Streams and Rivers Lab: An Introduction To Fluvial Geomorphology
Streams and Rivers Lab: An Introduction To Fluvial Geomorphology
Streams and Rivers Lab: An Introduction To Fluvial Geomorphology
Note: The following exercises are done in a "sit-down" lab at Westminster College
of Salt Lake City.
Step-by-step Instructions:
_____oxbow lake
_____ephemeral stream
_____back swamp
_____perennial stream
_____natural levee
_____yazoo tributary
_____meander scar
Stereo Pair 2
1. Knowing that the stereo pair is located along the Wasatch Fault, name the
lake and major mountain peak.
Stereo Pair 3
5.2 6.6
8.3 9.4
We have 1' and 568 thousandths of a We have 1' and 755 thousandths of a
minute. To convert this to seconds we minute. To convert this to seconds we
multiply 0.568 x 60, because there are multiply 0.755 x 60, because there are
60 seconds per minute. 60 seconds per minute.
b) Mount Olympus
____o___ '____ "__ longitude
____o___ '____ "__ latitude