Lehmann BC Linear: Headphone Amp
Lehmann BC Linear: Headphone Amp
Lehmann BC Linear: Headphone Amp
Tel: 01235 511166
y very first hi-fi system a first-class sound source, and a first-class a headphone jack is inserted; and a
featured headphones headphone amplifier. On the face of it, volume control. Finish of the fascia plate
rather than loudspeakers, the latter shouldn’t be too difficult to and volume knob is optionally either
since when I’ve had a realise. After all, the headphone amp’s black or silver.
love-hate relationship with cans of more life is easy-peasy compared to that of Unusually, the Black Cube also has
varieties than Heinz. If you believe the the loudspeaker amplifier’s. Headphones three switchable gain settings with
propaganda that the last great barrier – even the lower impedance types – 10dB increments, selected via DIP
to wonderful sound is the listening room present a much easier load than the vast switches on the underside of the unit.
– which I don’t – then the headphone majority of loudspeakers, and a mere These are provided to accommodate
ought to have a lot going for it. And volt or three of signal is usually sufficient headphones of different sensitivity; I
yes, indeed, you can hear things via to have them generate deafening sound used the highest-gain 0dB setting for my
headphones that aren’t readily apparent pressure levels. But that transducer listening. (Confusingly, the 10 and 20dB
via even the best loudspeakers. proximity effect comes into play again, settings have progressively lower gain.)
But it’s as if having the transducer so that headphone amplifiers are
that close to your ear makes all the
infidelities of reproduced music, and
just as influential on sound quality
as their larger brethren.
‘A time-capsule vision of
the system you’re using to deliver it, the
more obvious. So for optimum results ALL YOU NEED
a bucolic English idyll
with the best headphones you must use Lehmann Audio’s Black Cube Linear ploughed under by WW1’
headphone amplifier has been on
LOCAL & GLOBAL sale for over five years and in that time Other technical features include a Class
has garnered numerous enthusiastic A output stage, as you’d hope, and zero
Negative feedback is a very useful reviews. Despite its name it is slim, global negative feedback (see box-out).
circuit technique for flattening narrow and deep but incorporates all
frequency response, lowering you really need in a headphone amp: a HARD-WIRED
distortion, suppressing hum pair of input phonos, of course; a pair As soon as I started playing music
and noise, and reducing output of output phonos, so that it can be through the Black Cube it was obvious
impedance. But for many decades inserted in a preamp processor loop that it sounded very different to the
some designers have claimed that or between pre and power amps; two resident Musical Fidelity X-Can v8 when
applying too much of it harms sound paralleled quarter-inch output sockets, driving either of the headphones used
quality. So-called ‘zero feedback’ one of which cuts the output feed when for the listening – Sennheiser’s fine
designs are a result but, as Lehmann
Audio carefully states for the Black
Cube, this usually means zero global
or loop feedback. Local feedback,
within the circuit, is still