Eye Care With Lesson Plan
Eye Care With Lesson Plan
Eye Care With Lesson Plan
Cleaning the eye using aseptic technique is called eye care.
To clean the eye.
To remove the irritating discharge from the eye.
To prepare the eyes for any treatment e.g. eye instillation, eye irrigation etc.
To prevent infections.
To prevent neonatorum in the new – born.
Scientific principles:-
1. Eyelashes protect eye from dust .
2. Tears contain a bactericidal substance, called lysozyme.It protect eyes
from infection.
3. Staphylococcus ,gonococcus causes serious infection in eyes, which
may result into corneal ulcers and impair eye sight.
4. Wash hands before and after the procedure.
5. Use gown mask to prevent cross infection.
6. Use sterile drugs or solutions and equipments for eye treatments.
7. Infected dressings should be burned.
1. The patient must be treated with more kindness and more patience
than usual because eye is very sensitive part of body.
2. Nurse must be very gentle in handling and treating eyes.
3. Explain each and everything, when you go to the patient, especially
when the patient is unable to see.
4. Explain the procedure to the patient to get his cooperation and win his
5. Try to clear all doubts of the patient, so that he may feel relaxed during
the procedure.
Articles Rationale
A Tray containing
A mackintosh and a towel To protect the pillow and the
bed linen.
A sterile bowl with sterile cotton To clean the eyes.
swabs / are used.
Sterile normal saline( if sterile swabs To clean the eyes.
are used).
Thumb forceps dipped in boiled cold To pick up the cotton swabs.
A gauze piece in the bowl/towel. To dry the eyes.
A kidney tray and a paper bag. To discard the waste.
General instructions:-
Clean the eyes from inner to outer canthus.
Use a separate swab for each stroke.
Do not touch that portion of the cotton swab, which will come in direct contact
with the eyes.
1. Explain the procedure to the patient to win his confidence and get his
2. Keep the patient in a supine position.
3. Use mackintosh and draw sheet to protect bed linen.
3. Place the mackintosh and towel under the head. To protect the linen from Comfort &
soiling. economy of
4. Wash hands To prevent transfer of Microbiology Safety
5. If sterile swabs are used, pour sterile saline into the For cleaning of eye Microbiology Safety
bowl to wet the cotton swabs. discharge.
6. Stand in front of the patient, pick up the wet cotton To prevent transfer of Microbiology Therapeutic
swab with the thumb forceps, transfer it to the hand and microorganisms into the effectiveness
squeeze the excessive water from the swab without lacrimal duct. and safety.
touching the part which will come in direct contact with
eye. Clean the less infected eye from the inner canthus to
the outer canthus.(one stroke with each swab).
Discard the used swabs in the paper bag.
7. When the eye is clean, repeat the same for other eye and - - -
make the patient comfortable.
8. Record the procedure and the condition of the eyes. Provide documentation for - Good
nursing action. workmanship
9. Wash and replace all the articles in a proper place. To be able to use later - Good
1. TNAI. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing. A procedure manual. Ed. 1 st New Delhi:Aravali Printers publication
3. Sr. Nancy (2000). Principles and Practice of nursing care.Vol.1 Indore:NR Publishing house.
5. http://www.nova.edu/hpd/otm/otm-c/lab.irrig.pics.html
6. http://www.cehjournal.org/extra/ts10_03_09.htm
7. http:/www.now.edu/hpd/otm/otm-c/lab.irrig.picts.htm
After the completion of the class students will be able to do eye care.
1. 2 min To introduce Good morning myself Rama, M.Sc. Nursing 1st year - - - Students
myself student, going to take your class oneye irrigation. will be
with the
2. 1min. Define eye Cleaning the eye using aseptic technique is Discussion Group What is
care called eye care. method Participation eye care.
3. 3 min Explain the To clean the eye. Lecture & Students Enlist the
purposes and To remove the irritating discharge from the discussion written the purposes of
solutions used eye. contents eye care.
for eye To prepare the eyes for any treatment e.g.
irrigation. eye instillation, eye irrigation etc.
To prevent infections.
To prevent neonatorum in the new – born.
4. 6 min Describe the ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Lecture Students are nerve is
principles of In the orbital cavity, extrinsic method listening. supplying to
eye irrigation muscles,eyelids,lacrimal glands, and conjunctiva the eye.
are associated with eye.
Eyeball is spherical in shape and is about one inch
in diameter.
Eye ball is covered with conjunctiva,which is a
sensitive mucous memberane.
Any type of stimulation gives to rise to pain
Constriction and dilatation of pupils are reflex acts,
stimulated by eye.
Optic nerve conveys right impressions.
Blood vessels dilate with application of heat
Eyelashes protect eye from dust .
Tears contain a bacteriocidal substance, called
lysozyme.It protect eyes from infection.
Staphylococcus ,gonococcus causes serious
infection in eyes, which may result into corneal
ulcers and impair eye sight.
Wash hands before and after the procedure.
Use gown mask to prevent cross infection.
The patient must be treated with more kindness
and more patience than usual because eye is very
sensitive part of body.
Nurse must be very gentle in handling and treating
Explain each and everything, when you go to the
patient,especially when the patient is unable to see.
Explain the procedure to the patient to get his
cooperation and win his confidence
7. 3 min To prepare the 1. Explain the procedure to the patient Discussion Students What do
patient for 2. Keep the patient in a supine position. listen you
procedure. 3. Use mackintosh and draw sheet to protect actively understand
bed linen. by supine
8 7 min Demonstrate
Explain the procedure to the patient Lecture Students What is the
the steps ofPlace the patient in the dorsal recumbent position and participate need of
eye care. Place the mackintosh and towel under the head. discussion actively. explaining
Wash hands the
Use the sterile swabs to clean eye.. procedure
Clean the eye from the inner canthus to outer. to the
When the eye is clean, repeat the same for other eye . patient.
Wash and replace all the articles in a proper place.
1. TNAI. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing. A procedure manual. Ed. 1st New Delhi: Aravali
Printers publication PVT.
3. Sr. Nancy (2000). Principles and Practice of nursing care.Vol.1 Indore:NR Publishing
5. http://www.nova.edu/hpd/otm/otm-c/lab.irrig.pics.html
6. http://www.cehjournal.org/extra/ts10_03_09.htm
7. http:/www.now.edu/hpd/otm/otm-c/lab.irrig.picts.htm