Winn App Review
Winn App Review
Winn App Review
Learning Objective VS.3 The student will demonstrate an VS.3 The student will demonstrate an
understanding of the first permanent English understanding of the first permanent English
settlement in America by settlement in America by
a) Explaining the reasons for English a) Explaining the reasons for English
colonization; colonization;
b) Describing the economic and geographic b) Describing the economic and geographic
influences on the decision to settle at influences on the decision to settle at
Jamestown; Jamestown;
c) Describing the importance of the charters c) Describing the importance of the charters
of the Virginia Company of London in of the Virginia Company of London in
establishing the Jamestown settlement; establishing the Jamestown settlement;
d) Identifying the importance of the General d) Identifying the importance of the General
Assembly (1619) as the first representative Assembly (1619) as the first representative
legislative body in English America; legislative body in English America;
e) Identifying the impact of the arrival of e) Identifying the impact of the arrival of
Africans and English women to the Africans and English women to the
Jamestown settlement; Jamestown settlement;
f) Describing the hardships faced by settlers f) Describing the hardships faced by settlers
at Jamestown and the changes that took at Jamestown and the changes that took
place to ensure survival; and place to ensure survival; and
g) Describing the interactions between the g) Describing the interactions between the
English settlers and the native peoples, English settlers and the native peoples,
including the role of the Powhatan in the including the role of the Powhatan in the
survival of the settlers. survival of the settlers.
TLED 430
Activity The teacher will begin by introducing the topics and The students will use notes and the flashcards
teaching the information for this unit. Once created on Quizlet to create a group project.
discussing all of the information, each student will Students will use Explain Everything Whiteboard
create flashcards on Quizlet, which can later be when creating their projects. Each group’s project
used as a study tool, including not only flashcards, will consist of recordings, drawings, diagrams, and
but other learning and review activities as well. images to explain one of the chosen concepts in the
unit. While the students are working on these
projects, the teacher will be supervising and
helping when needed. Once all the group complete
their projects, they will then present what they
have created to the entire class.