Dakota Nutrition Perspectives Option 1

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Dakota Bailey
Nutrition Perspectives
1. Demonstrate knowledge of human nutritional needs and the role of nutrition in

improving individual health and the societal economic impact of food choices.

When it comes to nutrition, it’s really important to have a balance among the major

nutrients. Which are Carbohydrates, Protein, Dairy products, Fruit/Vegetables, and

Fats/Sugars. Making sure you're meeting these needs daily, and it’ll help lessen or

balance your intake of other unhealthy food that you may be eating now. We live in a

society where unhealthy can be cheaper but can come with a lack of nutrients. Learning

about what contains a certain amount of nutrients can help you make more well-prepared

meals, knowing that you're meeting your needs and not making a dent your wallet.

2. Relate technological advancements in medicine and food production to the

advancement of the science of human nutrition.

That there is so many choices of products in food that it makes it hard to tell whether one

is healthier than the other. Say for an individual looking for a healthy choice of cereal for

their child and find that there’s a whole aisle filled with so many choices. Making it

harder to see what healthy and not to also rely on what’s on the cover that claims to be a

healthy choice for kids, where in some cases it’s not. Sometimes enough is never enough,

so food is constantly being made to meet the needs of a society that sometimes could go

to waste and, in the process, affect the environment. The way they affect it would be the

constant use of pesticides and other chemicals that could destroy the soil to a certain

point that nothing can grow on there anymore.

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3. Explain the impact that the food industry has on human food choices and the

subsequent relationship to health and disease at the individual, societal, and

environmental level.

I believe a good example would be protein drinks/ shakes because it became popular for

diets and claims to provide the nutrients you need for a workout. It could be helpful for

your body, such as muscle build-up if you're equally doing the right amount of work on

your body to use it. It could be a helpful tool, but in other cases, using it wrong could

have the opposite effect too. If you're consuming extra nutrients that ended up not being

used, because of a weak workout or sometimes not doing any at all. It’ll become stored

fat that can put a negative effect on your body. There can be a risk of use on your body

and those ingredients can be coming from the farm industry that’s already ruining the

earth's soil with their constant use of chemical fertilizers.

4. Provide examples of past and present nutrient and diet trends in modern society

and the positive and/or negative implications on human health and the earth’s


There could be positive/negatives effects when it comes to meat food productions. For

examples such as ground beef and poultry, with poor care, there can be a risk of diseases

that can be transferred among other humans, that could cause an illness such as E. coli

and Salmonella. It could start from the food production, but sometimes it can appear at

home, where the owner doesn’t store or prepare the product not well enough, but others

who consume it at risk for illness. There is a positive side if the food production follows
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all safety procedures and make sure the meat is sealed and ready to go. That’ll lower the

chance of disease and the market stores them properly, where the customer later cooks it

properly. It would be a great outcome of not get sick from the products.

5. Provide examples of positive and negative interactions of humankind with

microorganisms regarding sickness, health and food production.

Some issues when it comes to diet and weight loss, companies would make people

believe if they drink this shake/smoothie every day, for the next few weeks, they would

lose 20 – 40 lbs. Where in most cases if they ever do lose weight, they're just losing their

muscle mass and other parts of their body, besides the fat that they wanted to get rid of in

the first place. There will be the medicine that’ll help prevent diseases, but that’s not

always the case to stop them completely. Where people will also rely on hand made

medicine that contains herbs to help with preventing or removing a disease. Physical

activity can be an issue if you don’t know what you're doing and have a higher risk of

hurting yourself in the process. Alongside not knowing what to do, it’s being able to be

dedicated to continuing to do it and not slacking off at times. Because if you don’t put the

effort into it, you're just wasting your time. Food availability can be a problem if you

don’t live close to a healthy market or just don’t have the money for it. Biotechnology

has started to be revolutionary for the agricultural world, but then became an issue with

the number of chemicals and genetic modification that has been done to advance the food

production and size.

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