Year 7 Bugs Lesson 4

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You have already researched Abby Diamond who is an illustrator and artist from Pennsylvania.

She is
inspired mostly by birds and insects. She creates beautiful colourful illustrations using watercolour
and black pen.
Now you are going to create some artwork in her style
• On a piece of plain white paper, make a
colourful background like Abby
• Make sure you cover most of the paper
• You could use paint, pencil crayons, or even
tea or coffee!
• Choose a colour mood - either warm or
cool colours (think about the colour work
that you did last week)

• Next, find a photo of a bug to draw from. Use

either a book or the internet
• Observe the bug very carefully and draw it as
accurately as possible over the top of your
colourful background, Try to copy Abby
Diamond’s sketchy style – keep looking at
her work!
• Do your drawing in black pen – be brave and
have confidence, just go for it!

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