Oliveirabarbosa Shelley CV

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Shelley Oliveira Barbosa 

Providence, RI 02905 | sobarbosaa@my.uri.edu | ​shelleyob.weebly.com 


University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI May 2021
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
Bachelor of Arts in Biology
GPA 3.25/4.0
Minors: Leadership Studies and Thanatology

Department of Kinesiology, Kingston, RI
Undergraduate Research Assistant ​January 2019 - May 2019
Effect of Balance Training Using a Kumo Board on Measures of Postural Stability in Young Adults
● Collaborated with five other students and one professional staff member to conduct a human based research study.
● Interviewed potential participants on their eligibility to join the program and surveyed them post-study on the study’s effects
and program.
● Led three 30 minute exercise sessions a week, for four weeks on a training program using the Kumo Board.
● Collected, evaluated, and interpreted data that looked at the effects of a four week balance training program on the Kumo
Board, an inflatable balance board, on balance in young adults.
● Organized and created a research poster during a symposium with two other students.
● Poster Presentation: ​Oliveira Barbosa S​, Fitzsimmons J, Jancura D, Montesi O, Stoukides J, Oakley R, Fournier K,
Delmonico J M. Effect of Balance Training Using a Kumo Board on Measures of Postural Stability in Young Adults. Poster
presented at 3rd Annual Academic Health Collaborative Research Event; 2019 May 1; Kingston, RI

Rhode Island Free Clinic, Providence, RI
Medical Assistant December 2018 - Present
● Measure patient's height, weight, vitals and perform EKGs and urine analysis when necessary.
● Record patient health information.
● Prepare patients for examination with the provider.
● Translate for medical care professionals when needed.

URI Emergency Medical Services, Kingston, RI

Emergency Medical Services Corpsman January 2018 - Present
● Learn and utilize emergency medical care processes and skills.
● Volunteer and collaborate with other corps members and volunteers to ensure the most effective patient care.

Richmond Elementary School, Richmond, RI November 2019 - December 2019

Reebok BOKS Coach
● Facilitated 45 minute Reebok BOKS before-school movement program twice a week for six weeks.
● Adapted the curriculum lesson plans to fit the ability of the kids while challenging them.
● Managed a group of 34 elementary-aged kids and four volunteers.
● Coached a warm up, activity related to the skill of the week, game, and cool down.
● Taught a BOKS bit of energy tip and have nutritional talk.

Columbia University, New York, NY

Intern-Summer Health Professions Education Program ​ June 2018 - July 2018
● Participated in academic enrichment courses in the basic sciences and quantitative topics.
● Engaged in clinical work, simulation experiences, and seminars.
● Broadened interprofessional education, develop learning and study skills, and expand knowledge on different aspects of
health care.

Lifespan-Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI

Central Transporter November 2015 - March 2017
● Transported patients, specimens, and documents throughout Rhode Island Hospital and its connecting buildings.
● Communicated with patients and provided care to them with consideration of which step in the care process they were in.


URI Housing and Residential Life, Kingston, RI
Senior Residential Assistant August 2018 - Present
● Collaborate with the Hall Director to ensure the safety of over 300 students and supervise a staff of 11 students.
● Maintain visibility on a regular basis within the building to be available to students and staff members.
● Monitor administrative responsibilities related to the position and monitor building occupancy percentage.
Residential Assistant August 2017 - Present
● Create a safe, living and learning environment for those on campus.
● Hold those in the resident hall accountable for their actions and act as a mediator in conflicts.
● Conduct educational programs, in an effort to bring the community together.
Engagement Model Chair, Community Leadership Board ​February 2019 - February 2020
● Advocated for student staff of The Housing and Residential Life in weekly meetings with professional staff.
● Implemented the new model throughout the department by teaching returning and new staff members.
● Organized resources for over 150 student staff members.
● Facilitated focus groups to receive feedback on the newly created Engagement Model.

Chief of Internal Operations April 2019 - April 2020
● Communicated with the hospital and dance marathon liaisons, along with the chief of external operations and executive
director, regarding their involvement with the program.
● Oversaw event operations lead, morale lead, partnership chair, data tracking chair, on-stage chair, off-stage chair, and their
● Created and maintained a detailed record of overall budget and event budgets.
● Collaborated with the executive board to plan the eight-hour dance marathon and events throughout the year.
Finance/Partnership Chair September 2018- April 2019
● Established a partnership packet and stewart with partnerships, both corporate and local.
● Maintained a detailed record of budget and proposals.
● Tracked funds entering and exiting our online donor page, DonorDrive.

University of Rhode Island Service Corps

Denver, Colorado Alternative Spring Break Trip Leader July 2019 - March 2020
● Interviewed approximately 150 applicants in group interviews and over 40 through individual interviews.
● Collaborated with three other student leaders to pick a service theme, location, and organize a week of several service events.
● Planned fundraising events and managed a $15,000 trip budget for a group of 20 people.
● Coordinated weekly pre-trip meetings with the goal to educate the team on the trip’s theme and build team development.
● Reflected on the acts of service for different communities and populations throughout Colorado.
● Led conversations regarding the environment, affordable housing, displacement, and diversity, while building a connection
with service in everyday life.

Guatemala Alternative Spring Break Participant March 2019

● Served multiple communities in Guatemala through building the foundations of two houses alongside the Habitat for
Humanity Guatemala branch.
● Engaged in conversation regarding the climate and culture of Guatemala, the political, cultural, and socio-economic issues
that affect their everyday lives.
● Reflected within the group on what we were learning and how to continue to make a change when at home.

Rhode Island Alternative Spring Break Participant March 2018

● Worked with a group of students to serve various diverse communities in Rhode Island by volunteering during our spring
break at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, nursing homes, etc.
● Witnessed social and economic issues in the communities.
● Reflected on the experiences and think critically on the different perspectives of service.

Center for Student Leadership and Development, University of Rhode Island

HDF 190, Peer Educator January 2019 - Present
● Collaborated with five other student leaders and two professional staff members to best serve the first year students.
● Mentored seven students during the spring of their first-year, while motivating and assisting however they may need.
● Reviewed outcomes for outcomes which are later submitted for grading.
● Developed a presentation and video tutorial on how to create the website required for Leadership Studies minors.

Harvard University, Boston, MA

Summer School Proctor June 2019 - August 2019
● Planned and facilitated co-curricular activities designed to promote community and sense of belonging for over 15 students.
● Chaperoned events and faculty field-trips around campus and popular off-campus destinations for over 100 students.
● Completed all administrative tasks which include incident reports, duty logs, and program reports.

New Student Programs, University of Rhode Island

URI 101 Mentor August 2017- August 2019
● Assisted over 60 first year students in total through their transition to college, both academically and socially.
● Challenged them to learn more about their personality and the effect it has on their learning.
Teaching Assistant (CSV 302) September 2018 - December 2018
● Designed lesson plans for the course and prepared materials.
● Reinforced lessons presented by the teacher by reviewing material with over 15 students.
● Challenged students to reflect on their skills, provide them with constructive criticism, and supply them with lessons to bring
to their students.
Orientation Leader January 2017- July 2017
● Served as an ambassador to incoming students and their families by facilitating workshops and guiding students through
course scheduling.
● Held information sessions related to URIs academics and climate and culture.

Diversifying Individuals Via Education (DIVE), URI

Speakers and Presenters Committee ​ September 2018 - April 2019
● Communicated with potential speakers to presenters at the conference.
● Organized the agenda for the conference by collaborating with different committees.
● Involved the campus in a two-day conference, to educate others on the different aspects of diversity.

Young Voices, Providence, RI

Support Staff July 2017 - August 2017
● Supported 40 youth in a Workforce Development summer program.
● Collaborated with the staff team to design and implement engaging leadership activities for youth participants from diverse
backgrounds and ability levels.
● Provided administrative support, such as data collection and youth outreach.

Doc Opps
President December 2017 - May 2019
● Communicated with the rest of the executive board and club members to organize meeting location, time, and content
● Guided fellow students on the pre-health track with things such as doctor visits, information sessions on different specialties,
summer internships, and more.
● Assisted with the Facebook page, where members receive the information collected during meetings.

New Wave Self Defense, LLC

Instructor May 2010 - September 2017
● Assisted as a Martial Arts Instructor.
● Member of the Dedicated, Enthusiastic, Loyal, Teacher’s Assistant (DELTA) Team.
● Held the position of Captain of the Demonstration Team.
● Organized and held practices, choreographed demonstration techniques, and communicated with the team about future plans.

Red Cross First-Aid, CPR Certified, HIPPA Certified, Mental Health First-Aid, Green Dot Violence Prevention, Safe Zone
Languages:Trilingual (English, Cape Verdean Creole, and Spanish)
Computer: Microsoft Office Applications, Google and Team Drives

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