Visulas Trion: Extend The Spectrum of Application

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Extend the spectrum of application


When darkness led to enlightenment,
when spontaneous retinal damage led to an
effective therapy.

Sparked by the solar eclipse in 1945

and driven by visionary clinical partners

Carl Zeiss has been committed to precision, innovation and

passion for more than half a century in retinal photocoagulation.
Ever since the first photocoagulation with sunlight was tested
on the rooftop of a Hamburg eye clinic in 1949, dedicated
Zeiss employees have sought intense dialogue with visionary
ophthalmologists of their time. Dialogue that led, in 1957, to
the first commercially available photocoagulator in the world.
Simultaneously this marked the birth of contactless surgery on
the human eye.

Carl Zeiss has been a strong driving force behind the focused
optical therapy of retinal diseases. Committed to this tradition
is the VISULAS Trion VITE – the latest flagship in a fleet of
innovative lasers with one singular objective: precise, effective
and gentle therapy to preserve the eyesight and quality of life
of patients.

Light coagulator VISULAS Argon VISULAS 532s VISULAS 532s VITE

1957 1987 2001 2009

1949 1964 1998 2007 2010

Sun coagulator Light coagulator 5000 VISULAS 532 VISULAS Trion VISULAS Trion VITE
by Prof. Gerd Meyer-


Impress with a sophisticated performance.
Efficient. Intelligent. Successful.

The VISULAS Trion impresses as a high-performance, compact

and sophisticated multi-wavelength laser for controlled treat-
ment of the retina and choroid membrane.
The VISULAS Trion offers demanding ophthalmologists of
various specialities the added flexibility and individuality that
is crucial for treating a wide range of retinal diseases.

Extend the scope of application

The VISULAS Trion leaves little to be desired with regard to stability of the laser
output: its active thermo-electric stabilization, due to Peltier elements, guarantees
consistent and reproducible performance, even with significant fluctuation in utiliza-
tion and varying environmental conditions. Whether lesions are being created locally
using short laser pulses, or the laser energy of a long pulse is distributed homoge-
neously over a larger lesion area, or whether you are working in a controlled manner
using single pulses, or efficiently in the rapid auto-repeat mode, the VISULAS Trion
LSL Trion with ACCENTO eyepiece.
allows you to realize your individual treatment strategy.

Build on a versatile platform

Together with the laser slit lamp LSL 532s/Trion, the VISULAS Trion unfolds its full
strengths. Equipped with an electronic micromanipulator, a physician detection sensor
and an illuminated SPOTview™ display, the VISULAS Trion offers numerous intelligent
extras to facilitate laser therapy. In the active physician safety filter mode, it is possible
to examine the retina, completely unfiltered, between laser pulses. In continuous
physician safety filter mode, the ClearView™ filter always remains fixed in the optical
path of the slit lamp, which speeds up treatment times. The ParFocus™ zoom system
Control panel of the VISULAS Trion.
of the VISULAS Trion delivers a homogeneous, focused and reproducible laser spot to
the retina, minimizing heat-related side effects on the patient's cornea.

Accentuated – visibly and ergonomically
The optional ACCENTO eyepiece allows treatment parameters, such as laser output and shot count, to be displayed directly in
the physician's field of view, meaning that the physician does not have to look away from the field of treatment. The optional
ACCENTO footswitch enables the active treatment parameters to be adjusted during treatment.

Navigate with fingertip precision: the electronic micromanipulator. A strong team: LSL 532s/Trion and VISULAS Trion.


Add more color to clinical routine.
Selective. Individual. Effective.

Stable generation, precise beam control and rapid switching

ability between the three laser wavelengths are the technological
strengths of the VISULAS Trion. It is therefore an extraordinarily
flexible and highly selective retinal laser that causes little stress
to the patient.

3D illustration of lesion examples made

by VISULAS Trion using rendered
OCT data.
Molar extinction coefficient

Absorption of retinal pigments

Laser wavelength for photocoagulation (VISULAS Trion wavelengths are highlighted)

532 nm: gold standard for pan-retinal treatment.
In the melanosomes of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) green light is converted
particularly efficiently into thermal energy. With mostly clear ocular media, it delivers
effective and conservative lesions. The immediately visible tissue response permits
precise and immediate administration of the laser output and thus promotes a fluid
treatment process. Maximum power reserves have long since established the laser
wavelength of 532 nm as the gold standard for pan-retinal photocoagulation.

561 nm: best prospects in central retinal position.

The pigment xanthophyll, which is mainly found in the region of the macula, exhibits
only negligible absorption at wavelengths of >550 nm. Yellow laser light is therefore
particularly suitable for gentle photocoagulation of the central retinal area. Due to
the high absorption by hemoglobin in the yellow spectral range, the wavelength of
561 nm is also generally suitable for the focal treatment of microaneurysms and for
the cauterization of retinal blood vessels. Low divergence losses favor the use of the
yellow laser wavelengths in cloudy media.

659 nm: powerhouse with subretinal penetration.

Since red laser light is barely absorbed by hemoglobin, it effortlessly penetrates mild
to moderate hemorrhages in the vitreous or retina. The depth of its penetration is
particularly suitable for selective treatment of extra-foveal choroidal neovascularizations,
such as age-related macular degeneration or polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. The red
wavelength can also be used for lesions close to the papilla.


Maximizing on high-performance equipment.
Efficient. Flexible. Physician-controlled.

In addition to the conventional single-spot mode, the VISULAS Trion VITE

can also operate in multi-spot mode. A linear sequence of up to 12 laser
pulses can be triggered at the touch of a button on the slit lamp joystick
of the VISULAS Trion VITE.

Significantly reduce treatment times

The automated micromanipulator reliably controls the fast progression of an entire
sequence of laser spots. Extremely precise and long-term stable linear motors move
the laser beam in just a few milliseconds to the next pre-calculated target position.
Efficiently and precisely. This saves valuable treatment time.

Customize treatment strategies

The active control on the trigger button of the slit lamp allows the physician to
maintain control over treatment progress at all times, with "fingertip precision".
Fundus before laser treatment 1) A slight rotation of the joystick is all that is needed to adjust the position of the
aiming beam as treatment proceeds. A multi-spot cascade allows the treatment
strategy to be customized to the irregular contours of the retina.

Fundus 1 day after laser treatment1)

Intelligently streamline treatment workflows
The clear layout of the graphic elements on the control panel follows a logical sequence
and efficiently supports clinical workflows. Multi-spot treatment parameters, such as spot
spacing, number of laser spots per sequence and angle of orientation of a sequence,
are homogeneously embedded in the VISULAS Trion user interface and can be adjusted
during treatment. The illuminated SPOTview display allows the physician to continuously
monitor the laser spot diameter, even in darkened environments.
3D illustration of a linear
VITE cascade (532 nm)

Effortlessly monitor treatment progression

As a guide during multi-spot laser treatment, the ACCENTO eyepiece permits direct
monitoring of the maximum number of semi-automatic spot sequences, together
with the current sequence. Without having to avert one's gaze from the field of
treatment. The contacts on the side of the ACCENTO footswitch2) allow the respective
active treatment parameters to be conveniently adjusted. Without using the touch
panel. While remaining fully focused, the physician may interrupt treatment at
3D illustration of a circular
any time in an instant: with spot precision within the current sequence and in a
VITE cascade (561 nm)
controlled manner. This ensures the physician maximum precision and the patient
optimum protection.

3D illustration of a contoured
VITE cascade (659 nm)

Dr. Fang Lu, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
optional accessory


Steal the show in a well-rehearsed team.
Expert. Reliable. Professional.

Particularly high-performance therapeutic lasers are used

around the clock: in the private practice, the outpatient retina
clinic, and the operating room. With its well-considered design,
the VISULAS Trion is optimally prepared for all these applications
and is thus equipped for high-demand multi-user operation.

Compact in design, mobile in use

In highly frequented clinics and practices, often each square meter of space is
planned and utilized. As the most compact multi-wavelength laser in its class, the
VISULAS Trion is a truly space-saving miracle. The base with castors allows the laser to
be maneuvered easily from one location to the next, in an ergonomically
comfortable position.

High contrast in interaction

The Heine laser ophthalmoscope is modified for the application requirements of
Carl Zeiss: the LIO 532s/Trion is therefore ideally suited for the wavelengths of the
VISULAS Trion laser module: Easy to transport
VISULAS Trion. It is light and stable and stands out in particular due to its high aiming thanks to castors and ergonomic handles
beam contrast compared to the retinal background.

LIO 532s/Trion indirect ophthalmoscope

Ready to use after instant switching
The two fiber ports of the VISULAS Trion permit quick and uncomplicated
switching between the different laser applications. From the indirect
ophthalmoscope to the Zeiss laser slit lamp or the endoprobe in the
operating room, there is no need for any physical unplugging and
replugging of devices, but, rather, just a few clicks on the touchscreen
and the VISULAS Trion is once again fully operational.

VISULAS Trion: Mobile and ready for use, anywhere

Impressive in operative use

With VISULAS Trion and OPMI LUMERA® 700 Carl Zeiss provides surgeons
with a professional duo which interact in harmony, guaranteeing successful
surgical interventions in the posterior eye segment. The variable view,
font size and color contrast of VISULAS Trion display are predestined for
application in the operating room: all parameters are always clearly and
distinctly legible – even from a distance and in a darkened environment.

Convenient power adjustment with the

ACCENTO footswitch

VISULAS Trion display for application in the

operating room

Technical data VISULAS Trion / VISULAS Trion VITE
Laser type Frequency-doubled solid-state laser

VISULAS Trion Wavelength

Aiming beam
532 nm, 561 nm, 659 nm
Diode, 630 – 670 nm, adjustable brightness,
max. 1 mW at the cornea
Rated voltage and frequency 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Pulse duration (single pulse) 10 to 3000 ms
Pulse duration (VITE option) 20 to 50 ms
Pulse interval (single pulse) 100 to 6000 ms
Maximum power 1.5 W (532 nm), 0.8 W (561 nm),
1.0 W (659 nm) at the cornea
Cooling system Thermoelectric
Laser console dimensions (H x H 785 x W 330 x D 670 mm
W x D) (30.9 x 13.0 x 26.4) inches
Weight 48 kg (105.8 lbs)
Accessories LIO 532s/Trion laser indirect ophthalmoscope,
instrument table, laser safety goggles, contact lenses,
ACCENTO footswitch, laser warning light
LSL Trion / LSL Trion VITE laser slit lamp
Laser beam delivery Interlaced with slit illumination system
Laser spot diameter Continuously adjustable, parfocal, larger spot sizes
depending on contact lens used
Illumination 12 V, 30 W, brightness continuously adjustable,
Physician detection sensor (switches off if physician
is absent)
Slit adjustment Slit length: variable in steps of 1/3/5/9/14 mm
Slit width: continuously adjustable from 0 to 14 mm
Slit image rotation: 0°, ±45°, 90°
Magnification 5 x, 8 x, 12 x, 20 x, 32 x
Physician safety filter ClearView (true to color)
Micromanipulator Servo-electric
Weight 11 kg (24.2 lbs)
Accessories Tonometer, co-observation tube, video documentation
equipment from the range of accessories for the SL
120 and SL 130 slit lamps
DIN EN 60825-1:2008
532 nm 3W cw
561 nm 2W cw
659 nm 2W cw
620-650 nm 5 mW cw
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