Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 4213 – 96 (2003)
4.4 Results obtained by this test method do not necessarily 5.7 Drawdown Plate, 6-mm (1⁄4-in.) thick, clear float glass,
relate to ease of soil or stain removal (also referred to as size adequate to be used as a base for drawdowns on the
“cleanability” or “cleansability”). To test for those character- specified scrub test panels.
istics use Test Methods D 3450 and D 4828. 5.8 Non-Abrasive Scrub Medium,6 standard wetting liquid.
Formula and preparation instructions are as follows:7, 8, 9
Formula—Parts by Weight
Water, reagent, Specification D 1193, Type IV 89.6A
Hydroxyethyl cellulose7 2.0
Detergent8 4.0
Trisodium phosphate, anhydrous 4.0
Acetic acid glacial 0.3B
Preservative9 0.1
Vary to achieve a final consistency of 165 to 220 g (75 to 85 Krebs Units) with
a Stormer viscometer in accordance with Test Method D 562.
Vary to achieve a final pH from 9.5 to 10.0 in accordance with Test Method
FIG. 1 Alignment of Panels for Scrubbing E 70.
5.8.1 Slowly add the hydroxyethyl cellulose to the water
while stirring mechanically. Stir until uniform and then slowly
add 2 to 3 drops of 28 % ammonium hydroxide solution while
5. Apparatus and Materials mixing, and continue mixing until the solution turns clear. In
5.1 Straight-line Scrub Tester, set for 37 6 1 cycles per the order shown, add the other ingredients separately, stirring
minute, having a minimum intrinsic stroke length of 255 mm continuously. Be sure each item is uniformly dispersed before
(10 in.), counter for recording the number of scrub cycles, base adding the next one. Finally, add the preservative and adjust the
pan, glass support plate, “Lilly” frame, and C-clamps to hold pH with glacial acetic acid.
down the entire test assembly.
NOTE 3—When a referee test is made the medium should be freshly
5.2 Sponge Holder, stainless steel construction, weight: 450 prepared, or from a previously unopened container that is no more than
6 10 g, approximate inside dimensions: 22 by 75 by 95 mm (7⁄8 1-year old.
by 3 by 33⁄4 in.).
5.3 Polyurethane Sponges,3 skin free, open-cell formation, 5.9 Analytical Balance With Windshield Enclosure, reading
density 0.032 to 0.040 g/cm3 (2 to 2.5 lb/ft3 ), compression to 0.1 mg and accurate to 1 mg.
(25 % deflection) 4.8 kPa (0.7 psi), width and length 0.08 in. (2 5.10 Static Shield, a thin gage metal plate, size 110 by 165
mm) larger than the sponge holder with which it is to be used, mm (41⁄4 by 61⁄2 in.), to be placed on the balance pan when
thickness such that when inserted into the sponge holder it weighing. A satisfactory shield can be made from 175 to 300
protrudes about 5 to 6 mm (0.25 in.) beyond the skirt (see Fig. mm (7 to 12 mil) thick aluminum or tinplate.
1). 5.11 Oven, adjusted to 50 to 55°C (120 to 130°F).
5.4 Abrasive Pad,4 6-mm (1⁄4-in.) thick, cut to same size as 5.12 Calibration Panels,10 prepared in advance using paints
the sponge with which it is to be used. of suitable scrub resistance.
5.5 Film Caster, with horse shoe frame, clearance 175 µm NOTE 4—The procedure for preparing calibration panels is the same as
(7 mils), film width approximately 135 mm (51⁄4 in.). described in 6.1 and 6.2 for regular test panels, except that the panels shall
5.6 Black Plastic Panels,5 dimensions: 0.25 6 10 % by 165 be aged sufficiently before use to ensure that the effect of additional ageing
by 430 mm (0.01 6 10 % by 6.5 by 17 in.). Level and uniform on their scrub resistance is negligible. A period of 6 months has been
found adequate. Earlier use requires that in a given test series all
dull black surface, impervious to and unaffected by water or calibration panels be the same age.
aliphatic solvents, plasticizer-free, density 1.33 6 0.05 g/cm3.
5.13 Pycnometer, for example, “weight-per-gallon” cup.
NOTE 2—With dark colored paints use white panels. These should be
the same as the black except for color, and density: 1.41 6 0.05 g/cm3.
Non-Abrasive Scrub Medium—Catalog Item SC-1 available from The Leneta
Company is made in accordance with these requirements.
Hydroxyethyl cellulose having a molar substitution (MS) value from 1.8 to 2.5
and a 2 % solution viscosity in the range of 4400 to 6500 cps.
Iso-octylphenoxy polyethoxyethanol detergent, such as Triton X-100 has been
found satisfactory for this purpose.
1,3,5-triethyl hexahydro-sym-triazine (Vancide TH), obtainable from R. T.
Sponges, available from suppliers of scrub testers, cut to precise size for their Vanderbilt Co., 30 Winfield St., Norwalk, CT 06855, has been found satisfactory.
respective holders. Calibration panels may be prepared by individual laboratories for internal use
Abrasive pad—Scotch-Brite #7448 manufactured by 3M Company, 3M Center and for relating their results to those of associated laboratories. Suitably aged and
Bldg., St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 has been found satisfactory. Pads cut to the correct standardized calibration panels, having “poor,” “good,” and “very good” scrub
size are available from suppliers of scrub testers. resistance are available commercially from the Leneta Company. These are
Scrub Test Panels—Black: Form P121-10N and White: Form P122-10N, identified as Type A, C, and D respectively. The scrub resistance of Type A has been
available from The Leneta Co., 15 Whitney Rd., Mahwah, NJ 07430, have been found to be approximately 35 % of Type C, and Type C approximately 50 % of Type
found satisfactory and are in compliance with requirements stated in 5.6. D.
D 4213 – 96 (2003)
6. Procedure
6.1 Stir the test paint well by hand. (Do not shake). Strain if
necessary to remove skins and large particles. Clean the surface
of the glass drawdown plate carefully, then dust the scrub test
panel making sure both sides are free of specks. Immediately
after cleaning and dusting, place the panel on the drawdown
plate (see 5.7) and tape or otherwise fasten it to the far end.
Rub the panel against the plate with a lint free cloth to develop
static attraction.
6.2 Position the applicator at the fastened end of the panel,
with its 7-mil (175-µm) clearance edge down, and evenly
distribute approximately 12 mL of test paint across the front of
the blade. Draw the paint down at a uniform rate of speed. The
rate of application should be fairly slow (3 to 4 s from
beginning to end) to prevent formation of pinholes or holidays
in the film. Air dry for one week in a horizontal position, in a FIG. 2 Abrasion Boat Components
well ventilated area kept at 23 6 2°C (73 6 3.5°F) and 50 6
10 % relative humidity.
6.3 At the end of the specified drying time cut the panel 6.11 Distribute an additional 15 mL of scrub medium along
accurately in half with a paper cutter across the short dimen- the scrub path then start the machine. (No additional scrub
sion, and set aside one of the half-sections for a second test. medium is required during the test).
Take the other half-section and make two subsections by 6.12 Scrub until either one of the two center sections has
cutting again, parallel to and 75 mm (3 in.) from the previous been worn down sufficiently for the black substrate to become
cut. faintly visible without actual break-through. In any case, do not
6.4 Weigh the narrower subsection in grams to four decimal exceed 800 cycles. During the first 200 cycles (if both films last
places. It is essential while weighing, for the static shield to rest that long) reverse the direction of the pad every 50 cycles, and
on the weighing pan and the panel to rest fully and flatly on the above 200 cycles, reverse after every 100, so that the pad is run
static shield. about the same number of cycles in each direction. Record the
number of scrub cycles at the stopping point.
NOTE 5—Weighing to four places is needed to ensure accuracy in the
third (viz., to the nearest mg). NOTE 7—If the scrub medium obscures the abrasion path, making it
difficult to observe the show-thru status of the film, stop the machine at
6.5 Place the two subsections in the machine, on the glass convenient intervals and sweep the surface briefly with a 50-mm (2-in.)
support plate, with the first-cut edge across the exact center line paint brush dampened with water.
of the scrub path, and the wider subsection positioned so that 6.13 Remove and wash off the two center (narrow) subsec-
the two second-cut edges are adjacent. tions with tap water. Press them between paper towels to
6.6 Repeat procedures 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 using the selected absorb free moisture, then oven-dry for 15 min at 50 to 55°C
calibration panel (see Note 6 below), placing the first-cut edge (120 to 130°F). After drying reweigh the two subsections to
of the calibration panel adjacent to that of the test panel. See determine their weight losses, recording them as Mtest and Mn
Fig. 1 for the configuration of the panel subsections on the in grams to four decimal places (“n” indicates identifying letter
support plate at this point. of the calibration panel type being used in the particular test,
for example MA, MC, MD, etc.).
NOTE 6—Use a calibration panel type similar in scrub resistance to that
of the test paint, unless a single standard is required for a widely varying
6.14 Starting with 6.3, repeat the subsequent steps with the
group of paints. In the latter case use calibration panels that can be other halves of the test and calibration panels, to obtain two
characterized as having “good” or intermediate scrub resistance. sets of weight loss values. For this second test use a fresh pad
and reverse the positions of the test and calibration panel
6.7 Place the Lilly frame (see 5.1) on the panel assembly sections in the machine.
and clamp it down firmly to prevent any shift in the test 6.15 Determine the density (D) of the paint in g/mL, in
assembly while scrubbing. accordance with Test Method D 1475.
6.8 Soak the sponge in tapwater and squeeze to a weight of 6.16 Determine the nonvolatile fraction by weight (N) of the
about 20 g, then place it in the sponge holder making sure the paint as follows:
sponge protrudes approximately 5 to 6 mm (1⁄4 in.) (see Fig. 2). 6.16.1 Sandwich 0.4 mL of paint (dispensed from a 1-mL
6.9 Dampen the abrasive pad with tap water. Fill the 30-mL disposable syringe) between a previously weighed pair of glass
syringe with scrub medium and distribute 15 mL evenly over or plastic slides, squeezing them together so that the paint
its unprinted face. spreads evenly to a diameter of about 50 mm (2 in.). Reweigh
6.10 Place the unprinted face downward on the panel to obtain the weight of specimen. Separate the slides and allow
assembly and attach the sponge holder with sponge to the the films to air dry for a week along with the scrub test panels.
scrubbing machine, with the sponge resting squarely on the Weigh a third time to determine the dry film weight, then
pad. calculate the nonvolatile fraction N to three decimal places.
D 4213 – 96 (2003)
Run in duplicate, repeating a third time if the duplicate results 8.1.5 Manufacturer and model number of the scrubbing
differ by more than 1 in the second decimal place. Calculate machine, and
and record the mean value of N, excluding any result that is 8.1.6 Any deviation from procedure or equipment specifi-
obviously in error (see Practice D 3980). cations.
D 4213 – 96 (2003)
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