Construction and Building Materials: P.H.L.C. Ribeiro, G.R. Meira, P.R.R. Ferreira, N. Perazzo
Construction and Building Materials: P.H.L.C. Ribeiro, G.R. Meira, P.R.R. Ferreira, N. Perazzo
Construction and Building Materials: P.H.L.C. Ribeiro, G.R. Meira, P.R.R. Ferreira, N. Perazzo
h i g h l i g h t s
" Pozzolanic addition means more total charge demanded for the treatment.
" Increasing concrete cover thickness will increase total charge for realkalisation.
" Lower water to cement ratio means more total charge demanded for the treatment.
" Reinforcement repassivation can be seen by corrosion potential measurements.
" More charge demanded for realkalisation means a shorter time for repassivation.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This work studies the influence of concrete characteristics, such as cement type and water to cement
Received 22 May 2012 ratio, and concrete cover thickness on the electrochemical realkalisation of carbonated concretes. Results
Received in revised form 6 September 2012 show the treatment efficiency for recovering concrete alkalinity. More time and total electrical charge
Accepted 23 September 2012
passed are demanded in proportion as water to cement ratio decrease, concrete cover thickness increase
Available online 6 December 2012
and when concrete has lower alkalinity reserve. The tendency of reinforcement reaching passive condi-
tion is observed by corrosion potential measurements. For this variable, concretes that demand more
charge and time for realkalisation reach the passive condition in a shorter time. Corrosion current density
shows a decrease tendency over time and, although not reaching the level that represents passive condi-
Electrochemical realkalisation tion in most of the cases, it was not far from this reference.
Repassivation Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290 281
On the other hand, the effectiveness of the treatment in repass- At the anode region, hydroxyl ions are oxidised or water is elec-
ivating the reinforcement has been questioned [28,29] and, trolysed, as described in Eqs. (3) and (4) [5], which decreases pH
although some work is being carried out on this specific topic level in this region.
[30], there is still not a consensus and more research is necessary.
Moreover, the influence of material or structure characteristics on 2OH ! 1=2O2 þ H2 O þ 2e ð3Þ
the method behaviour and its final results was studied at a lower
level [30,31]. 2H2 O ! O2 þ 4Hþ þ 4e ð4Þ
Taking into account this gap in knowledge, this work studies the
influence of cement type, water to cement ratio and reinforcement The water electrolysis increases the OH concentration close to
concrete cover on electrochemical realkalisation of carbonated the reinforcement surface and pH reaches a level close to 14 just
concretes and its efficiency on repassivation of reinforcements. after the treatment. In time, pH rises for levels that, theoretically,
are still enough for the steel reinforcement to reach the passive
condition [11]. As hydroxide ions are negatively charged, they
2. Fundamentals of electrochemical realkalisation
move towards the anode, as well as Na+ ions move towards the
cathode. Considering the differences on ion transport numbers,
In the electrochemical realkalisation treatment, an external
about 20% of alkalinity generated in cathode surroundings remains
power supply is connected to the reinforcement (cathode) and to
in this region [8].
an auxiliary anode embedded in an external electrolyte (Fig. 1).
Taking into account that water electrolysis is the main phenom-
The auxiliary anode is usually made of inert titanium mesh and so-
enon involved, the total charge passed is the variable that strongly
dium carbonate solution is the most common electrolyte. An elec-
influences realkalisation [19]. The number of hydroxides generated
trical current density between 0.8 and 2 A/m2 in respect to
nearby the reinforcement is a consequence of the applied current
concrete surface is applied to the system for a few days [5], until
during the treatment. It means that, the longer the treatment, more
the concrete cover is realkalised.
hydroxides are generated and higher alkalinity levels are reached
Material realkalisation takes place by hydroxyl generation
at surrounding reinforcement region.
around the steel reinforcement due to water electrolysis, as de-
Although electro-osmosis is claimed to transport carbonates to-
scribed in Eqs. (1) and (2) [10] and it is helped by electro-osmosis
wards the reinforcement and play an important role in realkalisa-
of electrolyte solution [9,11–14]. Additional mass transport by cap-
tion process [13], some works did not observe this kind of mass
illary absorption can take place in specific cases where the sub-
transport [27]. With regards to the contribution of electro-osmotic
strate is not saturated, but this effect is usually bordered to
flux, the alkaline solution moves from the external anode region to
concrete surface [8]. Mass transport by diffusion can take place,
the cathode region through the concrete pores network [9,12]. This
but it is usually neglected due to its low influence in this process
flux depends on the electrical field applied, but it is mainly influ-
[9]. As an electrical field is on, electro-migration of ions also take
enced by the zeta-potential [11], which is continuously changing
part, making ions move according to their electrical polarity. All
due to the changes of species in the aqueous phase and consequent
these mechanisms are represented in Fig. 1.
changes of the electrical double layer in the walls of the pores [13].
1=2O2 þ H2 O þ 2e ! 2OH ð1Þ Thus, these conditions need to be favourable for the electro-osmo-
tic flux to happen at a significant level.
2H2 O þ 2e ! 2OH þ H2" ð2Þ Concerning the realkalisation treatment, an important point
would be to know when the realkalisation system can be turned
off based on total charge passed or treatment time. Values between After identifying reinforcement depassivation, specimens were removed from
the carbonation chamber, were saturated by immersion in deionised water until
200 and 450 A h/m2 have been reported in literature [32], which
mass stabilisation, which took a maximum period of 7 days. Then, the specimens
means a period between 8 and 18 days for a current density of were subjected to electrochemical realkalisation treatment. The saturation proce-
1 A/m2 related to concrete surface. However, as these values also dure was adopted to avoid the wicking effect during the treatment.
depend on aspects related to material and structure characteristics,
they can vary in the long term, as discussed in the present work.
3.3. Realkalisation procedures
For realkalisation treatment, an electrical field was generated between the rein-
3. Experimental work forcement (cathode) and an external anode attached to the concrete surface using a
power supply, which was continuously controlled to produce an average cathodic
3.1. Casting and curing concrete specimens
current density of 2 A/m2 in respect to the exposed concrete surface. In this
arrangement, the anodes were made of activated titanium mesh placed on the sur-
Prismatic concrete specimens with 8 8 8 cm were cast using Brazilian Port-
face of the specimen and the electrolyte was a sodium carbonate (NaCO3) 1 M solu-
land Cements V (high early strength Portland cement – ASTM Type III) and IV (Port- tion, in a similar arrangement as the one presented in Fig. 1.
land pozzolan cement – ASTM Type IP), which physical and chemical characteristics The option for this level of current density and sodium carbonate based electro-
are presented in Table 1 as cements I and II, respectively. In this case, the commer- lyte was a consequence of experiences presented in some previous papers
cial Portland pozzolan cement used incorporated calcined clay as pozzolan addition [5,9,15,19], which show the efficiency of this arrangement without significant risks
in its composition. Water to cement ratios were set at 0.55 and 0.65, comprising to change concrete microstructure.
concrete mixtures and properties presented in Table 2. Coarse aggregate and sand
Based on this set up and on electrical current and potential difference measure-
had 9.5 mm and 4.8 mm maximum diameter, respectively.
ments directly obtained on this circuit to monitor the target current density, it was
Two reinforcement bars with 6.3 mm diameter and 10 cm length were embed- possible to obtain the ohmic resistance of the system. This helped on visualising the
ded in each specimen and were placed respecting 1 or 2.5 cm of concrete cover high initial resistance of the system and its gradual decrease due to the ionic flux
(Fig. 2), comprising the specimens characteristics and codes presented in Table 3. increase.
The option of embedding two bars in each specimen was to consider an arrange-
ment that can take place in field applications. Two reinforced concrete specimens
were cast for each experimental condition. Reinforcements were previously cleaned
3.4. Alkalinity monitoring
by mechanically brushing their surfaces until removing any previous surface oxida-
tion products. Afterwards, these bars had their extremities covered with an insulat-
The system arrangement for the treatment was turned on until the concrete
ing tape, delimiting an intermediate constant exposing area of 6 cm2 (Fig. 2).
reinforcement cover was completely realkalised. This was monitored in two dupli-
Duplicate reinforced specimens were cast to monitor realkalisation of concrete cov-
cate specimens cast with this objective. These specimens were periodically (up to
er as described in Section 3.4.
five times during the treatment period) sliced close to the reinforcements
Furthermore, additional non-reinforced cylindrical specimens (10 20 cm)
(Fig. 3a) using a diamond-based tool under a dry cutting process. This was done ini-
were cast to monitor carbonation front advance during accelerated carbonation
tially after approximately 24 h and 90 h of treatment for more and less porous con-
procedures. All specimens were cured in a wet chamber for 7 days, to represent a
cretes, respectively, and it was followed at shorter intervals of time depending on
condition closer to field applications, and remained in laboratory environment until
the alkalinity advance in the previous measurement. After being sliced, the speci-
completing 180 days, when it is expected that the concrete reach a more stable
mens had their surfaces cleaned with high pressure air jets and then, a 1% thy-
microstructure. During this period, they were covered by a plastic film to avoid
molphthalein solution was sprayed on them as a pH indicator (Fig. 3b). This
early carbonation.
colorimetric indicator becomes blue for pH above and around 10.5 and colourless
for lower values of pH, showing the region where concrete alkalinity was recovered.
Taking into account the blue area indicated by the phenolphthalein solution and
3.2. Accelerated carbonation the previous carbonated area, considering the area in front of the exposed reinforce-
ment length as shown in Fig. 3b, it was possible to monitor the realkalisation ad-
After this initial period of 180 days, the specimens were subjected to acceler- vance in the concrete cover region by means of the ratio between the realkalised
ated carbonation in a saturated carbonation chamber under 75 ± 5% of relative area and the previous carbonated area. This ratio was expressed as a realkalised
humidity and 28.5 ± 1 °C of temperature. The usual accelerated carbonation condi- fraction of the total carbonated area in the cover region. Digital images captured
tions reported in literature with CO2 concentrations below 10% and relative humid- from sliced surfaces obtained for each alkalinity analysis were used for this purpose,
ity between 50% and 65% [33] could not be adopted in this case. During this as represented in Fig 3b.
carbonation period, sacrificial non-reinforced concrete specimens (cylinders) were Complementary pH analyses were also carried out using the following proce-
used to monitor the carbonation front advance. This was done by means of a phe- dures. When all the concrete cover was realkalised and thus the treatment was fin-
nolphthalein test, which is based on a pH indicator (1% phenolphthalein solution) ished, the specimens were broken and samples close to the reinforcement were
that becomes dark pink in environments with pH higher than nine and colourless collected using a diamond-based tool. These samples represent an 8 mm thickness
for lower values of pH. The carbonation front was verified on 1 cm slices cut per- layer nearby the reinforcement surface and were collected for reference (REF), car-
pendicularly to cylinder axis. bonated (CARB) and realkalised (REA) specimens. Additionally, similar samples
Simultaneously to carbonation front advance monitoring, electrochemical mea- were also extracted at three different depth bands (0–8; 8–16 and 16–25 mm with
surements were taken to identify reinforcement depassivation. This was indicated respect to concrete surface) for specimens with 25 mm concrete cover thickness.
by corrosion potentials more electronegative than 350 mV (CSE – copper sulphate After being extracted, these samples were crushed to small pieces (about 2 mm)
electrode) [34] and corrosion current density higher than 0.1 lA/cm2 [35] as com- and were immersed in deionised water for 24 h respecting the 1/1 ratio and stored
mented in Section 3.3. in an atmosphere with nitrogen to avoid further carbonation. After this period, it
was assumed that the medium was close to the equilibrium and the resultant solu-
tion was used to analyse the hydroxide concentration and, consequently, the pH of
Table 1 this equilibrium solution. This extraction procedure is similar to that described by
Chemical composition and physical properties of cements. Castellote et al. [36]. No further mathematical data treatment was adopted to fit
pore-pressing condition as proposed in the same work [36] due to its limited vali-
Composition/property Cement I Cement II
dation. It is clear that this equilibrium solution does not accurately represent the
SO3 (%) 3.19 2.69 concrete porous network solution, but in some way it represents a ‘‘potential’’ alka-
SiO2 (%) 18.96 25.75 linity of the samples and thus it was used only for comparative analysis, in a similar
Al2O3 (%) 3.92 5.44 way to other previous works [37,38].
Fe2O3 (%) 2.95 2.44
CaO (%) 61.06 51.56
MgO (%) 3.08 4.51 3.5. Electrochemical measurements
Na2O (%) 0.15 0.23
K2O (%) 1.03 1.86 Electrochemical measurements were carried out during the carbonation and
Insoluble residue – IR (%) 0.67 16.81 electrochemical realkalisation periods. This was done on single measurements of
Loss on ignition – Li (%) 1.15 4.47 open circuit corrosion potential (Ecorr) and instantaneous corrosion current density
Free CaO 2.96 1.13 (icorr) measurements. A potentiostat, model VMP3 from PAR (Priceton Applied Re-
Blaine (cm2/g) 4020 4670 search), was used to perform these measurements. Linear polarisation technique
Specific density (g/cm3) 3.14 2.97 was used for corrosion measurements. A potential difference of ±10 mV with re-
spect to the free corrosion potential and a scanning rate of 0.17 mV/s were applied.
P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290 283
Table 2
Concrete mixtures and properties.
Concrete C1 C2 C3 C4
Cement type I I II II
Cement (kg/m3) 362 349 360 347
Sand (kg/m3) – maximum diameter 4.8 mm 858 828 853 823
Coarse aggregate (kg/m3) – maximum diameter 9.5 mm 934 902 928 896
Plasticiser (kg/m3) 1.77 – 3.51 –
w/c ratio 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.65
Slump (cm) 6 16 5 9
Compressive strength (MPa) – 90 days 40.2 36.3 28.9 22.3
Absorption (%) 3.14 4.62 4.52 5.67
Water porosity (%) 7.11 10.21 10.04 12.32
Density (g/cm3) 2.26 2.21 2.22 2.17
Table 3 The ohmic drop was compensated and the icorr values were obtained by Stern and
Specimen codes. Geary equation [39]. The measurements set up used a copper sulphate electrode
Concrete Reinforcement concrete cover (mm) Specimen code (CSE) as reference electrode and a stainless steel plate as a counter electrode (Fig. 4).
Regarding electrochemical measurements to indicate reinforcement depassiva-
C1 10 C1/10 tion, this work accepted that icorr values higher than 0.1 lA/cm2 indicate metal
C2 10 C2/10 depassivation, as well as Ecorr values more electronegative than 350 mV (CSE)
25 C2/25 [34,35]. This electrochemical monitoring was continued during 1 year after the
C3 10 C3/10 realkalisation treatment was over. Throughout this period, the specimens were pro-
C4 10 C4/10 tected with a plastic film and stored in a laboratory environment to avoid further
25 C4/25 carbonation.
Fig. 3. Evaluation of the realkalised area – specimen cutting (a) and comparison of areas (b).
284 P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290
4. Results and discussion are presented in Fig. 6, which shows the relationship between total
charge passed (in respect to concrete surface) and realkalised frac-
4.1. Ohmic resistance of the system tion of the total carbonated area in the cover region, as described in
Section 3.4.
The ohmic resistance of the system (reinforcement (cathode)– Results show that concretes made with Portland pozzolan ce-
concrete–electrolyte–anode) was obtained from electrical current ment (C3, C4) required more charge to complete concrete realkali-
and voltage measurements and it is represented in Fig. 5. It can sation. It could be expected that, as these concretes presented
be seen that ohmic resistance starts at high levels but tends to de- higher porosity (Table 2) and lower ohmic resistance, less charge
crease during the treatment. As carbonated concretes usually have would be necessary. However, it did not happen and concretes
higher resistivity [11] and ionic flux is starting, these high values with pozzolanic addition were harder to be realkalised.
are expected. As time goes by, the ionic flux increases as well as To explain this behaviour, two aspects may be taken into ac-
the electrical current, which contributes to lower resistance values. count. First, as concretes made with pozzolan cement have less
The ohmic resistance increases for lower w/c ratio concretes alkalinity reserve due to the portladite consumption in pozzolanic
and for concretes made with cement I (C1, C2). This is related to reactions, they tend to reach lower levels of alkalinity after carbon-
the lower porosity levels observed (Table 2), which makes ionic ation (see Section 4.4). Thus, comparing concretes without mineral
transport in cover layers of concrete during the treatment more additions (C1, C2) with those that use Portland pozzolan cement
difficult. In a similar way, specimens with thicker concrete cover (C3, C4), the last ones need more total electrical charge passed to
also present higher ohmic resistance of the system, due to its thick- complete the realkalisation of a same thickness of concrete cover.
er barrier to ionic transport. This makes resistance data for Furthermore, as more total charge passed is demanded as a conse-
arrangements with specimens with 25 mm concrete cover thick- quence of the first aspect, more hydrogen cations are generated in
ness higher than those with thinner covers for measurements after the anodic region, which contributes to neutralise some of the
stabilisation (see data after 70 h in Fig. 5). hydroxides produced at the cathode region.
The influence of w/c can be observed in Fig. 6. Comparing con-
cretes C1 and C2, it can be seen that concrete C1 need
4.2. Total electrical charge passed for completing realkalisation 330 A h=m2concrete to complete realkalisation, in proportion as con-
crete C2 need 240 A h=m2concrete , which means an additional charge
The total charge capable to realkalise carbonated concrete cover of 90 A h=m2concrete when w/c changed from 0.65 (C2) to 0.5 (C1). As
was monitored by multiplying current density and time. Results
Fig. 5. Ohmic resistance of the system during the treatment. Fig. 6. Progress of the realkalised fraction as a function of the total charge passed.
P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290 285
commented by Bertolini et al. [27], concretes with lower w/c need concrete alkalinity, as observed in previous works [15,19,27]. On
a higher total charge passed to complete the treatment and thus, the other hand, it can also be noticed the influence of the cement
under the same current density, the treatment takes longer to real- type. Both concretes C3 and C4 presented lower values for REF,
kalise a given concrete cover thickness. In the case of concretes C3 CARB and REA specimens. This can be explained by its lower alka-
and C4, there is a similar behaviour with a difference of about line reserve (see Fig. 9, reference samples), which makes them
50 A h/m2. reach lower levels of alkalinity during carbonation and after
Concretes with higher reinforcement cover thickness need more realkalisation.
charge passed to complete realkalisation. Although this seems to There are also differences of alkalinity between specimens made
be an obvious aspect, it was not measured in previous papers. It with the same concrete mixture and different reinforcement con-
was necessary to change total charge passed from 240 to crete covers (C2/10, C2/25 and C4/10, C4/25). These differences
400 A h=m2concrete when increasing reinforcement concrete cover can be related to the skin effect for REF and CARB specimens, which
from 1 to 2.5 cm for concrete C2, which means an increase of more leads to differences on concrete microstructure in outer layers and
than 66% in total charge. For concrete C4, it took place in a similar also makes the carbonation of this concrete region easier. Further-
way. The total charge increased from 310 to 500 A h=m2concrete , more, for REA specimens, the higher total charge demanded to real-
which means an increase of more than 61%. This is related to the kalise a thicker reinforcement concrete cover generates more OH
amount of OH ions that need to be generated to realkalise the ions at the reinforcement surrounding region (see Section 4.2).
whole concrete cover thickness. Fig. 10 shows average relative alkalinities at three different
depth bands for concrete specimens C2/25 and C4/25, in a similar
4.3. Visual monitoring of realkalisation front advance way as Fig. 9. These depth bands are related to concrete surface
distance (0–8 mm, 8–16 mm and 16–25 mm). The efficiency of
Fig. 7 shows the advance of the realkalised fraction in concrete the treatment for recovering concrete alkalinity can be noticed
cover region during the treatment based on digital images, as de- even at layers close to concrete surface. However, the alkalinity
scribed in Section 3.4. C4/25 specimen was taken as reference to nearby the reinforcement, after the treatment, is a bit higher than
this purpose. By Fig. 7, it can be clearly seen that the realkalisation that observed at the outer layers for C2/25 specimen. This behav-
process started near to the reinforcement and progressively ad- iour is in accordance with a process that starts at reinforcement le-
vanced towards the concrete surface. This indicates that water vel and progressively advances towards the specimen surface (see
electrolysis in the cathode region was the main phenomenon in- Fig. 7).
volved in concrete cover realkalisation in this experiment. It is also
noticed that the treatment increases concrete alkalinity in the 4.5. Electrochemical parameters and tendency of reaching passive
whole concrete cover, including the layers close to the concrete condition
surface. This behaviour was observed for all studied concretes
and confirmed the efficiency of electrochemical realkalisation Figs. 11 and 12 show the comparative behaviour of corrosion
treatment. potential (Fig. 11) and corrosion current density measurements
Fig. 8 compares the realkalised fraction of concrete specimens (Fig. 12) during the experiment, considering REF, CARB, REA spec-
made with the different cements used in this work and shows that, imens and the classification ranges for these variables regarding
for a similar total charge passed (about 350 A h=m2concrete ), the spec- the corrosion process. This classification is based on ASTM C-876
imen made with cement I present higher realkalised fraction, [34] and in previous published papers [35].
which corroborates the point that Pozzolan cement-based speci- Before starting realkalisation procedures, depassivated rein-
mens reached lower levels alkalinity during carbonation and need forcements presented corrosion potentials ranging between 535
more charge to restore a similar level of alkalinity. and 640 mV (CSE) due to carbonation and saturation of concrete
specimens. At the end of the treatment, corrosion potential drops
4.4. Relative alkalinity changes due to the treatment to strongly negative values due to the imposed polarisation. How-
ever, these potentials gradually become less electronegative reach-
Additional alkalinity measurements were carried out aiming to ing values close to 250 mV (CSE) 1 month after finishing the
help on the identification of concrete alkalinity changes nearby the treatment and close to 200 mV (CSE) after 2 months. After
reinforcement and in the outer layers. Reference (REF), carbonated 6 months, almost all the bars presented potentials less electroneg-
(CARB) and realkalised (REA) concrete specimens were considered ative than 200 mV (CSE).
for this purpose. By corrosion potential measurements, it is possible to see a ten-
Fig. 9 compares the alkalinity of concrete samples extracted dency of reinforcement reaching the passive condition. This ten-
nearby the reinforcement for REF, CARB and REA specimens. In dency is clearly seen 6 months after the end of the treatment.
the last case, samples were extracted 30 days after the treatment Before this period, there are still some values in the zone of uncer-
with the objective of representing a more stable condition, regard- tain corrosion (Fig. 11).
ing the polarisation applied during the electrochemical realkalisa- Considering the corrosion current density, the reinforcements
tion and the chemical equilibrium nearby the reinforcement. As pH presented values between 0.6 and 14 lA/cm2 after concrete car-
measurements taken from the water equilibrium samples (Sec- bonation and saturation. These values increased during the treat-
tion 3.2) may not accurately represent the pH in concrete solution ment due to the imposed polarisation, but started to decrease
porous network, but helps on relative analysis, the relative alkalin- just after turning off the system. It presented some fluctuation dur-
ity was adopted in this approach. Two samples were taken for each ing the depolarisation period and only 1 year after the treatment
analysed condition and the average of each pair of samples was ex- the corrosion current indicated a tendency of stabilisation of its
pressed as a relative alkalinity value in terms of the highest aver- values. Measurements after 6 months were not taken due to a
age pH value observed among all the analysed conditions, which potentiostat fault at that time.
was 13.4. Fig. 12 shows that, although only some bars presented values
For all studied concretes, specimens subjected to electrochemi- below 0.1 lA/cm2, which indicates the passive condition, most of
cal realkalisation presented higher alkalinity than carbonated the bars reached the low corrosion current level after 12 months
specimens and quite close to the alkalinity of reference specimens. (6-month measurements were not taken for this variable as previ-
This shows the efficiency of the treatment in recovering the ously explained). This implies in current values significantly lower,
286 P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290
Fig. 7. Visual monitoring of realkalisation front advance during the treatment (case of the C4/25 specimen) – 88.5 h (a); 123.5 h (b); 142 h (c); 183.5 h (d) and 207.5 h (e).
which means a metal dissolution rate significantly lower and, con- of corrosion products were found on steel surface after breaking
sequently, a longer residual service life. On the other hand, a ten- these same specimens, which indicates that this kind of measure-
dency of reaching values even lower throughout time is not ment could not be suitable for monitoring the effectiveness of steel
rejected. repassivation. However, this aspect is not still a consensus [40].
Similar behaviour about corrosion current measurements after The lack of an effective electro-osmotic flux has been reported as
realkalisation treatment was observed in literature [30]. Concern- the reason for not reaching the effectiveness of reinforcement
ing this aspect, Redaelli and Bertolini [30] found that although cor- repassivation in some cases [40]. Considering the present work,
rosion current density obtained by potentiostatic tests significantly the electro-osmotic flux was not clearly observed, but the levels
decreased over time they do not match the condition of passive of corrosion current density even not being enough to reach the
steel in alkaline media. On the other hand, no significant amounts passive condition in most cases, were quite close to this reference.
P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290 287
C2/25 C4/25
Cathode Cathode
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Differences on realkalised fraction for specimens made with cements I and II and subjected to a similar total charge passed.
Fig. 9. Relative alkalinity nearby the reinforcement for reference (REF), carbonated
Fig. 11. Comparative corrosion potential for reference (REF), carbonated (CARB)
(CARB) and realkalised (REA) concrete specimens.
and realkalised (REA) concrete specimens.
Fig. 12. Comparative corrosion current density for reference (REF), carbonated (CARB) and realkalised (REA) concrete specimens.
(a) (d)
(b) (e)
(c) (f)
Fig. 13. Assessment of depolarisation time by means of corrosion potential.
P.H.L.C. Ribeiro et al. / Construction and Building Materials 40 (2013) 280–290 289
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