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Project Planning Templates

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

1.1 – Initiation and scope
Project brief
Project purpose and rationale
The main purpose of this project is to build to customer good will and satisfy
its legal Political and ethical obligations with respect to work health and
Safety and anti-discrimination legislation, standards or code of conduct,
promote high standards in professional conduct. The purpose is also to inform
to clients, tenants and potential tenants of maintenance and light repair and
also achieve employees and clients buy in for imitative.

Project title
Max Lionel Realty Business Plan
Project purpose
In this Case scenario the Company wants to grow its customer base and have
good relation with customer who is good for the company’s reputation and
growth.The project aim to guide ethical work practice and data management
to employees who involve with clients in order to encourage them to behave in
code of conduct and reduce the work mistake by data management
Background and strategic context
The background to the project Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by
property developer Max Lionel. The company currently employs approximately
100 people, 80 of whom are licensed real estate agents. Through its client
agents, the organization manages property sales and rentals (both residential
and commercial) on behalf of a range of clients. The organization also
separately engages in investment activities, such as property and land
And it relates to the strategic context in which Max Lionel Realty will achieve
its mission and vision is through:
• Engaging with customers and clients.
• Building goodwill and reputation for integrity.
• Supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
• Creating a high performing, highly profitable organization.

The organisation needs to implement of the new administration management
system which has high effect to the company due to high competition in the

Jindarat Kraisorn
Unit Code: BSBPMG522
Assessment 1
real estate market. As soon as the company has a strategy to develop work
process the system, the project should be run in July to September 2013.

Related projects
- Skill trainings.

- Customer retention.

- Sustainability project.

Project client/owner
Max Lionel
Project sponsor
Max Lionel

Project manager
Jindarat Kraisorn
Project status
Status project are 25%. Which on process in stakeholder analysis, roles
/responsibilities andcommunication plan.

Special provisions
REIV Code of conduct, WHS, Anti-discrimination legislation, Ethical principles,
Code of practices and Environmental issues.

Project approvals
JindaratKraisorn Max Lionel______________________

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Max Lionel
Project Client/Owner Other

Stakeholder analysis

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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Name Work area Stakeholder Impact on/by project,
type (client, requirements,
end-user) success criteria
Max Lionel The Board of Directors Client He has the most impact
to oversee the business
(CEO). on project because he
is the primary factor of
boards responsible for
incorporating risk as
part of every key
RizMehra Chief Financial Officer. Client She is the person who
will ensure the
availability of adequate
financial resources in
the company and
overseeing budgets for
cost center and
individual projects.
Kim Operations General Client She will be the person
Sweeney Manager.
who will be sponsoring
projects which affect
operations of the
organisation as a
Les Human Resources Client The person who can
Manager. increase moral and
good practice of
employees by training
or suggestions which
are necessary to board
member can complete
the project very well.
Sam Lee Manager Residential Client He willbemanagement
of all aspects of
residential realty such
as maintain and
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
organize tenant data

Pat Misfud Manager Commercial Client She will be managing of

all aspects commercial
realty such as manages
the activities of
commercial agents for
enhance ability to
compete in the market.
Peter Manager Investments Client The person who can
help analysis
investment data.

Jindarat Project manager End-user Gain a loyalty of

Kraisorn customer, success in
the task.

All - Sales End-user - Convenience.

- Administration - Customer
- Customer
services - Having adequate
consult via the
- Feel reliable and
happy to stay
with Max Lionel.

All - Sales End-user - Remember good

possible reputation.
- Administration
- Easy to contact
- Customer
with the clients.
- Rely on the
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Project scope document

In Scope Out of scope Assumptions Constraints


- Build customer - Legislatio - Assume - Skills.

goodwill. n REIV. that
- Knowledge
- Promote high - Training .
will be
standards in of client,
fully - Office.
professional staffs.
trained - Software
- Relevant on legal developer.
- Inform agents code of and
of legal and conduct. ethical - High speed
ethical complia internet.
- High
obligations nce. - High
- Inform clients, nce data - Assume capacity
tenants and manage that server.
potential ment client - Time
tenants of program needs to consuming
MLR’s software. provide .
commitments. addition
- Achieve al
employee and budget.
client buy-in
for initiative.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Human Resource Requirement
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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Milestone: Action and/or Date Person Budget or
objective (to achieve responsibl resources
strategic aims of physical or e (where
human resourcing) applicable)

Objective: Prepare 15/06/2013 Board of $1,000

communication letter. directors
and CEO.

Objective: Hiring an external 17/06/2013 Board of $2,000

consultant for contracted to directors,
project manage activities to CEO,
achieve the quality standard of operations
company. general
and HR

Objective: Hiring two to four 17/06/2013 Operations $2,000

candidatesto join with our general
team members. manager.

Objective: Training new staff 01/07/2013 HR $6,000

about REIV obligations, anti- department.
discrimination policy and legal
obligations is necessary to
work as a real estate institute.

Objective: Procuring the 17/06/2013 Operations $4,000

meeting room, computer and department
software is necessary to and
training as staff members. purchasing

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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Roles and responsibilities

Role Name/s Responsibilities Signature/s

(if required)

Project client/owner Max Lionel Requesting for the Max Lionel

The person who requires project by inform
the project to be the company
undertaken. condition to
project manage
activities to
achieve the

Project Max Lionel Approve the Max Lionel

sponsor/project project and
director/project board working with the
Senior management of board of directors
the project. Accountable to oversee the
for the success of the business, set
project. Has the overall strategic
authority to commit directions,
resources. manage risk, and
authorize large

Project manager Jindarat - Consult the Jindarat

Person responsible for Kraisorn project to
running the project on a client.
day-to-day basis within
- Implement the
defined authorities for
project task.
cost and schedule as
agreed with the project - Monitor the
sponsor/board. progress.
- Report and
review the

Manager of the project Emily Smith - Consult the Emily

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
manager project Smith
The operational/line manager
manager who the project
manager reports to on a
day-to-day basis.

Project team members Jindarat They have Jindarat

Staff who will be working Kraisorn responsible for the
on the project. management all of
Max Lionel
aspects of the Max Lionel
Kim RizMehra
Sweeney Kim
Les Goodale Sweeney
Peter Les
Mitchell Goodale
Pat Misfud Peter
Sam Lee Mitchell
Pat Misfud
Sam Lee

Steering committee/ Emily Smith They are a Emily

working party Max Lionel committee that Smith
To provide advice and decides on the
RizMehra Max Lionel
recommendations. priorities of this
Kim project of a RizMehra
Sweeney business. They Kim
have responsible Sweeney
for preparing
quarterly financial
statements and
overall budgeting
on this project.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Page 8 of 43
Business Plan
Communication plan

What Who Purpose When/frequen Type/metho

cy ds
Initiation All stakeholders. Gather - FIRST. Meeting to
meeting information - Before all
for initiation project start stakeholders
plan. date. .

Distribute All stakeholders. Distribute - Before kick- - Project

project plan to alert off meeting. snapshot
initiation stakeholders - Before distributed
plan of project project start via
scope and to date. hardcopy.
gain buy in. - May be
posted on
- Or
there file
by email
to all
Project All stakeholders. Communicate At or near Meeting.
kick-off plans and project start
stakeholder date.
s. And also
n among

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Page 9 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
What Who Purpose When/frequen Type/metho
cy ds
Status All stakeholders Update - Regularly Distribute
reports and project stakeholders scheduled. status report
office. on progress - Weekly is electronically
of the project. recommend and post via
ed for website.
Team Entire project To review - Regularly Meeting
meetings team. detailed plans scheduled. detailed
Individual (tasks, - Weekly is plan.
meetings for assignments, recommend
sub-teams as and action ed for entire
appropriate. items). team.
- Weekly or
as needed.
Sponsor Sponsor/s and Update - Regularly Meeting.
meetings Project sponsor/s on scheduled.
Manager. status and - Recommen
discuss ded
critical bi-weekly or
issues. And monthly and
seek also as
approval for needed
changes to when
project plan. issues
cannot be
resolved or
need to be
made to
project plan.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page
Page1 9ofof4343
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Project snapshot

Project snapshot

Name of project: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan

Project purpose:
The project aim to guide ethical work practice and data management to
employees who involve with clients in order to encourage them to behave in
code of conduct and reduce the work mistake by data management. And to
ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out consistently, fairly and
transparently and in accordance with organizational requirements by the
goals of this project are:
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or
codes of conduct followed by the organization.
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (RELV).
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitment.
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.

Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders

To build ethical trained staffs, new 1. Max Lionel (CEO)
amination steps, program, plans, 2. Riz Mehra (Chief Financial Officer)
reports, policies and procedure. 3. Kim Sweeney (Operations General
Timeframes within 3 months. And Manager)
project status reports are due at 4. Les Goodale (HR Manager)
25%, 50% and 75% of allotted 5. Sam Lee (Manager Residential
timeframe. Realty)
6. Pat Misfud (Manager Commercial
- By we should Weekly is
recommended for entire
7. Peter Mitchell (Manager
team. Weekly or bi-
weekly for sub teams as
needed. 8. Emily Smith (Manager of the
project manager)
9. Jindarat Kraisorn (External
10. Tenants 11. clients

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat Page

Page1 10
File Name: Max Lionel Realty of of
43 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Resources Risks
- Budget $15,000 approach by - The budget probably not
all reasonable resources enough for this project.
such as meeting room, - Operational costs adhere to
internet, computer, software, budgetary constraint such as
and telecommunication costs hand book.
- Sometime technology may be
- People: team leader, team constrained such as
members, project manager, computers can get some
IT manager, marketing problem.
manager. Also the structure
of teams work should include
project sponsor, technical
experts, and quality
assurance of deliverables,
projects manager and an
external consultant.

Interdependencies Success criteria

- We need to share data with - Reviewing from operational
other group members project plan, classify the
frequently, we need objective of the project,
information from existing assigning roles and
system responsibility, manage project
authority and setting timelines
- Coordinate with legacy
for the completion of the
system data extraction is
projects are all critical pieces
client’s responsibility such as
of the strategy implementation
REIV code of conduct and
relevant legislation or WHS.
- We can measure our success
criteria with the help of
stakeholder analysis. Then the
stakeholders can tell us what
to do and that would be very

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
1.2 – Planning
Work breakdown structure

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Task 1: Consulted and

appointment with team

Sub-task 1.1: Meeting

team members and
board of committee.

Work item 1.1.1:

Prepare communication
letter to invitation with
team member.

Work item 1.1.2:

Classify the objective of
the project.

Work item 1.1.3: Project

scope statement

Sub-task 1.2: Assign

roles and responsibility.

Work item 1.2.1: Set

detail and Information
of roles and

Work item 1.2.2:

Manage project

Task 2: Brainstorming,
make a decision and

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 2.1: Discuss
the work practice
ethical and
discriminated against.

Work item 2.1.1:

Organise the training
REIV code of conduct
and the ethical

Work item 2.1.2:

Review of the ethic and
work practice training to
project manager.

Task 3: Monitoring,
evaluation and close
the project.

Sub-task 3.1: Feedback

and evaluation.

Work item 3.1.1:

Monitoring feedback
form and personal

Work item 3.1.2:

Evaluate feedback,
solutions and risk

Sub-task 3.2: Review

the project and report.

Work item 3.2.1:

Review the project

Work item 3.2.2: Write

a report for present to
board of directors,
CEO, operations
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
general manager and

Project title:

Max Lionel Realty Business Plan

Project purpose

Project aims to guide ethical work practice and data management to

employees who involve with clients in order to encourage them to behave in
code of conduct and reduce the work mistake by data management. And to
ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out consistently, fairly and
transparently and in accordance with organizational requirements by the goals
of this project are:

- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or

codes of conduct followed by the organization.

- Promote high standards in professional conduct (RELV).

- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitment.

- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.

Background and strategic context

The background to the project Max Lionel Realty was founded in 2008 by
property developer Max Lionel. The company currently employs approximately
100 people, 80 of whom are licensed real estate agents. Through its client
agents, the organization manages property sales and rentals (both residential
and commercial) on behalf of a range of clients. The organization also
separately engages in investment activities, such as property and land
And it relates to the strategic context in which Max Lionel Realty will achieve
its mission and vision is through:
• Engaging with customers and clients.
• Building goodwill and reputation for integrity.
• Supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
• Creating a high performing, highly profitable organization.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

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Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Other related projects
 Skill trainings.

 Customer retention.

 Sustainability project.

Project objective

- To maintain customer relationship and Ethical standard of services

- To organise and manage customer’s data.

Scope including key deliverables

- To maintain clients relationship
- To maintain the ethical work practice

- Assume that clients will be fully trained on legal and ethical compliance.
- Assume that client needs to provide additional budget.

- Skills.
- Knowledge.
- Office.
- Software developer.
- High speed internet.
- High capacity server.
- Time consuming.

From everything that is planned, we have been able to find out that there are
going to be a lot of deliverables. We need to have deliverables in order to
achieve our goals. However, time frame of this project it should be within 3
months form project start date.

 Organisation chart

 REIV Code of conduct

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan Page 15 of 43
Project client/owner
Max Lionel.

Project sponsor
Max Lionel.

Project Manager
Jindarat Kraisorn.

Manager of the project manager

Emily Smith.

Project team members

Jindarat Kraisorn.
Max Lionel.
Riz Mehra.
Kim Sweeney.
Les Goodale.
Peter Mitchell.
Pat Misfud
Sam Lee.
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Page 16 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Key stakeholders
- Project manager
- Operational general manager
- Chief financial manager
- Manager Residential Realty

Item Responsibility

Meeting with team members 3 Weeks Board of directors, CEO and

and board of committee. operations general
managermeeting with team
members for classify the
objective of the project. Then
assign roles and responsibility.

Brainstorming, make a 6 Weeks Board of directors,external

decision and consultant and HR department
implementation. have to make a decision about
work practice ethical and
discriminated against. Also
training staffs about REIV
obligation and training about
software is necessary to work
as a real estate institute.

Feedback and evaluation. 2 Weeks HR department do monitoring

and evaluation of trained.

Review the project and 1 Weeks After reviewing the results of

report. the operation, HR manager
and operations general
manager have to make the
report and present that to
board of directors and CEO.

Resource and cost plan

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Page 17 of 43
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Resource Cost

Task 1: Consulted and Email $2,000

appointment with team

Sub-task 1.1: Meeting team Meeting room $2,000

members and board of

Work item 1.1.1: Prepare Meeting room $1,000

communication letter to Presentation
invitation with team member.

Work item 1.1.2: Classify the Meeting room $500

objective of the project. Presentation

Work item 1.1.3: Project Meeting room $500

scope statement Presentation
Financial resource

Task 2: Brainstorming, make Business plan resource $10,000

a decision and

Sub-task 2.1: Discuss the Human resource $4,000

work practice ethical and Anti-discriminated
discriminated against. resource

Work item 2.1.1: Organise the REIV code of conduct $3,000

training REIV code of conduct
Legal resource
and the ethical training

Work item 2.1.2: Review of Reviewing practice $3,000

the ethic and work practice training.
training to project manager.

Task 3: Monitoring, Feedback $3,000

evaluation and close the
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Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and Personal Interview $1,500

Work item 3.1.1: Monitoring Personal Interview

feedback form and personal record

Work item 3.1.2: Evaluate Meeting room

feedback, solutions and risk

Sub-task 3.2: Review the Meeting room $1,500

project and report. Computer

Work item 3.2.1: Review the Report

project performance.

Work item 3.2.2: Write a Report

report for present to board of Computer
directors, CEO, operations
general manager and Presentation

Project risk assessment

Risk (high/medium/low Management strategy
Failure to recruit New staff should be
qualified real estate performance plans align with
agents due to business plan and six-monthly
increased review process in place. And
competition. staff trained in use of
technology as needed.

Failure to realize Industry benchmarking in all

revenue gains due areas of organizational
to recent slump in performance. All office
real estate prices. equipment regularly reviewed
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Page 19 of 43
Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
and updated as required; IT
security monitored and

Appropriate insurances held

Inadequate Low
and coverage reviewed
insurance cover. annually.

Non-compliance on Project to raise awareness of

anti-discrimination. anti-discrimination, WHS and
other legislation/codes of
conduct among agents, clients,
Perception of Keep abreast of changes in
discriminatory potential liabilities. And
practice reducing conduct periodic reviews of
client and tenant agent performance to ensure
base. professional conduct. Mangers
encouraged and incentive to
follow performance
management policy.

Poor organizational Development of ethical

culture; low level of charter, including principles all
staff engagement agents must follow.
and morale.

Loss of knowledge Review and develop HR

and capability related policies where
through departing required. Appropriate HR
staff. policies and procedures in

Failure to meet WHS management system in

occupational health place.
and safety

Communications and reporting

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Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Stakeholder Information required Format
1. Project The process of the Every weeks Information
manager operational aspect in status report
the project and scope
as day-to-day update.
2. Team Indentifying resources Every 2 Hand on
members need and assign weeks or in training or
responsibilities to the training brainstorm
each members and activity. meeting
training course.
3. Clients Property information, Every Magazine,
Sales promotion and months website or
Marketing materials. poster
4. Tenants Details of property and Before Notice, email or
inspection inspection. phone call

● status reports
● exception reports
● issues/risk log
● Variance requests.

● stakeholder needs analysis
● work breakdown structure
● Gantt chart
● activities schedule
● budget/cash flow
● human resource planning schedule
● roles and responsibilities
● procurement schedule
● combined resources and cost schedule
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Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
● risk management plan
● quality management plan
● Communications management plan.

Future related projects

Sustainability Project

Project approvals
Jindarat Kraisorn Max Lionel______________________

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Max Lionel
Project Client/Owner Other

Gantt chart

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Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Activity/task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12

Task 1: Consulted and

appointment with team member.
Sub-task 1.1: Meeting team
members and board of
Work item 1.1.1: Prepare
communication letter to invitation
with team member.
Work item 1.1.2: Classify the
objective of the project.
Work item 1.1.3: Project scope

Task 2: Brainstorming, make a

decision and implementation.
Sub-task 2.1: Discuss the work
practice ethical and discriminated
Work item 2.1.1: Organise the
training REIV code of conduct
and the ethical training activities.
Work item 2.1.2: Review of the
ethic and work practice training
to project manager.

Task 3: Monitoring, evaluation

and close the project.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Page
Version: 1 23 of 43

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and
Work item 3.1.1: Monitoring
feedback form and personal
Work item 3.1.2: Evaluate
feedback, solutions and risk
Sub-task 3.2: Review the project
and report.
Work item 3.2.1: Review the
project performance.
Work item 3.2.2: Write a report
for present to board of directors,
CEO, operations general
manager and stakeholders.

If there are many tasks or stages in your project, you can identify them with a key
or legend.

Task 1
Task 2
Task 3

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Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Project Manager: Jindarat File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 1 of 43
Lionel Kraisorn Business Plan
Activities schedule

Effort Actually Comment/st

Phases & activities Responsibility Resources Started Deadline
(hrs) completed atus

Task 1: Consulted and appointment with team member.

Sub-task 1.1: Meeting team members and board of committee.

Work item 1.1.1: Board of Email. 1 01/06/2013 01/06/2013 Yes Completed

Prepare directors, CEO
communication letter to and project
invitation with team manager.

Work item 1.1.2: Board of Meeting 8 05/06/2013 05/06/2013 Yes Completed

Classify the objective directors, CEO room,
of the project. and project Projector and
manager. computer.

Work item 1.1.3: Board of Meeting 2 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 Yes Completed

Project scope directors, CEO, room,
statement project manager Projector and
and chief financial computer.

Sub-task 1.2: Assign roles and responsibility.

Work item 1.2.1: Set Board of Meeting 5 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 Yes Completed
detail and Information directors, CEO, room,

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
of roles and project manager Projector and
responsibility. and HR manager. computer.

Work item 1.2.2: Board of Meeting 1 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 Yes Completed

Manage project directors, CEO, room.
authority. project manager,
project consultant
and HR manager.

Task 2: Brainstorming, make a decision and implementation.

Sub-task 2.1: Discuss the work practice ethical and discriminated against.

Work item 2.1.1: Project manager, Training 300 15/06/2013 22/07/2013 Yes Completed
Organise the training HR manager and room.
REIV code of conduct team members.
and the ethical training

Work item 2.1.2: Project manager, Meeting 8 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 Yes Completed
Review of the ethic and team members room and
work practice training and HR manager. equipment.
to project manager.

Task 3: Monitoring, evaluation and close the project

Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and evaluation.

Work item 3.1.1: Project manager, Meeting 10 24/07/2013 02/08/2013 Yes 25%
Monitoring feedback operations room and

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Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
form and personal general manager interview
interview. and HR manager. recode.

Work item 3.1.2: Project manager Meeting 10 03/08/2013 04/08/2013 Yes

Evaluate feedback, and operations room,
solutions and risk general manager. computer
management and

Sub-task 3.2: Review the project and report.

Work item 3.2.1: Board of Meeting 10 06/08/2013 08/08/2013 Yes

Review the project directors, CEO, room,
performance. project manager, computer
and HR manager. and

Work item 3.2.2: Write Board of Meeting 10 09/08/2013 10/08/2013 Yes

a report for present to directors, CEO, room,
board of directors, project manager computer
CEO, operations and project and
general manager and consultant. projector.

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Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page 25 of 43
Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan

Project Name: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan

Expense Version 1 Version 2

Project sponsor, technical expert $5,000 $6,200

All reasonable resources [meeting room access, $7,000 $8,300

computer, software, template, paper and
telecommunication costs]

Poster, promotional materials $3,000 $2,100

Subtotal $15,000 $16,600

Contingency (+10%) $1,500 $1,660

TOTAL $16,500 $18,260

Risk register

Likeliho Risk response

Impact Responsib
Risk od (contingency
(H/M/L) le
(H/M/L) strategies)
1. Failure to Medium High Benchmarking in all Project
recruit qualified
real estate areas of manager,
agents due to organizational IT
increased performance. And department
competition. create program to and HR
train new staff. Also manager.
staff trained in use of
technology as

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
2. Failure to Investigate resourcing
High High Project
realize revenue needs: number of
gains due to agents; personnel; manager,
recent slump in office equipment, CEO and
real estate cars, etc. Fulfill financial
prices. resourcing needs in department
accordance with .
policies and

3. Inadequate Low High Project
insurances held and
insurance coverage reviewed manager
cover. annually. and
4. Non- Medium High Project to raise Project
compliance on
anti- awareness of anti- manager
discrimination. discrimination, WHS and
and other operations
legislation/codes of general
conduct among manager
agents, clients,

5. Perception of Project to raise

Medium High Project
discriminatory awareness of anti-
practice discrimination, WHS manager,
reducing client and other HR
and tenant legislation/codes of department
base. conduct among and
agents, clients, operations
tenants. And conduct general
of quarterly surveys:
clients and tenants.

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page

y 43
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
6. Poor Medium Medium Development of Project
organizational culture or ethical
culture; low charter, including manager,
level of staff principles all agents HR
engagement must follow. department
and morale. and
7. Loss of Low High Commence training/ Project
knowledge and
capability mentoring program manager,
through prior to HR
departing staff. implementation. department
8. Failure to Training need
Low High Project
meet analysis and training
occupational on WHS and manager,
health and implementation of HR
safety recently launched department
requirements. MLR WHS and
management system. operations

Risk assessment form

Identified risks are logged on a risk form and a copy is forwarded to the project

Project details

Project Name: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan

Project Manager: Jindarat Kraisorn.

Risk details

Risk ID: MLR001

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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page

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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
Raised by: Max Lionel
Date raised: 10/06/2013

Description of risk:
Perception of discriminatory practice reducing client and tenant base.

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

High Risk It should be High Risk

Risk mitigation

Preventative actions recommended:

 Development of culture or ethical charter, including principles
all agents must follow.
Contingency actions recommended:
 Provide project to raise awareness of anti-discrimination, WHS
and other legislation/codes of conduct among agents, clients,
and tenants. And conduct of quarterly surveys: clients and

Approval details

Supporting documentation:
Details of any supporting documentation used to substantiate this risk.

Signature: Jindarat Kraisorn Date: 10/06/2013


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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of y

Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
1.3 – Implementation
Change requests

Change request – Project

Issued by Jindarat Kraisorn

Item affected Research is behind time schedule and budget is out

of control.

Nature of change Adjust in budgetary, risk , schedule , budget and

requested scope.

Reason for change Recovering process for project.

Impact on scope Implementing cost processing.

Impact on budget Cost has been reduced and saved money.

Impact on schedule Delay closed to the individual work.

Change authorised: Yes Adj. completion Adj. final

date:- budget: $
Jindarat Kraisorn

Signed: Jindarat Signed:Max Signed:Max Signed:Max

Kraisorn Lionel Lionel Lionel

Project Manager Sponsor Client

Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of y

Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan Jindarat Kraisorn
Unit Code: BSBPMG522
Assessment 2
Issues log

Item Strategy Date logged Date resolved

1. Budget can be Financial 01/06/2013 01/06/2013

less for the planning

Human resource 01/06/2013 31/06/2013

2. It could be planning and
hard to find
skilled people organize

3. Staffs could Organize time 01/06/2013 10/06/2013

not attend the and invite staffs
training before the
project run and
request for
training skill

Signed: Jindarat Signed: Max Signed: Max Signed: Max

Kraisorn Lionel Lionel Lionel
Project Sponsor Client

Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013 Date 31/06/2013

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Pagex33

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y 43
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
1.4 – Monitoring
Status update report
This is one example of a status report. The preferred format should be negotiated with the project sponsor. Attach minutes of project meetings.

Status report – Project

Item Work Milestone date Revised/ Budgeted cost Revised/ Responsible

completed actual date actual cost

Meeting with 06/06/2013 3 Weeks 22/06/2016 $5,000 $4,500 Project manager

team members
and board of

Brainstorming, 23/07/2013 6 Weeks 5/07/2016 $3,500 $4,000 Project manager

make a decision

Feedback and 04/08/2013 2 Weeks 17/08/2016 $2,500 $3,500 Project manager


Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Realty Page x of y
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Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
Review the 10/08/2013 1 Weeks 24/08/2016 $2,000 $3,000 Project manager
project and

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Lionel Version: 1

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Jindarat Kraisorn Business Plan
1.5 – Finalizing and review
Budget variation report
The project budget is a prediction of the costs associated with a particular
project. These costs include labour, materials, and other resources required to
complete the project.

Project name:

Expense Budget Actual %


Project Structure of work includes; $8,000 $8,500 6.25%

 Employee’s salary.
 Technical expert.

All reasonable resources includes; $5,000 $6,000 -20%

 Office supplies.
 Data management Software.
 Telecommunications.

Promotional materials includes; $2,000 $1,500 25%

 Website
 Brochures

Subtotal 15,000 16,000 11.25%

TOTAL 15,000 16,000 11.25%

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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan

Jindarat Kraisorn
Unit Code: BSBPMG522
Assessment 3
Post-project review meeting

Post-Project Review Meeting – Agenda

Topic: Implementation of administrative system Speaker Time

Brief overview of project: Project 5 mins

To grow the customer base and have good relation Manager
with customers which is good for the company
reputation and growth. The project manager has
overall authority and responsibility for managing and
executing this project team will consist of personnel
from the coding group, quality control. The project
manager is responsible for communicating with
organisational managers on the progress and
performance of each project resource..

Review by team: All 10

Goals of the project have been achieved by everyone. mins
It has been tole again and gain. So everyone knew the
gaols from the beginning. Deliverables have been
achieved just on time. Work has been very organised.
Employees could have come to work on time instead
of being late by fifteen minutes and half on hour
Planning had been done in advanced and everything
has gone according to plan.

What worked/what could have gone better? All 20

Worked well: Stakeholders management has been mins
handling well by the Public relations officer. Without
his help, it would not have been able to keep good
relation with all the stakeholders
Planning had been done in advance and everything
has gone according to plan
Could have gone better: Employees could have
come to work on time instead of being late by fifteen
minutes and half hour
Communication has been poor among team members.
Team members always got messages late. Some
Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page

Pagex 37
of of 43
Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
team members always argued that they had not been
told to do the task properly by the manager. There
have been arguments with the manager.
We had been struggling with resource. At this time, we
could not pay our employees for all the hard work they
have done.
Lessons learned All 10
Always finish work on time. Managers should be strict
with staff about being late to work. Initiative needs to
be taken and work should not be left at the last minute.

Next steps: All 5 mins

Hire staff who are more reliable, who are on time at
work and hire staff that would not take a lot of leave or
change jobs frequently

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
Handover report

Handover report

Initial overall

Agreed changes to N/A


Final agreed deliverables

Budget Final Schedule

Item Final date
ed cost cost date

Project initiation $5,000 $4,550 10/08/2013 15/08/2013

Set software data $9,000 $12,000 11/08/2013 16/08/2013

Meeting catering $200 $300 12/08/2013 17/08/2013

Setting up wiring system $300 $250 13/08/2013 18/08/2013

Install phone connection $200 $400 14/08/2013 19/08/2013

Installation $300 $500 15/08/2013 20/08/2013

Total $15,000 $18,000

Issues summary

Date Date
Item Strategy
logged resolved

To maintain ethnical Training REIV code 01/06/2016 15/06/2016

work practice. of conduct and
Penalty of
breaching the law

To manage and Implement a new 01/06/2016 15/06/2016

organize client’s data. software of data

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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
Documents attached

No. Title

1.  Stakeholder analysis.
2.  Stakeholder needs analysis.
3.  Work breakdown structure.
4.  Gantt chart.
5.  Activities schedule.

____Jindarat___ ___Max Lionel_ ___Max Lionel ____

Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Client

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

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Realty Business Plan
Post-project review report
Post-Project Review Report

Name of project: Max Lionel Realty Business Plan

Date and location of meeting: 01/06/2013 at 9.30-11.30
Meeting Room 1, Max Lionel Realty Building Liverpool street, Sydney,
NSW, 3027
Names of attendees:
1. Max Lionel (CEO)
2. Riz Mehra (Chief Financial Officer)
3. Kim Sweeney (Operations General Manager)
4. Les Goodale (HR Manager)
5. Sam Lee (Manager Residential Realty)
6. Pat Misfud (Manager Commercial Realty)
7. Peter Mitchell (Manager Investment)
8. Emily Smith (Manager of the project manager)
9. Jindarat Kraisorn (External consultant)
10. Tenants
11. clients

1. Overview by Project Manager:

To grow the customer base and have good relation with customers
which is good for the company’s reputation and growth.

2. Review by team of goals, objectives/deliverables and schedule as

outlined in project plan
Planning had been done in advanced and everything has gone
according to plan, reduce direct and indirect costs of operations by 10%,
and engage with customers / build to raise organisation profile. Improve
health of employees.

Met Missed Partially Comments


Project goal/s

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1
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Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
 To maintain ethnical / The project
work practice completed and
 To manage and satisfied.
organize clients’ data


To build ethical trained /

staffs, new amination
steps, program, plans,
reports, policies and
procedurewithin 3 months.

Success criteria
 Employees understand / The project
of the Ethical work completed and
practise, they apply in satisfied.
their work to uplifting
the standard. So there
is no complaint about
work knowledge and
from clients.
 Errors of clients data is /
reduced and


The time schedule is changed / Allow

to suitable for employee’s employee to
training. join the

Budget / The variance

of budget is

3. What worked well; what could have gone better?

Worked well Could have gone better

Page 42 of 43
Stakeholder management has been Employees could have come to

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Max Date: 01/06/2013
Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of

Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan
handled well by the Public relations work on time instead of being late
officer. Without his help, it would not by fifteen minutes and half an hour.
have been able to keep good relation
with all the stakeholders.

Planning had been done in advanced Communication has been poor

and everything has gone according to among team members. Team
plan. members always got messages
late. Some team members always
argued that they had not been told
to do the task properly by the
manager. There have been
arguments with the manager.

We had been struggling with

resources. At times, we could not
pay our employees for all the hard
work they have done.

4. Lessons learned

Always finish work on time. Managers should be strict with staff about being
late to work. Initiative needs to be taken and work should not be left at the
last minute.

5. Next steps / improvement plans

Hiring staff who are more reliable, who are on time at work and hire staff
that would not take a lot of leave or change jobs frequently.

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Business Plan Lionel Version: 1

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Max Lionel Page x of

Max Lionel Jindarat Kraisorn Realty Business Plan

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