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Determination of nugget size in resistance projection

welding by means of numerical method and
comparison with experimental measurement

Danial Mohammad Rezaei1, Behzad Heidarshenas2, Fazel Baniasadi3*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Girne American University, Girne, N. Cyprus
Corresponding Author: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
USA, 24060, Email:


In this paper, firstly, experiments are carried out to evaluate the influence of three key
parameters including weld current, weld time and electrode force in nugget diameter and
tensile strength in projection welding. Then, a 2-D axis-symmetric finite element model is
developed to simulate the projection welding and predict the nugget diameter. Finally, the
FEM results are compared to experimental data to verify the simulation model and simulated
results. In the finite element model, the temperature-dependent material properties are taken
into account.

Keywords: Resistance projection welding; Nugget size; Maximum failure load; Welding parameter.

1. Introduction

Resistance welding process is the most significant joining process in the automobile industry
due to its high speed and suitability for automation; moreover, this process can utilize robots
with electro-hydraulic or electro-mechanical actuators with high controllability and accuracy
and thus, any new development of this welding process is closely influenced by the demand
of this industry. Welding process, in many situations, is composed of heating, melting,
solidification, and cooling but different heat source may be used such as arc, laser, torch or
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
electron beam . The electrical resistance spot welding process for joining two
materials at their common interface is a complicated interaction of electrical, thermal,
mechanical, metallurgical and surface phenomena. In this process, electrodes press against
two or more steel sheet and high amperage current is passed through the sheet-electrode

© 2018 by the author(s). Distributed under a Creative Commons CC BY license.

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system. Because of the electrical contact resistance, heat will be generated at electrode/work
piece interfaces and faying surface 7, 8, 9. The heat at the faying surface melts the work pieces
to form a nugget. To prevent melting at the electrode/work piece interface and increase the
electrode life, water is circulated in the cooling chamber of the electrode. The current
carrying zone in the sheet is determined by the region over which electrodes touch the sheet
and this, in turn, depends on the electrode force and consequent plastic flow at the sheet-
electrode interface. The complete phenomenon is thus, an electro-thermal problem which is
also influenced by plastic flow in the sheet. Coupled with this are various types of
nonlinearities present in the system. For example, thermal conductivity and bulk electrical
resistivity vary with the temperature 10, 11. Besides, the interface resistance along sheet–sheet
interface and sheet–electrode interface varies with various parameters in a very uncertain
manner. Hence, a finite element code for simulating the resistance welding process which
includes all those features mentioned above is developed in the present work for modeling
resistance projection welding process. Over the past 20 years, research has been made
enabling the use of advanced analytical procedures to more accurately simulate the welding
process. However simple mathematical solutions cannot direct to the practical manufacturing
processes because of the complexity of the physical processes involved in welding .
Furthermore, it is also impossible for any experimental technique to acquire a complete
mapping of the heat distribution in a general welded structure. Computational simulation thus
plays an indispensable role in the integrity analysis of such welded structures.
The first computer codes for solving one-dimensional finite difference method 13, and a two-
dimensional geometry14, 15 were used. Due to an incomplete understanding of the electrical
resistance of the contact surfaces - that determines the amount of heat created – several
experiments were conducted to measure the resistance and ways to measure the resistance 16.
The numerical models for the analysis of the results were then used. The development of
theoretical and experimental models to predict resistance between sheets was a step forward
17, 18, 19, 20 21
in the numerical analysis . In 1984, Nied , had reported a two-dimensional
simulation model for analyzing resistance spot welding process of uncoated steel using
commercial FEM package ANSYS. A coupled thermo-electrical with a thermo-mechanical
analysis have been tried. Gould , reported a one-dimensional numerical model to
calculate weld nugget development during spot welding of uncoated steel. However, the
model being one-dimensional, failed to account for the radial heat loss into the surrounding
sheet. Cho , had reported a two-dimensional, finite difference method based heat
transfer model for the resistance spot welding process. It has been concluded from the
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publications cited above that the resistance spot weldability of aluminum alloys is not yet
fully explored although there is now tremendous demand of these materials to be used in the
automobile industry.
In recent years, different approaches have been introduced in simulating the process. They
have used elements with the size of 0.05 mm and coupling time of 0.0025s and each of them
try to optimize some particular parameters 23, 24, 25, 26. For example, one of the most important
parameters is the size and shape of the nugget that is affected by process parameters. For this
reason, an analysis was presented that calculates the shape and size of the welding nugget and
this analysis has been validated with experiments . Since the physics of the process is so
complicated, it is quite understandable that very little was published in the open literature on
the finite element modeling which covers these many aspects.
In this paper, firstly, experiments are carried out to evaluate the influence of three key
parameters including weld current, weld time and electrode force in nugget diameter and
tensile strength in projection welding. Then, a 2-D axis-symmetric finite element model is
developed to simulate the projection welding and predict the nugget diameter. Finally, the
FEM results are compared to experimental data to verify the simulation model and simulated
results. In the finite element model, the temperature-dependent material properties are taken
into account. The FEM is implemented by applying the ANSYS parametric design language

2. Experimental procedure

In order to investigate the influence of three key parameters including weld current, weld
time and electrode force in resistance projection welding, an experimental model is fabricated
as shown in Fig. 1. This model is selected according to AWS C1.4M/C1.4:2009 so that the
length of each plate is 105mm; the width is 45mm; the thickness is 1mm. The material used
in this study is low carbon steel for both plates. The projection size is also considered to be
3.5±0.1mm in diameter and 1±0.1mm in height. In order to make the projection on sheets, a
forming mold is design and manufactured, as shown in Fig. 2. The size of the punch and die
are also considered according to the standard. Other specifications are shown in Table. 1.
In order to weld the specimen with the same size and shape, a welding fixture is designed and
manufactured, as shown in Fig. 3. This fixture adjusts the overlapping distance equals to
45mm as well as the alignment of the projected neck with the electrode axis to make sure the
electrode force is applied perpendicular to the plate. With respect to numerous standards, the

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experiment pattern is designed and considered so that electrode force, weld time and weld
current are considered in two, three and five levels, respectively. The experiment is
performed randomly, as shown in Table 2.

3. Numerical Modeling

3.1. Finite element Simulation

A two-dimensional axisymmetric model is carried out through the ANSYS finite element
package 27. The finite element mesh contains two types of 2D elements including PLANE42,
containing two degrees of freedom as Ux and Uy for mechanical analysis and PLANE67,
having the capability of thermal, electrical and thermal-electrical analyses and being
compatible with PLANE42. In FEM, a considerable refinement of the mesh is needed. Thus
the mesh sensitivity analysis is carried out, as shown in Table 3. Comparison of temperature
distributions for different mesh size is illustrated in Fig. 4. The mesh size of 2.5mm is
considered for further analyses and the model is shown in Fig. 5. Two types of analyses are
carried out through this model; a mechanical analysis and a thermal-electric analysis. The
mechanical analysis is used to analyze the compressive stresses developed during the squeeze
time and the thermal-electric analysis is used to analyze the nugget growth during weld time
through the temperature distribution during the period. Fig. 6 shows the schematic illustration
of the computational procedure. The boundary conditions are listed in Table 4 and Table 5
and they applying condition is depicted in Fig. 7.

3.2. Material properties

The materials of the plates are low carbon steel (0.1% carbon) and their thermal properties
are shown in Table 6, 7 23, 25. According to the high temperature gradient around the welding
zone, the material properties change significantly. So the temperature-dependent thermal
properties are used to increase the accuracy of the solution. The melting temperature of the
material is defined as 1510 °C and the temperature for the phase transformation is 723 °C.
Because of the scarcity of material data at elevated temperatures and numerical problems
when trying to model the actual high-temperature behavior of the material, material modeling
such as considering fluid flow and phase transformation has always been a crucial issue in the
welding simulation. Some simplifications and approximations are usually introduced to deal

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with this problem. Fluid flow has significant effects on the temperature distribution. However
because the coupled problem between solid and liquid is not involved in FEM codes such as
ANSYS and ABAQUS at present, the fluid flow and solidification of material in the weld
pool cannot be considered directly. If the effect of the fluid flow is neglected, the highest
temperature in the weld pool will be very high, sometimes; it is over 3000 °C. This
phenomenon is much different from the realistic situation. In this work, an artificially
increased thermal conductivity is used to consider the fluid flow. When the temperature is
higher than the melting point, in liquid range, a thermal conductivity of 110 ⁄ ℃ is taken
into account. Because the artificially increased thermal conductivity is used in the present
simulation, the highest temperature of the weld pool is about 1480 °C, which is much closer
to the realistic situation.
Also, phase transformation has an insignificant effect on the welding simulation of low
carbon steel because of a small dilation due to martensitic transformation and a relatively
high transformation temperature range. Due to the numerical problems when trying to model
the actual high-temperature behavior of the material and heat-affected zone (HAZ), it is
assumed in this analysis that thermal properties of the weld metal and HAZ are the same as
those of the base metal.

5. Results and discussions

5.1. Numerical results

A Simulation model has been developed and extensive numerical calculations were carried
out to find out the nugget diameter, penetration, etc. for resistance projection welding of low
carbon steel sheets using the FEM Software ANSYS. Fig. 8 shows the predicted isothermals
and nugget shape.

5.2. Experimental results

As mentioned earlier, samples are tested through the peeling test and the tensile strength test
after welding and the nugget diameter and tensile strength of the weld are recorded. It is
worth noting that the test is carried out according to the standard entitled as AWS

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5.2.1. Peeling test

The peeling test is a qualitative test to determine the creation of the welding nugget. First, the
samples are fixed in a clamp and then the edges of the sheet are bent. The front plate is then
torn out to up to the weld nugget. Some of the samples under the peeling test are shown in
Fig. 9. According to this figure, the weld nugget was formed in (a), (b), (c) and (f). However,
in (d) and (e) the sheets were not merged and the weld nugget was not formed. According to
the standard, AWS C1.4M/C1.4:2009, the diameter of the weld nugget for low carbon steel
sheet with a thickness of 1 mm has to be between 3.1 and 4.4 mm. As a result, if the nugget
diameter is within the range, the welding strength will be assured. According to this table, the
nugget has not been formed in many experiments and the welding has suffered from
insufficient energy to melt the sheet and create the nugget.

5.2.2 Tensile-shear test

The tensile-shear test has been conducted on samples. According to the standard, the tensile-
shear strength for low carbon steel sheet with a thickness of 1 mm should be in the range of
2.8 to 6.5 KN. The tensile-shear results show that in many cases the tensile-shear strength is
high enough, even though, the nugget has not been formed between two sheets. In order to
study the effect of nugget size on tensile-shear strength, the nugget diameter and tensile-shear
strength are plotted in a graph shown in Fig. 10, 11 and 12. As expected, the weld strength
increased with increasing nugget diameter.

5.2.3 Effect of parameters Welding current

The effect of current flow on tensile-shear strength is examined in different electrode forces.
In a constant weld time and electrode force of 100 Kg, the weld strength is increased with
increasing weld current, as shown in Fig. 13. This is also evident in the electrode force of 200
Kg. Increasing the welding current increases the welding energy and thus raises the
temperature between the two sheets.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1 Welding time

Fig. 14 shows the influence of welding time on welding strength. As shown in Fig. 14, in a
constant welding current and electrode force of 100 Kg., welding strength slightly increases.
However, welding strength decreases in some currents in the electrode force of 200 Kg. and
thus has no specific effect. As a result, it can be stated that the effect of welding time on weld
strength is not clear. In general, we can say that increasing the weld time, increases the
energy between two sheets and therefore results in higher temperature. However, increasing
the weld time also increases the time of applying electrode force and thus causes more liquid
spraying out of the weld zone and reduces the nugget diameter. Welding Force

The effect of electrode force on weld strength is shown in Fig. 15. The weld strength
decreases with increasing electrode force in lower welding currents. However, in higher
welding currents, welding strength does not change significantly with increasing force. It can
be concluded that increasing electrode force increases the contact surface and thereby
decreases the current density leading to less heat between two sheets and thus less welding

5.2.4 Comparison
In order to compare the numerical simulations and experimental results, samples are cut and
the cross-section of the nugget area is examined. The same is done in the numerical results
and the cross-section of the nugget is compared with the experimental data. In order to
determine the nugget area in numerical simulations, a specific color is considered for the
parts of the metal where the temperature is above the melting point of the metal. Here, the
melting point for low carbon steel is considered to be 1510°C. Therefore, the part of the
metal where the temperature is higher than 1510°C represents the nugget area. Fig. 16 shows
the cross-section of the welding and nugget area. The cross-section of the sample No. 57
welded using 100 kg of electrode force, welding time of 6 cycles and a welding current of 8
kA with 5.5 mm of nugget diameter is shown in Fig. 17 (a). According to the welding
specification for this sample, an analysis is conducted and the result is extracted, as shown in
Fig. 17 (b). As stated earlier, the nugget diameter in the experiment was measured to be 5.5
mm, while the diameter of the nugget area is 5.86 mm in the numerical result. This difference
in nugget diameter shows approximately %6 error in numerical results that are acceptable.
Another comparison is made between the height of the welding nugget in experimental

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results and numerical data, as shown in Fig. 18. As is clear, the height of the nugget is 1.6mm
and 1.7 in simulation and experiment, respectively, which indicates nearly %6 error in
numerical results. Another comparison between numerical data and experimental results was
made and the results brought the same %6 error in numerical results. This comparison is
made based on sample No. 45 with 100 kg of electrode force, welding time of 6 cycles and a
welding current of 6 kA with 3.75 mm of nugget diameter. Fig. 19 shows the details of the

6. Conclusion
In this study, three key parameters in the process of resistance projection welding process
including weld current, weld time and electrode are examined by means of numerical
simulation and experiments. The followings are the final conclusions:
1. Increasing the welding current increases the welding energy and thus raises the
temperature between the two sheets. Therefore, the weld strength is increased with
increasing weld current.
2. Increasing weld time increases the welding strength in some points and decreases the
weld strength in others. Hence, it has no specific effect on weld strength. As a result, it can
be stated that the effect of welding time on weld strength is not clear.
3. The same as weld time, electrode force has no clear effect on weld strength. Yet, it
can be stated that in lower welding currents, weld strength decreases with increasing
electrode force.
4. In this, the programming code in order to simulate and analyze the resistance
projection welding was examined that the results are a good agreement with experimental
data. Therefore, this code can be used for further analysis of the parameters of other
resistance welding specification.

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Table 1 - Invariant welding parameters.
Item Specification
Welding Machine Press-type resistance welding
PPNT 100 – (100 KVA)
Electrode A2 Class, Cu-Cr-Zr
OD: 25mm, ID=15mm
Electrode Cooling System Water-cooling
Flow rate=4 l/min
Inlet Temperature=20 ˚C

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Table 2 – Design of experiments.

Sample Electrode Weld Time Weld Current Sample Electrode Weld Time Weld Current
Sequence Sequence
No. Force (Kg) (cycle) (KA) No. Force (Kg) (cycle) (KA)

1-30 30 100~200 Kg 4,5,6 cycle 4,5,6,7,8 KA 30-60 30 100~200 Kg 4,5,6 cycle 4,5,6,7,8 KA

1 28 200 4 8 31 59 200 5 8
2 20 100 5 7 32 48 200 6 6
3 58 200 4 8 33 44 100 5 6
4 49 100 4 7 34 56 100 5 8
5 19 100 4 7 35 55 100 4 8
6 30 200 6 8 36 54 200 6 7
7 45 100 6 6 37 47 200 5 6
8 13 100 4 6 38 27 100 6 8
9 26 100 5 8 39 18 200 6 6
10 40 200 4 5 40 60 200 6 8
11 42 200 6 5 41 31 100 4 4
12 34 200 4 4 42 46 200 4 6
13 52 200 4 7 43 29 200 5 8
14 21 100 6 7 44 50 100 5 7
15 3 100 6 4 45 43 100 4 6
16 7 100 4 5 46 9 100 6 5
17 25 100 4 8 47 53 200 5 7
18 37 100 4 5 48 2 100 5 4
19 23 200 5 7 49 32 100 5 4
20 6 200 6 4 50 38 100 5 5
21 17 200 5 6 51 51 100 6 7
22 11 200 5 5 52 57 100 6 8
23 36 200 6 4 53 22 200 4 7
24 12 200 6 5 54 41 200 5 5
25 24 200 6 7 55 39 100 6 5
26 8 100 5 5 56 14 100 5 6
27 1 100 4 4 57 16 200 4 6
28 15 100 6 6 58 5 200 5 4
29 33 100 6 4 59 10 200 4 5
30 35 200 5 4 60 4 200 4 4

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Table 3 – The mesh sensitivity test.

Analysis No. Element size in fine Element size near Element size far Solving time
areas (HAZ) OR the HAZ (mm) from the HAZ
Reference Element (mm)
size (mm)
1 0.3 0.6 1.2 60
2 0.2 0.4 0.8 120
3 0.1 0.2 0.4 390
4 0.05 0.1 0.2 1560

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Table 4. The boundary conditions.

Item Formula Boundary condition
Cooling by air Free surfaces of sheet and electrode
− = ( − )

− = ( − )
Cooling by water Electrode inner surface
− = ( − )

− = ( − )
Symmetry condition =

Applying Current Upper electrode

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Table 5. The boundary conditions.

Item Formula Boundary condition
Displacement =0 Lower electrode
Electrode Pressure = Upper electrode
Symmetry =0 =

Table 6. The physical and mechanical properties of the sheet

Temperature (˚C) Specific heat Conductivity Thermal Electrical Young’s
(J/Kg˚C) (J/m˚Cs) expansion resistivity modulus
coefficient (μΩm) (GPa)
21 443.8 64.75 1.1 0.142 206
93 452.2 63.25 1.15 0.186 196
204 510.8 55.33 1.22 .266 194
316 561 49.94 1.3 .376 176
427 611.3 44.86 1.35 .495 169
538 661.5 39.77 1.4 .647 117
649 762 34.91 1.46 .817 55
732 1004
760 1189 30.5 1.4 1.01
774 1189
871 28.41 1.35 1.12
982 27.66 1.16
1093 28.56 1.18
1204 1.21

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Table 7. The physical and mechanical properties of the electrode

Temperature (˚C) Specific heat Conductivity Thermal Electrical Young’s
(J/Kg˚C) (J/m˚Cs) expansion resistivity modulus
coefficient (μΩm) (GPa)
21 397 390.3 1.656 0.0264 124
93 402 380.6 1.674 0.0300 105
204 419 370.1 1.710 0.0400 93
316 431 355.1 1.746 0.0505 82
427 440 345.4 1.782 0.0619 55
538 452 334.9 1.836 0.0699 38
649 465 320.0 1.854 0.0800 25
760 477 315.5 1.890 0.0898 16
871 310.3 1.926 0.0948 14
982 305.0 0.0998 7
1093 300.1
1204 502

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Fig. 1. Sample preparation and shape size.

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Fig. 2. Forming die to form the projected neck.

Upper electrode
Top edges to adjust
the plate coincidence
Side edges to adjust
the overlapping
Sheet with projection distance

90 ˚

Side edges to adjust

the overlapping
Sheet without distance
Fixture base to adjust the
height of the plates

Fig. 3. Welding fixture and adjustment of the plates during welding.

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Temperature (°°C)


0 100 200
meshsize 0.3 mm
meshsize 0.2 mm
meshsize 0.1 mm
meshsize 0.05 mm

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (Second)

Fig. 4. The change of temperature versus time in different mesh size.

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Fig. 5. Numerical model in ANSYS.

Current, electrode force, material properties

and boundary condition

Mechanical analysis
PLANE42 structural element
Results: 1) Compressive stress
2) Contact areas between interfaces

Thermal-electric analysis
PLANE67 thermal-electric element
Results: 1) Temperature distribution Time step
2) Current density distribution
3) Nugget formation

End of computation

Fig. 6. The simulation procedure and steps.

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Fig. 7. The boundary conditions.

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Fig. 8. The simulation results as temperature gradients.

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Fig. 9. The peeling test and final results.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1




Max. Failure Load (KN)





3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00
Nugget Diameter (mm)

Fig. 10. Maximum failure load versus nugget diameter.

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Nugget Diameter (mm) & Max. Failure


Load (KN)



Nugget Diameter
1.00 Max. Failure Load

0 60

Fig. 11. The dispersion of nugget diameter and maximum failure load in all samples.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 12. The dispersion of nugget diameter and maximum failure load in all samples.

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Applied Force=100Kg Applied Force=200Kg

7.00 6.00
time=4 time=4
time=5 time=5
6.00 time=6 time=6
Log. (time=4) Log. (time=4)
Log. (time=5) Log. (time=5)
5.00 Log. (time=6) Log. (time=6)
Max. Failure Load (KN)

Max. Failure Load (KN)




0.00 0.00
3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8
Current (KA) Current (KA)

Fig. 13. The influence of welding current on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Applied Force=100Kg Applied Force=200Kg

7.00 6.00
Current=4 Current=4
Current=5 Current=5
6.00 Current=6 5.00 Current=6
Current=7 Current=7
5.00 Current=8 Current=8
Log. (Current=4) Log. (Current=4)
Max. Failure Load (KN)


Max. Failure Load (KN)

Log. (Current=5) Log. (Current=5)
4.00 Log. (Current=6) Log. (Current=6)
Log. (Current=7) 3.00 Log. (Current=7)
Log. (Current=8) Log. (Current=8)



0.00 0.00
3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6
Time (cycle) Time (cycle)

Fig. 14. The influence of weld time on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 15. The influence of welding force on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 16. The influence of welding force on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 17. The influence of welding force on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 18. The influence of welding force on maximum failure load.

Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 12 October 2018 doi:10.20944/preprints201810.0249.v1

Fig. 19. The influence of welding force on maximum failure load.


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