 1250
(A) ( 460 (B) ( 430
(C) 1530 (D) 1350
(C) ~ 480 (D) ~ 4800

8. Comparing Quantities
This page is intentionally left blank.
Rational Numbers

+ Natural numbers (N): 1, 2, 3 .4 ... etc., are called natural numbers.

+ Whole numbers (W): 0,1, 2, 3, ..... etc., are called whole numbers.
+ Integers (Z): ...... , -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ....... etc., are called integers, denoted by I or Z.
1, 2, 3, 4, ... etc., are called positive integers denoted by z•.
-1, -2, -3, -4, ...... etc., are called negative integers denoted by z-.
Note: 0 is neither positive nor negative.

+ Fractions:

y,where x and y are natural numbers, are known as fractions.

The numbers of the form

3 2 1
e.g., 5' 1' 125 · ......... etc.
+ Rational numbers (Q):
A number of the form q (q =f:. 0 ), where p and q are integers is called a rational number.
-3 5 10 -11
e.g., 17' - 19'1' - 23, ...... etc.

Note : 0 is a rational number, since 0 = i.

+ A rational number !:q is positive if p and q are either both positive or both negative.
3 -2
e.g., -5 ' -
+ A rational number !:q is negative if either of p and q is positive and the other is negative.

-5 7
e.g., 9' - 23
Note: 0 is neither a positive nor a negative rational number.

+ Representation of Rational numbers on a number line:

We can mark rational numbers on a number line just as we do integers.
The negative rational numbers are marked to the left of 0 and the positive rational num·
bers are marked to the right of 0.
1 1
Thus, 3 and- 3 would be at an equal distance from 0 but on its either side.

9 . Rational Numbers
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book

Similarly, other rational numbers with different denominators can also be represented on
Cla ss VII - Mathematics

the number line.

Thus, in general, any rational number is either of the following two types.
m m
(i) - where m < n (ii) - where m > n
n n
1 3 5 7 _3 , _15 etc.,
2 , 4 , 6 etc.,
e.g., e.g., _,
6 2 6
Representation of : on the number line where m < n:

The rational number 6 (5 < 6) is represented on the number line as shown.

4 I 11111!1 ..
-1 0
2 3 4

Representation of : on the number line where m > n:

Consider the rational number 517 .

First convert the rational number 517 into a mixed fraction and then mark it on the number
17 2
line. i.e., 5 =3 5
[ • _j 0 1 2 3
: 4 5

+ Standard form of a rational number:

A rational number.!: is said to be in standard form if q is a positive integer and the integers
p and q have no common factor other than 1.
+ Comparison of two rational numbers:
Step 1 : Express each of the two given rational numbers with a positive denominator.
Step 2: Take the L.C.M. of these positive denominators.
Step 3: Express each rational number with this L.C.M. as common denominator.
Step 4 : The number having a greater numerator is greater.
+ Rational numbers between two rational numbers:
There exist infinitely many rational numbers between any two rationa l numbers. So,
we can insert any number of rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.

II 9. Rational Numbers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

+ Operations on rational numbers:

(i) Addition: To add two rational numbers with the same denominator, we simply add
their numerators and divide by the common denominator.

-5 1 - 5 +1 -4
e.g., 7 +7= - 7- = 7
When denominators of given rational numbers are different f ind their L.C.M and
express each one of the given rational numbers with this L.C.M as the common
denominator. Then add as usual.
Additive Inverse:

q~ is the additive inverse of qp and qp is the additive inverse of q~ .

e.g., ~2 + ~ =0= ~ + ( ~2).

The sum of a number and its additive inverse is 0 (the additive identity).
(ii) Subtraction: While subtracting two rational numbers, we add the additive inverse
of the rational number to be subtracted to the other rational number.
7 2 7 2 7 (-2 ) 21+(-1 6) 5
Thus, - - - = - +additive inverse of-=-+-- = =-
8 3 8 3 8 3 24 24
(iii) Multiplication: To multiply two rational numbers, we multiply their numerators and
Product of t he numerators
denominators separately and write the product as d f h d . ·
Pro uct o t e enommators

Thus, for any two rational numbers

aand dc, their product is (a
c) (axe)
b x d = (b x d) .

Reciprocal of a rational number: If the product of two rational numbers is 1
then each rational number is called the reciprocal of the other.

Thus, the reciprocal of ~ is .; and we write, ( ~ = ~

Clearly, (a) reciprocal of 0 does not exist.
(b) reciprocal of 1 does not exist.
(c) reciprocal of - 1 is -1.
(iv) Division: To divide one rational number by another non-zero rational number, we
multiply the rational number by the reciprocal of the other.
a c c
Thus, if b and d are two rational numbers such that d =t. 0 ,

then ( ~+~) = ~ x ( reciprocal of~) = ( ~x~}

-7 + 4 =-7
3 2 x
( rec1.procal of 4) = -7 x 3
3 2 4 =a

9 . Rational Numbers
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 p: Every fraction is a rational number. 0 Which of the following statements is true?

q: Every rational number is a fraction. 3 -12 3 -12
Which of the following is correct? (A) - > -
-8 32 (B) -8 =32
(A) p is true and q is false. 3 -12 3 4
(C) - < - (D) ->-
(B) p is false and q is true. -8 32 5 3

(C) Both p and q are true.
-4 -32
(D) Both p and q are false. If - =- , what is the value of x?
7 X
Which of the following is not a rational
(A) -56 (B) 56 (C) 46 (D) -46
0 Which is the greatest?

(A)- (B) _i_ (C)~ (D) J2
(A) -5 5 -5 -5
(B) -12 (C) 17 (D) 13
9 -7 - 17 3
p: All integers are rational numbers.
Which is the correct descending order of
q : Every rational number is an integer.
Which of the following statements -2 _i_ - 11 ~?
'-5 ' 20 ' 4 °
is correct?
3 - 11 4
(A) p is false and q is true. (A) - >-2> - >-
(B) p is true and q is false. 4 20 -5
3 -11 -4

(C) Both p and q are true. (B) - > - >- > - 2
(D) Both p and q are false. 4 20 5
3 4 -11
-3 (C) - > - > - 2 > -
What type of a number is 4 -5 20
0? 3 4 - 11
(D) - > - > - > - 2
(A) A positive rational number. 4 - 5 20
(B) A negative rational number. What is the average of the two middle
(C) Either a positive or a negative 4 1 2 5
rational number. rational numbers if 7. 3. 5 and 9 are

(D) Neither a positive nor a negative arranged in ascending order?
rational number. 86 86 43 43
Which among the following is a rational (A) 90 (B) 45 (C) 45 (D) 90
5 What is the percentage of the least
number equivalent to 3? number in the greatest number of
3 9 1 7

- 20 25 25 15 - -, - and-?
(A) ""15 (B) - 15 (C) 15 (D) 25 5' 5 5 5 °
0 (A) 119% (B) 10% (C) 20% (D) 25%
What type of a numerator does
7 have? What is the difference between the greatest
(A) Positive 5 1 11
(B) Negative and least numbers of 9. 9 and 9?
(C) Either positive or negative 2 4 10 2
(D) Neither positive nor negative (A) 9 (B) g (C) 9 (D) 3

II 9. Rational Numbers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Which of the following pairs represent The sum of two rational numbers is -3. If
the same rational number ? -7
one of the numbers is 5· find the other
-7 1 1 -1 number.
(A) - a nd- (B) -and-
21 3 3 9

-5 5 (A) - 8 (B) ~ (C) -6 (D)~
(C) - an d - (D) .i_ and - 24 5 5 5 5
-9 -9 -5 15
P :The quotient of two integers is always What number should be added to 6 to
a rational number.
1 get 2?
Q: is not rational. Which of the
0 1 8
following statements is true? -7 (D) - 8
(A)- (B) 2- (C) -
(A) P is true and Q is the cor rect 3 3 3 3
explanation of P. Which of the following statements is true?
(B) P is fa lse and Q is the correct (A) The reciprocals of 1 and -1 are
explanation of P. themselves.
(C) P is true and Q is false. (B) Zero has no reciprocal.
(D) Both P and Q are false. (C) The product of two rational
5 numbers is a rational number.
• What is the result of 2- ~~ +
(D) All the above.
(A) 149 (B) 149 (C) 149 (D) 149
39 78 76 98 Name the property of multiplication
illustrated by

-4x(-6 +~)=(-4 X-6

Which is the equivalent of - 21 ?
3 5 7 3
)+(-4 X~,~.
5) 3 7"
(A) -6 + ~ (B) 6 + ( -l7 ) (A) Associative property
21 21
(B) Commutative property
(C) (-6) + ( ~17 ) (D) - 6 (C) Distributive property
(D) Closure property
• Of which property is
What is the product of a rational number
- 7 +(__3_+ - 13 )=(-7 +-2_)+- 13

5 - 11 25 5 - 11 ) 25 and its reciprocal?
an example? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) - 1 (D) 2
(A) Closure property
(B) Commutative property The product of two rational numbers is
(C) Associative property -9 -4
(D) Identity property "1"6· If one of the numbers is 3• what is
G) Which of the following statements is the other number?
(A) 36 (B) 25 (C) 27 (D) 3!_
(A) 0 is called the additive identity for 48 64 49 64
rational numbers. -8
(B) 1 is called the multiplicative identity By what rational number should be
for rational numbers. multiplied to obtain 26?
(C) The add itive inverse of 0 is zero
itself. (A) 507 (B) - 507 (C) 407 (D) _ 407
4 4 4 4
(D) All the above.

9. Rational Numbers
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• How many pieces of equa l size can be

cut from a rope of 30 metres long, each
(A) 8
3~ metres?
(B) 10 (C) 6 (D) 12
• Find a rational number between
4 11

(A) .2_

(B) ~
(C) 69
(D) .2_
Evaluate p + q given p = ( -2~1 and

• Previous Contest Questions

-7 4
What should be added to 8 to get 9?
(A) 1 _!_
n- 95

(B) ( - 3185 ) 72 - 72
(A) 95 (B) 95
(C) 95 (D)
(C) ( -2 185) (D) 3~ -2
15 What should be subtracted from 3 to

fJ Compute 1± + ( ~ ) - ( ~ j.
8 5

- 31 13 15 (D) - 29
(A) 36 (B) 36 (C) 36 36
(A)~ (B) -3 (C) ~ (D) -2
2 2 3 3
Find the value of - 6 ~ x ~. What is the reciprocal of - 8?

• •
3 5 1
(A) 2 3_ (B) 2 .2_ (C) -2 ~ (D) - 22 (A) 8 (B) - (C)~ (D) -8
8 8
3 5 3 3
For what value of 'x' is What is the sum of the rational numbers

(- 3
2 -3
-and -?
~ - ~1) + X = 274 ? 5 7 °

1 1
-1 1 2 (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 35 (D) - -
(A) 3 (B) 3 (C) 3 (D) - 3 35

- 33
7 By what number should S be divided
Determine 'y' so that Y- =(- 3 }
12 - 11
to get - - ?

1 1 1 1 2
(A) - 1 (B) 1'4 (C) - 1
4 12 (D) 112 -4 4
3 3 (C) (D) - 3
-~ + i + i)(~ j.
(A) (B)
2 4 4
Find the simplest form of (
[~ -(~ )]~[i+(~ )] inthe
1 1 1
-2 2 • Express
(A) 5 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 5
simplest form.
Rohit, Peter and Santosh walk around a
-2 2 (D) - 1
1 2 5 (A) - (B) ]_ (C) -
circularpark.Theytake h. Shand hto 3 2 3 2
3 12
complete one round. What is the total G Given a= 1%. b=±·c ~ andd =(-1~).

time taken by them to complete a round evaluate a(b - c) ~ d.

in minutes?
-4 -6 -5 4
(A) 79 minutes (B) 50 minutes (A)- (B)- (C)- (D)-
(C) 60 minutes (D) 69 minutes 21 23 27 21

II 9. Rational Numbers
Practical Geometry

+ A ruler and compasses are used for constructions.

+ Given a line l and a point not on it, a line parallel to l can be drawn using the idea of 'equal
alternate angles' or 'equal corresponding angles'.
+ Three independent measurements are required to construct a triangle.
+ A rough sketch is drawn with the given measurements before actually constructing the
+ The sum of lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than its third side.
+ The difference of lengths of any two sides of a triang le is lesser than its third side.
+ The sum of angles in a triangle is 180°.
+ The exterior angle of a triangle is equal in measure to the sum of interior opposite angles.
+ The following cases of congruence of triangles are used to construct a triangle.
(i) S.S.S: A triangle can be drawn given the lengths of its three sides.
(ii) S.A.S: A triangle can be drawn given the lengths of any two sides and the measure
of the angle between them.
(iii) A.S.A: A triangle can be drawn given the measures of two angles and the length of
the side included between them.
(iv) R.H.S: A triangle can be drawn given the length of hypotenuse of a right angled
triangle and the length of one of its legs.
+ A triangle is said to be,
(a) an equilateral triangle, if all of its sides are equal.
(b) an isosceles triangle, if any two of its sides are equal.
(c) a scalene triangle, if all of its sides are of different lengths.
+ A triangle is said to be,
(a) an acute angled triangle, if each one of its angles measures less than goo.
(b) a right angled triangle, if any one of its angles measures goo.
(c) an obtuse angled triangle, if any one of its angles measures more than goo.
+ Pythagoras' theorem: In a right angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to
the sum of the squares of the remaining two sides.

Here, AC' = AB' + BC' .

10. Practical Geometry

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

0 Which among the following is used to

construct a triangle?
(A) The
(B) The
lengths of the three sides.
perimeter of the triangle.
• In which of the following cases is the
construction of a triangle not possible?
(A) Measures of 3 sides are given.

(B) Measures of 2 sides and an included
(C) The measures of three angles. angle are given.
(D) The names of three vertices.
(C) Measures of 2 angles and a side are

In the given figure, find the measure of

LRQT , if PQ = QR and LQPR = 60°.
(D) Measures of 3 angles are given .
Choose the correct option in which a
triangle CANNOT be constructed with
the given lengths of sides.
(A) 3 em, 4 em, 5 em
(B) 7 em, 6 em, 5 em

(A) 60° (B) 140° (C) 10 em, 7 em, 2 em
(C) 120° (D) 100° (D) 12 em, 8 em, 6 em
A triangular sign board is isosceles. If the ( 8-1 0): David folds a sheet of paper. The
unequal side is 7 em and one of the equal dotted lines as shown in the figure
sides is 6 em, what is the measure of the are the creases formed, which are
third side? named as l, m and n.

(A) 5 em
(C) 7 em
(B) 6 em
(D) Either (A) or (C)
---------1·-------- l
Which of the following statements is


(A) The sum of angles in a triangle is 2
right angles.
Which of the following is true?

(B) The exterior angle of a triangle is equal
to the interior angle of the triangle. (A) l I I m (B) l I I n
(C) n I I m (D) Either (B) or (C)
(C) The hypotenuse is the longest side

of a right angled t riangle. What can you say about lines l and n?
(D) All the above. (A) l II n
Identify the true statement. (B) l.l n
(A) A triangle with 3 equal sides is (C) l is the same line as n
isosceles. (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
(B) A triangle with a 11 oo angle is right What do you call the linen with respect
angled. to the lines l and m?
(C) A triangle with 3 acute angles is (A) n is a line parallel to l and m.
acute angled. (B) n is a line parallel to l only.
(D) A triangle with 2 equal sides is (C) n is a transversal.
equilateral. (D) n is a line parallel to m only.

II 10. Practical Geometry

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Which of the following is used to draw a • In !!.. XYZ , x, y and z denote the three sides.
line parallel to a given line? Which of the following is incorrect?
(A) A protractor (A) X- y>z (B) X + z>y
(B) A set square y<z +y >z
(C) X- (D) X
(C) A ruler
Which of the following can be used to
(D) A ruler and compasses
construct a 30• angle?
How many parallel lines can be drawn
passing through a point not on the given
(A) Construct a so·
angle using
compasses and bisect it.
(B) Construct a perpendicular bisector
(A} 2 (B) 1
of a line segment.
(D) 3 (D) 0
(C) Construct the bisector of any angle.
Based on the sides of a triangle, which of
(D) Construct an angle congruent to
the following is a classification of
any given angle.
Study the steps of construction given.
(A) A right angled triangle
(B) An acute angled triangle Step 1: Draw a ray OA.
(C) An obtuse angled triangle
Step2: With 0 as centre and any convenient radius
(D) An isosceles triangle
drawanarcMNtocut OA atM.
Which type of triangle is in the
Step3: With Mas centre and the same radius draw
classification based on angles?
an arctocutMNatP.
(A) An equilateral triangle
Step4: With Pas centre and the same radius, draw
(B) An isosceles triangle

an arctocutMNatQ.
(C) A right angled triangle
(D) A scalene triangle Step 5: Draw OQand produce it to D. An angle AOD is
In which of the following cases can a
triangle be constructed?
What is the measure of L AOD ?
(A} so·
(A) Measures of three sides are given.
(B) 30•
(B) Measures of two sides and an (C) 120° (D) 45•
included angle are given. Satish followed the steps given in the
(C) Measures of two angles and the side box.
between them are given.
Step 1: Construct an angle of90°.
(D) All the above.

0 The measurements of 6 DEF are

Step 2: Bisect t he go• angle.

= =
EF 8.4 em, L E 103• and L F =as·. Step 3: Bisect one of the angles
Which of the following is correct? obtained in step 2.

(A) !!.. DE F can be constructed. Which steps is not required to construct

a 45• angle?
(B) !!.. DE F is an obtuse angled triangle.
(A) Step 1
(C) !!.. DE F cannot be constructed. (B) Step 2
(D) !!.. DE F is an acute angled triangle. (C) Step 3
(D) Steps 2 and 3

10. Practical Geometry

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• (C) The difference of any two sides is

Which of the following is NOT constructed
using a ruler and a set square? lesser than the third side.
(A) A perpendicular to a line from a (D) All the above.
point not on it. How many perpendicular lines can be

(B) A perpendicular bisector of a line drawn to a line from a point not on it?
segment. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) Infinite
(C) A perpendicular to a line at a point In flXYZ, XV > YZ > ZX Which of the

on the line. following is the smallest angle?

(D) A line parallel to a given line through (A) X (B) Z (C) y (D) X = Y = Z
a given point. t:,.PQR is constructed with all its angles
Given PQ = 4 em, QR = 3.5 em and measuring 60° each. Which of the
RP = 4.5 em, what type of a triangle can following is correct?
be constructed?
(A) fl PQR is an equilateral triangle.
(A) An acute angled triangle

(B) fl PQR is isosceles triangle.
(B) An obtuse angled triangle

(C) fl PQR is a scalene triangle.
(C) An equilateral triangle (D) fl PQR is a right angled triangle.
(D) A right angled triangle
A triangle is constructed as shown in the
t:,. PQR isconstructedsuchthatPQ = 5 em, figure.
PR = 5 em and LRPQ = 50° Identify the
type of triangle constructed.
(A) An isosceles triangle
Which of the following is not correct

(B) An acute angled triangle about fl DEF?
(C) An obtuse angled triangle
(A) fl DEF has all its sides equal.
(D) Both (A) and (B)

(B) fl DEF is an acute angled triangle.
Identify the condition when a triangle (C) fl DEF is a scalene triangle.
can be constructed? (D) fl DEF is not an equilateral triangle.
(A) All three acute angles are given. An isosceles triangle is constructed as

(B) A side and an acute angles are given. shown in the figure.

(C) Two obtuse angles are given.
(D) All given sides are equal.
Identify the false statement.
(A) A triangle with three equal sides is Which of the given statements is incorrect?
called an equilateral triangle. (A) PR is the hypotenuse of flPQR.
(B) A triangle with a right angle is called (B) flPQR is an equilateral triangle.
a right angled triangle. (C) t:,.PQR is a right angled triangle.

(C) A triangle with two equal sides is (D) If right angled t:,.PQR has its equal
called a scalene triangle. angles measuring 45° each.

(D) A right angled triangle has two In fl ABC, LC = 50° and LA = LB. What

acute angles and a right angle. is the measure of LA?
Identify the condition to be checked (A) 75° (B) 80° (C) 65° (D) 45°
before constructing a triangle.
Which vertex of fl ABC is right ~led if
(A) Sum of the three angles is 180°. - -
AB =8cm,AC =6cm,and BC =10cm?
(B) The sum of any two of the sides is
greater than the third side. (A) LC (B) LA (C) LB (D) A or C

II 10. Practical Geometry

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book

Class VII - Mathematics

A triangle PQR is constructed w ith (A) Two sides and included angle are
PQ = 1Ocm, PR = 8 em and L P = goo.ldentify given.
the correct classification of 11 PQR. (B) The other two angles are not given.

Based on sides Based on angles (C) The vertex B cannot be uniquely

(A) Scalene Right angled
(D) The vertex A coincides with the
{B) Isosceles Acute angled vertex C.


(C) Scalene Acute angled A triangle 11 PQR with L.Q = go·,
(D) Isosceles Right angled QR = 8 em and PR = 10 em is constructed.

What would be the measure of PQ?
11PQR is such that L P = LQ = L R = 60• (A) 3 em (B) 4 em (C) 10 em (D) 6 em
which of the following is true?
The idea of equal alternate angles is used
(A) 11 PQR is equilateral. to construct which of the following?
(B) 11 PQR is acute angled. (A) A line parallel to a given line

(C) Both (A) and (B) (B) A triangle
(D) Neither (A) nor (B) (C) A square
(D) Two triangles

Which of the following are the measures
of a triangle that can be constructed In 11 ABC , the measures of two sides are
using the S.S.S. criterion? given and L A is a right angle. Which of
these properties is used to construct the
(A) X y = 6 em, LX = 40• , LV = 10•

(B) DE = 8 em , EF = 7 em , FD = ge m
(A) S.S.S. property (B) R.H.S. property
(C) PQ = 4 em, QR = 6 em, L Q = ao• (C) S.A.S. property (D) A.S.A. property
(D) AB = 5 em, BC = 4 em, LC = go• Identify the criterion of construction of
the equilateral triangle LMN given

~;t§'·''f'·'·'MI·"'iiiH:fP I LM = 6 em.
(A) S.A.S. criterion (B) R.H.S. criterion
• A line p and a point X not on it are given. (C) A.S.A. criterion (D) S.S.S. criterion
Which of the following is used to draw a
line parallel to p through X?
(A) Equal corresponding angles.
0 A right triangle DEF is constructed with
DE = 5 em, L F = go· and DF = 4 em.
Choose the correct statement from the

(B) Congruent triangles. following.
(C) Angle sum property of triangles.
(D) Pythagoras' theorem . (A) DE is the hypotenuse of 11DEF .
(B) LE + LD = go•

To which of these triangles is the
Pythagoras' property related? (C) EF = 3 em
(D) All the above.
(A) A scalene triangle.
(B) An acute angled triangle. In D.RST, RS = 5 em, L.SRT = 45• and

L RST = 45•. Which criterion can be used
(C) A right angled triangle.
to construct 11RST ?
(D) An obtuse angled triangle.
(A) A.S.A. criterion (B) S.A.S. criterion
Given AB = 3 em, AC = 5 em, and (C) S.S.S. criterion (D) R.H.S. criterion
L.B = 30•, 11 ABC cannot be uniquely
constructed, with AC as base, why?

10. Practical Geometry

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11 Perimeter and Area

+ Perimeter is the distance around a closed figure.

+ Area is the part of plane occupied by the closed figure.
+ (a) Perimeter of a square = 4 x side units
(b) Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 x (length + breadth) units
(c) Area of a square = side x side sq. units
(d) Area of a rectangle = length x breadth sq. units
+ Area of a parallelogram = base x height sq. units

+ Area of a triangle = 1(area of the parallelogram generated from it)

= ~ x base x height sq. units

+ Area of a trapezium = t (a+ b) h sq. units, where 'a' and 'b' are lengths of parallel sides

and 'h' is the height.

+ A circle is a closed curve in a plane drawn in such a way that every point on it is at a
constant distance (r units) from a fixed point 0 inside it.
The fixed point 0 is called the centre of the circle and the constant distance r is called the
radius of the circle.
+ Circumference of a Circle: The perimeter of a circle is called its circumference.
Circumference = 2m = nd, where r = radius and d = diameter.
Here n (Pi) is a constant, equal to 3.14 approximately.
+ Area of a Circle: Area of a circle with radius r units is equal to 7tr
sq units.
+ Area of a Ring:

The region enclosed between two concentric circles of different radii is called a ring.
Area of path formed between two concentric circular regions = (nR2 - nr2 ) sq. units
= 7t (R 2 - r 2 ) square units
= 1t (R + r) (R - r) square units

11 . Perimeter and Area

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

0 The circumference of a circle is 44 m.

What is its area?
e What is the breadth of a rectangular sheet
of perimeter 100 em and length 35 em?

(A) 6084.5 m 2 (B) 276.5 m 2 (A) 35cm (B) 20cm
(C) 154m2 (D) 44m 2 (C) 15cm (D) 50 em
If the area of a circle is 2464 m 2, find its
G) A wall hanging is in the shape given in
the figure. Find its perimeter.

(A) 56 m (B) 154m
(C) 176m (D) 206m
The circular grass lawn of radius 35 m
has a path of width 7 m around it on the
outside. What is the area of the path?

(A) 1496 m 2 (B) 1450 m 2
(C) 1576m2 (D) 1694 m 2 (A) 176 em (B) 146 em
The difference between the circumference (C) 44 em (D) 88 em
and radius of a circle is 37 m. What is the • A wire bent in the form of a circle of radius
circumference of the circle? 42 em is again bent in the form of a square.

(A) 7 m (B) 44 m What is the ratio of the regions enclosed
(C) 154m (D) 88 m by the circle and the square?
How many plants (approximately) will be (A) 11 : 12 (B) 21 : 33
there in a circular bed whose outer edge (C) 22 : 33 (D) 14 : 11
measures 30 em allowing 4 cm 2 for each
41) The length and the breadth of a
rectangular piece of land are 400 m and

(A) 18 (B) 750 250 m respectively. What is the cost of
(D) 24 (D) 120 the land at ( 1000 per square metre?
When the circumference and area of a (A) ( 10 lakhs (B) ( 1 crore
circle are numerically equal, what is the (C) ( 10 crores (D) ( 10 thousands
diameter numerically equal to? • In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram.
(A) Area (B) Circumference DL _l AB and DM _l BC. If AB =18cm,
(C) 21t (D) 4
BC =12 em and DM = 10 em, find DL.
0 If the ratio of circumferences of two circles
is 4 : 9, what is the ratio of their areas?
- - - - - - ----- I
,....-------==--"'- D

(A) 9:4 (B) 16:81
(C) 4:9 (D) 2:3
If the area of a circle is A, radius is r and
circumference is C, which of the following
is true? (A) 6 ! em (B) 6 em
(A) rC = 2A (B)
A 2
r2 A (C) 6 f cm (D) 6 t cm
(C) AC =- (D) - = C
4 r

II 11. Perimeter and Area

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• In the fo ll owing figure, ABCD is a

parallelogram. DL _i AB and AB = 13 em
= AD. If the area of paralle logram is
156 cm 2, find AL.
c ,.....---------,
One side of a parallelogram is 2.4 dam
and its area is 576 m 2• Find the corre-
sponding altitude.
(A) 24 m
(C) 24 dm
(B) 24 em
(D) 24 dam
A field is in the form of a parallelogram
whose base is 420 m and altitude is
3.6 dam. Find the cost of watering the
field at 10 paise per sq m.
(A) ~ 15120 (B) ~ 1512
(A) 5 em (B) 6 em (C) 7 em (D) 8 em (C) ~ 151.20 (D) ~ 1512.28
The length and breadth of a rectangular Find the area of the triangle whose base
hall in a model are 0.4 m and 30 em is 14 dam and height is 650 em.
respectively. What is the distance
(A) 455 dm2 (B) 455 dam 2
between the opposite corners of the
(C) 455 cm 2 (D) 455 m2
wall in the model?
Find the altitude of a triangle whose base
(A) 34.16 m (B) 50 m
is 24 em and area is 672 cm 2 .
(C) 34.16 em (D) 50 em
(A) 48 em (B) 56 em (C) 46 m (D) 58 em
In the figure given, PR = 22 em,
SN = MQ = 3 em. What is the area of PQRS? Two sides of a right triangle containing
the right angle are 100 em and 8.6 em.
s Find its area.
(A) 430 sq. em (B) 43 sq. m
p (C) 430 sq. m (D) 430 em
If ABCD is a rectangle having length
R 30 em and breadth 20 em, E, F and G are
midpoints of AB, CD and AD respectively,
find the area of the unshaded part.

(A) 66 sq. em (B) 63 sq. em
(C) 34 sq. em (D) 198 sq. em
Find the area of a verandah 2.25 m wide
constructed outside a room 5.5 m long A E B
and 4 m wide. (A) 400 cm 2 (B) 450 cm 2
(C) 375 cm 2 (D) 500 cm 2
(A) 36 sq. m (B) 63 sq. m
(C) 64 sq. m (D) 84 sq. m What is the difference of circumferences
of the circles shown?
The longer side of a parallelogram is
81 em and the corresponding altitude is
16 em. If the length of shorter side is
24 em, what is the altitude corresponding
to the shorter side?
(A) 36 em (B) 48 em
(A) 22 em (B) 20 em
(C) 54 em (D) 24 em
(C) 24 em (D) 26 em

11 . Perimeter and A rea

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• In a parallelogram ABCD, the diagonal

AC measures 34 m and the per-
pendicular distance of AC from either of
the vertices Band D is 12 m. Find area of
The playground of school is as shown.


(A) 204 sq. m (B) 408 sq. m What is the perimeter of the playground?
(C) 816 sq. m (D) 806 sq. m (A) 420 m (B) 200 m (C) 220 m (D) 840 m
ABCD is a rectangle having length The hour hand of a clock is 4.5 em long. What
30 em and breadth 25 em. P. Q, R and S distance does its tip cover in 12 hours?

are midpoints of AB, BC, CD and AD
(A) 28 m (B) 336 em
respectively. What is the area of the
(C) 28.28 em (D) 12 em
shaded part?

D R C The figure shows a parallelogram PQRS.

s Q

A p B
(A) 375m 2 (B) 375 cm 2 P 20cm Q
(C) 475m2 (D) 425 cm 2 What is its area ?
If ABCD is a parallelogram, what is the (A) 100 cm 2 (B) 1 m2 (C) 100 em (D) 1 m
ratio of areas of parallelogram ABCD and The measurements in the given figure
!:! ABC? are in em.
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2: 1 L
(C) 3:2 (D) 2:3
2(x + 3) x+S
What is the area of the shaded part in
the figure given that the side of square h
ABCD is 90 m and the side of square PQRS 6x+9
is 100m? What is its area?

(A) 200 cm 2 (B) 186 cm 2
(C) 210 cm 2 (D) 196 cm 2

~ _f> Previous Contest Questions~

Q~o-----' P 1 If the length of the diagonal of a square
(A) 1900 sq m (B) 2000 sq m is 12 J2 em, what is its perimeter?

(C) 1000 sq m (D) 2500 sq m
(A) 38 em (B) 44 em
A farmer had a rectangular plot (C) 48cm (D) 54 em
measuring 500 m by 100 m. If he fences
If the perimeter of a semicircle is
the plot 4 times with barbed wire, what
144 em, what is its area?
length of wire was used?
(A) 1232 cm 2 (B) 1223 cm 2
(A) 4800 m (B) 1000 m
(C) 1322 cm 2 (D) 1323 cm 2
(C) 300 m (D) 1200 m

II 11 . Perimeter and A rea

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• The diameter of a wheel of a cycle is 70 em. It

moves slowly along a road. What distance
will it cover in 24 complete revolutions? • Find the difference between the
perimeters of the square and circle in the
figure given.

(A) 5820 em (B) 5280 em
(C) 5028 em (D) 5082 em
If the perimeter of a square increases by
25%, what is the increase in its area?

(A) 245 % (B) 235% (A) 57.2 em (B) 15.6 em
4 4 (C) 72.8 em (D) 52.7 em

(C) 225 % (D) 215 % The length around a rectangular mat is
4 4 21 m. If its length is 5 m 60 em, what is its
How many square centimetres make width?
1 square metre? (A) 4 m 90cm (B) 490 m

(A) 100 (B) 10000 (C) 49 m (D) 49 em
(C) 1000 (D) 100000 The perimeter of rectangular piece of
Find the circumference of the semicircu- paper is 56 em. If the length is three times
lar region w ith diameter 10 em. its width, what is its width?

(A) 8 em (B) 56 em
(A) -em (B) 25~ em (C) 7 em (D) 21 em
7 7

5 The floor of a room measures 12 m by 10
(C) 27- em (D) 25 em m. A carpet is placed on the floor from
wall to wall. What is the area of the carpet?
If the radius of a circle is increased by 1
unit, what is the ratio of circumference (A) 120 m 2 (B) 1200 m
and the diameter of circle so formed? (C) 120m (D) 1200 m 2

(A) 1t : 1 (B) 1 : 1t (C) 1t : 3 (D) 3 : 1t

11 . Perimeter and Area

Algebraic Expressions

+ Algebra: It is a branch of mathematics in which we use literal numbers and statements

symbolically. Literal numbers can be positive or negative. They are variables.
+ Variable: A symbol which takes various values is known as a variable. Normally it is denoted
by x, y, z etc.
+ Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant.
Sometimes, 'c', 'k', etc., are used as symbols to denote a constant.
+ Coefficient: In a term of an algebraic expression any of the factors with the sign of the
term is called the coefficient of the product of the other factors in that term.
Sometimes, symbols like a, b, l, m etc., are used to denote the coefficients. Coefficients that
are numbers are called numerical coefficients.
+ Algebraic expression: A combination of constants and variables connected by some or all
of the four fundamental operations +, -, x and 7 is called an algebraic expression.
e.g., -5p + 12 is an algebraic expression.
Here -5 is the coefficient of the variable 'p' and 12 is the constant.
+ Terms of an algebraic expression: The different parts of the algebraic expression separated
by the sign + or -, are called the terms of the expression.
e.g., 3x - 5 + 4xy is an algebraic expression containing 3 terms -3x, -5 and 4xy.
+ Like and unlike terms: In a given algebraic expression, the terms having the same literal
factors are called like or similar terms, otherwise they are called unlike terms.
e.g., 3xy and -4xy are like terms while 6xy and -4x are unlike terms.
+ Factors: Each term of an algebraic expression consists of a product of constants and
A constant factor is called a numerical factor, while a variable factor is known as a literal
+ Various types of algebraic expressions:
(i) Monomial: An algebraic expression which contains only one term, is called a
Thus, Sx, 2xy, -3a 2b, -7, etc., are all monomials.
(ii) Binomial: An algebraic expression containing two terms is called a binomial.
Thus, (2a + 3b), (8- 3x), (x 2 - 4xy 2), etc., are all binomials.
(iii) Trinomial : An algebraic expression containing three terms is called a trinomial.

Thus, (a + 2b + 5c), (x + 2y- 3z), (x 3 - y3- z3), etc., are all trinomials.

12. Algebraic Expressions

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(iv) Polynomial: An expression containing two or more terms is called a polynomial.

+ Addition of Algebraic Expressions: While adding algebraic expressions, we collect the like
terms and add them. The sum of several like terms is another like term whose coefficient
is the sum of the coefficients of those like terms. The like terms are added and the unlike
terms are left as they are.
+ Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions: The d ifference of two like terms is a like term whose
coefficient is the difference of the numerical coefficients of the two like terms.
e.g., 4x2 - 6x 2 = (4- 6)x2 =- 2x 2
Rule for subtraction: Change the sign of each term of the expression to be subtracted and
then add.
+ Value of an expression: The value of an algebraic expression depends on the values of the
variables forming the expression.
+ Using algebraic expressions- Formulae and Rules:
Rules and formulae in mathematics are written in a concise and general form using algebraic
Thus, the area of a rectangle = lb, where l is the length and b is the breadth of the rectangle.
The general (nth) term of a number pattern (or a sequence) is an expression in 'n'.
Thus, the nth term of the number pattern 11, 21, 31, 41, .... is (1On + 1).

0 If x + y = S, y + z = 7 and z + x
the value of x + y + z?
=12, what is parallel to the breadth. What is the total
area of the paths?
(A) 12 (B) 2 (C) S (D) 24 (A) (Z+w)(b+w)-Zb

0 (B) l b- (l - w) (b- w)

How many auxiliary formulae can be
formed from the expression in the box? (C) (l + b - w) w
(D) l b- (l - 2w) (b- 2w)
In a two digit number, the units digit is x

[ A =th(a+b) ]
and tens digit is (x + 3). What is the sum
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1 of the digits in the number?

What is the d ifference between 3a + 2b (A) 11 X + 3 (B) 2x + 3
and -2a- Sb? (C) 3 + x (D) 11x + 30
(A) Sa + 7b (B) -Sa- 7b A and B are polynomials and each is the
(C) Sa- 7b (D) a- 3b

additive inverse of the other. What does
The length and breadth of a rectangular it mean?
plot are l and b. Two rectangular paths (A) A = B
each of width 'w' run inside the plot one (B) A + B is a zero polynomial.
parallel to the length and the other (C) A - B is a zero polynomial.
(D) A- B = B- A

12. Algebraic Expressions

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

8 When a certain number, 'm' is divided by 5 (C) (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)

and added to 8, the result is equal to thrice (D) (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(d)
the number subtracted from 4. What is the Which of the following is true?
value of 'm'? (A) The product of numbers p and q
subtracted from 7 is 7 + pq.
(A) 2 (B) ~ (C) ~ (D)
(B) y- y 3 is a monomial.
• 5 added to thrice a number is equal to 12
(C) The coefficient of y 2 in 2x2y + 7y2
added to twice the number. What is the is 7.
(D) 100z3 is a binomial.
If x = 3, a = (-1) and b = (-2), what is the

(A) F49 X~ (B) ~343 X!._

7 value of 2- 6x + 4a- 3b?
(C) 7 (D) Both (B) and (C)

(A) -22 (B) - 14 (C) 12 (D) 14
In the figure given what is the perimeter,
For what value of 'm' is 9 - 5m = (-1 )?
in em, of the triangle ?
(A) -1 (B) -2 (C) 2 (D) 1
• Simplify x2yl- 1.5 x 2f + 1.4x2yl.
(A) 0.9x2yl (B) -0.9x 2yl

(C) 0.9 (D) - 0.9
What is the value of
(3x - 2) em
(a 3 - 2a2+ 4a- 5)- (-a 3 - 8a + 2a 2+ 5)?
(A) (8y + 4x - 3) em
(B) (8y - 4x + 3) em (A) 2a 3 + 7a2+ 6a - 10
(B) 2a 3 +7a2+12a-10
(C) (14x- 2y - 3) em
(C) 2a 3 -4a 2+12a-10
(D) (12xy- 3) em
(D) 2a 3 -4a 2+ 6a-10

If c= x - a , find the value of x . By how much is x 4 - 4x2y2 + y4 less than x4

x - b + 8x2y2 + y4?
bC - a C- a (A) -12x2y2 (B) 12xly2
(A) -c --
(B) - -
C- b (C) -12xy (D) 12xy

C +a
- - 1- c a2
a - bC What is the sum of 2
2 3 3
Match the following. 2a 3b 4c 2 J J
-+-- - and a +b +c?
3 4 5 .
Column - 1 Column - II
1 3
(i) 4m2p, 4mp 2 ( ) (a) Binomial (A) ~a + ~b 3 - - c
6 12 20
(ii) 5 - 3t ( ) (b) Unlike terms
(B) ~a2- _1 bJ + ~cJ
5 6 20 12
(ii i) -7x -2 x
( ) (c) Trinomial

(iv) 1 +x+x 2 ( ) (d) Like ter ms

(A) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d) 25 1

+ -a3 + - cJ
(B) (i)-(b), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(d), (iv)-(c) 12 20

II 12. Algebraic Expressions

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Match the following.

a' - b.. when
( ) (a)
Column - II

• For any natural number n, what does
2n + 1 denote?
(A) An even number
(B) An odd number

a= 3 and b = 2
z3 - 3 (z -10) (C) A composite number
(ii) ( ) (b) -12
when z= 10 (D) A prime number
i+ 2x + 1
( ) (c) 1000 Identify the like terms in
21 p - 32 - 7p + 20p.
Sp - 2 when
(iv) ( ) (d) 1 (A) 21p, - 32 and 20p
(B) -32, -7p and 20p

(A) (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c)
(C) 21p, -7pand20p
(B) (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
(D) -7p, 21p, and 32
(C) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii) -(c), (iv)-(d) What is the symbolic form of "one-fourth
(D) (i)-(d), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(b) of the product of m and n"?
Simplify the following expression.
x (y - z) - y (z - x) - z (x - y)
(A) ~mn
(B) t (m + n)

1 (m-n)
(A) 2x (y- z) (C) (D) j_m
(B) 2y (z- x)
4 4 n

(C) 2x (z- y) What do we call the algebraic terms with

(D) 2z(x- y) same literal coefficients?

What is the 4 1h term of a pattern (A) Equivalent (B) Unlike terms

described by the expression n 2 + 1? (C) Constants (D) Like terms
(A) 18 (B) 17 (C) 24 (D) 16 What is the coefficient of 'y ' in the
expression 3xy - 13?
The third term of the series 7n + 20 is 41.
What is the 1Oth term ? (A) 3x (B) 3
(C) -13 (D) Either (A) or (B)
(A) 90 (B) 56 (C) 63 (D) 87
. l'f
S1mp 1y -3 x - -2 ax - y + -1 ax - -1 x an d
What is the expression related to the 4 5 3 8
pattern 5, 8, 11, .......? find its value when a = 3, x = (-2) and

(A) 2n - 1 (B) 3n + 2 y = (-6).
(C) 4n + 1 (D) n2 - 1
(A) 5 230 (B) 3 230 (C) ~~ (D) 52~
Which expression gives the predecessor
A rectangle is 3p em long and 2p em
of a natural number 'n' ?
wide. Find the perimeter of the rectangle
(A) 2n-1 (B) n + 1
when p = 12.
(C) n-1 (D) 2n +1
(A) 102 em (B) 120 em
If 'n' denotes a natural number, what
(C) 210 em (D) 10p em
does '2n' denote?
From the sum of 7x - 2y - 3z and
(A) A prime number
3x + 5y - 8z, take away x - 3z.
(B) An even number
(A) 9x- 3y + 8z (B) 9x + 3y- 8z
(C) An odd number
(D) A composite number (C) 9x + 3y + 8z (D) 9x - 3y- 8z

12. Algebraic Expressions

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cl ass VII - Mathematics

The angles of a quadrilateral are (p+25) 0 ,
2p , (2p - 1St and (p + 20) • What is the
0 0
A basket has 23 oranges and bananas.
How many bananas are there in the

value of the smallest angle? basket if there are 'p' oranges in it?
(A) 23 p (B) 23 - p (C) 23 + p (D) p - 23
(A) 105° (B) 65° (C) 115° (D) 65°
'x' packets of 6 sweets each are divided
The sides of a right angled triangle are
2a em, (2a + 2) em and (4a- 2) em long. equally among 10 children. How many
What is the length of the shortest side of sweets does each child get ?

® ;'§Jt.JfWMM'·!f'i1it.!ifP •
the triangle if its perimeter is 24 em? (A) 6x (B) 6x- 10
(A) 8 em (B) 6 em (C) 10 em (D) 3 em 3
(C) ; (D) 3x - 5

I The length of a rectangle is 2(x + 6) em,

and its width is half its length. What is its
What is the sum of 3y2 + Syz, perimeter?
-2/ - 2yz - z2 and -yz + 2z 2?

(A) 6(x - 3) em (B) 6(x - 6) em

(A) y - 2yz + z
2 2
(B) y2 + 2yz + z 2 (C) 3(x + 6) em (D) (6x + 36) em
(C) l- 2yz - z2 (D) -y 2 + 2yz- z2
Evaluate the expression.
(66x + 44) + ~(33x
- 33) .

p-(p-q)-q-(q-p) (A) 33x + 7 (B) 33x - 7

(A) p - q (B) - p + q (C) 33x - 7x (D) 33 + 7x
(C) p + q (D) - (p + q) Express in the simplest form .
What is the value of the expression r-----------------~
9 5
2x 2 y + xy 2 + xy for x = 1 andy = - 2?

- (30 + St) + - (1St -12)
10 6
(A) -2 (B) -3 (C) -4 (D) -5

If P + 45 (4- 2P) = -4, find P. (B) 17t -

(A) -6 (B) 6 (C) 18 (D) -18
How is "4 is less than half of x " written in (D) 17t + ~
symbolic form ?

(A) 4 > ~ (B) x- 4

2 2
(C) .: + 4 (D) 4 < _:
2 2

II 12. Al gebraic Expressions

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Exponents and Powers

+ Exponential form is the short form of repeated multiplication . A number written in

exponential form contains a base and an exponent.
10 5 is the exponential form of 1,00,000, since 1,00,000 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10.
In 105, 10 is the base and 5 is the exponent or index or power.
+ Base denotes the number to be multiplied and the power denotes the number of times
the base is to be multiplied.
a x a = a2 (read as 'a squared ' or 'a raised to the power 2')
a x a x a = a3 ( read as 'a cubed' or 'a raised to the power 3')
a x a x a x a = a4 (read as 'a raised to the power 4' or 4th power of a)

a x a x a .... (n factors) = an (read as 'a raised to the power n' or nth power of a)
• (i) When a negative number is raised to an even power the value is always positive.
e.g., (- 5) 4 = (- 5) X (-5) X (-5) X (-5) = + 625
(ii) When a negative number is raised to an odd power, the value is always negative.
e.g., (-3) 5 = (-3) X (-3) X (-3) X (-3) X (-3) = (-243)
Note: (a) (-1 )oddnumber =_1
(b) (-1 )evennumber = +1

+ Laws of Exponents:
For any non -zero integers 'a' and 'b' and whole numbers 'm' and 'n:
(i) a X a X a X ...... X a (m faCtOrS) = am
(ii) am X an= am +n (v) (ab)m = ambm

am am
= am- n' if m > n (vi)
(~J bm
= 1, ifm = n (vii) ao = 1

ifm < n

(iv) (am)n = amn

+ Any number can be expressed as a decimal number between 1.0 and 10.0 including 1.0
multiplied by a power of 10. Such a form of a number is called its standard form.

II 13. Exponents and Powers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• What is the value of ( '! -4° ) x 52?

CD iJ.

Evaluate (
(A) 25 (B) 0 (C) - 25 (D) 1

What is the value of ( 81

16 ) ?
(A) ( ~ J (B) (56)5 (C) ~: (D) (55)6

4D Which of the following values are equal?

J (D) 827
(A)~ (B) - (C) ( 3
(i) 1
(ii) 4° (iii) 0
(iv) 4 1
2 9
Which of the following is true? (A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (iii) (D) (i) and (iv)

(A) 10 X 1011 = 100 11 (B) 23 X 32= 65
What is the sum of the powers of the
(C) 23> 32 (D) p0= 1000° prime factors in 108x 192?
What is the value of (12 x 3°-8 x 5°)? (A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 12

(B) 2 (C) 4 • Express ( - 2)
.;. m3 in the form ( ~
(-! J
Find the value of 2° + 3° + 4°.
- 23
(A) 3 (B) 234 (C) 1 (D) 24 (A) m3 (B)

What is the value of 2 x 53?7

(- 2)3
(A) 7500 (B) 16000 (C) 11200 (D) 14000 2)(-21
(D)- ( m
(C) m3 ~)
Which of the following is the least?

3 5
[ (-1f, (-10) , (1) and (-1) J
G) What is the value of [ ( ~ J-(~ J] x
2 ?

(A) 15 (B) (-1 0)3 (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(C) (-1)4 (D) (-1 )3
A 2x 3 x 25 4

Write a X a X a X C X C X C X C X d X d W What is the result of x

9 42
in exponential form. (A) 36 (B) 42 (C) 46 (D) 48

(A) a3c3d3 (B) a3c3d
(C) a3c3d2 (D) a3c4d2
(-11 )2 x (- 11) 4=(-11)x. What is the value
CD Express
729 X 64
as a product of pnme
factors in exponential form.
of x?
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) - 2
Which of the following statements is
(A) (23)2and (3 2)4 are not the same.
• How is 65950 expressed in standard form?
(B) (23)2 and (3 4)2 are the same.
(C) (750)2 = 7502 (A) 6.59 X 106 (B) 6.595 X 105
(C) 6.595 X 10 4 (D) 6.59 X 105
(D) (5 7)3 = 573

13. Exponents and Powers

Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Express 15625 as a power of 5.

(A) 56 (B) 54

Find the value of 164 x 4 2 .

(C) 58
3 -1
(D) 57
Find the numerical value of 256°·75.
(A) 64

(B) 256
(a-n)m X a-2m
amn X a2m
(C) 1 (D) 4-3

(A) 8 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 0 (A) a2m(n-2l (B) a2m(2n-4)

-3 (C) a-2m(n+2) (D) a2m(n-4)
Find the numerical value of (4096f4 . 1 -1

(16a 2)2 x (36 a4 )2

1 Simplify 1 3 9
(A) 1024 (B) 512 (C) 256 (D) 2al 5al 8a4
512 X X

(A) 120 a4 (B) 25
120 a 4
13 -25 25
1 (C) 24 a 4
(D) 24 a 4
(B) 5[ mzn61o ] '
Express 62x 7-4 x (8-2)2 x 63 x 72 x 84 in

the simplest exponential form.

(C) i [ m~-1o
2 ] 1/3
(D) [
2 ] 2/3
(A) 65 72 (B)
G Solve 9 4x .;- 32x = 2187. (C) 6-5 72 (D) 6-5 7-2
(A) x = -
(B) X= -
G) Solve 92x = 729.

7 -6 3 2
(C) X= - (D) X= - (A) x =- (B) x =-
6 7 4 3
Simplify and leave the answer in 5 3
(C) X= - (D) x =-
exponent form. 6 2

(I. r G Find the value of x.


=sn ]
7 6J
[ (53)"' X (Ss)x

(A) ~ (B) 1
(A) X=
6- (B) x = 9
~ 6

(D) (C) X= (D) X= 8
(C) 7 7

43 24 -23 Simplify -1b-s 9 1ob11 -12 13b-14 15 .

Simplify P q x P r x q r . a c xa c xa c
p -3q3r3
(A) a11b1sc-15
(A) p3q4r7 (B) p3q4r1o (B) a11b1sc15
(C) a-11b-1sc15
(C) p-sq2r-4 (D) psq-2r4 (D) a-11b1sc15

II 13. Exponents and Powers

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

~Previous Contest Questions~
The mass of the Earth is 5,976,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000 kg. How is the mass
of Earth expressed in standard form?
• The speed of light in vacuum is
300, 000, 000 ms-1 . Express it in standard
form .
(A) 3.Q
X108 mS- 1
3.0 x 1010 ms- 1

(A) 5.976 X 1024 kg (C) 3.0 x 10 6 ms- 1
(B) 5.976 X 10 21 kg (D) 3.0 x 1012 ms- 1

(C) 5976 X 1021kg
Which is greater 23 or 52?
(D) 59.76x 10 23 kg
(A) Both are equal.
What is the simplified form of
(B) 23
(-5xy) 4 + (-5xy)2?

(C) 52

(A) (-5xy)6 (B) (-5xy)8 (D) Cannot be determined.
(C) (-5xy) 4 (D) (-5xy)2
Which of the following equals (-1)?
Solve (9
Y= (9
r .;. 92.

(A) (3 - 2)2 35 (A) x = 4 (B) x = - 2

(B) (-1)47 (C) X=- 3 (D) x = 2

(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
What is the simplified form of the product
given? (A) 2-l•
(C) 2lt
4 5 6
( (-3p) (6q) (3r)

(A) (-3)15 25 p4 q5rs

(B) p4 q5 rs
(C) 315 25 p4 q5rs
(D) (-3)1525 p4 q4r4

13. Exponents and Powers


+ Linear symmetry : If a line divides a given figure into two coinciding parts, we say that the
figure is symmetrical about the line and the line is called the axis of symmetry or line
of symmetry.


+ A line of symmetry is also called a mirror line.

+ A figure may have no line of symmetry, only one line of symmetry, two lines of symmetry
or multiple lines of symmetry.
+ Regular polygons have equa l sides and equal ang les. They have mu ltiple li nes of
+ Each regular polygon has as many lines of symmetry as its sides.
+ A scalene triangle has no line of symmetry.
+ A parallelogram has no line of symmetry.
+ A line segment is symmetrical about its perpendicular bisector.
+ An angle with equal arms has one line of symmetry.
+ An isosceles triangle has one line of symmetry.
+ An isosceles trapezium has one line of symmetry.
+ A sem icircle has one line of symmetry.
+ A kite has one line of symmetry.
+ A rectangle has two lines of symmetry.
+ A rhombus has two lines of symmetry.
+ An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry.
+ A square has four lines of symmetry.
+ A circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry.
+ In English alphabet, the letters A, B, C, D, E, K, M, T. U, V, W andY have one line of symmetry
and the letters H, I, X have two lines of symmetry.

II • 14. Symmetry
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

+ In English alphabet, the letters F, G, J, L, N, P, 0. R. Sand Z have no line of symmetry. The letter
0 has many lines of symmetry.
+ The line symmetry is closely related to mirror reflection. When dealing with mirror reflec-
t ion, we have to take into account the left H right changes in orientation.
+ Point symmetry: A figure is said to be symmetric about a point 0 , called the centre of
symmetry, if corresponding to each point P on the figure, there exists a point P' on the
other side of the centre, which is exactly opposite to the point P and lies on the figure.

Note: A figure that possesses a point symmetry, regains its original shape even after
being rotated through 180".

(i) (ii) {iii)

Sh s
p p
p B


D p' c p' P'

Letters of the English

Une of symmetry
A, M, T, U, V, W andY Vertical
B, C, D, E and K Horizont al
H, I and X Both vertical and horizontal
F, G, J, L, N, P, Q, R, Sand Z None
0 Infin itely many

+ Rotational symmetry: A figure is said to have rotational symmetry if it fits onto itself more
than once during a complete rotation.
+ The number of times a figure fits onto itself in one complete rotation is called the order of
rotational symmetry.
+ A line segment AB possesses a rotational symmetry of order 2 about the midpoint 0 of
the line segment.
+ An equilateral triangle ABC possesses a rotational symmetry of order 3 about the point of
intersection 0 of the bisectors of the interior angles.
+ A square ABCD possesses a rotational symmetry of order 4 about the point of intersection
0 of its diagonals.
+ A rhombus ABC D possesses a rotat iona l symmetry of order 2 about the po int of
intersection 0 of its diagonals.
+ A rectangle ABCD possesses a rotational symmetry of order 2 about the point of
intersection 0 of its diagonals.
+ A parallelogram ABCD possesses a rotational symmetry of order 2 about the point of
intersection 0 of its diagonals.

14. Symmetry
rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

• A regular pentagon possesses a rotational symmetry of order 5 about the point of

intersection 0 of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the pentagon.
• A regular hexagon possesses a rotational symmetry of order 6 about the centre 0 of the
• A circle with centre 0 possesses a rotationa l symmetry of an infinite order about the
centre 0.
• The following letters of the English alphabet have rotational symmetry about the point
marked on them.

0 Which of the following alphabets has a

• (B)~
vertical line of symmetry?
(A) M (B) B (C) Q (D) E (A)?

Which of the following alphabets has a

horizontal line of symmetry?

(A) C (B) K (C)¢=::> (D)
(C) D (D) All the above
Which of the following figures has
Which of the following alphabets has no rotational symmetry of order more

line of symmetry? than 1?

(A) A (B) B (C) p (D) 0

Which of the following alphabets has

many lines of symmetry? (A) (B)
(A) I (B) 0 (C) P (D) F
Which of the following triangles has no

line of symmetry? (C) (D) All of these
(A) An equilateral triangle
(B) An isosceles triangle

What is the order of rotational symmetry
(C) A scalene triangle for the given figure?
(D) All of the above

What is the mirror image of B in a

horizontal mirror?

(A) B (B) (C) cc (D) a~
(A) 4 (B) 3
Which of the following figures has only (C) 2 (D) 1
two lines of symmetry?

II 14. Symmetry
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 What is the order of rotational symmetry

for the given figure?
0 What is the order of rotational symmetry
of the English alphabet Z?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
Which of these quadrilaterals have both
line and rotational symmetries of order
more than 3?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 12 (A) A triangle (B) A square
(C) A kite (D) A rectangle
• Which of the following figures has only
one line of symmetry? • Which of these letters has only rotational


(A) ~
(A) S (B) E (C) B (D) P
• A square has a rotational symmetry of
(B) order 4 about its centre. What is the angle
of rotation?
(A) 45° (B) 90° (C) 180° (D) 270°
What is the order of rotational symmetry
of the figure given?

(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 3

(21-28): Find the number of lines of
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 1 (D) 3 symmetry of each of the figures
• In the given figure, the dotted line is the given.
line of symmetry. Which figure is formed
if the given figure is reflected in the
dotted line?

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 8 (D) 4

(A) A square (B) A rhombus

(C) A triangle (D) A pentagon
• What is the other name for a line of
symmetry of a circle?

(A) An arc (B) A sector (A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 8 (D) 6
(C) A diameter (D) A radius
• In 1}. XVZ , XV = XZ and XM _i VZ and
ZP _i XV . About which of the following
is the triangle symmetrical?
(A) XM (B) VN (A) 2 (B) 0
(C) ZP (D) XZ (C) 1 (D) Infinitely many

14. Symmetry
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

(A)o (B)*
Identify the figure with 5 lines of symmetry.

0 (D)()
(A) 4 (B) 8
(C) 2 (D) Infinitely many


What is the order of rotational symmetry

of the figure given ?

(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 8

(A) 3 (B) 1

(C) 5 (D) Infinitely many
What is the order of rotational symmetry
of the given figure?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
Which of the given figures has an order

4 rotational symmetry?
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 3 (D) 4
(A) @ (B) • Which figure completes the figure given
about the line l, the line of symmetry.

(C) 0 (D)© [·~-+l]

Find the order of rotational symmetry
of the given figure. (A)
______\._. z

(B) ·~-+ l

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8 (C) •~-+ l

Which of the English alphabets has a
rotational symmetry of order 0? (D) +-~• l
(A) H (B) A (C) I (D) N

II 14. Symmetry
BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

What is the order of rotational symmetry

of given figure?
• Which of these letters of the English
alphabet has reflectional symmetry
about a vertical mirror?

(A) U (B) B
(C) p (D) F
p = No. of lines of symmetry of a square,
(A) 3 (B) 6 q = No. of lines of symmetry of a rectangle.
(C) 0 (D) Many Which of the following is true?

Which of the following figures has both linear (A) p < q (B) p = q
symmetry and rotational symmetry? (C) q > p (D) p > q
(A) An isosceles triangle A figure looks exactly the same as its
(B) A scalene triangle

original position after a 60° rotation
(C) A parallelogram about its centre. At which other angle
(D) A square does this repeat?

Which of the following is the odd one out? (A) 600 (B) 120°
(A) A pentagon (C) 270° (D) 45°
(B) A scalene triangle Which of these letters of the English
(C) A semicircle alphabet has both multiple line and
(D) An isosceles triangle rotational symmetries?

Which of the following statements is (A) 0 (B) S
(C) H (D) L
Which of the following is matched
(A) An equilateral triangle has three
lines of symmetry.
(B) A rectangle has four lines of symmetry. Lines of Order of
Figure symmetry rotational
(C) A circle has only one line of symmetry. symmetry
(D) A parallelogram has two lines of An isosceles
symmetry. (A) 1 0


(B) A rhombus 2 2
Previous Contest Questions.....
A parallelo-
(C) 2 0
How many lines of symmetry does a

Infinitely Infinitely
regular polygon have? (D) A circle
many many
(A) Infinitely many
(B) As many as its sides Find the order of rotational symmetry

(C) Only one of the following figure.
(D) Zero
Which of these has 3 lines of symmetry?
(A) Any triangle.
(B) An isosceles triangle.
(C) An equilateral triangle. (A) 0 (B) 1
(D) A right angled triangle. (C) 2 (D) 3

14. Symmetry
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Visualising Solid Shapes

(v) Cube
+ Descript ion of Some Basic Shapes:
(i) Square

Corner ~..__~t--J
It has 6 flat faces, 8 vertices and 12
It has four sides and four corners.
straight edges.
All its sides are of the same length.
(vi) Cylinder
(ii) Rectangle


Corner~-- r ,;,,

It has four sides and four corners.

Curved face
The opposite sides of a rectangle
are of the same length.
(iii) Triangle
Curved edge

It has 3 faces ---7 1 curved face and 2

flat faces.
It has 2 curved edges.

It has three sides and three verti-

(viQ Cone
(iv) Cuboid Curved face

Curved edge
Flat face
L...---------1'--~ Vertex
It has 2 faces ---7 1 curved face and
It has 6 flat faces, 12 straight edges 1 flat face.
and 8 vertices.
It has 1 curved edge.

15. Visualising Solid Shapes

rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

+ Three dimensional shapes have length, breadth and height or depth.

+ Two-dimensional shapes have only length and breadth.
+ Three-dimensional (or 3-D) shapes can be visualised on a two-dimensional (or 2-D)
+ A net is a skeleton-outline in 2-D which when folded results in a 3-D shape. The same solid
can have several types of nets.
+ Dice are cubes with dots on each face. Opposite faces of a die always have a total of seven
dots on them. Some dice have number, 1 to 6 on their faces.
+ A solid can be sketched in two ways.
(a) An oblique sketch which does not have proportional lengths, but conveys all important
aspects of the appearance of the solid.
(b) An isometric sketch, drawn on an isometric dot paper, which has proportional
measurements of the solid.
+ Different sections of a solid can be viewed in many ways:
(a) Slicing the shape results in the cross-section of the solid.
(b) Observing a 2-D shadow of a 3-D shape.
(c) Looking at the shape from different angles, i.e., the front-view, the side-view and the

• Description of few more solid shapes

Name of
S.No. Figure Description Components
the figure

A triangular prism

pr ism 1\ \ resem bl es a
kale idoscope.
It has triangular
Faces : 5
Edges : 9
Ver tices : 6

Tr iangular
pyramid Faces : 4
It has a tria ngular
2. or Edges: 6
Tetra- Ver tices :4

Faces : 5
Square It has a square as its
3. Edges: 8
pyramid base.
Ver tices: 5

No flat face. Faces : 1

4. Sphere It has only a Edges : 0
spherical face. Ver tices : 0

II 15. Visualising Solid Shapes

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

0 How many edges does the following

figure have?
• Which of the following pair of shapes,
when joined together (by placing them

4 nn(B) ~ ~
edge to edge) can form a rectangle?


(A) 12
(C) 6
(B) 8
(D) 4
~~ (D)DV

0 Which of the following figures has six Which of the following is different from
the other three?


(B) (A) Q (B) L I

L 17
)- -
(C) c=J (D) D

(D) A solid object when seen from one side,
looks like this .

Which shape is divided into two EQUAL

b. -0-
parts by the dotted line?

(A) (B)

\11 l//r
The same solid, when viewed from top,
looks like this.

(C) (D)
I /
How many triangles can be seen in this

figure? Which of these shapes could it be?

(A)® (B)

(A) 3
(C) 6
(B) 5
(D) 7
(C) 7
u (D)
15. Visualising Solid Shapes
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• How many corners does the shape g iven


(i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d)
(i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c)
(i)-(c), (ii)-(b), (iiii)-(a), (iv)-(d)
(i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(b)
Wh ich of the following is an oblique
sketch of a cube of edge 4 em?

(A) 6 (B) 10
(C) 12

(D) 13 lem
Identify the correct statement from the
(A) (B) 4 em
./ c em
(A) A triangle has 3 sides and 4 vertices. "' 2em

(B) A cylinder has 3 faces.
'3C'~ ~
(C) All sides of the rectangle are equal. 4em 4cm
(D) A cuboid has 4 flat faces and 12 (C) (D)
straight edges. 4em ~
Rakesh has 10 one rupee coins of similar
• What is the total on the face opposite to
kind. He puts them exactly one on the
4 + 3 on the d ice given?
other. What shape will he get finally?
(A) Circle (B) Cylinder
(C) Cube (D) Cone

CD Identify the false statement from the

(A) 3 (B) 5
(A) A cuboid has 3 pairs of opposite faces.
(C) 12 (D) 7
41) What is the number on the face opposite
(B) The number of vertices of a cube is 6.
(C) All sides of a square are equal.
(D) A cuboid is a three dimensional figure. to 5 on a die?
Match the following. (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 6
Column -I Column -II
0 The oblique sketch of 3 dice each with

(d ( ) (a)
Q 2 em edge placed side by side is given.
What are its respective length, breadth

6 oW
and height?
(ii) ( ) (b)

( ) (c)
(A) 6 em, 2 em, 2 em

(iv) ( ) (d) (B) 6 em, 4 em, 2 em
(C) 4 em, 6 em, 2 em
(D) 2 em, 4 em, 6 em

II 15. Visualising Solid Shapes

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

A die is cut horizontally.What is the cross- (A) A die (B) A match box
section obtained? (C) A pyramid (D) A ball
(A) A triangle (B) A rectangle The front, side and top views of an object
(C) A square (D) A cube is as shown.

Cl) The following figure shows a source of
light (L), a solid (S) and its shadow (P) on

(B) -
a screen (M).
Identify the object.


What is the shape of P?
(C)~ (D)®
(A) A rectangle (B) A sphere Which of the following is a part of the

--.1' 0
(C) A circle (D) A triangle front view of a honey comb?
The shadow of a 3-D object is given.

(A) (B)

Which of following could the object be?

(C) ~ (Dl/ I
(A) A book (B) A ball Identify the front view of the object given.

(C) A die (D) A pipe
The following is the shadow of a 3-D object.

Which of these objects does the shadow
(Al (Bl ---J

belong to?

Observe the object given.

1\ 3-
What is its side view indicated by the
(D) )
(C) -
(A) I(B) \ \
• The front view of a solid is
Which of these is the solid?
~. (C)
D (D)
15. Visualising Solid Shapes
Jl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Which of the following has on ly one f lat

• A hollow pipe is viewed from the side
indicated by the arrow. In which shape is it?

(A) (B) (.___ _ -JIC1 (A) A ring (B) A circle
(C) A cylinder (D) An ellipse

(C) (D) 1\ \ The following arrangement of cubes is

painted blue on all sides.

• Which of the given objects has exactly

two flat faces?

(A) (B) ( ) )

How many square faces are painted

(C) 1\ \ (A) 16
(C) 18
(B) 9
(D) 12

Identify the number of plane faces of the Identify the solid which has the following
given solid. views.

Side view Top view Front view

(A) A cube (B) A cuboid
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) A cone (D) A sphere
(C) 5 (D) 2
Identify the number of vertices of the
• Previous Contest Questions~

given solid.
What is the shape of the given figure?

f-f-~ cJ
• •
(A) 8 (B) 6
(C) 12 (D) 10 (A) A rectangle (B) A square
(C) A quadrilateral (D) A parallelogram
Identify the cross-section of the given
solid at the dotted line. Which of these is the difference between
a cube and a cuboid?


' (A) There is no difference between a


cube and cuboid.
(B) A cube has equal length, breadth and

height where as a cuboid has different

(A) (B)
D measures for length, breadth and height.
(C) A cube has unequal length, breadth

and height and a cuboid has equal

length breadth and height.
(C) (D)
(D) Either (A) or (C).

II 15. Visualising Solid Shapes

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• Which of the given geometric solids has

the maximum number of vertices?
0 Identify the correct statement.
(A) A cone has 2 vertices.

(A) Cone (B) Cylinder (B) A cube has 8 vertices.
(C) Cuboid (D) Pyramid (C) A cylinder has 1 vertex.
(D) A cuboid has 10 faces.
If two cubes of dimensions 3 em by 3 em by
3 em are placed side by side, what would G) The top view and the front view of a solid
are given in the figure.

the dimensions of the resulting cuboid be?
(A) 6 em x 6 em x 6 em
(B) 12 em x 12 em x 12 em

• ct rrr§
(C) 9 em x 6 em x 3 em
(D) 6 em x 3 em x 3 em
Which of the following is not the net of a Top view Front view
Identify the solid.
(A) A cylinder (B) A cone
(C) A prism (D) A pyramid
(A) (B)
Identify the net of the given solid.

(C) Etta (D) ~

• What solid do you get when you give a
vertical cut of a brick of dimensions
5 em x 5 em x 10 em along 10 em side?
? 'Y!1

(A) A cuboid (B) A cylinder (A) (B)
(C) A cube (D) A triangle

What is the shape formed by rotating a
right triangle about its height?

(A) A sphere (B) A cylinder
(C) (D) ¢
(C) A cone (D) A cuboid
Identify the solid with 3 rectangular and
What is the total length of edges of the

following cube?
2 triangular faces, from the following.

(A) (B) ( J

(A) 24 em
(C) 32 em
(B) 30 em
(D) 36 em
(C)£::) (D)~
15. Visualising Solid Shapes
This page is intentionally left blank.
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

1. Shruti and Fida want to buy the same book. Shruti has of the money needed to buy the
book and Fida has half of the money needed to buy the book. If the book was <3 cheaper,
then together they would have exactly enough money to buy 2 copies of the book. What
is the original price of the book?
2. A quiz has three questions, with each question worth one mark. If 20% of the students got
0 questions correct, 5% got 1 question correct, 40% got 2 questions correct, and 35% got
all 3 questions correct, find the overall class mean (average) mark.

3. In square ABCD, P is the midpoint of DC and Q is the

midpoint of AD. If the area of the quadrilateral QBCP is 15,
what is the area of square ABCD? Q

D p c

4. A star is made by overlapping two identical equilateral

triangles, as shown. The entire star has an area of 36. What
is the area of the shaded region?

p u

5. Lines PS, QT and RU intersect at a common point 0, as

shown. P isjoined to Q, Rto S, and T to U, to form triangles. Q
Find the value of L P + L Q + L R + L S + L T + L U.

6. If x and y are positive integers with x > y and x + xy = 391, what is the value of x + y?

7. Four congruent rectangles and a square are assembled

without overlapping to form a large square, as shown.
Each of the rectangles has a perimeter of 40 em. Find the
total area of the large square.

rl BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cla ss VII - Mathematics

8. Suppose that x and y are positive numbers with

xy = 9
X (y + 1) = 9

y(x +1) = 158

What is the value of (x + 1)(y + 1)?

9. The price of each item at the Gauss Gadget Store has been reduced by 20% from its
original price. An MP3 player has a sale price of~ 1120. What would be the cost of same MP3
player if it was on sale for 30% off of its original price?

10. If x is a positive integer less than 100, how many values of x make ,.}1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + x an integer?
11. Three different numbers are chosen such that when each of the numbers is added to the
average of the remaining two, the numbers 65, 69 and 76 result. Find the average of the
three original numbers.
12. Let N be the smallest positive integer whose digits have a product of 2000. What is the sum
of the digits of N.

13. The rectangular flag shown is divided into seven stripes

of equal height. The height of the flag is h and the

length of the flag is twice its height. The total area of
the four shaded regions is 1400 cm 2• What is the height
of the flag?
14. If a = 7 and b = 13, what is the number of even positive integers less than ab?
1 25
15. If p, q and rare positive integers and p + - - = 1'9. find the value of q.

Ill Questions@stimulating-minds
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

Score 0

Model Test Paper [;{)

0 S
of a flag pole is black,

the rema ining three metres is pa inted

yellow. Find the length of the flag pole.
5 60
is wh ite and
• A man sold 10 eggs for 5 rupees and gained
20%. How many eggs d id he buy for 5

(A) 12 (B)
12 (C) 25 (D) 20
11 em
(A) 5 11 m (B)

If the ratio of areas of two circles is 16 : 25,
6 what is the ratio of their circum-ferences?
(C) 5 km (D) 5- em

(A) 25: 16 (B) 5: 4
The given rationa l numbers are
(C) 4:5 (D) 3:5
1 4 -7
2' _5 , and 8 . If these numbers are ar- The angles of a triangle are X , (2x + 5t and

ranged in ascending order or descend ing

(3x - 5t, Find the largest angle.

order, which is the middle number?
1 -7 (A) 180° (B) 65° (C) 85° (D) 30°
(A) 2 (B)
8 1 1 1

• ~ZVV
4 1 7 Given - +-
u v
= -f, find the value ofVwhen
(C) -5 (D) - and - -
2 8 f = 20 and u = 30.
MBC is cong ruent to !lXYZ. Find the (A) - 20 (B) - 60 (C) 60 (D) - 30
measures of Lx and L.y .
If !lPOR =flXYZ , which ofthefollowing is

(A) YZ =OR (B) XV= PR
(C) XZ =OR (D) YZ =PO
The dai ly earnings (in rupees) of 10 workers

B Scm C X in a factory are 8, 16, 19, 8, 16, 19, 16, 8, 19,
(A) x = 80°, y = 60° (B) x = 60°, y = 40° 16. What is their median wage?
(C) X = 80°, y = 40° (D) X = 60°, y = 80°
If 24-carat gold is 100% pure gold, what
(A) < 17.50 (B) < 8.00
percentage of pu re go ld is in (C) < 19.00 (D) < 16.00
22 -carat gold? A school has 560 students. The number of
(A) 61~% (B) 71~% girls is 14
% of the number of boys. How

(D) 91~% many girls are there in the school?
(A) 320 (B) 80 (C) 490 (D) 70
The sum of 10 observations is 250. If one
The difference of one-fifth of a number and
observation, 25, is deleted, what is the new
4 is 3. Which of the following is the number?
(A) 7 (B) 35 (C) 5 (D) -5
(A) 25 (B) 20 (C) 28 (D) 22

Model Test Paper

rl BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

• The m inute hand of a circular clock is 14 em

long. How far does its tip move in 1 hour?
(A) 94.2 em
(C) 196 em
lnthefiguregiven, LXOZ and LYOZ form
(B) 88 em
(D) 28 em
The product of two rational numbers is

If one of the numbers is

other number?
..,..-s , what is the

a li near pair. If p - q = what are theso·. 10 3 10 9

respective values of p and q? (A)- (B) 10 (C) 9 (D) 10
Madhavi glued 4 white cubes together as
shown. Then she painted the entire object

II( •


(A) so· and 130• (B) 130• and so·
(C) 120· and 60• (D) 60. and 120•

How many faces of the 4 cubes were
What fraction of the f igure g iven i s painted red?
unshaded? (A) 4 (B) 9 (C) 18 (D) 24
Which of the following values of x satisfies
3 4 7
the equation - - + - - = - ?
2x-1 2x + 1 2x

7 7 2 2

(A) - (B) - - (C) - (D)--
1 1 2 3 2 2 7 7
(A) - (B) - (C) - (D)-
4 3 3 4 5 out of 2250 parts of the Earth is Sulphur.
What is the value of 2(5a - 1) + 2 (6 + 7b) What is the percentage of Sulphur in the

where a = 1 and b = 2a? Earth?

(A) 58 (B) 48 (C) 56 (D) 44 2 1 2 3

(A) - % (B) - % (C) - % (D) - %
The area of a triangular field is 1.5 hectares. 9 9 5 7
If its altitude is 300m, find the correspond- How many kilometres does a bicycle wheel
ing base. of rad ius 30 em cover in 70 revolutions?

(A) 0.0132 km (B) 1.32 km
(A) 100 em (B) 10m
(C) 13.2 km (D) 0.132 km
(C) 100m (D) 10 em
AB and CD intersect at 0 .
The maximum daily temperature (in °C} of a
city during a week are 24.6, 28.7, 22.7, 27.5,
26.5, 25.8 and 26.9. What is the mean tem-
perature (in °C}?
(A) 26.7 (B) 27.7
(C) 27.1 (D) 26.1
Find the value of x.
(A) 40° (B) 48° (C) 32° (D) 36°
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A c A D A c CDC ADD 8B 8 B 8 CD A

21 22 23 24 25
c A A D D

II Model Test Paper

BMA's Talent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

~11 [ Explanatory Answers

I 1. Integers I 22. (C) Use of the order of removal of
brackets and simplify.
~ Multiple Choice Questions 7- [13- {-2 -6 (6 of -5)}]
1. (B) The set of negative numbers and = 7 - [13 - {-2 -6 X -30}) = 172
whole numbers is called integers. 23. (B) The sign of the product of two like
z = {' .... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...... } integers is positive. e.g., 5 x 4 = 20
2. (C) 1 is the smallest positive integer. and- 2 x -4 = 8
3. (B) All the other positve numbers to 24. (A) 25. (D) 26. (C)
its right are greater than, the 27. (B) The product of a positive number
negative numbers are located on and a negative number is negative.
the leftside of 0. e.g., 6 X -1 =- 6 which is negative.
I I I I I 28. (D) x + ( - 48) = 62, where x is the
-2 -1 0 1, 2 unknown integer.
4. (D) The required opposite is spending ~ X = 62 - (-48)
~ 100.
= 62 + 48 = 110
5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (A)
29. (D) P x - 6 = - 48, where P is the
8. (B) West is represented by a negative unknown integer.
~ p = -48 7 -6= 8
9. (B) (-1) x (-1) x (-1) .... .. odd times
= (-1) which is negative.
10. (C) (-1) x (-1) x (-1)......even times = 1, 30. (D)
3 km
which is positive.
Initial position
11. (C) (-32) X (-4) X (-3) X 0 X (-6) = 0 aS the
S km
product of any number and 0 is 0.
12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (C)
Final position
16. (A) 0 is identity element with respect
to addition of integers. e.g., (-5) + 0 31. (D) The smallest negative integer does
= + 0 + (-5) = (-5). not exist.
17. (A) 1 is the identity element with
~ Previous Contest Questions
respect to multiplication.
1. (B) 35 + (- 10) + (- 15) + 20 + 5
18. (A) Use BODMAS rule & simplify.
= 35 - 10 - 15 + 20 + 5
124 x 4 _ + 118+2
3 = 35 - 25 + 25 = 35
J, J,
2. (A) Here jumping downwards is taken
= 496 - 3 + 59 = 552
as positive and jumping upwards
19. (C) ( ), { }, [ ] is the correct order of is taken as negative.
evaluation of brackets.
Also given that the monkey is
20. (A) If a negative sign precedes a bracket, sitting on the first step.
the signs of the terms inside the
1 + (+3) + (- 2) + (+3) + (- 2) + (+3) +
bracket are changed.
(-2) + (+3) + (-2) + (+3)+(-2) + (+3)
21. (D) If a positive sign precedes a
= 1+3- 2+3- 2+3- 2+3- 2+3 - 2+3
bracket, the signs of the terms
inside the bracket are not changed. is 11 steps.

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

3. (C) Initial temperature of room= 40 oc 45 208 9 13

=> - < - .. - < -
Given that the temperature lowers 80 80 16 5
at the rate of 5 oc every hour.
N WNx D +N
For 10 hours --7 10 X (-5 °C) 2. (B) where W is the
=-50 oc
whole number, N is the numerator
. . Room temperature 10 hours and D is the denominator.
after the process begins
1 _12x5+1 = 60 +1 = 61
= 40 oc - 50 oc = - 10 oc So, 12 5- 5 5 5
4. (A) Of the 10 questions in the test, 2
are correct and 6 are incorrect 2 are
3 7 3
3. (B) To find the sum of -+-+1-
not attempted. So, the total score 4 6 5'
=2 x(+3) +6 x(- 1)+2 x (0) find the L.C.M. of the denominators
=6 - 6+0=0 and then add them.
5. (B) Let the unknown number be x . Then L.C.M. of 4, 5 and 6 is 60.
X X (- 12) = 180 3 7 3 3 7 8 31
.. - + - + 1- = - + - + - =3 -
180 180 4 6 5 4 6 5 60
=> X= - =- - = - 15
-12 12 4. (A ) 5. (B) 6. (C)
6. (C) The lift has to descend 360 m so as
to reach-350m, as it is 10m above 7. (B) No . pages left =(1 -~} total
the ground level. pages
Given that the lift descends at the :. Total number of pages
rate of 6 m/minute.
6 m --7 1 minute =BOx- =200
x 1 = 60 mmutes
360 m ---7
6 8. (C) ..!. x 49 litres and 7 litres.
= 1 hour 9. (D) Let the number of matches lost be x.
7. (A) Given the temperature at 12 noon The number of matches won = x + 4.
is 10 oc. Total matches played = x + x + 4
The temperature decreases at the 3
rate of 2 oc per hour until mid We have, x + 4 = -(2x + 4)
~ x=B
From 12 noon to 9 p.m. it is 9 hours.
:. Total matches played = 20
~ Temperature decrease
10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (C)
=9x (-2°C) =-18 °C
15. (B)
Temperature at 9 p.m
16. (D) Let 'x' be the number.
= 10 oc + (-18 °C) = -8 oc
8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A) - of x =5 => x =5x9 =45


I[i' 2. Fractions and Decimals 17. (C)

p s
- =-
q t
=> pt=sq
Multiple Choice Questions (By cross multiplication.)
1. (C) L.C.M. is 16 x 5 = 80
9 45 18. (B) 3 - = 3+x
16 = 80'
13 208 16 3 16-15 1
.. x = - - - = - - = -
5 80 5 1 5 5

II Explan atory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

36. (B) 5 parts out of 10 are shaded.

19. (A) 4 _2_= 4x11+7 =51=~
11 11 11 11· 5
- = 0.5
So, x = 51. 10

12 2
l@f Previous Contest Questions
20. (C) = 5 is the required lowest 4 2 3 25 12 7
30 1. (D) 3-x2-xl- =-x-x-= 15
form. 7 5 4 7 5 4
2. (B) Total number of pages in the book
21. (D)
= 216
Total parts = 3; Shaded parts = 1 No. of pages read by Suresh
Shaded part in the figure in

option (D) represents

of the =(~of 216 )=( 216x~j = 162
whole. Hence, Suresh read 162 pages
during last week.
22. (B) Figure A represents 4 shaded part 2 1
3. (A) Cost of 55 litres of milk= ~ 1014
and 4 unshaded part. ~ Cost of 1 litre of milk
So, 4 x 20 = 15 parts should be _ (405+27) -
- ~ 4 5 - ~
4 27
shaded in figure B.
Hence, the cost of milk is
23. (C) Total number of chocolates eaten
3 5+3 8 U8 4 per litre.
=1+ - = - - = -
5 5 5 4. (C) Let the other number be x.
24. (D ) The required number of one fourth
2 5
11 Then 6 - xx = 15 -
=5-2.!. = 5 - ~ = = 11x .!. 3 6
4 4 4 4
25. (B) 26. (A) 95 3 19 3
=> x= - X- = - =2-
27. (A) P,R,D
6 20 8 8
The fraction of alphabets made of 5. (C) Product of given decimals= 1.5008
semicircles and straight lines is One decimal = 0.56
3 1 The other decimal = 1.5008 + 0.56
- =-
6 2
28. (B) The fraction that represents the = (1.5008 X100) = 150.08 = 2 _68
0.56 100 56
figure is 6. It is an improper 6. (C) Games won= 6
fraction. Total games = 6 + 4 = 10
29. (D) : . The total shaded part
: . The required fraction = ~
1 2 2 5 10
7 7 7 7
30. (C) Difference of two like fractions 7. (D)
3 12 -[ 1~+ {2~-(1~-~ )}]
Difference of numerators
Common denominator = 37 -
[2.4 + ~]6 = 1237- 3712 = 0
31. (C) 32. (A ) 33. (C) 34. (C) 8. (A) Part of the cake eaten
8 5 2 10 5
35. (B) 8 hundredths = - = 0.08 = -X - = - = -
100 6 3 18 9

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

9. (A) 10. (D) A.M. = X1 + 5 + x2 + 5 + .... + X + 5


3. Data Handling
=A.M. before increase+ 5.
[i' Multiple Choice Questions 9. (A) 10. (A) 11. (A) 12. (B)
1. (A) By definition, 13. (A) Each of the 6 marbles has an equal
chance of being picked. So, the
A.M.= 1+ 2 + 3+ .. ... +10 = 5 .5 probability that the marble picked
10 1
10+ 1 is 3 will be 1 out of 6 i.e., 6·
By shortcut, A.M. = - - = 5.5
2 14. (B) Average height of the mountains
2. (A) For 10 observations, the median
would be the average of the 5th and 8200 + 6000 + 8600 + 7500 + 8800 + 6500
6th observations. Since they are 6
unaffected by increase in 7th entry, 45600
the median will be unchanged. = m = 7600 m
3. (B) By definition, 15. (A) Arranging the heights in ascending
x + (x + 3) + (x + 6) + (x + 9) + (x + 12) order, we have 6000, 6500, 7500,
Average = 8200, 8600, 8800.
7500+ 8200
= 5x +30 = x+ 6 :. Median height =
5 2
4. (D) By definition of average, the = 7850 m
average daily sale 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (C) 19. (A)
= c 5+ 120+12+~0 +70.5 +140.5} sum of observations
20. (B) Mean = number of observations
= 78l 325
= 10 = 32.5 years
However, without calculating we
can say that the answer is D since 21. (C) Mode of a given data is the value
t h e average lies between t h e that occurs most frequently. So,
maximum and the minimum. mode = 26 years.
5. (A) Let the sum of four numbers bey 22. (A) The height of the shortest girl is
and the excluded number be x . 128 em.
y +x y
Then -5- -27and -4 -25orx+y 23. (C) The range of the data = maximum
- - value minimum value
= 135 and y = 100
= (151- 128) em = 23 em
~ x = 35
Sum of the heights
6. (C) Arranging the given data in
24. (A) Mean height= No. of students
ascending order,
we have, 33, 35, 41, 46, 55, 58, 64,
77, 87, 90 and 92. = ---w-
= 141.4 em
The sixth entry is 58. 25. (C) Mean height of the students is
: . Median is 58. 141.4 em.
7. (C) Mean is representative of whole No. of students whose height is
group. greater than 141.4 em is 5.
8. (B) Let the observations be xl' x 2 , ......X •
26. (A) Double bar graphs help to compare X'
two sets of data at a glance.
After the increase they are x 1 + 5, x 2
+ 5, .... ,X + 5. 27. (B) Our age increases day by day.

II Explanatory Answers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

28. (D) A die has 6 faces numbered from 1 8. (A) The strength of the school is 720.
to 6. So, it will not land up with 7 So, the number ofstudents who like
on top. 75°
29. (A) A tossed coin may land with heads orange juice is --x720 = 150.

30. (B)
or tails up.
The 6 faces of a die are numbered
as 1 to 6.
I 4 . Simple Equations I
~ Multiple Choice Questions
31. (B) The range of a given data is the
difference between its highest and 3x - 1 _ 1 +X + X - 1 =
(c) 3
lowest values. 1. 5 2 2
From the given data, ~ 6x = 42 ~x =7
range = 154 - 128 = 26.
2. (B) 0.2(2x - 1) - 0.5(3x - 1) = 0.4
3+4 +2 +5 + 4+3
32. (A) Average = -1
6 ~ X= ll
21 3. (C) Transposing 3 to the R.H.S. gives
= - = 3.5 hours
6 the value of m.
33. (C) No. of kilograms of fruits sold 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (B)
during the four hours
= 35 + 26 + 45 + 20 = 126. 8. (C) Let the number be x .
34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (B) 5x 5x
=> - - 7 = 23 => - = 23 + 7
2 2
~ Previous Contest Questions
1. (A) Mean of first 5 natural numbers => x=30x - =12
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 = 3
9. (A) The average yield par tree per year
5 3
Median of 1, 2, @, 4, 5, = 3 = (x+2)x60+xx120+(x-2)x180 =
(X + 2 + X + X - 2)
2. (D) The first five prime numbers are 2,
3, 5, 7 and 11. ~ 60x = 240 ~ x =4
. Th. 2+3 + 5 +7 +11 10. (A) Let the number hex. Then according
.. e1r mean = - - - - - - to the problem,
= 5.6 (x+4)x 5 - 20 =
3. (C) Since the comet passes by the 8
Earth every 60 years, find the year ~ X = 16
from the options that is a multiple
11. (C) 12. (B)
of 60 added to 1835.
13. (A) Let the present ages of A and B be
2075 = 1835 + 4 X 60
2x years and x years.
:. The comet can be expected to
After 30 years, their ages will be
pass by the Earth in the year 2075.
4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (B)
A= (2x + 30) years
B = (x + 30) years
7. (D) The angle representing students
who like other juices is 1
So,2x+30= 12 (x+30)
360° - (90° + 75° + 135°) = 60•
Total number of students = 360 ~ x = 30
: . Required number of students :. Present age of B = 30 years
60° ~ Present age of A = 2 x 30
= - - x360=60
360° = 60 years

Expl anatory Answers

BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

14. (B) Let the total distance be x km. 31. (A) Let the smallest integer be x- 1.

:.x-( 5
; +~ )= 15 (Given)
Then the three consecutive integers
are x- 1, x and x + 1.
Their sum = 75
~ X - 8 = 15 ~ X = 120 ~ (x - 1) + x + (x + 1) = 7 5
15. (C) Let the first prize be ~ x. ~x= 25
3 :. The largest of the numbers
.·. Second ptize = ~ -4 x
=X+1 = 26
1 3x 3x 32. (D ) Perimeter = (2a + 1) + (3a + 2) +
Third prize=~ 2x4 = ~ 8 (4a- 1) = 92
3 3 92-2 90
.'. ~ (X+ : + :)= ~ 2550 ~a= --=-= 1 0
9 9
~ X= ~ 1200 33. (A) Let the son's present age be x years .
Then the father's age is (26 + x)
16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (A) years.
21. (C) In 3 years' time, son's age = (x + 3)
22. (A) A linear equation has only one years and father's age= (26 + x + 3)
variable of degree 1. So it has only years = (x + 29) years.
one solution.
23. (D ) Let the marks of Sonu be x . Then ~ x + 3 = - (x + 29)
Ramesh's marks = x + 5. Total
~x= 10
marks= 15
~ 2x + 5 = 15 ~ x=5 :. The present age of the son is 10
: . Marks got by Ramesh = x + 5 = 10 34. (D) Let the number of marbles that
24. (B) Let the number of runs scored by Arun should give Pankaj be 'x'.
Sehwag be 'r '.
Then according to the problem,
According to the problem, the (96 + x) = 2(63 - x)
number of runs scored by Sachin = 2r
~ 3x=30 ~ x= 10
Also r + 2r = (2 x 100- 2)
r = 66 ~ Previous Contest Questions

~ Sachin's score Given 3p+2- 4p- 3 + p-1 =4

1. (D)
= 2r = 2 x 66 = 132 5 7 35
25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (C) ~ 2p + 28 = 140 ~ p = 56
29. (D) A = P(1 + rt) 2. (C) Let the number be 'x'.
~ 27 =18(1 + 5r) Given 5x + 13 = 48 ~ x=7
27-18 1 1 1 1 3. (C) Let the age of the son be 'x' years.
~ r=---X -= - X - = -
18 5 2 5 10 So the age of Guru is x + 20 years.
1 1 1 Given sum of the ages of Guru and
30. (C) -+-=-
u v f his son = 50 years
~ X + X + 20 =50
1 1 1 3- 2 1
~ 2x = 50 - 20 ~ X = 15
~ - = - - -=--=-
v 20 30 60 60
4. (A) 5. (C)
~ v= 60
6. (C) Let x g be the weight of each cube.
Then 4x g = 20 g ~ x = 5 grams

II Explanatory Answers
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7. (B) Given that the cost of 5 pens is

~ 11.25, the number of pens
purchased by
. l _ ~ (50-0.50) x
V1ma - ~ 1. 5
1 25
7. (A) An angle which lies between 90°
= ~ 49.50 x5 =22 and 180° is called as an obtuse
~ 11.25 angle. So, 169° is an obtuse angle.
8. (A) Let the number be 'n'. 8. (C) Extending the arms of an angle
does not affect the angle between
2n n them.
Then - + - =13
3 5
A _s~--!3-l'
L__ .,.__..,.
=> n= 13x15 = 15
x-4 2x+1 5x+1 0 B D F
9. (D) --- -- = --
3 6 2
9. (C) The vertex of an angle is the
-24 -4 common point of the rays that form

- -
30 5 the arms of an angle. Here, it is 0.
10. (B) Let the numerator of the original
fraction be x. 10. (A) ED and EF are the two arms of
Then its denominator is x + 3.
11. (B) Perpendicular segments meet at a
~ Original fraction = - -· point forming right angles.
x+ 3
12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (D ) 15. (C)
x+2 2
=> - - =-(Given) => x = 4 16. (A) The distance between the parallel
x+5 3
( I ;) l
4 lines is the same. !m :m
.·. Ori<rinal
.,. fraction =-
7 <· :) m
17. (A) There are two pairs of parallel lines
11. (C) Let the number of children be x.
as the opposite sides of a rectangle
Then (x - 3)16 = 144 are parallel.
144 18. (A) Complementary angles add up to
=> X =- + 3 = 9 + 3 = 12

90°. LPQR=20° => Its comple-
5. Lines and Angles mentary angle is 90° - 20° = 70°
19. (C) The sum of supplementary angles
~ Multiple Choice Questions is 180°. L ABC = 120° => Its
1. (C) A common unit of measurement of supplementary angles add up to
angles is degrees. 180°.
2. (C) An angle which exactly measures 20. (A) 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (A)

90° is called a right angle.
24. (A) l II m, n is the transversal. 'a' is an
exterior angle and 'p' is an interior
angle both on the same side of n.
So, 'a' and 'p' are corresponding
25. (B) l II m, n is the transversal. 'c' and
3. CC) 4. CC) 5. CC)
'p' are both interior angles, but on
6. (D) An infinite number of rays can be different sides of n. So, 'c' and 'p'
drawn from a point. are alternate angles.

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

26 (C) c and rare corresponding angles as

'c' interior and 'r' is exterior angle
both on the same side of 'n'.
27. (D) p and r are vertically opposite
angles formed at the intersection F
ofn and m. 3g. (B)
2S. (C) c and s are interior angles on the
same side of transversal, which are
supplementary. So, if c = 110•, 's'
measures 1SO· - no· = 70•. DF II CH II BG
2g. (B) 30. (A) 31. (B) 32. (B) 33. (A) ::} a+ b = x and a= 45°
34. (Corresponding angles)
(B) PR is a straight line and
SO, X= 1S0° - 32° = 14S0 • b = 1so• -1oo• = so•
35. (A) From the figure, (Angles on the same side of
(Vertically opposite angles) ~ X =a+ b = 45° + S0° = 125°
Given y is thrice x, we have 40. (C) From the figure,
x + s o• + y = 1so• 150 - X + 70 - X + X = 1S0°
(Angle on a striaght line) ~ X = 220° -1S0° = 40°
~ x + 50° + 3x = 1S0° Since AE II BD, y = x as they are
130° alternate angles.
~ x=--=32.5°
4 In llBCD, LBDC = x (Alternate
:. y = 3x = 3(32.5) = g7.5• angles)
36. (B) 115• and q are interior angles on 70 - x+x+z = 1S0° ~ z = 110°
the same side of the transversal.
:. The required sum
So, 115° + q = 1so•
= x+y+z = 40° +40° + no• = 1goo
~ q = 1so• - n5• = 65°
41. (A) Given, the angles (2a- 10) and0

37. (D) Draw PQ II AB and CD. (a - 11 ) are complementary


: . (2a- 10)• + (a - n )• = go•
:. a =37°
42. (D) Given OP is a ray on line QR.

From the figure,

x = 20° + (1S0° - 55°) as

~X= 20° + 125° =145° LPOQ= LPOR ..... (1)

3S. (D) a + b + c = 1SO• LPOQ + L POR = 1SO• ..... (2)
(Sum of angles in a triangle) From (1) and (2), we have
Also, x + a + y = 1SO• 2LPOQ =1SO•
(Angle on a straight line)
~ L POQ = 1SO• = go•
:.a+b+c = x+a+y 2

II Explanatory Answers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

~ Previous Contest Questions and XY II CD => LXOH = LOHD

1. (A) In t..ABC, r = 180°- 50°- 65° = 65• ~ LXOH = 25°
But po = LXOG + LXOH
HC II AB => q =50° . (Alternate
angles) p = 45° + 25° = 70°
s = q (Vertically opposite angles) p = 70° & q = 25°
Hence, s = 50° 4. (A) Given a II band c II d and
L1 = 75°
Since BCF is a straight line,
Since a II b, L1 = L2
p + 20° + q + r = 180° ~ p = 45"
a b
. . p =45°, q = 50°, r = 65°
and s = 50° are the required values.

2. (C)

Also c II d, ~ L2 +L3 = 180°

p q
. . L3 = 105°
5. (B) 6. (C)

In the given figure, 7. (A) Given AD II BC => x = y

(Corresponding angles)
t + 10° + t + t + 20° = 180°
Also AB II CD => x + 2x = 180°
~ t=50°
~ x = 60• and y = 60•
3. (D) The lines AB and EF intersect at G.
LEGB =LAGF 8. (A) Clearly p =360°- 270° = 90°
(Vertically opposite angles) (Angles at a point)
~ L AGF =65°
Through C, draw a line l parallel
toAB and DE.
Since AB II CD,
~ LGHD =65°
~ L GHO + L OHD = 65°

:. 42° + x = 180° and q + y = 180°

=> X = 180°- 42° = 138°
:. y = 270°-138° = 132°
:. q = 180° - 132° = 48°

F I 6. Triangles I
Draw a line XY through '0' parallel ~ Multiple Choice Questions
toAB and CD.
1. (C) AB is the hypotenuse
~ C has the right angle.
~ LXOG = 45° ( Alternate angles)

Expl anatory Answers

BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

2. (B) Since L C = 120° >goo, the triangle 1g. (C) 20. (A) 21. (C) 22. (A)
formed is obtuse. 23. (D) An isosceles triangle can be obtuse
3. (D) The sum of any two sides is greater angled but it may not be true
than the third side. a lways:
Since AB + BC < AC, no triangle is e.g., a triangle with angle measures
formed. g1•, 45•, 45•, is both isosceles and
4. (A) Since sum of the angles in a obtuse but the triangle cannot be
triangle = 180° formed as the sum of the angles is
greater than 180•.
65° + 85° +X= 180° ~ X= 30°
24. (D) According to the properties of a
:. Third angle = 30°
triangle, all the given statement
5. (C) Let the least angle be X 0 • are true.
The greatest angle= X 0 + 60°
x + x+ 60o A
Third angle = -----::-- - = x + 30° 25. (C)

We have,
X + X + 30° + X + 60° = 180° E
~ 3x + go• = 180° ~ x = 30° E ....

:. The angles are 30°, 60° and goo. ....


Since one of the angles is go•, the

triangle formed is a right angled
To find the distance between the
6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (D) g, (A)
tops of chimneys, we have to find
10. (B) We have, by Pythagoras' theorem, AC.
x2 + x 2 = 100 By Pythagoras' theorem,
~ x = J50 =·J25 x2 = 5../2 AC 2 = AB 2 + BC2
11. (A) Since PQ = PR, L Q = L R. (Since ~ABC is a right triangle.)
Given that L Q = 2 L P, we have ~ AC =5 + 122 = 16g
2 2

L P + L Q + L R = 180°
~ AC = .J16g = 13 m
~ 2 + LQ + LQ = 180°
26. (B)
~ 2 L. Q = 180° ~ L Q =72°
12. (B) Length of the third side should be
8 em, because if we take third side c 15m B
as 3 em, then the sum of two sides
3 em + 3 em = 6 em is less than
third side. Since ~ABC is right angled,
13. (D ) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (C) 17. (D) AC2 = AB 2 + BC2
18. (B) Let the measures of the angles be ~ AC 2 = 82 + 152 = 28g
lx, 2x and 7x. ~ AC = .J28g = 17 m
We have, 1x + 2x + 7x = 180°
.. Actual length of tree
~ X= 18°
=AB +AC= 25m
The angles are 18°, 36° and 126°.
27. (C) 28. (D) 2g. (D)
:. The triangle is obtuse angled.

II Explanatory Answers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

30. (B) The centroid divides the median in 3. (A) Given, AB = AC

the ratio 2 : 1. ~ L ABC=LACB
AG: GD = 2: 1 Also L OBC = L OCA
So, AG = 2 X GD = 2 x 2 = 4 em ~ OB and OC are angular
AD = AG+GD = 4+2 = 6cm bisectors
31. (C) Since G divides BE in the ratio LA
2 : 1, BE : GE = 3 : 1. :. LBOC =goo+ -
32. (D) 33. (A) 34. (C)
35. (B ) Since XP is the median, P is the =goo+- = goo+ 20° = 110°
midpoint ofYZ. So, YP = PZ.
4. (D) 5. (B ) 6. (C) 7. (A ) 8. (B )
36. (D ) L x + L y forms the exterior angle
g. (C) Given BE II CD, xo = 45°.
of 6. ABC , which is equal to the (Corresponding angles)
sum of interior opposite angles L l In M CD, X 0 + y 0 + 108° = 180°
and L2 .
(Angle sum property.)
37. (C) 38. (C) 3g. (C)
==> 45° + y + 108° = 180°
40. (A ) 60° & y are vertically opposite
angles which are equal ==> y = 180° -153° = 27°
~ y = 60° :. X = 45°, y = 27°
In the triangle, 10. (C) In tlABC, LACB = L180° -
X +60° +40° = 180°
(Angle sum property) (35° + 3g0 ) = 180° -74° = 106°
~ X = 180° -100° = 80° AE and BD intersect at C
==> LDCE = LACB =106°
~ Previous Contest Questions
(Vertically opposite angles)
1. (B) Given that the angles of the triangle
are (x + 10°), (x + 40°) and ::> X = 180°- (106° + 48°) = 26°
(2x- 30°). 11. (A) XW II yz
Sum of the angles of a triangle ==> LYWX = L'ZYW = 28°
= 180°
::> X = 180° -(40° + 28°)
~ x + 10° + x +40° +2x- 30° = 180°
= 180° - 68° = 112°
~ 4x = 160°
~ x =40° 7. Congruence of Triangles
2. (C) Given AB = BD
~ LBAD = LBDA = 35° ~ Multiple Choice Questions
Lb = L BDA + LBAD 1. (C) According to the question, the
triangles form ed are right angled
~ Lb = 35° + 35° = 70° triangles, as shown in the figure.
Also given AC = CE

~ LCAE = LCEA = 46°
Using exterior angle property,
~ L c = LCAE + LCEA
= 46° + 46° = g2o
In tlABC, La + Lb + L c = 180°
B c D
~ L a= 180° -Lb- Lc
~ L a = 180° - 70° - g2o = 18° So, MDB :: MDC (R.H.S.
:. L a = 18°, L b = 70° and L c = g2o

Expl anatory An swers

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2. (D) Line segments of equal length are 20. (B) AC corresponds to RP

congruent. [Note that CA corresponds to
3. (B) In the given figure, PR.]
AD = BC, AC = AC, and 21. (A ) ~C=~
=> LA = L.x = 180°- (60° +40°) = 80°
( ·:AD I IBC alternate angles)
By S.A.S. theorem ~C ~CDA = 22. (A)
Similarly, Ly = LB = 60°.
The sides corresponding to AC and
So, AB =DC. (Corresponding parts DE respectively are DF and AB.
of congruent triangles.) :. AC = 10 em, and DE = 3 em.
4. (B)
23. (A) L F corresponds to L A in ~C .
Hence, LF = 180° -110° = 70°
24. (C) Corresponding parts of congruent
triangles are equal.
25. (A) Corresponding angles of congruent
figures are equal (proportional).
Q R y z
In ~ PQR and ~ XYZ ,
26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (A)
LP =LX= 50°,
PQ=XY and PR=XZ. 30. (B) =
~C ~PQR by S.S.S. condition
as three sides of ~C are
:. ~ PQR = ~ XYZ (SA.S. property) correspondingly equal to three
5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) sides of ~QR .
9. (A) Corresponding parts of congruent 31. (C) ~C =~B. So, option (C) is
triangles are equal. So, PQ = AB the required answer.
= x em, QR = BC = y em and
RP= CA= z em. 32. (C) In MBD and ~CDB, BD is the
10. (A) Corresponding sides in ~D and common side. So, ~D ~CDB =
by S.S.S. condition.
~CBD .
11. (B) 33. (A) ~z =: ~MN by R.H.S.
Since ~D and ~CBD are
congruent, LADB = LCDB (Corr- condition as YZ = MN, LY = LM
esponding parts of congruent andXZ=LN.
triangles). 34. (C) All statements are correct except
~ BD bisects L ADC
that in (C). Two triangles can be
congruent according to any of the 4
12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (B) properties of congrudence.
16. (C) BC is the hypotenuse of the given [i' Previous Contest Questions
triangles. Whose measure must be
known. 1. (B) In ~PQS & ~RS , we observe
17. (C) A.A.A. criterion does not exist. that,
18. (A) Ifthe three angles of a triangle are PQ = PR, PS = PS, LQPS = LRPS
congruent to corresponding angles So, ~ PQS =: ~ PRS (By SAS
of the other, it is an enlarged copy property.)
of the triangle. 2. (D) Right angle, hypotenuse and side

A R of the triangles are congruent.
3. (C) 4. (A ) 5. (C)
19. (A) 6. (A) Order of le tters of congruent
triangles must be maintained.
B c Q p
7. (B) By definition of congruence of
CB corresponds to PQ

II Explan atory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

8. (A) The measurements in option (A) 70x 70

are the measurements of two =- =- x37500 = 26250
100 100
triangles under S .A.S condition. 10. (B) Let the number of games won in a
9. (B) 10. (A) row bex.
I 8. Comparing Quantities I So
(30% of 60) + x
60 +x
= 100
~ M ultiple Choice Questions ~ 36 + 2x = 60 + X ~ X = 24
1. (C) Office hours 11. (A) 12. (D) 13. (C) 14. (C)
= 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 15. (A) Remaining amount after
= 7 hrs = 420 minutes successive deduction of 5% and
then 10% of original sum
Lunch time = 30 minutes
(100- 5) (100 -10)
:. Required ratio= 420 : 30 = 14: 1 -~-x-~~-
100 100
2 (D) 3. (B) 4. (B)
x original sum = 171
5. (C) Let the original cost of each book
be ~ x. 100 100
· Orimnal
.. o·
sum = 171 x95
- x90-
According to the problem, 20 x x
= 22x- 5.5 + 0.70 = ~ 200
16. (A) Gain%
~ X= ~ 2.40
No.of articles on C.P- No. of articles on S.P x 100%
: . The boy had 20 x ~ 2.40
No. of articles on S.P
= ~ 48 to buy books 25 - 20
6. (A) Let the number be x. Then, = - - - x100 % = 25 %
x -4 = 80% ofx 17. (B) The val ue of the machine after
X depreciation of 5% per year for 2
~ 5 =4 ~ x=20 years = (where x 1 = loss and
x 2 =gain)
7. (C) Let the number be x .
95 95
1 ~ 100000 X
X = ~ 90250
2 2 % ofx = 0.2 100 100
S .P1 S .P 2
200 18. (C)
~ X= 0.2 X - - =8 We have 100 + x 1 - 100 + x 2
120 600 SP2
~ 120% of8 = x 8 = 9.6 ~ 100 -20 100+ 25
8. (B) 10% increase per year 125
S.P2 = ~ 600 X 80 = ~ 937.50
~ Increase for 2 years
19. (A) 20. (C) 21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (B)
110 110
= 400 X 100 X 100 = 484 24. (A) C.PSncha = ~ 480
9. (C) Let total votes polled be x. C.PNeba = S.PSncha

Winning candidate got 70% votes.
70x 30x
So, - = 15000 100
100 100 = ~ 510
~ X = 15QQQ X = 37500 C.P Devi S .P Neha
(100 + 10) 510
: . Votes polled for the winning = 1QQ X = ~ 561
: . Devi had to pay ~ 561.

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

25. (B) S.I = ( 810; R = 9%; 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (B)

T = 6 years, P = ? 5. (C) Let the C.P of the heater be ~ x.
We have
100x l 100x810 Then, gain = ( ( J ~
~P = TR = 6x9
= ~ 1500 ~ S.P= ~(x+~)=~ 7:
26. (C) 27. (A)
28. (C) Total S.I = ~ 275 ~ - x=322
Let x be the sum borrowed at 7%
rate. ~ x=(322x%J=276
(2500-x)x5x2 + xx7x2 = : . C.P = ~ 276 and S.P = ( 322
100 100 ~ Gain = (S.P) - (C.P)

~ x = ~ 625 = ~ (322 - 276) = ~ 46

29. (D ) . . part = 1 - (1 + 1) ='2

Re mammg
3 6
1 ~ Gain% = ( ~~ x100 J%
-46 x100 J% = -50 % =16 -2 %
Average rate % per annum (R)
( 276 3 3
=(~ x 3j+(i x 6 }(% x8 )=6% 2
Hence , gain% = 16-%
S.I = ~ 600
T = 2 years, P = ? 6. (B) Let the sum be ~ x. Then amount
100 xl 100 x600 = ~ 2x
~ P = TR= 2 x 6 : . S.I = ~ (2x- x) = ~ x
= ~ 5000 4 25
30. (A ) 31. (C) 32. (B) Time = 8 years = 3 years
33. (D ) We have Thus, P = ~ x, S.I = ~ x
PTR 25
A= p + I = p + 100 and T = - years
PTR . R _100 xS.I
A-P = 100 . . ate - PxT
A -P _
S o1 , -1 - -1 -1 -
A2 - P2 P2T2R2
= (10~xx x :5 ) % p.a = 12% p.a.
95-85 85x3xR Again, Sum = ~ x,
=> = --:-~--~
A2 -102 102x5x R amount = ~ 3x and
~ A2 - 102 = 20 ~ A2= ~ 122 rate = 12% p.a.
[i' Previous Contest Questions Then, S.I = ~ (3x -x) = ~ 2x
1. (D ) Let 2A = 3B = 4C = k : . p = ~ X, S.I = ~ 2x
k k k and R = 12% p.a.
~ A:B:C =2:3-:4
Time= P xR
=(~x12 }(~x12 }(~x12) 50
= 100 x2x J years = - years
[L.C.M of2, 3, 4 is 12.] ( xx12 3
Hence, A : B : C = 6 : 4 : 3 = 16 years 8 months

Ill Explan atory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

7. (D)
8. (B ) 9. (A )
10. (D) Let one part be ~ x. 2. (D ) is not a rational number.
Then the other part is ~ (8000- x). Since, ever y intege r having a
3. (B)
T1 = 5 years; R, = 12 % denominator 1 can be expressed in
:. S.I (on first part)
xx5x 12 3x qp Dorm, p IS. true.
100 = ~ 5
Since, a rational number with
T 2 = 2 years; R 2 = 18 % denominator other than 1 is not an
S.I (on second part) 3
integer (e.g., 5 ), q is false.
(8000 - xx2x 18)
100 4. (D ) Since, denominator is 0, it is not a
rational number.
=(8000 - x) ~ 5. (C ) 6. (D ) 7. (B) 8. (A ) 9. (C)
3x 9 10. (B ) L.C.M. of 5, 4 and 20 is 20.
- = - (8000 - x)
5 25 4 4 16 3 3x 5 15
- X- = - · - =-- =-
~ 5x = 24000 - 3x - 5 4 -20 ' 4 4 x 5 20
24000 4 -11 3
- = ~ 3000 -2 < - < - < - or
~ X = -
8 - 5 20 4
The other part 3 -11 4
- >- > - > -2 is the required
= ~ (8000- 3000) = ~ 5000 4 20 - 5
11. (C) S.I = ~ 31.50 descending order.
Rewrite equivalent fractions of the
1 5 given fractions and then compare
T = 1- years =- years
4 4 then. Arrange them in descending
1 21 order.
R=5 - % = - %
4 4 11. (D) The ascending order of
215 412 5 1254
=> 31.50 = P x - x - - - - and - is - < - < - < -.
4 400 7 '3' 5 9 3 5 9 7
~ p = ~ 31. 50 x 4x400 The two middle numbers are
5 x 21 5
~ P = ~ 480 5

I 9. Rational Numbers I and g·

2 5
- +- 3
~ Multiple Choice Questions :. Average = ~ = ±.._
2 90
1. (A) Let us consider a fraction 5 and a 12. (A) The given numbers can be arranged
in ascending order as
rational number = - . 1 3 7 9
7 - <- <- <- .
3 5 5 5 5
By definition, is a rational 9
5 The greatest number = 5;
-4 1
So, p is true. By definition, 7 is The least number = 5
not a fraction, since, - 4 is not a 9 X 1
natural number. So, q is false . We have, 5x 100 = 5
100 1
x =- = 11-%
9 9

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

13. (C) The ascending order of given 27. (A) Total length of the rope = 30 m.
1 5 11
numbers is 9' 9' 9· Length of each piece = 3 ~m .
:. Required difference N um her of pieces
11 1 10 30
=--- =- =~= = 30 X_±_ = 8
9 9 9 3~ 15 15
- 24 4 4
14. (D) 15 is the equivalent rational
number of
5 · 28. (B) Given P = ( -2%) and q = ( -1~).
1 11
15. (B) Since,
0 is not rational, the p+q = ( - 2!)+(- 1!): -
5 3) 5 3
quotient of two integers is not

16. (B)
always rationaL
17. (C) 18. (C) =-(~:)= -3 1~
1 (-8)
3- (-5)
19. (D) All the given statements are
29. (A) 1
4+ 9
Consider 5.
- - - -(-31)
- -
4 4 36 36
(A) Since 5 + 0 =5, is the additive
identity of rational numbers.
30. (C) -6~x~ = - 23°x~ = ( -2~)
4 4
(B) Since -x1 =- 1 is the
5 5'
multiplicative identity of
rational numbers.
31. (A ) '8!._-(- 114 )+x = 3~
(C) Since 0 + 0 = 0, 0 is the additive
inverse ofO. =>X=~: - ~9 =(~ )= (-31 j
20. (A) Let x be the required number. 32. (A) 33. (B)

So, x+( ~ )= -3
7 34. (D ) Total time taken by Rohit, Peter
and Santosh to walk around a
7 -15+7 -8
~ x=-3+- =- - = -
5 5 5
circular park =( -31 +-52 +-
5 )h
21. (B) 22. (D ) 23. (C) 24. (B)
25. 69 60 .
(D) Let 'x' be the other number.Let 'x' = 60 x mmutes = 69 minutes
-4 - 9
be the other number xx3 = 69
16 35. (C) ~=0.75·
4 ,
! - 0.5·
2 , 88
= 0.78
16 -9 -3 27 9 13 1
~ X = -4 = 16 X 4 = 64 -
= 0.82· -
, 11
= 1.18· -
, 4
= 0.25
3 Of the given rational numbers as
26. (B) Let the required rational number
0.78 lies between 0.75 and 0 .82,
be 'x'. Then xx = 26 69 3 9
39 lies between 4 and .
88 11
::> X = ~ = 26 X 39 = -507
-8 -8 4

Ill Explanatory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

~ Previous Contest Questions 3. (B ) 4. (B ) 5. (C) 6. (D)

1. (B) Let the number to be added be x. 7. (C) The difference of any two sides of a
triangle must be less than the third
Then, -; + x = ~~ x = ~ - ( -; ) side.
This property of triangles is not
satisfied by the given
=~+~ [since-(;)=~-] measurements as 10 - 7 = 3 > 2
and 10 - 2 = 8 > 7, though 7-2 = 5
(32+63) 95 < 10 is true.
--- = -
72 72 8. (A) Clearly, l ll m is true.
95 9. (B) A 90° angle is formed at the
Hence, the required number is .
72 intersection of l and n. So l .l n.
2. (B) Let the number to be subtracted
10. (C ) 'n' cuts l and m at distinct points
be 'x'. Then,
and also l and m are parallel. So, n
-2 5 -2 5 is called the transversal.
--x=- ~ -=-+x
3 6 3 6 11. (D ) A line parallel to a given line can
-2 5 -2 -5 be drawn using a ruler and a
~ x= - - - = - + -
3 6 3 6 compass.
(- 4)+(- 5) - 9 - 3 12. (B ) Through a given point, an infinite
6 6 2 number oflines can be drawn. But
only one of them will be parallel to
-3 the given line.
Hence, the required number is 2 .
13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (D)
3. (C ) 4. (D )
16. (C ) The triangle cannot be constructed
. -33 -11 as it does not satisfy the angle sum
5. (C ) Reqmred number = - + -
8 2 property.
- 33 2 - 33 - 2 17. (A) The difference of two sides of a
= - X- = - X-
8 -11 8 11 triangle is less than its third side.
(-33) X (-2) 33 X 2 3 18. (A) Bisecting a 60° angle results in a 30°
8xll 8xll 4 angle.
19. (C) The given steps of construction are
Hence, the required number is 4. to construct an angle of 120°.
6. (B) 7. (A )

I 10. Practical Geometry I

~ Multiple Choice Questions
20. (C) Following steps 1 and 2, an angle of
1. (A) S.S.S. criterion can be used 45° is constructed. So step 3 is not
indirectly to construct a triangle required.
given the lengths of its three sides.
21. (B ) 22. (A ) 23. (D) 24. (A ) 25. (C)
2. (C) ~PQR is isosceles since PQ = QR.
26. (D )
:. LQPR = LQRP = 60°
LRQT is the exterior angle of 27. (A)
~PQR which is equal to the sum
of interior opposite angles
Hence, LRQT = 60• + 60• = 120•.

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Cl ass VII - Mathem ati cs

As can be seen from the given figure,

one and only one perpendicular line I 11. Perimet er and Area I
can be drawn to a given line from a
point not on it.
IJW Multiple Choice Questions
z 44
1. (C) 27tr = 44 => r = ~ = 7 m
28. (C) ~ 2x-
x~v Area of a circle = 1tr2
Given XY > YZ > ZX 22 2
= - X 7 X 7 = 154 m
=> L Z > LX > LY
~ The smallest angle is LY . 2. (A ) d = 2464
2g. (A) 30. (A) 31. (B) 32. (C) 4
~ d = .J3136 =56 m

33. (B) From the given measurements, BC
is the hypotenuse. The angle opposite
to BC is LA which is a right angle.
34. (A ) 3. (D)
35. (C) In ~ PQR since all the angles are
acute, it is acute angled. Also since r = 35 m; R = 35 + 7 = 42 m
all the angles are equal, it is Area of circular path
equilateral. = 7t(R + r)(R- r )
36. (B) Since the measures of all the three 22
sides are given, the triangle can be = (42 + 35)(42 - 35) = 16g4 m2
constructed using the S.S.S. criterion. 7
4.. (B ) 27tr-r = 37
IJW Previous Contest Questions 37 37
1. (A) Corresponding angles of parallel r =-- = =7m
27t-1 2 x 22 _ 1
lines are equal. 7
2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (D ) 5. (A ) 6. (B ) Circumference
7. (D ) Since 6LMN is equilateral the 22
= 27tr = 2 x - x 7 = 44 m
measurement of one side is used for 7
the other two sides of the triangle. 5. (A ) Circumference = 30 em
Hence ~ LMN can be constructed by
S.S.S. criterion. C2 30 X 30 2
Area = - = - - - = 71.6 em
8. (D) By Pythagoras' theorem, one of the 4 7t X 22
perpendicular sides is 3 em. 7 71.6
and by angle sum property, Number of plants =--
= -
4 4
L D+ LE = 180° -LF = 17.g :::18
= 180°- goo = goo 6. (D ) 7. (B ) 8. (A ) g_ (C)

10. (D) The perimeter of the wall hanging
g_ (A ) T
is given by the sum of
circumferences of the 4 semicircles
- 4x diameter.
Clearly, the diameter of each
Scm semicircle is 14 em.
The requi red perimeter = 2 x
Clearly, from the figure two angles circumference ofcircle of radius 7 em.
and the included side are given. So,
A.S .A. criterion can be used to 22
= 2 X 2 X - X 7 = 88 em
construct ~RST. 7

Ill Expl anatory An swers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

11. (D) Lengthofwire =2nx42 Similarly area of 11 AGE = 75 cm2

= 84n em Area of unshaded region
Let x be the side of the square. = 600 - (75 + 75) cm2
We have, 4x = 84n ~ x = 21n = 450 cm2
Area of the circle : Area of the 25. (A) Radius of outer circle = 14 em
square = n(42t: (21n)
= 4 : 1t = 4 : 7 = 14 : 11
12. (C) :. Area= 400 x 250 m 2
= 100000 m 2
Cost of the land per square metre 3.5cm
= ~ 1000 ~ Circumference = 88 em
:. Cost of total land Radius of inner circle= 14- 3.5
100000 x ~ 1000 = ~ 10 crores = 10.5 em
13. (C) Here we equate the areas, ~ Circumference = 66 em

i.e., AB x DL = BC x DM . . Difference of circumferences

~ 18 X DL = 12 X 10
= 88 - 66 em = 22 em

12x10 20 2 26. (B) D C
3 cm
14. (A) We have, area = 156 cm 2
~ b X h = 156
AB X DL= 156
156 156
DL = AB = J:3 =12 em In 11ABC,
base = AC = 34 m,
In right 11 ADL, height = BM = 12 m
AD 2 = DL 2 + LA2 1
AL 2 = AD 2 - DU = 132 - 122 = 25 Area of 11ABC = 2 x 34 x 12
. . AL = ..J25 = 5 em =204m2
15. (D) Distance between two opposite Similarly the area of
corners =-/[2 + b2 11 ADC = 204 m2
Area of parallelogram
= (204 + 204) m2 =408m 2
27. (B) Consider PR = 25 em as the base of
two triangles, 11 PQR and 11 PSR.
40 em 1
Area of 11 PQR = 2 x 25 x 15
= -/40 + 30 =50 em
2 2

16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C) 375

19. (A) 2.4 dam = 2.4 x 10 = 24 m 2
(Since 10m= 1 dam.) Similarly area of
We have, area = 576 m 2 1
11 PSR = 2 X 25 X 15
~ 24 x altitude = 576
576 375
:. altitude =
= 24 m = 2 cm2
20. (B) 21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (A) : . Area of shaded region =Area of
24. (B) Area of rectangle = l x b = 30 x 20 rectangle - (area of 11 PQR + area
= 600 cm2 of 11PSR)

= (25x15)-(3~5 + 3~5)
Area of 11DGF = 2xbxh
= 75 cm2 = 750 - 375 cm2 = 375 cm2

Explan atory Answers

BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (B)
32. (C) The length of the hour hand= 4.5 em 9. (A) Perimeter = 21m= 2100 em
(= r). Length = 5 m 60 em = 560 em
The distance it covers in 12 hours
= The circumference of the circle with Width =~-l
radius 4.5 em 2
= 2x x4.5 em = 28.28 em
=(21200 - 560 )em
33. (A) Area of a parallelogram = 490 em = 4 m 90 em
10. (C) Perimeter= 56 em
= bxhsq. units
Given length is three times its width.
= 20x4 = 100 cm 2 Let the width be x em.
34 (C) Clearly, the figure is a rectangle. Then length = 3x em
:. 2(x + 3) = x + 8 :. Perimeter= 2(x + 3x) = 8x em
~ 2x+6=x+8 ~ x=2cm 8x = 56 ::::> X = 7
:. Area= (x + 8) (6x + 9) :. Width = 7 em
= (2 + 8) (6 X 2 + 9) 11. (A) Length of the floor = 12 m
= 10 x 21 = 210 cm 2 Breadth = 10 m
l@f Previous Contest Questions :. Area = 12 x 10 = 120 m 2
1. (C) Given length of the diagonal of a :. Area of the carpet= 120m2
square = 12../2 em
If'a' is the side of the square, then
I 12. Algebraic Expressions I
the length of diagonal is J2a . l@f Multiple Choice Questions
:. J2a = 12../2 1. (A ) x+y=5
~a = 12 y + z =7
:. Perimeter= 4a = 4 x 12 = 48 em + Z +X= 12
2. (A) Given perimeter of a semicircle 2(x + y + z) = 24
= 144 em ~ X + y + Z = 12
~ r(7t+2)=144 2. (B) 3 formulae with the three
36 unknowns can be formed from the
~ rx - =144 ~ r=28cm given expression.
Area of semicircle 3. (A) (3a + 2b) - (-2a - 5b)
1 2 1 22 = 3a + 2b + 2a + 5b = 5a + 7b
= - nr = - X - X 28 X 28 w
2 2 7 .......

= 1232 cm 2

3. (B) Radius of a wheel = 2 = 35 em (C)
In one revolution, the wheel covers w
a distance equal to its circum- ~z----..
ference Area of the path along length = l x w
22 Area ofthe path along breadth = l x w
:. 2nr = 2x - x35 = 220 em The common area of the paths= w2
In 24 complete revolutions, : . Total area of the path
distance covered = lw + lw- w2 = (l + b - w) w
= 24x220 = 5280 em

Ill Explanatory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

5. (B ) 6. (B ) 7. (D) 8. (D ) 9. (A ) 28. (A) 29. (D) 30. (A)

3 2 1 1
C = x- a ~ C(x - b) = x - a
10. (A )
31. (A)
4 x- 5 ax-y+ 3 ax- 8 x
bC - a 5 1
~ X= C- 1 =sx- 15ax - y

11. (B ) 12. (C) 13. (B ) 14. (C) 15. (A ) When a = 3, x = (-2) andy = (-6), the
value of the expression is
16. (C) as - 2a2 + 4a - 5
(- ) -as +2a 2 -8a+5 % <-2)-1~ (3)(-2)-(-6)
+ +
2a3 - 4a 2 + 12a-10 20 20
17. (B ) x4 + Sx2y2 + y4 32. (B ) Perimeter = 2 (l +b)
(- ) x4-4x2y2+y4 = 2 (3p + 2p)
- +
= 2 (5p) = lOp em
:. Perimeter when p = 12 em is 10(12)
= 120 em.
18. (C) (a2 + b3
2 3
) + (2a3 + 3b4
2 3
_ 4c

} 33. (B ) The required difference= (7x - 2y- 3z)
+ (3x + 5y- 8z) - (x - 3z)
+ (a2 + bs +ca) = (lOx + 3y- llz) - (x - 3z)
= 9x + 3y- 8z
= 13 a2 + 25 ba _2._cs 34. (B ) Sum of angles in a quadrilateral is
6 12 20
19. (D) Substitute the given values in the
expressions and evaluate. ~ 6p + 30° = 360°
a 3 - b3 = 33 - 23 = 9 - 8 = 1 ~ p = 60° +5° = 55°
z3 - 3 (z - 10) = 103 - 3 (10 - 10) :. (p + 25)0 = 90°, 2p 0 = 130°
= 103- 0 = 1000 (p + 20)0 = 65° + 20° = 85°
x2 + 2x + 1 = (-1)2 + 2(1) + 1 :. The smallest angle is 65°.
=1-2+1=0 35. (B ) Perimeter of the triangle
5P- 2 = 5 (-2) -2 = -10-2 = -12 = [2a + (2a + 2) + (4a - 2)] em
~ 8a em = 24 em or a = 3 em
20. (A ) x (y- z) - y (z- x)- z (x - y)
: . The length of the shortest side is
= xy - xz - yz + xy- zx + yz
2a = 6 em.
= 2xy - 2zx = 2x (y - z)
~ Previous Contest Questions
21. (B) Substitute n = 4 in n 2 + 1 and
simplify. 1. (B )
3y 2 +5yz
n 2 + 1 = (4)2 + 1 = 16 + 1 = 17 - 2y - 2yz - z2

22. (A ) 23. (B ) 24. (C) - yz+2z 2

25. (B ) 2n denotes an even number as it is
exactly divisible by 2.
26. (B ) 2n + 1 denotes an odd number since 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B ) 5. (D) 6. (B)
it leaves a remainder 1 when 7. (C) Total number of sweets = 6x
divided by 2. Number of sweets each child gets
27. (C) Like terms have the same literal 6x 3x
coefficients. =-=-
10 5

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

8. (D) Length = 2(x + 6) em

14. (B ) am+bm=(~J' ~ (-2)3 +ms

Width = - x length
= x 2(x + 6) em = (x + 6) em
: . Perimeter = 2(l +b)
= 2[2(x + 6) + (x + 6)) em
15. (C) [(~J-(~J]x26
= 6x + 36 em 1 6
=3x- x2 = 3
9. (A ) ~(66x+44)+~(33x-33)
11 11 2x3 4x2 5 2 6x3 4
16. (A ) 9x42 = 32 x2 4
= 33x + 7
=26-4 X 34-2 =2232
9 5
10. (C) -(30+5t)+-(18t-12)
10 6 =4 X 9 = 36

(17 + 3: t)
17. (B ) 18. (C) 19. (A ) 20. (C)
= .=;! ~ 1 1
(4096) 4 = (212 ) 4 = 2-9 = 9 = -
21. (D )
2 512
13. Exponents and Powers

~ Multiple Choice Questions

1. (B ) (3° -4°)x52 = {1-1) x 52 =0

2. (C) ~~ =~: =(~J 23. (C) 94 x + 3 2x = 2187

~ 6x=7 ~x=-
3. (D ) p0 = (1000)0 = 1
4. (C) Since a 0 = 1, 12 x 3° = 12
and 8 x 5°= 8.
5. (A ) 432 = 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 3
=2 4
X 3 3
p•qs x p2r• xq-2rs
6. (B) Expand 2 x 53and find the product
25. (D) p-3 q3 r3
of the prime factors. 27 x 53 =
X 5 = 128 X 125 = 16000 3
26. (A) (256)0·75 = (256)4 = 64
7. (B) (- 10)3 = (- 1000) is the largest of
the given number with a minus
sign. So it has the least value.
8. (D) 9. (C) 10. (A) 11. (C) 12. (A)
= a-2mn-4m = a-2m(n+2)
13. (D) 108 = 2 x3 3 and
28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (D) 31. (A)
192 = 26 X 3 1
: . The required sum is
2 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 12

Ill Explan atory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

~ Previous Contest Questions 13. (B) '
1. (A) In standard form, a number is
expressed as a decimal number
between 1.0 and 10.0.
2. (D ) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A ) 6. (C)
The figure formed is a rhombus.
7. (B) (95)x = (94)x + 92 14. (C) A diameter divides the circle into
2 equal parts. So, it can be
considered as a line of symmetry.
=> 5x = 4x- 2 => x = -2

15. (A )
8. (A )

I 14. Symmetry I
~ Multiple Choice Questions y M z
1. (A) Recall definition ofline symmetry.
Since XY = XZ and XM _l YZ,
LYXM = LZXM . So, the triangle
is symmetrical about XM as it
bisects the apex angle.
2. <D) ~·G·• ~·K·• ~·B·•
16. (C) 17. (B ) 18. (A ) 19. (B ) 20. (C)
3. (C) P has no line of symmetry.
21. (A)
4. (B) 0 has many lines of symmetry.
5. (C) A scalene triangle has no line of
symmetry. 22. (A )

6. (A )

A The given figure has 4 lines of
7. (C) <~l2 symmetry, as shown by the dotted
8. (D ) 9. (A ) 10. (C)
23. (A)
11. (B)

The given figure has only 2 lines of

symmetry, as shown by the dotted
12. (A ) lines.

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

24. (C)
CD 34. (A) The given figure fits onto itself three
times in one complete turn. So its

order of rotational symmetry is 3.
35. (D ) 36. (A) 37. (A)
[@f Previous Contest Questions
t 1. (B ) A reqular polygon of 'n' sides has
'n' lines of symmetry.
The figure inside the circle is a 2. (C) An equilateral triangle has 3 lines
rectangle which has only 2 lines of of symmetry.
symmetry. Therefore the given
figure has 2 lines of symmetry, as 3. (A) U appears the same in mirror too.
shown by the dotted lines. 4. (D) p = 4 and q = 2
:. p > q
5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (D )
25. (A) ~
I 15. Visualizing Solid Shapes
[@f Multiple Choice Questions
1. (B) 8 edges -4 sides of square and 4
sides of triangular faces.
2. (B) The number of faces of a cube is 6.

+ 3. (D) Observe the given figures. In the

figure in option (D ), the shape is
divided equally.
The given figure has 4 lines of
symmetry as shown by the dotted 4. (B)

26. (B)
The five triangles are,
'f APQ, QXR, PZB, ABC and XYZ.
The given figure has only one line of 5. (C) Cl early, the two halves of the
symmetry. rectangles when joined edge to edge
form a rectangle.
27. (C) The square inscribed in a circle has a
rotational symmetry of order 4. 6. (A ) This figure has 5 lines unlike all
(C) The angle between identical parts of other figures which have four sides.
the given figure is 90°. Hence, the 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (B)
order of rotational symmetry is 4. 10. (B) 10 one-rupee coins piled up results
29. (D) 30. (B ) 31. (C) 32. (D) in a cylinder.
33. (B) Option (B) is the correct figure. 11. (B) A cube has 8 vertices.

·(>~ ~

Ill Explanatory Answers

BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

26. (A) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (A) 30. (C)
31. (A) From the side indicated by the
12. (B ) Column - I Column - II arrow, the pipe looks like a ring.

32. (C) Viewing the visible faces of the

arrangement that are painted, we
get 18.

In other words, 6 common faces of

~ the 4 cubes are hidden. So the

number of sides of the cube painted
= 4 X 6 - 6 = 24 - 6 = 18.

33. (B) The given views are that of a
cuboid .

~ Previous Contest Questions
1. (C) A quadrilateral has 4 sides as in
~ the given figure.
2. (B) Option (B) gives the correct
difference of a cube & a cuboid.
13. (C) A cube of edge 4 em has square 3. (C) A cuboid has 8 vertices, which is
faces of side 4 em. the maximum number of vertices
of the given figures.
14. (D) The sum of numbers on opposite
faces is 7. So, the total on the face
opposite to 4 + 3 is 3 + 4 = 7.
15. (B) The number on opposite faces of a 4. (D)
die add up to 7. So, the number on
the face opposite to 5 is 2.
The two cubes of given dimensions
16. (A) The height and width of the cuboid when placed side by side result in
formed by placing 3 dice remain the a cuboid as shown in the figure. It
same. Only length will be tripled. has a length 6 em, width 3 em and
17. (C) The cross section of a cube is a height 3 em.
square. 5. (D ) A net when folded should result in
18. (C) The 2-D image of a sphere (ball) is a solid, in this case, a cube. The
a circle. net in option (D) does not form a
19. (A) A book is cuboidal whose shadow cube.
is a rectangle. 6. (A) The brick of given dimensions is
20. (A) The pipe is cylindrical whose cut along the 10 em side which
shadow is circular (front view). results in a cuboid.
21. (C) A pyramid has triangular faces. 7. (C) The right angled triangle PQR
when rotated about its height
22. (A) A die is a cube which has all its results in a cone.
faces square shaped.
8. (A ) 9. (B) 10. (A )
23. (B) A honey comb has a combination
of hexagonal shapes when seen 11. (B) The given solid has a triangular base
from the front. and 3 triangular faces.
24. (D) The front view of the given object 12. (C) The solid in option (C ) has 3
(as seen from the arrow) is a circle. rectangular and 2 triangular faces.
25. (B) The side view of the given object is
a parallelogram as in option (B).

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

3. Draw line segment QR parallel to DC,

as in the following diagram. This
segment divides square ABCD into
1. Suppose that the cost of one book, in two halves. Since triangles ABQ and
rupees, is C. RQB are congruent, each is half of
rectangle ABRQ and therefore one
Then Shruti has ~C and Fida has quarter of square ABCD. Draw line
4 segment PS parallel to DA, and draw
.!c line segment PR. Triangles PDQ,
2 PSQ, PSR and PCR are congruent.
Combining their money, together Therefore each is one quarter of
Shruti and Fida have rectangle DCRQ and therefore one
eight of square ABCD.
3 1 3 2 5
- C+ - C= - C +- C= - C
4 2 4 4 4 A B

If the book was~ 3 cheaper, then the

cost to buy one book would be C - 3.
If the cost of one book was C- 3, then
the cost to buy two at this price would
be 2(C- 3) or 2C- 6.
Combined, Shruti and Fida would D P C
have enough money to buy exactly two Quadrilateral QBCP therefore
books at this reduced price. 1 1 1 1 5
5 represents -4 + -8 + -8 + -8 -- -8 of
Thus 2C- 6 = - C
' 4 square ABCD. Its area is therefore
5 5
Solving, 2C- 6 = 4C 8 of the area of the square.

-C=6~C= 8 5
4 Therefore, 8 of the area ofthe square
Therefore, the original price of the
book is~ 8. 1
2. Without changing the overall class
is equal to 15. Therefore, 8 of the
mean, we may consider that the class area of the square is equal to 3.
has 100 students. Therefore the square has an area of
That is, 20 students got 0 questions 24.
correct, 5 students got 1 question 4. Since the two large triangles are
correct, 40 students got 2 questions equilateral, then each of their three
correct, and 35 students got 3 angles equals 60•. Therefore, each of
questions correct. 6 small triangles in the star has an
The combined number of marks angle of 60• between the two equal
achieved by all 100 students in the sides.
class is then, But each of these 6 small triangles
(20 X 0) + (5 X 1) + (40 X 2) + (35 X is isosceles so each of the remaining
3) = 0 + 5 + 80 + 105 = 190. 1
two angles must equal 2 (180• - 60•)
Since the 100 students earned a total
of 190 marks, then the overall class or 60•.
190 Therefore, each of the small triangles
average was = 1.9. is equilateral.

II Explanatory Answers
BMA'sTalent & Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

6. Sincex +xy= 391, thenx(1 + y) = 391.

We note that 391 = 17X23.
Since 17 and 23 are both prime, then
if391 is written as the product of two
This shows us that the inner hexagon positive integers, it must be 1 x 391
has all sides equal, and also that or 17 x 23 or 23 x 17 or 391 x 1.
each angle is 180•- 60• or 120•, so
the hexagon is regular. Matching x and 1 + y to these possible
Next, we draw the three diagonals of factors, we obtain (x, y) = (1, 390) or
the hexagon that pass through its (17, 22) or (23, 16) or (391, 0).
centre (this is possible because of the Since y is a positive integer, the fourth
symmetry of the hexagon). pair is not possible.

Since x > y, the first two pairs are not
Therefore, (x, y) = (23, 16) and so
X+ y = 39.
Also, because of symmetry, each of 7. Suppose that each of the smaller
the angles of the hexagon is split in rectangles has a longer side oflength
half, to get 120• + 2 = 60•. x em and a shorter side of length y
Therefore, each of the 6 new small em.
triangles has two 60• angles, and so y X
must have its third angle equal to y
60• as well. Thus, each of the 6 new 1----r--1
small triangles is equilateral. X
So all 12 small triangles are X
equilateral. Since each has one side
length marked by a single slash, then y
these 12 small triangles are all X y
identical. Since the perimeter of each of the
Since the total area of the star is 36, rectangles is 40 em, then 2x + 2y = 40
then the area of each small triangle orx + y = 20.
is 36 + 12 = 3. But the side length of the large
Since the shaded area is made up of square is x + y em.
9 of these small triangles,
its area is 9 x 3 = 27. Therefore, the area of the large square
is (x + y)2 = 20 2 = 400 cm 2 .
5. p u 8. If we multiply the second and third
equations together, we obtain
7 5
x(y + 1) y(x + 1) = 9x 18
or xy(y + 1)(x + 1) = .
LPOU = LROS (Vertically opp. 162
angles) 1
From the first equation, xy = 9·
=> LPOQ + L ROS + LUOT = 180°
Sum of angles in a triangle = 180• 1 35
~ Sum of angles in D. PQO, D. OUT, Therefore, 9 (x + 1)(y + 1) = 162
D. ORS = 180• + 180• + 180• = 540•
35 ) 35
:. LP +LQ +LR + L S+ LU + LT or (x + 1)(y + 1) = 9 ( = ·
162 18
= 540° - 180• = 360•

Explanatory Answers
BMA's Talent &Olympiad Exams Resource Book Class VII - Mathematics

9. Since the sale price has been reduced 13. Since the flag shown is rectangular,
by 20%, then the sale price of ~ 1120 then i ts total area is its height
4 multiplied by its width, or h x 2h
is 80% or 5 of the regular price. = 2h 2 •
1 Since the flag is divided into seven
Therefore, 5 of the regular price is stripes of equal height and each
~ 1120 + 4 = ~ 280.
stripe has equal width, then the area
of each stripe is the same.
Thus, the regular ptice is ~ 280 x 5
= ~ 1400. Since the four shaded stips have total
area 1400 cm2 , then the area of each
If the regular price is reduced by 30%,
the new sale price would be 70% of strip is 1400 + 4 = 350 cm2 •
7 Since the flag consists of 7 strips,
the regular price, or (~ 1400) then the total area of the flag is 350
= ~ 980. cm2 x 7 = 2450 cm 2 •
Since the flag ish by 2h, then 2h2
10. To make ~1+ 2+ 3 +4+ x an integer, = 2450 cm2 or h 2
we need 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + x = 10 + x to be = 1225 cm2 •
a perfect square. Therefore, h = -/1225cm 2 = 35 em
Since xis between 1 and 99, then (since h > 0).
10 + x is between 11 and 109.
The height of the flag is 35 em.
There are 7 perfect squares in this
interval: 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 and 14. Since a and b are both odd, then ab is
100, so there are 7 possible values of odd.
x : 6, 15, 26, 39, 54, 71, and 90. Therefore, the largest even integer
11. Let the three numbers be a, b and c. less than ab is ab - 1.
We construct the first equation to be, Since every other positive integer less
than or equal to ab - 1 is even, then
b +c
a +--=65. the number of even positive integers
2 less than or equal to ab - 1 (thus,
Or, 2a + b + c = 130. a b-1
Similarly we construct the two other less than ab) is - - = 45.
equations to be, a + 2b + c = 138
and a + b + 2c = 152. 1 25 6
If we add the three equations we 15. WeknowP + - - = - -1+ - - 1
q+! 19- 19-
obtain, r
4a + 4b + 4c = 420. 1 1
+w = 1 + --1.
4(a + b +c) 420 - 3+-
The average is = - - 6 6
3 3
~ a +b+ c = 35 . Therefore, comparing the two
3 fractions, p = 1, q = 3 and r = 6.
12. Since 2000 = 24 >03 , the smallest
possible positive integer satisfying
the required conditions is 25 558
which gives the sum 2 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 8
= 25. A natural answer might be 23
since 44 555 satisfies the given
conditions. However, since 25 558 <
44 555 and the question requires the
smallest number then the answer
must be 25 and not 23.

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