Chetan Bhagat: Ordinary Original Civil Juricdiction Civil Suit No. 319 of 2012
Chetan Bhagat: Ordinary Original Civil Juricdiction Civil Suit No. 319 of 2012
Chetan Bhagat: Ordinary Original Civil Juricdiction Civil Suit No. 319 of 2012
I.A. No – 3
The Applicant abovementioned most respectfully submits as herein under: -
ii) As the matter of facts, the entire case can be decided on merit via discovery by
iii) Therefore, the applicant requests that the opponent may be ordered to admit or to
deny on oath the document list and the question list which is to submitted by the
iv) That, the reason behind filing this application is to save the expenses by enabling
the applicant to obtain from the opponent necessary and relevant information to
the issues in the dispute between the parties and to obtain admissions on the facts
v) That, all the details relating the interrogatories and the list of the questions will be
submitted to the court by the applicant after once the court passes this order of
vi) That, the present filed application should be passed in the interest of the justice
and as the court thinks fit as this order can either play major part to support the
vii) That, under Rule-1 of Order-11 CPC a party is given the power to interrogate his
opposite party with a view to discover what case he has to meet and facts to relied
viii) That, if the present application is permitted by this Hon’ble Court, the time for
concluding following trial would be cut short and will also save the expenses of
the litigants.
In the light of the above, the applicant in the above matter most respectfully and
humbly prays that this Hon’ble court under the circumstances that the Interrogatories
application may kindly accepted and allow the applicant to put the Interrogatories
List of Questions
Hirani, for the examination of the above-named Opponent (Plaintiff) Mr. Chetan
1. What are the exact similarities between the script of the play and the film?
2. Was the plaintiff not given compensation for the entire six months he worked
3. If you contend that the defendant has committed fraud and misused your
playwright without your permission, present the circumstances which state the
4. Was the plaintiff not given compensation for the credit of the original script?
5. Identify every representation that you contend is false or misleading that the
Defendants expressly made in their statements and state the basis of your
6. Did any kind of contact that had taken place between you and the defendant
that had taken place after you came to know about the fraud.
interrogatories numbered 1 to 7.
Date – 20th June 2012 Sahil Shah