Period of The Third Republic (PhilLit)
Period of The Third Republic (PhilLit)
Period of The Third Republic (PhilLit)
After ten years of military rule and some changes in the life of the Filipino which started under the New
Society, Martial Rule was at last lifted on January 2, 1981.
To those in government, the lifting of military rule heralded a change. To their perceptions, the Philippines
became a new nation and this; former President Marcos called “The New Republic of the Philippines.”
A historian called this the Third Republic. The First Republic he claimed was during the Philippine Republic of
Emilio Aguinaldo when we first got our independence form the Spaniards on June 12, 1898.
The Second was when the Americans granted us our independence on July 4, 1946. This period, January 2,
1981, was the Third Republic when we were freed from Military Rule.
During this period, it cannot be denied that many people seethed with rebellion and protest because of the
continued oppression and suppression.
This was further aggravated when former Senator Benigno S. Aquno Jr., the idol of the Filipino masses, whom
they hoped to be the next president, was president, was brutally murdered on August 21, 1983.
This stage of the nation had its effect on our literature. After the Aquino assassinated, the people’s voices
could no long be contained. Both the public and private sectors in government were chanting, and shouting;
women, men and the youth became bolder and their voices were raised in dissent.
We can say that Philippine literature, in spite of the many restrictions, still surreptitiously retained its luster.
In 1984, the Palanca Awards started choosing the best in novel writing. This contest, held every three years,
gives time for local writers to write more beautiful and quality works. The next contest on the best novel was
held in 1987. La Tondeña continues to be its sponsor.
Poems during this period of the Third Republic were romantic and revolutionary. Writers wrote openly of
their criticism against the government. The supplications of the people were coached in fiery, colorful, violent,
profane and insulting language.
Many Filipino songs dealt with themes that were really true-to-life like those of grief, poverty, aspirations for
freedom, love of God, of country and of fellowmen.
Many composers, grieved over Ninoy Aquino’s treacherous assassination composed songs.
Among them were Coritha, Eric and Freddie Aguilar. Corithaand Eric composed asongtitles LABAN NG BAYAN
KO and this was first sung by Corithaduring the National Unification Conference of the Opposition in March,
1985. This was also sung during the Presidential Campaign Movement for Cory Aquino to inspire the
movement against Marcos in February 1986.
Freddie Aguilar revived the song BAYAN KO which was written by Jose Corazon de Jesus and C. de Guzman
during the American period.
Opposition tabloids flourished. They sold our papers with the red news to the starved public; hence, smut
magazines like the TIKTIK, PLAYBOY SCENE, and SAKDAL also played the sidewalks.
Radio led by RADIO VERITAS started reporting coverage of demonstrations. Information Minister Gregorio
Cendañacalled the tabloids the “mosquito press”and called their new “political pornography.”
However, there was a perceptible liberalization of editorial policies in the major newspapers.
Among the well-loved forms of writing which abounded during this period were those of children’s stories.
The Children’s Communication Center (CCC) directed by poet and writer VirgilioS. Almarioalready has built
up an impressive collection of these kinds of books. The following are some of the books of the period.
1982:PLAYS FOR CHILDREN by JameB. Reuter S.J. (New Day Pub.)
1983:JOSE AND CARDO by Peggy CorrManuel
The people’s cry of protest found outlets not only in poetry but also in veiled prose fables which transparently
satirized the occupants of Malacañang. Among those that saw prints were:
1. The Crown Jewels of Heezenhurstby Sylvia Mendez Ventura
2. The Emperor’s New Underwear by MeynardoA. Macaraig
3. The King’s Cold by BabethLolarga
4.The Case of the Missing Charisma (unfinished) by Sylvia L. Mayuga.
In all the fables, the king, differently referred to as TotusMarkus or the king or Haring Matinikwas meant to
poke fun at the ruler at Malacañang; similarly, Reyna Maganda or the Queen, was a veiled thrust at his queen.
They were both drunk with power and were punished in the end for their misdeeds.
IsaganiCruz, writing about Philippine literature in the “Age of Ninoy,”makes the following observations:
“Philippines literature is definitely changing,”and he summarizes these as follows:
1. Change in the direction of greater consciousness in content and form.
2. Change in the number of readers and the number of writers and the kind of class of writers. Writers who
joined the ranks came not only from the established or professional groups but from all ranks –clerks,
secretaries, drivers, housewives, students; in short, the masses.
3. The resurgence of Balagtasismoand the continued dominance of Modernismo. While Balagtasismoturned its
back on the American challenge to Philippine literature its conservative conventions, Modernismoadapted
Americanization for its own ends.
4. The birth of a new poetic movement still dims in outline.
5. The apparent merging of the erstwhile separate streams of oral and written literature.