Finite Difference Simulation of Low Carbon Steel Manual Arc Welding
Finite Difference Simulation of Low Carbon Steel Manual Arc Welding
Finite Difference Simulation of Low Carbon Steel Manual Arc Welding
This study discusses the evaluation and simulation of angular distortion in weld-
ing joints, and the ways of controlling and treating them, while welding plates of
(low carbon steel) type A-283-Gr-C through using shielded metal arc welding.
The value of this distortion is measured experimentally and the results are com-
pared with the suggested finite difference method computer program. Time de-
pendent temperature distributions are obtained using finite difference method.
This distribution is used to obtain the shrinkage that causes the distortions ac-
companied with structural forces that act to modify these distortions. Results are
compared with simple empirical models and experimental results. Different
thickness of plates and welding parameters is manifested to illustrate its effect on
angular distortions. Results revealed the more accurate results of finite difference
method that match experimental results in comparison with empirical formulas.
Welding parameters include number of passes, current, electrode type and geo-
metry of the welding process.
Key words: finite difference method, welding, low carbon steel
Many kinds of distortions of the welded pieces occur during the welding process such as
longitudinal, transverse, buckling, and angular distortions. These distortions are due to the
heating and cooling of both welded and filler materials. In this work we shall concentrate on
angular distortions. Simplified empirical equations were suggested previously to calculate
angular distortions such as [5, 6] which we will compare with our results. Numerical
simulations of welding are not confined to arc welding but can be also found in other methods
such as laser welding [7-10]. Sophisticated numerical programs and methods are now in a
position that can yield accurate and reliable results [11-15]. In spite of being one of the first
suggested numerical methods, finite difference method is still used in many branches of
thermal and mechanical calculations [16-22] because of its speed and simplicity especially in
simple geometrical cases.
In this work transient heat conduction equation is solved using FDM. This equation
in Cartesian co-ordinates is given by:
T 2T 2T 2T Q
t c x 2 y 2 z 2 c
In this equation, T, t, λ, ρ, and c are the temperature, time, thermal conductivity, density, and
heat capacity, respectively. Q is the volumetric density of the power input. This factor also
includes the volumetric power due to phase transformation such as melting, solidification, or
reaction. The sum of Q over all the meshes that receives electrical power of the electrode is
equal to the electrical power (IU) times the efficiency. At the boundary, heat is exchanged
with the outer environment via convection or radiation. Heat convection is described by the
following equation:
qc = hA(Tw – T) (2)
where Tw is the surface temperature, T∞ – the temperature of the surrounding fluid, A – the
surface area, and h – the convection heat transfer coefficient. Heat radiation is described by
the equation:
qr F FG A(Tw4 T 4 ) (3)
where Fε and FG are emmissivity and geometry coefficients, respectively. σ is the Stefan-
-Boltzman constant. FDM with equal meshing in 3-D (FORTRAN language program) is used
to simulate the welding processes. Input to the simulation program includes thermal
conductivities, densities, heat capacities emmissivity coefficient, convection coefficient, and
geometry of the welded pieces and their surroundings. Current, voltage, efficiency of the
welding machine are also given as an input to the simulating program. The FDM is used to
solve heat transfer equations including conduction, convection, and radiation. The simulation
process includes two steps. The first step is concerned with the simulation of electrode
heating and melting. Not all the input welding power is converted to heating the electrodes.
Some of this power is lost in other parts of the electrical circuit. The overall efficiency is
approximately 50% in most welding processes. This step shows that radiation is the dominant
heat loss process due to the high temperature of the molten electrode and high emmisivity of
steel. Convection through air and conduction of heat are less important in this step. The
second step investigates the cooling of the molten electrodes in the joints and its effects on the
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welded plates. 3-D temperature distribution in the welded pieces are given as an output of the
program and used to understand the extent at which the material of welded pieces are affected
by the heat input of the welding processes. The angular distortions are also given as an output
depending on the welding process parameters. These angular distortions are caused by
thermal stresses, plastic deformation, and phase transformation (liquid to solid transforma-
tion) [23, 24]. Cooling rates and temperatures of the various parts is shown to interpret the
microstructure and properties of the weld and base plates. These rates can be optimized and
correlated to welding quality. Simplified empirical equations were suggested previously to
calculate angular distortions such as [5]:
2TS tan (4)
where a is the thermal expansion coefficient, TS – the softening material temperature which is
600 C for steel, and θ is the groove angle. Another equation is given by [6]:
0.13 (5)
vH 2
where I is the current, U – the applied voltage, v – the welding speed, and H – the plate
thickness. The above empirical equations and other related equations give rise to different
errors depending on their sophistication and range of applicability.
Experimental procedure
Two plates of 200 × 100 mm sides are used. The welding is on the 100 mm side.
Different thickness of plates is also used to explore the effect of welded pieces thickness on
temperature distribution and angular distortions. This included 4, 6, and 10 mm plates. A
welding speed of 78 mm/min. is chosen. The current and voltage with the values of 24 V and
100 to 150 A is used with E 6010 and E 7018 electrodes. The electrodes diameter is 2.5 and
3.23 mm. Square and single butt joints are investigated (shape of plates prepared space for
welding). One, two and three passes is used to fill the joints. The above dimensions and
materials cover ranges that is around the consistent ASME (American Society for Mechanical
Engineers) standards and ends slightly above the ASME standards. A welding machine
(ESAB) is used. The plates are prepared by the above mentioned dimensions, cleaned and
grooved in square or single-v butt joints. Materials properties that include thermal and
mechanical properties can be found in references such as [23].
Generally, the value of angular distortions increases with the increase of input
current. The kind, geometry, and shape of the joints also affect the values of angular
distortions. Mesh size of 1 mm is used in discretizing FDM in 3-D space. The shapes and
geometries described in the experimental procedure section are used in the simulating
program. In addition to the above-mentioned geometries, the two welded pieces are 2 mm
apart (at the root part of the welded pieces) at the beginning of the welding processes. In fig. 1
an upper view of the two welded pieces shows that temperature decreases quickly when the
welding process proceeds. Since the electrode melts down and fills some of space (depending
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Figure 2. Sectional view of temperature distribution (in ˚C) of the two welded pieces at 1, 7, and 13
seconds from the starting of welding process; numbers on the axes represent mesh numbers of FDM
(color image see on our web site)
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duces to less than half the original welding temperature in just 7 seconds. Because of rapid
solidification, the electrode melt will not have time to fill the space between the two
electrodes at the weld root. This space will still have the ambient air temperature which is
categorized from 0 to 200 °C. These two figures show the sharp temperature disintegration in
both space and time co-ordinates. Figure 2 (7, 13 s) shows that temperature disintegration
slows down as temperatures reduces to less than 1000 °C. Table 1 shows experimental and
theoretical angular distortions in welding 6 mm thickness plates in one pass using single-v butt
joints. In this table we can see that increasing the current does not always increases the angular
distortion. This is due to the fact that increasing the current results in some fluid flow of the
molten filler and base metal material which is not taken into account in the present FDM.
However, the results of FDM are far better than the general empirical equations. Using more
than one welding pass complicates the situation further. It is obvious from the results of tab. 2
that increasing the number of passes decreases the value of angular distortion but this has an
economical loss of additional filler material and efforts. Tables 3 and 4 compares the effect of
using two and three passes on the angular distortions. Three passes shows less angular
distortions than two passes. However an optimal current must be chosen to obtain the minimum
distortions. In the last table (tab. 5) a square butt joint is used. The angular distortions in this
case are less than the comparable single-v joints. This is due to the fact that a contraction of the
solidified filler molten material is equal both on the surface and inner part of the joint. However,
square joints need more filler or electrode material than single v-joints. This also confirms that
geometry has an important effect on angular distortion.
Table 1. Experimental and theoretical angular distortions in welding 6 mm thickness plates in one pass
using single-v butt joints
diference Practical
Empirical Empirical
Welding Electrode computed angular
Voltage Current Electrode eq. 4 eq. 5
speed diameter angular distortion
[V] [A] type (10–2 (10–2
[mms–1] [mm] distortion (10–2
radians) radians)
(10–2 radians)
78 22 80 2.4 E7018 1.44 8.14 5.865 4.971
78 22 100 2.4 E7018 1.44 10.18 6.248 6.995
78 22 125 2.4 E7018 1.44 12.73 6.648 5.369
Table 2. Angular distortions in welding 6 mm thickness plates in two opposite pass using single-v
joints; angular distortions are in radians
Amperage of 1st run of welding Amperage of 2nd run of welding
(2.4 mm diameter of welding (3.25 mm diameter of welding Angular distortion (10–2 radians)
electrode) electrode)
80 A 100 A 2.011
100 A 125 A 2.145
125 A 150 A 1.752
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Square butt joints have fewer distortions than single-v joints. This is due to the fact that a
contraction of the solidified filler molten material is equal both on the surface and inner
part of the joint.
FDM results are better than simple empirical results since it takes into account more
thermal and mechanical effects on the formation of the joints.
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