Dot 42918 DS1
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Dot 42918 DS1
March 2007
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Technical Documentation Page
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address. 13. Type of Report and Period
U.S. Department of Transportation Covered.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Final Report
Office of Safety September 2009 – December
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE 2010
Washington, DC 20590 14. Sponsoring Agency Code.
16. Abstract.
Road Safety Audits/Assessments (RSAs) have proven to be an effective tool for improving safety on and along roadways. As such,
the use of RSAs continues to grow throughout the United States. The success has led to the Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) including the RSA as one of its nine “proven safety countermeasures”. Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs)
and Tribes are beginning to witness the benefits of conducting RSAs. However, FLMAs and Tribes often face unique conditions,
staffing, and funding constraints that do not allow resources to be devoted to improving roadway safety. The “Road Safety Audit
Toolkit for Federal Land Management Agencies and Tribal Governments” is intended to be used by FLMAs and Tribes to overcome
these obstacles. Information, ideas, and resources are provided in key topic areas including how to conduct an RSA, common
safety issues and potential improvements, establishing an RSA program, and incorporating RSAs into the planning process. The
Toolkit serves as a starting point, providing information to FLMAs and Tribes about partnerships needed to build support, available
funding sources for the program and improvements, tools to conduct RSAs, and resources to identify safety issues and select
countermeasures. Worksheets and other sample materials have been provided to aid in the RSA process including requesting
assistance, scheduling, analyzing data, conducting field reviews, and documenting issues and suggestions. Examples of programs
and experiences of other agencies have also been included throughout to provide examples of successes and struggles in
implementing RSAs and improving safety for all road users.
17. Key Words. 18. Distribution Statement.
Safety, Road Safety Audit, Toolkit, Federal Land Management No restrictions. This document is available to the public
Agencies (FLMAs), Tribes through the National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Virginia 22161.
19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of 21. No. of 22. Price.
Unclassified this page). Pages.
Unclassified 66
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Road Safety Audits/Assessments (RSAs) are a valuable tool used to evaluate road safety
issues and to identify opportunities for improvement. The Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) defines an RSA as a “formal safety performance evaluation of an existing or future
road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team.” RSAs can be used on any
type of facility during any stage of the project development process.
RSAs have proven to be an effective tool for improving safety on and along
roadways. As such, the use of RSAs continues to grow throughout the U.S. A decade ago,
few states had experience conducting RSAs; now each state has had some experience with
the RSA process. The success has led to FHWA including the RSA process as one of its nine
Page iv RSA Toolkit
Conducting an RSA does not require a large investment of time or money. RSAs require only
a small percentage of the time and money needed for a typical roadway project. Furthermore,
by gaining a better understanding of the safety implications of roadway and roadside features,
RSAs can be used to prioritize locations with safety issues which help identify the best use
for funding. Other benefits include encouraging
multidisciplinary collaboration beyond the RSA,
which promotes a better understanding of road RSAs will help save lives and
reduce injuries. The success
user needs and safety.
of RSAs has led to FHWA
Perhaps the best way to describe the effectiveness adopting the process as one
of RSAs is through a benefit/cost (B/C) ratio. A of its nine “proven safety
countermeasures.” The success
benefit/cost ratio is a measure to compare the
has been realized by many
benefits derived from the reduction of crashes to FLMAs and Tribes, which are
the cost of conducting an RSA and implementing planning and/or conducting a
crash reduction strategies. Benefit/cost ratios may number of RSAs with various
be used as the ultimate measure of the project’s partners.
success. The following case studies show the
potential benefits of conducting RSAs.
Introduction Page v
This Toolkit is intended to be used by Federal land agencies and Tribal governments as
guidance and to provide information, ideas, and resources in key topic areas to lead the effort
to improve safety through the use of the RSA:
• How do I conduct an RSA?
• What are common safety issues and potential countermeasures?
• How do I establish an RSA program?
• How do I incorporate RSAs in the planning process?
• What’s next?
The Toolkit serves as a starting point, providing information to FLMAs and Tribes about
identifying an RSA champion, partnerships needed to build support, available funding
sources (for both the program and improvements), tools to conduct RSAs, and resources to
identify safety issues and select countermeasures. Worksheets and other sample materials
have been provided to aid in the RSA process, including requesting assistance, scheduling,
analyzing data, conducting field reviews, and documenting issues and suggestions. Examples
of programs and experiences of other agencies have also been included throughout to provide
examples of successes and struggles in implementing RSAs and improving safety for all road
List of Terms
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: How Do I Conduct an RSA?.....................................................................................1
What is an RSA?.............................................................................................................................. 1
What Should be Considered for an RSA?.............................................................................. 2
How is an RSA Conducted?......................................................................................................... 2
What are the Time Requirements and Costs Associated with an RSA?....................... 7
Who Should I Partner With to Set-Up an RSA?.................................................................... 8
HOW Do I Start?........................................................................................................................... 30
Where Can I Find Support?....................................................................................................... 31.
RESOURCE MATERIALS...................................................................................................................33
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Chapter 1: How Do I Conduct an RSA?
This chapter provides critical information needed to conduct an RSA. Special considerations
for FLMAs and Tribal transportation agencies in each step of the 8-step RSA process are
described to help improve safety on and adjacent to Federal and Tribal lands.
What is an RSA?
A Road Safety Audit/Assessment (RSA) is a formal safety performance examination of
a future roadway project or an in-service facility that is conducted by an independent,
experienced, multidisciplinary RSA team.
The primary focus of an RSA is safety while working within the context of the facility’s
existing mobility, access, surrounding land use, and/or aesthetics. RSAs enhance safety by
considering potential safety issues presented to all road users under all conditions (e.g., day/
night and dry/wet conditions). By focusing on safety, RSAs ensure that potentially hazardous
roadway and roadside elements do not “fall through the cracks.”
RSAs are commonly confused with other review processes, particularly traditional safety
reviews. Traditional safety reviews are missing one or more of the key elements of an RSA.
Table 1 compares the key elements of an RSA with the elements that are typically part of a
traditional safety review or other safety study.
Table 1: What are RSAs?
In addition to vehicular traffic safety issues, RSAs can also be oriented to specific user groups
such as pedestrians and bicyclists. The RSA would still consider all potential users but may
have a particular consideration for the needs of a specific group.
Common factors leading to requests for RSAs during the existing road stage include high
crash frequencies, high profile crash types or political influence, and significant changes in
traffic characteristics (current or expected). A potential factor leading to the request for an
RSA in the planning or construction phase includes novel designs for the area, such as the
introduction of a roundabout. Another factor may be a major change in the surrounding land
use that accompanies the project.
The selected project should be scoped in size so that the RSA can be accomplished in a
reasonable amount of time, usually two to three days or one week at most. For a corridor, this
is generally a corridor of one to two miles in length or a longer corridor that is concentrated
on issues at four or five spots within the corridor. For intersection projects, the scope should
be limited to a series of four or five intersections.
If, however, the FLMA or Tribal government is the owner, the approach can be decided
internally within the agency. Depending on factors such as available staffing and funding,
one of the following approaches may be taken:
• Issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain an experienced RSA team leader;
• Obtain technical assistance from FHWA, State or local Department of Transportation
(DOT); or,
• Attend training to conduct your own RSAs.
Once the facility or project is identified, the RSA scope, schedule, team requirements, tasks to
be completed, report format and content, and response procedures should be defined.
The appropriate season for the RSA review should also be established. For example, special
events, or seasonal conditions are important to consider for the timing of the RSA.
concerns related to crash clusters) should be verified in the field. Key elements to observe
• Site characteristics (road geometry, sight distances, clear zones, drainage, surface
condition, signing, lighting, and barriers).
• Traffic characteristics (traffic volume, movements, typical speeds, and traffic mix).
• Surrounding land uses (including traffic, pedestrian, and bicycle generators).
• Human factors issues (such as road user “expectancy,” reactions, and other behaviors).
The FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt
Lists provide prompts to help the RSA team identify potential safety issues and ensure that
roadway elements are not overlooked.
A thorough site visit will include field reviews under various conditions. At a minimum, the
RSA team should review the site during the following conditions:
• Day and night to experience conditions from the perspective of all roadway users
during different lighting scenarios.
• Peak and non-peak to experience the influence of traffic conditions on safety, mobility,
and access.
Step 1 2 3 4 5* 6 7 8
Conduct Present
Conduct Prepare
Perform Field Analysis & Findings Incorporate
Start-Up Formal
Reviews Prepare to Project Findings
Meeting Response
Description Identify Select RSA Report Owner
Project Team
Conduct RSA Workshop: Write RSA Report Develop Plan
to Address
RSA Findings
Depends Depends RSA Workshop: Typically 1/2 - 3 days Several days short-term: up
upon project upon team RSA Report: Typically 1/2 day - 3 weeks - 1 month to 1 year
Duration selection composition & intermediate:
process; est. availability; 1-5 years
1 day - 1 est. 1 day - 1 long-term: 5+
year+ month years
*Report may occur following Step 6
In total, the entire RSA process (Steps 1 through 8) could range from a month to a couple
years. The cost to conduct an RSA depends largely upon the approach (discussed in Step 1)
and the level of effort required by the RSA team.
The RSA team should determine the safety issues while considering the infrastructure and the
behavior elements. Table 2 illustrates common safety issues and behavioral aspects relating
to these issues on or near Federal and Tribal lands listed by roadway element. The RSA team
is charged with determining specific roadway and behavioral issues for the specific project
they are assessing. The documents in the Resource Materials section provide further detail
with regard to the issues presented here and to other potential safety hazards that an RSA
team should be aware of when conducting a field review.
Topic Area General Issues Example Countermeasures
Sharp curves Limited sight distance Install advance curve warning (with/without advisory speed)
Install centerline and edgeline pavement markings
superelevation Improve delineation (e.g., chevrons, post-mounted delineators)
Horizontal Upgrade existing signs (size, retroreflectivity, location)
curves Various levels of Inconsistent and old
delineation signing Improve skid resistance with high-friction treatment (e.g., NovaChip,
microsurfacing, etc.)
Faded pavement
markings; no edgelines
Page 10
Common Trees, rocks, utility The order of preference for treating roadside hazards (from most
roadside hazards poles, guide wires preferred to least preferred) 1 is to:
located in close
1. Remove the obstacle.
proximity to the Steep embankments
roadway 2. Redesign the obstacle so it can be safely traversed.
Roadside Drainage features (inlets, 3. Relocate the obstacle to a point where it is less likely to be struck.
hazards headwalls, culverts)
4. Reduce impact severity by using an appropriate breakaway device.
Large bodies of water 5. Shield the obstacle with a longitudinal traffic barrier designed for
Walls and barriers redirection or use a crash cushion.
6. Delineate the obstacle if the above alternatives are not appropriate.
RSA Toolkit
1 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Roadside Design Guide. 2002 3rd Edition with 2006 Chapter 6 Update.
Topic Area General Issues Example Countermeasures
Lack of driver Sight distance to the Enhance driver expectation of intersections (e.g., advance pavement
expectancy intersection markings and/or signs, lateral rumble strips)
Inconsistent and old Provide adequate sight distance to intersection
signing Enhance conspicuity of signs and pavement markings (size,
retroreflectivity, location, number)
Intersections Obstructions in Sight distance at the
the sight triangle intersection Improve line of sight at the intersection/provide clear sight triangles
Reduce conflict points by installing turn lanes and consolidating
Driver behavior Poor gap acceptance driveways (access management)
at stop-controlled
intersections Provide lighting
Consider roundabouts
Pedestrian and Lack of familiarity with Provide educational information to road users with regard to safe use
bicyclist behavior road network and safety
Enforce pedestrian and bicycle laws
issues (tourists)
Page 11
Topic Area General Issues Example Countermeasures
Open range Roadside grazing Enhance driver awareness of animals and animal crossings (e.g.,
livestock signs)
Install animal/wildlife fencing to reduce the number of potential conflict
Wildlife Annual migration routes
Construct wildlife crossings (i.e., overpasses and underpasses) along
primary migratory/feeding routes
Enact and enforce laws to prohibit grazing within the right-of-way
Educate owners about animal control laws and liability
High vehicle Limited enforcement due Coordinate with local enforcement to conduct targeted speed
speeds to large jurisdictions enforcement
management Consider alternative measures (e.g., speed trailers)
Install gateway treatments at the entrances to towns
All Terrain ATVs or snowmobiles on Provide educational information to road users with regard to safe
Page 12
Trucks and Trucks and buses Inform ATV/snowmobile riders of appropriate/designated trails
Vehicle mix buses interacting with other
Topic Area General Issues Example Countermeasures
Location Limited sight distance/ Enhance driver awareness of facilities/communities (e.g., advance
awareness of facilities warning signs and/or guide signs, gateway treatments)
Access along high- Clear sight triangles at entrances/exits
speed roads Separate turning vehicles by installing left- and/or right-turn lanes
Inadequate Install shared use path or provide an adequate shoulder to separate
Access to pedestrian / bicycle pedestrians and bicyclists from motor vehicle traffic
facilities and accommodations
communities Conduct a parking study
Parking Limited capacity Identify current occupancy and determine needed capacity
Identify opportunities to provide better connectivity between parking
facilities and pedestrian/bicycle generators
Lack of connectivity to
Chapter 2: What are Common Safety Issues and Potential Countermeasures?
Page 13
Page 14 RSA Toolkit
Education – All road users must be aware of the safe and proper way to use roads. Due to the
unique characteristics of Federal and Tribal land roadways, users need to be made aware of
safe travel practices and potential hazards. Example methods of transferring this information
include postings on the internet, brochures provided at visitor’s centers, and video messages.
Additional information on effective education strategies may be acquired through outreach
groups such as Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (TTAPs).
Emergency Medical Services – The rural nature of many roadways on or near Federal or
Tribal lands may play a major role in limiting the ability to provide timely medical treatment
to people injured in a crash. Factors contributing to response time include the ability of other
motorists to identify a crash and to notify emergency personnel, the ability of emergency
personnel to quickly respond to the scene, and the ability to quickly transport the victim(s) to
a trauma center. Adequate cell phone service coverage and routine patrols are a few methods
that can help save a life in the event of a serious injury.
Severity of Crashes
Frequency of
Crashes Possible/Minor
Moderate Injury Serious Injury Fatal
For many RSAs conducted in rural areas, reliable crash data are not available. Anecdotal
information (e.g., from maintenance, enforcement call logs, land owners) and evidence of
conflicts and crashes (e.g., skid marks and fence strikes) help to create a more complete
picture of potential hazards, but cannot be quantified with any certainty. In these cases,
the likely frequency and severity of crashes associated with each safety issue are qualitatively
estimated, based on the experience and expectations of RSA team members. Expected crash
frequency can be qualitatively estimated on the basis of exposure (how many road users would
likely be exposed to the identified safety issue?) and probability (how likely was it that a
collision would result from the identified issue?). Expected crash severity can be qualitatively
estimated on the basis of factors such as anticipated speeds, expected collision types, and the
likelihood that vulnerable road users would be exposed. These two risk elements (frequency
and severity) are then combined to obtain a qualitative risk assessment.
Chapter 3: How Do I Establish an RSA
This section describes the process to initiate an RSA program, including potential program
structures, partners, and funding sources. Discussion on how to prioritize locations to
conduct RSAs is also included. It presents potential challenges and provides suggestions for
overcoming these challenges. Finally, it suggests performance measures that may be used to
evaluate the progress and success of the program.
While the champion is responsible for introducing and promoting RSAs, there is a need
to identify a support network to provide staff, funding, expertise, and public and political
support. Table 4 identifies potential partners that could help establish, house, staff, fund, or
support an RSA program.
Table 4: RSA Program Participation
Highway Safety
Improvement Program Projects that improve safety.
Projects on Federal-aid
highways, including the NHS,
Surface Transportation bridge projects on any public
Program (STP) factsheets/stp.htm road, transit capital projects, and
intracity/intercity bus facilities.
Now limited to urban areas.
Transportation Projects involving pedestrian
Enhancement (TE) facilities and scenic highways.
Safe Routes to School Enable and encourage children
(SRTS) Program to walk and bike to school.
Nationally or locally designated
roads with outstanding scenic,
National Scenic Byway
historic, cultural, natural,
Program html
recreational, and archaeological
Planning, design, construction,
Indian Reservation Roads and maintenance activities
(IRR) Program addressing Tribal transportation
Design, construction,
reconstruction, maintenance,
Park Roads and Parkways or improvement of roads and
Program bridges providing access to or
within a unit of the National Park
Design, construction,
reconstruction, maintenance,
or improvement of roads and
Refuge Roads Program
bridges providing access to
or within a unit of the National
Wildlife Refuge System.
Resurface, restore, rehabilitate,
or reconstruct roads providing
Forest Highway Program
access to or within a unit of the
National Forest or Grassland.
Planning, research, engineering,
and construction of highways,
Public Lands Highway roads, parkways, and transit
Discretionary (PLHD)
discretionary facilities within, adjacent to, or
providing access to reservations
and Federal public lands.
Indian Health Service Basic and advanced injury
Injury Prevention Program InjuryPrevention/index.cfm prevention projects.
Page 20 RSA Toolkit
2 Eugene Wilson and Martin Lipinski. NCHRP Synthesis 336: Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway
Practice (National Cooperative Highway Research Program, TRB, 2004)
Chapter 3: How Do I Establish an RSA Program? Page 21
In Arizona, coordination and information sharing between the Arizona Department
of Transportation (ADOT) and the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. (ITCA)
have advanced consultation activities between ADOT and tribal governments in
transportation planning efforts. The partnering between ADOT and the ITCA has (1)
provided insight to ADOT staff of the challenges facing tribes throughout the state,
and (2) increased awareness amongst tribal transportation staff of the opportunities
for input into state-level transportation planning efforts. Besides the ITCA, ADOT
has formed partnerships with other agencies: Arizona State Land Department, Arizona
Tribal Strategic Partnering Team, Bureau of Land Management, the United States
Forest Service, and FHWA. These partnerships have helped effectively streamline
tribal transportation consultation in Arizona. In an effort to assist tribal governments
and tribal planning departments in understanding the ADOT transportation planning
and programming processes, ADOT has developed Transportation Planning and
Programming – Guidebook for Tribal Governments.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has formed a formal
partnership with the State’s Federally-recognized Tribes. The Wisconsin State Tribal
Relations Initiative recognizes the government-to-government relationship between
the State and Tribal governments. As such, the State-Tribal Consultation Initiative is
poised at improving communication between State and Tribal representatives to ensure
that concerns and issues are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. This partnership
is applied through the WisDOT Tribal Task Force. Since 2008, the task force has
provided funding for the Tribes to conduct RSAs. Many of the RSAs were targeted at
Reservations where WisDOT was planning roadway improvements.
Transportation agencies are charged with developing long-range plans for the transportation
systems on State, Tribal, and Federal lands. Examples include the Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Tribal
Chapter 4: How Do I Incorporate RSAs in the Planning Process? Page 25
A brief description of the identified programs and plans is provided. For specific information
regarding the long-range plans in your area, contact your State DOT, Tribal DOT, or FLH.
Figure 3 illustrates how RSAs contribute to the overall planning process.
• Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): The TIP is a regional prioritized, fiscally-
constrained, and multi-year list of Federally-funded, multimodal transportation
projects. Specifically, the TIP covers at least a four-year program of projects and is
updated every few years. Projects in the TIP are prioritized at the regional level and
have clearly identified funding sources. The TIP represents an agency’s intent to
construct or implement a specific project and the anticipated flow of Federal funds
and matching State or local contributions. The TIP is incorporated in the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
• Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP): The STIP is a financially-
constrained list of transportation projects consistent with the State long-range
transportation plan and other regional plans. The STIP includes all capital and
noncapital projects that are targeted to use Federal Highway Administration or
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds. The STIP also includes all regional TIPs
and the portion of the Indian Reservation Roads, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife
Service, or National Park Service TIP applicable to that State.
• Tribal Transportation Improvement Program (TTIP): The TTIP is similar to the TIP,
but is the list of Tribal transportation projects to be funded in the next few years.
The TTIP is a list of proposed transportation projects developed by a Tribe based on
the Tribal priority list or the long-range transportation plan. The TTIP contains all
projects funded by the IRR program and scheduled for construction in the next three to
five years. It also includes other Federal, State, county, and municipal transportation
projects initiated by or developed in cooperation with the Tribal government. For
more information on developing a TTIP, refer to Developing the Tribal Transportation
Improvement Program (FHWA-HEP-08-003) available online at: http://www.tribalplanning.
• Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP): A CCP is required by law for all lands
within the National Wildlife Refuge System. A CCP is a document that provides a
comprehensive framework for guiding refuge management decisions. The National
Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) requires CCPs to examine a full range of
alternative approaches to refuge management. CCPs are also intended to encourage
public involvement in selecting alternatives that are best suited to a refuge’s purposes.
Refuge transportation studies have been used to develop the transportation component
of CCPs. These studies have examined the core transportation network within a
refuge, identifying short- and long-term transportation, capital, and maintenance
plans for future programming.
Page 26 RSA Toolkit
• General Management Plan (GMP): A GMP is the National Park Service’s version of
the CCP (see description above).
• USDA Forest Service Strategic Plan: The plan provides strategic direction to
the Forest Service’s commitment to its mission. The programs and budget are
aligned to meet the goals and objectives contained within the plan. Through this
programming, the Forest Service is capable of providing financial and technical
assistance in collaborative efforts with States, Tribes, local communities, and other
partner agencies. One component of the plan is the condition of the transportation
infrastructure, including off-highway vehicle access.
Data Quantity and Quality – For many RSAs conducted on Federal and Tribal lands, the lack
of data and/or the poor quality of available data are issues when identifying and prioritizing
locations. In many instances, crashes are not formally documented. When documents have
been prepared, the data may be incomplete or inaccurate. These data constraints do not help
pinpoint locations in need of attention or provide a good understanding of the safety hazards,
thus making it difficult to program appropriate measures into transportation improvement
An RSA conducted on the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge study area revealed that
many run-off-the- road crashes were not reported as a result of the location of the crash.
Vehicles involved in run-off-the-road crashes along a State roadway going through the
refuge were not represented in the crash reports; once the vehicle leaves the roadway it
enters Federal refuge property. The motorist is responsible for removing the vehicle and
it is not reported by the police.
The lack of data and/or the poor quality of available data can be overcome by using alternative
methods for identifying and prioritizing locations for RSAs. Consulting with local law
enforcement, emergency medical services, health services, and/or the public can help with
the identification of common issues and problematic locations that could be considered as
potential candidates for an RSA. Law enforcement and public input provides anecdotal
information that often helps create a more complete picture of potential hazards even without
Page 28 RSA Toolkit
quantifiable data. The inputs to the process can be a combination of objective and subject
measures depending on the availability, quality, and detail of the data (see Chapter 2).
An RSA for the Navajo Nation was conducted along N-35. The portion of the N-35
corridor studied is a Federal Aid Highway. A portion of the roadway (milepost 0 to 18)
is owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The Phillips Oil Company paved a section
of N-35 (milepost 18 to 23), but road ownership remains with the Navajo Nation.
Funding for reconstruction and maintenance of N-35 comes from several sources,
including the Indian Reservation Roads Program, Congressional earmarks, and the
BIA road maintenance program. The funding for road improvements is administered
by the Navajo Region Division of Transportation (NRDOT) through the IRR Program
within the Federal Lands Highway Program.
Funding for road maintenance comes from
the Department of the Interior (DOI) and is
also administered by the NRDOT. They have
contracted San Juan County to maintain much
of the roads in the county, including N-35. San
Juan County is responsible for signing, pavement
markings, and roadside mowing.
Chapter 4: How Do I Incorporate RSAs in the Planning Process? Page 29
Effective communication between all parties in the RSA process is important to overcome
jurisdictional boundaries. It is also important to understand how the RSA process and the
resulting suggestions for improvement fit into the planning process for each agency, region,
and/or State. Through partnerships, many DOTs have created formal initiatives with FLMAs
and Tribes to ensure that each agency’s interests are addressed through the planning process
while minimizing negative impacts or feelings by any party involved (see “Who should I
partner with to integrate an RSA program in the planning process?”). It is also important
that other local and regional stakeholders (e.g., MPOs and COGs) buy into the RSA process
and realize the benefits of the suggested improvements so that the program gains support,
relationships form and grow, and measures continue to be programmed.
Chapter 5: What’s Next?
This chapter summarizes the key points presented in the Toolkit, providing guidance
regarding what can be done to move forward in establishing an RSA program and conducting
RSAs. Further information related to the available references to aid in this process can be
found in the Resource Materials section.
HOW Do I Start?
The following are key elements of starting an RSA program.
Coordinate with other Partner Agencies – Partnering with other agencies will prove
beneficial for Federal and Tribal land agencies, as resources can be combined to
target a central goal: improving roadway safety. Partnering opportunities should be
considered not only when establishing an RSA program, but also when incorporating
RSAs into the planning process. Partnering between State DOTs and FLMAs or Tribes
can greatly improve communication and increase inter-agency participation and
Obtain RSA Materials – Prior to conducting RSAs, agencies should become familiar
with the overall process as well as specific details and issues to be looking for in the
Chapter 5: What’s Next? Page 31
field. The Resource Materials section provides various resources with regard to
demonstrating the usefulness of RSAs, assessing roadway safety, identifying potential
improvements, and evaluating their effectiveness. Additional information and
resources can also be obtained from attending one or more training courses and/or by
visiting FHWA’s website (
Schedule and Conduct an RSA – Once partnerships have been formed, locations have
been identified, options have been addressed, and materials have been reviewed, it
is time to get the RSA process underway. Example materials to aid in scheduling,
conducting, and documenting an RSA are provided in the Resource Materials section.
When introducing RSAs, consideration should be given to the “top down” approach:
start with pilot RSA projects under an experienced lead and work towards developing
a formal RSA policy. It is important to evaluate the overall experience of the RSA after
its completion, noting the pros and cons and making adjustments as necessary when
scheduling and conducting the next RSA.
Keep in mind that implementing changes may take time. Even seemingly minor changes
may require coordination with multiple agencies and may result in a change in policies or
practices. However, by working together, positive relationships can be established that will
provide longer-term benefits in all efforts to improve safety…all it takes is commitment.
Chapter X: Xxx
This section includes resources that will be helpful in establishing an RSA program, conducting
RSAs, and identifying potential improvements. Sample materials that can be used to conduct
and document RSAs are also provided.
RSA Software................................................................................................................................. 48
ANTICIPATED SERVICE START AND END DATES: Identify start and end date of services.
PROJECT MANAGER: Provide the name and contact information of the person(s) overseeing
the execution of the scope of services. This person is typically from the requesting agency.
GENERAL BACKGROUND: Provide a brief description of the purpose and objective of the
services being requested.
Identify Multidisciplinary RSA Team (Optional: can be completed by owning agency as described
in Chapter 1).
• Identify team leader to conduct RSA.
• Determine required disciplines and individuals to serve on RSA team.
• DELIVERABLES: Provide a list of names and contact information for each RSA
team member; submit a schedule of RSA activities.
Chapter X: Xxx
PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Provide information with regard to how the Consultant will be
compensated for completing the scope of the services being requested. Also establish a
billing schedule and other terms and conditions of compensation.
Chapter X: Xxx
Requested Information
Temporary traffic control sign (e.g., “Road Work Ahead”, “Survey Crew”), if desired
RSA Agenda
Collision Diagrams
RSA Prompt Lists (from RSA Guidelines and Pedestrian RSA Guidelines and Prompt Lists)
Measuring Wheel
Objectives of Study
Study Team
Geometric Conditions
Traffic Data
Crash Analysis
4. Assessment Findings – describe the safety benefits of existing features, present the RSA
framework, and summarize the identified issues and suggestions for improvement.
RSA Framework
5. Conclusions – provide a brief summary of the major safety issues and discuss any
potential to incorporate multidisciplinary improvements, including enforcement and
6. References – provide a list of references used to complete the RSA or identify potential
RSA Software
The Road Safety Audit (RSA) software is a tool for assisting with the completion of RSAs. The
software facilitates team members in the collection of information as they proceed through the
RSA process. It gives users access to comprehensive prompt lists and reduces the potential
for users to simply “check” issues off a list. The prompt lists are presented at different levels
of detail, helping users to identify issues that may be overlooked in the RSA process. With
the software, users can link identified issues to user-defined locations in the study area and
provide accompanying comments with each issue. It also allows users to record suggestions
for improvements that may be identified. Finally, output from the RSA software groups
findings by issue and exports the results to a Word-compatible file that allows for quick
completion of a formal RSA report. The software is available for download on FHWA’s Office
of Safety website (
Chapter X: Xxx