Task 2 - Bsbpmg522
Task 2 - Bsbpmg522
Task 2 - Bsbpmg522
DATE: 17.02.2018
Jacques Garnier
Levis Lugo
Alicja Lewandowska
Violeta Hoyos
Budget : Alice
Risk management: Violeta
Communication / stakeholders : David
Scope / planning : Jacques
2. Everyone knows their role to play and task to do in order to achieve the project.
We will to weekly meeting to review the planning and the delays associated in order
to help Jacques to produce a reliable planning
3. During the meeting we agreed that the followings performances bellow will be
KPI will be created and their results reported weekly to adjust the strategy of the
- Budget
- Delay
- Quality
- Client satisfaction
- Concerning records keeping, all the participants agreed to keep at the end of the
project a ring binder and electronic archive with the following documents:
- Quotation
- Order
- planning
- Specification and invoice of the materials used
- Weekly meetings report
- Certificate
- Outcomes deliverables
- Lesson learned
- Financial records
Roles and responsibilities
Peter Mitchell
Pat Misfud
Peter Mitchell
Risk register
The risks associated with the project at hand include schedule risk and resource risk
as earlier outlined. The repercussions or instead consequences of such risks are
detrimental to the completion of the project. Firstly, if the project’s schedule does not
conform to the required tasks at hand, it will be completed outside the set deadline.
When there is insufficient funds and personnel in terms of resources needed for the
project, the project will not attain its objective and may not even be completed.
Final Report
For the project to be successful, it is important that adequate strategies are applied in
monitoring it. Firstly, record keeping is an important attribute or rather variable
necessary for the monitoring of the project’s progression. Through record keeping, the
shortcomings and areas of improvement concerning the entire project can be efficiently
established. For example, the progress made in terms of work done individually and
as a group can be recorded in week one in order to set a benchmark for the second
week. All group members should record their allocated funds and account for their use.
The records will help guide the client regarding the activities being carried out and
ensure that everything is within schedule and budget. Monitoring of the project’s
activities will be facilitated by the project monitor as assigned.
Risk is an unavoidable circumstance for the entire project. The risks associated with
the project is either incurred individually or by the entire group which may jeopardize
the accuracy and validity of the entire project. The first risk that may be incurred
individually is schedule risk. Schedule risks refers to the risk that tasks may not be
completed within the set timelines. As a result, it might take the project more time to
be completed than earlier scheduled. The next risk that exists is resource risks.
Resource risks entails the inadequacy of the resources at hand such as finances and
personnel necessary for the completion of the project. These risks have a negative
impact as they will derail the project and minimize its quality.
Overall support of the project is essential for its overall success. The person selected
to provide this support is Jacques. As the person tasked with planning and developing
the scope of the project, Jacques is in the best position to provide support to the project
regarding diverse variables. The first type of support is intellectual support. As the
planner of the whole project, Jacques is well equipped with knowledge regarding
various risk factors and schedule of the project which is essential expertise needed for
the project’s success. Jacques can also offer coordinative support by integrating the
tasks and duties of individual members with the project’s goals.
Delegation of duties and responsibilities is essential for the success of any given
project. Consequently, individual members are tasked with certain roles and
responsibilities based on their assignments, qualities and abilities. The project is
divided into four parts which include budget, risk management, communication and
planning. The member in charge of budget is tasked with coming up with an efficient
and sustainable budget for the entire project. The member in charge of risk
management is responsible for identifying all the risks at hand and coming up with
relevant strategies of mitigating them. The member responsible for communication is
tasked with communicating the progress of the project to all stakeholders involved.
Finally, the member assigned to plan the project is accountable for the project’s
duration and quality.
Record keeping