CS490 Advtopics Bese7 - PDF
CS490 Advtopics Bese7 - PDF
CS490 Advtopics Bese7 - PDF
Course Description:
Deep Networks have revolutionized computer vision, speech recognition and language translation. They have
growing impact in many areas of science and engineering. This course aims to cover the basics of Deep
Learning and some of the underlying theory with a particular focus on supervised Deep Learning, with a good
coverage of unsupervised methods.
Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
OHT-1: 15%
OHT-2: 15%
End Semester Exam: 40%
Project 10%
Total : 100 %
To be filled in at the end of the course.
Text Book: 1. Deep Learning by Ian Good Fellow, Y Bengio, G Hinton
Reference 1. Deep learing with Python by F Chollet
Lecture Breakdown:
Week No. Topics Remarks
1 Deep learning Introduction
2 Artificial Neural Network – Perceptron, loss minimization
3 Artificial Neural Network – Backpropagation, Gradient Descent, Implementation
ANN using PyTorch, Training ANNs
4 Convolutional Neural Network – Visual Recognition, Filtering, Conv and Pooling
Layers, fully connected layer
5 Convolutional Neural Network – Famous CNN architectures
6 OHT-1
7 Object Detection and Segmentation
8 Semantic Segmentation, Instance Segmentation
9 Sequence Modeling, LSTM
10 Natural Language Processing, word embedding
11 Transformer, Attention Models
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Software Engineering
12 OHT-2
13 Generative Adversarial Networks
14 Autoencoder, Variational Autoencoders
15 Semester Project
16 Semester Project
18 ESE
Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes will be unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The question framed is to
test the concepts involved in last few lectures. Number of quizzes that will be used for
evaluation is at the instructor’s discretion.
Assignment Policy: In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be given.
Late assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count towards the total
(No ‘best-of’ policy). The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of
assignments is highly discouraged and violations will be dealt with severely by referring any
occurrences to the disciplinary committee. The questions in the assignment are meant to be
challenging to give students confidence and extensive knowledge about the subject matter
and enable them to prepare for the exams.
Lab Conduct: The labs will be conducted for three hours every week. A lab handout will be given in advance
for study and analysis The lab handouts will also be placed on LMS. The students are to
submit their results by giving a lab report at the end of lab for evaluation. One lab report per
group will be required. However, students will also be evaluated by oral viva during the lab.
Plagiarism: SEECS maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. While collaboration in this course
is highly encouraged, you must ensure that you do not claim other people’s work/ ideas as
your own. Plagiarism occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures, images,
programming codes of others are presented as your own work. You must cite and
acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Failing to comply with the SEECS
plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments and referral
to the academic coordination office for disciplinary action.
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Software Engineering
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