Computer Studies PDF
Computer Studies PDF
Computer Studies PDF
1‐ Question #I in part and Question #5 in Part‐II are compulsory.
2‐ Attempt two of the remaining three question in part ‐ I and part – II.
Question#1 (Do all Parts in this Question)
Answer for all parts in question#1 must be written on the answer sheet. Write on the answer sheet that
part number and your selected answer letter e.g. (A or B or C or D) against it. No need to write question
on answer sheet.
Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct option. Only one option is correct. Cutting and
overwriting in this question will be considered wrong.
1 A computer converts data into ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
a) Information
b) Software
d) Input/output
2 You can use this output device when you need only to see information.
a) Disk
b) Monitor
c) Speaker
d) Modern
a) Threading
b) Pipelining
c) Cache
d) Multitasking
a) Trackball
b) Communication Device
c) Microphone
d) CPU
a) Width
b) Resolution
c) Dot Pitch
d) Depth
6 The --------- of a hard disk contains a small program that runs when you start the
a) Boot Sector
b) File System
d) File Cluster
a) Formula bar
b) Ruler
c) Cell
d) Frame
8 What type of operating System allows Multiole users to connect over the network to
a special server and work with their programs in a separate session, and allows each users
to run multiple program.
a) Single Users/ Multiple Customers
c) Real Time
9 A ---------- is an agreed upon format for transmitting data between two devices.
a) Protopology
b) Prototype
c) Protoplasm
d) Protocol
a) VCR
b) DSL
c) IPX
d) API
Attempt any Two out of Question # 2,3 and 4. All questions Carry equal marks.
What is the purpose of an output device? Explain the different features of CRT and LCD
Why computers need memory modules? Explains the features of Registers, Cache and
What are the advantages of the computer network? Explain some common types of
Part‐II (Computer Programming) Max Marks: 35
Answer for all the parts in Q#5 must be written on the answer sheet. Write on the answer sheet that
part number and your selected answer letter e.g. (A or B or C or D) against it. No need to write question
on answer sheet.
Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct option. Only one option is correct. Cutting and
overwriting in this question will be considered wrong.
a) Object
b) Property
c) Window
d) Label
a) Control Button
b) Variable
c) Forms
d) Text Box.
3 An Event is a (n):
d) None
a) 0
b) 30
c) 33
d) None
5 Which of the following is the correct name of variable in VB?
a) Vari’ Name
b) Variable Name
c) 100 bye
a) Input Box
b) Msgbox
c) Message
d) None
a) But
b) Not
c) Or
d) And
a) A+B
b) A<>B
c) A>=B
d) A=B
a) 0
b) 2
c) Unlimited
d) At most 255
10 Which of the following statements allocates an array of dozen integers?
Attempt any Two out of Question # 6,7 and 8, All question carry equal marks.
Write VB 6 program that takes N numbers as input. It prints the maximum number and its
frequency (number of occurrences). Two samples runs of the programs are given below.
Sample Run-1:
7 20 -1 65 36 90 78 -2 90 90
Sample Run 2:
23 45 67 56 -90 67 44 67 12 37
Maximum Number is 67
Write a program that reads 10 numbers from the users and stores them in any array. Print
the numbers in ascending order. A sample run of the program is given below:
Sample Run:
7 8 90 34 2 9 12 1 10 32
7 8 90 34 2 9 12 1 10 32
1 2 7 8 9 10 12 32 34 90