BSc Thesis
Geometric Design of Shire Dedebit DC4 Road
Name ID. No.
AlemuBeyene TCEP003/07
KetselaAlemu TCDE1275/06
MekdesGetachew CDE/0697/05
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering
in Addis Ababa Science and Technology University School of Architecture and Civil
June, 2018
First of all thank you God for your help in every part our life. We would like to thank Mr. Tefera
Bahiru, our advisor for his unlimited support from software training to provision of the necessary
skills during the outcome of this project, without him it was impossible to achieve it. Beside this,
we would like to thank again, for his friendly and professional approach to advise us. Our
gratitude also goes to Mr. Alemshet B. for his unreserved effort during our class in Civil3D and
Mr. Symon for his former technical contributions. Thank you our families and friends for you
were beside us in all our needs and for your patience.
Table of contents
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................. i
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................. ii
Lists of Figures ............................................................................................................................... v
Lists of Tables ................................................................................................................................. v
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter One .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Route surveying................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2. Route survey and its considerations .............................................................................. 2
1.3. Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Design Standards and Assumptions ............................................................................................ 5
2.1. General ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Route Location ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Road Functional Classification ............................................................................................ 5
I. Trunk Roads (Class I) .......................................................................................................... 6
II. Link Roads (Class II) .......................................................................................................... 6
III. Main Access Roads (Class III) .......................................................................................... 6
IV. Collector Roads (Class IV)................................................................................................ 6
V. Feeder Roads (Class V) ...................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Terrain classification ............................................................................................................ 7
2.5. Design Standards .................................................................................................................. 8
2.5.1 Design speed ................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.2 Design control factors ..................................................................................................... 8
Chapter Three................................................................................................................................ 10
3. Geometric design using INROADS software ........................................................................... 10
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Elements of geometric design ............................................................................................. 10
3.3. Horizontal curve design ..................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Theoretical background of Horizontal Alignment....................................................... 11
3.3.2. Design of Horizontal curve.......................................................................................... 17
3.3.3. Horizontal Curve widening ......................................................................................... 36
3.3.4. Design of transition curve............................................................................................ 37
3.3.5. Super elevation ............................................................................................................ 38
3.3.7. Center line for horizontal alignment ............................................................................ 41
3.4. Vertical alignment (pp120 ERA) ....................................................................................... 42
3.4.1. Theoretical background of Vertical Alignment ........................................................... 42
3.4.2. Vertical Curve Design ................................................................................................. 48
Chapter Four ................................................................................................................................. 54
4. Cross section design .................................................................................................................. 54
4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 54
4.2. Carriage way ...................................................................................................................... 54
4.3. Road way ............................................................................................................................ 54
4.4. Earth work profile .............................................................................................................. 54
4.5. Lane width .......................................................................................................................... 54
4.6. Shoulders and Normal cross fall ........................................................................................ 55
4.7. Side slope, Back slope and Road ditches ........................................................................... 57
4.9. Design of Cross – sectional elements (ERA 2013 pp240) ................................................... 2
Chapter Five: Earthwork quantities and Mass Haul Diagram ........................................................ 4
6.1. Earthwork Quantities........................................................................................................ 4
6.2. Mass haul diagram ........................................................................................................... 7
Chapter Six...................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Highway Drainage ................................................................................................................... 9
Importance of highway drainage ................................................................................................. 9
Requirements of highway drainage system ............................................................................... 10
Design of surface drainage system ............................................................................................ 10
Hydrological analyses............................................................................................................ 10
Basic Assumptions ................................................................................................................ 11
Chapter Seven ............................................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................................ 15
Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 15
Recommendation ....................................................................................................................... 15
References ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Design standards based on ERA 2103 ...................................................................................... 17
Cross-section based on ERA 2013 for DC4 road class ............................................................. 20
AADT ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Mass Haul Diagram ................................................................................................................... 45
Lists of Figures
Figure 1: Location of the project site ............................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2: Circular Horizontal Curve elements ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 3: Sight distance and sight obstruction ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 4: Elements of transition curve ....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Verification of CL ....................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 6: Sag curve alignment .................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 7: Crest curve alignment .................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 8: Lane widths ................................................................................................................................. 55
Figure 9: Shoulders and Normal crossfall on flat and rolling terrains ........................................................ 56
Figure 10: Shoulders and Normal cross fall on mountainous and escarpment terrains .............................. 56
Figure 11: Side slope, Back slope and Road ditches .................................................................................. 57
Figure 12: Creating template ........................................................................................................................ 2
Figure 13: Sample cut cross section .............................................................................................................. 3
Figure 14: Sample fills cross section ............................................................................................................ 3
Figure 15: Cut minus fill curve ..................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 16: Mass haul diagram....................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 17: Slope of the area ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 18: Catchment generation and area ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 19: Typical cross section of the project (ERA 2013) ...................................................................... 20
Lists of Tables
Table 1: Terrain classes based on ERA 2013 ............................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Minimum radius decision ............................................................................................................. 14
Table 3: Sight Distances from ERA manual ............................................................................................... 16
Table 4: Widening on horizontal curve (Based on ERA 2013) .................................................................. 37
Table 5: Minimum Radii for Horizontal Curves: 8% Super elevation ....................................................... 38
Table 6: Calculated and Design Super elevation ........................................................................................ 39
Table 7: Super elevation attainment............................................................................................................ 41
Table 8: Slope ratio table (ERA 2013 on appendix) ................................................................................... 57
Table 9: Sample Earthwork Quantities Report ............................................................................................. 6
Table 10: Hydrological and Hydraulic parameters calculated .................................................................... 14
Table 11: ERA 2013 road class .................................................................................................................. 17
Table 12: Minimum radius and sight distances .......................................................................................... 18
Table 13: Widening on curve and high fill (ERA, 2013) and Transition curves ........................................ 19
Table 14: Earthwork Quantities Report ...................................................................................................... 22
Executive Summary
Transportation network is an important tie binding our economy together. Transportation system
provides businesses with access to materials and markets, and provides people with access to
goods, services, recreation, jobs, and other people. Transportation touches each one of us every
day in all aspects of our lives.
Therefore, before any alignment of any route and design of the selected route a detail route
survey is needed to understand the terrain, hydrology, and any other important parameters which
affect the alignment of the route. In any road alignment projects highway surveying of the area is
essential and basic for best route and ease of design and economical route to be found.
The Shire to Dedebit road project constructed on existing road which means there is no
alternative route selection. The survey data was collected using total station as reported by
SATCON plc. The design procedure was followed ERA 2013 manual.
This road is designated as the link road which was gravel road and now the government plans to
upgrade to Asphalt with a major modification and the data are collected accordingly and
presented. According to ERA manual 2013, the road functional classification in Ethiopia
includes five functional classes.
Hence, horizontal curves, horizontal widening and horizontal super elevation is designed and
also vertical curves with the earth work is determined and total cut of 592827.38m3 and fill of
315731m3 with a cost required for earth work is 12,960,000birr.
Chapter One
1.1. Introduction
Transportation network is an important tie binding our economy together. Transportation system
provides businesses with access to materials and markets, and provides people with access to
goods, services, recreation, jobs, and other people. Transportation touches each one of us every
day in all aspects of our lives. Most jobs throughout the economy are directly linked to
transportation. Each day, long distance buses transport many people from one part of the country
to the other. Generally speaking without transportation network there will be no social and
Economic growth.
The road network in Ethiopia provides the dominant mode of freight and passenger transport and
thus plays a vital role in the economy of the country. The network comprises a huge national
asset that requires adherence to appropriate standards for design, construction and maintenance
in order to provide a high level of service. As the length of the road network is increasing,
appropriate choice of methods to preserve this investment becomes increasingly important (ERA,
Highway design is only one element in the overall highway development process. Historically,
detailed design occurs in the middle of the process, linking the preceding phases of planning and
project development with the subsequent phases of right-of-ways acquisition, construction, and
The engineer has to keep in mind the topographic & site conditions, building bye laws,
environmental impacts (physical like deforestation & social like compensation), financial
capacity, water supply systems in the route, etc
1.2.1. Introduction
Road design, construction and maintenance require an approach depending on the terrain. The
shortest Road alignment is not necessarily the easiest, quickest or most economical option for
construction and maintenance.
Frequently; topography, slope stability, flood hazard and erosion potential are likely to be the
most significant controls in the choice of the most suitable alignment and design of cross section.
Therefore, before any alignment of any route and design of the selected route a detail route
survey is needed to understand the terrain, hydrology, and any other important parameters which
affect the alignment of the route. In any road alignment projects highway surveying of the area is
essential and basic for best route and ease of design and economical route to be found.
A. Desk study
Topographical maps of the concerned area should provide important features like river,
cultivation areas, valleys; hills together with contour lines. Routes or alignments could be
selected keeping in view of the topographic features and obligatory points to be touched by the
At this stage of a project a contour map with 20m contour interval and scale of 1:50,000 can be
used and on the map villages, water courses, churches and mosques should be clearly shown. So
the routes have to be aligned in accordance with those stated above which is tried to:-
B. Reconnaissance
Generally, in this stage, important data‟s for the previously selected routes expected to be
collected. The data are:-
From the data collected proposed alignments may be altered at few points or may be completely
changed and finally one or more alternative routes may be proposed for further study.
Since this project is limited totally on desk study some other different conditions may occur in
actual field like
Cross drainage work that is assumed to be culvert can be bridge and the vice versa.
Tracing curves may not be easier or full fill ERA design standards
C. Preliminary survey
2. To survey the topographical features along the routes, collecting hydrological data‟s, leveling
has to be done to develop longitudinal and cross sectional drawings for determining the earth
work quantity
3. Soil survey should be conducted to check its suitability for road construction, ground slope,
bridge construction, drainage conditions etc.
D. Detail survey (location survey)
The alignment finalized as a result of preliminary survey is first located on the field and its detail
survey is carried out. These are
Pegging the center line
Centre line leveling
Cross section
Intersecting roads
Ditches and streams
In the above mentioned steps only desk study has been carried out and necessary data for
geometric design requirement accessed from SATCON plc. The date mainly acquired from
SATCON plc was easting, northing, elevation and description of the points across the right of
way in the area of alignment. The project is located at Western Tigiray Zone of Tigray Regional
State, Ethiopia (Figure 1).
1.3. Objectives
Provide the most simple geometry with a margin of safety at the expected design
speeds at night and under adverse weather conditions
Provide a facility that is stable and adequate for the expected traffic conditions
To design economically feasible, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable
DC4 road
Chapter Two
2.1. General
Geometric design is the process whereby the layout of the road and the dimensions of a highway
are designed with the objective of forming or shaping the facility to suite the characteristics and
behavior of drivers, vehicles, traffic, pedestrians and other specific road users with:-
Before any alignment of any route and design of the selected route a detail route survey is
needed to understand the terrain, hydrology, and any other important parameters which affect the
alignment of the route. In any road alignment projects highway surveying of the area is essential
and basic for best route and ease of design and economical route to be found. The Shire to
Dedebit road project constructed on existing road which means there is no alternative route
selection. The survey data was collected using total station as reported by SATCON plc. The
design procedure was followed ERA 2013 manual.
The Project road is designated as a Link Road. Link roads generally connect centers of national
or international importance, such as principal towns and urban centers to each other and to higher
functional class of roads and thereby address both access and mobility demands of the society.
This road is designated as the link road which was gravel road and now the government plans to
upgrade to Asphalt with a major modification and the data are collected accordingly and
presented in the following sections
According to ERA manual 2013, the road functional classification in Ethiopia includes five
functional classes. The following are the functional classes with their description.
Centers of international importance and roads terminating at international boundaries are linked
with Addis Ababa by trunk roads. Trunk roads have a present AADT ≥1000, although they can
have volumes as low as 100 AADT.
Centers of national or international importance, such as principal towns and urban centers must
be linked between each other by link roads. A typical link road has over 400 - 1000 first year
AADT, although values can range between 50-10,000 AADT.
Centers of provincial importance must be linked between each other by main access roads. First
year AADTs are between 30 - 1000.
Roads linking locally important centers to each other, to a more important center, or to higher
class roads must be linked by a collector road. First year AADTs are between 25-400.
Any road link to a minor center such as market and local locations is served by a feeder road.
Roads of the highest classes, trunk and link roads have, as their major function to provide
mobility, while the primary function of lower class roads is to provide access. The roads of
intermediate classes have, for all practical purposes, to provide both mobility and access.
As we can see before, according to ERA manual, one classified the functional classification of
the road depending on the Annual Average daily Traffic (AADT). Based on this in the Shire
Dedebit road project the AADTs are between 150 and 300. Therefore, we can classify this road
as main access road.
There are four terrain types depending on traverse terrain slope. These are:
Flat: flat or gently rolling country, which offers few obstacles to the constructions of a road,
having continuously unrestricted horizontal and vertical alignment (traverse terrain slope up to 5
Rolling: rolling hilly or foothill country where the slopes generally rise and fall moderately and
where occasional steep slopes are encountered, resulting in some restrictions in alignment
(traverse terrain slope from 5 percent to 25 percent).
Mountainous: rugged, hilly and mountainous country river gorges. This class of terrain imposes
define restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable and often involves long steep grades
and limited sight distance (traverse terrain slope from 25 percent to 50 percent).
Escarpment: in addition to the terrain classes given above, a fourth class is added to cater to
those situations whereby the standards associated with each of the above terrain types cannot be
met. We refer to escarpment situations inclusive of switchback roadway sections, or side hill
transverse sections where earthwork quantities are considerable, with transverse terrain slope in
excess of 50 percent.
Most of the terrain type of Shire Dedebit road alignment is mixed as shown in the appendix. In
general, construction costs will be greater as the terrain becomes more difficult higher standards
will become less justifiable or achievable in such situations than for roads in either flat or rolling
Table 1: Terrain classes based on ERA 2013
Using the functional classification of the road and the design traffic volume a design standard is
selected to determine the geometric design standards to be adopted for the detail design of the
project road. The ERA Geometric Design Standard Manual has classified eleven different design
standards associated bands of design traffic volumes for different roads. We have selected DS4
standard to use for the design of Shire Dedebit road project. We have selected the design
standard because based on the traffic data collected by ERA (client) and provided to SATCON
plc in order to use DC4. Table for the DC4 is presented in the appendix.
Geometric standard states that, for roads with design class of DC4 the design speeds for flat,
rolling, Mountainous and Escarpment terrain are 70kph, 60kph, 50kph and 30kph respectively.
Any designer wants to be safe and economical. But sometimes the design is influenced by the
topographic nature and landscapes. These in turn affects parameters of design to be concerned.
The basic design control factors to be concerned are
o Topography
o Design speed
o Traffic factor and
o Environmental factor
It determines in fixing the gradient of the roads. The different terrain types are flat, rolling,
mountain and escapement. In hilly terrain steeper gradients and sharp curves should be allowed
by keeping the required minimum standard.
Design speed
It is the most important factor controlling the geometric design element of a highway. Design
speed is a speed determined for design and correlation of the physical features of a highway that
influences vehicular operation. It is the maximum safe speed that can be obtained over a
specified section of a highway when conditions are so favorable that the design feature of the
highway governs. Different speed standards are assigned for different classes of the road. The
choice of a design speed depends on primarily on the surrounding terrain and the functional class
of the highway.
Other factors determining the selection of design speed include traffic volume and composition,
costs of right of way and construction, and aesthetic considerations.
The speed that a driver adopts on a highway depends on factors such as physical characteristics
of a high way and its surrounding weather condition in the area and presence of other vehicles
and their nature. Speed limitations place up on the vehicle either by law or mechanical devices.
Vehicular characteristics related to cars, buses trucks, motor cycles all have different speed and
acceleration characteristics. The same traffic behaviour is also affected by physical, mental and
psychological characteristics of drivers and pedestrians.
Environmental factor
The road going to be constructed has many advantages so that it should provide its function
without disturbed by the atmosphere of area. Also aesthetic and landscaping should affect the
geometry of the road. So it should be considered.
Chapter Three
3.1 Introduction
The main aim of every project work is to fulfill the need of people who is served and the country.
In high way design, even though the best route is selected, without proper design of the road
geometric alignments, the function, time and the use of that road its comfort is limited. In other
ways maintenance and operation costs is higher than construction cost for the designed time.
Here it is better to focus on best design and best construction rather than looking for maintenance
and operation costs which happened because of improper design in the function period.
Geometric design of high way deals with proper design of horizontal and vertical alignments and
to fit the required dimensions of the road ways.
The INROADS software for road design followed the following procedures:
Any designer of highway should take care of the elements of geometric design after the basic
characteristics of drivers, vehicles traffic and road has been accessed and given to him/her. Also
the designer should be in position to develop the geometric details for a project.
First a design speed and ruling grade must be determined after weighing factors such as the
road‟s importance, the estimated amount and character of traffic, the terrain. The design speed
and ruling grade in turn provide the basis for setting the minimum standards for vertical and
horizontal alignment. After this it is simple to fit standards to the terrain as shown on the maps,
photographs, and other exhibits to produce a plan and profile for the main road ways.
Generally, in highway design consistency is important rule. Only by making every elements
conform to the driver‟s expectations by providing positive guidance through a variety of cues
and by avoiding abrupt changes in standards can smooth flowing, accident free facility be
produced. In addition, by careful attention to blending horizontal and vertical alignment and
fitting structures to the land escape, the road‟s visual qualities can be greatly enhanced.
The horizontal alignment design should be consistence to the topography, provide good drainage
system and minimize earth work. The alignment selected for particular project should run
without sudden changes from easy to sharp curves. The design elements of the horizontal
alignment are the tangent, or straight section, the transition curve (spiral) and the super elevation
Tangent section uses in aesthetic point of view, and beneficial in flat terrain than other
topographies. However, long tangent sections increase the danger from headlight glare and
usually lead to excessive speeding. Long distance of tangent section in hot climate is difficult in
safety aspect due to the broken back effect and short tangents b/n curves in the same direction
should not be used.
The circular part of the horizontal alignment is provided to create a smooth transition between
the tangents of different angle. It is one of the important features which influences efficiency and
safety of road.
When a vehicle moves in a circular path, it is forced radial out ward by centrifugal force which is
counterbalanced by providing super elevation (e) and the existing side friction (f) developed
between the tires and the road surface as shown in the Figure 2 below.
PC 2 C 2 PT
90 90
2 2
2 2
Minimum radius
The minimum radius is a limiting value of curvature for a given design speed and is determined
from the maximum rate of super elevation and the maximum side friction factor selected for
design(limiting value of f). The minimum radius Rmin can be calculated directly from the
simplified formula given by;
B) Tendency of overturning
Vd=design speed.
e=supper elevation.
Therefore the minimum design radiuses are the maximum of the radius of the above.
The minimum radius Rmin can be calculated directly from the simplified formula given by;
According to this particular projectwehave 34 horizontal curves for which minimum radius are
calculated as follows:-
Table 2: Minimum radius decision
Therefore, a radius of more than 175.5m, 128.8m, 89.5m & 32.2m for flat, rolling, mountainous
and escarpment terrains respectively are applicable and used for our project design.
Sight distance
Sight distance is the length of the highway that‟s visible to a driver. A safe sight distance is the
distance needed by the driver on arterial, or a driver exiting a drive way or a street, to verify that
the road is clear and avoid conflicts with other vehicles. Sight line must be kept free of objects
which might interfere with ability of drivers to see other vehicles. Features like hills, curves in
the road, vegetation, other land escaping, sins and buildings can reduce sight distance. In design
two sight distances are considered: passing sight distance and stopping sight distance
Stopping sight distance is the sum of two distances: the distance traversed by the vehicle from
the instant the driver sights an object necessitating a stop to the instant the brakes are applied and
the distance required to stop the vehicle from the instant brake application begins. These are
referred to as brake reaction distance and braking distance, respectively.
Passing sight distance is the minimum sight distance that must be available to enable the driver
of one vehicle to pass another vehicle, safely and comfortably, without interfering with the speed
of an oncoming vehicle traveling at the design speed, should it come into view after the
overtaking maneuver is started. The sight distance available for passing at any place is the
longest distance at which a driver whose eyes are 1.07m above the pavement surface can see the
top of an object 1.07m high on the road.
Passing sight distance is considered only on two-lane roads. At critical locations, a stretch of
four-lane construction with stopping sight distance is sometimes more economical than two lanes
with passing sight distance.
Another element of horizontal alignment is the sight distance across the inside of curves. where
there are sight obstructions(such as walls, cut slopes, building, and longitudinal barriers) on the
inside of curves, a design to provide adequate sight distance may require adjustment in the
normal high way cross section or change in alignment if the obstruction cannot be removed.
Because of the many variables in alignment and cross sections and in number, type , and
location of possible obstructions, specific study usually is necessary for each conditions using
design speed and a selected sight distance as a control, the designer should, check the actual
condition and make the necessary adjustments in the manner most fitting to provide adequate
sight distance.
Horizontal stopping sight distance
For general use in design of a horizontal curve, the sight line is a chord of the curve and the
applicable stopping sight distance is measured along the central line of the inside lane around a
defined horizontal Curve:
Sight Distance
Highway Centerline
Line of sight
Sight Obstruction
Centerline of inside lane
Transition curve
The characteristic of a transition curve is that it has a constantly changing radius. Transition
curves may be inserted between tangents and circular curves to reduce the abrupt introduction of
lateral acceleration. They may also be used between two circular curves.
For large radius curves, the rate of change of lateral acceleration is small and transition curves
are not normally required. It can also be argued that transition curves are not a requirement for
certain roads, particularly those of lower classification, where there is insufficient justification
for the additional survey and design work required. For Ethiopian roads, transition curves are a
requirement for trunk and link road segments having a design speed of equal to or greater than
80 km/hr for this reason the maximum design speed in our curves are less than 70km/hr, so no
need of providing transition curve.
We have 34 horizontal curves for which minimum radius are calculated as follows:-
Rmin = Vd2/127(e+f)
f = 0.14
Rmin = 175m is the minimum radius of the curve according to ERA 2013 for flat terrain and in
our case third curve is taken as a sample which is in flat terrain and R = 400m since the curve is
safe relative to the minimum one in ERA 2013 for DC4 class of paved road.
Third Curve
∆ (Dela) =40023‟16.342‟‟
L = 2R/360 = 281.961m
The horizontal curve designed by INROADS software is shown at every 500m interval with a
Figure followed by detail descriptions of the run in table. Hence the result of 33 horizontal
curves (each PI) is reported as Figure followed by table.
1 Element: Circular
PC 0+173.363 1557049.3941 417395.6425
PI 0+288.520 1557094.3540 417289.6250
CC 1556681.1399 417239.4732
PT 0+397.613 1557076.0605 417175.9304
Radius: 400.000
Delta: 32^07'17.027" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^51'53.240"
Length: 224.250
Tangent: 115.157
Chord: 221.324
Middle Ordinate: 15.612
External: 16.246
2 Element: Linear
PC 0+616.201 1557041.3362 416960.1179
PI 0+717.596 1557025.2290 416860.0110
CC 1556547.6854 417039.5464
PT 0+816.277 1556971.3968 416774.0871
Radius: 500.000
Delta: 22^55'37.157" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^17'30.592"
Length: 200.076
Tangent: 101.394
Chord: 198.744
Middle Ordinate: 9.974
External: 10.177
3 Element: Linear
PC 1+019.295 1556863.6105 416602.0446
PI 1+166.419 1556785.5000 416477.3690
CC 1557202.5796 416389.6771
PT 1+301.256 1556806.7898 416331.7943
Radius: 400.000
Delta: 40^23'16.342" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^51'53.240"
Length: 281.961
Tangent: 147.123
Chord: 276.159
Middle Ordinate: 24.588
External: 26.199
No curve in this range
4 Element: Linear
PC 2+275.704 1556947.7994 415367.6029
PI 2+290.973 1556950.0090 415352.4940
CC 1557442.5366 415439.9565
PT 2+306.234 1556953.1365 415337.5481
Radius: 500.000
Delta: 3^29'54.451" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^17'30.592"
Length: 30.530
Tangent: 15.270
Chord: 30.525
Middle Ordinate: 0.233
External: 0.233
No horizontal curve found in 2500m to 3500m ranges
5 Element: Linear
PC 3+911.431 1557281.9081 413766.3801
PI 4+017.130 1557303.5570 413662.9220
CC 1557751.7322 413864.6922
PT 4+119.508 1557366.6604 413578.1269
Radius: 480.000
Delta: 24^50'14.443" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^23'14.367"
Length: 208.077
Tangent: 105.699
Chord: 206.451
Middle Ordinate: 11.231
External: 11.500
6 Element: Linear
PC 4+220.043 1557426.6806 413497.4748
PI 4+322.251 1557487.7000 413415.4800
CC 1557908.0204 413855.6814
PT 4+422.516 1557572.4253 413358.3124
Radius: 600.000
Delta: 19^20'05.024" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 1^54'35.494"
Length: 202.473
Tangent: 102.208
Chord: 201.513
Middle Ordinate: 8.520
External: 8.643
No horizontal curve found in these ranges
7 Element: Linear
PC 5+144.673 1558171.0567 412954.3914
PI 5+244.653 1558253.9350 412898.4700
CC 1558003.2591 412705.7069
PT 5+337.688 1558286.6961 412804.0098
Radius: 300.000
Delta: 36^51'46.999" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 3^49'10.987"
Length: 193.015
Tangent: 99.980
Chord: 189.703
Middle Ordinate: 15.389
External: 16.221
8 Element: Linear
PC 5+400.992 1558307.4394 412744.2005
PI 5+568.339 1558362.2750 412586.0930
CC 1558567.2567 412834.3115
PT 5+701.661 1558527.8989 412562.1425
Radius: 275.000
Delta: 62^38'37.752" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 4^10'01.077"
Length: 300.669
Tangent: 167.347
Chord: 285.915
Middle Ordinate: 40.078
External: 46.916
9 Element: Linear
PC 5+775.531 1558601.0091 412551.5702
PI 5+921.656 1558745.6290 412530.6570
CC 1558561.6513 412279.4012
PT 6+044.163 1558809.2332 412399.1017
Radius: 275.000
Delta: 55^58'07.846" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 4^10'01.077"
Length: 268.631
Tangent: 146.124
Chord: 258.077
Middle Ordinate: 32.154
10 Element: Linear
PC 6+113.171 1558839.2707 412336.9738
PI 6+194.828 1558874.8140 412263.4580
CC 1559086.8525 412456.6744
PT 6+271.924 1558944.7188 412221.2535
Radius: 275.000
Delta: 33^04'33.745" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 4^10'01.077"
Length: 158.754
Tangent: 81.657
Chord: 156.558
Middle Ordinate: 11.376
External: 11.867
11 Element: Linear
PC 6+527.280 1559163.3230 412089.2727
PI 6+562.954 1559193.8620 412070.8350
CC 1558904.8980 411661.2347
PT 6+598.506 1559221.4741 412048.2484
Radius: 500.000
Delta: 8^09'42.772" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^17'30.592"
Length: 71.226
Tangent: 35.673
Chord: 71.166
Middle Ordinate: 1.268
External: 1.271
12 Element: Linear
PC 6+887.574 1559445.2205 411865.2244
PI 7+015.602 1559544.3180 411784.1630
CC 1560065.7096 412623.7713
PT 7+142.189 1559660.9141 411731.2800
Radius: 980.000
Delta: 14^53'09.865" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 1^10'09.486"
Length: 254.615
Tangent: 128.028
Chord: 253.899
Middle Ordinate: 8.257
External: 8.328
13 Element: Linear
PC 7+166.423 1559682.9847 411721.2697
PI 7+296.989 1559801.8910 411667.3390
CC 1559422.7591 411147.5254
PT 7+423.908 1559889.5703 411570.5942
Radius: 630.000
Delta: 23^25'01.711" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 1^49'08.089"
Length: 257.485
Tangent: 130.565
Chord: 255.697
Middle Ordinate: 13.109
14 Element: Linear
PC 7+530.283 1559961.0050 411491.7737
PI 7+576.266 1559991.8840 411457.7020
CC 1560427.8163 411914.8425
PT 7+622.085 1560027.3831 411428.4751
Radius: 630.000
Delta: 8^20'56.474" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 1^49'08.089"
Length: 91.802
Tangent: 45.983
Chord: 91.721
Middle Ordinate: 1.671
External: 1.676
15 Element: Linear
PC 7+714.691 1560098.8754 411369.6145
PI 7+742.946 1560120.6890 411351.6550
CC 1559844.6321 411060.8098
PT 7+771.108 1560139.7613 411330.8074
Radius: 400.000
Delta: 8^04'52.300" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 2^51'53.240"
Length: 56.417
Tangent: 28.256
Chord: 56.371
Middle Ordinate: 0.994
External: 0.997
16 Element: Linear
PC 7+811.900 1560167.2956 411300.7102
PI 7+899.993 1560226.7580 411235.7130
CC 1560104.5807 411243.3357
PT 7+948.455 1560159.6778 411178.6109
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 92^02'51.136" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 136.555
Tangent: 88.093
Chord: 122.337
Middle Ordinate: 25.979
External: 37.415
17 Element: Linear
PC 7+995.317 1560123.9942 411148.2352
PI 8+373.857 1559835.7480 410902.8650
CC 1560149.9223 411117.7764
PT 8+112.558 1560168.9117 411082.5713
Radius: 40.000
Delta: 167^56'09.498" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 28^38'52.403"
Length: 117.241
Tangent: 378.540
Chord: 79.557
Middle Ordinate: 35.797
External: 340.647
18 Element: Linear
PT 8+112.558 1560168.9117 411082.5713
PC 8+132.385 1560186.3621 411091.9839
Tangent Direction: 28^20'31.647"
Tangent Length: 19.827
Element: Circular
PC 8+132.385 1560186.3621 411091.9839
PI 8+177.903 1560226.4240 411113.5930
CC 1560224.3409 411021.5736
PT 8+215.153 1560265.4670 411090.1931
Radius: 80.000
Delta: 59^16'40.343" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 14^19'26.202"
Length: 82.768
Tangent: 45.518
Chord: 79.125
Middle Ordinate: 10.467
External: 12.043
19 Element: Linear
PC 8+225.585 1560274.4154 411084.8300
PI 8+272.781 1560314.8970 411060.5680
CC 1560315.5415 411153.4496
PT 8+310.864 1560355.7114 411084.2659
Radius: 80.000
Delta: 61^04'34.737" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 14^19'26.202"
Length: 85.279
Tangent: 47.195
Chord: 81.298
Middle Ordinate: 11.097
External: 12.884
20 Element: Linear
PC 8+409.043 1560440.6165 411133.5640
PI 8+462.851 1560487.1490 411160.5820
CC 1560469.7397 411083.4059
PT 8+495.802 1560517.5759 411116.2036
Radius: 58.000
Delta: 85^42'18.185" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 19^45'25.795"
Length: 86.758
Tangent: 53.807
Chord: 78.893
Middle Ordinate: 15.480
External: 21.115
21 Element: Linear
PC 8+498.359 1560519.0221 411114.0944
PI 8+561.311 1560554.6200 411062.1740
CC 1560471.1858 411081.2967
PT 8+594.212 1560499.9634 411030.9394
Radius: 58.000
Delta: 94^41'19.994" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 19^45'25.795"
Length: 95.853
Tangent: 62.952
Chord: 85.311
Middle Ordinate: 18.700
External: 27.598
22 Element: Linear
PC 8+605.080 1560490.5273 411025.5470
PI 8+628.888 1560469.8560 411013.7340
CC 1560532.7014 410951.7476
PT 8+651.507 1560458.3286 410992.9021
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 31^17'42.926" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 46.427
Tangent: 23.809
Chord: 45.852
Middle Ordinate: 3.150
External: 3.271
23 Element: Linear
PC 8+690.721 1560439.3424 410958.5909
PI 8+713.404 1560428.3600 410938.7440
CC 1560364.9696 410999.7454
PT 8+735.054 1560408.9494 410927.0077
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 29^52'59.676" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 44.333
Tangent: 22.683
Chord: 43.832
Middle Ordinate: 2.874
External: 2.975
24 Element: Linear
PC 8+798.618 1560354.5553 410894.1191
PI 8+822.539 1560334.0850 410881.7420
CC 1560398.5351 410821.3813
PT 8+845.254 1560323.0745 410860.5054
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 31^26'09.577" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 46.636
Tangent: 23.921
Chord: 46.053
Middle Ordinate: 3.178
External: 3.302
25 Element: Linear
PC 8+927.611 1560285.1671 410787.3915
PI 8+958.494 1560270.9520 410759.9740
CC 1560209.7065 410826.5156
PT 8+986.857 1560242.4523 410748.0763
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 39^56'08.621" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 59.246
Tangent: 30.883
Chord: 58.054
Middle Ordinate: 5.110
External: 5.437
26 Element: Linear
PC 9+014.011 1560217.3934 410737.6151
PI 9+034.541 1560198.4480 410729.7060
CC 1560250.1391 410659.1758
PT 9+054.300 1560185.2011 410714.0216
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 27^09'25.616" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 40.288
Tangent: 20.530
Chord: 39.912
Middle Ordinate: 2.376
External: 2.444
Radial Direction: 319^48'57.684"
Tangent Direction: 229^48'57.684"
27 Element: Linear
PC 9+145.437 1560126.3952 410644.3946
PI 9+167.499 1560112.1600 410627.5400
CC 1560061.4572 410699.2404
PT 9+188.608 1560091.5247 410619.7360
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 29^06'00.202" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 43.171
Tangent: 22.062
Chord: 42.708
Middle Ordinate: 2.726
External: 2.816
28 Element: Linear
PC 9+194.118 1560086.3715 410617.7871
PI 9+231.626 1560051.2880 410604.5190
CC 1560116.4390 410538.2828
PT 9+264.766 1560037.4422 410569.6594
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 47^37'17.806" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 70.648
Tangent: 37.509
Chord: 68.632
Middle Ordinate: 7.235
External: 7.908
29 Element: Linear
PC 9+302.118 1560023.6540 410534.9450
PI 9+343.306 1560008.4500 410496.6660
CC 1560125.8852 410494.3399
PT 9+380.939 1560022.1263 410457.8149
Radius: 110.000
Delta: 41^03'19.451" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 10^25'02.692"
Length: 78.821
Tangent: 41.188
Chord: 77.145
Middle Ordinate: 6.985
External: 7.458
Radial Direction: 19^23'34.739"
Tangent Direction: 289^23'34.739"
30 Element: Linear
PC 9+390.536 1560025.3131 410448.7618
PI 9+414.930 1560033.4130 410425.7520
CC 1560119.6395 410481.9664
PT 9+438.389 1560051.1985 410409.0566
Radius: 100.000
Delta: 27^25'04.098" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 11^27'32.961"
Length: 47.853
Tangent: 24.394
Chord: 47.398
Middle Ordinate: 2.849
External: 2.932
31 Element: Linear
PC 9+543.541 1560127.8640 410337.0901
PI 9+609.173 1560175.7160 410292.1710
CC 1560069.6892 410275.1168
PT 9+655.319 1560144.3635 410234.5120
Radius: 85.000
Delta: 75^20'46.581" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 13^28'52.896"
Length: 111.778
Tangent: 65.632
Chord: 103.897
Middle Ordinate: 17.722
External: 22.390
32 Element: Linear
PC 9+843.472 1560054.4822 410069.2155
PI 9+866.336 1560043.5600 410049.1290
CC 1559944.6670 410128.9284
PT 9+888.700 1560026.2348 410034.2093
Radius: 125.000
Delta: 20^43'51.500" Left
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 9^10'02.369"
Length: 45.228
Tangent: 22.864
Chord: 44.982
Middle Ordinate: 2.040
External: 2.074
33 Element: Linear
PC 9+940.713 1559986.8221 410000.2689
PI 9+978.335 1559958.3140 409975.7190
CC 1560019.4492 409962.3812
PT 10+005.219 1559974.0063 409941.5260
Radius: 50.000
Delta: 73^55'06.136" Right
Degree of Curvature(Arc): 22^55'05.922"
Length: 64.506
Tangent: 37.622
Chord: 60.125
Middle Ordinate: 10.047
External: 12.573
Extra widening of pavements on curves and embankments is provided for the following reasons.
W=Vd/10 R
Then total widening needed for n lanes of highway is given by:
n =No of lane L =length of the vehicle
R = radius of curvature Vd = design speed
By this empirical formula extra widening for all horizontal curves are shown below.In our case
widening is applied using ERA manual 2013shown in the table 4 below.
The characteristic of a transition curve is that it has a constantly changing radius. Transition
curves may be inserted between tangents and circular curves to reduce the abrupt introduction of
lateral acceleration. They may also be used between two circular curves. For large radius curves,
the rate of change of lateral acceleration is small and transition curves are not normally required.
For Ethiopian roads, transition curves are a requirement for trunk and link road segments having
a design speed of equal to or greater than 80 km/hr.
As we can see before, the Shire Dedebit road classified as link road with a design speed of less
than 80km/hr and hence we don‟t need to consider transition curves as shown in the appendix.
3.3.5. Super elevation
Anybody moving rapidly along a curved path is subject to an outward reactive force
called the centrifugal force.
If the surface is flat, the vehicle is held in the curved path by side friction between tires
and pavement.
When velocity v (m/s) is stated in V (Km/h), and the radius of curve (R)in meters, the
equation reduces to,
e = [V2 / (127*R)]-f
On highway curves, this centrifugal force acts through the centre of mass of the vehicle
and creates an overturning moment about the points of contact between the outer wheels
and the pavement.
Calculation of super elevation rate for horizontal curve.
Road standard, DC4
Design speed =70km/hr…………….for flat terrain
For design speed (Vd) =70km/hr, coefficient of friction (f) =0.14
From ERA manual 2013
e = (v2/127R)-f, where: V in km/hr & R in m
= (70 /127*400)-0.14=0.0435=4.3%, which is less than the maximum super
elevation (8%). So to be safe provide 8% to increase safety of the road curve leaving the curve.
By this design the whole of the circular curve has full super elevation, as shown in From ERA
manual table 8-1;
e=0.08 B=6.5m (road width)
At the entrance of the curve: super elevation is provided 2/3 of L in to the tangent and 1/3 of L in
the curve portion of the road. ERA 2013 manual provides both super elevation rate and length of
runoff for horizontal curves at different speeds for 8% maximum super elevation for the given
side friction factor as shown in the tables 5 and 6 below.
Table 6: Calculated and Design Super elevation
Curve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Topog Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat
Speed 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
Radius 400 500 400 500 480 600 300 275 275 630 500
Side 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.14 0.1
Calcul 4.35 6.28 4.35 6.28 5.96 7.6 1.1 0 0 7.88 6.3
ERA 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
d e%
Design 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Curve 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Topog Flat Flat Flat Flat Moun Escar Escar Escar Escar Escar Moun
raphy tainou pment pment pment pment pmen tainou
s t s
Speed 70 70 70 70 50 30 40 40 40 40 50
Radius 980 630 430 400 85 40 80 80 58 58 85
Side 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.17 0.2
Calcul 10.1 7.9 5 4.4 7.16 0.7 1.3 1.3 4.7 4.72 7.2
ERA 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
d e%
Design 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Curve 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Topog Moun Moun Moun Moun Moun Moun Moun Moun Moun Rolli Escar
raphy tainou tainou tainou tainou tainou tainou tainou tainou tainou ng pment
s s s s s s s s s
Speed 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 40
Radius 85 85 85 85 85 85 110 100 85 125 50
Side 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.2
Calcul 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.16 7.2 1.9 3.7 7.2 7.68 9.2
ERA 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
d e%
Design 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Table 7: Super elevation attainment
The center line is verified by ArcGIS and mapped as shown in the Figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Verification of CL
3.4. Vertical alignment (pp120 ERA)
Vertical alignment of a road is generally governed by the terrain nature of the area and desired
level of service. The two major aspects of vertical alignment are vertical curvature, which is
governed by sight distance criteria; and gradient, which is related to vehicle performance and
level of service.
The natural ground profile for road is generated by the INROADS software using the data
provided or imported and appropriate gradients curves has been selected based on design control
criteria and earthwork economy.
i. Vertical curves
ii. Gradients
The vertical alignment is usually drowned as a profile, which is a graph with elevation as a
vertical axis & a horizontal distance along the center line of the road as a horizontal axis.
Vertical curves connect two gradients. The two types of curves revealed in this project are
summit (convex) & valley (concave).
Gradient is the rate of rise or fall along the length of the road with respect to the horizontal sited
as positive gradient (+) & the negative gradient (-).The deviation angle A is when two grades
meet; the angle measures the algebraic difference between the two grades. A = │G1 – G2│. In
this project there are five vertical curves of which 2 of them are summit curves and 3 of them are
valley curves.
There are 29 curves in the project to avoid overlap with the horizontal one and also to be safe for
movement. Sample curve computation is performed for both sag and crests type and presented as
Sag curves computation
0+00 S1 S2
= Sum of p*PR
18-25 X tx x*tx
41-65 Z tz z*tz
( )
SSD = d1 + d2
A = │G1 – G2│,
Case II: L < SSD
From all the five cases we can take the maximum one which is governed by head light distance.
The next step is to find station and elevation for BVC, EVC, and Lowest point as follows:-
( – )
, for Yo = Elevation of BVC
Crest Curve computation
0+00 S1 S2 S3 S4
S peak
Two Considerations
I. SSD considerations
Case I: L > SSD
, for SSD & Based on ERA manual 2013, h1 & h2 can be decided
(√ √ )
A = │G1 – G2│
(√ √ )
(√ √ )
PSD = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4
m = -6.67 + 0.29 (V passing), assuming the overtaking vehicle moves at the design speed (V passing
= V=70km/hr)
Implies that, , from ERA manual t2 = (9-11.3 sec) & to be more safe we can
take t2 = 11.3 sec
d3(m) 30 55 80 100
( )
, for SSD & Based on ERA manual 2013, h1 & h2 can be decided
(√ √ )
A = │G1 – G2│
(√ √ )
(√ √ )
From the four lengths the higher will be the governing one.
Station and elevation for BVC, EVC, Lowest point
The next step is to find station and elevation for BVC, EVC, and Lowest point as follows:-
, that means
( – )
, for
3.4.2. Vertical Curve Design
Accordingly the vertical curves are designed using INROADS software with the above principles
and reported as Figures of 500m interval followed by table describing all the necessary reduced
levels of the road as follows:
Curve 1
POB 0+000.000 1855.8808
PVC 3+864.915 1795.6661
Tangent Grade: -1.558
Tangent Length: 3864.915
PVC 3+864.915 1795.6661
PVI 3+944.915 1794.4197
PVT 4+024.915 1794.3038
Length: 160.000
Entrance Grade: -1.558
Exit Grade: -0.145
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: 0.883
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 113.226
Middle Ordinate: 0.283
Curve 2
PVT 4+024.915 1794.3038
PVC 6+576.785 1790.6067
Tangent Grade: -0.145
Tangent Length: 2551.870
PVC 6+576.785 1790.6067
PVI 6+651.785 1790.4980
PVT 6+726.785 1789.1716
Length: 150.000
Stopping Sight Distance: 484.322
Entrance Grade: -0.145
Exit Grade: -1.768
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: -1.082
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 92.387
Middle Ordinate: -0.304
Curve 3
PVT 6+726.785 1789.1716
PVC 7+581.885 1774.0494
Tangent Grade: -1.768
Tangent Length: 855.100
PVC 7+581.885 1774.0494
PVI 7+611.885 1773.5188
PVT 7+641.885 1772.1903
Length: 60.000
Stopping Sight Distance: 279.832
Entrance Grade: -1.768
Exit Grade: -4.429
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: -4.433
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 22.556
Middle Ordinate: -0.200
Curve 4
PVT 7+641.885 1772.1903
PVC 8+161.315 1749.1869
Tangent Grade: -4.429
Tangent Length: 519.431
PVC 8+161.315 1749.1869
PVI 8+191.315 1747.8583
PVT 8+221.315 1745.4298
Length: 60.000
Stopping Sight Distance: 211.248
Entrance Grade: -4.429
Exit Grade: -8.095
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: -6.111
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 16.364
Middle Ordinate: -0.275
Curve 5
PVT 8+221.315 1745.4298
PVC 8+769.718 1701.0353
Tangent Grade: -8.095
Tangent Length: 548.402
PVC 8+769.718 1701.0353
PVI 8+799.718 1698.6067
PVT 8+829.718 1695.9496
Length: 60.000
Stopping Sight Distance: 902.255
Entrance Grade: -8.095
Exit Grade: -8.857
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: -1.270
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 78.750
Middle Ordinate: -0.057
Curve 6
PVT 8+829.718 1695.9496
PVC 9+349.149 1649.9428
Tangent Grade: -8.857
Tangent Length: 519.431
PVC 9+349.149 1649.9428
PVI 9+379.149 1647.2857
PVT 9+409.149 1645.3069
Length: 60.000
Headlight Sight Distance: 250.023
Entrance Grade: -8.857
Exit Grade: -6.596
r = ( g2 - g1 ) / L: 3.769
K = l / ( g2 - g1 ): 26.533
Middle Ordinate: 0.170
Chapter Four
4.1. Introduction
A cross section is the component across the road that consists of the carriage way, shoulders, or
curbs, drainage features and earth work profiles.
Traffic lanes
Auxiliary lanes such as acceleration and declaration lanes
Climbing lanes
Passing lanes
It includes side slop and back slope.For urban cross section cross section elements may also
include facilities for:
And other special user groups these includes curbs, foot way and islands. Since this
particular project is urban and design class four (DC4) roads contains the above
mentioned elements.
Lane width and shoulder width should be adjusted to traffic requirements and characteristics of
the terrain. The cross section may vary over the particular route because of these the terrain but
for this particular project all the cross sections are assumed to be equal because the terrain and
the traffic character are constant thought the entire road.
Feature of a high way having great influence on safety and comfort in the width of the carriage
way, due to this we use a lane width of 3.25m are used which is recommended for DC4 road are
shown in Figure F-4 (C) & Figure F-4 (D) of ERA2013for DC4 class and presented in Appendix
and shown in the Figure 8 below.
Normal cross fall should be sufficient to provide adequate surface drainage whilst not being so
great as to make steering difficult. According to ERA 2013 normal cross fall should be 6%on
paved roads. Shoulders are the same as normal cross fall. Since the project is paved road we take
a normal cross fall of 6%for all the shoulders and carriage way.
Shoulders is a portion of the road way contiguous to carriage way for the accumulation of
stopped vehicles, traditional and intimidate non-motorized traffic, animals, pedestrians and
emergency use. And also used for the recovery of stopped vehicles and lateral support of the
pavement course. Shoulder width is specified on ERA 2013 standards for this particular project,
a shoulder width of 1.25mwith 6% slope for flat and rolling terrain as shown in the Figure 9
Figure 9: Shoulders and Normal crossfall on flat and rolling terrains
Shoulder width is specified on ERA 2013 standards for this particular project, a shoulder width
of 0.5m with 6% slope for mountainous and escarpment terrains as shown in the Figure 10
Figure 10: Shoulders and Normal cross fall on mountainous and escarpment terrains
4.7. Side slope, Back slope and Road ditches
Side slopes and back slopes should be designed to insure the stability of the road way and to
provide a reasonable opportunity for recovery of out of control vehicle.
Three regions of road side important which evaluating the safety of aspect of such as
The selection of a side slope and back slope depends on safety consideration, height of cut or fill
and economic consideration. ERA 2013 indicates the side slope recommended for use in the
design according to the height of cut and fill and the material.
Depending to the given standard ratio our project is designed and set out the appropriate and
economical road section. For this particular project we use a slope ratio table shown below and a
ditch with width of 0.6m.
4.9. Design of Cross – sectional elements (ERA 2013 pp240)
A cross-section normally consists of the carriageway, shoulder or curbs, normal cross falls
(crown), drainage features, and earthwork profiles including side slopes and back slopes. Typical
section of the road is prepared at every 100m with additional important points such as beginning
of the curves, ending of the curves and every 100m from the beginning of the curves.
Lane Rural template is modified to the DC4 class of road in ERA 2013 as template named as
„mountainous and Escarpments‟ for design of mountainous and escarpment parts and template
named as „flat and rolling‟ for flat and rolling part design as shown in the Figure 12 below.
Therefore the drawings of the cross-section for every 20m are prepared and sample is presented
as follows in the Figure 13 below and the entire cross sections are presented in the appendix.
Chapter Five: Earthwork quantities and Mass Haul Diagram
Most economical and effective project work gives attention to earthwork quantities especially to
the cut and fills balance and least cost in relation to earth works.
The steps involved in the computation of earthwork quantities and the development of the
optimal mass haul diagram are:
Areas of station cross sections are calculated first for earthwork calculations. Based on the shape
of the cross sections, two types of area calculation methods are adopted Simple geometric
method: is calculation method for regular cross sections like trapezoidal & triangular.
A=1/2* X1 y1
X2 y2
. .
. .
Xn yn
Where (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)… (Xn, yn) are coordinates of the cross section.
4.3 Calculating earthwork
Among different earthwork calculation methods, the “average end area” method is the most
common. This method consists of averaging the cut and fill quantities of adjacent stations and
multiplying by the distance between stations to produce cubic meters of excavation and
embankment between the two stations.
( )
( )
L: distance between two stations
A: area
Total accumulated fill is the sum of the embankments from stations (no adjustment)
The designer should avoid using one factor for the entire project as these results in incorrect
distribution of earthwork quantities. But in our case one factor is used due to lack of soil
properties for the area. For this project we assume a normal soil and a cut factor of 25%
according to ERA manual
But in our case the computation is performed by the INROADS software and it doesn‟t need any
manual calculation and the Cut and fill balance curve is shown in the Figure 15 below.
The INROADS output is presented in the following table 8 as a sample and the rest is reported in
the Table 8 of the appendix.
Station Adjusted
Cut Station Station Fill Adjusted
Baseline Station Volume Cut Volume Station Fill Mass Ordinate
0+00.000 0 0 0 0
0+20.000 0 0 6564.974 6564.974 -6564.974
0+40.000 0 0 5832.381 5832.381 -12397.355
0+60.000 0 0 5544.885 5544.885 -17942.24
0+80.000 0 0 5350.516 5350.516 -23292.756
1+00.000 0 0 4582.806 4582.806 -27875.562
1+20.000 0 0 3825.366 3825.366 -31700.928
1+40.000 0 0 3197.764 3197.764 -34898.692
1+60.000 0 0 2617.852 2617.852 -37516.545
6.2. Mass haul diagram
The mass ordinate can now be calculated by taking the algebraic sum of adjusted excavation and
unadjusted embankment from station to station, using”+” for excavation and “-“for embankment.
The mass haul diagram is a curve in which the abscissas represents the stations of the survey and
the ordinates represent the stations of the survey and the ordinates represent the algebraic sum of
excavation and embankment quantities from some point of beginning on the profile.
At the beginning of the curve the ordinate is zero, and ordinates are calculated continuously from
the initial station to the end of the project as shown in the Figure 16 below and detail curve is
presented every 100m at the appendix.
4.5 Balancing earth work using the mass haul diagram
Balancing is to mean proportioning of earth work with haul distance and cost
Haul distances
Free haul (FH) the maximum distance through which excavated material may be
transported without the added cost above the unit bid price.
Overhaul the excavated material transported to a distance beyond the free haul distance.
Economic limit of haul (ELH) distance through which it is more economical to haul
excavated material than to waste and borrow.
E.L.H=F.H.distance + unit price of borrow
Unit price of overhaul
According to ERA 2013, free haul distance is mostly between 300 and 400m; let‟s take the
minimum 300m
As shown in the remark column the maximum distance of the loops are less than the free haul
distance therefore there is no hauling cost for the project. The only cost is excavation cost and it
is given by:
Chapter Six
6. Highway Drainage
High way drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and sub-surface
water within the right of way. The high way drainage includes interception and diversion of
water from the road surface and sub-grade.
During rains, part of the rain water flows on surface and part of it percolates through the soil
mass as gravitational water until it reaches the ground water below the water table. Removal and
diversion of surface water from the roadway and adjoining land is termed as surface drainage.
Diversion or removal of excess soil-water from the sub grade is termed as sub-surface drainage.
An increasing moisture content cause decrease in strength or stability of soil mass; the variation
in soil strength with moisture content also depends on the soil type and the mode of stress
application. Highway drainage is important because of the following reasons:
Excess moisture in soil sub grade causes considerable lowering of its stability. The
pavement is likely to fail due to sub grade failure.
In some clay soils variation in volume of sub grade. This sometimes contributes to
pavement failure.
Sustained contact of water with bituminous pavements causes failures due to stripping
of bitumen from aggregates like losing or detachment of the bituminous pavement
layers and formation of pot holes.
The prime cause of failures in rigid pavements by mud pumping is due to the presence
of water in fine sub grade soil.
Excess water in shoulders and pavement edge causes considerable damage.
Erosion of soil from top of un-surfaced roads and slopes of embankment, cut and hill
side is also due to surface water.
Requirements of highway drainage system
The surface water from the carriage way and shoulder should effectively be drained off
without allowing it to percolate to sub grade.
The surface water from the adjoining land should be prevented from entering the roadway.
The side drain should have sufficient capacity and longitudinal slope to carry away all the
surface water collected.
Flow of surface water across the road and shoulders and along slopes should not cause
formation of cross ruts or erosion.
Seepage and other sources of underground water should be drained off by the sub surface
drainage system.
Highest level of GWT should be kept well below the level of sub grade, preferably by at
least 1.2m.
In water logged areas special precautions should be taken, especially if detrimental salts are
present or if flooding is likely to occur.
Hydrological analyses
In the hydrologic analysis for a drainage facility, some of the factors which need to be
recognized and considered on an individual site by site basis include:
Hence the drainage should enable to drain the surface water efficiently; the designer should
determine peak flows with an acceptable approach or hydrological methods.
In this project we use the rational formula; hence it is widely used for high way drainage design.
The rational formula is an empirical formula relating runoff to rainfall intensity. It is expressed in
the following form:
Q= CIA/360
Basic Assumptions
1. The peak rate of runoff (Q) at any point is a direct function of the average rainfall intensity (I)
for the time of concentration (Tc) to that point.
2. The recurrence interval of the peak discharge is the same as the recurrence interval of the
average rainfall intensity.
3. The time of concentration is the time required for the runoff to become established and flow
from the most distant point of the drainage area to the point of discharge.
To summarize, the rational method provides the most reliable results when applied to small,
developed watersheds and particularly to roadway drainage design. The validity of each
assumption should be verified for the site before proceeding.
Slope is generated from Digital elevation model (DEM) of the area as shown in the figure 14
Figure 17: Slope of the area
Land use and other hydrological data are collected from Ministry of Water Irrigation and
Electricity (MOWIE) while soil data is generated from Harmonized World Soil Database
(HWSD) and rainfall is collected from Ethiopian Meteorological Agency (EMA) to generate the
average catchment characteristics of the catchments (C).
HEC-GEOHMS is used to generate flow direction, drainage and cachments of the area around
the road and the area of each of the catchments are calculated by ArcGIS 10.3 as shown in the
Figure 15 below.
Figure 18: Catchment generation and area
Hence the catchments are coded with field ID (FID) to report the area calculated and other
characteristics calculated by assuming different values based on ERA manual. Rainfall intensity
is calculated from one station rainfall record (Shire station) for the area is small to be covered by
other stations.
The other factors of flow is assigned to each of the catchments and then the hydrological and
hydraulic requirements are calculated and presented as shown in the table 6 below.
Coefficient (Land
Masonry volume
Average velocity
rainfall (mm/hr)
Drainage depth
Drainage width
Drainage Cross
Length of ditch
Volume of Cut
sectional Area
Total width of
required (m3)
Storm runoff
masonry (m)
Thickness of
needed ( m3)
Intensity of
use based)
Area (ha)
cut (m)
0 486 177.3 4 0.45 0.89 2.25 0.39 0.5 0.79 0.2 0.9 76.61 432.23
2 255 49.2 4 0.65 0.36 2.25 0.16 0.5 0.32 0.2 0.9 16.12 118.44
3 632 101.4 4 0.79 0.89 2.25 0.4 0.5 0.79 0.2 0.9 99.97 563.63
4 736 56 4 0.6 0.37 2.25 0.17 0.5 0.33 0.2 0.9 48.84 352.27
5 1367 99.34 4 0.49 0.54 2.25 0.24 0.5 0.48 0.2 0.9 131.44 837.52
7 1389 224 4 0.85 2.12 2.25 0.94 0.5 1.88 0.2 0.9 522.33 2600.51
9 1395 84 4 0.58 0.54 2.25 0.24 0.5 0.48 0.2 0.9 134.23 855.15
11 761 78 4 0.66 0.57 2.25 0.25 0.5 0.51 0.2 0.9 77.39 485.23
12 210 102.5 4 0.574 0.65 2.25 0.29 0.5 0.58 0.2 0.9 24.41 147.65
13 2207 283.3 4 0.85 2.67 2.25 1.19 0.5 2.38 0.2 0.9 1049.94 5122
14 322 52.03 4 0.35 0.2 2.25 0.09 0.5 0.18 0.2 0.9 11.5837 110.1
15 240 71.3 4 0.58 0.46 2.25 0.20 0.5 0.41 0.2 0.9 19.62 131.47
10000 2212.48 11756.2
Chapter Seven
From this project it can be concluded that
The best route is amended to full fill the geometric requirements and site specific
Using design manuals and engineering judgments proper design is adopted.
First of all, to design a safe and economical highway through the desired design period,
social and environmental factors and traffic volume should be studied.
Next to these, safe and economical geometric alignment design is provided based on the
limits set by ERA2013 manual and engineering judgments which are related to the
condition of the project. Survey data and hydrological data are the basic to do the design.
Thirdly, providing appropriate gradients, which is the basic factor which controls
economy and aesthetic as well as drainage of the highway.
In addition to the above, clear and precise working drawings and typical sections, where
ever necessary, are necessary for the contractors and consultants.
From the project we recommend
Speed is the decisive factor in our design but the speed limit is not applicable for the
driver behavior and their personal character are not in line with the rule hence, ERA
should modify or revise the design criteria not to depend on the speed limit only.
While selecting alternative routes taking data only from map may results in misleading
judgment. So there should be site visit to identify some changes.
During detail design the designer should try to use local specific design manuals with
good engineering judgment rather than using only higher standards.
1. AASHTO the Green Book, 2001
2. Ethiopian Road Authority Geometric Design Manual 2013
3. High way engineering , by new chanal and bros, roorkee (U.A) 8th edition
4. Internet Source
5. Principles and practise of high way engineering by Dr.L.R.Kadiyali Khanna publishers ,
third edition .
6. Simon G., 2015. Lecture note on High Way Engineering I and Lecture note on Transport
7. Standard hand book of civil engineering ,by Gurcharan, A.K Jain publisher 9th edition .
Table 12: Minimum radius and sight distances
Table 13: Widening on curve and high fill (ERA, 2013) and Transition curves
Cross-section based on ERA 2013 for DC4 road class
Table 3 Analysis of AADT for 2020
Vehicle car L/rover S/Bus L/Bus S/Truck M/Truck N/Truck Sum
51 9 29 16 42 12 15 11
2018 185
rate (r 10% 10% 10% 10% 8% 10% 10% 15%
rate 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.15
AADT 82 14 47 26 62 19 24 22 296
Total AADT at 2023 296
Table 14: Earthwork Quantities Report
Station Total: 0 243.545 -47080.184
4+00.000 0.946 0.946 189.332 189.332
Station Total: 0.946 189.332 -47268.569
4+20.000 9.974 9.974 155.738 155.738
Station Total: 9.974 155.738 -47414.333
4+40.000 21.425 21.425 108.509 108.509
Station Total: 21.425 108.509 -47501.417
4+60.000 32.783 32.783 85.456 85.456
Station Total: 32.783 85.456 -47554.09
4+80.000 55.09 55.09 74.979 74.979
Station Total: 55.09 74.979 -47573.979
5+00.000 90.382 90.382 46.818 46.818
Station Total: 90.382 46.818 -47530.415
5+20.000 115.65 115.65 35.417 35.417
Station Total: 115.65 35.417 -47450.182
5+40.000 149.574 149.574 25.979 25.979
Station Total: 149.574 25.979 -47326.587
5+60.000 207.479 207.479 12.103 12.103
Station Total: 207.479 12.103 -47131.211
5+80.000 232.216 232.216 5.543 5.543
Station Total: 232.216 5.543 -46904.538
6+00.000 230.316 230.316 4.843 4.843
Station Total: 230.316 4.843 -46679.064
6+20.000 212.427 212.427 8.606 8.606
Station Total: 212.427 8.606 -46475.243
6+40.000 204.605 204.605 10.348 10.348
Station Total: 204.605 10.348 -46280.986
6+60.000 208.187 208.187 13.515 13.515
Station Total: 208.187 13.515 -46086.313
6+80.000 178.069 178.069 26.472 26.472
Station Total: 178.069 26.472 -45934.717
7+00.000 120.274 120.274 67.343 67.343
Station Total: 120.274 67.343 -45881.786
7+20.000 64.846 64.846 105.188 105.188
Station Total: 64.846 105.188 -45922.128
7+40.000 32.768 32.768 135.379 135.379
Station Total: 32.768 135.379 -46024.739
7+60.000 14.518 14.518 170.973 170.973
Station Total: 14.518 170.973 -46181.194
7+80.000 4.564 4.564 206.73 206.73
Station Total: 4.564 206.73 -46383.36
8+00.000 0.204 0.204 222.531 222.531
Station Total: 0.204 222.531 -46605.687
8+20.000 0 0 224.154 224.154
Station Total: 0 224.154 -46829.841
8+40.000 0 0 240.272 240.272
Station Total: 0 240.272 -47070.114
8+60.000 0 0 242.089 242.089
Station Total: 0 242.089 -47312.203
8+80.000 0 0 233.447 233.447
Station Total: 0 233.447 -47545.65
9+00.000 0 0 210.797 210.797
Station Total: 0 210.797 -47756.447
9+20.000 2.26 2.26 180.457 180.457
Station Total: 2.26 180.457 -47934.645
9+40.000 15.627 15.627 146.351 146.351
Station Total: 15.627 146.351 -48065.368
9+60.000 40.352 40.352 99.492 99.492
Station Total: 40.352 99.492 -48124.508
9+80.000 65.625 65.625 66.753 66.753
Station Total: 65.625 66.753 -48125.635
10+00.000 99.79 99.79 42.384 42.384
Station Total: 99.79 42.384 -48068.229
10+20.000 129.409 129.409 25.537 25.537
Station Total: 129.409 25.537 -47964.356
10+40.000 73.271 73.271 82.947 82.947
Station Total: 73.271 82.947 -47974.033
10+60.000 5.686 5.686 145.765 145.765
Station Total: 5.686 145.765 -48114.111
10+80.000 0.675 0.675 138.929 138.929
Station Total: 0.675 138.929 -48252.365
11+00.000 0 0 129.966 129.966
Station Total: 0 129.966 -48382.33
11+20.000 0 0 118.639 118.639
Station Total: 0 118.639 -48500.969
11+40.000 0.248 0.248 97.572 97.572
Station Total: 0.248 97.572 -48598.293
11+60.000 0.248 0.248 91.069 91.069
Station Total: 0.248 91.069 -48689.115
11+80.000 0.296 0.296 93.67 93.67
Station Total: 0.296 93.67 -48782.489
12+00.000 28.103 28.103 89.606 89.606
Station Total: 28.103 89.606 -48843.992
12+20.000 94.834 94.834 61.238 61.238
Station Total: 94.834 61.238 -48810.397
12+40.000 159.069 159.069 41.331 41.331
Station Total: 159.069 41.331 -48692.659
12+60.000 168.015 168.015 71.536 71.536
Station Total: 168.015 71.536 -48596.18
12+80.000 120.917 120.917 117.009 117.009
Station Total: 120.917 117.009 -48592.272
13+00.000 79.282 79.282 173.846 173.846
Station Total: 79.282 173.846 -48686.837
13+20.000 53.356 53.356 184.151 184.151
Station Total: 53.356 184.151 -48817.631
13+40.000 43.476 43.476 132.664 132.664
Station Total: 43.476 132.664 -48906.819
13+60.000 63.775 63.775 95.791 95.791
Station Total: 63.775 95.791 -48938.835
13+80.000 108.094 108.094 59.157 59.157
Station Total: 108.094 59.157 -48889.898
14+00.000 181.22 181.22 23.632 23.632
Station Total: 181.22 23.632 -48732.31
14+20.000 277.253 277.253 5.158 5.158
Station Total: 277.253 5.158 -48460.215
14+40.000 343.236 343.236 0 0
Station Total: 343.236 0 -48116.979
14+60.000 313.854 313.854 4.237 4.237
Station Total: 313.854 4.237 -47807.362
14+80.000 225.061 225.061 25.421 25.421
Station Total: 225.061 25.421 -47607.723
15+00.000 118.434 118.434 89.506 89.506
Station Total: 118.434 89.506 -47578.795
15+20.000 59.475 59.475 128.883 128.883
Station Total: 59.475 128.883 -47648.203
15+40.000 87.437 87.437 82.581 82.581
Station Total: 87.437 82.581 -47643.347
15+60.000 129.027 129.027 43.277 43.277
Station Total: 129.027 43.277 -47557.597
15+80.000 159.309 159.309 28.855 28.855
Station Total: 159.309 28.855 -47427.143
16+00.000 128.008 128.008 44.038 44.038
Station Total: 128.008 44.038 -47343.174
16+20.000 56.079 56.079 85.372 85.372
Station Total: 56.079 85.372 -47372.467
16+40.000 38.309 38.309 66.436 66.436
Station Total: 38.309 66.436 -47400.594
16+60.000 58.53 58.53 46.415 46.415
Station Total: 58.53 46.415 -47388.479
16+80.000 49.735 49.735 106.286 106.286
Station Total: 49.735 106.286 -47445.03
17+00.000 14.889 14.889 209.77 209.77
Station Total: 14.889 209.77 -47639.911
17+20.000 0.493 0.493 256.36 256.36
Station Total: 0.493 256.36 -47895.778
17+40.000 0.043 0.043 210.187 210.187
Station Total: 0.043 210.187 -48105.922
17+60.000 21.394 21.394 131.197 131.197
Station Total: 21.394 131.197 -48215.725
17+80.000 59.055 59.055 98.402 98.402
Station Total: 59.055 98.402 -48255.073
18+00.000 67.157 67.157 122.22 122.22
Station Total: 67.157 122.22 -48310.136
18+20.000 34.593 34.593 152.854 152.854
Station Total: 34.593 152.854 -48428.397
18+40.000 6.821 6.821 171.797 171.797
Station Total: 6.821 171.797 -48593.373
18+60.000 2.076 2.076 171.703 171.703
Station Total: 2.076 171.703 -48763
18+80.000 0.394 0.394 216.738 216.738
Station Total: 0.394 216.738 -48979.344
19+00.000 0 0 265.516 265.516
Station Total: 0 265.516 -49244.861
19+20.000 0 0 271.612 271.612
Station Total: 0 271.612 -49516.472
19+40.000 5.618 5.618 293.62 293.62
Station Total: 5.618 293.62 -49804.475
19+60.000 5.618 5.618 297.513 297.513
Station Total: 5.618 297.513 -50096.37
19+80.000 0 0 280.451 280.451
Station Total: 0 280.451 -50376.821
20+00.000 0 0 267.322 267.322
Station Total: 0 267.322 -50644.143
20+20.000 0 0 257.636 257.636
Station Total: 0 257.636 -50901.779
20+40.000 0 0 240.167 240.167
Station Total: 0 240.167 -51141.946
20+60.000 0 0 249.94 249.94
Station Total: 0 249.94 -51391.886
20+80.000 0 0 238.943 238.943
Station Total: 0 238.943 -51630.829
21+00.000 0 0 186.117 186.117
Station Total: 0 186.117 -51816.946
21+20.000 0 0 159.056 159.056
Station Total: 0 159.056 -51976.002
21+40.000 0 0 151.833 151.833
Station Total: 0 151.833 -52127.835
21+60.000 0 0 162.066 162.066
Station Total: 0 162.066 -52289.901
21+80.000 0 0 180.331 180.331
Station Total: 0 180.331 -52470.232
22+00.000 0.019 0.019 201.327 201.327
Station Total: 0.019 201.327 -52671.541
22+20.000 0.301 0.301 203.292 203.292
Station Total: 0.301 203.292 -52874.532
22+40.000 0.282 0.282 196.178 196.178
Station Total: 0.282 196.178 -53070.429
22+60.000 0 0 203.043 203.043
Station Total: 0 203.043 -53273.471
22+80.000 0.884 0.884 201.372 201.372
Station Total: 0.884 201.372 -53473.959
23+00.000 0.884 0.884 180.498 180.498
Station Total: 0.884 180.498 -53653.573
23+20.000 0 0 174.555 174.555
Station Total: 0 174.555 -53828.128
23+40.000 2.001 2.001 182.611 182.611
Station Total: 2.001 182.611 -54008.738
23+60.000 6.066 6.066 174.468 174.468
Station Total: 6.066 174.468 -54177.14
23+80.000 7.112 7.112 145.27 145.27
Station Total: 7.112 145.27 -54315.298
24+00.000 6.169 6.169 125.489 125.489
Station Total: 6.169 125.489 -54434.618
24+20.000 9.261 9.261 118.491 118.491
Station Total: 9.261 118.491 -54543.848
24+40.000 6.139 6.139 133.749 133.749
Station Total: 6.139 133.749 -54671.458
24+60.000 0 0 160.259 160.259
Station Total: 0 160.259 -54831.717
24+80.000 0 0 164.309 164.309
Station Total: 0 164.309 -54996.026
25+00.000 0.103 0.103 145.479 145.479
Station Total: 0.103 145.479 -55141.402
25+20.000 0.581 0.581 136.568 136.568
Station Total: 0.581 136.568 -55277.389
25+40.000 6.229 6.229 142.943 142.943
Station Total: 6.229 142.943 -55414.103
25+60.000 15.604 15.604 149.788 149.788
Station Total: 15.604 149.788 -55548.287
25+80.000 45.513 45.513 175.342 175.342
Station Total: 45.513 175.342 -55678.117
26+00.000 81.914 81.914 170.994 170.994
Station Total: 81.914 170.994 -55767.197
26+20.000 93.265 93.265 144.873 144.873
Station Total: 93.265 144.873 -55818.805
26+40.000 106.574 106.574 118.634 118.634
Station Total: 106.574 118.634 -55830.865
26+60.000 140.79 140.79 72.904 72.904
Station Total: 140.79 72.904 -55762.979
26+80.000 205.494 205.494 28.303 28.303
Station Total: 205.494 28.303 -55585.787
27+00.000 290.017 290.017 5.805 5.805
Station Total: 290.017 5.805 -55301.575
27+20.000 359.681 359.681 1.675 1.675
Station Total: 359.681 1.675 -54943.57
27+40.000 410.666 410.666 0.607 0.607
Station Total: 410.666 0.607 -54533.511
27+60.000 461.564 461.564 0.007 0.007
Station Total: 461.564 0.007 -54071.953
27+80.000 492.916 492.916 0 0
Station Total: 492.916 0 -53579.037
28+00.000 484.1 484.1 0 0
Station Total: 484.1 0 -53094.937
28+20.000 423.876 423.876 5.447 5.447
Station Total: 423.876 5.447 -52676.508
28+40.000 341.513 341.513 9.948 9.948
Station Total: 341.513 9.948 -52344.943
28+60.000 284.548 284.548 14.126 14.126
Station Total: 284.548 14.126 -52074.521
28+80.000 236.588 236.588 19.552 19.552
Station Total: 236.588 19.552 -51857.486
29+00.000 179.933 179.933 19.548 19.548
Station Total: 179.933 19.548 -51697.101
29+20.000 128.887 128.887 29.206 29.206
Station Total: 128.887 29.206 -51597.42
29+40.000 105.45 105.45 43.936 43.936
Station Total: 105.45 43.936 -51535.906
29+60.000 66.633 66.633 78.32 78.32
Station Total: 66.633 78.32 -51547.593
29+80.000 15.825 15.825 152.573 152.573
Station Total: 15.825 152.573 -51684.341
30+00.000 0 0 222.297 222.297
Station Total: 0 222.297 -51906.638
30+20.000 0 0 236.129 236.129
Station Total: 0 236.129 -52142.766
30+40.000 0 0 234.363 234.363
Station Total: 0 234.363 -52377.13
30+60.000 0 0 238.189 238.189
Station Total: 0 238.189 -52615.318
30+80.000 0 0 231.406 231.406
Station Total: 0 231.406 -52846.725
31+00.000 2.976 2.976 208.961 208.961
Station Total: 2.976 208.961 -53052.71
31+20.000 18.195 18.195 155.604 155.604
Station Total: 18.195 155.604 -53190.12
31+40.000 26.007 26.007 115.505 115.505
Station Total: 26.007 115.505 -53279.617
31+60.000 23.719 23.719 110.023 110.023
Station Total: 23.719 110.023 -53365.921
31+80.000 20.993 20.993 117.5 117.5
Station Total: 20.993 117.5 -53462.428
32+00.000 13.299 13.299 128.144 128.144
Station Total: 13.299 128.144 -53577.274
32+20.000 7.083 7.083 145.122 145.122
Station Total: 7.083 145.122 -53715.312
32+40.000 4.554 4.554 154.275 154.275
Station Total: 4.554 154.275 -53865.033
32+60.000 6.075 6.075 167.724 167.724
Station Total: 6.075 167.724 -54026.681
32+80.000 7.481 7.481 167.914 167.914
Station Total: 7.481 167.914 -54187.114
33+00.000 18.448 18.448 124.458 124.458
Station Total: 18.448 124.458 -54293.124
33+20.000 51.765 51.765 87.162 87.162
Station Total: 51.765 87.162 -54328.52
33+40.000 97.458 97.458 60.584 60.584
Station Total: 97.458 60.584 -54291.646
33+60.000 122.975 122.975 38.166 38.166
Station Total: 122.975 38.166 -54206.837
33+80.000 122.731 122.731 33.243 33.243
Station Total: 122.731 33.243 -54117.348
34+00.000 127.962 127.962 26.826 26.826
Station Total: 127.962 26.826 -54016.212
34+20.000 109.127 109.127 40.888 40.888
Station Total: 109.127 40.888 -53947.974
34+40.000 66.61 66.61 75.188 75.188
Station Total: 66.61 75.188 -53956.552
34+60.000 51.322 51.322 82.035 82.035
Station Total: 51.322 82.035 -53987.264
34+80.000 58.784 58.784 73.671 73.671
Station Total: 58.784 73.671 -54002.151
35+00.000 76.78 76.78 60.638 60.638
Station Total: 76.78 60.638 -53986.01
35+20.000 89.907 89.907 49.068 49.068
Station Total: 89.907 49.068 -53945.171
35+40.000 107.161 107.161 35.312 35.312
Station Total: 107.161 35.312 -53873.322
35+60.000 143.295 143.295 16.472 16.472
Station Total: 143.295 16.472 -53746.5
35+80.000 155.917 155.917 12.346 12.346
Station Total: 155.917 12.346 -53602.929
36+00.000 137.976 137.976 16.473 16.473
Station Total: 137.976 16.473 -53481.426
36+20.000 124.092 124.092 23.082 23.082
Station Total: 124.092 23.082 -53380.416
36+40.000 122.988 122.988 23.698 23.698
Station Total: 122.988 23.698 -53281.125
36+60.000 127.621 127.621 25.353 25.353
Station Total: 127.621 25.353 -53178.857
36+80.000 133.012 133.012 23.911 23.911
Station Total: 133.012 23.911 -53069.756
37+00.000 118.937 118.937 24.573 24.573
Station Total: 118.937 24.573 -52975.392
37+20.000 98.366 98.366 29.561 29.561
Station Total: 98.366 29.561 -52906.586
37+40.000 97.188 97.188 28.944 28.944
Station Total: 97.188 28.944 -52838.343
37+60.000 78.685 78.685 36.16 36.16
Station Total: 78.685 36.16 -52795.818
37+80.000 36.338 36.338 74.327 74.327
Station Total: 36.338 74.327 -52833.808
38+00.000 8.138 8.138 138.207 138.207
Station Total: 8.138 138.207 -52963.877
38+20.000 2.502 2.502 158.364 158.364
Station Total: 2.502 158.364 -53119.74
38+40.000 1.046 1.046 147.992 147.992
Station Total: 1.046 147.992 -53266.685
38+60.000 0.096 0.096 160.055 160.055
Station Total: 0.096 160.055 -53426.645
38+80.000 0.096 0.096 165.884 165.884
Station Total: 0.096 165.884 -53592.433
39+00.000 0 0 213.791 213.791
Station Total: 0 213.791 -53806.223
39+20.000 0.986 0.986 255.245 255.245
Station Total: 0.986 255.245 -54060.483
39+40.000 1.138 1.138 280.529 280.529
Station Total: 1.138 280.529 -54339.874
39+60.000 0.152 0.152 327.936 327.936
Station Total: 0.152 327.936 -54667.658
39+80.000 0 0 375.698 375.698
Station Total: 0 375.698 -55043.356
40+00.000 2.183 2.183 455.213 455.213
Station Total: 2.183 455.213 -55496.386
40+20.000 2.183 2.183 589.756 589.756
Station Total: 2.183 589.756 -56083.959
40+40.000 0 0 807.674 807.674
Station Total: 0 807.674 -56891.633
40+60.000 0 0 1113.585 1113.585
Station Total: 0 1113.585 -58005.217
40+80.000 0 0 1427.328 1427.328
Station Total: 0 1427.328 -59432.545
41+00.000 0 0 1660.191 1660.191
Station Total: 0 1660.191 -61092.736
41+20.000 0 0 1743.489 1743.489
Station Total: 0 1743.489 -62836.225
41+40.000 0 0 1676.077 1676.077
Station Total: 0 1676.077 -64512.302
41+60.000 0 0 1514.178 1514.178
Station Total: 0 1514.178 -66026.48
41+80.000 0 0 1260.777 1260.777
Station Total: 0 1260.777 -67287.258
42+00.000 0 0 943.659 943.659
Station Total: 0 943.659 -68230.917
42+20.000 34.288 34.288 613.143 613.143
Station Total: 34.288 613.143 -68809.772
42+40.000 110.636 110.636 312.474 312.474
Station Total: 110.636 312.474 -69011.609
42+60.000 236.863 236.863 84.177 84.177
Station Total: 236.863 84.177 -68858.924
42+80.000 438.362 438.362 0 0
Station Total: 438.362 0 -68420.562
43+00.000 669.639 669.639 0 0
Station Total: 669.639 0 -67750.924
43+20.000 927.949 927.949 0 0
Station Total: 927.949 0 -66822.975
43+40.000 1456.054 1456.054 0 0
Station Total: 1456.054 0 -65366.921
43+60.000 1978.369 1978.369 0 0
Station Total: 1978.369 0 -63388.551
43+80.000 2123.538 2123.538 0 0
Station Total: 2123.538 0 -61265.013
44+00.000 2151.718 2151.718 0 0
Station Total: 2151.718 0 -59113.296
44+20.000 2098.425 2098.425 0 0
Station Total: 2098.425 0 -57014.87
44+40.000 1834.389 1834.389 0 0
Station Total: 1834.389 0 -55180.482
44+60.000 1573.472 1573.472 0 0
Station Total: 1573.472 0 -53607.009
44+80.000 1391.364 1391.364 0 0
Station Total: 1391.364 0 -52215.646
45+00.000 1058.601 1058.601 0 0
Station Total: 1058.601 0 -51157.045
45+20.000 686.919 686.919 9.745 9.745
Station Total: 686.919 9.745 -50479.871
45+40.000 472.889 472.889 36.361 36.361
Station Total: 472.889 36.361 -50043.343
45+60.000 370.993 370.993 50.398 50.398
Station Total: 370.993 50.398 -49722.748
45+80.000 303.506 303.506 65.785 65.785
Station Total: 303.506 65.785 -49485.027
46+00.000 263.494 263.494 92.102 92.102
Station Total: 263.494 92.102 -49313.635
46+20.000 259.758 259.758 115.529 115.529
Station Total: 259.758 115.529 -49169.405
46+40.000 275.107 275.107 150.083 150.083
Station Total: 275.107 150.083 -49044.381
46+60.000 292.848 292.848 162.236 162.236
Station Total: 292.848 162.236 -48913.768
46+80.000 295.348 295.348 145.265 145.265
Station Total: 295.348 145.265 -48763.685
47+00.000 294.551 294.551 126.002 126.002
Station Total: 294.551 126.002 -48595.136
47+20.000 308.911 308.911 119.412 119.412
Station Total: 308.911 119.412 -48405.637
47+40.000 358.507 358.507 89.859 89.859
Station Total: 358.507 89.859 -48136.989
47+60.000 421.053 421.053 48.787 48.787
Station Total: 421.053 48.787 -47764.723
47+80.000 457.461 457.461 37.355 37.355
Station Total: 457.461 37.355 -47344.617
48+00.000 495.041 495.041 29.112 29.112
Station Total: 495.041 29.112 -46878.689
48+20.000 505.478 505.478 20.79 20.79
Station Total: 505.478 20.79 -46394.001
48+40.000 536.906 536.906 9.534 9.534
Station Total: 536.906 9.534 -45866.628
48+60.000 534.093 534.093 4.192 4.192
Station Total: 534.093 4.192 -45336.727
48+80.000 424.789 424.789 37.804 37.804
Station Total: 424.789 37.804 -44949.741
49+00.000 324.429 324.429 92.568 92.568
Station Total: 324.429 92.568 -44717.881
49+20.000 274.465 274.465 147.977 147.977
Station Total: 274.465 147.977 -44591.393
49+40.000 213.396 213.396 183.306 183.306
Station Total: 213.396 183.306 -44561.303
49+60.000 188.813 188.813 127.385 127.385
Station Total: 188.813 127.385 -44499.875
49+80.000 216.709 216.709 51.097 51.097
Station Total: 216.709 51.097 -44334.263
50+00.000 256.824 256.824 23.946 23.946
Station Total: 256.824 23.946 -44101.384
50+20.000 320.422 320.422 9.147 9.147
Station Total: 320.422 9.147 -43790.109
50+40.000 396.572 396.572 2.774 2.774
Station Total: 396.572 2.774 -43396.311
50+60.000 468.631 468.631 0.094 0.094
Station Total: 468.631 0.094 -42927.774
50+80.000 488.687 488.687 0 0
Station Total: 488.687 0 -42439.087
51+00.000 424.311 424.311 1.66 1.66
Station Total: 424.311 1.66 -42016.436
51+20.000 270.125 270.125 13.685 13.685
Station Total: 270.125 13.685 -41759.996
51+40.000 122.04 122.04 41.86 41.86
Station Total: 122.04 41.86 -41679.817
51+60.000 59.199 59.199 48.322 48.322
Station Total: 59.199 48.322 -41668.94
51+80.000 67.006 67.006 29.494 29.494
Station Total: 67.006 29.494 -41631.429
52+00.000 82.494 82.494 26.855 26.855
Station Total: 82.494 26.855 -41575.789
52+20.000 79.494 79.494 35.253 35.253
Station Total: 79.494 35.253 -41531.548
52+40.000 72.44 72.44 43.501 43.501
Station Total: 72.44 43.501 -41502.608
52+60.000 57.514 57.514 153.965 153.965
Station Total: 57.514 153.965 -41599.059
52+80.000 86.68 86.68 277.335 277.335
Station Total: 86.68 277.335 -41789.714
53+00.000 86.05 86.05 362.13 362.13
Station Total: 86.05 362.13 -42065.794
53+20.000 36.198 36.198 472.053 472.053
Station Total: 36.198 472.053 -42501.649
53+40.000 32.254 32.254 442.869 442.869
Station Total: 32.254 442.869 -42912.264
53+60.000 47.465 47.465 287.494 287.494
Station Total: 47.465 287.494 -43152.293
53+80.000 92.671 92.671 131.7 131.7
Station Total: 92.671 131.7 -43191.323
54+00.000 156.608 156.608 60.582 60.582
Station Total: 156.608 60.582 -43095.297
54+20.000 195.098 195.098 106.13 106.13
Station Total: 195.098 106.13 -43006.329
54+40.000 216.364 216.364 112.1 112.1
Station Total: 216.364 112.1 -42902.065
54+60.000 220.722 220.722 40.156 40.156
Station Total: 220.722 40.156 -42721.499
54+80.000 245.799 245.799 28.137 28.137
Station Total: 245.799 28.137 -42503.838
55+00.000 236.059 236.059 81.935 81.935
Station Total: 236.059 81.935 -42349.714
55+20.000 154.512 154.512 147.455 147.455
55+40.000 108.7 108.7 183.397 183.397
Station Total: 108.7 183.397 -42417.353
55+60.000 96.733 96.733 178.249 178.249
Station Total: 96.733 178.249 -42498.869
55+80.000 93.815 93.815 191.845 191.845
Station Total: 93.815 191.845 -42596.899
56+00.000 119.164 119.164 174.889 174.889
Station Total: 119.164 174.889 -42652.624
56+20.000 154.254 154.254 95.249 95.249
Station Total: 154.254 95.249 -42593.619
56+40.000 215.297 215.297 37.694 37.694
Station Total: 215.297 37.694 -42416.017
56+60.000 281.794 281.794 23.345 23.345
Station Total: 281.794 23.345 -42157.568
56+80.000 289.367 289.367 27.662 27.662
Station Total: 289.367 27.662 -41895.863
57+00.000 225.439 225.439 29.774 29.774
Station Total: 225.439 29.774 -41700.198
57+20.000 134.042 134.042 41.793 41.793
Station Total: 134.042 41.793 -41607.948
57+40.000 88.547 88.547 87.121 87.121
Station Total: 88.547 87.121 -41606.522
57+60.000 84.455 84.455 154.34 154.34
Station Total: 84.455 154.34 -41676.407
57+80.000 85.817 85.817 232.169 232.169
Station Total: 85.817 232.169 -41822.759
58+00.000 100.671 100.671 288.413 288.413
Station Total: 100.671 288.413 -42010.501
58+20.000 117.116 117.116 311.32 311.32
Station Total: 117.116 311.32 -42204.705
58+40.000 98.903 98.903 307.87 307.87
Station Total: 98.903 307.87 -42413.672
58+60.000 62.404 62.404 245.004 245.004
Station Total: 62.404 245.004 -42596.273
58+80.000 30.035 30.035 164.716 164.716
Station Total: 30.035 164.716 -42730.954
59+00.000 8.612 8.612 133.626 133.626
Station Total: 8.612 133.626 -42855.969
59+20.000 26.237 26.237 215.33 215.33
Station Total: 26.237 215.33 -43045.062
59+40.000 77.032 77.032 263.735 263.735
Station Total: 77.032 263.735 -43231.766
59+60.000 282.213 282.213 115.261 115.261
Station Total: 282.213 115.261 -43064.814
59+80.000 671.75 671.75 0 0
Station Total: 671.75 0 -42393.064
60+00.000 993.714 993.714 0 0
Station Total: 993.714 0 -41399.351
60+20.000 1062.135 1062.135 0 0
Station Total: 1062.135 0 -40337.216
60+40.000 956.498 956.498 0 0
Station Total: 956.498 0 -39380.718
60+60.000 504.908 504.908 99.949 99.949
Station Total: 504.908 99.949 -38975.758
60+80.000 84.457 84.457 341.643 341.643
Station Total: 84.457 341.643 -39232.944
61+00.000 27.28 27.28 476.747 476.747
Station Total: 27.28 476.747 -39682.411
61+20.000 0 0 423.225 423.225
Station Total: 0 423.225 -40105.636
61+40.000 0 0 385.153 385.153
Station Total: 0 385.153 -40490.789
61+60.000 7.672 7.672 462.956 462.956
Station Total: 7.672 462.956 -40946.073
61+80.000 26.426 26.426 530.889 530.889
Station Total: 26.426 530.889 -41450.536
62+00.000 34.417 34.417 503.862 503.862
Station Total: 34.417 503.862 -41919.982
62+20.000 33.363 33.363 399.406 399.406
Station Total: 33.363 399.406 -42286.025
62+40.000 81.209 81.209 187.526 187.526
Station Total: 81.209 187.526 -42392.342
62+60.000 233.632 233.632 28.075 28.075
Station Total: 233.632 28.075 -42186.785
62+80.000 288.79 288.79 4.192 4.192
Station Total: 288.79 4.192 -41902.187
63+00.000 167.012 167.012 19.929 19.929
Station Total: 167.012 19.929 -41755.104
63+20.000 79.939 79.939 52.044 52.044
Station Total: 79.939 52.044 -41727.208
63+40.000 62.072 62.072 67.947 67.947
Station Total: 62.072 67.947 -41733.084
63+60.000 83.461 83.461 45.552 45.552
Station Total: 83.461 45.552 -41695.175
63+80.000 131.734 131.734 20.971 20.971
Station Total: 131.734 20.971 -41584.412
64+00.000 149.198 149.198 17.067 17.067
Station Total: 149.198 17.067 -41452.281
64+20.000 139.344 139.344 18.77 18.77
Station Total: 139.344 18.77 -41331.707
64+40.000 148.125 148.125 18.442 18.442
Station Total: 148.125 18.442 -41202.025
64+60.000 149.37 149.37 21.845 21.845
Station Total: 149.37 21.845 -41074.499
64+80.000 139.441 139.441 25.242 25.242
Station Total: 139.441 25.242 -40960.299
65+00.000 138.955 138.955 20.034 20.034
Station Total: 138.955 20.034 -40841.378
65+20.000 130.732 130.732 19.425 19.425
Station Total: 130.732 19.425 -40730.071
65+40.000 134.282 134.282 20.709 20.709
Station Total: 134.282 20.709 -40616.498
65+60.000 160.981 160.981 16.627 16.627
Station Total: 160.981 16.627 -40472.144
65+80.000 173.452 173.452 15.436 15.436
Station Total: 173.452 15.436 -40314.128
66+00.000 165.474 165.474 28.981 28.981
Station Total: 165.474 28.981 -40177.634
66+20.000 160.632 160.632 49.85 49.85
Station Total: 160.632 49.85 -40066.853
66+40.000 176.366 176.366 45.207 45.207
Station Total: 176.366 45.207 -39935.694
66+60.000 168.557 168.557 65.592 65.592
Station Total: 168.557 65.592 -39832.728
66+80.000 139.434 139.434 97.581 97.581
Station Total: 139.434 97.581 -39790.875
67+00.000 117.416 117.416 111.83 111.83
Station Total: 117.416 111.83 -39785.289
67+20.000 95.498 95.498 142.306 142.306
Station Total: 95.498 142.306 -39832.097
67+40.000 67.129 67.129 160.702 160.702
Station Total: 67.129 160.702 -39925.67
67+60.000 29.079 29.079 175.565 175.565
Station Total: 29.079 175.565 -40072.156
67+80.000 7.055 7.055 198.271 198.271
Station Total: 7.055 198.271 -40263.372
68+00.000 2.244 2.244 238.216 238.216
Station Total: 2.244 238.216 -40499.344
68+20.000 1.625 1.625 238.565 238.565
Station Total: 1.625 238.565 -40736.284
68+40.000 0 0 229.412 229.412
Station Total: 0 229.412 -40965.696
68+60.000 0 0 241.954 241.954
Station Total: 0 241.954 -41207.65
68+80.000 0 0 232.374 232.374
Station Total: 0 232.374 -41440.024
69+00.000 0 0 257.153 257.153
Station Total: 0 257.153 -41697.177
69+20.000 0 0 285.786 285.786
Station Total: 0 285.786 -41982.964
69+40.000 0 0 288.869 288.869
Station Total: 0 288.869 -42271.833
69+60.000 0 0 272.624 272.624
Station Total: 0 272.624 -42544.457
69+80.000 3.289 3.289 235.465 235.465
Station Total: 3.289 235.465 -42776.633
70+00.000 23.392 23.392 202.178 202.178
Station Total: 23.392 202.178 -42955.418
70+20.000 61.538 61.538 130.124 130.124
Station Total: 61.538 130.124 -43024.004
70+40.000 104.754 104.754 45.996 45.996
Station Total: 104.754 45.996 -42965.246
70+60.000 94.027 94.027 40.429 40.429
Station Total: 94.027 40.429 -42911.647
70+80.000 58.7 58.7 103.867 103.867
Station Total: 58.7 103.867 -42956.814
71+00.000 37.411 37.411 170.279 170.279
Station Total: 37.411 170.279 -43089.682
71+20.000 33.393 33.393 152.507 152.507
Station Total: 33.393 152.507 -43208.795
71+40.000 65.069 65.069 93.524 93.524
Station Total: 65.069 93.524 -43237.25
71+60.000 90.406 90.406 68.471 68.471
Station Total: 90.406 68.471 -43215.315
71+80.000 111.019 111.019 60.872 60.872
Station Total: 111.019 60.872 -43165.168
72+00.000 121.793 121.793 66.285 66.285
Station Total: 121.793 66.285 -43109.661
72+20.000 122.392 122.392 61.778 61.778
Station Total: 122.392 61.778 -43049.047
72+40.000 118.176 118.176 46.539 46.539
Station Total: 118.176 46.539 -42977.41
72+60.000 89.356 89.356 46.397 46.397
Station Total: 89.356 46.397 -42934.45
72+80.000 51.073 51.073 75.699 75.699
Station Total: 51.073 75.699 -42959.076
73+00.000 23.11 23.11 153.651 153.651
Station Total: 23.11 153.651 -43089.617
73+20.000 11.167 11.167 257.555 257.555
Station Total: 11.167 257.555 -43336.005
73+40.000 5.642 5.642 303.646 303.646
Station Total: 5.642 303.646 -43634.009
73+60.000 0 0 308.086 308.086
Station Total: 0 308.086 -43942.095
73+80.000 1.654 1.654 390.378 390.378
Station Total: 1.654 390.378 -44330.82
74+00.000 1.654 1.654 413.549 413.549
Station Total: 1.654 413.549 -44742.715
74+20.000 0 0 370.549 370.549
Station Total: 0 370.549 -45113.264
74+40.000 0 0 364.647 364.647
Station Total: 0 364.647 -45477.91
74+60.000 0 0 331.505 331.505
Station Total: 0 331.505 -45809.416
74+80.000 0 0 303.259 303.259
Station Total: 0 303.259 -46112.675
75+00.000 0 0 255.541 255.541
Station Total: 0 255.541 -46368.216
75+20.000 3.218 3.218 190.905 190.905
Station Total: 3.218 190.905 -46555.903
75+40.000 33.972 33.972 131.205 131.205
Station Total: 33.972 131.205 -46653.136
75+60.000 97.738 97.738 70.498 70.498
Station Total: 97.738 70.498 -46625.896
75+80.000 198.861 198.861 27.222 27.222
Station Total: 198.861 27.222 -46454.257
76+00.000 303.879 303.879 8.813 8.813
Station Total: 303.879 8.813 -46159.19
76+20.000 234.058 234.058 18.448 18.448
Station Total: 234.058 18.448 -45943.581
76+40.000 91.131 91.131 31.312 31.312
Station Total: 91.131 31.312 -45883.762
76+60.000 82.719 82.719 34.745 34.745
Station Total: 82.719 34.745 -45835.787
76+80.000 170.339 170.339 23.262 23.262
Station Total: 170.339 23.262 -45688.711
77+00.000 280.157 280.157 6.941 6.941
Station Total: 280.157 6.941 -45415.495
77+20.000 363.01 363.01 2.682 2.682
Station Total: 363.01 2.682 -45055.167
77+40.000 429.587 429.587 1.152 1.152
Station Total: 429.587 1.152 -44626.732
77+60.000 435.872 435.872 0.877 0.877
Station Total: 435.872 0.877 -44191.738
77+80.000 369.436 369.436 4.806 4.806
Station Total: 369.436 4.806 -43827.107
78+00.000 338.996 338.996 6.627 6.627
Station Total: 338.996 6.627 -43494.738
78+20.000 424.238 424.238 2.163 2.163
Station Total: 424.238 2.163 -43072.663
78+40.000 619.82 619.82 0 0
Station Total: 619.82 0 -42452.843
78+60.000 865.519 865.519 0 0
Station Total: 865.519 0 -41587.324
78+80.000 1090.47 1090.47 0 0
Station Total: 1090.47 0 -40496.853
79+00.000 1534.512 1534.512 0 0
Station Total: 1534.512 0 -38962.341
79+20.000 2591.979 2591.979 0 0
Station Total: 2591.979 0 -36370.362
79+40.000 4079.117 4079.117 0 0
Station Total: 4079.117 0 -32291.246
79+60.000 5490.069 5490.069 0 0
Station Total: 5490.069 0 -26801.177
79+80.000 6760.624 6760.624 0 0
Station Total: 6760.624 0 -20040.553
80+00.000 8263.444 8263.444 0 0
Station Total: 8263.444 0 -11777.109
80+20.000 9565.665 9565.665 0 0
Station Total: 9565.665 0 -2211.444
Balance Point Station: 80+24.453
Cut: 2211.444 2211.444 0 0 0
Balance Point Total: 2211.444 0 0
80+40.000 9932.429 9932.429 0 0
Station Total: 9932.429 0 7720.984
80+60.000 9577.326 9577.326 0 0
Station Total: 9577.326 0 17298.31
80+80.000 8301.566 8301.566 0 0
Station Total: 8301.566 0 25599.877
81+00.000 6202.61 6202.61 0 0
Station Total: 6202.61 0 31802.487
81+20.000 5062.88 5062.88 0 0
Station Total: 5062.88 0 36865.366
81+40.000 5628.141 5628.141 0 0
Station Total: 5628.141 0 42493.507
81+60.000 4389.411 4389.411 0 0
Station Total: 4389.411 0 46882.918
81+80.000 2261.687 2261.687 0 0
Station Total: 2261.687 0 49144.605
82+00.000 2188.311 2188.311 0 0
Station Total: 2188.311 0 51332.916
82+20.000 3628.393 3628.393 0 0
Station Total: 3628.393 0 54961.308
82+40.000 4307.472 4307.472 0 0
Station Total: 4307.472 0 59268.78
82+60.000 3566.657 3566.657 0 0
Station Total: 3566.657 0 62835.438
82+80.000 3103.571 3103.571 0 0
Station Total: 3103.571 0 65939.009
83+00.000 2900.353 2900.353 0 0
Station Total: 2900.353 0 68839.362
83+20.000 2038.384 2038.384 0 0
Station Total: 2038.384 0 70877.746
83+40.000 1214.029 1214.029 0 0
Station Total: 1214.029 0 72091.775
83+60.000 1433.658 1433.658 0 0
Station Total: 1433.658 0 73525.433
83+80.000 1869.654 1869.654 0 0
Station Total: 1869.654 0 75395.087
84+00.000 2156.706 2156.706 0 0
Station Total: 2156.706 0 77551.793
84+20.000 2275.245 2275.245 0 0
Station Total: 2275.245 0 79827.039
84+40.000 2133.574 2133.574 0 0
Station Total: 2133.574 0 81960.613
84+60.000 1423.298 1423.298 0 0
Station Total: 1423.298 0 83383.911
84+80.000 1457.553 1457.553 0 0
Station Total: 1457.553 0 84841.464
85+00.000 2047.196 2047.196 0 0
Station Total: 2047.196 0 86888.66
85+20.000 2233.548 2233.548 0 0
Station Total: 2233.548 0 89122.207
85+40.000 2361.048 2361.048 0 0
Station Total: 2361.048 0 91483.256
85+60.000 2563.719 2563.719 0 0
Station Total: 2563.719 0 94046.975
85+80.000 2852.947 2852.947 0 0
Station Total: 2852.947 0 96899.922
86+00.000 3072.331 3072.331 0 0
Station Total: 3072.331 0 99972.252
86+20.000 3829.139 3829.139 0 0
Station Total: 3829.139 0 103801.391
86+40.000 5303.065 5303.065 0 0
Station Total: 5303.065 0 109104.456
86+60.000 5500.964 5500.964 0 0
Station Total: 5500.964 0 114605.42
86+80.000 5702.538 5702.538 0 0
Station Total: 5702.538 0 120307.959
87+00.000 4578.064 4578.064 0 0
Station Total: 4578.064 0 124886.022
87+20.000 2005.634 2005.634 0 0
Station Total: 2005.634 0 126891.656
87+40.000 2859.246 2859.246 0 0
Station Total: 2859.246 0 129750.902
87+60.000 3669.754 3669.754 89.547 89.547
Station Total: 3669.754 89.547 133331.109
87+80.000 2406.521 2406.521 89.547 89.547
Station Total: 2406.521 89.547 135648.082
88+00.000 936.344 936.344 22.75 22.75
Station Total: 936.344 22.75 136561.677
88+20.000 328.299 328.299 155.469 155.469
Station Total: 328.299 155.469 136734.506
88+40.000 704.216 704.216 353.456 353.456
Station Total: 704.216 353.456 137085.265
88+60.000 872.14 872.14 488.934 488.934
Station Total: 872.14 488.934 137468.471
88+80.000 727.078 727.078 567.789 567.789
Station Total: 727.078 567.789 137627.76
89+00.000 242.281 242.281 666.369 666.369
Station Total: 242.281 666.369 137203.673
89+20.000 87.845 87.845 954.12 954.12
Station Total: 87.845 954.12 136337.398
89+40.000 137.593 137.593 965.705 965.705
Station Total: 137.593 965.705 135509.287
89+60.000 49.748 49.748 667.779 667.779
Station Total: 49.748 667.779 134891.256
89+80.000 85.064 85.064 388.639 388.639
Station Total: 85.064 388.639 134587.68
90+00.000 1249.105 1249.105 99.222 99.222
Station Total: 1249.105 99.222 135737.563
90+20.000 2606.745 2606.745 0 0
Station Total: 2606.745 0 138344.308
90+40.000 2813.048 2813.048 0 0
Station Total: 2813.048 0 141157.356
90+60.000 2341.26 2341.26 0 0
Station Total: 2341.26 0 143498.616
90+80.000 2019.909 2019.909 0 0
Station Total: 2019.909 0 145518.526
91+00.000 2401.115 2401.115 0 0
Station Total: 2401.115 0 147919.641
91+20.000 2903.152 2903.152 0 0
Station Total: 2903.152 0 150822.794
91+40.000 2282.407 2282.407 0 0
Station Total: 2282.407 0 153105.2
91+60.000 884.82 884.82 0.209 0.209
Station Total: 884.82 0.209 153989.811
91+80.000 292.517 292.517 0.209 0.209
Station Total: 292.517 0.209 154282.118
92+00.000 1349.07 1349.07 10.509 10.509
Station Total: 1349.07 10.509 155620.679
92+20.000 2632.093 2632.093 159.541 159.541
Station Total: 2632.093 159.541 158093.231
92+40.000 2745.151 2745.151 491.678 491.678
Station Total: 2745.151 491.678 160346.704
92+60.000 2087.395 2087.395 1043.163 1043.163
Station Total: 2087.395 1043.163 161390.935
92+80.000 764.353 764.353 2074.496 2074.496
Station Total: 764.353 2074.496 160080.792
93+00.000 64.381 64.381 2518.78 2518.78
Station Total: 64.381 2518.78 157626.393
93+20.000 214.094 214.094 2086.167 2086.167
Station Total: 214.094 2086.167 155754.321
93+40.000 273.856 273.856 2046.27 2046.27
Station Total: 273.856 2046.27 153981.906
93+60.000 767.201 767.201 2016.785 2016.785
Station Total: 767.201 2016.785 152732.322
93+80.000 1581.194 1581.194 1403.563 1403.563
Station Total: 1581.194 1403.563 152909.953
94+00.000 1410.398 1410.398 1217.082 1217.082
Station Total: 1410.398 1217.082 153103.269
94+20.000 580.648 580.648 1926.639 1926.639
Station Total: 580.648 1926.639 151757.278
94+40.000 296.136 296.136 2641.469 2641.469
Station Total: 296.136 2641.469 149411.945
94+60.000 187.761 187.761 2447.49 2447.49
Station Total: 187.761 2447.49 147152.217
94+80.000 22.692 22.692 1682.44 1682.44
Station Total: 22.692 1682.44 145492.468
95+00.000 40.682 40.682 1281.883 1281.883
Station Total: 40.682 1281.883 144251.267
95+20.000 367.474 367.474 1424.094 1424.094
Station Total: 367.474 1424.094 143194.647
95+40.000 525.365 525.365 1603.314 1603.314
Station Total: 525.365 1603.314 142116.697
95+60.000 194.771 194.771 1662.126 1662.126
Station Total: 194.771 1662.126 140649.342
95+80.000 18.89 18.89 1948.074 1948.074
Station Total: 18.89 1948.074 138720.158
96+00.000 0 0 2308.553 2308.553
Station Total: 0 2308.553 136411.606
96+20.000 0 0 2756.038 2756.038
Station Total: 0 2756.038 133655.568
96+40.000 0 0 2901.971 2901.971
Station Total: 0 2901.971 130753.597
96+60.000 0 0 2457.757 2457.757
Station Total: 0 2457.757 128295.839
96+80.000 0 0 1912.969 1912.969
Station Total: 0 1912.969 126382.87
97+00.000 0 0 1414.922 1414.922
Station Total: 0 1414.922 124967.949
97+20.000 0 0 927.467 927.467
Station Total: 0 927.467 124040.482
97+40.000 0.036 0.036 543.228 543.228
Station Total: 0.036 543.228 123497.29
97+60.000 209.824 209.824 260.049 260.049
Station Total: 209.824 260.049 123447.065
97+80.000 475.562 475.562 94.768 94.768
Station Total: 475.562 94.768 123827.859
98+00.000 301.468 301.468 54.714 54.714
Station Total: 301.468 54.714 124074.612
98+20.000 72.128 72.128 130.787 130.787
Station Total: 72.128 130.787 124015.953
98+40.000 185.357 185.357 133.711 133.711
Station Total: 185.357 133.711 124067.599
98+60.000 963.112 963.112 30.061 30.061
Station Total: 963.112 30.061 125000.65
98+80.000 996.288 996.288 0 0
Station Total: 996.288 0 125996.938
99+00.000 1265.736 1265.736 0 0
Station Total: 1265.736 0 127262.674
99+20.000 2163.709 2163.709 0 0
Station Total: 2163.709 0 129426.382
99+40.000 2223.34 2223.34 0 0
Station Total: 2223.34 0 131649.722
99+60.000 2251.049 2251.049 0 0
Station Total: 2251.049 0 133900.771
99+80.000 1888.483 1888.483 0 0
Station Total: 1888.483 0 135789.254
100+00.000 814.664 814.664 23.708 23.708
Station Total: 814.664 23.708 136580.21
100+20.000 33.962 33.962 273.916 273.916
Station Total: 33.962 273.916 136340.256
Mass Haul Diagram
Mass ordinate
32+80.000 22+00.000
33+20.000 22+40.000
33+60.000 22+80.000
34+00.000 23+20.000
34+40.000 23+60.000
34+80.000 24+00.000
35+20.000 24+40.000
35+60.000 24+80.000
36+00.000 25+20.000
36+40.000 25+60.000
36+80.000 26+00.000
37+20.000 26+40.000
37+60.000 26+80.000
38+00.000 27+20.000
38+40.000 27+60.000
38+80.000 28+00.000
39+20.000 28+40.000
39+60.000 28+80.000
40+00.000 29+02.750
40+40.000 29+40.000
40+80.000 29+80.000
41+20.000 30+20.000
41+60.000 30+60.000
42+00.000 31+00.000
42+40.000 31+40.000
42+80.000 31+80.000
43+17.700 32+20.000
43+40.000 32+60.000
66+00.000 55+00.000
66+40.000 55+40.000
66+80.000 55+80.000
67+20.000 56+20.000
67+60.000 56+60.000
68+00.000 57+00.000
68+40.000 57+40.000
68+80.000 57+80.000
69+20.000 58+20.000
69+60.000 58+60.000
70+00.000 59+00.000
70+40.000 59+40.000
71+20.000 60+20.000
71+60.000 60+60.000
72+00.000 61+00.000
72+40.000 61+40.000
72+80.000 61+80.000
73+20.000 62+20.000
73+60.000 62+60.000
74+00.000 63+00.000
74+40.000 63+40.000
74+80.000 63+80.000
75+20.000 64+20.000
75+60.000 64+60.000
76+00.000 65+00.000
76+40.000 65+40.000
87+60.000 76+60.000
88+00.000 77+00.000
88+40.000 77+40.000
88+80.000 77+80.000
89+20.000 78+20.000
89+60.000 78+60.000
90+00.000 79+00.000
90+40.000 79+40.000
90+80.000 79+80.000
91+20.000 80+20.000
91+60.000 80+60.000
92+00.000 81+00.000
92+40.000 81+40.000
92+80.000 81+80.000
The End
93+20.000 82+20.000
93+60.000 82+60.000
94+00.000 83+00.000
94+40.000 83+40.000
94+80.000 83+80.000
95+20.000 84+20.000
95+60.000 84+60.000
96+00.000 85+00.000
96+40.000 85+40.000
96+80.000 85+80.000
97+20.000 86+20.000
97+60.000 86+60.000
98+00.000 87+00.000
99+80.000 100+00.000
98+40.000 87+40.000