Tpack App Review

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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment


Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Focus on one subject
area United States History to 1865

Grade Level This may be the Grade 8

same or different for each app.
Grade 8

Learning Objective
The objective of the lesson is what US I.9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, US I.9 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes,
students will be able to do as they major events, and effects of the Civil War by major events, and effects of the Civil War by
finish the activity. For this objective, a) describing the cultural, economic, and constitutional a) describing the cultural, economic, and constitutional
use the Standards of Learning (SOL) issues that divided the nation; issues that divided the nation;
to say what you want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs at
b) explaining how the issues of states rights and slavery b) explaining how the issues of states rights and slavery increased sectional tensions; increased sectional tensions;
look on the right of the screen for the c) identifying on a map the states that seceded from the c) identifying on a map the states that seceded from the
subjects and go from there. Union and those that remained in the Union; Union and those that remained in the Union;
d) describing the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, d) describing the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis,
Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Stonewall Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas Stonewall Jackson,
and Frederick Douglass in events leading to and during the war; and Frederick Douglass in events leading to and during the war;
e) using maps to explain critical developments in the war, e) using maps to explain critical developments in the war,
including major battles; including major battles;
f) describing the effects of war from the perspectives of f) describing the effects of war from the perspectives of
Union and Confederate soldiers (including African American Union and Confederate soldiers (including African American
soldiers), women, and enslaved African Americans. soldiers), women, and enslaved African Americans.
TLED 430

For this activity, students will learn about the For this activity, students will learn about the
Pedagogy Activity Describe what the
learning activity will be. What will
the students and the teacher be
United States History to 1865. Students will then United States History to 1865. Students will form
doing with the app? use the mobile app quizlet to prepare for study groups of 4 or 5. Students will take notes
upcoming exams and projects. Students can either and important dates during the class decision.
create their own flash cards with names and Through the app students are able to share notes,
important events or create a sample quiz share visual aids, and sort ideas. It also allows for
including dates, names and vocabulary test their students to add notes to already included
knowledge. Students can also share their study information. Students can also sketch designs and
tool with their peers. jot ideas visible for the entire group.

As an educator, I will provide a study guide As an educator, I will separate the class into
including all the important dates, events and groups of 4 or 5. The group will than share their
people. After students have created the study notes amongst themselves. Once the groups have
material, I will collect all the created study shares and commented on their notes, the notes
material, I will compile a master study material of will be shared amongst the class to allow for the
flash cards and sample quizs to help students entire class to have access to everyones notes.

The name of the Mobile

Quizlet Mural:

This app can be found in the play store and This app can be found on apple iTunes and is
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