Institute of technology
Department of mechanical engineering
Machine design project
Submitted by:
Gondar, Ethiopia
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Before all we would like to thank the Almighty God for Every opportunity that we got in life
through his endless mercy. Next we would like to express our great appreciation to all those
who provided us the possibility to complete this project. We would like to express the special
gratitude and sincere appreciation to Mr. Ayele (MSc.) for his guidance, follow-up, and
advice throughout the project period and helped us to coordinate our project. The last but not
the least we would like to express our sincere appreciation for all individual who invested
their time, energy and resources to help us to collect samples and other necessary guide
material for project.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
This project or term paper is given as a partial fulfillment of the course Machine Design
Project I. It is concerned with the design procedures that should be followed while designing
a vertical pressure vessel. This report covers the overall design procedures, limiting
conditions, and Considerations made while designing a pressure vessel. Many ASTM
standard tables are used a reference to select a standard element for the pressure vessel. It
also covers different internationally accepted types and selection criteria for flange
connections, support mechanisms, and sealing materials. At the end of this term paper or
report, the student is supposed to have the basic know-how on how to design a pressure
vessel and/or a similar mechanical component, and be familiar with the different codes and
standards that should be followed while designing. With the objective of designing a vertical
pressure vessels position with an ellipsoidal head by estimating the internal pressure and
temperature on its effect and having a material of low alloy steel and use medium of water
under the temperature of 1200c and pressure 3MPa and the method I am going to use is as
First by Selecting materials of shell, Find the thickness of shell and head on the basis of
compressions, steam property, find stress analysis of shell, Find the force on the shell and
then following design procedure of shell, heads, nozzles, skirt support with these the results
are as follows
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Table of contents
Table of contents.......................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................................10
1.1. Historical Background of Pressure Vessel....................................................................13
1.1.1 History of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code..................................................14
1.1.2. Setting the Standard...........................................................................................15
1.2. Statement of The Problem............................................................................................15
1.3. Objective of The Design............................................................................................17
1.3.1. General Objective...............................................................................................17
1.3.2. Specific Objective..............................................................................................17
1.4. Scope of study...........................................................................................................17
1.5. Significant of the study..............................................................................................18
1.6. Limitation of the study..............................................................................................18
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................18
LITRATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................................18
2.1. Previous work related to pressure vessel design...........................................................18
2.2. Gaps between the models..............................................................................................21
2.3. Conceptual design with previous model.......................................................................25
2.3.1. Concept screening..................................................................................................25
2.3.2. Concept scoring......................................................................................................25
2.3.3. Reason to select the model.....................................................................................25
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................26
3.1. Steps design process used in the design........................................................................26
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Hi = Inner head
di = Inner diameter of nozzle
do = Outer diameter of nozzle
Ws = Weight of shell
Wsf = Weight of shell fluid
Wh = Weight of head
Whf = Weight of head fluid
Wn = Weight of nozzle
Wnf = Weight of nozzle fluid
Wwn = Weight of wind
Mx = Momentum on the vessel due to weight
Wd = Design weight
δ d = Design stress
Fi = Force on a single bolt
dc = Minor (core) diameter of nut
dp = Effective (pitch) diameter of nut
d = Nominal (major) diameter of nut
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
API - American Petroleum Institute
BPVC -Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
CAD – Computer Aided Design
Design of vertical pressure vessel
figure3. 1: Main parameters of nozzle.....................................................................................34
figure3. 2: Reinforced nozzle...................................................................................................46
figure3. 3: Nozzle Shell junction area (A) and main parameters for reinforcement (B).........46
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Chemical engineering involves the application of sciences to the process industries, which
are primarily concerned, with the conversion of one material into another by a chemical or
physical means. These processes require the handling or storing of large quantities of materials
in containers of varied constructions, depending upon the existing state of the material, it's
physical and chemical properties and the required operations, which are to be performed. For
handling such liquids and gases, a container or vessel is used. It is called a pressure vessel, when
they are containers for fluids subjected to pressure. They are leak proof containers. They may be
of any shape ranging from types of processing equipment. Most process equipment units may be
considered as vessels with various modifications necessary to enable the units to perform certain
required functions, e.g. an autoclave may be considered as high-pressure vessel equipped with
agitation and heating sources.
A pressure vessel is leak proof container and their main purpose is to contain a given medium
under pressure and temperature with a pressure differential between inside and outside, or it is a
closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the
ambient (surrounding environment) pressure.
Finally, pressure vessel refers to those reservoirs and apparatus which work under internal
and external pressure and operate under the pressure The inside pressure is usually higher than the
outside, except for some isolated situations. The fluid inside the vessel may undergo a change in
state as in the case of steam boilers, or may combine with other reagents as in the case of a
chemical reactor. Pressure vessels often have a combination of high pressures together with high
temperatures, and in some cases flammable fluids or highly radioactive materials. Because of
such hazards it is imperative that the design be such that no leakage can occur. In addition, these
vessels have to be designed carefully to cope with the operating temperature and pressure. It
should be borne in mind that the rupture of a pressure vessel has a potential to cause extensive
physical injury and property damage.
They have a variety of applications in industry, including in oil refineries, nuclear reactors,
gas reservoirs, etc. An aircraft fuselage, a gas cylinder and a soda can, all are pressure vessels
which must be designed to meet very specific requirements of integrity. The human arteries
maintain pressure in the circulatory system much like a balloon maintains pressure on the air
within it. The arteries therefore act as pressure vessels by maintaining pressure. Pressure vessels
can be any shape, but shapes made of sections of spheres and cylinders are usually employed.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
In the industrial sector, pressure vessels are designed to operate safely at a specific pressure and
temperature technically referred to as the "Design Pressure" and "Design Temperature"
vessel that is inadequately designed to handle a high pressure constitutes a very significant safety
hazard [1].
The gas or fluid that being stored may be through change of state inside the pressure
vessel, for example in case of steam boilers or it might combine with other reagents, such as a
chemical plant.
The pressure vessels must design with a perfect care because crack of pressure vessels
will cause an explosion which may cause of death and loss of property. The material that be used
to construct pressure vessels may be ductile such as mild steel or brittle such that cast iron.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Because they work under immense pressures, a ruptured pressure vessel can be incredibly
dangerous, leading to poison gas leaks, fires, and even explosions. For this reason, pressure
vessel safety is imperative. There are several standards and practices that cover the construction,
maintenance, and inspection of pressure vessels. Chief among these standards are ASME Section
VIII and API 510.
ASME Section VIII is the section of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC)
that covers pressure vessels. It gives detailed requirements for the design, fabrication, testing,
inspection, and certification of both fired and unfired pressure vessels.
API 510, "Pressure Vessel Inspection Code”: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and
covers the in-service inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating activities for pressure vessels and
the pressure relieving devices protecting these vessels.
When it comes to inspections, most pressure vessels should be examined once before
being placed into service and again every 5 years after every alteration or major repair. An
inspection can be internal, external, or both and should involve a thorough examination, a
thickness evaluation, a stress analysis, an inspection of the vessel’s pressure release valves, and a
hydrostatic pressure test. It is also important to perform a surface inspection, examine the
insulation and any structural connections, and finally inspect any welds or joints. [1]
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The earliest documented design of pressure vessels is described in the book Codex
Madrid I, by Leonardo da Vinci, in 1495, where containers of pressurized air were theorized to
lift heavy weights underwater however vessels resembling what are used today did not come
about until the 1800s where steam was generated in boilers helping to spur the industrial
revolution. However, with poor material quality and manufacturing techniques along with
improper knowledge of design, operation and maintenance there was a large number of
damaging and often fatal explosions associated with these boilers and pressure vessels, with a
death occurring on a nearly daily basis in the United States. Local providences and states in the
US began enacting rules for constructing these vessels after some particularly devastating vessel
failures occurred killing dozens of people at a time, which made it difficult for manufacturers to
keep up with the varied rules from one location to another and the first pressure vessel code was
developed starting in 1911 and released in 1914, starting the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (BPVC).In an early effort to design a tank capable of withstanding pressures up to
10,000 psi (69 MPa), a 6-inch (150 mm) diameter tank was developed in 1919 that was spirally-
wound with two layers of high tensile strength steel wire to prevent sidewall rupture, and the end
caps longitudinally reinforced with lengthwise high-tensile rods. The need for high pressure and
temperature vessels for petroleum refineries and chemical plants gave rise to vessels joined with
welding instead of rivets (which were unsuitable for the pressures and temperatures required)
and in 1920s and 1930s the BPVC included welding as an acceptable means of construction, and
welding is the main means of joining metal vessels today.
There have been many advancements in the field of pressure vessel engineering such as
advanced non-destructive examination, phased array ultrasonic testing and radiography, new
material grades with increased corrosion resistance and stronger materials, and new ways to join
materials such as explosion welding (to attach one metal sheet to another, usually a thin
corrosion resistant metal like stainless steel to a stronger metal like carbon steel), friction stir
welding (which attaches the metals together without melting the metal), advanced theories and
means of more accurately assessing the stresses encountered in vessels such as with the use of
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Finite Element Analysis, allowing the vessels to be built safer and more efficiently. Today
vessels in the USA require BPVC stamping but the BPVC is not just a domestic code, many
other countries have adopted the BPVC as their official code. There are, however, other official
codes in some countries (some of which rely on portions of and reference the BPVC), Japan,
Australia, Canada, Britain, and Europe have their own codes. Regardless of the country nearly all
recognize the inherent potential hazards of pressure vessels and the need for standards and codes
regulating their design and construction.
Holley chaired the first meeting, which was held in the New York editorial offices of the
American Machinist, on February 16th, with thirty people in attendance. From this date onward,
the society ran formal meetings to discuss development of standard tools and machine parts as
well as uniform work practices. However, it wasn’t until 1905 that a major turning point gave
new definition to ASME’s purpose and impact on civilian life.
Steam powered the technology of the late 19th century. Despite their power, boilers and
pressure vessels were temperamental, requiring constant attention and maintenance. Although
there were numerous boiler explosions throughout the 19th century, there were no legal codes for
boilers in any state in the Union. Undoubtedly one of the most important incidents that proved
the need for developing boiler laws was the Grover Shoe Factory Disaster in Brockton,
Massachusetts on March 10, 1905.
An older boiler, used as a backup during maintenance on the newer model, exploded,
rocketing through three floors and the building’s roof. Broken beams and heavy machinery
trapped many workers who survived the initial explosion and collapse. Burning coals thrown
from the boiler landed throughout the crumbling superstructure, starting fires that were fed by
broken gas lines. The explosion resulted in 58 deaths and 117 injuries.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
It was this catastrophe that gave Massachusetts the impetus to establish a five-man Board
of Boiler Rules, whose charge was to write a boiler law for the state; this board published its
boiler laws in 1908.
Having established the Boiler Testing Code in 1884, ASME formed a Boiler Code
Committee in 1911 that led to the Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) being published in
1915. The BPVC was later incorporated into laws in most US states and territories and Canadian
ASME published the Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) in 1915, which was later
incorporated into laws in most North American territories. In the years following the publication
of the first BPVC, ASME continued the proliferation of safety in industry, developing
engineering standards in numerous technical areas including pipeline production, elevators and
escalators, materials handling, gas turbines, and nuclear power. Today, ASME has more than 600
codes and standards available in print and online. [2]
The failure of pressure vessel is very devastating &serious thing since it leads to several
economic losses, environmental pollution, and danger of life. If its failure leads to these effect
the cause of the failure is our focus to minimize it as much as possible.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The main intention behind this project is to determine stress level on the shell wall & two
different types of heads on a single pressure vessel. If the stress values are large enough & cross
the limitation of allowable stress values of material of vessel, we then check for the appropriate
thickness of shell wall at which the probability of failure of pressure vessel shell wall due to
stress are less.
Regardless of the nature of application of the vessels, a number of factors usually must be
considered in designing of the pressure vessel component. The most important consideration
often taken in the selection of the type of pressure vessels are:
The operating pressure and temperature;
Functions of the pressure vessel;
Location of the pressure vessel;
Nature of the working fluid that used in the pressure vessel which performs the
required services in the most satisfactory manner.
The pressure vessels that not follow any standard codes can be very dangerous. In fact, many
fatal accidents have occurred in the history of their operation and development.
The main causes of failure of a pressure vessel are as follows:
Faulty Design
Operator error or poor maintenance
Operation above max allowable working pressures
Over temperature
Improper installation placement error
Welding problems
Improper selection of materials or defects
In developing the design, a number of other criteria must be considered such as the properties
of material used, the induced stresses, the elastic stability, and the aesthetic appearance of the
unit. The cost of fabricated vessel is also important in relation to its service and useful life.
Designing of a perfect pressure vessel is almost impossible due to the large number of
influences listed above which can change the behavior of the pressure vessel. Although, it is
possible to decrease this influencing factors to a minimum, if the pressure vessel is used on a
proper way. In this project we will try to describe some problems, which influence the working
Design of vertical pressure vessel
appearance of the pressure vessel. In order to reduce the above problems as much as possible it is
important to design the pressure vessel with in the given data accordingly.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
vessel which is full of steam). Detail design and numerical analysis up to 3D modeling of the
vertical pressure vessel with a medium of steam using AutoCAD software are included.
The uses of pressure vessel have become significant in many applications, so vast considerations
must be made while designing them. It has become mandatory to design each type of vessels
according to their standards properly so that we can ensure the safety of the equipment, the
environment and the personnel operating near or in the equipment.
But due to the following limitations we have been able to design Vertical type
pressure vessel and among the Limitations we faced during the study some are listed below:-
shortage of time due to the load of other parallel courses
Limitation of internet access
shortage of available information and data about pressure vessel
2.1. Previous work related to pressure vessel design
Design of vertical pressure vessel
3) M J Mungla [9]
Had conducted design and analysis of various components of pressure vessels like shell,
heads, flanges, and nozzle and support structures along using ASME code. Design of base ring
and skirt sections has not been covered under ASME code and their dimensions are calculated
Design of vertical pressure vessel
with general design principles. Stress analysis of these components has been carried out with
combined load cases.
Present the design of a pressure vessel is carried out using ASME Codes. In this paper
designed the various components of the pressure vessel by calculating the necessary design
factors like thickness of the shell, head, stress analysis etc. To validate the design, result the
pressure vessel is modelled and analysed in ABAQUS. This proposed method is to conduct the
analysis is finite element method. Further the study in the variation of effective parameters in
design of pressure vessel is done. To study the variation different graphs are plotted. internal
pressure and diameter of shell. The applicability of various types of heads is also evaluated.
6) M. Jayakumar [15]
Researched on “Influence of residual stresses on failure pressure of cylindrical pressure
vessel”. Here main criteria is to study the effect of residual stresses on the pressure vessel.
Conclusion shows that there is a reduction in failure pressure due to UN favorable residual
From the literature review we have seen that study of the different factors that affects the
design and overall life of pressure vessel and they have to be considered in different cases of
pressure vessel. Finite element analysis is an extremely powerful tool for the analysis of pressure
Design of vertical pressure vessel
vessel. A structural analysis of the pressure vessel will be implemented. From above literature
review - Inclination angle, circular cross section with hemispherical ends and conical ends,
fatigue analysis, stress distribution, fracture analysis, optimization of location and size of
opening in a pressure vessel cylinder are the main criteria among all that have to be considered
on the design and analysis of pressure vessel to avoid any failure of pressure vessel.
Model 1
This paper deals with the Finite element modeling and Analysis of Pressure vessels with
different end connections (i.e. Hemispherical, Ellipsoidal & Toro spherical)
In this paper authors, describes its basic structure, stress characteristics and the engineering finite
element modelling for analyzing, testing and validation of pressure vessels under high stress
The equivalent von-misses’ stresses for different end connections are plotted.
The different types of stresses and modeling of pressure vessel joints are also depicted in
ASME code in section.
The difficulty of modeling the weld connection between the hemispherical end and
cylindrical shell was solved by providing the alternate shell thickness greater than that of
the base metal thickness, at the junction to provide it the strength of the weld.
In this model analysis with different end connections shows that the end connection with
hemispherical shape results in the least stresses when compared to other models not only
at weld zone but also at the far end of the end connection. This can also be understood as
the maximum pressure taking capacity for the hemispherical type end connection with
least thickness (t/2 as per theory).
While due to restrictions of the cost of material, and optimization in demand via industry,
the use of ellipsoidal shape can be made with the increased thickness of the end
connection for same level of stresses.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Tori spherical end type model where it was found the capability of undertaking pressure
force is least and thus the stresses exceeds the limit of ASME standard for the material
under the same loads and boundary conditions, still the same can be used with a little
increment in thickness
Model 2
This paper presents the structural modeling and stress analysis of nozzle connections in
ellipsoidal heads subjected to external loadings. Timoshenko shell theory and the finite element
method are used.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
future, it is proposed to extend the research scope of the nonlinear analysis of intersecting
Model 3
Pressure vessel components like shell, head, flange and nozzle are designed as per ASME
Section VIII Div-2, Edition 2001. Shell, head and skirt support dimensions are derived
based on various design conditions, viz., internal pressure, external pressure along with
wind / seismic effects. With the dimensions arrived at, the stresses have been verified to
be within allowable limits.
Stress analysis of flange has been carried out as per appendix 3 of ASME Section VIII
Div.2, it has been determined that induced stresses (longitudinal, tangential and radial)
are within the corresponding given allowable limits.
Design of base ring and skirt sections has not been covered under ASME code and their
dimensions are calculated with general design principles.
Stress analysis of these components has been carried out with combined load cases, it has
been found that stresses, produced due to combined loads, are within its allowable limits.
If we assume that various load combinations are acting on support structures like skirt,
base ring etc. Various possibilities of failure for them (support structures) may be
Model 4
This paper reviews some of the developments in the determination of stress concentration factor
in pressure vessels at openings, stress analysis of different types of end connections and
minimization stress with the help of optimize location and angle of nozzle on shell and head.
The literature has indicated a growing interest in the field of stress concentration analysis in the
pressure vessels. The motivation for this research is to analyze the stress concentration occurring
at the openings of the pressure vessels and the means to reduce the effect of the same.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of pressure vessels is governed by the ASME pressure vessel code. The code
gives for thickness and stress of basic components.
In this paper the recent and past developments, theories for estimation of stress
Concentrations are presented and the scope for future studies is also presented.
From this literature review it is seen that ASME and other code are providing solutions
for more general cases and required higher factor of safety.
the position and location of the opening on cylinder is not studied in past by researcher
and there is no code provision for such design, here PVEleite software is used for
designing of pressure vessel.
a review of the literature related to the stress concentration at opening in pressure vessel
is presented
also the effect of the end cover on the position and size of the opening needs to be
limit load and stress concentration formulae are not available for nonstandard shape and
intersection and geometrical discontinuity.
Model 5
This paper deals with the Finite element modelling and Analysis of Pressure vessels with
different end connections (i.e. Hemispherical, Ellipsoidal & Toro spherical). Considering the fact
that required thickness of hemispherical head for internal pressure loading is only half of that
necessary for the cylindrical shell,
Design of vertical pressure vessel
authors have tried to develop a finite element model taking due consideration on welding
involved at the end connections of cylinder to shell end in modelling using shell elements
to model cylinder.
The larger the shell in diameter the more the economic benefits it achieves.
In this paper authors, describes its basic structure, stress characteristics and the
engineering finite element modelling for analyzing, testing and validation of pressure
vessels under high stress zones.
The equivalent von-misses’ stresses for different end connections are also plotted.
Model 6
In this project, a pressure vessel is designed by the stipulation recommended by ASME. Three-
dimensional modeling is carried out in Pro-e.
The analysis is carried out on the pressure vessel to verify the strength.
Fatigue analysis is carried out for the entire structure of the pressure vessel, and from the
fatigue analysis report, it is clear that the fatigue life cycle is more than the required
period. Thereby it’s conclude that examined parts for fatigue are well within the
permissible limit set by ASME design code.
The fatigue damage code factor experienced is less than unity, so the design is safe, by
this safety of pressure vessel is established well before production, and preventive
measures are taken to ensure a fatal accident doesn’t take place.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Methodology is a general guide line or procedure which are used to solve problems to
design our project which is, design of unfired pressure vessel.
The methodology applied in this project is based on the project development phases that
commonly applied for all projects which each and every step are interlinked. Design
methodology will explain in detail on steps covered in conducting this project.
This project starts with the title selection that is provided by our supervisor according to
field of expertise. After determining introduction for the project, detailed background history
review is being carried out. Problem statement and objective of the topic was clearly defined,
articles related to the topic are being search from different sample papers and websites such as
Google Scholars by using the correct keywords. Keywords that are being used include: design of
pressure vessel and ASME standards of pressure vessel design. With all the papers and articles
available, the gap in the field is being determined and stated as the scope of study. All the related
materials which are being studied are cited in the references part of this report. Literature review
is also being carried out so that more knowledge about the topic can be obtained. Besides, design
parameters of pressure vessels such as the material, pressure and temperature were determined
based on priority which narrows down the scope to be applied. Mathematical derivation of
equations applied for design of pressure vessels also been worked out.
On the same time, studies and practices on the utilization of different software such as
Auto CAD also being performed so that we are familiar with the software and its functionalities.
With all the necessary information and equations for optimal design of pressure vessels obtained,
a calculation and finally validation test is conducted on the developed model for verification
purpose. The result of the project is then recorded and compiled into the report. Final
presentation about the findings of the project will be given to assure supervisor on the deadline.
The design methodology for this project depicted as in flow chart below:
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Selecting suitable material, Geometric, force and stress analysis for each component,
Such as: shell, head, nozzle, flange, bolt and skirt support, Checking the maximum principal and
shear stress with the permissible stress of material.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Table 3.1: Typical design stresses for plate (taken from Coulson & Richardson volume 6 chap
13- table 13.2)
We select the material to be low allow steel because it has high working stress compared to
others, has high atmospheric corrosion resistance capacity, suitable to welding and also based on
the following criterias: -
Performance characteristics (properties)
Processing (manufacturing) properties
Environmental profile
Availability of the material
Good corrosion resistance
By using design temperature and material type we read the design stress and tensile Strength
from the above typical design stress table:
Tensile strength:
δ t = 550 N/mm 2
Now we find the design stress at a given temperature by using interpolation.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
100° c 240 N/mm
130° c sall
150° c 240 N/mm
sall−240 130−100
150−100 240−240
Thus after interpolation the design stress (sall) is 240 N/mm2.
Parameters Values
Design pressure 3.5Mpa
Design temprature 130
Corrosion allowance 1.4mm
Length of cylinderical section 7m
Internal diameter of cylinderical section 3m
Working fluid Steam
Vessel orientation Vertical
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Increase the basic plate thickness to allow for the bending stress induced by the wind
loading at the base of the vessel and due to wind loading.
Check the maximum combination stress at the base area with the design stress and check
that for critical buckling stress
Decide which opening need for compensation
Use standard flanges
Design of the support type (skirt for our case)
Design the base ring\
Design pressure
From the internal pressure at the vessel the design pressure is calculated. - The design pressure is
taken from this given internal pressure of 5 to 10% above it.
Design temperature
For the purpose of design of pressure vessel, the temperature of the fluid and the given internal
temperature with the outside of the temperature must be balanced.
Design of stress
Design of vertical pressure vessel
By considering the given temperature and the selected material the yield stress will be known.
We design by using yield stress of the material. In cylinder there are coordinate systems that
describe the state of stress
t =𝑃𝑖×𝑑𝑖/2 𝜎H
Design of Shell
Consider the cylindrical shell and calculation or designing the parameter of the shell.
Thus design diameter, and thickness of shell. The shell is the primary component that contains
Design of vertical pressure vessel
the pressure mainly. So, in order to design this shell, it is necessary to determine the values of
maximum allowable stress, tensile strength the internal pressure, design temperature, material
selection, welded joint efficiency and corrosion allowance.
The ASME codes presents basic rules while designing shells. It is clear that the thickness
of these shells is main consideration, the welding operation on vessels is necessary too. The used
thickness equations are:
PR Sall Et P (r +0.6 t)
ts ¿ + CA , Ps = , Sall =
Sall E−0.6 P R +0.6 t tE 1
PR 2 Sall Et
ts ¿ , Ps =
2 Sall E−0.4 P R−0.4 t
Design of Head
All the pressure vessels must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section). Heads are
typically curved rather than flat. The reason is that curved configurations are stronger and allow
the heads to be thinner, lighter and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside
a vessel and are known as intermediate heads. These intermediate heads are separate sections of
the pressure vessels to permit different design conditions. The ends of a cylindrical vessel are
closed by heads of various shapes. The principal Types used are:
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The ends of pressure vessel that confine the shell from below, above, and the sides. The ends of
the vessels are closed by means of head before putting them in to operation. In our design the
head is normally made from the same material as the shell and welded to the shell itself.
The head geometry design is dependent up on the geometry of the shell as well as other
designs parameter such as operating temperature and the pressure. The geometry of the
head is selected based on the function as well as an economic consideration and methods
of forming and space requirements.
Hemispherical Head
PR 2 Sall Et P (r +0.2 t)
ts ¿ + CA , Ps = , Sall =
2 Sall E 1−0.2 P r +0.2 t 2 tE
Conical head
For α = 30o
PD 2 Sall EtCOS α
ts¿ + CA , Ps = , Sall =
2cos α ( Sall E−0.6 P) D+1.2 tcos α
P ( D+1.2tcos α)
2tEcos α
Design of Nozzles
During providing the pressure vessels with nozzles, it is important to support these
nozzles to avoid or prevent any failure.
The pressure vessel need many opening for different purpose. Among this for inlet and
outlet of fluid drain, sample, manhole, pressure and temperature gauge. Therefore, for these
components or parts the opening is designed by compensation method, reinforcement of area
from the shell or head at the pressure vessel. We are going to design nozzle and reinforcement
area under considerations. Selection of nozzle pipe and sizing is applied from the standard table
listed below.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
tn ¿ + CA
SsllE−0.6 P
Ar = dn ts f
As = Dn(TS – ts) – 2Tn(TS – ts)
An = 2[2.5(Ts) (Tn – tn)
Ar < (As + An)
ds = dn + 2(tn)
X = rn + Tn , y = 2.5Ts
dn = Dn – 2(Tn + CA)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of Support
WE design skirt support and is designed by calculating the weight of fluid and the weight
of vessel. The contact angle should be less than 120o and will not normally greater than 150o.
Wear plate are often welded to the shell wall to reinforcement the wall over the area of contact
with the saddle. Design of bolt: -Design of bolting (bolt design) used for flanges to connect the
support with the ground. Design of skirt Support The skirt support must be designed to withstand
the load imposed by the weight of the vessel and contents. They are constructed of bricks or
concrete, or are fabricated from carbon steel plate.
During designing of support of a pressure vessel the main sources of load of the vessel
should be should be taken into consideration. These sources of load are the following:
1. Pressure
2. Dead weight of vessel and contents
3. Wind
4. Earthquake (seismic)
5. External loads imposed by piping and attached equipment
Primary stresses
1) The longitudinal and circumferential stresses due to pressure (internal or external), given by:
The maximum stress is the circumferential stress,
P Di
r = -P
2) The direct stress σw due to the weight of the vessel, its contents, and any attachments. The
dead-weight stress will normally only be significant, compared to the magnitude of the other
stresses, in tall vessels.
w = π ( Di+t) t , where W is the total weight which is supported by the
Design of vertical pressure vessel
3) Weight loads
Wv = CvmDmg(Hv + 0.8Dm)t × 10-3
Cv = 1.08 for vessels with only a few internal fittings
Cv = 1.15 for distillation columns or similar vessels with several man waysand with plate
support rings or equivalent fittings.
P i=
F = Pi × A
Then in single bolts the force can be calculated as follow F i=
Discuss and explain the result on the design of each component and draw conclusion
from the design in different angle.
The design is carried out in order to prevent problems due to improper design as well as
improper selection of material which results failure and economical as well as energy loss. So in
order to prevent these problems and increase customer’s satisfaction the designer must consider
proper design procedure starts from good time management.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Detail drawing and the assembly drawing is included in this design. The detail drawing
is drawn clearly and neatly so it is easy to read and manufacture.
Finally state the reference books or any material which are used for the design of
pressure vessel.
For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally taken as the pressure at
which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 per cent above the normal working
PD=Pi+ Pi × ; Where Pi - Internal pressure
PD - Design pressure
PD=Pi+ 0.1 Pi
Design of vertical pressure vessel
PD=1.1 Pi
PD 3.5 Mpa
Pi= = =3.18 Mpa – Internal pressure
1.1 1.1
If internal is greater than 300psi or PD > 0.385×Sall E then the wall of the cylinder is
thick, otherwise PD< 0.385×Sall E or less than 300psi, the wall of the cylinder is thin.
1 psi=6894.8 Pa
So 3.5Mpa = 507.6psi > 300psi therefore thick walled pressure vessel is employed.
The strength of metals decreases with increasing temperature so the maximum allowable design
stress will depend on the material temperature. The design temperature at which the design stress
is evaluated should be taken as the maximum working temperature of the material, with due
allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperatures.
at T= 130℃
From typical design stress table (Table 3.1) the stresses for low alloy steel are: -
For design purposes it is necessary to decide a value for the maximum allowable stress (nominal
design strength) that can be accepted in the material of construction. The design stress factor
Design of vertical pressure vessel
allows for any uncertainty in the design methods, the loading, the quality of the materials, and
the workman ship.
For materials not subject to high temperatures the design stress is based on the yield stress (or
proof stress), or the tensile strength (ultimate tensile stress) of the material at the design
The strength of a welded joint will depend on the type of joint and the quality of the welding.
The soundness of welds is checked by visual inspection and by non-destructive testing
(Radiography). The possible lower strength of a welded joint compared with the virgin plate is
usually allowed for in design by multiplying the allowable design stress for the material by a
"Welded joint factor" J. The value of the joint factor used in design will depend on the type of
joint and amount of radiography required by the design code.
Table 4.1: welded joint factor (table taken from Coulson & Richardson vol 6)
Taking the factor as 1.0 implies that joint is equally as strong as a virgin plate.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The additional thickness of metal added to allow for material lost by heat, corrosion and erosion
or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between the customer and manufacturer’s
corrosion is complex phenomena, and it is not possible to give specific rules for the estimation of
corrosion allowance required for circumstances. The allowance should be based on the
experience with the material construction under similar surface conditions to those for the
purposed design.
For carbon and low alloy steel where sever corrosion is not expected the minimum allowance
given that 1.4mm should be used. i.e. CA = 1.4mm
We have seen that, according to geometrical shapes, shells can be classified as spherical,
cylindrical and conical. Hence our design is concerned with cylinderical shell.
t s = R×[
√ Sall E+ PD
−1] …….. If P D> 0.385Sall E
PD × R
ts = ……………….. If P D<0.385Sall E
SallE−0.6 PD
Where Sall = allowable design stress
E = joint efficiency……………. take E = 1
PD = design pressure
Material: - low alloy steel (SA-387) Grade 22 cl.2
Sall = 240Mpa , PD = 3.5Mpa , E=1
Now check the first condition:
Design of vertical pressure vessel
If P D> 0.385Sall E
3.5Mpa>0.385(240Mpa) (1)
Since 3.5Mpa is not greater than 92.4Mpa, the first condition is not appropriate to calculate the
thickness of shell.
Now check the second condition:
If P D<0.385Sall E
3.5Mpa < 0.385(240Mpa) (1)
3.5Mpa < 92.4Mpa
Since 3.5Mpa < 92.4Mpa we use the second formula to find thickness of the shell.
R = Di/2 = 3m/2 = 1.5m
ts = + CA ; where CA is corrosion allowance for safe design
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.5 Mpa ×1.5 m
= 240× 1−0.6 (3.5) + 1.4m
= 22.068mm + 1.4mm
= 23.468mm - Shell thickness
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Pi = Pd /1.1 = 3.5Mpa/1.1 = 3.18Mpa
D m = D + ts = 3 m+ 0.023468m ; where Dm is mean diameter
= 3.023468m or 3023.468mm
Know check hoop stress is less than design stress for safe design
σ h< Sall
Longitudinal stress
This is the tensile stress acting in the direction of the axis.
Longitudinal stress is given by:
P i× D
σl = m
(3.18 Mpa)(3.023468 m)
σl = = 102.4227Mpa
4 (0.023468 m)
Know check longitudinal stress is less than the design stress for safe design
σ l< Sall
Design of vertical pressure vessel
1 = h = 2t = 204.845 Mpa and 2 = L = 4i t I = 102.4277 Mpa
1−2 204.845 Mpa−102.4277 Mpa
𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2 = 2
= 51.21Mpa < 240Mpa
N.B: -Since all stresses calculated above are less than the design stress of 240Mpa, the design is
All pressure vessel shell must be closed at the end by heads. The ends of cylindrical
vessel are closed by head various shapes: -
Ellipsoidal head
Conical head etc.
We have selected hemispherical and conical type heads because the radial stress on
hemispherical head is lower compared to the other types of heads and Conical ends are used to
facilitate the smooth flow and removal of solids from process; equipment; such as hoppers,
spray, dryers and crystallizers. Conical ends are also used as a drain for the vessel.
Pd × D
The thickness of hemispherical head is given by th ¿ + CA
2 Sall E−0.2 P
Design of vertical pressure vessel
3.5 Mpa ×3 m
th ¿ + CA
2× 240 Mpa × 1−(0.2× 3.5 Mpa )
= 21.9069mm+ 1.4mm
= 23.30695mm
So this is approximately the same with the thickness of shell calculated above which is
equal to 23.0468mm.
Di 3m
H i= =¿ = 1.5m, H i = inner head of the hemisphere
2 2
D o 3.0469 m
Ho = = = 1.52345m , H o = outer head of the hemisphere
2 2
volume of hemisphere
2 3 2 3
Vh = π r = π ×(1.5 m) = 7.065m3
3 3
3.5 Mpa × 3 m
th¿ 2 cos 30 ¿ ¿ + CA = 25.482mm+ 1.4mm = 26.882mm
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Check that the factor of safety, if the factor of safety greater than 1.5 our design is safe:
Design stress 240 Mpa
Longitudinal stress
= 100.755 Mpa = 2.382
Design of vertical pressure vessel
2 3 π ×(3 m) 1
V= π ×(1.5 m) + ( × 7 m ) + ( π ¿)
3 4 3
V = 7.065m3 + 49.455 m3 + 6.1183m3
V = 62.6383m3
The pressure vessel need many opening for different purpose. Among this for inlet and outlet of
fluid drain, sample, manhole, pressure and temperature gauge. Therefore, for these components
or parts the opening is designed by compensation method, reinforcement of area from the shell or
head at the pressure vessel. We are going to design nozzle and reinforcement area under
Figure 4.1 Show the cross-sectional view of reinforced nozzle that indicates nozzle and shell
thickness area, reinforcement locations and weld paths, parallel and normal limits with its
Design of vertical pressure vessel
figure3. 3: Nozzle Shell junction area (A) and main parameters for reinforcement (B)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The formula that we are using to calculate the thickness is the same as thickness formula to
calculate for shell, the only difference is the diameter we use.
As we can see from table 4.1 for a vessel that has a diameter of greater than 36 in (914.4mm) use
6 in (152.4mm) pipe size nozzle.
P D× R
tn = +CA
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.5 Mpa ×0.0762 m
= + 1.4mm
240 Mpa × 1−0.6 × 3.5 Mpa
= 0.001121m + 1.4mm
= 1.121mm + 1.4mm
= 2.521mm – thickness of nozzle
For vessels under internal pressure the total cross-section area required for reinforcement of
opening shell not be less than:
When the reinforcing limits do not extend outside of an area where the required thickness and
limits are available equally on each side of the opening centre line, the following equations may
be used to determine the area of reinforcement available:
Therefore, these are the same parameters that used to design opening.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
A = d × 𝑡𝑟
P D × Ri 3.5 ×1500
𝑡r = ts – CA or tr❑ = =
Sall E−0.6 PD 240−0.6 (3.5)
P D × Rn
tr n = Rn = d/2 = 155.2mm/2 =77.6mm
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.5 ×77.6 mm
tr n = = 1.138mm
240−0.6 (3.5)
A = d × 𝑡𝑟
Area available in vessel wall(A1), is the larger of: A1= d (t −𝑡𝑟) or A1= 2(t −𝑡𝑟) (𝑡𝑛 − t)
A1 = d (t −𝑡𝑟) = 155.2mm (23.468mm – 22.068mm) =217.28mm2
A1 = 2(t −𝑡𝑟) (𝑡𝑛 − t)) = 2(23.468mm – 22.068mm) (2.521mm – 23.468mm) =58.6516mm2
Take the larger area which is A1 = 217.28mm2
Area available in nozzle wall(A2), is smaller of: A2 = 5t (𝑡𝑛 −CA) or A2 = 5𝑡𝑛 (𝑡𝑛 − CA)
A2 = 5 × 23.468mm (2.521mm – 1.4mm) = 131.538mm2
A2 = 5 × 2.521mm (2.521mm – 1.4mm) = 14.13mm2
Take the smaller area which is A2 = 14.13mm2
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Ar = (d × tr × F) +( 2 × tn × tr × F × (1 – fr1))
A = (155.2mm × 22.068mm × 0.8) + (2 × 2.521 × 22.068× 0.8(1 – 1)) = 2740mm2
The area available in cylindrical shell is whichever is maximum of:
A1 = d (Ext − F×𝑡𝑟) − 2tn (Ext − F𝑡𝑟) (1− fr1) or
A1 = 2(t −𝑡𝑛) (Ext − F𝑡𝑟) − 2tn (Ext − F𝑡𝑟) (1− fr1)
But F = 0.8, fr1 = 1, E = 1
𝐴1 = 155.2(1× 23.468 – (0.8 × 22.068)) – (2 × 2.521)( (1 × 23.468) – (0.8 × 22.068)) (1 − 1))
= 902.3𝑚𝑚2 or
A1 = 2(t −𝑡𝑛) (t −𝑡𝑟) = 2(23.468 – 2.521) (23.468 – 22.068) = 58.652mm2
Take the largest one A1= 902.3mm2
the area available in the nozzle projecting out ward is whichever is minimum of:
A2 = 5(𝑡𝑛−𝑡𝑟𝑛) ×𝑓𝑟1×t = 5(2.521-1.13) × 0.8× 23.468mm = 130.57mm2 or
A2 = 5(𝑡𝑛−𝑡𝑟𝑛) ×𝑓𝑟1𝑡𝑛 = 5(2.521 – 1.13) × 0.8 × 2.521mm = 14mm2
Take the smaller one A2 = 14mm2.
The area available in inward nozzle:
A3 = 2(𝑡𝑛− CA) 𝑓𝑟1 × Y = 2 × (2.521 – 1.4) × 0.8 × 6.3025 = 11.3mm2
The area available in outward weld:
We take thickness of pad (𝑡𝑤) = 4mm.
A41 = (tw)2 × fr1 = (4mm)2 × 1 = 16mm2
The area available in inward weld: 𝑡𝑤=4mm
A43 = (tw)2 × fr1 = (4mm)2 × 1 = 16mm2
Now the total available area is given by:
AT = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 = (902.3+ 11.3+ 11.3 + 16+ 16) 𝑚𝑚2
=957 mm2
AT < A……….957mm2 < 2740 mm2 , it is not safe.
Let’s take the thickness of reinforcing pad (te) = 10mm
The area of reinforcement required is A = 2740 mm2
The area available in the cylinder shell A1 = 902.3mm2
The area available in nozzle projecting out ward is changed and is given by
A2 = 5(𝑡n−𝑡𝑟𝑛) × 𝑓𝑟1t = 5(2.521 – 1.13) × (0.8 × 23.468mm2)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
= 130.57mm2 or
A2 = 2(𝑡n−𝑡𝑟𝑛) (2.5tn –𝑡e) 𝑓𝑟1 = 2(2.521 – 1.13) (2.5× 2.521 - 10) × 0.8 = 8.23mm2
For safe design take smaller one A2 = 8.23mm2
The area available inward nozzle is the same as above A3 = 11.3mm2
The area available outward nozzle is given by:
A41 = te 2 × fr1 = (10mm)2 ×1 = 100mm2
but fr2=fr1, For the same material is added
The area available in outward weld is given by
A42 = te 2 × fr1 = (10mm)2 × 1 = 100mm2 but fr1 = fr2 = fr3
The area available in inward weld is given by
A43 = te 2 × fr1 = (10mm)2 × 1 = 100mm2
The area available in element is given by. A5
𝑑𝑝= 2d + 2te = 2 × 155.2 + 2 × 10 = 350.4 mm. Where: - 𝑑𝑝 = diameter of pad (fillet material)
A5 = ((𝑑𝑝− d − 2tn) × 𝑡e× 𝑓𝑟3 = (350.4 – 155.2 – 2 × 2.521) × 10 × 1) mm2 = 1701.6mm2
Total available area is given by:
AT = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5
= (902.3mm2 + 5.12mm2 + 11.3mm2 + 100mm2 +100mm2 +100mm2 +1701.6mm2)
Since the total reinforcement area is greater than area reinforcement required (2923.4mm2
>2740mm2). Therefore, our design is safe!
P d Di P d Di
σ h= and σ l=
2tn 4 tn
3.5 Mpa × 0.1524 m
σ h=σ 1 = = 105.79Mpa
2× 0.002521m
3.5 Mpa × 0.1524 m
σ l=σ 2 = = 52.89Mpa
4 ×0.002521 m
Find the maximum shear stress (𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
σ 1 −σ 2 105.79−52.89
τ max= = 2
= 26.447Mpa
Then, check it is safe by comparing it with design stress.
26.447Mpa < 240Mpa
Therefore, the design is safe
Also we can know either the design is safe or not by using factor safety but, we take working
stress is radial stress (hoop stress) in the nozzle, because hoop stress has more effect at the
Design stress 240 Mpa
Fs= = = 2.268
Work stress 105.79 Mpa
Since the factor of safety is greater than 1.5 and less than 5(i.e.1.5 < 2.268 < 5), the design is
3.6.4. Design of manhole
Design of vertical pressure vessel
P D × Ri
t rs = but, Ri =di/2 = 3000mm/2 =1500mm
Sall E−0.6 PD
3.5× 1500 mm
= 22.068mm
A = d×trs
= 409.2mm(22.068mm)
= 9030mm2
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Area of weld
At = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4
Total area reinforcement available must be greater than area of reinforcement required to achieve
safe design but in our design (At<Ar) or (685mm 2<9030 mm2), so we need additional
reinforcement pad for safe design.
Area of reinforcing pad (Ap) =Area reinforcement required –Area reinforcement available
Ap = 8345mm2
tpad =
( D p−D m)
8345 mm 2
(812.8 mm−406.4 mm)
= 20.5mm
Therefore, the man hole will be reinforced by reinforcing pad diameter =812.8 mm with
thickness pad =20.5mm.
3.6.5.Support design
The vessel support is intended to support the pressure vessel on the support base. The
support has to be designed with stand the dead weight from the pressure vessel and to limit the
Design of vertical pressure vessel
heat flow from the vessel walls to the base. The pressure vessel support should be able to with
stand the dead weight of the vessel, internals and the contained fluid without experiencing
permanent deformation.
In our case, the support of the pressure vessel is skirt and we choose a 5.8(carbon steel)
material for support design because 5.8(carbon steel) has excellent fatigue resistance, good
temperature resistance, it is tougher and has high strength.
In order to design skirt support, the dead weight of vessel must be considered. The major
sources of dead weight loads are
It is the sum of the weight of shell material and the fluid stored on it.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
ts=thickness of shell
L= vessel length
L = Ls + + h + tc where h = height of cone
D O = Di+2t
D O= 3000mm +2×23.468 mm=3046.936mm = 3.046936m
h = D/2 tan 60o = (1.5m) tan60o = 2.598m
L = 7m + + 2.598m + 0.026882m
L= 11.125m
Dm= Di + ts
Ws = π Dm 𝑡𝑠 𝜌 L g
𝑊𝑠 = 190,873.68N = 190.874kN
Wsf = 𝑚𝑓×g
Vf =Ls ( )
π D2
Design of vertical pressure vessel
π ×(3 m)
= 7 m( ) = 49.455m3
msf = 𝜌 × 𝑣f
= 1000kg∕m3 × 49.455m3
= 49455kg
Wsf = msf × g
= 49,455kg × 9.81m/s2
= 485,153.55N = 485.152kN
It is the sum of the weight of head material and the fluid stored on it.
𝑡ℎ = thickness of head
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Wh = 1.084𝐷𝑚2 × 𝑡ℎ × 𝜌 ×g
= 17,908.3N = 17.91kN
Whf = mhf × g
π Di3
V hf = where Vhf = volume of the fluid on the head and Di = 1.5m
π ×(1.5 m)3
= 0.883m3
𝑚ℎ𝑓 = 𝜌 × 𝑣𝑓
= 1000kg/m3 × 0.883m3
= 883kg
Whf = mhf × g
= 883kg × 9.81m/s2
= 8662.23N = 8.662kN
Design of vertical pressure vessel
It is the sum of the weight of nozzle material and the fluid stored on it.
2 2
π (do −di )
V n= L where do = outlet nozzle diameter
L = length of nozzle
C=Ri−√ Ri −ri
2 2
where C = length of part of the nozzle entering to shell
= 1.95mm
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Let′s take the length of the nozzle leaving the shell 300mm then
= 304.47mm
π (do 2−di 2 )
V n= L
π (157.442mm ¿ ¿ ¿ 2−(152.4 mm) )
¿ × 304.47mm
= 373,385.365mm3 = 0.000373385m3
mn = 𝜌×Vn
= 2.93kg
Wn = mn×g
= 2.93kg × 9.81m/s2
= 28.754N
Design of vertical pressure vessel
π di
Vf= L
π ×(152.4 mm)
¿ × 304.47mm
= 2,781,514.7mm3 = 0.0027815m3
= 1000kg/m3 × 0.0027815m3
= 2.7815kg
Wnf = mf ×g
= 2.781 kg × 9.81m/s2
= 27.3 N
The atmospheric pressure varies from place to place thus we take the mean atmospheric pressure
in Gondar as Patm = 1011N/m2.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Af = projected area
Af = D0 × Htotal
Af = D0 × Htotal
= 3.04697m × 11.0597m
=33.7 m2
= 1011N/m2 × 33.7 m2
= 34069N = 34.07kN
The wind effect has its own role in pressure vessel design. When we design pressure vessel with
greater height, we have to consider this effect on the vessel. The moment on the vessel due to
wind is calculated as:
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Mx =w ; Where Mx = moment due to wind ,X is the distance measured from the
free end(approximately equal to total height of the vessel = 11.0597m) and, w = the load per
unit length (Newton Per meter) and calculated as follows:
= 3000mm + 23.468mm
w = Dm × Patm
= 3.023468m ×1011N/m2
= 3056.7N/m
Mx = w
(11.0597 m)2
=3056.7 N /m×
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Wtmaterial = 𝑊𝑠 + 𝑊ℎ + 𝑊𝑛
= 190.874kN+17.91kN+28.754kN
= 237.538kN
Design of vertical pressure vessel
= 493.84kN
= 765.45kN
= 841.995kN
The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead-weight loads and bending Moments
imposed on it by the vessel; it will not be under the vessel pressure. Mostly it sets 80° from the
Support structures have to be designed on the criteria of combined load considerations. Several
loads such as Wind/Seismic loads, External loads on nozzles due to piping joints, operating
Design of vertical pressure vessel
weight of vessel etc. are acting on support structures simultaneously. With these combinations of
loads, stresses are analysed in structures.
If we assume that various load combinations are acting on support structures like skirt, base ring
etc. Various possibilities of failure for them (support structures) must be considered, which are
listed as per followings. A Skirt may fail in following conditions:
a) Induced tensile stress due to uneven expansion of different materials at skirt to shell
junction where temperature gradient along skirt length is very high,
b) Induced compressive stress due to operating weight of entire vessel along with
Seismic/Wind bending moments,
c) If the length of skirt is considerably long, it may lose its elastic stability, and buckle
under (self-weight) load of the vessel and/or external loads.
To design skirt is an iterative method. In which, first assume thickness of skirt; with this
thickness analyse stresses corresponding to above load combinations. If stresses, induced due to
above combined loads are not with in the allowable limits, increase the thickness and repeat it till
it satisfies the condition.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
We can give the thickness and diameter of skirt using its standard by considering shell diameter.
Ds = Do + 2 th + 2𝐿sk/𝑡𝑎𝑛80
Take thickness of skirt (ts) =50mm = 0.05m and check if our stress analysis of skirt works on this
σs = tensile(compressive) stress
4 Mx
σ bs = but we have 𝑀𝑥 = 186. 9447kN.m
π (D s +t s) D s t s
4 ×186.9447 kN .m
π ( 3.34 m+0.05 m ) 3 .34 m ×0.05 m
= 420.65kN/m2
= 420.65kPa
Design of vertical pressure vessel
σ ws=
π (D s +t s )t s
Where 𝑀𝑠 = Maximum bending moment evaluated at the base of the skirt (Due to wind loading)
ts = Skirt thickness
σ ws=
π (D s +t s )t s
765.45 kN
π (3.34 m+ 0.05 m) 0.05 m
= 1438.2kN/m2
= 1438.2kpa = 1.4382Mpa
= 1017.5kN/m2 = 1.0175Mpa
Design of vertical pressure vessel
= 420.65kN/m2 + 1438.2kN/m2
= 1858.85kN/m2 = 1.85885Mpa
Since both σs (Tensile) and σs (Compressive) are less than the allowable or design stress that is
A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of edge of two parts to be
joined together with or without the application of pressure and filler material. Electric arc
welding is extensively used because of greater speed of welding.
We Select butt joint especially square butt joint for the connection of both head and shell but for
the connection of nozzle to the shell part we select corner joint.
The stresses in welded joints are difficult to determine because of the variable and unpredictable
Parameters like homogeneity of the weld metal, thermal stresses in the welds, changes of
physical Properties due to high rate of cooling etc. The stresses are obtained, on the following
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The load is distributed uniformly along the entire length of the weld, and
The stress is spread uniformly over its effective section.
The following table shows the stresses for welded joints for joining ferrous metals with mild
steel electrode under steady and fatigue or reversed load.
Since the stress in the weld material is to be 81Mpa our electrode is mild steel electrode. The
recommended minimum size of weld is 14mm size of weld between 25mm- 55mm
2 2
π (do −di )× σm
F= where d𝑜 = outside diameter of the nozzle
= 160.4mm
2 2
π (do −di )× σm
¿ π ¿¿
Design of vertical pressure vessel
P D × π ×di
= 63812.77N
¿ 63.81277kN…………………… (2)
Since FR = F
0.0078m2σm = 63.81277kN
63.845 kN
σm = = 8125kN/m2 = 8.125Mpa
0.0078 m2
Bolt joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design. They
consist of fasteners that a capture and join other part and are secure with the mating of bolt joints
designs or screw threads.
1) Tension joint
2) Shear joint
In the tension joint the bolt and clamped component at the joint are designed to transfer the
external tension load through the joint by away of clamped component through the design of
Design of vertical pressure vessel
proper balance of joint and bolt stiffness. The second type of bolted joint transfer the applied
load in a shear on the bolt shank and relies on shear strength of the bolt, tension loads on such
joints are only identically.
We select mild steel material to design bolted flange joints because of easily workable, very
hard, yet malleable, good for construction, easy to shape and machine and very flexible and can
be harden.
Steel grade Measured direction Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Use the following formula to find the size and number of bolt.
n = number of bolt
Here we know that the upward force acting on the cylinder cover is:
P D × π × Di
F= ……………………………………………….. (1)
This force is resisted by n number of bolt and the resisting force offered by n number of bolts
π ×σtb ×n × dc
FR= …………………………………………. (2)
From equation (1) the upward force acting on cylinder cover is:
P D × π ×di 2
3.5 Mpa × π ×(3 m)
F = 24,727.5kN
Design of vertical pressure vessel
π ×σtb ×n × dc
The material for the bolt is mild steel and σtb= 497N/mm2 the core diameter is from the table by
taking standard M16 size.
π ×σtb ×n × dc2
π × 497 N /mm 2× n ×( 13.546 mm)
= 71589.3n N
= 71.5893n kN
Since, F = FR
71589.3n N =24,727.5kN
n = 24,727.5kN/71.5893kN
n = 345.4 ≈ 346
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The total length of bolt and thread length of bolt can be calculated as follows:
Lt = 2(16) + 6𝑚𝑚
Lthreaded =38mm
𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 𝐿 − 𝐿𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑
𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 62 mm
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Design of vertical pressure vessel
𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 = 𝜋𝐷𝑖2/4
= 𝜋 (16mm)2/4
= 200.96mm2
= 71.467kN /200.96mm2
= 355.63𝑀𝑃𝑎
Design of vertical pressure vessel
We select mild steel material to design nut the same as bolted flange joint because of easily
workable, very hard, yet malleable, good for construction, easy to shape and machine and
very flexible and can be harden.
Steel grade Measured direction Yield strength (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa)
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers, and
for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on the
vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or maintenance.
Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps and valves.
Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs would be used only if
no suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body flanges of
vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to
accept the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized 9.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used extensively
for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels. The proportions of standard flanges
are set out in the various codes and standards. A typical example of a standard flange design is
shown below. The relevant British Standards are BS 1560, Part 3 and BS 4504, Part 3, which
cover flanges for pipes, valves and fittings; in carbon and alloy steels.
Now as we design the bolt before the bolt is 𝐌𝟏𝟔 standard size
Design of vertical pressure vessel
For this reason, our flange design parameters are in the first row of the table above.
Thus, d1 = 200mm
d2 = 18mm
d3 = 240mm
d4 =258mm
h =44mm
b = 20mm
D = 320mm
f = 3mm
K= 280mm
Bolt M16
Design of vertical pressure vessel
The following table shows the overall geometry of vertical pressure vessel that we have
calculated and analysed in the project.
4.1. Result
Components Dimension
1. Shell 𝐷i = 3000mm
Do = 3046.936mm
Dm = 3023.468mm
ts = 23.468mm
Ls = 7000mm
Vs = 49.455m3
Do = 1336.827mm
Hi = 656.6mm
Ho = 668.41
Design of vertical pressure vessel
th = 11.8mm
Vh = 0.5929m3
Do = 1340.027mm
Dm = 1326.627mm
h = 2598mm
th = 26.88mm
S = 2990mm
3 Nozzle Di = 152.4mm
tn = 2.521mm
do = 157.4mm
tr = 22.068mm
N = 346
Lthreadedpart = 38mm
D = d = 16mm
5 Nut Dc =13.835mm
dp = 14.701mm
D = d = 16mm
Design of vertical pressure vessel
d2= 18mm
d3= 240mm
b= 20mm
D= 320mm
f= 3mm
K= 280mm
Bolt M16
Ds = 3340.4mm
ts = 50mm
Table: Result
4.2. Discussion
In this pressure vessel design report we have designed a total inside volume (V= 10m 3) Pressure
vessel for steam storing application. In this process we have designed shell, head, inlet and outlet
nozzle, bolt flanged joint, flange, hand hole and vessel support. All of these components are
designed by using appropriate formulas for each and their factor of safety are checked for
strength to avoid failures.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
We conclude from this pressure vessel design the pressure with nominal volume 10𝑚3which is
used to store steam at 3.5 𝑀𝑃𝑎and 300℃ designed above is designed to satisfy all the required
requirements to be able to work under the given parameters. A corrosion allowance of 2mm is
applied in order to prevent failure due to corrosion and fatigue conditions. Our pressure vessel is
made with low alloy steel for all parts or components of pressure vessel and carbon steel for skirt
design due to have higher than to those of the plain carbon steels for given applications. This
means it has higher strength, hardness, hot hardness, wear resistance, toughness, and more
desirable combinations of these properties.
During designing of this project we have got so many problems are happened like in calculating
of area of reinforcement actually in the required area of the nozzle. In our design of pressure
vessel, the required area less than available area. So, we can use the reinforcement pad.
The design of pressure vessel in initialized with the specification requirements in terms of
standard technical specifications along with numerous requirements that lay hidden from the
The storage of fluid at higher pressure in the pressure vessel is at the heart of its performance and
it is the first step towards the design. The pressure vessel components are merely selected, but
the selection is very critical. A slight change in selection will lead to a different pressure vessel
altogether from what is aimed to be designed.
Design of vertical pressure vessel
It is observed that all the pressure vessel components are selected on basis of available ASME
standards and the manufactures also follow the ASME standards while manufacturing the
A universal approach
Less time consumption
Easy replacement
So less overall cost.
5.2. Recommendation
We designed a pressure vessel having different end closes that is hemispherical and
conical. At the very beginning of our design, we planned to design a pressure vessel with
hemispherical top end and conical bottom end, but, since our vessel support is of skirt type it is
not suited to make the bottom end conical shape. So we found that it is better to make the upper
(top) end of our pressure vessel of conical type and the bottom end of hemispherical type. The
reason we couldn’t use leg support is because of the overall height of our pressure vessel that is
11,125mm which is considerably tall and it is known that skirt type is better to use for such case.
We recommended the next designer to use leg support for conical bottom end pressure vessel
using optimum length of the pressure vessel.
6. Reference
Design of vertical pressure vessel