SK400 - User Guide - 1.6 - EN PDF
SK400 - User Guide - 1.6 - EN PDF
SK400 - User Guide - 1.6 - EN PDF
Weighing System
User Guide
i•FeedGood M
Table of Contents
1. General Information 5
Important safety standards ............................................................. 5
Mechanical installation .................................................................... 6
Connections .................................................................................... 7
Connection diagram ........................................................................ 8
Replacing the fuse .......................................................................... 9
Maintenance ................................................................................. 10
EC Declaration of Conformity ....................................................... 11
2. User Interface 12
Display .......................................................................................... 13
Icons ............................................................................................. 13
Keypad .......................................................................................... 15
Programming alphanumerical and numerical fields ...................... 18
Entering a new value in an alphanumerical field ........................ 18
Modifying an alphanumerical field .............................................. 18
Modifying a numerical field ......................................................... 18
How to select an item from a list ................................................... 19
3. Power On 20
How to switch on i•FeedGood M ................................................... 20
How to shut down i•FeedGood M .................................................. 21
4. Archives 22
How to show the Archives List ...................................................... 22
How to select an Archive .............................................................. 22
How to create a new element/code .............................................. 23
How to modify an element/code ................................................... 23
How to eliminate an element/code ................................................ 23
How to search an element/code ................................................... 24
5. Recipe Programming 25
How to view the Recipes List ........................................................ 26
How to view the Content of the Recipe .........................................26
How to create a new Recipe ......................................................... 26
How to modify the Name and Parameters of the Recipe .............. 27
How to insert an element in the Recipe ........................................27
How to eliminate an element from the Recipe .............................. 28
How to modify the position of an element .....................................28
How to modify the weight of Ingredients .......................................28
How to modify the weight/number of animals of Groups .............. 28
How to modify the Mixing Timer ................................................... 28
How to set the Jump Function ...................................................... 29
How to modify the Recipe Totals .................................................. 29
How to view the Recipe Totals ..................................................... 30
How to duplicate a Recipe ............................................................ 30
How to eliminate a Recipe ............................................................ 30
How to search a Recipe ................................................................ 30
7. Manual Weighing 35
Load and unload ...........................................................................35
Weight Hold Function ...................................................................35
Maximum Load check ...................................................................35
8. Target Weighing 36
Load and unload ...........................................................................37
Reaching set value .......................................................................37
Stability check ............................................................................... 37
Weight Hold Function ...................................................................37
Maximum Load check ...................................................................38
How to interrupt execution ............................................................ 38
Execution end ............................................................................... 38
9. Zero Scale 39
10. Applications 40
Mixing Timer ................................................................................. 40
Date & Time .................................................................................. 41
Power Supply Voltage ..................................................................41
11. Settings 42
Weighing Preferences ..................................................................43
Weight Unit ................................................................................. 43
Display Update ...........................................................................43
Display Resolution......................................................................43
Weight Display ...........................................................................44
Prealarm ..................................................................................... 44
Queue Time................................................................................ 45
Maximum Load ...........................................................................45
Automatic Tracking.....................................................................45
Weight Recovery ........................................................................45
Motion......................................................................................... 46
A/D Converter Filter....................................................................46
HDW Filter .................................................................................. 46
System Preferences .....................................................................47
Language ................................................................................... 47
Keypad ....................................................................................... 47
Date Format ............................................................................... 47
Decimal Separator Format ......................................................... 47
12. Calibrations 54
Calibration by Actual Weight ......................................................... 55
Calibration by Load Cells Code .................................................... 55
Calibration by Load Cells Parameters ..........................................56
Calibration by Sample Weight ...................................................... 57
13. Utility 59
Setup Code ................................................................................... 60
General Reset ............................................................................... 60
Settings Reset .............................................................................. 60
Archives Deletion ..........................................................................61
Formatting NANDFlash .................................................................61
Diagnostics ................................................................................... 62
Display........................................................................................ 62
Keypad ....................................................................................... 62
Memories.................................................................................... 62
ADC ............................................................................................ 63
Digital Outputs ............................................................................63
Serial Lines................................................................................. 63
14. Statistics 64
Reset Date .................................................................................... 65
Work Hours ................................................................................... 65
Power On Number ........................................................................65
Number of Recipes Executed ....................................................... 65
Maximum Weight Loaded ............................................................. 65
Overload Number .........................................................................66
Zero Scale Date ............................................................................66
Calibration Date ............................................................................66
15. Customisation 67
Remote Terminals ........................................................................67
16. Annex B 70
Technical Specifications ............................................................... 70
17. Annex C 71
Error Codes .................................................................................. 71
ERR 1 Overrange Error ............................................................. 71
ERR 2 Calibration Error............................................................. 71
ERR 3 Calibration Error............................................................. 71
ERR 17 Data Loss.....................................................................71
ERR 18 File System damaged .................................................. 72
ERR 21 Maximum Load exceeded............................................72
ERR 25 Total Weight of the Recipe ..........................................72
ERR 27 Recipe Execution interrupted.......................................72
ERR 30 Ingredient unloading .................................................... 72
ERR 34 Group unloading .......................................................... 72
ERR 54 Incompatible files version ............................................73
ERR 55 Operation failed ........................................................... 73
Mechanical installation
i•FeedGood M must be installed using the fixing system included
in the supply. It must be installed on a flat, stable and vibration-
free surface. Do not install or place the scale near heat sources or
strong magnetic fields (motors, magnets, etc.).
Photo 1
The display has 21 icons which guide you in using the scale.
Icon Meaning
OK Press to confirm.
Comma Press to write “full stop”, “comma” or “minus sign”.
Note: if there are items prior to those viewed, the display shows
the icon , if there are items following those viewed, the display
shows the icon .
Prealarm Threshold
1. When the weight displayed reaches 15% the programmed
value (see “Prealarm” Weighing Preference), the display
shows the icon flashing, while the scale activates the
Alarm Output intermittently. As weighing operations continue,
the Alarm Output activates more frequently.
Note: during the Prealarm, the display shows the Name and
type of the next element.
Stability check
1. If the Motion Function is enabled (see "Motion" Weighing
Preference), you only pass to the next element if the
displayed weight is stable when the Queue Time is up.
To pass to the next element, when the weight is not stable,
press OK.
Note: if the displayed weight is not stable when the Queue
Time is up, the display shows the message ”MOTION
ACTIVE" until the weight becomes stable.
Execution end
1. When the Queue Time of the last element is up, the display
shows the message “Execution completed.” and after 3
seconds the Total Weight.
Note: if you want the scale to select Recipe Programming at
the end of execution, program the "Recipes Execution Activity
End" System Preference.
Stability check
1. If the Motion Function is enabled (see "Motion" Weighing
Preference), execution only ends if the displayed weight is
stable when the Queue Time is up. To end execution, when
the weight is not stable, press OK.
Note: if the displayed weight is not stable when the Queue
Time is up, the display shows the message ”MOTION
ACTIVE" until the weight becomes stable.
Execution end
1. When the Queue Time is up, the display shows the message
“Execution completed.” and after 3 seconds the Total Weight.
Use the Zero Scale if the Total Weight is not ''0'' with the mixing
wagon skip empty.
It is recommended to execute the Zero Scale with the mixing
wagon empty before starting the weighing operations.
1. To execute the Zero Scale, in Manual Weighing or Recipe
Programming, press >0<. The display shows the message
“Do you want to execute the Zero Scale? Press OK to
confirm or ESC to cancel.”.
If you press OK the display shows the message “Zero Scale
executed correctly.” for 3 seconds.
Mixing Timer
Use Mixing Timer to program and execute a timer which you can
use to control the mixing time of the Ingredients loaded in the
mixer wagon. The display indicates that the timer is activated by
switching on the icon .
1. To execute the application, select the item “TIMER”, then
press u. The display shows “ENTER THE TIME”.
Shortcut: to quickly select Mixing Timer in Manual Weighing,
press the key 5.
2. Press u to program the time.
The display shows the icon .
3. Set the time (min:s), then press OK.
The display shows the countdown of the programmed time.
At the end of the countdown, the display shows the message
“Countdown completed.” for 3 seconds while the scale
activates the Alarm Output twice.
4. Press ESC to interrupt the countdown.
The display shows the message “Do you want to cancel the
countdown? Press OK to confirm or ESC to cancel.”. If you
press OK the display shows the message “Countdown has
been cancelled.” for 3 seconds, while the scale activates the
Alarm Output twice.
Weight Unit
This is for choosing the Weight Unit with which you want to
display the weight.
Note: changing the Weight Unit from kilogram to pound and vice
versa, the scale recalculates the Calibration, Maximum Load and
Maximum Weight Loaded values.
Display Update
This is for choosing the time interval with which in Weighing you
want to refresh the weight on the display.
Display Resolution
This is for choosing the Resolution with which in Weighing you
want to display the weight.
• If you program "Auto 5-1", in Recipes Execution and in
Target Weighing, the Resolution changes automatically
from 5 to 1 in the last 50 points to weigh, while in Manual
Weighing, it remains at 5.
• If you program "Auto 5-2", in Recipes Execution and in
Target Weighing, the Resolution changes automatically
from 5 to 2 in the last 50 points to weigh, while in Manual
Weighing, it remains at 5.
Options: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, Auto 5-1, Auto 5-2.
This is to enable and program the threshold which when reached,
in Recipes Execution and in Target Weighing, activates the Alarm
Note: to disable the Preference, set the "VALUE" field at "0".
• OUTPUT TYPE: Intermittent and Continuous.
• VALUE TYPE: Percentage, Absolute.
• VALUE: 0 … 50 % (15).
0 … 999 kg/lb (50).
Maximum Load
This is to enable and program a threshold to be used to define the
Maximum Load of the mixing wagon.
Note: to disable the Preference, set the value ''0''.
Automatic Tracking
This is to enable the Automatic Tracking Function which allows
you to eliminate any weight variations primarily caused by
variation of room temperature.
Weight Recovery
This is to enable the Weight Recovery Function which allows you
to eliminate any weight variations detected between two
consecutive Power On and primarily caused by variation of room
Display: MOTION
Options: No, Yes.
HDW Filter
This is to enable a sophisticated algorithm able to stabilize the
weight display.
This is for choosing the language you want to use.
Options: Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français,
Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Por.Brasil
(Português do Brasil), Русский, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe.
This is for choosing the keypad you want to use.
Display: KEYPAD
Options: Latin, Cyrillic.
Date Format
This is for choosing the format you want to use to display the
Display: POWER ON
Options: Manual, Automatic.
Display Brightness
This is for choosing the display backlight brightness.
Shortcut: to quickly modify the display backlight brightness in
Manual Weighing, press the key 2.
Activity at Power On
This is for choosing the Activity you want to view after Power On.
Recipes List
This is for choosing the order of the Recipes.
Scale Protect
This is to enable the procedure which restricts unauthorised
personnel from using the scale.
Data Password
This is to program the Data Password which allows you to modify
Archives and Recipes when the "Scale Protect" System
Preference is set at "Settings and Data".
Note: if you have forgotten the Password, enter the
"Administrator" Password to restore the default Password.
W-Link ID
This is to set the ID of the Private Radio Networks (PRN) to
2.4GHz if the scale is supplied with the "2.4GHz Wireless" option.
The option is required to connect the scale to the W-Link Remote
Note: the Preference is displayed only if the scale is supplied with
the "2.4GHz Wireless” option.
Note: if several i•FeedGood S/M/L operate in the same area with
the "2.4GHz Wireless" option installed, it is necessary to set a
different ID code for each scale.
Display: W-LINK ID
Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Inputs Setting
This is to program operation of the Remote Control and External
Keyboard accessories, associating operation of the keyboard or
scale functions to the 4 keys of the accessories.
Note: the Preference is only displayed if the scale is supplied with
the Remote Control accessory or with the "4-Opto-Isolated Inputs"
Note: for more information refer to the documentation attached to
the “4-Opto-Isolated Inputs” option or contact the Customer
Auxiliary Heating
This is to enable operation of the "Auxiliary Heating" option, useful
when the scale is used in especially cold countries.
Note: the Preference is only displayed if the scale is supplied with
the "Auxiliary Heating" option.
Display: HEATING
Options: No, Yes.
Scale ID
This is to assign an ID useful to identify the scale.
Display: SCALE ID
Default: NEW SCALE.
System Info
This is to view information regarding the software version installed
in the scale.
General Reset
This is to initialise the scale, to delete all stored data and to
restore the default settings.
Note: the procedure also initialises the date and time of the clock.
1. To execute the procedure, select the item “GENERAL
RESET”, then press u. The display shows the message “All
stored data will be deleted. Press OK to confirm or ESC to
cancel.”. If you press OK the display shows the message
“Restore in progress. Wait...” and at the end the message
“Operation executed correctly.”.
Settings Reset
This is to delete the values programmed in the Settings by
restoring the default settings.
1. To execute the procedure, select the item “SETTINGS
RESET”, then press u. The display shows the message “The
Settings will be restored. Press OK to confirm or ESC to
cancel.”. If you press OK the display shows the message
“Restore in progress. Wait...” and at the end the message
“Operation executed correctly.”.
Formatting NANDFlash
This is to format the internal NANDFlash memory. The execution
of the procedure cancels all the stored data and restores the
default settings.
Note: the procedure also initialises the date and time of the clock.
1. To execute the procedure, select the item “NANDFlash
FORMAT”, then press u. The display shows the message
“All stored data will be deleted. Press OK to confirm or ESC
to cancel.”. If you press OK the display shows the message
“Formatting in progress.. Wait...” and at the end the message
“Operation executed correctly.”.
The Test verifies operation of the display by switching on all the
icons and characters of the display in sequence.
Press ESC to exit the Test.
The Test verifies operation of the keypad.
To verify operation of the keypad, press one key at a time (except
ON/OFF) and make sure that the display shows the name of the
pressed key. Press OK and C simultaneously to exit the Test.
The Test verifies operation of the NANDFlash memory of the
1. To execute the Test, select the item “NANDFlash”, then
press u.
The display shows the message "Test in progress Wait...”
and at the end the message “Test executed correctly.”.
Note: do not interrupt execution of a Test in progress to avoid
damaging the scale.
Digital Outputs
The Test verifies operation of the Alarm Out, of the 7 outputs of
the “7-Power Outputs" option and the output of the “Relay Output”
option, enabling the individual outputs three times.
To conduct the Test, select the Test that you want to execute,
then press u. Press ESC to exit the Test.
Serial Lines
The Test verifies operation of the L-LINK optional Port.
To conduct the Test press u. The display shows the message
"Test in progress. Wait...” and at the end the message “Test
executed correctly.”.
Note: to execute the L-LINK Port Test, you must have connected
a CAN device to the connector.
Use Statistics to display and reset data regarding use of the scale
and of the mixing wagon which the scale stores automatically
during operation.
1. To access the Statistics in Manual Weighing, press MENU.
The display shows “APP”.
Note: to access the Statistics in Recipe Programming, press
MENU, select the item “APPLICATIONS”, then press u.
2. Select the item “STATISTICS”, then press u.
The display shows “HIST” and the list of Statistics.
3. Select the item you want to view, then press u.
Note: the values displayed refer to the reset date.
Work Hours
This is to display the Total Time of Use of the scale.
Power On Number
This is to display the number of Power On procedures executed.
Calibration Date
This is to display the date of the last Calibration executed.
Remote Terminals
i•FeedGood M can be supplied with new Remote Terminals,
equipped with display and keys identical to those of the scale, to
execute all the operations carried out with the scale remotely.
• L-Link Remote Terminal
This is connected to the optional L-LINK connector,
available if the scale is supplied with the “L-Link Port”
option, by means of a cable which can reach a total length
of 100m. Up to 5 L-Link Remote Terminals can be
connected to each scale.
• W-Link Remote Terminal
This is connected to i•FeedGood M via a Private Radio
Network (PRN) at 2.4GHz. Easily movable and installable
at different points, in order to work i•FeedGood M must
have the “2.4GHz Wireless” option installed. There can be
a maximum of 300m between the Remote Terminal and
i•FeedGood M. The distance is affected by different
environmental conditions, such as how close they are to
radio towers, the presence of metal structures or objects in
between i•FeedGood M and the W-Link Remote
Terminals. Up to 5 W-Link Remote Terminals can be
connected to each scale. Up to 7 i•FeedGood S/M/L can
operate with the “2.4GHz Wireless” installed.
External Keyboard
i•FeedGood M can be controlled at a distance with a 4 key
External Keyboard which replicates the i•FeedGood M keyboard
or functions.
For the External Keyboard to operate, i•FeedGood M must have
the “4-Opto-Isolated Inputs” option installed.
Auxiliary Heating
i•FeedGood M can be supplied with an auxiliary heating system,
recommended when used in especially cold countries.
Relay Output
i•FeedGood M can have an option which provides a relay output
able to supply a maximum current of 5 Ampere. The Relay Output
option also offers an NPN type Optoisolated Input.
4-Opto-Isolated Inputs
i•FeedGood M can be supplied with an optional board making
4 NPN Opto-Isolated Inputs available.
Note: some features are only available if the scale is supplied with
According to copyright laws, this manual cannot be copied, in whole or in part, without the
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Label has undertaken so that the information contained in this manual be as precise as
possible. Label will not be held liable for any printing errors.
Label will not be held liable for direct or indirect damage to persons, animals or property
resulting from misuse or improper use of its products and for damage resulting from failure to
use or suspension from using the products; nor will we be held liable for damage which our
products can cause in relation to their use or damage resulting from failure to use the
products during the repair phase, even if covered by Warranty.
For further information on Terms and Conditions of the Warranty, contact Customer Service.
Label reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the products and
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Any updates and additions made to the documentation in subsequent editions, even if
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Version 1.6/2015-09/EN
Label S.r.l.
Via Don Mazzucotelli, 6/A
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Phone +39 035 30.28.12
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