Our Best Lesson

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Raquel Carli

Kalen Lagoc-Chang
Jada Reintegrado
Rapunzel Yao

Our Best Lesson

We collaboratively created this lesson after discovering that our 5th and 6th grade

students have a limited vocabulary and low reading comprehension skills. We discovered that

this was due to their insufficient ability to define unfamiliar vocabulary terms. The lesson we

designed was an introduction to Context Clues, one of the most effective independent

word-learning strategies. To gain insight on important concepts and skills that students need

when entering the middle school setting for English, we collaborated with our four mentors and

6th, 7th, and 8th grade English teachers from Kapolei Middle School. To give you some insight

on the students that we taught to, they are developmentally appropriate for their age in the areas

of cognition, social interaction, speech and language, physical skills, and sensory awareness.

Three students are ELL and two students are SPED but stay in the general education setting all


To engage our students and create a positive learning environment, we used the MUSIC

Model of Motivation. This is a research-based motivational model designed to help teachers

motivate students. The MUSIC acronym stands for eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest,

and Caring. Our rationale for using this method is that it is evidence-based and inclusive.

During our lesson there was one particular situation that occured. During the activity

portion of our lesson, two students engaged in a heated dispute over the rules on the activity. The

students interrupted the lesson which caused a scene, and drew attention from their classmates.

We chose to discuss this situation because it was an authentic, real-life situation that we did not
have a plan for. This situation stands out to us because it is one that cannot fully be covered in

practicum but only experienced through field placement. It was a good, real-life learning

experience for all of us.


Throughout the lesson, we were able to gauge the effectiveness of the instructional

materials based on observations of student actions. The students followed along as the teacher

went through the PowerPoint presentation and took notes on the material. Their notes

demonstrated their ability to fulfil one of their success criteria, which was “I will take accurate

notes.” Observations of student dialogue and engagement demonstrated their ability to fulfill the

other success criteria, such as, “​I will participate in class discussions and I will show good

sportsmanship during the activity.”

Our learning goal for students was to​ use context clues to find the meaning of an

unknown word. ​According to our informal and formal assessments, students learned what we

intended to a great extent. From the beginning of the lesson, students were successful in using

their prior knowledge of context clues to figure out what the word meant in the video, examples,

and during the activity. Our observations allowed us to pick out students’ misconceptions about

context clues. Although students were able to determine what the different words meant, there

were students who struggled to identify the correct strategy (I.D.E.A.S.) they used. Their

assessments showed a complete understanding of context clues, how to use them, and the five

different (I.D.E.A.S.) types. This showed us that our teaching methods were effective.​ ​It also

showed us that students exhibited a deep understanding of what was being taught and their

ability to fulfill the remaining two success criterias, “​I will use context clues to define vocabulary
words and I will construct meaning by reading words that are unknown to me.” ​We even

witnessed some students in their “aha” moments when they remarked “Oh I get it now,” or “This

is easy!” Based on our results from this lesson, our next steps are to introduce students to the two

other independent word-learning strategies listed under ​CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.4​; Greek and Latin

roots and referring a dictionary. We will follow up with these lessons to fulfill the Common Core

standard , and to give our students basic knowledge on the different strategies.

We thought this was a great lesson for the students because they were engaged and

entertained and showed us a deep understanding of what we taught. The cheering and jumping

around made it clear to us that the students enjoyed the TRASHKETBALL activity. The game

was a perfect motivational strategy that allowed students to participate in some friendly

competition. Something that surprised us during the lesson was the amount of good

sportsmanship that the students displayed - another success criteria. We were pleasantly

surprised because when it comes to students in this age group, they can become overly

competitive. So if their teammate were to get the wrong answer, a student in “competition mode”

might get upset and yell at their teammate for making their team lose. Being prepared for this to

happen, we addressed how students should show good sportsmanship and how they should talk

to one another during the activity. Considering how competitive the students were during the

activity, they still made it a point to encourage one another the entire time. For instance, some of

their encouraging comments to one another were “Good try!” or “You can make the shot!”

Although our lesson went smoothly, we would take a different approach next time. Next

time, we plan on using different words from different content areas. The reasoning for this is

because it will be beneficial to students as they progress to the higher grades. While knowing
specific vocabulary words is great, being able to use those words in different content areas is

even better. We learned this through Dr. Ikeda, a professor at the University of Hawai’i- West

O’ahu. She explained that in higher education there are difficult words in multiple content areas.

Consequently, something like I.D.E.A.S context clues will not work all the time. For that reason,

we will teach students alternative word-learning strategies, such as Morphological Analysis and

referring to a dictionary, when context clues are not available.

Another thing that we would change next time is how we administered our

pre-assessment. Initially, we gave our students a multiple choice pre-assessment. So when it

came to the post-assessment, students who were given the open answer, fill in the blank,

assessment, they used or tried to use the same answers from the pre-assessment, whether it was

wrong or right. Some students did not even give it any thought and flew through the assessment

by answering it the same way they did on their pre-assessment. We decided that next time, we

will keep their minds fresh and give them the fill in the blank as the pre-assessment and then give

them a multiple choice assessment (if needed) so that we can see their initial thoughts rather than

what might have just been them circling any answer.

Lesson #1
Lesson Title:
Context Clues

Provide a rationale for why you chose to teach this lesson at this time. Where is the lesson located within the
unit (in relation to previously studied topics and ideas to be studied in the future)?

With the SBA approaching, it is important for students to learn and master vocabulary techniques. In addition
to SBA testing, it is also important for students to get into the habit of independent learning because these 5th
grade students will be going into middle school next year. After speaking with a few middle school teachers,
they have stressed the importance of the students ability to work independently before seeking help.

Grade Level: Standard:

Use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships and
Subject: comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word
ELA or phrase.

What are the primary learning goals?

● Use the vocabulary strategy of context clues to define unknown words.
· Students will use the vocabulary strategy of context clues.
· Students will be independent word learners.

Lesson Objective:
● Students will be independent word learners by using the vocabulary strategy of context clues to define
unknown words.

Learning Target:
● I can use context clues to find the meaning of an unknown word.

Success Criteria:
● I will take accurate notes.
● I will participate in class discussions.
● I will use context clues to define vocabulary words.
● I will construct meaning by reading words that are unknown to me.
● I will show good sportsmanship during the activity.

Differentiation Strategies: (Content, Process, Product)

● Informal and formal assessment
● Visual: PPT
● Audible: Reading aloud
● Kinesthetic: Activity
● Lecture: whole group
● Discussion: partners, whole group
● Activity: small groups
● Low students:​ will have an underlined word, multiple choice (2 answers) , with sentence
● Medium:​ will have underlined, multiple choice (4 answers), with sentence
● High:​ underlined word, no multiple choice, and with sentence

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

Timing: ​TBA
Activity types:
● “Trasketball” Game
Grouping:​ Heterogenous
The differentiation we did for the focus students is highlighted in yellow in the lesson plan.

Time: ​(the increments Teaching Strategy ​- the Purpose ​- the why Method ​- the how (whole group,
of time depend on the what small groups, partners,
age of students) individual, etc.)

8:15am-8:20am Context Clues Video To engage students Whole group

5 mins https://www.youtube.co and introduce the
m/watch?v=6spWj7Ol3 topic.

(Pause at 0:17) Students will use Individual

Ask Students what they the vocabulary
think the word “rupture” strategy of context
means clues.

Discussion: Partners, Whole group

After watching the Activate prior
video, ask students what knowledge
they think today’s lesson
will be about.

8:20-8:25am Introduce Objective & To inform students. Whole group

5 mins Success Criteria

8:25am-8:45am Lecture: Build background Whole group

20 mins https://docs.google.com/ knowledge
During this part, the two
focus students were
given printed out copies
of the slides to help
them take notes.

8:45am- 9:00am Activity: Engage and Small Groups

15 mins Trasketball motivate students.
https://docs.google.com/ Practice vocabulary
presentation/d/1nb6S_e strategy.

9:15-9:20am Conclude by asking Make connections. Whole group

5 mins students why they think Relate to
learning about context real-world. Show
clues is important. why it matters.

9:20-9:40am Assessment To assess if the Individual: Using passages

20 mins The two focus students learning goal has
weren’t given a different been achieved.
assessment because of
how well they did on the
pre. We did not want to
restrict them from doing
what they can do at their
full potential.

Materials/Handouts​: ​Tangible items used to Extensions: ​Ways to reinforce academic skills, etc.
implement the lesson
● ELA Notebooks Write your own sentence with a made-up word. Give
● Pre and Post Assessments clues so that others can figure out your word.
● Lecture PPT:
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1d Distribute passages. Direct students to highlight
_Mjv9ffzBK1DsX30aOuLqT07gVPuOE unknown words, then use context clues to determine
QOCe26avLGuk/edit?usp=sharing meaning. Have students underline or circle parts of text
● Trashketball PPT: that helped them define the word.
● Trashketball materials (trashcan, paper
ball, masking tape)

Resources: ​What you used to prepare to teach the

● Youtube
● Teachers Pay Teachers
● Pinterest
Lesson #2

Lesson Title:
Greek and Latin Affixes and Roots

Provide a rationale for why you chose to teach this lesson at this time. Where is the lesson located
within the unit (in relation to previously studied topics and ideas to be studied in the future)?

With the SBA approaching, it is important for students to learn and master vocabulary techniques.
In addition to SBA testing, it is also important for students to get into the habit of independent
learning because these 5th grade students will be going into middle school next year. After speaking
with a few middle school teachers, they have stressed the importance of the students ability to work
independently before seeking help. In addition to Context Clues, this is another independent
word-learning strategy to help students.

Grade Level: Standard:

​5th Grade CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.4.B
Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and
Subject: Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning
​ELA of a word (e.g., photograph, photosynthesis).

What are the primary learning goals?

· ​Use the vocabulary strategy of morphological analysis to define unknown words.
· Students will use the vocabulary strategy of latin and greek roots
· Students will be independent word learners.
Learning Objective:
- Students will be independent word learners by using the vocabulary strategy of
morphological analysis to define unknown words.

Learning Target:
- I can use greek and latin roots to find the meaning of an unknown word.

Success Criteria:
● I will participate in class discussion
● I will use greek and latin affixes and roots as clues to define vocabulary words
● I will decode multisyllable words

Differentiation Strategies: (Content, Process, Product)

● Visual & Audible: Prefix & Suffix Video
● Group Work
● Heterogeneous grouping
Product: The students who struggle will get a multiple choice test not a fill in the blank.
Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)
Timing: 45 mines to 1 hour
- Poster making
- Presentation
- Pairs (Heterogeneous grouping by academic readiness)

Time​: ​(the increments Teaching Strategy​ - Purpose​ - ​the why Method​ - ​the how
of time depend on the the what (whole group, small
age of students) groups, partners,
individual, etc.)

8:15- 8:25 ​ ircle Map:

C To activate prior
“Does anyone know knowledge Whole group
10 minutes what Latin and Greek
words are? Give
examples of some
(Use this to start
Provide a catchy song
Prefix & Suffix and reminders on
Video: prefix and suffix

8:25- 8:40 Lecture on chosen Whole group

specific words:
Write ​5 Greek or
Latin Roots​, their
English meaning and
five examples on the

8:40- 9:00 Activity: The students Pairs

will be in pairs
20 minutes creating a poster with
two root words.
9:00- 9:20 Presentation: Oral Presentation
20 minutes The groups will standard
present their poster
they made.

9:20- 9:25 Closing: Real-world Whole group

5 minutes Relating the applications and
importance of also making connections
knowing root words
for when you come

9:25-9:35 Assessment: Assess their Individual

10 minutes 5 sentences with a knowledge of what
different word in each. roots they learned
They have to figure
out the definition of
the word and the latin
or greek root in it.

Materials/Handouts​: ​Tangible items used to Extensions: ​Ways to reinforce academic skills,

implement the lesson etc.
- Poster paper
- Lecture PPT ● Latin and Greek Root Word Meaning
- Projector/computer for YouTube Match
- Coloring supplies
- Post assessment

Resources: ​What you used to prepare to teach

the lesson.
- YouTube
- Teachers Pay Teachers
Lesson #3

Lesson Title:
Referring to a Dictionary

Provide a rationale for why you chose to teach this lesson at this time. Where is the lesson located
within the unit (in relation to previously studied topics and ideas to be studied in the future)?

With the SBA approaching, it is important for students to learn and master vocabulary techniques.
In addition to SBA testing, it is also important for students to get into the habit of independent
learning because these 5th grade students will be going into middle school next year. After speaking
with a few middle school teachers, they have stressed the importance of the students ability to work
independently before seeking help. In addition to Context Clues and Greek and Latin affixes and
roots, this is another independent word-learning strategy to help students.

Grade Level: Standard(s):

​5th Grade CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.4.C
Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries,
Subject: glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital,
ELA to find the pronunciation and determine or
clarify the precise meaning of key words and

What are the primary learning goals?

· ​Students will use the vocabulary strategy of referring to a dictionary to define
unknown words.
Lesson Objective:
● Students will be independent word learners by using the vocabulary strategy of referring to
a dictionary to define unknown words.

Learning Target:
● I can use a dictionary to find the meaning of an unknown word

Success Criteria
● I will understand synonyms
● I will verify word meaning
● I will use Greek and Latin affixes and roots to determine word meaning
● I will show good sportsmanship during the activity

Differentiation Strategies: (Content, Process, Product)

● Informal and formal assessment
● Visual: Poster
● Kinesthetic: Activity
● Lecture: whole group
● Discussion: partners, whole group
● Activity: small groups
● Low students:​ give students word banks and sentences; use a dictionary, match the word
to the sentence
● Medium: ​give students a word bank instead of matching the words, use a dictionary to
find the definition and use them in a sentence.
● High:​ match a word to the root, write the word and use a dictionary to find the definition
and use them in a sentence.

Teaching Targets (timing, activity types, purpose, kinds of grouping)

Time: ​(the increments Teaching Strategy - Purpose - ​the why Method - ​the how
of time depend on the the what (whole group, small
age of students) groups, partners,
individual, etc.)

8:15am-8:20am ​Introduce Objective & To inform students Whole group

5 mins Success Criteria

​8:20am-8:40am Lecture: ​Build background Whole group

20 mins ● What is a knowledge
● How to use a
(guide words)
● Parts of a
word spelling,
Parts of

8:40am-8:55am Dictionary practice Practice Vocabulary Whole Group

15 mins Strategy

8:55am-9:10am Activity: Dictionary Practice Vocabulary Small Group

15 mins Relay Strategy

9:10am-9:20am Conclude by asking Make connections. Whole Group

10 mins students why they Relate to real-world.
think learning about Show why it matters.
dictionaries is

9:20am-9:40am Assessment To assess if the Individual

20 mins Students create a word learning goal has
using a word bank been achieved.
(worksheet below) and
refer to a dictionary to
find the definition for
each word and use it in
their own sentence.

Materials/Handouts: ​Tangible items used to Extensions: ​Ways to reinforce academic skills,

implement the lesson etc.
● Dictionary ● Use a thesaurus instead of a dictionary
● Latin and Greek Roots handout (Post
● Poster: To show parts of dictionary

Resources: ​What you used to prepare to teach

the lesson.

Worksheet for this lesson: To connect lesson #2 and #3


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