Goblin Teeth Print and Play
Goblin Teeth Print and Play
Goblin Teeth Print and Play
You will need to provide 3 dice per player (all of a player’s dice should be the same color, and
each player needs a different color).
You will also need a starting player token of some kind. Ideally, a tooth from a real-life goblin. If
you can’t find one, a dwarf, gnome, imp, or kobold will do.
CHEAT cards - these look like this ^ OFFERING cards - these look like this ^
Lastly, the 6-ITEM OFFERING card, the Altar, and reference cards. These look like this:
In the final game, these will be two mats, which you place at opposite ends of the table.
If possible, sleeve the CHEAT and ITEM cards (or print them on something thick so you can’t
tell what they are from the back). If you can’t, just pretend you can’t see through the cards while
playing. All CHEAT and ITEM cards should have the same back; you hold them together in your
hand while playing, and it shouldn’t be obvious how many you have of each.
That’s it! You should now be ready to play. :)
Goblin Teeth
A 20-minute dice bidding game for 2-5 players
by Frank Tedeschi
In deep dark we live. It cold, it damp, but home to fancy emerald, yummy worms, and other
lovely shiny bits. Big Boss say first goblin who collect set of shiny bits is BEST goblin. All goblin
want help Big Boss. Me know goblin secret though. Best goblin always get what Big Boss want,
because best goblin always cheat!
Be the first goblin to collect a specific combination of items.
● 31 Item cards •15 dice (3 in each of 5 colors)
● 30 Cheat cards (21 Action, 9 Ongoing) •First player token
● 1 Altar card •1 6-Item Offering Card
● 10 Offering cards (5 A, 5 B)
1) Separate the Item and Cheat cards into 2
separate decks. Shuffle each deck, and place them
face-down at opposite ends of the table.
2) Place the 6-Item Offering card beside the
Item deck. To its right, place an A card. Beside
that, place a B card. Return all other Offering cards
to the box; they will not be used this game.
3) Place the Altar card beside the Cheat deck.
4) Each player chooses a color and rolls the 3
dice of that color. This will be your roll for the first
5) Each player draws 1 Cheat card into their
hand and takes a reference card.
6) The player with the highest sum of dice
goes first and takes the first player token.
In the case of a tie, the tallest player goes first.
Setup for a
2-player game
Goblin Teeth is played over a series of rounds. Each round, players bid on Items with dice,
using Cheat cards from their hand to gain advantages and confound the other players. The
round ends when all players have placed all of their dice, and each Item is awarded to the
player who bid the most for it.
If, at the end of a round, a player has acquired all of the Items to complete any one of the
3 Offering cards (6-Item, A, or B), the game ends and they win!
? on an Offering card can be fulfilled by any Item. ?=? must be any 2 Items of the same type.
At the start of each round, deal 1 item from the top of the deck face-down in the center of the
table to start the Pot. Then, reveal Items from the top of the deck and place them face-up in a
row next to the hidden Item, until the number of cards in the Pot (including the hidden Item) is
equal to the number of players.
All players then roll all 3 of their dice. The result is what they have available to bid for the round.
If a player rolls 3 dice with the same value, they must reroll 1 of them until it has a different
Taking Turns:
Players take turns in clockwise order, beginning with the first player. On your turn:
● You MAY play any number of Cheat cards from your hand; then
● You MUST place 1 of your remaining dice on an Item in the Pot, or on the Altar.
If a player doesn’t have any dice, skip their turn. They cannot play Cheat cards.
Resolve each Cheat card fully before playing the next one. You must complete as much of the
card’s text as you are able to.
Action Cheat cards are played, then discarded face-up next to the Cheat deck.
Ongoing Cheat cards may be placed in front of any player (including yourself). “You” on
Ongoing cards always refers to the player the card is in front of. Ongoing cards remain in effect
as long as they are in front of a player.
Placing a Die:
You may either place a die as a bid on an Item in the Pot, or place it on the Altar.
Bidding on Items:
You may place a die to make a new bid on an item, or to increase your current bid. The sum of
all of your dice on an Item is your total bid for that Item.
At the end of the round, the player with the highest bid on an Item takes it into their hand. All
players get all of their dice back, including dice on the altar.
You may bid on any Item as long as your bid obeys the following rules:
1) You may NOT place a die on an Item if your total bid would be more than 10. (Goblins
can’t count that high!)
2) You may NOT place a die on an Item if it would cause a tie with another player. (Goblins
hate ties. They never wear them.)
For example: Shirley and Henry are bidding for a Goblin Tooth. Shirley currently has a 3 and a 4
on the Tooth, for a total bid of 7. Henry has a 5 on the Tooth, and it is his turn to bid.
Henry cannot place a 6 (because that would give a total of 11 and break his feeble Goblin
brain), or a 2 (because that would give a total of 7 and tie him with Shirley). He can safely bid a
5, 4, 3, or 1 - a bid of 1 is still legal, even though it wouldn’t give him the highest bid. He may be
setting himself up for next round!
Luckily Henry has a 3, which he decides to place to give himself a total of 8. His bid now beats
Shirley’s. If he still has the highest bid at the end of the round, he will take the Goblin Tooth!
The Hidden Item:
Players bid on the face-down Item the same way as other Items in the Pot. However, the player
who takes the hidden Item also gets the first player token for the next round. You do not have to
reveal the face-down item to other players when you take it.
Bidding rules apply to Cheat cards as well. If playing a Cheat card would result in a bid of more
than 10 or cause a tie, you can’t play it!
Some Cheat cards tell you to reroll a die you’ve already placed:
● If rerolling causes a tie, reroll again until you’re no longer tied.
● If rerolling gives you a bid of more than 10, set the die so that your bid is 10. If this would
cause a tie, instead set it to the highest number below 10 that won’t cause a tie.
You may always choose to place your die on the Altar, regardless of its value or how many
other dice are there. You will get it back at the start of the next round.
When you do, you may take ONE of the following Altar actions:
•Draw a Cheat card. There is no limit to the number of Cheat cards you can hold in your tiny
goblin hands. If the Cheat deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck.
•Discard all Ongoing Cheat cards in front of a player. This may be any player, including yourself.
Place the discarded cards in the Cheat discard pile.
End of Round
When the last die is placed, the round immediately ends. Each Item in the Pot is awarded to the
highest bidder. They take them into their hand, where they will hide among the Cheat cards. If
any player has all of the Items on an Offering card, the game ends and they win!
If no one has won, all players take back their dice and reset for the next round:
The player who took the face-down Item gets the first player token.
If an Item in the Pot had no bids, shuffle it back into the deck.
If the face-down Item had no bids, the current first player keeps the token.
If there is still a tie, the player with the most Goblin Teeth is the winner.
If there is still a tie, the ugliest player wins.
Advanced Play
If playing with experienced players, instead of placing Offering cards beside the 6-Item Offering
card, deal each player 1 A Offering and 1 B Offering at the start of the round. Each player
places their 2 Offerings in front of them.
Players can win by completing the Offering printed on the mat, or either of the Offering cards in
front of them.
In the event of a tie, the 6-Item Offering beats an A Offering, which beats a B Offering.
How me play again? How me play again? How me play again?
Goblin-y Rules Goblin-y Rules Goblin-y Rules
Each turn, play any number of Cheat Each turn, play any number of Cheat Each turn, play any number of Cheat
cards before you play a die. cards before you play a die. cards before you play a die.
When all players have played all dice, When all players have played all dice, When all players have played all dice,
the round is immediately over. If you the round is immediately over. If you the round is immediately over. If you
did not win an Item, draw a cheat card did not win an Item, draw a cheat card did not win an Item, draw a cheat card
When bidding: When bidding: When bidding:
1) The sum of your dice cannot cause a 1) The sum of your dice cannot cause a 1) The sum of your dice cannot cause a
tie with any other player tie with any other player tie with any other player
2) The sum of your dice cannot exceed 10 2) The sum of your dice cannot exceed 10 2) The sum of your dice cannot exceed 10
How me play again? How me play again? How many each shiny?
Goblin-y Rules Goblin-y Rules
Each turn, play any number of Cheat Each turn, play any number of Cheat
cards before you play a die. cards before you play a die.
When all players have played all dice, When all players have played all dice,
the round is immediately over. If you the round is immediately over. If you
did not win an Item, draw a cheat card did not win an Item, draw a cheat card
When bidding: When bidding:
1) The sum of your dice cannot cause a 1) The sum of your dice cannot cause a
tie with any other player tie with any other player
2) The sum of your dice cannot exceed 10 2) The sum of your dice cannot exceed 10
How many each shiny? How many each shiny? How many each shiny?
How many each shiny?
B3 B4 B5
B1 A1 A5
A4 A2 A3
The Altar
Draw a Cheat card
Discard all Ongoing cards
in front of any player
Action Action Action
Borrow Distraction Exchange
Raise any die by 1 pip. Re-roll a die belonging Discard an Item from your
Then, reduce any die by 1 pip. to another player until hand to draw an Item
it shows a different number. from the deck.
“Skeemy need to borrow this. “Sometime me reroll other goblin dice. “This card broken. Korg just take new one.”
Skeemy good for it.” But first me shout, ‘OH NO HERE COME BIG BOSS!’
Get them every time”
“Me know best. You thank later” “Come back later. Snogg thinking.” “That look fun. My turn!”
“Mazga never cheat! You have her confused “When Ziggy Longsnout no like cards, “Go look, Glob hear big boss!
for sister, Cheating Fraz.” he fake sneeze from great nose. Glob no touch dice, promise.”
Then we need draw fresh cards”
Action Action Action
Revivify Second Chance Share the Load
Take the top 3 Cheat cards from Re-roll 1 of your dice until it Draw 3 Cheat cards from the
the Cheat discard pile. Place 1 shows a different number. Cheat deck. Return 1 to the top
on top of the Cheat card deck, of the deck and give 1 to the
give 1 to the player on your player on your left.
left, and keep the last 1.
“Goblins very green. “Did Rubzy roll this one yet? “When me cheat, you cheat too.
One goblin trash is other goblin treasure.” Best roll it to be extra sure” That goblin equality at best.”
“Goblin hands are slightest hands “Tumm just showing what it look like if Tumm “Many think Torg not sneaky.
of them all!” do that. Tumm not really do that. Not yet.” That how you know Torg sneakiest of all.”
“When Flick roll bad, he feel bad. “Gornag hands very fast. Gornag switch card, “Oops, did Droop do that?”
When Flick change to better number, hope new card better. Sometimes it not.”
Flick feel good. Feel good better feel bad.”
Action Action Action
Total Re-Roll Trade Places Transposition
Reroll all of Swap one of your played dice Swap any 2 of your played dice.
your unplayed dice. with a played die belonging
to another player.
“Stinky cheese good. Stinky roll bad. Fraz fix.” “You want this one. It shiny. “Slig got confused. It dark in here.”
Me take other off your hands.”
“When goblin priest bless dice, “Borgin is all thumbs! Even toes are thumbs.” “Grun’s goblin grandma made
it make me holy roller.” Goblin God mad. Now Grun pay.”
“Mushy need get life together. “Most honorable of all goblin. “Nukk wait. Nukk got time.”
Need get on new path. Only cheat little.”
Mushy start with new roll.”
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Poisoner Polite Priest
Before placing a die on your You may not be the first to play Whenever you play a 4, 5, or 6
turn, you may give another a die onto a face-up Item. to the altar to draw a card,
player a card to reduce one of draw an additional card.
their dice by 2 pips.
“Try this. Marek make it just for you.” “Goblin etiquette very clear. Never chew with “Goblin Priest noble position. Hard work.
mouth closed. No bite neighbor’s face. Long hours. But all fish eyes you can eat.”
Wash twice a year. No more, no less.”