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Astm A810
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Standard ASTM A810
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Astm A810
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Standard ASTM A810
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Designation: A 810-01 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Pipe Winding Mesh’ ‘is sundial unde the fed designation A 10; te number immediately folowing he design indus the year of ‘Mal alton om ne case of revision the ea ast ei, A uber in facbeses nets the year of ns epgeva A Serie ep (6 instr an eto change since the ast reson c expo 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers various designs of welded wire mesh or twisted (woven) hexagonal wire mesh, zinc coated before fabrication, o be used as reinforcement for the concrete applied in the manufacture of negative buoyancy pipe needed for laying pipe in marshes or in water. The mesh is also used as reinforcement for concrete applied 0 pipe as a bendable or rnonbendable mechanical protective coating when laying pipe in a harsh environment. 2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. 113 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: ‘A90/A 90M ‘Test Method for Weight (Mass) of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles with Zine or Zinc-Alloy Coatings? ‘A.310 ‘Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products? AGAUA 641M Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon Steel Wire? A 902. Terminology Relating to Metallic Coated Steel Prod- vets? B 6 Specification for Zinc "This spesiction 6 under the junssicion of ASTM Commitee ADS on Mell Coast ot ad Stet Pract andi the direc responsibility of Setcommits AUS 12. Wie Spetiatons ‘Comer elson apponed Api 10, 2001. Pabshed Sune 2001. Orginal pubsel ac A810 La previous ein A 810-00 "annual Book of ASTM Standard. Vo O16 > ana! Bank of ASTM Standards. Wo 01.03. Anal Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 038 3. Terminotogy 3.1. Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this speci fication, see Terminology A 902 4. Classification 4.1 The steel pipe winding mesh is classified by type, based ‘on method of manufacture, and by design number, related to width, number of longitudinal wires, and wire sizes. 42 Types of Fabric: 42.1 Type TW—Fabric manufactured by twisting wires to form a mesh with a series of hexagonal openings, as shown in Fig. 1. One of the edges of the fabric includes a straight selvage wire, Additional longitudinal reinforcing wires are included when specified 4.22 Type WW-—Fabric manufactured by welding a secies Of longitudinal wires to transverse wires to form a mesh with rectangular openings. Type WW-C—Type WW fabric having. uniform spacing of longitudinal wires, with the longitudinal wires crimped as indicated in Fig. 2. 42.2.2 Tipe WW.N—Type WW fabric having nonuniform spacing of longitudinal wires, by having the space between the ‘edge wire and adjacent longitudinal wire double the spacing of the intermediate longitudinal wires. All longitudinal wires are crimped as indicated in Fig. 3 Type WW-S—Type WW fabric having straight lon- gitudinal wires (without crimping), with uniform spacing as indicated in Fig. 4 4.3. Design Numbers—The design number is in the form of AXBXCXD, 43.1 For Type TW fabric, where cere @ASTM iver, 10 Bar Varn Dine, PO Bx C700, West Crane, PAH 2060, Ua Sie 330 rrGy a si0 Longitudinal 23a (rm ee ae Selvage Wire LSE te. Comm ‘TRANSVERSE WIRE 1a G34mey in 08am) Via 012.700) FIG. 3 Type WW-N—Crimped Welded Mesh with Non-Unitorm ‘Longitudinal Wire Spacing 1G. 1 Type TW—Twisted Hexagonal Mech (Design Number 75 * (0% 0.084 x 0) LONGITUDINAL WIRE 2% in. (63.5 mm) LONGITUDINAL WIRE TRANSVERSE WIRE 2.5/8 in. (67 mm) [TRANSVERSE WIRE 2 in. (25.4nm) 1 in, (25.4 mm) FIG. 4 Type WW-S—Welded Mesh with Straight Longitudinal Wires: 43.2 For Type WW fabric, where 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) FIG. 2 Type WW-C—Crimped Welded Mesh with Uniform inal overall width of wire mesh fabric, in inches med Welde A = nominal ove with of wie mesh fb, in ich umber of longitudinal wires, nominal diameter of longitudinal wires, in inches = nominal width of wire mesh fabric, in inches (mill (eillimetes), and tes), (D = nominal diameter of transverse wires, in inches (mil ‘numberof straight reinforcing wires, not including the limetres). (Example: 7.5 X 8 X 0.063 x 0.063.) straight selvage wire = nominal diameter of wire in hexagonal mesh and 5, Ordering laformation straight selvage wise, in inches (millimetres), and 5.1 Orders for zine-coated steel pipe winding mesh under = nominal diameter of straight reinforcing wires. Tot his specification shall include the following information. as including straight sclvage wire in inches (millimetres). Teoessary to adequately describe the desired product (Example: 7.5 X 1 x 0.054 x 0.048.) 5.L1 Name of material (steel pipe winding mesh), 331 ily asso 5.1.2. ASTM designation and year of issue, 5.1.3 ‘Type of fabric (see 4.2), 5.14 Design number (see 4.3 and Tables 1 and 2), Mesh dimensions for welded mesh (see 9.3 and Table 3), 5.1.5 Zine coating class (see 8.1), 5.1.6 Quantity (number of rolls) 5.1.7 Width of fabric and length of rolls, and 5.1.8 Packaging (see Section 14), 6. Materials: 6.1 The steel from which the wire is produced shall be made by any commercially accepted steelmaking process. G.L-L The base metal shall be a steel having composition to permit drawing t0 a finished size and also to ensure freedom from zinc flaking during weaving or welding into mesh. 6.12 Wire for Welded Mesh—Before welding the galva- nized wire shall have a minimum tensile strength of 70.000 psi (483 MPa). 6.13 Wire for Hexagonal Woven Mesh—Before weaving the galvanized wire shall have a maximum tensile strength of 75.000 psi (515 MPa). ‘62 Slab zinc used for the coating shall be any grade of zine ‘conforming to Specification B 6. 7. Manufacture 1.1 Hexagonal Woven Mesh—This fabric is manufactured by twisting wires to form a series of openings. hexagonal in shape, as specified in Table { and Fig. 1. One of the edges of the fabric shall be constructed to include a selvage wire. I addition to those specified in Table 1 and Fig. 1, other designs (width and other reinforcing wire configurations) are subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, 7.2 Welded Mesh—This fabric is manufactured by welding fa series of parallel longitudinal wires to transverse wires t0 form rectangular openings. The longitudinal wires shall be ‘crimped or not crimped as indicated for the type specified. ‘Crimping shall be as indicated in Fig, 2. In addition to those specified in Table 2, and Figs. 2-4, other designs (width and Jongitudinal wire configurations) are subject to agreement ‘between the purchaser and manufacturer, 8. Coating Requirements 8.1 The zinc coating shall be Class 1 coating, or shall be “regular coating”, whichever is specified in the purchase order. 8.1.1 Class 4 zine coating shall be as specified in Spec cation A 641/A 641M. 8.1.2 Zinc-coated wire produced as “regular coating” st have the full surface covered with zinc, but there is no specit ‘minimum weight of coating. ‘82 Slight burning of the zinc coating at welded inters tions of welded mesh shall not be cause for rejection. 9, Dimensions and Permissible Variations 9.1 Width of Fabric—Hexagonal mesh fabric is usu: available in 7¥-in. (190-mm) width. Welded mesh fab crimped, is usually available in 7-in. (178-mm) width havi ‘maximum width of 7% in. (190 mm) including erimp. crimped welded mesh fabric is usually available in 8 (203-mm) width. Other widths of woven and welded fabr are available. Nominal width of fabric shall be as agreed uy between the purchaser and manufacturer. ‘9.2 Length of Roll—Nominal length of rolls shall be ‘agreed upon between the purchaser and manufacturer. 9.3 Standard openings in Type TW mesh, between adjac wires parallel to the selvage wire, is shown in Fig. 1. Stand spacing for longitudinal wires in Type WW-C. Type WW and Type WW-S mesh is shown in Figs. 2-4, respectv: ‘Standard spacing for tansverse wires in Type WW fabric shown in Table 3. All measurements are center to center wires. Spacing other than indicated are subject to agreem between the purchaser and manufacturer. 9.4 Tolerances: 94. Wide 94.1.1 Hexagonal Mesh—Actual width between ot wires shall not be more than Vsin, (13 mm) under the specit width. Q.A.L.2 Welded Mesh—Actual width between outer wi shall not be more than ‘ein, (5 mm) under the specified wic 9.4.2 Length—Actual length shall be ordered length Bh. 943 Mesh Size For hexagonal mesh, the tolerance shall be =" (23.2 mm), 9.43.2 Welded mesh size tolerances shall be in accords with Table 3. 9.44 Wire Size: Permissible variation of the nominal diameter wire shall be as follows: ‘TABLE 1. Standard Sizes and Constructions for Type TW Woven Hexagonal Mesh Worneal Grass Soon realist emi Gm cutons Ree a Digs Marbers Pri Onion arta — eaPeonina man, N08 Porro Mote) te ren wheat alan ixoxoeave ome? oni way vases noo wa HIT GE Sowe ea tae oatianiaduan — Sammin) Rau fas TOBE Susans ee cesuiianeaer as Saeiieay samt ona} Teng come ce Stace See meee e Guesuoan tomo tag) TELM OSS RENE ue gee iemec tion Serta) Goer coz “ama on onal drneter. ‘eta minum Yen (12 70-nm) ap of mesh a8 apps Cpe 0.048 (122 mm) tow ew laced 8. (1740 em) rom sehage, opus 0.088 (122 me) tw wee paced 9. (76.20 rt) ana & (130 40 rm) rom slvage. pus Das. (122 an) low wees paced 134. (20.10 men. 3 in (78.20 mm, 4% m,(11430 mm), and Bin, (15240 mn Kom sage "pla 0.088 (122 mm) tow wees loond 3 (76.20 mn), 6. (152-40 cm), 9 (228.60 men) ana 12 (04.80 men) Hom sve, aAy a 810 TABLE 2. Standard Sizes and Constructions For Type WW Welded Wire Mesh revo Design Nomal Barats of re Coed Norsnal Grose Social Area Pot Nominal Gross Saconalavea pep Desa Nombre ‘ret fn) Nowina Wi n"inre/® Foot Mere) of Wa n(n) Tye WAC Union Spang —Cemped 758x006 x0089 150x150 0.80 (15090058 (10) ‘90219 14:39) 0.0073 (78.96) Toc soos 006 © Led 1600065 (60pD.063 (eo) 2.0426 (0.17) yexecoars xoas 200x150 0.079 (200)0.069 160) 09 (a1 yexexoam@xaom 200x200 0079 (200yb078 200) 10560 (21 51) Terecoce xogr 250200 08 s0y0.078 (200, 8 40%0 18.03 Tsaexanecoom 300x200 0118 00p0079 200) Doers (3845) 01499 (1605 ype WENN to my 756% a0es x 0088, ‘3 (1 6090.69 (160) 0187 (1206) sre 7a 16) 7536 0079 «0083 ra 2 e0y0.069 (1 60) oao4 cas) 0.0588 (128 46) 1s 6% 9000» 0079 Boge (2s0y0.09 (200) 0453 2823) ‘0.0805 (19% 5) p5x6x ase x 0079 (0.18 (20090007 (200) sss (2:2) ons 27770) ype WW. Undo Seacng—Not Cimpet 8x9 x00 x 0079 xu (79 o0yo.r9 (2001 (0.046 (8 60) 08a 145 083 “Eases on conral donete ‘hel rurnum oP (12 70-mm) tp oleh or Types WW-C and W'S, and 1. (254) ap of mash or Type WN, as soe, TABLE 3. Welded Mesh Sizes and Tolerances [Nore 1-Mesh sizes ate messured from center t center and always indicated by 100 Bgures. L XS, where C= the distance between the langtdinal wie, i. (ea). Nore 2—Crimp depth Ys in (12.7 mm, tolerance 4 in. (3.2 mn ed Me tee rar i teerenee el Camoed meth, where L = te oitaren between ine ransvree wits. fer Shing: wan Lt (254) or Tyo WWE eth, and T(254 rn) oF Tn 0.8 ran Tyee WHA mech (a inca Fa 3) Ceamten Sepa at) Lea stg) =e) eninge iy, we S= the stance btwoen he Wansverse mis mn 15.4) 26 (59) Eye) cs MIS) 25 m (0.89 rn) unr 0.076 in. (1.89.41) = 0.002. (0.08 ren Om (1.9 rn se ovr = 0.003, (2.08 nm) 10, Sampling and Testing 10.1 For test purposes, one sample shall be taken from one roll selected at random from each 200 rolls or fraction thereof, 10.1.1 Development of cross-sectional area data shall come from these samples. 10.1.2. Because ofthe distortion inherent inthe manufactur ing of the mesh, it is normal (0 test for coating weight and tensile compliance on samples of wire before fabrication. The ruinber of test specimens will vary with the quality control Procedures and facilities of each manufacturer. 10.2 Determine the weight of zinc coatings for wire ypeci- fied to have a Class 1 coating, by the stripping test in Aaceordance with Test Method A 90/4 90M. Inspect wire speci- fied to have a “regular coating” to verify that the wire is ‘completely coated (except for slight buming at welded inter- Sections for wire inspected after fabrication). 10.2.1 For wire tested before fabrication, the minimum test specimen length shall be 24 in. (600 mm. 10.2.2 For wire tested after fabrication, cut short lengths of Wire from between twists or welds, such that the total length ‘equals at least 24 in. (600 mm). nS a 10.3 Tensile testing shall be as described in Test Methods and Definitions A 370. 11, Retests and Rejection UL Ifone or more of the samples fail 10 show compliance with any of the requirements of this specification, the lot shall, be subjected to retest. 11.2 Retesting of the lot shall be on the basis of a sampling frequency of one sample for each 50 rolls. If any sample fails to show compliance with the requirements of this specification, the entire lot shall be rejected. 12, Inspection 12.1 ‘The manufacturer shall afford the inspector represe ing the purchaser all reasonable facilities to satisfy the inspec~ tor that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture before shipment, unless otherwise speci fied, and be conducted so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works. 13. Certification 3.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the purchaser shall be furnished centfcation that the samples representing each Jot have been either tested or inspected as directed in this specification and that the cequirements have been met. When specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test results shall be furnished, 14, Packaging, Marking, and Loading 14.1 Packaging will be based on negotiations berwcen the purchaser and the manufacturer. Banding or strapping with or ‘without pallets represents a common form of package. 14.2 A tag shall be securely attached to each bundle and shall be marked with the type, design number, wite sizes, ASTM designation, and name or mark of the manufacturer 15, Keywords 15.1 concrete reinforcement; mesh (for steel pipestube); steel wire; zine-coated steel wireAp asio Te Anescan Sait fr Testing ae Materials aks poston respecting te way of ay patent hes asserted in connection ie re etona Wie tancerd, Users ef he sandar ae eapessy advised tat detrninton he vat of any such [ator a ond the ak of intengeon of euch MP, are entra ter wn rasponsy. ‘standard i sujet 0 roson at any ty a rasponsbie acral connie and stb eiowed ver ve yeas rs ane a ec vaarovedoretbchaun, Your crrnen ar read oie reson of Pis standard ore adie! tana ‘Tra eneis be narossod b ASTM Hondas. Your conmerts wi reaive carl consieraon at a meeting oe responsi Sree cemwanee, sch you ray atone tla yer comments have not received aa ang you shoud rake yo ‘This standord copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Bar Harbor ve. PO Box C700, West Gonshobocken, PA 19428-2959, Unted Stes, nd ee clos ot mute copies) of Oe standard ray be tained oy contacting ASTH a ho aoe sores ora ease osha) 610 2-995 fa) er seroe Basen femal): oF Prough fe ASTM website (.asim on, 334
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