Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module the students must be able to:
a. describe gene therapy and its various forms; and
b. assess the issues potential benefits and detriments to global health;
Let’s try:
Check what you have by answering the following test without looking on the content or
browsing on the net. It will help you to determine what you have on your own understanding and
will guide you what are the thing that you need to know about the Gene therapy.
1. Gene therapy
2. Stem cell gene therapy
2. Somatic Gene Therapy – involves the manipulation of genes in cells that will be
helpful to the patient but not inherited to the next generation. Unlike germinal therapy,
somatic gene therapy only involves the insertion of therapeutic DNA into body cells and
not on the germ cells or gametes. This means any effects of the therapy are confined to
the individuals being treated and are not inherited by future generations.
There are ethical issues involved in gene therapy. Some of the inquiries cited are:
1. How can good and bad uses of gene therapy be distinguished?
2. Who decides which traits are normal and which constitute to disability or disorder.
3. Will the high cost of gene therapy make it available only to the wealthy?
4. Could the widespread use of gene therapy make society less accepting of peoples
who are different?
5. Should people be allowed to use gene therapy to enhanced basic human traits, such
as height, intelligence, or athletic ability?
Learning Activity time!
Acitivity 1. Make a flow chart of the basic process of gene therapy. Explain each part of the
process. You may use references and pictures. Use one short size bond paper.
Activity 2. At the space bellow make a Venn diagram and differentiate the two forms of gene
1.Would you subject yourself for gene therapy without its 100% assurance and effectiveness or
future negative side effect?
2. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used for aesthetic