Assessment 1 Juga
Assessment 1 Juga
Assessment 1 Juga
Project title
Max Lionel Realty Business Plan
Project purpose
In this Case scenario the Company wants to grow its customer base and have
good relation with customer who is good for the company’s reputation and
growth.The project aim to guide ethical work practice and data management
to employees who involve with clients in order to encourage them to behave in
code of conduct and reduce the work mistake by data management
Background and strategic context
The background to the project Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by
property developer Max Lionel. The company currently employs approximately
100 people, 80 of whom are licensed real estate agents. Through its client
agents, the organization manages property sales and rentals (both residential
and commercial) on behalf of a range of clients. The organization also
separately engages in investment activities, such as property and land
And it relates to the strategic context in which Max Lionel Realty will achieve
its mission and vision is through:
• Engaging with customers and clients.
• Building goodwill and reputation for integrity.
• Supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
• Creating a high performing, highly profitable organization.
The organisation needs to implement of the new administration management
system which has high effect to the company due to high competition in the
Jindarat Kraisorn
Unit Code: BSBPMG522
Assessment 1
real estate market. As soon as the company has a strategy to develop work
process the system, the project should be run in July to September 2013.
Related projects
- Skill trainings.
- Customer retention.
- Sustainability project.
Project client/owner
Max Lionel
Project sponsor
Max Lionel
Project manager
Jindarat Kraisorn
Project status
Status project are 25%. Which on process in stakeholder analysis, roles
/responsibilities andcommunication plan.
Special provisions
REIV Code of conduct, WHS, Anti-discrimination legislation, Ethical principles,
Code of practices and Environmental issues.
Project approvals
JindaratKraisorn Max Lionel______________________
Max Lionel
Project Client/Owner Other
Stakeholder analysis
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Name Work area Stakeholder Impact on/by project,
type (client, requirements,
end-user) success criteria
Max Lionel The Board of Directors Client He has the most impact
to oversee the business
(CEO). on project because he
is the primary factor of
boards responsible for
incorporating risk as
part of every key
RizMehra Chief Financial Officer. Client She is the person who
will ensure the
availability of adequate
financial resources in
the company and
overseeing budgets for
cost center and
individual projects.
Kim Operations General Client She will be the person
Sweeney Manager.
who will be sponsoring
projects which affect
operations of the
organisation as a
Les Human Resources Client The person who can
Manager. increase moral and
good practice of
employees by training
or suggestions which
are necessary to board
member can complete
the project very well.
Sam Lee Manager Residential Client He willbemanagement
of all aspects of
residential realty such
as maintain and
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
organize tenant data
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Project scope document
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Human Resource Requirement
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Milestone: Action and/or Date Person Budget or
objective (to achieve responsibl resources
strategic aims of physical or e (where
human resourcing) applicable)
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Roles and responsibilities
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
manager project Smith
The operational/line manager
manager who the project
manager reports to on a
day-to-day basis.
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Page 8 of 43
Business Plan
Communication plan
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
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Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
What Who Purpose When/frequen Type/metho
cy ds
Status All stakeholders Update - Regularly Distribute
reports and project stakeholders scheduled. status report
office. on progress - Weekly is electronically
of the project. recommend and post via
ed for website.
Team Entire project To review - Regularly Meeting
meetings team. detailed plans scheduled. detailed
Individual (tasks, - Weekly is plan.
meetings for assignments, recommend
sub-teams as and action ed for entire
appropriate. items). team.
- Weekly or
as needed.
Sponsor Sponsor/s and Update - Regularly Meeting.
meetings Project sponsor/s on scheduled.
Manager. status and - Recommen
discuss ded
critical bi-weekly or
issues. And monthly and
seek also as
approval for needed
changes to when
project plan. issues
cannot be
resolved or
need to be
made to
project plan.
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page
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Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Project snapshot
Project snapshot
Project purpose:
The project aim to guide ethical work practice and data management to
employees who involve with clients in order to encourage them to behave in
code of conduct and reduce the work mistake by data management. And to
ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out consistently, fairly and
transparently and in accordance with organizational requirements by the
goals of this project are:
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or
codes of conduct followed by the organization.
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (RELV).
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitment.
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
1.2 – Planning
Work breakdown structure
Task 2: Brainstorming,
make a decision and
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 2.1: Discuss
the work practice
ethical and
discriminated against.
Task 3: Monitoring,
evaluation and close
the project.
Project title:
Project purpose
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Other related projects
Skill trainings.
Customer retention.
Sustainability project.
Project objective
- Assume that clients will be fully trained on legal and ethical compliance.
- Assume that client needs to provide additional budget.
- Skills.
- Knowledge.
- Office.
- Software developer.
- High speed internet.
- High capacity server.
- Time consuming.
From everything that is planned, we have been able to find out that there are
going to be a lot of deliverables. We need to have deliverables in order to
achieve our goals. However, time frame of this project it should be within 3
months form project start date.
Organisation chart
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan Page 15 of 43
Project client/owner
Max Lionel.
Project sponsor
Max Lionel.
Project Manager
Jindarat Kraisorn.
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
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Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Key stakeholders
- Project manager
- Operational general manager
- Chief financial manager
- Manager Residential Realty
Item Responsibility
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
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Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Resource Cost
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and Personal Interview $1,500
Risk (high/medium/low Management strategy
Failure to recruit New staff should be
qualified real estate performance plans align with
agents due to business plan and six-monthly
increased review process in place. And
competition. staff trained in use of
technology as needed.
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
and updated as required; IT
security monitored and
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Stakeholder Information required Format
1. Project The process of the Every weeks Information
manager operational aspect in status report
the project and scope
as day-to-day update.
2. Team Indentifying resources Every 2 Hand on
members need and assign weeks or in training or
responsibilities to the training brainstorm
each members and activity. meeting
training course.
3. Clients Property information, Every Magazine,
Sales promotion and months website or
Marketing materials. poster
4. Tenants Details of property and Before Notice, email or
inspection inspection. phone call
● status reports
● exception reports
● issues/risk log
● Variance requests.
● stakeholder needs analysis
● work breakdown structure
● Gantt chart
● activities schedule
● budget/cash flow
● human resource planning schedule
● roles and responsibilities
● procurement schedule
● combined resources and cost schedule
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Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
● risk management plan
● quality management plan
● Communications management plan.
Project approvals
Jindarat Kraisorn Max Lionel______________________
Max Lionel
Project Client/Owner Other
Gantt chart
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Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Activity/task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Page
Version: 1 23 of 43
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and
Work item 3.1.1: Monitoring
feedback form and personal
Work item 3.1.2: Evaluate
feedback, solutions and risk
Sub-task 3.2: Review the project
and report.
Work item 3.2.1: Review the
project performance.
Work item 3.2.2: Write a report
for present to board of directors,
CEO, operations general
manager and stakeholders.
If there are many tasks or stages in your project, you can identify them with a key
or legend.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
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Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Activities schedule
Work item 1.2.1: Set Board of Meeting 5 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 Yes Completed
detail and Information directors, CEO, room,
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
of roles and project manager Projector and
responsibility. and HR manager. computer.
Sub-task 2.1: Discuss the work practice ethical and discriminated against.
Work item 2.1.1: Project manager, Training 300 15/06/2013 22/07/2013 Yes Completed
Organise the training HR manager and room.
REIV code of conduct team members.
and the ethical training
Work item 2.1.2: Project manager, Meeting 8 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 Yes Completed
Review of the ethic and team members room and
work practice training and HR manager. equipment.
to project manager.
Work item 3.1.1: Project manager, Meeting 10 24/07/2013 02/08/2013 Yes 25%
Monitoring feedback operations room and
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Page 26 of 43
Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
form and personal general manager interview
interview. and HR manager. recode.
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Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
Risk register
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of y
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
2. Failure to Investigate resourcing
High High Project
realize revenue needs: number of
gains due to agents; personnel; manager,
recent slump in office equipment, CEO and
real estate cars, etc. Fulfill financial
prices. resourcing needs in department
accordance with .
policies and
3. Inadequate Low High Project
insurances held and
insurance coverage reviewed manager
cover. annually. and
4. Non- Medium High Project to raise Project
compliance on
anti- awareness of anti- manager
discrimination. discrimination, WHS and
and other operations
legislation/codes of general
conduct among manager
agents, clients,
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Project details
Risk details
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Description of risk:
Perception of discriminatory practice reducing client and tenant base.
Risk mitigation
Approval details
Supporting documentation:
Details of any supporting documentation used to substantiate this risk.
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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page x of y
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Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
Review the 10/08/2013 1 Weeks 24/08/2016 $2,000 $3,000 Project manager
project and
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page
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of of
y 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
1.5 – Finalizing and review
Budget variation report
The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular
project. These costs include labour, materials, and other resources required to
complete the project.
Project name:
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Jindarat Kraisorn
Unit Code: BSBPMG522
Assessment 3
Post-project review meeting
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
Handover report
Handover report
Initial overall
Issues summary
Date Date
Item Strategy
logged resolved
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
Documents attached
No. Title
1. Stakeholder analysis.
2. Stakeholder needs analysis.
3. Work breakdown structure.
4. Gantt chart.
5. Activities schedule.
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
Project goal/s
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
To maintain ethnical / The project
work practice completed and
To manage and satisfied.
organize clients’ data
Success criteria
Employees understand / The project
of the Ethical work completed and
practise, they apply in satisfied.
their work to uplifting
the standard. So there
is no complaint about
work knowledge and
from clients.
Errors of clients data is /
reduced and
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
4. Lessons learned
Always finish work on time. Managers should be strict with staff about being
late to work. Initiative needs to be taken and work should not be left at the
last minute.
Hiring staff who are more reliable, who are on time at work and hire staff
that would not take a lot of leave or change jobs frequently.
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1