IHG 2019 Our Business Model
IHG 2019 Our Business Model
IHG 2019 Our Business Model
We predominantly franchise our brands Since launch, we have signed over 200 In addition to our core brands, we are focused
and manage hotels on behalf of third-party franchise hotels in Greater China, which on growing our portfolio in high-potential
hotel owners. As an asset-light business, attract full franchise fees. areas, and have launched and acquired new
we focus on growing our fee revenues and brands in the mainstream, upscale and luxury
Our asset-light business model means that
fee margins, with limited requirements segments in recent years.
we do not generally employ colleagues in
for capital. This enables us to grow our
franchised hotels, nor do we control their We have also developed state-of-the-art
business whilst generating high returns
day-to-day operations, policies or technology to drive hotel demand, be it
on invested capital.
procedures. That being said, IHG and our through our mobile booking app or cloud-
Whether we franchise or manage hotels is franchised hotels are committed to based hotel solutions. Our distribution channels
largely determined by market maturity, owner delivering a consistent brand experience, (booking sites and call centres through which
preference and, in certain cases, the particular conducting business responsibly and hotel rooms are marketed and booked) allow
brand. For instance, in more developed delivering our purpose of providing True hotel owners to reach potential guests at
markets such as the US and Europe, over 90% Hospitality for everyone. See page 28 for lower costs of sale, with the proportion of
of IHG hotels are franchised. These hotels more information. revenue from rooms booked through IHG’s
tend to be limited service. By contrast, in direct and indirect channels having steadily
emerging markets such as Greater China over IHG owner proposition increased over the last few years.
80% of IHG hotels are managed by IHG, where We focus on ensuring our brand portfolio,
Our investments in development resources
we look after the day-to-day running of the loyalty proposition, systems and expertise
has meant that we can provide outstanding
hotel on behalf of the owner. These hotels provide a rich and distinctive offer that stands
operational support to owners. We have
tend to be full service. out to consumers and is attractive to owners.
embedded new processes to help reduce
Over time, we expect the Chinese market to To keep our brands relevant to guests and the time taken from hotel signing to ground
move towards a franchised model. We evolving trends, we commit to developing our break and opening. Our hotels also have
successfully launched the first tailored established brands with new designs, service access to a suite of applications designed to
franchised offer for Holiday Inn Express® in enhancements and operational support that help them manage and improve
2016, and have since extended this to drive demand and returns, and keeps True performance, with the aim of further
include Holiday Inn® and Crowne Plaza®. Hospitality at the heart of our offer. boosting returns.
Excludes System Fund results, hotel cost reimbursements and exceptional items.
Definitions for Non-GAAP measures can be found on pages 55 to 59. The reconciliation for fee margin can be found on page 216.
The margin for owned, leased and managed lease is calculated from the results related to owned, leased and managed lease included within reportable segments (see page 214
revenue of $573m and operating profit of $52m).
IHG | Annual Report and Form 20-F 2019 | Strategic Report | Our business model 11
Strategic Report
Our asset-light business model is highly Our priorities for the uses of cash are
cash generative and enables us to invest in consistent with previous years and
our brands and strengthen our enterprise. comprise of three pillars:
We have a disciplined approach to capital
allocation which ensures that the business
is appropriately invested in, whilst Capital investments net ($m)
maintaining an efficient balance sheet.
225 211
Beyond this, we look to return surplus cash
to shareholders through ordinary and special 175 166
dividends and share buybacks. 150
Our objective is to maintain an investment- 100
grade credit rating. One of the measures
Invest in the business to 50
we use to monitor this is net debt: EBITDA 25
and we aim for a ratio of 2.5-3.0x. This drive growth 0
-25 2018a 2019
is equivalent to our previous guidance Through strategic investments and our
of 2.0-2.5x before the adoption of day-to-day capital expenditures, we Maintenance capex, key money and
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’. continue to drive growth. selective investments
System Fund capital investments
Dividend policy Recyclable investments
The Board consistently reviews the Group’s
approach to capital allocation and seeks to
maintain an efficient balance sheet and Ordinary dividend progression (�)
investment-grade credit rating. IHG has a
progressive dividend policy and an excellent 120
track record of returning funds to
shareholders through ordinary and special
dividends, and share buybacks, with the 80 11% CAGR
ordinary dividend seeing 11% CAGR since
Directors take into account the long-term IHG has a progressive dividend policy
2008 12 29
2006 10 26
2005 8 19
2004 8 19
2003 7 17
2018 36
2013 23
2015 28
2014 25
2011 16
2010 13
2012 21
2009 12
The Company looks to ensure that any dividend per ordinary share each year.
eturn surplus funds
to shareholders
In January 2019, we paid a $500m
capital return to shareholders via a
special dividend and share Asset Operational Total
consolidation. disposals cash flows
The 2018 comparatives have been restated to reflect the adoption of IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
Maintenance capital expenditure, key Maintenance capital expenditure is Examples of maintenance spend include
money and selective investment to devoted to the maintenance of our maintenance of our offices, systems
access strategic growth. systems and corporate offices along with and our owned, leased and managed
our owned, leased and managed lease lease hotels.
Examples of key money include
Key money is expenditure used to access investments to secure representation
strategic opportunities, particularly in for our brands in prime city locations.
high-quality and sought-after locations
when returns are financially and/or
strategically attractive.
System Fund capital investments for The development of tools and systems Recently, we rolled out our new
strategic investment to drive growth that hotels use to drive performance. pioneering cloud-based Guest
at hotel level. This is charged back to the System Fund Reservation System (GRS), one of IHG
over the life of the asset. Concerto’s comprehensive set of
capabilities, which we developed with
Amadeus (see page 224). In addition,
during the year we made a strategic
investment, alongside other large hotel
companies, in Groups360 to create an
online sourcing and booking solution
for meetings.
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