Cleaner Production Blueprint For Malaysia
Cleaner Production Blueprint For Malaysia
Cleaner Production Blueprint For Malaysia
Ministryof NaturalResources
and Environment,
@ Departmentof EnvironmentMalaysia2OOT
FirstEdition: November2007
SecondEdition: December2009
CleanerProduction Blueprint for Malaysia
Foreword tl
1. CP in Perspective 1
2. Rationale
of CP Blueprint 2
3. StrategicPlanfor Action 3
3.1 CPActionPlans 3
3.1.1 CPAction Plan:Formulation
of NationalPolicy 4
3.1.2 CPAction Plan:Educationaland Awareness
Campaign 7
3.1.3 CPAction Plan:Establishof Networkingand
Disseminationof lnformation I
3.1.4 CPAction Plan:Trainingand CPAudit 10
3.1.5 CPAction Plan:Incentives 12
3.1.6 CPAction Plan:Strengthen
Framework 12
3.1.7 CPAction Plan:CapacityBuilding 14
3.1.8 CPAction Plan:CP CoordinationCentre 19
4. RegulatoryFramework 20
5. lncentives 21
5.1 PresentIncentivesthat can be usedfor CP Investment 21
5.2 PresentGrantsthat can be usedfor CP lnvestment 23
5.3 Economiclnstruments 24
6. Conclusion 26
fleaner Production (CP) is synonymouswith best practice environmental
t management. lt is the continuous application of an integratedpreventive
\-zenvironmental strategyapplied to processes, productsand servicesto increase
overallefficiencyand reducerisksto humanand the environment.
And in recent years, DOE has progressivelyfocused its aftention to yet another
environmentalmanagement strategy,which is the cleanerproductionconceptto try to
reducethe quantityof effluentsand emissions beingdischargedas well as to achieve
efficientuseof raw materialsand energy.
Department of Environment,
1. CP in Perspective
2. Rationaleof CP Blueprint
Departmentof Environment,Malaysia
Cleaner Production Blueprint for Malaysia
t of Environ ment, M alaysia
CleanerProduction Blueprintfor Malaysia
procedure, andincentives
availableto the industries.
into the existingregulationswould enableimmediate
application of recommendations made in this study and producs developed
o Quality Act1974
- Environmental Quality (Sewageand IndustrialEffluents)
- Contraventionlicence
- Licenceto operate
- Environmental Quality (Environmental
- Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes)Regulations 2005
ProponentIndustrialProject CP technologydatabase
. fndustrialCoordinationAct (1975)
This Act ensures an orderly development and groMh in the
manufacturingsector. lt could also be enhanced to include CP
technologies.In specific, ICA is being for approval of industrial
projecs; henceit could also convenientlyamendedto incorporateCP
o lncomeTaxAct(1967)
o CustomsAct (1967)
r SalesTaxAct (1972)
. ExciseAct (1976)
. FrdeZoneAct(1990)
These Acts in one way or another influence the funding of
manufacturingsector,and changesor amendmentincorporatingCP
applicationscould be relativelyconvenientto introduce.
i) CP Benefitsand IncentivesCampaign
i) Setting up of CP demonstrationproiects
iii) NationalCPRoundtable
ii) TrainingOutcomes
Cp audit can be usd to ensurethat the operatordo give the right information and
aaually have the said machineryand / or processesfor both of the said legislation
above.Any non-complianceor deviationfrom the truth shouldbe consideredas an
excusefoithe ,euocationof the licenceto operate.Similarto above,trainingand
t"-tr"ining of the officersare neededto allow for an improvementof environmental
i) Introduction
ii) Obiective
ln orderto strengthen
capabilityof DOEofficersin environmental
auditin&varioustoolsneedto be madeavailablewhich includeprocedureand
guidancemanuals.The prioritydocuments
shouldbe well developed,listedas
o Manualon Notificationto industries
o Monitoringprogramme andauditguidelines
e EnvironmentalInspectionandCompliance checklist
. Exampleof CPpojectin majorindustries
eg.palmoil, rubbe,platingac.
r Industrialdatabasedecisionsupportsystemeg. GIS on Pollution
Officersfrom DOE will need re-trainingand to attendcourseson wastewater,
wastes,legalissues,CPdemonstration projects.
CPcurriculumis notofferedasa coursein itsown but ratherit formsonly
asa smallportionin environmental pollutioncontrolcourses
at manyUniversities.
SomeUniversitieshavebeenofferingcoursesthat may haveelemensof CP,for
instancewastewaterengineeringor pollutioncontrolor processdesignsubjects.
However,CP methodwas neverpresented as a managementtool to be promoted
duringplanning designand operationof processing hasalwaysbeen
consideredin the formof end-of-pipesystem.
o lntroducemoreCPrelatedcourses
o lmprovefacilitiesfor CPteachingandtraining
o Moreresearch topicon CP
. linkages
lntensive betweenUniversity
o Fundsto be madeavailable to promoteR&Don CPapplication
The ultimateobjectiveis to providea comprehensive educationalprogrammeor
awarenesson CPas well as to increasecompetency
for the followingtargetgroups:
o managers
o Bankers
r FinancialInstitutionofficers
. Research agencies
. Covernment officersfromMlTl, SMIDEC,MIDA,etc.
. Enforcement officersfor DOE
. Auditpersonnelfrom SlRlM,DOE,DOSH
i) Waste ExchangeCentre
4. RegulatoryFramework
5. lncentives
ii) Present tncentives on Exemption fvom lmport Duty and Sales Tax on
Machinery and Equipment(Existing)
lmport duty and salestax are not imposedon most machineryand quipmentthat
are not produced locally.Where import duty and salestax apply,exemptioncan be
obtainedfor machineryand equipmentusedfor the following:
o ln the manufacturingprocessesor manufacturingrelatedservicesor
agricultural processes,etc.;
o Forenvironmentalprotection,energyconsenration, biomassenergy,wastes
rrycling storage,treafinentand disposalof toxic and hazardouswastes;
r Formaintenanceand qualitycontrol;
. For approved R&D activities;
. In the plantationsector.
A company granted PioneerStatusenjoys a S-yearspartial exemptionfrom the
paymentof incometax.
I nvestmentTaxAllowance (ITA)
A company granted ITA gets an allowanceof 60 per cent of qualifying capital
expenditureincurredwithin five yeasform the date on which the first qualifying
capitalexpenditureis incurred.
. DeductionforPre-EmploymentTraining
Training expensesincurred before the commencementof business
qualify for a single deduction.Nevertheless, companiesmust prove
that the traineeswill be employedas their employees.
o Deductionfor CashContributions
Contributionsin cash to technicalor vocationaltraining institutions
that are not operatingprimarily for profit and those establishedand
maintainedby a statutorybody qualifyfor singlededuction.
. Human ResourceDevelopmentFund
The Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), aimed at
encouragingdirect privatesectorparticipationin skills development,
was launchedin 1993 with a grantfrom the government.
. SpecialIndustrialBuildingAllowanceforTraining
Companies that incur expenditure in building used for approved
industrial, technical or vocational training can claim a special
industrialBuildingAllowance(lBA)of 1Oo/o (or 10 yearson qualifying
for the constructionor purchaseof a building.
5.3 Economiclnstruments
Typesof EconomicIncentives
6. Conclusion